I kinda like the 2nd one better
FF7 Remake Ran Revisions
Other urls found in this thread:
the manjaw meme has gone too far
>soul vs soulless
long face vs normal face
honestly they look like they have downs in the trailer
The game is a casualized soulless ARPG that you have to buy three times, and you retards choose to complain about this shit?
Babies crying over spilled milk
The second one has fucked up proportions, if you can't notice, you're blind.
Shit taste op
go to the doctor and get your eyes checked
There is literally nothing wrong with the first one.
Fuck off
stfu and stop complaining about this shit
I like the slightly gawky look she has on the left. She was never supposed to be as hot as Tifa
This, but unironically.
Aeris isn't 13.
You made her a squished faced racoon woman
Yeah I prefer the second one too desu
this boards obsession over womens jawlines is awesome
That face on the right is too squashed and mis-proportioned. The left is absolutely perfect in every way.
I get what they were going for, I personally am a little put off by the asian features on Aeris but with a longer more caucasian face, but the right went a little too far with it.
She should definitely have a rounder face though.
Wow you gave her FASD.
Too long. Bit wide.
Nah. She's already perfect.
No, her eyes are too far up from her mouth and lips they should be brought down a smidge.
Jaws are kinda like leg hair. if you have it - shave it.
The second one looks like an alien.
Left is perfection right looks like some cartoon bullshit.
Now I can't unsee the long face. Right is a little too compact for me, but I'd still pick it over the left
She looks fine either way?
Left is only for kings with exquisite taste.
We've been promised a FF7 remake since 2006. It's never ever happening.
Aerith is supposed to be have conventional western beauty. She doesn’t need a small round cat face
Left looks like an attractive and well put together young Caucasian woman.
Right looks like early 2000's Elijah Wood in very convincing drag.
Her forehead looks weird now, eyes too big too.
Then why is the angle of her eyes, the shape of her nose, lips and jaw all Asian to begin with?
if you're talking about real faces, no
if you're talking about Japanese Animation, yes
add to the fact that nobodies face is the same and it's possible to have nearly every proportional distance within some realistic reasoning
so many bitches with wide jaws, distant eyes, and huge lips etc
you just have a preferential facial type which the rest of the world doesn't have to adhere too, some of us like long nose bitches user
>im peronsally put off by the asian character looking like an asian
She looks like a hapa at best.
You literally ruined her face
>Aerith is supposed to be have conventional western
Not really.
She's gorgeous though.
>he wouldn't Shire and Chill with Frodo in drag
Asians are ugly as fuck desu
circular heads look like shit
where are the squint eyes?
2nd one needs a slightly smaller neck
This even if she isn't perfect looking that only adds to her character, she already looks pretty.
Nonsense. The rounder the cuter.
This bait is good but I think it could be better if you lean into the whole East versus West sentiment.
The Japs are up in arms over her face because they don't think she's kawaii enough. You could probably bring the whole loli argument to piss off the side that prefers the jap face and compare her new design to a horse or some shit to piss off the other side.
I don't know Yea Forums, You're good at starting fights, you'll think of something.
terrible. makes her look like she is missing some chromosomes or is 11
>Aeris vs. Aerith
The adjusted looks worse, there wasn't anything wrong with the original.
But faggots who've only seen women through computer screens have preference for literal ayylmaos.
Anime aesthetics just don't work in 3D, get over it
>Developers should have creative freedom to do what they want
>Except when I don't like it
>I hate when SJWs "correct" a character designer's art to fit their agenda
>But it's okay when I do it
Then you must be mentally ill.
Trailer one looks 10/10, edit looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.
God bless the Nips and their superior taste.
Literally the opposite, they have top tier faces in the trailer, and the edit looks abnormal as fuck.
How is it casualized? We already know it has more complex gameplay than the original, since you have to use your Materia spells, Limit breaks, items and others while actually moving, blocking and attacking in real time. That objectively makes it less casual than the originals system, where you never have to block or dodge.
Literally a fake ass filter + plastic surgery
No it just reminds me to much of babyface kids and kids are annoying hellspawn
I prefer faces to look actually mature
>normal human face versus anime kawaii uguu~ character
What the fuck is wrong with weebs? Nobody wants your weebshit in a fucking FINAL FANTASY VIDEO GAME. It’s not one of your fucking anime cartoons.
The added movement means they'll have to casualize the RPG mechanics to not overwhelm the player.
What asian features? Every single character in the trailer looked white, like they are. Except for Barret, who is supposed to be black but for some reason looks like a tan white guy.
>kids are annoying hellspawn
Have sex.
She literally has no asian features whatsoever, looks like a northern European woman. You need to take your mental illness pills.
The right one sucks. Looks like an 11 year old girl on a grown womans body.
The left and original one actually looks cohesive and good and the face and body fits together.
she's not supposed to be human.
Every fucking time someone makes a video game we're going to have this shit? "OMG I made it a little different for the sake of it who could have thunk that things can be different?!??"
Both look fucking fine so be happy with what you get for once. It's, as always, more than you deserve anyway.,
Barret is a white guy with a tan. Pic related. It's a Japan thing.
Neoteny is desirable and evolutionary ingrained to be appealing into healthy people. You don't actually prefer saggy crowfeet. You're just brainwashed into thinking that.
