Thank fucking God Blizzard pretty much killed the project already.
Expect 99% less threads of this piece of shit game, fucking finally, I want blizzcucks to go away.
Thank fucking God Blizzard pretty much killed the project already
what class will you be playing
i'll be playing your mom tonight
the uninstall wizard class
>b-but sharding would be just on the initial zones!!!!
>i-it will be just like classic guys!!!
buddy, we are going home and there's nothing you can do about it
here comes the blizzbot defense force
Why are people excited to pay for a game they can play right now on a private server, for free?
Why? what happened?
>tfw rolling a moonkin (51/0/0)
Who here is a brainlet and don't give a fuck?
what happened?
A thing we knew back in Blizzcon has suddenly caught people by surprise.
>crossrealm bgs
>sharding is confirmed EVERYWHERE)
>Q3 release
It was doomed from day 1 and THAT'S A GOOD THING.
>Can only play the beta if you are already subscribed to BfA
>Shitty beta dates
>Sharting won't be just for the initial zones, but for the entire world
>Crossrealm bgs
My hype is now 0, Blizzard killed it
>implying crossrealm bgs are a bad thing
>layers only for Phase 1 which make sense
This is how community dies.
tauren warrior
mulgore is maximum comfy and I don't care about min/maxing.
Our guy TipsOut just said everything will be fine, guys. We should trust him as he's the best WoW Classic Content Creator out there.
>legion funserver is a legion funserver
Obviously. Anyone "le hyped" for this is the most retarded kind of mouthbreather.
In other news: water is wet.
tips read my dono
nevermind i'll just dono again
>using game mechanics
As always, blizzdrones never fail to disappoint when it comes to exceeding stupidity. I guess entering an instance to farm trash and then resetting it is also "cheating".
Give two examples
>layers only for phase 1
Lmfao, just like sharting would be only in the starting zones? Dumb blizzdrone.
>layers phase 1
the site even says it could only be a couple weeks depending on servers. still gay af and hope they change it from all the bitching going on atm
spotted the plebbit privatecuck
I kek'd
based tips poster
northdale for 1x rate blizzlike server
retro wow for funserver
It makes no sense to have sharding when World bosses are out in phase 2
It's gonna be a classicless summer
holy fuck, recommend me a private server that won't be shutting down for this fraud right now, bros
fucking pathetic, blizzard will keep going for these shitty decisions and you faggots will eat it all up.
Surely /ourzoomer/ will RISE UP and protest it, right?
Where did all the smug homeposters go?
Can't help but notice they've gotten quiet since the announcement.
They are hiding on /vg/ now.
Funny, right?
school will be let out in a couple of hours
I will have a comfy summer farming more slutmogs while classicucks are still waiting for their game. Of course they can watch streamers play it, just like they can watch a black bull play with their girlfriend.
>Muh sharding
How entitled are you faggots? You literally dropped down on your knees and BEGGED blizzard for this and now you're up in arms because they employed a current server technique that cuts down on resource costs while allowing the game world to be more stable and facilitate more players? Grow up please, Jesus. If the ENTIRE FUCKING CONTINENT being in the same shard is a deal breaker to you then we never needed you anyway.
Stay on on your chink private server until blizzard shuts it down or word gets out about the admins selling gold for the 50th time. The rest of us are going home.
Fuck blizzard I barely had hope and now I have none. Time for the Chinese buyout of these schmucks
You mean the shills? Probably learning the new scrip.
>is just phase one
>else it would be unplayable
>based blizzard does it for our own good
>collectors edition look awesome guys!
>someone tags the mob you need for a quest
>phase, I mean shard, I mean, go to a different "layer"
>someone ganks you
>go to a different layer
>mage farming your AoE spot
>go to a different layer
>picked a heb hotspot clean
>go to a different layer
>someone farming elementals already
>go to a different layer
>see that asshole who kicked your ass yesterday
>go to a different layer
>someone invading X-roads
>go to a different layer
Will they release classic on phones?
we mobile home now?
PLEAS...*static*...I'M STUCK IN LAYER NIN...
*muffled devilsaur roars*
i like you
my choices:
orc warrior (top)
troll mage
troll priest
tauren druid
or if somehow i end up on alliance..
dwarf priest (top)
night elf druid
paladin (maybe dwarf? not a big fan of humans but humans do have better racials)
not as keen on mage or warrior on the alliance side for some reason.
those fucking retards, they really thought blizzard would make one independent decision that wasn't moronic
based. fuck lag. fuck twink and ??? level corpse campers. fuck being unable to play the game due to overpopulation. unironically have autism if you think any of those are pluses
i dont know man, this looks pretty cool
"Here is new script" types the chinese on the discord channel "I need you guys to learn these, you must defend the blizzard or no money for you"
Get a trip so I can shard you if you like it so much.
Because private servers always have shitty scripts and programming and half the quests don't work properly. The only exception to this was Nostalrius
crossrealm bgs were in vanilla
>>mage farming your AoE spot
>>go to a different layer
When I found a horde mage aoe farming I would just try to kill him, but whenver I found an alliance mage farming, I would wait for him to do a pull, and then keep spam sheeping the mobs so they regenrate health and get out of the slow to fuck him over until he dies and rages at me and leaves.
Now when they can just escape, it's no fun.
all they had to do was release it as is and maybe fix a few old bugs yet they still managed to fuck it up.
Their ineptitude has come full circle and now it's funny again.
Apparently many people are crying that the sky is falling when it's just there for the first 2-3 months so that the millions of player's don't have to wait in line for 5 hours to kill a named mob or loot a quest object that takes 5-10 min to respawn. Once this is over everyone can circle jerk in "muh living world" while pretending things will be just like the old days. They straight up said this would not happen again after Phase 1 where the world bosses start appearing for this specific reason.
orc warrior/warlock and tauren druid maybe
sure thing shill, just copy paste your script already, what else are they paying you to say?
nost was fine. 2016.
>it's "only" half a year
Throughout my whole way from 1 to 60 on Light's hope, I didn't once encounter a bugged quest or a faulty script of any sort.
Can't decide between Orc or Tauren for Shaman, probably Tauren.
Damage control shill. Shits flopping harder than a footy player getting his ear tickled
Course I found out about nost like a month before it was shut down
they were
train wreck in progress. we've just only seen the first car get off the tracks. still 90 days to watch
Its only beta
What the fuck? No they weren't you mongoloid.
Can someone explain me the new sharding system?
So anyone that wants to play as it should be has to wait months after release and be behind? lul
>Classic WoW launches August 27
>I start Senior year as an Electrical Engineering major on August 26
yes they were, introduced in 1.12
>b-but it's only the starting areas muh blizzard would never lie to me, please watch this entire fucking 30 minute interview
>b-but it's only one continent
>b-but it's only for the initial launch, just the first few years
should take a look at the 1.12 patch notes again, specifically the headline feature.
basically, the continents exist in their own shard. the server is divided into "layers" or think of them as dimensions, that you jump between by grouping with a person in the other dimension.
