For me, it was Smelter Demon.
Which boss fucked you up the most?
Isshin if Sekiro is allowed. Otherwise, Defiled Hotdog
Flamelurker made me abandon DeS for a time out of despair so him. Defiled watchdog is a strong contender tho.
>any of these games
user you are a fucking idiot reddit zoomer, never post on my board again
He never called them hard retard
>Demon's Souls
Penetrator and Flamefucker
>Dark Souls
Manus, couldn't see shit. Also Kalameet but cutting his tail and finally killing him felt rewarding
>Dark Souls II
kek idk probably the lions in Frigid Outskirts
>Dark Souls III
Nameless King but in retrospect he's pretty easy
have sex
Only Dark Souls 2 was hard
I've finished 2 and 3 multiple times, but I have never beaten Seath in 1. Mostly apathy and the long fuckin' area leading from the nearest bonfire. I just always lose interest at that point.
Laurence makes me want to die.
If a boss in a game fucks you up it implies it is hard you idiot.
Please don't reply to one of my posts again if you can't read properly, especially 4 hours later. At least use proper grammar and punctuation.
laurence and darklurker
>spend a literal week training to beat nameless king, start taking notes and hoarding every buff I know about
>every attack is either too fast, too slow, or not visually distinct enough
>finally get it
>no satisfaction
>watch other people do it later
>the nigga just ambles towards the player, attacks every once in a while, and everything he does can be sidestepped without any rolling involved
I'm still not sure whether my NK was in hyper mode or if my perception of him was just grossly warped.
I must've died 50+ times to NG+ Executioner's Chariot. That's more deaths than I had with O&S, Artorias, Manus, etc combined
just chase his ass tentacle dude
Forever Alonne.
Can one shot blue smelter and fume knight but not that fucker
Laurence for me.
That fucking snow corridor in one of DS2's dlc is the worst bullshit ever and more frustrating than any boss.
I found Lurker easy desu, even on NG+ I got him in a few tries.
I found Allant and Maneaters to be both be much harder
Corrupted Monk is you count Sekiro
I 'ardly know 'er!
The thing is, is that by this point in the game, I've already lost interest in it, it feels like a chore, and I don't care. My main issue with this boss is the path to him from the bonfire. I just don't give enough of a shit to play well. 2 and 3 keep me engaged to deal with their more bullshitty parts, I'm not sure what it is about 1 that just causes it to fall apart for me.
just kill him on the first try he's one of the easiest bosses in the game
I seen people say this, and maybe I'm retarded, but I don't even know how to attack him. He's up on the ledge, and then he does that crystal shit, and by the time I get there I'm usually all fucked up, and I honestly just don't care enough to take the small amount of time to figure it out. I know I'm supposed to hit his tail, but I can't get to it and I don't care enough to figure it out. Like I said, I don't know what it is about 1 that just doesn't grab me. 2 and 3 are some of my favorite games.
>One week to beat Taurus Demon
>Two days for Biggie and Smalls
>One afternoon for M'dir
>One hour for Vicar Amelia
>Two hours for Bloody Crow of Cainhurst
>One afternoon for Rape Horse
>One day for YEAAAOOOOHH
All that's left is Laurence but I feel like he'll be easy since I overleveled to fight Orphan of Kos or as some say Kosm.
For some reason I cannot for the life of me beat Darkbeast Paarl, my attacks just straight up do not hit the gangly fuck. Do you even get anything for fighting them?
Darkfucker is the only boss I usually have problems with because I almost always play melee with shield. At least it's DaS2, so I replay it the least out of the others.
Bell Gargoyles on my third playthrough of the game while I was using an estoc with no lightning resin. If not that, SoS in DaS3 on my SL1 run.
Just beat him yesterday, ya gotta roll underneath him and slam him until he loses his charge. Then stab him in the face. You get some meaningless emblem from him though
Blue Smelter is the hardest fight in the series in my opinion just because of the changed mechanics and the run back if you die is fucking brutal.
Demon King Oocerios in DaS III
Fuck that 1 frame charging attack bullshit
I've never beaten Midir without cheesing it with Pestilent Mist. Fuck damage sponge bosses, I never even bothered with Ancient Dragon for the same reason.
