How important are customization options to you in games?

How important are customization options to you in games?

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>Game has pubic hair slider

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It really just depends on the game.

>pubes onto the mid-abdomen
that's a male hair pattern

you don't want to see the shit i've seen then.

if there's female characters I might make them blonde, flat and blue eyed, other than that defaults are fine.

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Not very important but I enjoyed dressing up in Pokemon X/Y way too much

i used to think they didnt matter to me at all until i played nioh

Gameplay customization is nice. Aesthetic customization isn't super necessary.

i like to spend a lot of time making a cute girl to play as

Basically this , although some games do it better than others. But if you are a PCfag, this is a moot question because of mods.

I don't know why, but 2d girls always look better when they're sweating

Second most important aspect, but not in a "design my character's face and body" way. That's small-fry shit.

I want Lucid to step on my balls.

customisation is a big fucking meme
waste of everyone's time


One of my favorite things to play with. I've probably spent half my 300 hours in Dragon's Dogma on the character creator screen.

make or break
i'm a faggot who absolutely cannot stand set protatgonists. if I can't customize it greatly hampers the game for me
>biggest complaint with shitkiro

more lucid

>game has muscle slider

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Not important I would almost always go with the default character if the majority of them weren't so bland or better yet I would just prefer a character than a cyo. Jumping from shulk to a cyo in xcx was a downgrade in my eyes. But if you mean like visible armor or clothing that you can mix and match I appreciate it

0% if you give me a helmet that looks like shit but as 1 more point of def im going to use that

I don't need it, but I greatly appreciate it. I can spend hours refining my character.