Hi, you're wrong, now sit down faggot
>yfw you didn't fall for the we home bros meme
The server populations are going to be well above what they were in real classic. Like 5 or 6 times larger with multiple zones. If there was 1 lord Kazzak for for 3,000 people I don't see what the fuss is about if there are 5 lord Kazzaks for 15,000 people.
will you buy it?
play however the fuck you want brother. vanilla is OUR moment, we will cherish it how we want it
is there a single thing amerifucks wont shart on?
Most of vanilla wasn't 1.12 though, so maybe they should make an exception. Same for other stuff that wasn't there for the majority of vanilla.
Maybe now WoW shills can stop shitposting in other threads
Have you ever played Runescape?
>Hop to channel
>Someone is occupying a spot
>Hop to channel
>Someone is occupying a spot
>Hop to channel
>You can now occupy the spot
This applies to everything:
>Avoid fights by hopping channels
>Economy will be fucked since everybody will be hopping channels back and forth for resources
So that's sharding but with extra steps?
And be branded a cuck forever? No.
That's what you get for being a normie, deal with it
Original WoW team worked their ass off to not have loading times because it ruins immersion and these fuckers now implement sharding.
Having server sharding fucking ruins the immersion, I don't want to see people teleporting to because I ganked them.
Same. Private servers have been working very close to retail FOR FREE for at least half a decade+
It's not as if people will remain paying to play this shit for long after they remember how fucking boring Vanilla is (not that retail is any better, but nostalgia kills logical thinking)
Give me one good reason why layers are bad if there's literally the same amount of people there were in real classic in each layer?
>hurrr i might not be able to corpse camp a level 20 on my level 60 hunter if his friend invites him to his own layer
Ah, so it's just seething hordefags.
Oh, just like Maplestory then, where each server had 20 channels?
troll priest
tauren shaman
super undecided
Is that part of your new script? Cool man, I'm glad you memorized it so quickly! You must be a big boy
What else do you have for us?
Must hurt to be as stupid as these Classic Retards.
Guys, guys ... calm down. TipsOut just confirmed the sharding will only work for the first week, after that it's gone. Trust Tips, he's our guy with tons of connections within Blizzard.
Its retail sharding which called layering.
ok, then why not just have a server that can handle 3k people and call that a day? the answer is they built this cloud shit for the fucky versions of wow, and now they have to use it to support their servers, when northdale runs 10k pop on a dell laptop from a barn in Czechoslovakia
Finally, tired of these faggot home niggers running a general outside of /vg/ for a garbage baby tier MMO, blinded by nostalgia.
That sounds pretty awesome. I was shit talking classic forever but you just changed my mind
Guess you got lucky then, I played on several different private servers years ago and the broken quests on each of them drove me crazy
This reminds me of that image/post about BFA
>but it's just the alpha
>but it's just the beta
>but it's just the first couple of weeks after launch
>but it's just the first couple of months
>but it's just the first patch
>if there's literally the same amount of people there were in real classic in each layer?
Literally, no way to prove this will happen.
>EE majors
You basically need high functioning autism to understand anything about electricity. it is fucking dark magic
I'm more scared of servers shutting down and losing my autistic hours
damn son you sure are fucking pissed, you got anything else yourself? You could just blow your brains out now and get it over with
Troll or Undead Warrior
>everyone is a shill
Out of curiosity, how long would it take to download the files needed for classic on a private server? Took me a full day and change just for vanilla and Burning Crusade back in the day.
reminder blizzard is just trying to trick you fags into resubbing to BfA just in time for the next big patch
the sad part is most of you retards probably already fell for it
Can't wait after it's release people will stop playing maybe about a month or 2. I'm telling you, these nostalgiafaggots will cry for the "classic" version or a genre and then no one will play it anymore. Just look at all the arena shooters people are playing nowadays.
>he confuses beta with the stress tests
what a scrub. typical retail zoomer can't even read
>the autistic retard claiming that everyone is a shill
How do these people even operate in the world? Surely they never leave their house right?
Everyone knew that Classic was going to have to come with a retail subscription.
i've never played wow, what's sharding?
>because private servers always have shitty scripts and programming
Oh no, only blizzard can properly script 99% of the fights which are just tank and spank anyways. Classic isn't hard, you were bad, you are still bad.
shut up shill
mage or lock. mostly for pvp
help me decide
>Complicated zone control methods/cliques are bad
Isn't that part of the wow experience? Devilsaur mafia and shit?
persistent world is what we want
no one wants every server to be 5 different servers slated to merge at x date dumbass
Why so salty retailcuck?
How the fuck are you going to ensure you end up in the right layer?
Honest thoughts on TipsOut?
>If I say it's a boogeyman it means shilling never happens here!
You people are honestly the dumbest on the board.
Servers improved drastically after Nost
I knew this was going to happen. Get fucked Blizzdrones.
t. angry russian scriptmonkey
>"he only hit me because he had a bad day at work"
>"he pushed me down the stairs and broke my collar bone but he said sorry and he won't do it again"
>"my black eye looks worse than it really is, he still loves me and talked about us going to counseling"
>"no officer, I really did break my ribs when I slipped in the kitchen"
>"he was only joking when he pointed the gun in my face"
Ebic deathwing mount. Wtb
I don't play retail. In other words I don't give blizzard money, you however plan to pay for classic. So tell me why you're so salty blizzcuck?
At the very least nu-blizz should make some "no layering" specific servers for people who dont mind queues
Where did you get this info?
>The server populations are going to be well above what they were in real classic.
Okay, as someone that was there in Beta in 2004, and live retail launch, and 7 years after that, this is complete bullshit. You severely underestimate the playerbase size and how hard the servers choked for the first 6 months.
Obviously. Classic will be fun for a month or two, it'll be cool to see all the old stuff populated again.
Then it'll get old fast and everyone leaves again.
Classic is an event, not a game.
Everything is shilling, there's no chance that people were legitimately excited for Classic WoW, just pajeets on Blizz's payroll. Yup user you're correct like always!
What's the new Nost, the most popular classic server?
>still backpedals
>can't raid
>can't pvp
>better beg for fresh in hopes that it'll be different this time
It wont be shitter. You are bad.
I've been sever hopping for 6 years homie. all the autistic pserver spergs hunger for FRESH servers. it's gets stale when AQ is cleared tho. Naxx is too easy nowadays. But yeah normies will surely quit after I would guess 2-3 weeks tops.
Do you want to delete people as a glass cannon, or do you want to be literally death incarnate who cannot be killed
More importantly, over estimating how popular WoW Classic will be.
Private servers are wrong in how the game functioned.
>mfw there isn't a single thing anybody can say to stop me from enjoying this
>mfw anti-Classic shills can literally post their bullshit all day, every day, and no matter what it will not stop me from enjoying this game
>mfw all my friends are coming back too, and the shills can't stop that either
>mfw loving watching every anti-Classic shill waste precious moments of their lives being miserable about other people having a good time and them being powerless to do anything about it
thanks to him we got classic wow, great guy
I don’t really care too much. I just want to try playing the game when it comes out because it seems fun
Retarded sandnigger that never played classic, has no idea what hes talking about, tries to milk everyone for some youtube clicks.
northdale on light's hope but it's run by devs who work w/ chinese gold sellers and give them items/gold to sell then ban people who buy gold and keep the money. Additionally over half the server doesn't speak a lick of English due to the high amount of chinese/russians.
