Are you gonna pay $500 for a console that's less powerful than the Xbox Two?
Are you gonna pay $500 for a console that's less powerful than the Xbox Two?
>ps4 back compat
xbox aint got games
Stfu. wait and see you console war dick eater
>Are you gonna pay $500 for a console with exclusives?
of course, I want to play Bloodborne at 4K60fps.
I don't buy consoles at launch. For the PS3 I waited till Slim. For PS4 I waited till Slim. And for PS5 I will wait for Slim.
The first batch of games are cross-gen anyway and then new games for the system take like 4 years to make, so there is no point in ever buying a console at launch. Not to mention the reliability issues with early systems.
Probably not since they started censoring Japanese games. Also because PS4 was a massive disappointment in almost every aspect.
Maybe I'll buy a used PS5 "Pro" later down the line to play the grand total of two worthwhile exclusives.
I will never buy a sony product again until they stop censoring shit for no reason. And I have owned every sony console and handheld.
It'll be pretty shitty when Fromsoft releases a new exclusive, but I'll just borrow the console from a friend down the line. Other than that, there's no reason to own it when I have a PC and Switch.
Sony always wins
>xbox 2
..You mean xbox 360?
I don't care about the power, but hell no I am done with Sony
I refuse to support them anymore
>VR shit everywhere
>all those cinematic story sjw games
No. Fuck off. Never again Sony.
it will be 400 and have games where the xbox 2 will be 500 and will be like 30% more powerful but have no games and everything will be on pc
No, I'll buy one when it's cheaper and has more than a game or two that interests me. Hopefully by then Sony will have forgotten about their new censorship rules.
>censored games
>paid online
>blocked crossplay
>massive inputlag
definitely not. going to stick with pc or maybe xbox can impress me.
If it has good exclusives I will.
I'll get the one that gives me more than five(5) worthwhile jrpgs. So neither.
are you gonna pay $600 for a console with even less games than the xbone?
>only BC to PS4
>no crossplay
>no games
>movie feminist diversity trash similar Gears 5
>mp only games
>weaker than the Anaconda but cost the same amount
If the exclusives are good, it has backwards compatibility and the fan isn't loud as fuck like the Pro then sure.
PC+Switch is the combo to go with from hereon out. All Xbox stuff comes to PC and Sony is no longer supportable given their recent bullshit regarding censoring and VRtrash.
Ah, the furtive virtue signaler in console threads, fighting against the tyrannical injustice of censorship. How noble.
I can't imagine them putting out an exclusive I care about at launch, so no. I'll be waiting until a Slim variant is announced and I'll decide then if the library is worth shelling out for.
This who the fuck is over 18 years old and still wants consoles at launch?
Multiple sources already stated it will be the same price as the PS5 $500, Microsoft considers $500 to be the premium price of a console, not any higher after the success of the Xbox One X. Seethe harder at Sony's price mistake, again.
Level-5 and Platinum might have something in the pipeline. I'm pretty certain the Octopath devs have a PS5 game.
If it has compatibility with PS1 through PS4 like some rumors say then I'm getting it, even if it has nogames. If not then I'll wait it out until a bunch of games I really want come to it add not something I already have.
This. Why even bother with the Switch when you have CEMU.
>muh comfy handheld
The display is shit and there's no blue light filter for night mode
Ratchet & Clank at launch? It seems that way boys.
It's pretty pathetic when this image has been accurate for three console gens already
The PS4 only having one game until 2017 should have been enough of a sign to even the thickest of you to not buy a console for the first few years.
If they give me a Dark Cloud 3/Rogue Galaxy 2 i'll get it just for that one game desu.
>Are you gonna pay $500
If it has even half of what it says it'll be 600 and sold at a loss.
>cries about censorship
>valve outright banning lewd games but it's ok
>Nintendo censoring too
>xbox won't even let lead pedo shit on their system
You people are retarded
I have both. PS4 was an absolute piece of garbage compared to xbone.
Funny because that image didn't exist three gens ago.
What exactly has Nintendo been censoring on the Switch?
They're even allowing Omega Labyrinth in full with all the tiddy rubbing action and climax shit etc. while Sony is censoring it all.
The Sims 5
Kingdom Hearts IV
Dark Cloud III (2022)
Ape Escape 4
Resident Evil
Jak IV (2020)
Tomb Raider
Dragon Quest XII (2021)
Dragon Quest Heroes III
Ratchet & Clank (2020)
Playstation All-stars 2 (2020)
Gravity Rush 3
Tales of Futuria (2021)
WILD ARMS 6 (2021)
Crash Bandicoot
Screencap if you want.
this guy.