Orphan battered me the most of anyone, and I had a lot of trouble with Champion Gundyr and Friede on my first run of DS3 too. I'm still not sure how, I was dreading both on a replay and stomped the pair of them, and it's not like I'd had a ton of practice in between as DS3 was the last in the series I played.
Probably Nameless King. I probably died 200+ times till I got that nigga
The blue Smelter Demon.
your mom
I always die my first encounter with Dragon God and I dont know how to avoid it, I always just give up afterward and lose interest in playing again.
Unironically Paarl in Bloodborne. I got to him wayy underlevelled and I must have lost 50+ times.
Four Kings fucked me up a shitload too.
I feel like I could crawl up in there
Maneater. Having to do it in a semi-black world made it a lot harder.
>DaS 2
Lud and Zallen. mostly due to the shitty camera
Laurence the Vicar
>DaS 3
Sister Friede
I died a lot against Laurence, Orphan, Manus etc
But the one who killed me the most has to be Dancer on my first run, for some reason it took me ages to get used to her moveset
Boss that gave me the most trouble in each game was
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Out of every game it must be Watchdog of the old lords
Orphan, mainly because I refused to powerlevel and the camera was giving me grief.
I've never beaten Nameless King solo
Pontiff Sulyvahn.
But I still don't hate him anywhere as much as I hate Iron Passage or Ceaseless Discharge.
Having a pain with the Darklurker phase 2.
The fucking Ancient Wyvern in Dark Souls 3. Fuck that thing has so much health. Never could beat it
Lost Sinner, Darklurker, Martyr Logarius, Smelter Demon, and Gravelord Nito are the major bosses that was a huge ordeal to me
You mean the one you One shot by jumping on its head?
But yeah, the Ancient Dragon in DS2 was a pain as well.
>people ever had any trouble with taurus demon
i have never understood this, is it a meme? you can literally walk through his legs, it's almost impossible to get hit by anything he does. you can even run back to the entrance, climb the tower and do a plunge on him for like a third of his health, and you should have plenty of firebombs at this point.
i just don't get it.
yeah blue smelter gave me the most trouble because the iteration rate on him is so fucking low, i can't fix the mistake i just noticed because by the time i get back there i've forgotten what it was. long run backs for souls bosses should be a design punishable by the designer having to do the run 100 times without being hit before it can be approved.
Blackflame Friede, Darklurker, and Fume Knight.
I recently replayed DS3 and beat Nameless, Midir, and Gael in one go, but Friede had me stuck all day. Fucking hard.
False King Allant since it was my first time playing these types of games.
half the retarded bosses in chalice dungeons
>Demon's Souls
Didn't play it yet, but if everything goes right, I should have it very very soon
>Dark Souls
Bed of Chaos. I beat it first or second try on my first playthrough, but on NG+ it fucked me up real bad.
>Dark Souls 2
Not falling asleep out of boredom. But if I had to pick one, probably Fume Knight. His straight sword in phase 1 kept getting me off guard.
Bloodstarved Beast. I beat most other bosses on my first try though, save for Gehrman and Gascoigne.
>Dark Souls 3
Gael, but it's still my favorite fight in the series.
>tfw 300 hours in Dark Souls 3 and never made it past Iudex Gundyr
the literal definition of an overtuned fight, everything he does is bullshit that would've been hard if it was running at 90% speed, instead they turned the dial to 11 and broke it off because the fucking garbage cancer trend of dark souls being known as a 'hard' game had to be exemplified somewhere so people could post about how hard this shit was online and maintain their cred.
just throw bleed knives, it's practically an exploit
Chalice dungeon amygdala
literally get good, nameless king is easy as fuck, just another exploitable boss that you can circlestrafe around endlessly and roll through his super slow swings. he even gets staggered and you can riposte him
Flamelurker and False King Allant
Laurence and Orphan
Sister Friede
Died to Laurence and Orphan the most, fucking hell. Hardest bosses in the series for me. But Orphan still remains as my favorite fight in souls.