>oh no this series that has been pandering to americans for 20 years doesn't has gook models as the characters!
both are disgusting butter faces
You're right, OP. I prefer the Right one.
>asian women have long faces
>not a single, not even a SINGLE person in that videos comments sections agreeing with the retarded gook insects stance on the issue
Literally every single person there agrees that she looks absolutely gorgeous in the trailer.
Most asians are truly subhuman. Unable to appreciate beauty.
Child faces usually look more like the right one ,are you a pedo op?
that unironically looks fucking awful
Well fuck now i can't unsee how ugly the left one looks
No it doesn't mean that at all. They don't have to do anything like that, they can just put in easy modes and hard modes.
There's no grounds for being so pessimistic when the trailer already shows it being heaps better than XV style combat, since you actually have to make quick tactical decisions in the FF7 remake, while in XV all you need is one button.
stop watching anime
He looks black in the concept arts of the original, but looks like a white Aussie in the remake. I guess they retconned him into a lad.
She's not Asian though?
Go back to r.eddit
That's because you're missing a chromosome
But kids dont have big boobs,grown men like big boobs
She looked more Asian in AC/CC so this new older horseface is the impostor.
Nah he's right. When put side by side the left looks like a brick.
Jesus you pedos are grasping at straws to excuse your mental illness.
Aerith in the trailer literally looks like a 10/10 tier 16 year old, but no that's not enough, she should look like a 12 year old with Down Syndrome or else it's a manjaw horseface!!!
Chink genes too.
>implying anybody worth a damn wanted AC/CC
Everyone would be happy if they just used her AC design I'm surprised they even made this nu-Aerith.
Are you crazy? She looks like some auntie now.
Look at the angle of the jaw and chin, depth of the eyes compared to the brow, the shallow nose with a small bridge, the lips.
Those are clearly Japanese inspired.
Here is a very clearly northern european woman, there is no confusing her with any other woman from any other race, notice how deep her brow is, how inset her eyes are, how prominent and defined her nose is, etc?
The only times they have don't have these features is when they are still girls and their features are still developing.
You are the insane one who can't even differentiate races between each other.
It's insane how people look at anime characters and see white people, despite having no uniquely white features.
Nah, you are wrong. She literally has perfect face proportions and features in the trailer. You are a homo or a pedo.
btw that morph reminds me of the morph of this model
Crisis Core is better than the original FF7 by a good margin.
Not the same since that chin is utterly fucked either way. And her face is too wide, not just long.
why are these "redesigners" so scared of women with jawlines
Why do jaws frighten men so much?
The left looks great when close up but not great from a distance
The adjusted one unironically looks like fucking garbage.
Remember when Yea Forums used to ironically be retarded about stuff like this? Like the knees too sharp 0/10 meme.
Now people are actually really acting like this. Is it the zoomers?
now her hair is too big. or too 80's, I should say
Well said senpai.
No she doesn't, she quite literally looks like she's about 16 or so. You seriously need to take your medicine.
Stop posting. You clearly can't differentiate between races and have severe delusions. She literally has only very typical Nordic features.
You posting a picture of an individual that's ugly is not some kind of evidence, that's not how races work. You could look at a million Swedish women and they would all have completely different faces.
You should genuinely consider suicide, no one wants to waste their time talking to subhumans.
You are absolutely insane. That woman wouldn't even allow you to smell her farts from ten feet away.
But they morphed the same things kek,the chin is different but the rest is the same morph wise
Sharp knees are fine. It's the longfaced horsejaws that we dislike.
I couldn't even finish that trash. OG FF7 has way more going for it.
I feel sorry for all these jawline haters, they'll never be able to see the beauty of strong-jawed women.
Is this the meme outrage gimmick they're using to market the game by getting people to 'pick a side'? Lazy as fuck tbqh. Should've at least waited till Tifa's design was released
I don't know what anime character they have been looking at because the artist will usually draw an american character differently from the rest and it's always pretty obvious.
>only very typical Nordic features
Because they are Japanese beta male jawlets, too much soi for whole generations made Japanese have unaesthetic, hideous round features like round jaws. This causes them to seethe uncontrollably when faced with beautiful European faces.
Aerith literally doesn't even have a masculine jawline in the trailer lmao, it's quite literally feminine in every single meaning of the word. Japs are just mad because their race is physically incapable of having non-malformed jawbones.
>they'll have to casualize the RPG mechanics to not overwhelm the player.
>Ever not casual
They can't possibly casualize FFVII's "RPG" mechanics because it was the rock bottom standard of the time.
As much as it's going to be brainless ARPG shit just like FFXV the remake is going to be inherently more complex than FFVII ever was, because it doesn't take anything to be better than that.
That looks like a man. WTF.
>You could look at a million Swedish women and they would all have completely different faces.
Then post some full grown Swedish women that look like Aeris then.
It’s incels. Most of the original posters who would joke about that ended up never getting laid.
>she quite literally looks like she’s 16
>she literally has only very typical Nordic features
You are quite literally retarded
But the unedited vanilla Aerith is not as ugly as that girl in the photo is what I'm saying. Unedited Aerith already has a decent chin and her face is not as wide. So this naturally looks uglier and disproportional. Also the edit in the OP also changes the nose.
Fix your wizard's sleeve.