I'm surprised no one has made something like the switch handheld mode but with win10/linux and actually good controls it would sell some.
>only three exclusives
Sounds about right.
I meant three gens for Nintendo of course
>believing "multiple sources" on the internet
>thinking microsoft won't be greedy as fuck like always
have fun paying $600 for a paperweight with no games.
Chances are I'll buy an Xbone 2 before I support Snoys recent shenanigans.
And that image still didn't exist three gens ago.
Nah, I'll save up money instead and build me a PC. Any games that are snoy only, I'll just watch on jewtube.
So it can play movies too? Cool!
Ok whatever seething autist
Imagine buying a Censorstation 5 when Sony has fucked up THIS hard in the last year or so.
What purpose is there in buying any xbox when almost all of its exclusives end up on pc because Microsoft?
theres a difference between a few random incidences of censorship which has always happened in gaming for 30+ years now, and sony outright creating a campaign of feminism and claiming its a new standard everyoen needs to follow. stop being a cuck before they infect everyone else please, and thank you.
It's going to bring up Smash Bros and games that were censored 5 years ago, like always.
Keep screeching Nintendies
They end up as windows 10 exclusives.
Saying seething won't make it exist. Or change the fact that it's an edit
Keep sucking corporate dick, snoycuck.
>New Dark Cloud
>New Wild Arms
What's next, a new MediEvil? New Grandia maybe?
How will the Switch run next gen third party games bros...........
Waited 4 years until I bought my PS4. I'm with this guy.
How can a console have less than 0 games?
Will Sony have enough lightbeams left for the next generation?
>implying anyone that's a console-warring faggot doesn't do this on a daily basis
Nintendo is not your friend.
Sony is not your friend.
Microsoft is not your friend.
Valve is not your friend.
Tencent is not your friend.
impulse buying. i admit it, I do it
Not only xbox has more games but it has actual games instead of movies, and won the generation by giving BC,supporting 4k, giving games with better graphics and keeping support with xbox 360 titles for games with gold, sony simply lost this gen, and will start next-gen losing again because of power
Also if someone posts it's all multiplats, i will post the PC section of PSNOW, *Flies away*
Microsoft isn't Sony and they don't need the money.
By actually getting them.
Third party support is already dead for Shitch though
I'm going for Xbox Anaconda and Switch next gen.
Name five current good third party games that a normal person wouldn't just play on the PC instead.
If you can do this, I'll buy a PS5.
Where's Persona 5R and FF7R?
thread theme:
If you're a fucking dork, maybe.
Normal people don't play on PEECEEs
>re-release of a porr
>botched remake
Super Real Mahjong PV
>this censorship is ok and different cause it's not done by Sony!
might as well, I have a decent pc that I don't play games on.
its not okay and everyone fought back against it. now its time for you to stop being a cuck and buying sony products too.
Right. So you concede. You admit that the PS4 is only of any value if you DON'T own a PC.
Fair enough, if you don't own a PC and just want a single "all-in-one" solution for your living room where you watch Netflix and occasionally play video games, go for it. PS4 Pro / Xbox One X are solid then.
But for the majority of people on Yea Forums that's not the case. We own PCs. And not just 20 year old PCs but at least moderately strong gaming PCs. For us these two consoles have almost no value, especially now that so many former PS4 "exclusives" have ended up coming to the PC after all.
I know it sucks to get BTFO this hard, but just take this loss like the grownup you claim to be.
Not allowing games on one's store and altering the content inside of games are different things. I think it's pretty shit that what's allowed on Steam are up the the whims of rogues, but that situation is still different from what Sony's doing.
>this censorship is ok and different
He's not wrong. Nintendo is abiding by CERO's regulations which have gotten stricter recently. Sony on the other hand is acting like a second regulator.
In other words it's not okay but it is different.
It's weird Microsoft pulling off all this cool shit, it's like they actually learned to treat their consumers right or something, but really all these services and more is what can make console gaming unique in the next decade, if PS5 decides to neglect everyone again is gonna hurt them bad.
PC is the most normalfag platform right now, the biggest game on the planet last year was played mostly on PC
>What exactly has Nintendo been censoring on the Switch?
Not him, and I don't play favorites with companies like 99% of the kids here, but NoA still censors dialogue, I just haven't known of them censoring visuals in a while.
yeah, the only thing people don't play on PC is sports games, but they do play sports management games.
