>Windows 10 is fucked beyond redemption in terms of privacy and the next one will most likely be cloud-based
>Apple and Google are investing on streaming services
>Meanwhile, Valve is working on SteamOS, which may or may not be dead. And they're also making it easier to port Windows games to Linux (If they're on Steam that is)
What are the chances of pic related taking off as a vidya platform?
>being a linux nigger
Submitting to the botnet.
>99% of user base are fat white virgin men in their 40s
>linux nigger
having candy crush installed on any device, much less a PC
I suspect it will always be a bit of a niche, but it will slowly grow to a considerable size thanks to things like Proton and Stadia.
Yea Forums and normalfags don't care about privacy
It has a chance of becoming more widely used if microsoft does some more UX fuckups like restarting Windows during CS:GO match.
But Linux community needs to be more prepared to accept refugees who have high demands.
Currently it's fine in most cases if user is not retarded, but when user is retarded, there is very little that Linux can offer in terms of gaming.
Lutris is our best bet and we should be supporting that with everything we have.
Windows 10 is adding Linux Kernel for whatever reason. Here's to hoping they're dumb enough to try and make D3D work in their linux kernel and it gets reverse engineered so people can bring it to actual linux.
only pedos and nazis care about privacy
Tell that to all the celebrities who got their nudes leaked lmao
Linuxfags are amazingly unaware that the average person doesn't want to fucking learn how to use their system via terminal.
Unless they use something easy like linux mint or ubuntu with cinnamon.
I already said pedos
>implying Jlaw and the other Weinstein cock riders prefer young men over jew dick for promotions
They need to make it braindead easy to get all the games working and they need to make something a windows user can comfortably use. Right now, doesn't seem worth it. I can get LTSC 2019 and run a few scripts to get a really lean W10 experience.
>those linuxfags sure are stuck in 2002 and didn't develop anything since then
this. most companies don't have the resources to do a linux build and a windows build. the ones that do, don't give a fuck.
>clicking "Make Linux Build" in Unity requires resources
I lile that table tenis game on linux
Zero. PC gaming will finally be put out of its misery next console gen.
muh electricity
Is club penguin even a platform?
Most PC users would honestly rather cannibalize and reverse-engineer Win7 than use Win10, Mac, or Linux.
>i am a nigger retard and can't use computers
It is literally more easy than the shit windows makes you do, like editing the registry, and every program retarded niggers such as yourself would care abiut has a GUI or a functionally equivalent GUI-based alternative
It's not privacy that's gonna kill Win10
It's the fact they literally fired all of their QA and now NOTHING gets tested before it's shipped to regular users. Any random non-MS program on your computer has 1000x more QA work put into it and is 1000000x less complex. Win10 is a datamoshed video of OSes, slowly unraveling itself into an unfixable mess
we're talking about real games.
I wish Linux would become a mainstream gaming OS. Then I could finally get rid of the cancerous piece of shit that Windows is (although I have to admit that Win10 is not that bad).
>inb4 dual booting
Fuck off nigger, that's a pain in the ass.
>inb4 wine
Yikes, I don't want a sub-par nigger implementation of Windows APIs that work like shit and have worse performance.
as a C++ developer i can tell you, that making anything that is not richard stallmans foot cheese on linux is a fucking nightmare
people just dont want to put up with linux's bullshit, microsoft is a hellhole but still miles better than anything "free and open sores"
No one give this man any (You)
>It's the fact they literally fired all of their QA
source? I am curious.
nigger that was half a decade ago google that shit
Poorly designed and mismanaged software does not miraculously become great by simply adopting a proprietary or open source license.
But if I had a choice assuming the quality of the software is the same I would prefer the open source model since you would be able to modify it, or more easily understand how it functions as you have access to its source code without having to request for a code review.
Corporates hate linux users. Big companies will try and keep linux down for as long as they can, and if it ever was to take off, you can expect a bunch of developerd *coincidentally* (funded by said corporates) to start developing versions of linux that fuck your freedom over again.
Wine (and variants) are getting better each year, don't be greedy.
If you make Linux popular, it's all over, we'll have to start from scratch again and it'll be more difficult than ever before.
Just to make things clear, things are already rocky when it comes to the base of linux since Linus Torvalds let his daughter (full on SKW) take control of the linux base development team.
For now, the only "big thing" she's made was a "post meritocracy" manifesto in which she explains we shouldn't be mean to coders even if their code doesn't work.
And this was without corporate implication.