Now to be fair I dont pay much attention to outrage on other platforms but for the longest time I really did think places like tumblr, twitter or reddit where the ones that where the most easy to offend groups i've ever seen
but now I see Yea Forums getting triggered by fucking chins
You know what can really solve your chin issues Yea Forums? A shotgun mouthwash
They are just letting people make a big deal over this so when Tifa design comes out everyone gets BTFO at how incredibly beautiful she will be and make people say "damn Nomura still got it after all" and get more pre orders
Those are pure Nordic features my dude.
Cute insect.
You feel sorry for them, what a silly thing to say.
It's like feeling sorry for someone not liking obese whales.
They're not missing out on anything that they don't value to begin with.
Not really when it's the face of an actual man you can always tell.
I dont think Aerith is that pretty in comparison the nose is worse and the eyes for me too desu maybe Aerith og jaw is better since it isnt as big but the rest is female model tier at best aka 8/10
>unrealistic styles change proportions
Woah next you'll tell me anime characters have way too unrealistically big eyes user
Good point.
>IMAGINE being Cloud in this scene
Gook roaches confuse "having a mutated round jaw" with "looking youthful", it actually just makes you look like a grotesque bugpeople in everyone elses eyes. Human jaws intimidate the bugpeople, that only have soft jaws and soft bodies. This is also why Japs are intimidated by muscular men and no one lifts in Japan, their whole race is emasculated.
Fuck this "have sex" meme. I took that advice and fucked this fujo friend of mine. She thought I was into her despite telling her Yea Forums told me too. We had sex, with a condom obviously but now she calling me saying her period is late. I'm filled with dread and anxiety. Fuck you.
Right looks straight goblin
I am fine with the first, but the second is closer to her character portrait and fully fits it in that regard.
Lads. The choice is obvious.
You just made the hapa ITT seethe by posting this.
Except its a Canuck.
Here are some pure nordic features for you, looks way better than a single asian woman that currently exists on the planet.
both are disgusting desu
Its me again , that nose is the worst offender like look at it ,it looks like og Aerith has had a lot of surgeries,its too thin and disproportionate,really bad desu
They're just different. Neither is better or worse than the other.
The two biggest factors in how you see an anime character's race are the character designer, and the culture you're from.
You can rarely tell race from anime, because anime rarely adheres to real world physical ethnic traits (outside the occasional joke character who is an obvious caricature of a specific culture).
You also have to realize that each character designer has their own style, most don't even take realism into account.
For example, Kenichi Yoshida sometimes draws characters that express ethnic traits(pic related), but you also have artists like Hisashi Hirai who draw everyone with the same face.
Most people in the west just tend to project who they are or what they're used to unto anime characters because anime characters aren't drawn with racial features in mind.
They're symbols, in the way a stick figure in a dress indicates a female bathroom.
The girl in the image you posted could be interpreted as hispanic,asian,black, indian,etc depending on who you ask.
It's honestly just less trouble to assume that in anime everyone is japanese unless stated otherwise.
Don’t make him post another heavily filtered bugperson wearing contacts and a fuckton of makeup.
but they have an ugly language
>Lauren Southern
She is a Jew that dyes her hair to disguise herself as white. For a gook, you sure argue like a Jew as well, with lies and deceit.
the asian chick looks like an actual insect
How this fucking meme came up in an anime Japanese inspired image board I don't know, but /pol/ is really retarded.
>orangutan mouth/nose lines and nigger lips
Pic related and incels.
We've had waves of newfags of unprecedented size and not enough oldfags for them to learn from.
On top of that you have the "ironic shitposting" problem which made things worse because when you're under 3+ layers of irony everything just looks genuine.
>japanese unless stated otherwise.
Barret is an ethnic Japanese then?
I will not specifically post Swedes but whites in general because the nationality is irrelevant to this topic, and I won't post ones that look like Aeris because that is also completely irrelevant to this topic. This topic was literally about white and asian features. You lied and claimed that "cute and youthful traits are asian features" when the obvious reality that everyone knows is that such faces are quite common in white girls, and about 1 out of a million in Asian girls.
You literally have to walk past 1-2 million women in Tokyo to see one that doesn't look like a freakish mutant.
Redditors and tourists.
>Angry angry white girl.
We all now you're past your prime the moment you turn 25. Pic related is how you look.
>ironic shitposting
Most successful advertising gimmick interns ever pulled here
have sex
I'm not usually one to shit on anons posting asian girls, but this is one where you can sense that she is exponentially more ugly without makeup and filters.
>that 30 year old whore makeup
>she's probably a teen yet she already looks like she's speeding towards the wall
Yikes my dude. Way to prove that guy right.
Nordic languages are very beautiful, so much so that Tolkien based his invented Elven language on Finnish and Swedish
Japanese is nice sounding, but french is far more so. I unironically like Russian, because of how alien sounding it is and a lot of words are quite close to Portuguese
i don't go on /pol/ so i have no idea what you're talking about, she just looks like a praying mantis disguised as a human
>not enough oldfags for them to learn from.
The old-fags are the ones who came up with this meme.
Everyone who thinks right is better are pedophiles who are incapable of appreciating mature women
FFVII isn't an anime
usually these photoshop fixes are trash every single time, but here the second one looks more like how I'd imagine her
You realize you are literally criticizing the looks of someone far out of your league? She wouldn't even look your way
Even then, there were people who pointed out years ago that the ironic shitposting would lead to what we're seeing today, and they were right.
