Wtf is supposed to be his personality?

Wtf is supposed to be his personality?

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Pussy magnet.

He's a blank slate for you to fill with your own.

He’s me

It's entirely based on your own dialogue choices

secluded, mysterious, introverted

same as Squall from ffviii

Sounds gay as fuck

He's a blank slate that you're supposed to project your own personality onto.

add apathetic and you pretty much hit the mark.

>2006 game
>that haircut
>he shoots himself in the head to summon demons
He is an emo, of course

>movie continuity

How come I can't get any girls when I act exactly like Minato??

>Wtf is supposed to be his personality?
Player avatar. He reflects whatever personality you project onto him.

He just wants to be left alone. Only makes friends because Igor says he has to.

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>self insert
Whatever you want it to be buddy

The thing is with Yu and Ren most of their dialogue options show a few recurring quirks, Yu being a complete chad and Ren a smug quiet asshole that makes dad jokes.

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>Character is blank slate, allowing to be literally (you)
>Is gay as fuck
Oh... Ok user...

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>not choosing the "Please leave" or any other not-friendly option in every interaction with Akechi just to see how try hard that hypocrite faggot is

player chooses through dialogue options, but implied to be kind of apathetic, aloof and a bit snarky

take the above but make it much more obvious. possibly socially retarded

If you want it that way...

Someone: “What are you doing you asshole!? You have a death wish or something!?”

Yuki: “I guess..”

You don’t act like Makoto. If you did you wouldn’t give a shit about girls and be okay with fucking a toaster for the rest of your life.

Based, Akechi's a fucking faggot that can't form meaningful relationships, he can fuck off and die

He has none, and yet the game still tries to convince you he is cooler than Junpei for some reason

>cooler than Junpei
Anyone is

You talking shit about DA MAN?

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Mommyfag for Mitsuru

His default personality is just apathetic and doesn't give a shit. Also he's always tired.

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shut up yukari your mom's a fucking whore

I'm only 2 months into P3, but so far it seems that the S-Links are about figuring out the other character, then basically agreeing with them and remembering previous shit they said.

In P5 it seemed more like you were hanging out with the S Links, but in P3 it's like you only exist to draw the S Links out.

emo crybaby.

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It's practically the same in both games. Any difference just comes down to the difference in events themselves.

Unironically two faced people pleaser

While I respect the hustle, I feel like Non-Canon-chan is lowballing herself. Twenty bucks should be the minimum.

Coffee drinker.

>Yu and Ren most of their dialogue options show a few recurring quirks,

>Yu being a complete chad

>Ren a smug quiet asshole that makes dad jokes
Vehemently disagree. Where does that leave us

Yeah, it's fucking Mitsuru. I'm sure her diehard fans would pay way more than 1K yen.

Didn't q2 make her canon?

you're mistaken for p2 protag

Unironically more chad than the other mcs

yes man who dosent give a shit that makes people realize how retarded they are.


>Yu being a complete chad
>p4 faggots still think this
Lol no. You're not a chad when your only competition in fucking Yosuke.

He's a cynical prick that doesn't really care about the people in SEES until after five months of constant bullshit and a looming world ending scenario.
At best he was at least acquaintances with Junpei before really opening up.


Ren (in the anime atleast) was a boring white slate. you could even call him a character.

It is unbelievable how hard they screwed up Anime Joker when In-game Joker shows more personality despite being a silent protagonist.

He's boring. Just like his sister Naoto.

It’s amazing how much more of a chad they made him in the recent manga.

none of the main characters in the persona games have any sort of "competition" with their male characters? They all get treated like shit by the female characters.

Describe the personality differences between the P4 protag and the P5 protag. Oh wait you can't.

Going by the anime, Yu's an autist who can say the dumbest shit you've with a straight face. His unflappability also allows him to keep a cool head in most situations. This combined with his strong sense of justice is why the rest of the team looks to him as their leader. He's also secretly afraid of being alone and the idea that after the case is solved, his friends would longer have any reason to hang with him. I haven't seen the P5 anime, so someone would have to compare their contrast their personalities.

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