This user knows how it's done.
I got my PS4 Uncharted bundle new for around $180 (work discounts, holiday sale, etc.). I did the same for the PSVR and two games for $171.
Also, I spend around $20 or less for all games. Got the new GoW, SoC, Neir Automata, etc. for that price. You have to know how to hunt for bargains and have your paid off credit card ready to fucking pounce when they hit. Took me 3 months this past Xmas to pay off everything I bought...and while it cost me less than $20 interest, I saved several hundred. This is how you use SAVE money.
>All this cherry picking
>All these PS4 games excluded
Wew, way to make your point moot.
Yes. And I'll spend $500 on an Xbox too assuming they each have games that interest me.
>It's weird Microsoft pulling off all this cool shit, it's like they actually learned to treat their consumers right or something
That's what happens when you get knocked down a few pegs. This is why I don't understand why people want to see their favorite companies "winning".
I'm not spending any money on a censorstation 5 unless it has full ps1-4 back compatibility
>but NoA still censors dialogue,
Not really, the best you would have is a handful of things in Xenoblade 2 and that's because it usually doesn't translate directly.
this picture makes my peepee hard
Yeah the games are generally bad for a while after launch and the prices goes down dramatically and the quality of the consoles gets better and you don't know if the console is going to completely flop right away either buuuuuuuuuut you don't want to miss out on incrementally better games than the ones you're playing already, do you?
Don't even try user, consolefags will never admit how much of a normie they are, they think they are hardcore for playing babies first violent/hard game and they will continue to act that way, it's not worth your time
>Not only xbox has more games but it has actual games instead of movies
Who cares
>Crackdown 3
Also on Switch
Soon to be on Switch
>Quantum Break
>Super Luckys Take
>Sea of Thieves
Why didn't you post Sunset Overdrive, the one good exclusive? Also, sorry about Scalebound lmao.
Those are pretty much all of the non shovelware titles on it.
Wouldn't buy a CensorStation even if it was the only option, senpai. Going PC.
>are you going to pay 500 dollars for a console
No, but I'll buy some computer parts.
Stop buying on steam, xbox, Nintendo too then
Sonyfags. Xbots and Nintendofags don't really do that.
ikr, I'm honestly completely done with consoles. I haven't bought one since the xbox 360, 10 years ago, and don't plan on buying one again.
Yeah, they did and then they changed.
At least you can still play it retard, you play games for gameplay right?
Wii U had reasons to keep it alongside PC, though.
Valve is still removing lewd games, xbox isn't allowing them
So what changed?
Thanks for proving him right
Switch is the only console that has more than 2 exclusives I cannot play on the PC but want to play.
Also, it's a handheld, unlike all others.
Those two reasons alone mean it's a much much better companion for anyone owning a PC.
And all the while PC fags portbeg for console games
Not really?
>on switch
Who cares? 90% of Switch games are everywhere else
>muh handheld mode
Good for you.
i enjoyed the ps4 tons more than i did the gen before that. but i'll probably skip it because of shitty censorship and just stick to pc.
>paying to be allowed to buy censored software I could get uncensored other systems
That's a nope from me dawg
Hot take: Sony has no real documented history of censorship so it's unlikely that the current practices will continue beyond the year and so far only seemed to be affecting niche weeb games. In contrast Nintendo has more than 3 decades of documented policies that affected production of everything from niches game to major titles. It's only a matter of time before Nintendo goes Puritan again.
Oh please, the biggest portbeggars on this site have always been sonyfags. It's been almost 10 years and they're STILL begging for bayo 2.
>PS4 pro is weaker than Xbone X
>pro still outsells xbone
Might have something to do with Xbox having no games or something
Delete this. This is a bad post.
Irrelevant to the conversation?
I don't see anyone portbegging for bayo 2 but I see daily threads of fags port begging for persona 5.
>and that's because it usually doesn't translate directly.
Not this again. I can actually read Japanese, I've been translating for the last seven years, professionally for six. I haven't managed to get past chapter four in that game because it bores me to tears, but from what I've played and what I've seen online, there are some changes because things don't translate well, yes, like Tora's "Rex aniki", and some things literally for no reason at all (like when Rex tries to bullshit a registration code when that guy asks him for one in chapter 2, or a couple of lines in the sleepwalking scene), but others are straight up censored. There was some of that in BOTW as well. BOTW's localization was mostly okay barring a few nitpicky bad decisions and some random line changes that were mostly fine anyway, but there were some that were outright censored (for some reason they didn't want anyone talking about body weight). I don't have any other examples because I haven't played anything on the Switch in a while, but don't think for a second that dialogue censorship will ever stop.