>Some virgin spent time making this instead of trying to have sex
All me btw
Every single character in FF7 is 100% confirmed to be white except for Barret who is black and Yuffie who is Asian.
I heard so, but isn't it really different to the other nordic languages
eeerr, Bergman can have a nice rhythm to his language but Swedish is to harsh and weird for me. Swedish really isn't my aesthetic taste.
go back to watching filthy frank
>My wit is just as sharp as my blade
Irrelevant to the topic
Irrelevant to the topic
That guy, who is obviously you actually, was absolutely proven wrong by my post. Regardless of the girl obviously being a thot, she has said features that you claimed are "asian features".
Keep seething bugman mutt.
Cloud looks very Asian
Well, one is in the game and one isn't so...
It's not a debate, one side is just wrong.
I'd like to stick my peter in either of their mouths honestly my man.
>squashed face
weak memes
>fucks up aspect ratio and makes some weird MMO creature
>g-guys, look at this improvement!
Get yourself a pair of glasses, OP.
Nope, looks completely white. You just think that because of his anime haircut, which is something only an asian would ever actually get IRL. But his actual facial features and skin tone are those of a white person, just like Aeriths.
this thread is so sad because they all seem to barely even look at regular women anymore.
aerith is the best ive ever seen. never looked a game girl prettier.
That makes sense given the way the world is depicted.
Nibelhiem looks like a german town and cloud is aryan
Cloud looks like a girl, but that's not the same thing.
It was edited by some beta male bugman with no visible jawline
This you faggots shouldn't be complaining about Aerith looks instead go on Twitter to ask questions about the PC version so the models can be ripped and we get the SFM porn Aerith has earned.
Her milkers aren’t that big.
>Having kids from a Fujo
This is your fate, accept it.
This. Trailer Aerith is objectively the prettiest woman so far seen in a videogame. The graphics are insane.
looks like Sqeenix is following Bioware Montreal's fine example
superior nipponese edit coming through
By being redpilled, and treating women like objects. Nobody wants a nice guy.
Not that guy but Cloud looks like some Visual Kei prettyboy.
Jesus fucking christ.
The person that I responded to initially whether it's you or not, said that she "looks like a northern European woman." and specifically mentioned Swedish women.
You posted an underage American girl, one that very possibly has blood of a non northern European, which is also proving me right when I said you will only find non grown women with features that don't' fall within the parameters I outlined as clearly white because they are not full developed yet.
Every time someone wants to prove that white women can be cute they post some jailbait and or from a country with a lot mixed blood.
Way to prove the beauty of white women when you won't even post someone that is full white or a full woman.
Looks like the before and after pic of a surgery, not complaining
>Compating Japanese games to Western dogshit.
That's not even fair.
In what way? Square Enixes Aerith looks like the best female face in videogame history, the gook bugmens edit looks like a ME Andromeda character.
right looks ugly af
What do you guys think? I made some adjustments that I hope aren't too far removed from the current Nomura style but I think better fit the orginal's rounder faced Aeris.
Edit is on the right, maby a gif would work better.
impossible take the black pill
Holy fuck Japs are truly subhuman insects lmfao. They literally want her to look like a cricket with the eyes on the sides of the head.
It's hilarious that women with strong jawlines will actually try to disguise themselves as bug people whenever they can
Are you stupid? I posted the image of the teen as an example that the features you claimed to be asian are not asian. You got destroyed, deal with it.
>"adjusted" is literally fetal alcohol syndrome
who cares about the face it looks fine. It's the tits they fucked up
>mfw even after all the shitposting this game will still have the most beautiful women of the entire decade
It says more about than her design that it makes you mad.
>we tried to warn them
>they didn't listen
>now they're dead
Is that you Hannah?
You literally just made it look exactly like she looks in the trailer mate, by lowering her eyes a couple pixels. The image on the right is exactly how she looks in every other frame of the trailer.
>But kids dont have big boobs,grown men like big boobs
Have you seen the current high schoolers?
lmao you don't know what FAS is you retard
Belts and zippersman does it again. Tetsuya is BASED
None of those hags have a good jawline, they're just ugly and fat.
>girl has slightly long face
>literally squish in MS paint tier "adjustment"
>the year is 2019
>Yea Forums now has constant shitflinging about how females look in vidya heavily influenced by politic views
Would the you of 10 years ago believe any of this if I told what expected us?
>16 year old
That's what roasties believe lmao
Not that guy but your example is uglier than a cute Asian.
t. weak chin
>throwing a tantrum over such a minute detail
Waifufags are sick in the head
aeris always had a long face why are you upset about it now?
What even is your point? Woman on the left is hideous, does not have a strong jawline. Woman on the right has a very strong jawline but is pretty.
To think a good jawline is somehow inherently masculine is retarded and objectively wrong.
Its true, my understanding of it doesn't compare to a literal abomination who has experienced it firsthand. Tell me all about it, buddy
Her face isn't even long in any way, it's literally that one frame where it kinda looks like that. But pause the trailer on literally ANY other frame and it does not look like that. It's a false argument.
>does not have a strong jawline
Yes she does. She also has a really long face, square temple, blunt chin, jowls etc.
No, I said that the soft features of aeris are based on asian faces and that only white girls while still developing have any resemblance to those soft features.
>The only times they don't have these features is when they are still girls and their features are still developing.