Please keep acting like a retard, it really convinces me to play this knowing it's not shilling but actual retards who just can't comprehend a garbage cash grab when they see it.
i can’t decide between orc or Tauren warrior, isn’t the endurance racial favorable for prot?
>nearly 2 months after Shadowbringers
That's awfully passive for Blizzard
Wow dude watch out, blizzard won't pay you for those sentences! Remember you gotta make us believe the game is not dead so you get your cool shill money in your account
well here's this to read if you're interested
Night Elf Warrior
[scriptmonkey anger intensifies]
It's a real shame they only invited the retarded, completely clueless classicast streamers to test their alpha. Good thing we will soon be seeing some real, trustable data from the beta from players who actually know what they're talking about and don't just spot bullshit that nostalgic morons want to hear.
No. But Blizz sent me a fucking orc on a wolf statue like 5 years ago because I was a classic god
>Hey guys if we just strawman and call this person a shill then we win!
They literally said the first 2-3 months and we've known there would be some form of initial sharding for almost 8 months. I can garuntee that 1/2 the playerbase is going to quit before phase 1 and it won't be due to doomsayers speading blatant misinfo on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forum in an effort to gain useless (you)s.
It's basically different chat rooms you can jump between. The chat room is the world itself. You can join and enter different rooms at your leisure. The retarded faggot terms they're using like "dimension" and "shard" are only there to appeal to faggots that have no idea how computers work and want to sound cool.
That's always a possibility with private servers that you need to keep at the back of your head always.
I've been playing on private servers since BC was around, and blizzard going after them isn't a new thing, aside from the servers closing by themselves because of poor management or thievery, it's jsut now in recent years where the bulk of the playerbase dropped retail and some of them started heading to private servers that they learned of this reality, when it has been the case for years.
Oh wow you sure showed me with a post that wasn't yours. And he reads more like a shill than you do, that's something I guess.
I thought it was going to be a classic summer
Then don't play on launch day you brainlet. Or don't hop servers. Nobody forces you to do it nigga
>have to be fucking subbed tor retail to play the beta if you get invited
what the fuck
voice? just get your groups into different layers
>hey my nodes are up
like, it's literally that simple. there will be add-ons to make it super simple. just look up shard hopping, this isn't exactly a stretch by any means
>he's still going to be seething while we enjoy Classic WoW
>We’re releasing Classic as a progressive unfurled version of 1.12
Dude wtf blizzard
The absolute state of retards like you.
I don't code or script, but I'd imagine doing it for classic would be very difficult. I mean could you imagine having to script like 2 whole mechanics for a fight? Holy shit.
sharting is when the world gets separated into several instances because otherwise babbies will cry that they have to share the same quest mob with too many other people
It's the result of attempting to fart while living on a diet of hotpockets and mountain dew
How players thought Blizzard had any control over this is beyond me
>But yeah normies will surely quit after I would guess 2-3 weeks tops.
LMFAO. WoW is casualized garbage compared to other MMO's.
I was excited for it until crossrealm BGs.
My fondest memories were the rivalries and camaraderie I developed on my server doing BGs.
Now it's just gonna be soulless literally who's mindlessly grinding honor points. Magic is gone lads, magic is gone
>How Long Will Layering Be Used?
If you dislike layering, worry not. Layering will only be used for a couple of weeks or maybe a month at the start of Classic WoW, in order to balance the huge influx of players in the same zones.
Cool. So everyone will have devilsaur farms and black lotus and nobody makes cash. Dropped.
retail babies are losing their minds.
Actually, not autismo. That's why I'm not sperging out about it like a toddler. I'm a grown ass man with grown ass friends that are going to enjoy comfy evenings playing for fun and nothing else. Drinking and laughing and running around a game we all love. Not going to sperg out about sharding or any crap like that, just good wholesome fun with friends. Laughing and comfy.
You wont be getting that .02 deposit faggot.
I can't wait for all the tears of the "going home" faggots.
Actually 8.2 will fix most things for real this time
Aren't they releasing 8.2 the same week as ShB? Blizz is always trying to push something out as soon as XIV does anything big, this time isn't an exception. I'm pretty sure the only reason they didn't release classic in the summer is because they don't want to see their precious world first mythic race interrupted by people playing classic.
Tauren shaman master race
>Crossrealm BGs
Wait really? If so that's shitty, it was always fun to PVP with/against people that you know.
Based, fresh shitters can only raid MC in full t1, and even then they wipe all the time.
I thought I was going home until I woke up this morning and read what they have planned.I hope you manage to have fun user, but i'm outie. And I was on here shilling for free for months because of my love of the game.
As a retail baby I'm stoked I get to play the beta.
It entirely removes that by exploiting a server mechanic in an unintended way.
Also the devilsaur mafia isn't a thing on live, cross faction collaboration is bannable.
nigga I was agreeing with your post
Can I apply poisons + oils on my weapons at the same time as rogue?
for example, frost oil + crippling poison
Human Mage, just like I did from vanilla launch to 4.1 Cata.
I KNOW Gnome is better in every way, but I cant fucking stand the thought. I just can't get immersed as a 6 feet high jumping midget with crazy hair.
Who am I shitting, there wont be RP-PvP servers on launch and Ill just not play instead of making a Sophie's choice.
Its just a beta
exactly. ph2 won't be for a few months. by the time it rolls around, layer hopping will be down to a science. people will be banking stacks of lotus, devilsaurs will be extinct to the nth dimension.
This is one of the few times I wish we weren't anonymous, so I could laugh forever at the "going home" retards.
Blizz really should implement shar- ahem, I mean layering just for ungoro past that date.
We are going home bro
>Worse healer than priest
>Shitty support, gets carried by WF
>Meme specs
>While also playing on the worst race on the horde's side
Enjoy your face clipping through every shoulders you get, that 5% extra health sure will help you.
So it's a sharding system where you shard yourself willingly, got it
He had a mental break down because of Dark Souls, he'll say some shit then go back to judging tranny mogs.
>Isn't that part of the wow experience? Devilsaur mafia and shit?
That's the real Nost experience, not the real thing.
the level of unapologetic shilling in here is unreal
> expecting 2019 Blizzard not fucking up with Classic
You will never learn, retards.
why does Yea Forums not want people to play wow classic again?
All weapon timed enchantements are exclusive. oils, poisions, sharpening stones, wf
Hey man, I know when i'm beat. Don't hate on me for having some hope. You have won though, I don't begrudge that fact whatsoever. god dammit blizzard...
All the information I've seen today seems good to me and I'm a big vanilla fag
As long as they keep to their word and only use it for phase 1 then it's fine. I figured they'd do something like this because there would be a ton of normie shits flooding every server and then quit when they realize it's harder than retail. So it's just a way to merge servers in advance.
>talks about bringing back the corrupted blood bug
>talks about doing pre-nerf C'thun
>When you spot in AB that one undead priest who killed you in STV while you were just done fighting that pack of 3 skullsplitter trolls coming straight into blacksmith and you charge straight into him
>mfw won't have moments like this anymore probably
shamans have no cc so war stomp is really useful. i think it's the better race for pvp. i would pick trolls for pve though. orcs to me just look weird healing, or in a dress.
are you thinking with portals yet though?
