Xenoblade X is coming to the switch, and sooner than you might think

Xenoblade X is coming to the switch, and sooner than you might think.

>Undocked, runs at 720p, visually looks identical to the Wii U version in literally every way
>some UI changes, some menu changes, screen less cluttered, more information on screen in menus at once, better sorting through to find specific quests, to find creatures that drop specific items, ect
>new combat UI that is a cross (pun intended) between the Xenoblade 2 combat UI and the Xenoblade X combat UI. Saves a lot of screen space when used, great for portable mode. Can switch back to "classic" arts bar in the menu
>camera control has been tweaked to be better, especially indoors and in locations like the barracks, has more in common with Xenoblade 2's camera now
>Docked is still 720p, but has further draw distance, much less pop-in, and better LODs than before. Also better texture filtering. It also has some good Anti-Aliasing which can be enabled or disabled(??? has this been done in a console game before??) in the menus.
>There is an enhanced post game, including a special category of BLADE missions with very hard quests and squad tasks to complete, more Nemesis Monsters, and Challenge Missions.
>cutscene viewer and ability to replay story missions and completed affinity missions has been added to Barracks Console.

That's all I got, see yall at e3

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>tfw believed it until
>That's all I got, see yall at e3

>Xenoblade X
>Wonderful 101
>Shin Megami x Fire Emblem
>Pikmin 3
Those are the WiiU games I hope get ported over to the switch.

Who cares XC1 is miles better

Green bells...

okay but is the character creator any better? I know they cut some stuff in the original English release

Well, after Mario Maker 2 they do need another Wii U port to fill space. They're running out of games though...

>Mario 3D World (not likely but WILL happen)
>Xeno X
>Pikmin 3

What else, really? #FE would be a hassle thanks to licencing issues, no one cares about FF5, Devil's Third... haha

It's a shame that xenogears and xenosaga can't be rerealeased due to belonging to different companies.

>No one cares about DT
Shame I genuinely really liked it, and it would be nice if it managed a resurgence like Tropical Freeze did

There's nothing stopping them from being re-released, it's just up to whether SE or Namco wants to do it.

Does Monolith own Baten Kaitos, even? The games would do with a remaster. Maybe optional JP dub even.


Kinda unrelated but I just wanna say I started XS3 yesterday and this game is fucking great, literally the best of 1 and 2 and then some.
On one hand its a shame you have to go through the other two lesser entries to get to it, but at the same time that's part of what makes it so great. Glad they finally nailed the character designs, too.

I would kill for BK3, both of the games were neat but not all that they could of been. Origins in particular was really fantastic regardless though.
Sadly I'm pretty sure Namco owns the IP. iirc Honne has expressed desires to finish the third entry that was in the planning phase prior to Namco selling the company.

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namco does

Nope. Honne was telling people that if they want BK3, they should be asking Bandai Namco, not just him and Monolith Soft, fairly recently.

Oh, well, then it's fucked unless Nintendo shows an interest in it. Which they will not.

>Shin Megami x Fire Emblem
>Pikmin 3
fuck no

Don't give me hope please

there's a SMT x FE game? I remember a Persona X nu-FE game... imagine how cool and dark an SMT x FE game would be

I can see them releasing a Pikmin trilogy, but only once they finally reveal Pikmin 4.

Never ever

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I can see Bamco being willing to play ball especially if they put KOS-MOS in Smash, and Square would probably dump an eventual PC port of Gears on Switch like they did with the FF PC ports, but that would require Square giving enough of a shit about Gears to port it in the first place. What's never happening though is a Xenogears remake by Monolith Soft, SE and Monolith still fucking hate each-other. A Xenosaga remake is unlikely for financial reasons (it'd most likely sell like shit), but at least Bamco and Monolith are still on good terms with one-another.

but will there be actual goddamn audio options

You'd be surprised, it was by the core team involved with Strange Journey. I haven't got to it yet, but it might be good because of that.

I really tried to like XCX, the setting and story and big world and exploration are really cool, but I found the battle system dull and frustrating. I played until I got a Skell, but when that turned out to play almost exactly the same as on foot I dropped it.
Still, it's a pretty game.

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Uncensored and jap dub and that's the only reason i'd buy it for myself, considering I can otherwise just play my brother's Wii U copy any time.

Jap dub is 200% going to be free DLC. As for censorship it'll probably be a middleground between the NA and JP verions (boob slider and fundoshi returned, but Lin still has modified underoos and less risque versions of armors)

I hope they make the samurai pizza cats playable if they ever port/rerelease the game. They already use weapons and animations that you can access.

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They should add more Skells, get a crossover deal with Sunrise for some Gundams, Then get Xebec to make an Xenoblade X anime to advertise the PLOT and Skells.

I don't care about the yiffbaits I just want to pilot their sick-ass Dolls. Also I want them to revert Skells to Dolls, Mims to B.B.s and BLADE to Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipators. Also bring back the fundoshi and boob slider. Fuck Treehouse and fuck 8-4.

why not? I never played The SMT game, but Pikmin 3 was good. I want a version without the gamepad crap.

Honestly I'd rather they bring Xenoblade Chronicles 1 over first, but I guess they'd just use the "Why don't you buy the obsolete New 3DS to play the worst version of it?" excuse.

>but I guess they'd just use the "Why don't you buy the obsolete New 3DS to play the worst version of it?" excuse.
They're onto something with Wii releases. The Shield in China currently has access to Mario Galaxy and Punch Out, and by now you could play Xeno and Muramasa on the WiiU.

I was just late to it all, and I never got around to it when it was a thing on the Wii. I should just say fuck it and Dolphin it at some point.

You know whats coming to switch?
My dick

Monolith doesnt wanna do it!

What I mean is that they eventually will release something related to the Wii (they wouldn't use the same hardware for 1080p Wii emulation just for China wouldn't they), the question's when.

It's like they don't wanna make money, man. A Mario Galaxy release on the eshop at 15 bucks, even 20, would sell absolute gangbusters.

>Mario Galaxy is already 11 and a half years old
Well I guess they can save that for the 15th annivesary.

Thanks, but if I wanted an ugly and short game on my Switch I'd get Vroom in the Night Sky.

Same here. I was disappointed in the skells' combat even if exploring the world was cool