You went proved me right, not only that but you chose a teen, you chose one with very much a baby face to prove what exactly? That the clearly white features I pointed out aren't white features when they clearly are because you posted a baby face girl that is clearly not the norm?
That's not how it works, white women tend to have prominent defined noses, squarer jaws, stronger brows, deeper inset eyes, etc, like I pointed out before, or are we going to pretend there are no differences between races and anybody can be anything?
Wrong. You are just seething because you don't stand a chance with an actually pretty human girl, you are invisible to them.
That is just ugly Germanic women with their massive chins and deep set eyes.
Asians don't have nose bridges at all and their cheekbones are right below their eyes instead of further down and to the side. She has an oval shaped face instead of a wider set face like most Asians, Aerith is obviously Caucasian.
Well it all started when I dumped your mother. She grabbed the bottle and the rest is history. Sorry user.
What's this about Barret having white feature in the FF7 remake, he looks like the typical giga nigga
The girl on the right literally has a stronger jawline. Left one is just hideous.
You have no argument.
I can hear your flaps dangling in the wind
Post your face.
I unironically expected it to be worse, after feminists took over the board.
Many of them do.
>t. Jew
Everything looks white to these retards.
>No, I said that the soft features of aeris are based on asian faces
Which is false. The developers literally even specifically stated that they made the characters look Caucasian because they are Caucasian.
I could post literally thousands of examples of European women with those features, but you seem delusional and incapable of admitting facts.
Aerith has no asian features in the trailer. None whatsoever. Looks 100% like a Nordic woman.
Those are just your mother’s.
So you're onboard with the retards saying Aerith looks like a man?
He looks american
Funny how you claim I dont shit about FAS but then immediately make a joke about me having it since birth.
You must be even more retarded than I thought if you lose your own train of thought this fast in such a simple exchange.
This is a good thing. I remember Japs complaining about Cammy from Street Fighter V not looking young enough in the alpha and Capcom fixed it. There was also some other similar case but I forgot.
Having to move around and do things in real time isn't inherently less "casual" than something menu-based. I've played plenty of turn-based RPGs that were harder than some games with real time combat, it's all about how the encounters are tuned.
These characters are very clearly supposed to be more realistic looking than anime looking you brainlet. The fact that you can't see that proves you're blind.
>fat lips and dull chin again
He looks black in that image true, but look at this where his hair is shown in detail. His hair isn't actually afro, it's straight like a white persons hair. Doesn't really have any black facial features either. Maybe it's just the lighting and angle of the frame, but his hair is absolutely not possible in niggas.
I made the eyes a bit bigger, brought them down a bit and slightly changed the jaw, it's hard to tell I guess.
>Doesn’t like full lips
Well yeah you can't tell the difference since deformity is normal to you.
The plan unfolds
It's alright. It doesn't really solve the true problem, imo. I believe the reason her face looks weird, is that her nose is too skinny. She has an unnatural plastic surgery nose. This may be an unpopular opinion, but her face would be fixed if her nose was bigger.
>proved you wrong again
Literally nothing asian about soft and feminine features in a girl. Every races women have those. But only asians lack defined jawlines, because their hormone levels are inferior to all other races.
Yeah that does indeed look better. Nice.
sometimes I forget just how ugly ME:A really was until someone posts a reminder like this. unfathomably shitty work.
They can say whatever they like, this ain't Reddit (thankfully)
Not every female character has to look like ur gamer girl doing le funny hentai face and making $100,000 a month on patreon
>I made
You didn't make jack shit other than this thread you larping Squeenixfag.
Yes, now pause the trailer on any other frame of Aerith and post such images. Looks indistinguishable from your edit.
It's just the angle of that one frame.
>fat lower lip, gigantic nose, dull chin and the strong jaw is back
oof what the fuck are you doing
She doesn't have a square jaw?
God no, when she's looking straight at the camera her giant wide jaw is even more noticeable. Also her eyes then look even smaller due to long face.
>You have such intimate knowledge of deformity that you don't know shit about deformity
Get a load of this absolute cretin lmao
Are you intimidated by her jaw because it’s stronger than yours?
Kiss me, user
The mother fucker who thinks the right is better or different enough to warrant mention is mentally ill
What RPG element that the ATB system has you utter moron?
>I'm just like you fellow Anonymous! Don't let r*ddit win, pre-order now! :^)
He looks more south american than black to me.
Her jaw is literally completely normal sized for a woman, nothing giant or wide about it. You are mentally ill.
I'm fucking GLAD even jap devs are moving away from the shitty kawaii~uguuu ayylmao females to more realistic ones. Get fucked NEETs and go back to your hentai VNs and let the real videogames for only true MEN.
anime girls are hot and anime is good but real asians look ugly
Yeah cuz Quad Knights of the Round summon isn't casual as fuck.
What you posted does not look like Aeris at all, no white woman will, maybe mixed Eurasian but then that would disprove that she looks white wouldn't it?
The girl you posted also has a very prominent nose despite being quite young, can you image what she will look like when she hits her 20s?
Do you have any other pictures of this girl that shows her face from the front because I guarantee you it does not look like Aeris' face.
You do know there is a 3% failure rate with condoms right?