>devilsaur is dead
just layer your ass over and kill this one, haha nigga what are you doing? waiting for it to spawn?
thats a balding boomer tho
Human/Dorf Paladin
Haven't decided yet
because they are all zoomers and never played vanilla
>fun for a month or two
nice meme. That's when the fun really begins
This just means that we'll have multiple dimensions to call home!
Theoretically layering sounds like exactly the kind of solution an MMO would want, practically though it's probably just gonna suck and never get fixed
orc warrior son
because they want the true Vanilla experience where it took forever to fill that 40 man raid
sucks that they're getting Classic instead of Vanilla
I don't want anyone giving nu-Blizzard money.
Besides that I don't give about what you play.
Anyone who plays an MMO who's playerbase consists of wowfugees since they'll collapse if Classic is a success, and privateserverfags who can't make money selling their spawned gold/items on their server anymore. That and free (You)'s
>private servers have had stable populations in the thousands forever
>u-uh people will stop in a m-month bro
this. they already committed to evening things out with sharding and cross server queues rather than actually maintaining a healthy number of independent servers like in real classic
i'm out
LFD/LFR is inevitable
>shitty, bugged stun that requires cast time
>stun resistance to be able to fight back against actual classes with real CC
>attack/cast speed buff
lmaoing can't wait to kill tauren shitters
>The amount of assblast from XIV and Retail fags
I love it. Your games are dead; say your piece now before they close down.
over half of them were chinese gold farmers
>"Private servers don't represent the true Classic WoW experience!"
>He believed Blizzard when they said Sharding only in starting zones
Fooled me once can’t fool me again
Fuck that company
the unistall wizard
Private servers are free. And jobless neets are the biggest demographic of classic, fatty.
Help me decide between questing in Westfall vs Loch Modan
Both are super comfy zones and I want to quest in both but I gotta choose one over the other!
So Westfall or Loch Modan?
i cant decide on orc warrior, tauren warrior, or orc hunter
That's what dueling in front of og is for
but its not vanilla, its classic
>I don't want anyone giving nu-Blizzard money.
why do you care about how people spend their money? lol
>Besides that I don't give about what you play.
>Anyone who plays an MMO who's playerbase consists of wowfugees since they'll collapse if Classic is a success, and privateserverfags who can't make money selling their spawned gold/items on their server anymore.
literally what?
if im death incarnate and cant be killed, it takes away from the fun
i heard locks have a high skill cap though so that should make it interesting
>retail cucks are now jumping on the Classic train due to streamers joining
>they are slowly becoming the vocal majority and loves things like sharding
>True vanilla players are slowly becoming a minority
This is not home, this is 2008 all over again.
>1.12 AV
>Cross Realm BGs
I can't see myself paying 15 bucks a month for this. That there has yet to be anything like vanilla AV since it was ruined is truly disappointing. Also cross realm BGs just serve to splinter the community.
Okay? That's still a stable population of thousands. Also it's illegal and you have to go out of your way to download it and you risk your progress getting removed whenever. Even with all that thousands of players kept playing all this time.
But please tell me about the rose-tinted glasses effect of something that people are playing right now
Good. I am already rolling a rogue to smash classic fags like you to teach you how much the folly of your ways were.
whichever one has the least layering so you can make frens
There's not enough exp to go around retailbro, you're gonna have to dabble in both
Loch Modan, brother. Westfall questing is not that comfy.
> Sharding killing World PVP like XRoad/Astranaar and Southshore/TarrenMill
Westfall so you get to do the Van Cleef/Defias brotherhood questline and get that blue ring I forgot its name.
It's one of the best low level questlines imo, in terms of story and engagement.
*Teleport to layer 6*
Nice try kiddy.
Westfall has Defias questline that culminates in Deadmines tho, that’s a pretty big plus over Loch Modan
They are the only ones who will get into the beta.
>hmm there are no quest arrows like back in vanilla, i guess it's just a bug.
Lol ppl still follow this clown???
You want to do both in Classic if you arent group leveling. Both for immersion and efficiency
>b-but its free!
My favorite excuse from asspained retail shitters and FF fags. Nigger every game on the internet is free if you try at all. I could download almost any game release this year easily, or emulate any older games or just download movies, shows and anything. I mean fuck theres even private servers for newer expansions of WoW. So out of all those options you can do for free, why specifically vanilla? Probably because they like it. Kill yourself brainlet
Oh boy my favorite part of WoW launches if the parroting of incorrect shit over and over.
Don't worry user :) you won't survive.
That’s what I’m thinking. Hopefully is right and I’ll be able to head to Loch Modan after, or vice-versa
It's different when it comes to the other faction, without crossrealm bgs, you get to actually stomp and kill people who ganked you while leveling or ganged up on you, and either make them rage quit the bg or if they were good sport, they would keep coming back and eventually kill you as well. Those rivalries would be drastically reduced with crossrealming
>go check out yeti cave
>yeti dead outside
layered the fuck out. i don't got time to wait on some bitch ass yeti spawn the fuck you think dis is
kek.. daggerspine in vanilla had 10k+ queue on weekends. loved waiting in that line
>everybody that makes fun of me plays retail
Ooga booga. Get a job faggot.
whatever pvp was shit with no rewards and no arena
love classic or quit it fucking zoomer
>tfw classic is gonna be the ultimate zoomer, retail, XIV filter
Feels fucking good bros. Can you imagine being so against it you have to make daily threads to vent?
and you will be playing what?
I feel so sorry for you American players that get bitched at by their boss and think they will be replaced just for requesting holiday. Time to book in weeks of leave this morning
Waiting 30-60min for a queue to pop is not particularly fun tho
just remember. the group finder was originally added under the guise of being a "quality of life" improvement
i knew blizzard couldn't help themselves from the beginning. the main things that separate vanilla from retail is all the group finder and cross server shit and blizzard doesnt view that as different gameplay they look at it as a pure improvement so they rationalize adding it in to classic
this has been stated countless times but this is the stuff that destroys the community that people want to play classic for in the first place
>ignoring arguments
Big yikes. Keep posting about why you don't like thing. Seems productive
I'm going to be a ret pally named aydolfcritler
NO NO NO....
*muffled gurgling and blood spatter noises*
>waiting more than 2.8 minutes
>not layering and asking that dimensions /trade for group
We're going /home/ boyz.
it's like 4 gigs
For me, it's the forsaken shadow priest.
Retailfags will massively play Classic because their favorite streamers will play it.
I ignored the majority of your post, stinky. Get a job.
>priest silences me
>layer into nth dimension before he fears
>arrive in sector X with 30% hp
Same thing than you, I just like to tell people that to see how fast they change their minds.
As soon as someone bashes Tauren most people instantly change their minds and start asking about Orcs instead.
Crossrealm bg's were introduced in vanilla though. It beats having 1 hour plus queues for AV/WSG though
>you can go your whole game without seeing another person on your server even if they are standing on top of you
I’m just not happy about it. First they say “it’s just for the demo” then “it’s just for leveling” and you can be sure when their servers shit the bed it will wind up just sticking around.