DaS1 - Kalameet
DaS2 - The 3 thin niggas
DaS3 - Midir
Bloodborne - Laurence
Sekiro - Demon of Hatred
>3 phases
>each phase has a full health bar
>Friede is Backstabbable
It's easy
she anime backsteps away every time she finishes swinging
>First time against Gwyn
>Tried to fight him with a Lightning Winged Spear and no shield
It is a hard fight but it's manageable if you just shoot Father with a longbow and try to not drink any estus on the first phase. Took me like twenty times to beat it solo on my SL 60 character with a +6.
I can't handle Midir.
Everytime i get him low, i fuck up something and get taken out, with the 40 second boss run and his infinite healthpool, it just became too tedious for my ADHD retard brain.
Still doable, you just gotta learn the timing.
Laurence just had a ridiculous amount of HP, his mechanics were identical to Cleric Beast. Lazy ass design
when he's in the second phase, just wait for him to start his godzilla atomic breath shit and run behind him, you get a massive period to just wail on his head
once you get him to like 20% he staggers and you get to riposte for an instant kill
>fighting Gwyn without parrying
>fighting Logarius without parrying
Lurker was only easy for people because he's weak to magic. If you melee him you're not going to have a fun time winning.
>>One week to beat Taurus Demon
Laurence and Senator Armstrong
>fighting Champ Gundyr without parrying
It's because she moves to strangely that reading her attack timings becomes very difficult, and she hits like a truck.
Logarius is really goddamn hard if you fight him at the level you’re at upon discovery, but not impossible. Darkbeast Paarl though.... that fucking nigger I come back to when I’m way OP, I don’t care if it’s a bitch move or not, I simply can’t deal with the goddamned camera.
I died over 45 times to pre-nerf Royal Rat Authority and it is my most failed boss ever.
You sound upset. Maybe you should have a nappy time? Kids get cranky when they don't go nappy.
The only bosses I had issues with were the bosses where it felt like the games input delay on dodging increased three times, so basically any enemy that basically jump warps or teleports across the boss room and attacks 12 times in 4 seconds. Even then, the bosses themselves weren't difficult, the real issue is fighting against the controls and, sometimes, the camera (Nameless King phase 1, Midir, etc)
NAmeless King and Midir were fucking easy, though. I thought they would be difficult based on how many people bitched about them but they were fucking pushovers.
This but unironically
I did not find him that bad as melee until I got to NG++ where everything two shots you.
Ranged battle makes him a total joke though I agree
Allant is harder than flamelurker. No idea what people are smoking to think otherwise
This nigger is the worst in depth 5 dungeons
I did him as melee with no magic weapons on NG+. Took me a few tries but they were all close. I still found Maneaters and Allant harder
I did that. Am I badass or dumb?
>I dropped DS3 at rotted cursed greatwood
I don't feel like dealing with this shit anymore, i 1st timed gundyr tho.
I’m on my first play through of DaS1, what upgrade route do I take the zweihander?
That last time you have to fight him in the chalices is really one of the most anus-clenching things in BB
Ive beaten Seath so many times it is ridiculous, I put my summon sign down and just waited for people to summon me and ended up killing him over half a dozen more times. I dont remember my setup though, I remember capra demon sadly whooping my ass countless times. After that I watched vids on him online and still struggled until I barely beat him. Not calling him hard but sometimes it seems like the oddest bosses give people trouble.
Based because you must have gotten there really early.
bro im probably the smartest Souls player in this thread nocap
check this out: every single boss i summoned 2 phantoms and let them deal with it. all i had to do was not die, tada!
Fume Knight. Only boss in the entire series that took me more than 10 tries, he absolutely thrashed me. That monstrous sword he has is terrifying.
Flamelurker gave me more trouble than any boss in the entire series.
Fuck the run up to that boss, with the gorillion gravelorded niggers that have infinite aggro and can chase you throughout the entire huntsmans copse
There's one easy trick to beat Nameless King, I forget what it is now, but it's just a matter of using the right tactic. Like switching to heavy armor vs. Four Kings.
not because he was difficult, i just really liked the theme and didn't want to beat him
Maneaters. Seriously, fuck them.
Midir is 10x easier if you don't lock on to him, by the way.
Only literal retards ever lock on bosses
Locking on works for everything that isn't a giant piece of shit like Midir.
Ancient Dragon