No, the left one does, you're retarded
>keeps seething over being proven to be an idiot by every image I post
If you think the girl in that image has a manly jaw, I feel bad for you because it must mean you have a weaker jaw than a girls feminine jawline... Oof.
i kind've like the first one
Normal sized for an old, average woman. Sure. But you're missing the point. I want her to be cute like she was in AC/CC.
Is this a fucking joke?
is the ""adjusted"" crushed inhuman head supposed to be better lóoking than the actual one?
Sure, it might look a bit long-faced but that edited one is way more unnatural, looks worse than DoA characters
Hapas 99% of the time are mentally ill indeed.
Both women from DMC5 are honestly pretty damn fucking ugly compared to Aerith from the trailer, who has like 10/10 looks for a woman
Really? Because I've only seen a few seconds of the trailer, buy why would her face be different in this frame? It's not like she's making an expression and her face is being distorted.
Your examples are only getting worse. Are you doing this on purpose? To make your side look retarded?
>ever since the release of the venom trailer every fan wants to "fix" or redesign the look of established characters
All because of Sony then and Sony now.
>Freckled milkers
Even if this is a shill ploy to generate personal investment in the game before it's even out, I'm happy the moe menace is finally starting to get banished back to the niche shit it should've been from the start.
Looks Slavic to me
Trish is kinda messed up, but Lady looks damn fine.
>What you posted does not look like Aeris at all
Didn't say she does?
>no white woman will
I already posted several that have her features. You will literally never, ever find an Asian woman that has any of remake Aeriths features since she has only European features. I could post countless European women who resemble her, but so far you have been unable to post a single gook that resembles her even slightly, and you won't be able to.
they're not supposed to look natural, they're supposed to look awesome
This is true in real life too, we don't need to procreate anymore, so we should all be come gay.
first one looks like an edit desu
stfu faggot
From human to south korean sex doll
She quite literally looks cuter than any asian woman that has existed or exists. Keep seething bugboy. Aerith is like 20 years old in the game as well, and her character looks about that age while accurately being also prettier than any asian women, who are incapable of being beautiful due to their inferior genes.
There are no 10/10 asians
My examples have proven you wrong like 10 times now, no matter how much you cry and how many temper tantrums you throw will never change that.
The real deal.
Gross white woman right there
Trailer one looks way prettier desu
Seething hapa
'cool' or 'appealing' would've sounded more natural intern-sama
>long squarish brickface
Okay so this was all a false-flag, gotcha
t. homossexual
Nothing you posted looks like her. You have brain damage and/or facial blindness
Hahahah you really are a butthurt mutt that tries to delude himself that asian women can be beautiful because they are the only ones you might have a tiny chance with.
>Looks completely white
Doesn't my pic look familiar to you?
I said they were Japanese inspired, not a direct Japanese representation.
It's others that said that she was clearly white looking, nonsense.
I don't know what your angle is but you are too biased to see that Aeris is not a white woman, I don't' know what you get for pretending otherwise or why you need to believe in an obvious lie.
Let me ask you a question, what separates a white woman from an Asian woman? Look at the faces and list them.
Nice hairy arms she has there.
right just looks like claire from RE2make. i think left is more interesting
>hapa mutt keeps seething about the most beautiful race that looks through you as if you were invisible
More tears and salt please, keep it flowing
Posting an ugly white woman doesn't make other women ugly. It does the opposite
I can't bring myself to care much about this remake because there is still no fucking estimation of when it'll come out. I mean fuck even when the original was first teased in 1994 magazines could give an estimated release year of 1997.
>collector of pictures of white women can't even find a half decent one
>posts a horseface
Literally laughing at you
Hapas should be lined up against a wall.
What a slut
how often do you guys go outside
Ironic, many of the women I have posted have the same features. You are so deep in denial nothing can be done to pull your head out of your ass.
Mate, Gackt has had fucktons of plastic surgery to make himself look white... Is that really your argument? Why not post the most handsome asian possible that has not had cosmetic surgery? Not going to resemble Clouds face even in the slightest.
Damn, lads, I think I'm falling for the neoteny meme
What do weeabos physically like about asian women? the flat face/profile?the wide little nose? the ching chong slanted eyes,the black hair/eyes combo? the flat ass/boobs?
>tfw they post an asian who has almost white shaped eyes kek like brasilian related
You've really done a perfect job of killing your own argument and making your "side" (which is just you posting at rapid speeds) look absolutely fucking retarded.
The woman in the picture is very beautiful in every possible interpretation of the word, and you know it very well, you just can't admit it because you are a hideous and jealous gook.
"the grasses are always greener!"
What the fuck is up with that nose?
>more ugly white women
Come on, at least try
The round jaw covered in hanging fat and no defined facial features. Hapas are always pedos because they can't get women without violent force, and their pathetic beta male noodle arms lack the strength to force adult women.
i saw 3 nerds orbiting an asian girl who was at best a 7/10
i just wanted to call them out
this while you had decent looking weeb girls only a table over watching anime
Then they post the usual roastie when most people in most races are ugly,if you talk about beauty post beautiful people goddamit
Posting ugly women doesn't make me asian. In fact, your bad taste indicates you're the american mutt
You have not posted and will never post a prettier asian girl, because it doesn't exist.
Cool blog normalfag
Folks complaining about a Japanese woman in a Japanese Fantasy rpg.
3 random white models,dont even know their names , and they are better than any azn girl
>muh white features
>gatekeeping "white"
>muh obsession with noses
>muh skull shapes
>we wuz anime
>women in my home country hate me and won't sleep with me but women in Japan will because they're all submissive!