Additionally, they won’t solidify any number and if they do how can you trust they are being honest? 3000 people on launch day will still be a fucking swarm of people, and I wager it will be the same numbers of sharding
What? I'm calling you a retard, retard.
i'm the original hater of tauren
fuck those ugly fat fucks and especially fuck that ugly tauren cat druid form. wtf even is that monstrosity
>get killed by swp and dp regardless
Yeah I know, I'm not saying the old system is flawless, I'm simply pointing out the possibilities it presented to players and how it helped make the in game world feel more real and connected.
well played user
the struggle is part of what made vanilla special. seriously not joking.
WTF I love sharding and dead communities now!
>dwarf priest
Stop encouraging minmaxers Blizzard
What a fucking pathetic show. There is no sadder story on the internet. A person with soul who had genuine feeling for a game turned into a fucking shill
Give it a try.
People asking for "What are you going to play as?" or posting shit such as "X/Y master race" are always the same people that just want validation on whatever they are going to pick because they are either new or indecisive as fuck.
>server sharding
>ingame store
>streamers everywhere
>full of russians and chinese thanks to tokens
>right click to report
>npcs ask for your pronoun
this is not home lads
WoW is an enormous money sink. Why would ANYBODY play it. Even XIV gives you rewards for subbing.
i feel so sorry for all you classic bros, you don't seem to realize that what made the game great was you being young
>>npcs ask for your pronoun
Just like on twitter.
post yfw TipsOut reads your dono
Country Road
am i supposed to understand this
Take me out tonight
Oh take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, oh, I haven't got one
we're talking about a company that charges a premium to attend their fuckin game expo where they basically announce and advertise products they want you to later buy at full price
they should be paying me to give a shit about blizzcon not the other way around
Esfand is a greedy Jewranian
we're not going home and anybody who still says that we are is either a shill or in denial
yeah things were so different a year ago on that private server man.. time flies.. wish I could live those fun moments again but alas..
28 is zoomer age now?
uh, i'm out of combat and can just, like, eat a muffin? nice try anyways. maybe another day
>tips turban
>layers away
its that magical age group where you're not enough of a boomer to go all the way back to 2D but still hate everything new
I just recently started playing a private vanilla server to try my class a bit and prepare for classic, and I've been loving it, I even chose the same race as my original character and I still enjoyed redoing all the questlines and zones.
Sure, a lot of aspects that made vanilla wow great are diminished or completely gone due to the change in time, but there are a lot of things that still made the game great that are still present, like the toughness of mobs and having to do the low level dungeons again at the appropriate level, the rewarding spell/talent system and looking forward every two levels to see the spells you'll get, and feeling each power upgrade directly in your gameplay, and many more
>only played TBC and Wrath
>tried out vanilla server by myself a year ago
>got to 60, did all the raids and had a great time and met some awesome people
I'm so old now....
I'm hyped bros, I'm f*cking hyped
>just get your groups into different layers
Also, how do you make sure you don't pull the other guy over? Do you constantly have to have at more guys on that layer?
Well considering it seems like I can only play rogue if I want to melee dps, I guess nothing
this, Nostalrius was the most fun I've ever had in an mmo, man I won't ever be that young again.
>mfw layering is actually better than sharding, but most people ITT don't even know the difference and just want to shitpost
Sharding is splintering the realm up into a thousand instances of 50 people. Layering is one realm-sized shard so you will never see people change instances while playing. As a realm goes from 6,000 concurrent on launch day to 3,000 concurrent after the first two weeks, the layers will collapse into one and it will become as normal. Most of you won't even notice it for fuck's sake.
>in game store
Is this confirmed?
Human Fury Warrior
why did they make ragnaros black and gold
Warrior exists
>reading quest text
>not just accepting and running and doing the task and coming back for that glorious xp
>knowing the lore
lmao virgin way to play the game pal. Convert to the Chad way.
Why not play priest if you want to be a healer?
layering is better than sharding in the same way that drowning is better than burning to death
>damage controlling this hard
fuck off blizzdrone
Either Orc or Troll but I'm not sure what class. Maybe Shaman
>farming devilsaur
>know respawn timer
>know that dude in guild, who is questing, is shard 5
>know that dude in guild, who is questing, is shard 7
dudes invites to group
you see how this works without effort
male human rogue here, still excited
i assume red paint was 0.2 dollars more per unit, and so they used gold paint instead
all the bitching and moaning about sharding but i can safely say that you cunts dont have the slightest clue how bad it was in vanilla when you were standing in 6k+ queue while your game time was expiring. half of you idiots also dont know that xr was in vanilla and if you werent an elitist you got fucked almost every match bcs you got matched with opposing elite premade.
IF layering gets removed later on you guys have nothing to bitch about.
t. from 2004 beta, completed naxx and aq40.
What a BIG year!
Avengers Endgame fuck yeah!
Game of Thrones... fuck yeaaaah!
WoW... Classic OMG!
>enormous money sink
stay poor fucking nigger
What people are worried about is players taking advantage(understandably) of the fact that you can jump between layers if you are invited into a group, basically dodging respawn timers on mobs and npcs, farming ressources etc which can affect the unity of the server
Not really. The alternative to layering is to have realm caps, transfers and mergers where they have to prune half of their realms after a week. That would cause more butthurt than this down the road, especially considering a dead realm is dead forever and "layering" is temporary. At some point it will be gone and nobody will ever talk about it again.
Money sink + character services + store mounts.
Gonna make a Dwarf. Warrior or Hunter?
I like Warrior because they're strong, they can tank and are high impact. However they seem high maintenance and not very solo friendly which is negative cuz I'm an autist.
Hunter on the other hand seems the opposite, they seem chill and casual, easy to gear. However they also seem weak in most aspects of PvE.
>TFW using Lights Hope 1.12
>Doing raids with NPCBots and Solocraft/Balance scripts
>Having a fucking blast, locally, with no lag or server downtime.
Feels good to be a PvE fag for once.
I agree this is a concern, IMO they should make adding a friend permanently attach you to their layer or vice versa. Might help a bit.
Yeah it's cool the economy for devilsaur leather, herbs and ore might be completely fucked by the time they remove layering but at least I didn't have to go cook dinner for 30 minutes while waiting to log in
Except the biggest fans of Game of Onions and Capeshit are zoomers
>The alternative to layering is to have realm caps, transfers and mergers
Okay so you mean like exactly what we had in vanilla?
Hunter, you won't regret it.
if you aren't extroverted warrior would be a terrible option honestly
you absolutely have to rely on others to get the most out of the class both in leveling, pvp, and pve
meanwhile with hunter its pretty much smooth sailing right out of the gate
Death Knight
I can smell the onions...
[Random]: Pshh hey kid, can i get an invite to your layer?
[Random]: Pshh hey kid, can i get an invite to your layer?
[Random]: Pshh hey kid, can i get an invite to your layer?
you didn't notice the ret paladin with banana shoulders?
