by the way guys i will suck any dick you put in front of me, dont be shy
>a wild Tyler appears
this chink talks too much while saying nothing
all i hear is blahblahblah
why do all amerimongrels do that
he is based
get to the fucking point of fuck off cheezus
stretching time to hit 10 minute mark
Aftereffect from writing too many essays as a college grad.
They're used to padding shit out ad infinitum.
This is the real reason. Don't forget replacing words with more "complex" synonyms to sound smart.
They need a certain amount of minutes for monetization, you dum dums.
most of his videos are far longer than 10mins
>eceleb thread
Report, sage, hide.
Doesn't he have a patreon?
Pretty sure he's not dependent on youtube sheningans.
Why is Yea Forumseddit obsessed with this random gook?
Is it because you were all listening to him during the MGSV hype, and like with Kojima, you now go out of your way to hate him as hard as you can?
If so, I don't understand why mods haven't rangebanned anyone who takes part in MGS or Kojima related discussions, you seem to be the most insufferable fanbase to have ever touched Yea Forums
>every "Yea Forums approved" youtuber.jpg
Doesn't Yea Forums massively hate Kojima now?
You can't have a thread about Kojima without the entire board shitting on him right now, so where's this "fanbase shitting up Yea Forums" that you're talking about?
We hate Hideo, Kojima is the based one.
The ones shitting on Kojima so obnoxiously are precisely MGS fanboys who went full emo after MGSV turned out to be unfinished.
>he deleted the video where he talks about that rage 2 tweet for 10 minutes
>funko pops
jesus fucking christ
你好,我是男人,是的,我是男人小熊维尼男人的Bioware鸡 你好朋友的战利loot boxes早于winnie the pooh时间yoooooooooooooooong out
"This mainstream press is so bad! Now excuse me, I'm going to record some videos where I read the mainstream press news to make money on Youtube."
Has anyone ever had a shittier uglier beard?
I listen to that chink as whitenoise doing other stuff
>funko pops
>game packaging boxes
>"gaming" chair
Holy hell.
I can feel his power level even behind the beta level of the guy in the first row
>Funko pops
>Well, [Triple A company] has done it again.
Half the "news" this guy reports are just reddit posts he reads out in his video for 10 fucking minutes
I can audibly hear the ゴゴゴ coming from that guy.
>isn't he a beggar?
>pretty sure he's not dependent on youtube handouts
Imagine spending your life doing this shit.
Images you can hear
You know I took an interest in him when I saw he was doing some live streams with minimal commentary and thought 'oh look, someone who has a wide perspective on upcoming things' but then it just turned more into 'THIS company is doing this thing to get MORE MONEY. Just imagine THE NERRRRRRRRVE'
Yeah, imagine that, a compnay of all the things on this planet is trying to; wait for it
...make money
This faggot.
>making a shit ton of money putting up videos whining about bullshit publishers and developers are doing
Why aren't you making money Yea Forums? This guy is doing what you have been doing for years.
Why was he so upset about the Fallout canvas bag?
Negativity means views
why is his beard three different colors?
I do not want companies to earn money.
I get far more entertainment from seeing them fail than any videogame they could ever produce.
I used to put that in every one of his videos and he banned me lol
I can't seem to recall this individual's name.
By chance, would any of you posters happen to know it?
Roberto martinis
Angry Joe. You could always just reverse image search that image as well. Retard.
Yong Yea used to be good. Now he just makes articles about negative stuff.
Jim Sterling used to be good, now he's a fat commie. His reviews consists of ''Yeah... it's... fiiiine'' and of ''muh capitalism''
How dumb are you? His name is Pissed Pablo.
You almost got me there but I see through your layers
Niggered Nigel
Yeah me.
So? Who cares? Shitty practice still. You dumb gayfag cunt
there's a video of him jerking off from a few years ago floating around
Jose Furioso
seething marquez
This. People love controversies and shitstorms so he manipulates narratives to fabricate them and bait views. Crafty chink.
Joshed Jack
>supporting free market capitalism is predatory
which one fucking is it trumptards
he has a job, the youtube stuff is a side thing.
and whats the problem with that?...
True on that. Actually only time I've seen him being honest it was when he came out from E3 Cp2077 showcase
it bethesda, there not much to manipulate in the first place.
Nah, that's a pretty good one if he fixes it up just a bit
I like the Swedish guy. Buddycookie or smth like that
>the state of anthem is bad the state of anthem is bad the state of anthem is bad!
he keeps fucking repeating himself in his videos
for someone who does this as a job he can't talk straight worth a damn (notice all the cuts)
and considering he cuts so often you think he would cut out him repeating the same point 3 times
Aggravated Hernandez
>pulls up the article on screen
>just starts reading it
>already read two paragraphs while he's on his third sentence
>realise I can just click the article link in the description and close the video