>muh roasties
>my cherrypicked examples of asian women wearing makeup vs. white women wearing none or going for a natural look
You should meet up and stab each other. That way I don't have to see any of your retarded posts anymore.
Looks like indian guys at the gym.
Call them out on what? That they don't have to put up with shitty stacey drama?
Don't put so much stock into physical features. Pussy is pussy. And the easier the girl is the happier you are.
she doesn't look japanese
Pure Nordic actually, and everyone else in this thread agrees it's you who has a "bad taste" in women (rather, you refuse to admit these white women are prettier than any asian because everything else than asian women completely ignore your existence).
Why would I post asian women in response to ugly white women? Is it my job to educate you on your lack of taste?
there were 3 of them orbiting the same girl, at the same time
chances are she already had a boyfriend
Remove lower jaw
Just because you've posted 50+ messages in this thread trying to pretend horseface is great, doesn't mean the rest of us are all the same poster too.
vs `hot`asian girls
based niggerposter
>Tiny alien head on the right.
Kek. You have some weird fetishes, OP.
>those jaws and bogged lips
You do you user.
I haven't posted a single woman that is not at least 9/10 from a purely objective viewpoint. You are so MAD.
t. jawlet
You've only posted ugly women. I'm waiting to see if you can find a half decent one
You just have yellow fever, a fetish,accept it
left is too long and anatomically disproportionate
Not a single woman I posted has a horseface, that was literally what proved you to be a seething liar that deludes himself into thinking everyone else than asians have "horsefaces" because white women don't even acknowledge your existence.
How pathetic is your life? You're most likely a 2/10 yourself and here you are making delusional claims about objective 9-10/10's being "ugly" or "horsefaced" because it triggers you to no end that you will never get a woman like that.
Just go and shoot up a school already or something, whatever you hapa mutts always tend to do.
get this shit outta here fagatron
>I have the most objective taste ever!
>anyone who disagrees is MAD
The only person mad here is you
They all look whorish and not cute. The one on the left looks like a classic tranny horsejaw, the middle one is LMAO look at her mouth and the one on the right is kinda cute but can't compare to something like pic related desu.
>nu-Yea Forums will go mental over these just to own the libs
You're playing Final Fantasy you faggotron.
>posts things like
>gets upset when people call his pictures "horseface"
Dude, you asked for it
>my instagram thots are better than yours!
That's your FF7 remake Cloud
No, I posted objectively gorgeous women. You have done nothing but SEETHE and post some heavily surgically altered gooks.
The girls in his image are definitely prettier than these. One on the right looks goofy and inhuman, one on the left is slathered in makeup to cover her real appearance, and looks like plastic surgery as well.
Post some natural asians, you'll at best find 7/10's.
stop posting thots
I didn't post that image you dumb gook mutt.
Not that it matters because not a single woman in that guys posted image has a horseface. You really either don't understand what that term means or you are eternally butthurt about how fucking hideous you asians are in comparison.
The amount of grinding it takes to get that summon isn't casual, retard.
>not appreciating luscious kissing / bj lips
>asian man had surgery to make himself look like a white man
>bogged lips
t. never kissed a girl
no one likes thin lips fag
Dude he has the fetish cant you it? He does prefer what I have said here Btw I think the asian I posted is hotter/cutter than those
Asian women are also less promiscuous than white women.
What? just go to tiktok its full of these
No he is yellow as fuck stop.
>The girls in his image are definitely prettier than these
Not by a long shot.
>One on the right looks goofy and inhuman
How are these even an arguments lmao
>one on the left is slathered in makeup to cover her real appearance
Did you not see what this guy has been posting so far They're CAKED in makeup and concealers there.
>looks like plastic surgery as well
Cope harder. Plastic surgery is even more prevalent in the west. Just look at botox. And I posted Japanese not Koreans.
instagram thots are thots no matter what country you live in
Soulless vs Soulless
Find a flaw.
I hope to christ that no game artists ever come here and take anything the read seriously.
>His hair isn't actually afro, it's straight like a white persons hair
I'm black and my hair doesn't start curling until a certain length. I can cut my hair all the way down, let it grow to about that small length and get it trimmed and slicked back like that if I wanted to. Not all black people are the same
>The amount of grinding it takes to get that summon isn't casual, retard.
All you need is a gold chocobo.
Only 1 belt
>face too feminine
>sword too fat
>clothes too purple
>pants not baggy enough
Fucking delete this abomination whoever made the edit
Which requires grinding the dumb chocobo racing heaps
Too weeaboo.
>Not all black people are the same
The fact that your point of reference for whores, is instagram, just shows how young you are. Probably underage.
Alrite fuckboys, post girls without their 4mm thick layer of makeup, if you dare
Her mouth is borked.
you're not gonna convince them. Cloud looks blatantly east asian with the flatter cheeks/forehead and almond-shaped eyes, but /pol/ has to project onto media to mask personal failures.
Pants are not baggy enough at the bottom
Too faithful.
>posts celebrity models next to average nobodies
She did more than one take. you can see the difference in her performance before and after.
You mean ruined
asian instagram thots
and yes even asian prostitutes
are all whores
these are the women you post, so stop it
congrats on posting something different!
hahaha u got mad now
Japs continue to have literally the worst taste on the planet. Actual bugmen.