So basically... People playing Blizzards shit
Don't forget to play Classic with Asmongold and Forsen omegalul hyperbruh kappa
xr was in like 1.10, which was what, spring 2006?
most of vanilla was not xr bgs
i played on a server with a queue, i'd queue up, take a shower, come back, was logged in
not a hard concept
I like capeshit because growing up the super hero movies I had were fucking abysmal, and never in my life did I think something like the Avengers movie would ever be made. Kids these days have it really good.
You're basically chosing between the two classes which will be garanteed to have a huge population, huntards because they are the easiest and friendliest to level, and warriors because tanks are in high demand.
Either way, both have their adv and disadv so it won't matter in the end, it simply depends on what you prefer
>exactly what we had in vanilla?
No, because this time you're dealing with a lot more people than in 2004. There will still be those things in classic, but realm pop issues are harder to solve than a few autists bitching and moaning about layering.
What are your thoughts on TipsOut becoming the face of Classic WoW?
> Except the biggest fans of Game of Onions and Capeshit are normies
Ftfy. Blizzard games are filled with normies.
>turns out that classic mobs have alot more armor than private server mobs
poor poor warniggers
yes you can change instances while playing faggot, you can join others layers by joining their party. the social aspect of the game is dead and gone. nice try fucking faggot
How do they even know you're in a different layer? How would they find you?
literally no reason not to play on northdale or something unless you're one of those blizzard marketers that spams these threads
>You have switched layers recently and must wait to do so again
Yeah, but we are talking about abusing the system and knowing one or two guys on a layer where the devilsaur might already be gone anyway doesn't get you very far.
30min? we are talking about hours mate. i had done home work by the time, shit around the house etc. before i got the chance to log and lets not talk about queue server crashes when whole queue reseted. yall fuckers seen AQ opening event? you would wish that you had layering. seen moonglade eranikus? shit you not dc all around and im talking about server that was released before aq patch so tech was stabel-ish.
talking bout daggerspine eu queue lines were a nightmare. aint talkin out my ass mate.
t-thanks for stocking the EU, blizzard
Based smiths
I would be surprised if that was the case, he's not very well known as far as I can tell. If that were the case though, I wouldn't mind. He's no veteran but I have no problem with him
Heelvsbabyface is the face of nuClassic
How is it to play WoW with your fellow social networks addicted housewives and jobless retards?
oh yes I definitely want to play on a server with a cash shop and russian and chinese bots. wew bois
What's even the point of this? It's just tacky shit.
No, we've accepted that average IQ has plummeted recently.
I'll ask the higher-ups to put in a work order for an easier to understand image.
stop typing in nigger
fuck that brit cu_ck
Warrior never has a high population. Most people want to play Druids, Hunters or Wizards and shit and of those that try warrior, most drop it before level 30.
Yea Forums and /vg/ autism has no bearing on real servers.
well i don't think you understand how these operate anyways, and am not very sure how you are not understanding that you just use a spawn timer tracker. or a basic fucking pad of paper... so please do not (You) me again.
>mfw came in their overleveled at 17 and completely nullified their difficulty
*heh, nothing personal moonbrooke*
I mean after today he should lose pretty much any credibility with anyone who has common sense.
Even if you think his content is good he's now dribbling the cum from Blizzard employees left and right so he can have more information to shit out on his channel, so take anything he says with a grain of salt, to me it's pretty clear he's making all these changes seem like not such a big deal in order to appease his overlords but meh what do I know
>you can join others layers by joining their party
And how are you going to find that person from another layer? Guilds will all be attached to one layer. You going to join some discord and ask random people to meet you in goldshire inn to see if you're in same layer, then exploit it if you're not? With that random person you just met?
Vast majority of people are not going to do this
don't ask questions just consume product.
But I wanted to watch muh unofficial vanilla servers faggots get analblasted once they realize their shit is nothing like vanilla....
i was actually looking forward to this
go ahead, laugh at me
why the fuck would they ever think this is a good idea
>Warrior never has a high population.
that's completely false
> a 7 inches plastic turd
> a pins
> a mousepad
> three postal cards
> two reskined mounts
> a """"free""""" month of game time
> a Nintendo Labo box
Explain? I only ever see the nostalgia goggle fags posting so I don't get what's up.
>Shitty beta dates
cry more, wagie
His content is the best, great guides and information. All around a great guy, couldn't be happier for him, might drop a $25 dono bomb in his next stream.
source: your shit crusted asshole
of all the saddest words, of tongue and pen
the saddest are these, Alex was right again
time to browse private servers, I guess
warmane is epic guys
let's start a guild there.
>Guilds will all be attached to one layer
no, your assumption is wrong, right here, in that first line. that's where the rest of your post fucks up and i was safe to quit reading
Classic has phasing that only allows a portion of players to appear at once.
Sad cause he never actually played vanilla and shouldn't be an authority on it. He also chooses some really weird hills to die on like his hardline stance on progressive itemization despite him never experiencing it himself.
Esfand's not much better but he knows slightly more about what he's talking about.
Madseason is actually my favorite Classic guy and the one I imagine the majority of people can relate to since he's just looking to enjoy the game he played back in 04/05 and doesn't stream.
i'm not, others absolutely are. You're delusional if you think this won't be abused.
>The old crack was better than the new crack
WoW players are the drug addict bums of the videogame industry.
With layering all that's going to happen is you're going to be stuck in a low pop layer, wondering where all the people went because you rolled on a high pop server. Then you realize you're in the low pop layer. So youll spend a few minutes whispering people for invites until you get put back in the high pop layer. Until you run into problems with mobs being camped, or a ganker on your ass, then you'll want to get switched over to a low pop layer.
Its an entire different dimension of gameplay that was not present in vanilla and will literally ruin phase 1 especially considering this is the ONLY phase where you can have city raids without penalty
I dont expect the shill and Im replying to , to understand anything about good game design. But this is a horrible affront to all good game design practicies, and opens up a whole host of potential farm abuse from clever groups of players
Where my fellow mages at? Ready for some comfy frost chilling before rolling the big deeps in AQ40 and naxx?
The figure and the box looks pretty cool, for a collectors edition there are worse
Can't wait to see streamers / youtubers defending this shit because if they don't they won't receive a beta invitation and get that streaming money.
Bravo Blizzard.
I'm actually not measuring by thread posts but actually from play experience in private servers, whether you want to consider that quasi-representative or not is your choice.
However, to address your point, warrior has quite the slow start, the weakest out of all the classes, but once you get your ww axe and ww the ability, you only go upward from there.
tips i dono's 20 bucks please invite to layer
tips read my dono bro
The queue lasting hours was due to there not being any form of sharding at all.
There is still no justification for having layering into the high levels where materials that are relevant to end-game can be farmed many times as fast on normal classic.
They are implementing it like this because it is easier for them, it's that simple.
They literally said that in the interview though. Where did they say otherwise?
>tfw any newfag who asks about vanilla gets told first that the best things about it are the sense of community, and the world pvp
>implement sharding and crossrealm shit
will pokimane play it?
tips is a vanilla veteran
Pretty much all collectors editions are just overpriced licensed merchandise sold to capitalize on your hype and excitement. It doesn't really make sense to rip on this one considering it's not any worse than most of the other ones that exist.