Me on their right.
>*posts idol*
White women can't compete desu with you senpaitachi
Thats your white cloud. Double eyelids and pink undertone.
Nips continue to be subhumans, no surprise. I'm sure they'll hate whatever Tifa looks like because she's not a child too.
They can just stick with Yuffie.
I just searched your previous picture. She has an instagram. instagram.com
Calm down
I don't know why people look at models and instathots when sports girls are way better. Just watch hot European girls do long jump and they all have wedgies. Yummy bummy.
Widen her eyes any more and they'll float off her head.
OHNONONONO please delete this!
i love minhee
the point
your head
Stop fucking taking away cheekbones goddamn it, it doesn't fucking soften their features.
>your 6/10 white girl can go to any asian country and become an actor an model
>no one in america could even give a shit about "idols"
are you actually retarded?
I mean, I agree but SE has still managed to make Aerith gorgeous vs the DMCV women who look like complete dumpster fires.
are you
>no one in america could even give a shit about "idols"
Just made a quick more realistic fix tell me guys if you prefere it
K-pop fans aren't human, user.
BTS is a boyband
The girl I posted is a popular cosplay patreon thot. She is open about her surgery. Unlike all the other white girls, who hide it. Recently, she disclosed the fact that she flew to some other country in order to get new boobs. There was no way she could hide that fact.
She's also open about how she edits her photos, taking pride in her skill, as she does most editing herself. She's the only one honest enough to expose fake white girls.
She looked better without the makeup.
Perfect scat-play smile.
If Square Enix changes her face because of pedo Japs complaining, I won't buy the game.
Are those millions of views from America?
>somebody posts an above-average looking gook
>b-but it's okay if I do it lol
there are no honest asian girls
French is fucking disgusting in normal speech. Probably one of the ugliest languages on the planet.
sfm is not an image editing software, dumb nigger
left looks like a money lmao
All women hate their own men for no reason. What a bunch of cunts.
I was hoping this thread was for image edits but it's just literal autists in a WE WUZing competition
Do you seriously think your average Asian model, sculpts their noses? Fucking SCULPTS. Think about it. You're posting an artist, with a fairly rare skill set, who uses her body as art.
Conquerors invade tribe. All women that are loyal to their husbands die and don't procreate. The only ones that survive are the ones that become part of conqueror's harem. Their genes carry on. Few thousands years later you get this.
Burkas are necessary.
Yeah it's better
Yes they get nose jobs
>autist keeps spamming this webm
user that's literally a hobbyist.
You're irrelevant.
she's going to die anyway who cares?
Smaller version , that pic is very big kek
Did the white roastbeef spamming guy got banned?
So do white women. Brie Larson as an example.
Like literally the entire western model industry and Hollywood. Bravo.
>longer neck
>slanted forhead
no thanks
Who cares about Brie Larson incel
>one on the right is a 10/10 in america
looks like she has downsyndrome lmfao
Asia has the best crossdressers!
All hail China!
Can you stop? All women are QUEENS
>Jews are white
>Asian American
Into the garbage bin
her Jesus piece looks off somehow.
She was wearing a white drape-front silk georgette dress with navy blue trim. The cut is so perfect, it must be couture. But who’s the designer?—Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians
Jennifer Aniston
Emma Stone
Winona Ryder
Are you a fucking retard? Is there something wrong with how to perceive reality? Show me a fucking praying mantis that looks like a human
She looks like a 20-something yo newborn
What's the difference? They look the same to me.
based and alitapilled
before isn't even ugly.
Look you posted another thot
Based. Get his ass.
Sorry I don't have random images of civilian women saved, like a fucking weirdo.
But also, the idea that amateurs prove beauty standards, can only come from a society so twisted, that it allows man jawed grannies dominate modelling and pop culture.
This.... thing, was actually cast opposite superman. SUPERMAN.
Also, who are those asian girls you just posted? They all appear to be posing for the camera. Are they not thots?
How can asian woman even compete?
Kot id
Maybe not to you, but a bunch of weebs who are way too into idols and anime will think so.
needs hairy, black, phismosis cock rubbing her scalp
The Korean beauty industry is cancer. Just get her hair done and apply a little bit of make up and she would've been gorgeous without fucking surgery.
Looks like shit glad i won't be buying it LMFAO!
i unironically think long face girls are cute af.
toasty roastie
Yes, and the monarchy needs to be torn down comrade. Get the ice picks.
How do you do it without taking any pills?
>cloud is aryan
He is not Indian or Chechen
Seek help dude
Who are you quoting?
that's not how skin works you moron
Go away tranny
>japanese fans say the new face makes her look Western and less Asian
They thought she looked Asian before with brunette hair and green eyes?
From certain angles I prefer the long face but from that one her eyes look too high or small
Pathetic cope
He quit making videos like 1-3 years ago, he makes music now.
Japs are weird. More news at 11.
Eye and hair color is superficial. Just google black people with blonde hair and blue eyes.
>b-but muh hair color!
Matters not in Japanese media. Facially she looked cuter more Asian before, like DOA girls They don't see long, gaunt, caucasian features as cute.
there's something about the width of the face that just bugs the crap out of me.
i can't tell if it's there's something wrong with the cheeks or what
Based jannies putting these borderline racist morons in their place.