Fuck, I'm still regretting purchasing the CEs for persona 5/dark souls 2.
>comfy frost chilling
>comes in and spam sheep your mobs while you're AoE farming
heh, nothing personal my fellow mage
>make adding a friend permanently attach you to their layer
that actually sounds like it can solve the abuse issue
Oh, is that confirmed for a permanent thing? I thought it was only there for the demo/stress tests.
>low pop layer
Why would it work that way instead of having evenly populated layers?
I'm more excited for the actual release when these streamers get spoonfed gear and progression by their viewers then complain it's not the same experience they had in Vanilla. You know it's going to happen.
streamers are going to unironically ruin classic wow
blizzard is listening to them and they just want to kiss blizzards ass for the benefits and are telling them what they want to hear
>Gets BTFO
>"UHHh. NO. YOU."
We have no clue.
Nothing can stop my hype for this. Most of you fucking retards complaining probably didn't even play during Vanilla.
If they stay true to their word concerning layers only during phase one, this will be great.
Plus the possibility of BC and Wrath servers, AND the possibility of post Naxx level 60 content?
This is all good news. fuck you retards.
A new layer is only made once a 3-4k cap is reached
Sharding is actually going to annihilate the community. I'm legitimately saddened by this news, even if it's only for Phase1.
If by "it" you mean my dick, then I hope so.
>see horde preparing to do Lord Kazzak
>yeah i guess we could fight them off it but thats so long LOL
>just invite me to another layer LMAO first phase btw
Ah yes reddit formatting and bootlicking delusion. It wouldn't be any other way.
Im still hyped but I am disappointed that phase 1 will be marred by this gay "phase technology" that made me quit the game to begin with
Thinking either troll mage/priest or human warlock.
>whispering people for invites
How can you even do that? They won't be on your /who most likely
At which point it'll be split into two 2k layers maybe?
The worst is that sharding in the starting zone only was probably a way better option than layering the whole fucking world.
Starting zone are not PvP and last only a few hours, but now we will have STV with shitty teleporting shenaningans.
>>Sharting won't be just for the initial zones, but for the entire world
>sharding is terrible blizzard, do not add it
>oh w-well ok i-its only for the starting zones
>e-even if its only phase 1
we're fucked.
I'm pretty sure Asmongold is THE face of Classic WoW.
lol how do they plan on putting statue in that box, its way too small
>so you will never see people change instances while playing
unless they get invited to a group from someone in a different shard. and as we know group invites never happen in vanilla wow.
>Lord Kazzak
>phase one
i imagine since i played BDO to some extent which uses channels. i agree with what you said but like i said IF layering gets removed after p1 you should have nothing to worry. i can imagine that devilsaur and lotus will be an issue economic wise, there will also be an issue with wpvp tho i heard that you stay in the layer you are dedicated to unless someone invites you into his group/layer. im not saying its not an issue but when the classic doors open you will be grateful. besides i myself dont really care if its only for p1 since i got my route how to progress throu zones and by the time p1 end and layering gets removed i should be somewhere in BiS gear and seeing that the merge happens afterwards is kinda ideal for me. depends on the timing so i might be wrong how this plays out.
he didnt even play it
they already went back on their word twice with this shit...please wake up man. it fucking hurts because I know you have hope and just want to have fun and they're going to strike you down. I don't want you to not have fun user, I don't want them to do this to you.
selling invite to layer 2 for 3gold, alliance owns nesignwary
They will be in your /who, because it's literally the same tech as sharding
only redditors hate TipsOut
Yes let's just have a perfectly tranquil Elwynn experience while everyone fucking pours out of their shards at Westfall so it just makes Westfall unplayable, great idea.
I am with you brother
This is actually going to happen, is the sad part
What are people even complaining about? That the beta requires a subscription?
Asmongold is the face of retail, a dude who only plays WoW and can't/won't quit because it's the only thing he knows
I'll be playing retail and classic regardless because I'm a retard Blizzfag and I hate my life. Fuck.
>A guy who barely played in vanilla wow, and constantly lashes out against vanilla players's gatekeeping mentality because he secretly feels inadequate and embarassed that he never got to experience it truly
why would all the layers be on the same chat channel?
3 gold to turn in 5 quests and get the fuck on with my leveling? sold. and here's your tip
>grinds in dungeons instead
what now faggot
i agree with you just wanted to point out that some people fail to realize how bad it was to stand in queues, get random dcs in southshore / tarren mill wpvp raids bcs of server stability issues etc.. and that having layering for "opening" phase aint such a bad idea IF it stays only for p1 since p2 ranks and honor system gets introduced if im correct.
>he still thinks its phase 1 after blizzard have moved the goalposts 3 times
t.battered wife
Hope you guys are looking forward to
'Guys Horde are ganking people at Raven Hill'
'lmao who cares just like, switch to another layer dude'
I hope you have fun and it feels authentic. I know it won't fell right at all for me. The hype train just made it's first stop and i'm getting off here and cutting my losses
>Me, a classichad
Going home.
>You, a XIVtransfreak
Going rope.
>i-it's only beta
>i-it's only for phase one
>i-it's only until the end of the year
>i-it's only until bg's are out
>whatever the community in this game is toxic anyway
>see? Blizz added a group finder tool so layering doesn't affect you
>d-dumb idiot store mounts are just cosmetic they don't affect the game.
>wow so many dumb incels here don't shoot up a school because your dumb virgin incel game was made better
Screenshot this and you will see I'm right in time
>cross realm battlegrounds
Why lie? Are you that desperate to detour people from classic
Only deluded cucks have an opinion on TipsOut.
You can turn in quests while still corpse camped, it just requires quick reflexes (something WoW players used to need on pvp servers, but of course we cant have anything mentally or physically demanding in a video game, that's ableist after all)
they're on the same server. why wouldn't they be? how would you find groups with people or get invites from your friends in other layers if you have no way to communicate?
Troll is said to be the better prot warrior on Horde.
If a fight is dependant on you having 5% more stamina then you have a healer issue. The 5% only matters when you have 5% or less health remaning. and if it does matter then as i said you have a healer issue, you shouldn't dip that low for the tauren racial to matter.
Honestly tho just pick whatever you like, if you think taurens are cool then go for it. also war stomp is a great racial. Nature res isn't super useful but nice to have for AQ
>brand loyalty to corporations
>brand loyalty to fucking streamers and e-celebs
the fuck is wrong with zoomers
it's a retarded solution to too many player characters gathered around one npc.
FFXIV solves it by letting you hold x to hide all player names and make other player characters unselectable.
It won't because unlike staring zone, westfall is way bigger and has lot more quest.
Also to getting out of Elwynn takes a few hours, so players will not join Westfall at the same time.
What the fuck is sharding?
>all these normalfags on twitter excited about this shit
holy shit september will be good
what's your favorite healer to have in a dungeon? it goes without saying that as a rogue I like shamans for windfury but this time around I'm rolling alliance for something new.
>how would you find groups with people or get invites from your friends in other layers if you have no way to communicate?
You wouldn't? Why would they want you to communicate between layers when a layer is the size of one full server? You can just whisper your friends
The opposite of playing with the server community, which was basically vanilla soul
yeah thats so much better than just temporarily increasing spawn rates instead of this frankenstein bullshit theyre attempting
i appreciated your joke user
it made me chuckle
>If they stay true to their word concerning layers only during phase one
they literally already backtracked on what they said before. first it was only sharding in the demo. then it was only sharding in the starting zones. now it's only for phase 1. do you really, honestly think that they won't move the goalposts again? what reason do you have to trust any of what this company says? is it the entire last decade of quality games and superb business management from the company that brought you diablo mobile?
*accepts invite*
*does quests*
*leaves party*
*stays in your shard*
Reminder that you're a fucking retard to trust Blizzard and give them money when they'll just screw this up like they do everything.
Thanks for clarifying tips, i thought there were quest arrows too. Understandable mistake, and i love you, and as always, tips out.
Priest because of the aesthetic/class identity. Its just kind of lame to see a dude in plate healing your 5man
f-f-fuck YOU! *turns 360 degrees and layers out*
>temporarily increasing spawn rates
>level faster, get more gold and items than I would in actual vanilla
May as well be playing on a 2x private server
A competent one
>You can just whisper your friends
your friends, sure. but what about in-game friends you only added via the social tab?
its some "eurasia was always at war with eastasia" shit. blizzdrones are fucking insane.
This is pathetic, can he even hide the fact that he never played vanilla now? This nigger has been exposed.
fuck being 28, srsly. There's like 3 studios (mostly yuro madlads) that still make the kind of games I like. Fuck'all to play
>watching all the fucking zoomer retards Stockholm syndrome themselves into whatever soulless skinner-box garbage launched recently
>listening to oldfags wax nostigic about some pixelart roguelike metrovania bing bang wahoo autism.
How the fuck do other 25-30 year old Yea Forumsirgins cope?
>fucking hate weeb shit, all you niggas is gay, arrested development written all over. Soft, weak, sentimental bitches. Anime is the #1 catalyst of tranny mental illness. Fact
>fucking hate "cinematic" press "F" to pay respects games
>fucking hate always-online, botnet DRM, 1241234 launchers needed crap
>fucking hate games as a vehicle for political propaganda - instantly loses all appeal, especially the recent switch from subversive and subtle political pandering to overt, overbearing and preachy
>fucking hate corporate culture game development - risk-averse, nickel and dime jewery and creatively bankrupt - same fucking game every year but now with slightly better textures and lightning
As aoe specced mage? not doable in the slightest, not at an efficient level like outside world grinding atleast, most dungeons have mixed caseter/melee pack of mobs making it impossible, with very few exceptions that are hard to get to in the first place. Also, grinding dungeon mobs that are not low level enough to give you xp is also impossible, even plate wearers can't tank a more than 3 elite mobs 5 or 6 levels lower than them by themselves, trust me, I tried.
Go ahead now, tell me how you gonna do it.
Why do people care about sharding so much? It's not always active; it's only active when there are too many people in a zone or area. Realistically they could just not tell you it was there and you'd never know it was happening. You can still group with anyway, you can still message General chat as ask if people want to do X group quest. This really seems like the "fake because" reason for people who weren't going to play the game to have an excuse not to.
mistweaver monk
Already here
/add niggerfaggot
/w niggerfaggot
To [niggerfaggot]: hey dude
>How the fuck do other 25-30 year old Yea Forumsirgins cope?
I havent played a video game since like 2012, when I started college. I bring my hacked psp with me and play emulated MMBN 3 when I go on car trips or plane trips
>you think you do, but you don't
>pretend to give the people what they want, but fuck up in every conceivable way
>heh, told you so :^)
I would rather have a healer who understands the importance of downranking spells than some dude who went on Yea Forums and asked what healer he should play.
i wish i had friends and a guild to return home to
>It's not always active
it's active across the entire server
>and you'd never know it was happening.
another quality thought
please post more you are enlightening
its against the spirit of an MMO to seperate people like that
how is this so hard to comprehend?
stop playing video games if they hurt you so much
The real question is are you going to go 31/0/30 frost or deep frost?
Uhm ahem *tink tink tink tink*
Should I buy a month of sub time for the chance to get into the beta?
>every conceivable way
I mean, if they got rid of the layering altogether I doubt many people would have a problem with how it has progressed.
fuck this company
idiot, by far one of the worst content creators among with alexensual
Don't watch the tipsout interview. Maintain your innocence.
>paying money for THE CHANCE to get into a beta
are all weebs this retarded and subservient?
I'm convinced at this point that Blizzard literally hates money, and whoever is making executive decisions at the top of the company, genuinely just hates humanity and gamers as a whole and wants to punish us all.
I remember one time back in teh day, this one paladin healer didn't go oom once in uldaman I don't think, he wasn't high level even, i think 40 or 41 while msot of the group was between 42 and 44, and we didn't wipe or die once.
I wondered whether paladins were jsut easy mode or the guy was very good and efficient
Might as well go buy lottery tickets if you're gonna throw your money away user.
>go ahead now, tell me how you gonna do it
nice try wrath babby
how much do they pay you to be a retard?
>people think blizzard will be angry if classic is popular
>people think they’ll cancel retail if classic is popular
>people avoid talking about how they’ll be paying blizzard an active BfA sub that will inflate the numbers and make stock holders happy
Go on call me a tranny or zoomer. In the end im not the one giving bluzzard money to play a sharded private server
He's a question. What is the functional difference between you being online with 99 other people, and you being online with 199 other people, but only 99 are visible? Sharding is a smart way to allow larger server populations without running into performance issues. MMOs eventually die; look at retail WoW where the game is empty. By starting with larger populations in the servers it will give them more of a buffer before they eventually become so sparsely populated that the servers die.
>fuck it up in every conceivable way
It really seems like people ITT are actually trying to find reasons to throw their hands up and sperg out. All of this reaction is because of layering? Jesus christ lmfao
I don't know why other people are angry about it, and I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people bitching about it are just people who are jumping on a hate-train, but I specifically don't want it because it kills the feel of the world. If I have access to everything all the time because of sharding, or I'm never put in a situation where I must socialize because I can just do everything on my own, then the whole thing just feels empty. Not being able to do things because of too many players was never a "problem" for people who were interested in playing an MMO. It's only a problem for people who want to play a single-player game with a chat room.
I'm 27 and feel the same way so I just play Starcraft 2 1v1 multiplayer.
Absolutely based. Battle Chip Challenge is fun too.
he does it for free
based as fuck timothy
Can anyone link this layering info? Where does it say you can switch on demand?
Now that I think about it, 2012 or 2013 is probably the last time I actually enjoyed videogames. And even then I was playing older stuff like Dragon Age Origins and New Vegas for the 6th time.
>Starting off the new thread by being a defensive faggot
Nice one dude
>banned for retardphobia "speg" and citing extremist religious figures, the "Jesus Christ" myth.
>WoW is a safe space for all colors and creeds. You will receive an email with further details of how to proceed.
Clearly none of you remember the REAL vanilla launch experience which was servers so overloaded that you had maybe 10% chance of even being able to log in.
Just give them money, guys. They respect you so much.
Fuck off, just join a server that isn't dead