>but nintendo
Didn't several polls point that nintendo + pc is actually the most popular combo anyway?
more like dumb take. what exactly do you believe will happen to the sjw activists and california headquarters that makes sony turn around on this issue? you just predicting the future with no explanation?
Keep coping, Switch + PS4 is the GOAT combination.
Your Sony list doesn't even remotely have all of the PS4 exclusives you cherry picking faggot
>It's only a matter of time before Nintendo goes Puritan again.
You do realise that Nintendo's "puritan" actions were due to the lack of a ratings system and immediately halted right after their implementation right?
just buy a pc for that price
Why would I buy a switch when 99% of the library is either ports or shovelware?
>Hot take: Sony has no real documented history of censorship
Sony just recently moved their PS headquarters to California. The censoring started after that. And it'll most likely to continue given their press statements about the censorship. Nothing points at them stopping it or changing their mind.
They no longer want the weeb niche audience. They want the western dudebro who buys epic movie games.
And be apart of the lgbt community? Hell no xchad all the way
>but I see daily threads of fags port begging for persona 5
Sure if you think one guy replying to himself to generate false demand for a port is begging. Meanwhile any time bayo is mentioned sonyfags get excited because they think there's a chance it'll be ported because Platinum is going into self publishing
Have sex
>but others are straight up censored.
And yet in this entire post you couldn't even list one.
Why would it be the goat?
Reasons to buy a PS4:
Persona 5
Why not go Switch + PC instead?
>PS5 is coming out
time to buy a ps4 for dirt cheap finally
get on my level Yea Forums
I have to admit I do kind of regret my ps4 given its just become a YouTube machine. I tend to go back to my ps3 if I have any friends over too because it has way more local multi games.
Sony lied through their teeth for the PS3 release, they did the same for the PS4 release and it baffles me that anyone still believes them now.
Why buy Switch+PC?
>Bing bong and minecraft and LOL
Disgusting. What a waste of money
Whos gonna buy an SJW machine for Americunts
I hate VR shit and I hate censorshit.
Sony is making the PS5 a really tough sell for me. It'd be the first Playstation I wouldn't own, but it might just happen if they continue down this path.
I bought my ps4 off a friend to play GoW and Bloodborne. For $90 bucks total and the enjoyment I’ve gotten from those games, I’d say worth it. But it’ll be a cold day in hell before I squeeze out 500 big ones for what is basically a mediocre PC.
>inb4 muh ray-tracing
I’ll believe it when I see it
Oh, you wanted examples? Okay then. The scene when Poppi talks about a bikini that slowly tears away with damage being changed to some armor or something in English. Dog mode, where Poppi speaks in a very fetishized way by talking like a subservient maid and adding a bark to the end of each sentence being changed to just barks... may have been censorship, or maybe some idiot just thought it was funnier. They tried to obfuscate excactly *what* sort of illegal act gramps thought Pyra was going to commit when they needed money.
>B-B-But you just got those from Censored Gaming!
Not the bit about Rex aniki or Rex bullshitting a Driver registration number. Want a few from BOTW? The tour guide in Hateno says he needs to go on on a diet, changed to "I don't have the pep for tours like I used to", the guy who asked you to donate 500 rupees to the Tabantha Great Fairy says "I bet she's slender and beautiful", yet "slender" was removed from the English version, as was the bit in Purah's journal about her assistant looking at her with a lewd look in his eyes when she de-aged back to a teenager. Yet they actually added sexual jokes in the localization, like the "I didn't know this was THAT kind of honeymoon spot!" text and the lonely arrow girl's journal entry.
Splatoon 2
Bayo 2 and soon 3
Smash Bros Ultimate
Kirby Star Allies
Mario XCOM
Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime 4
are a better offering than
God of War
Persona 5
soon Death Stranding
You forgot the Last Guardian, SotC remake, Gravity Rush 2, Odin Sphere, every KH game in HD, GoW, HZD, Dreams, Lost Soul Aside, a version of NieR Automata that doesn't run like ass, active communities for multi-player games, etc, etc.
PC seems to be focused on flavor of the month shit, modding old games, indies which the Switch does better, and emulating older consoles. The only true objectively better experience the PC offers is in FPSes.
The cope of this retarded Xfag lmao.
P5 isn't exclusive so take that one off
Well it is a sony exclusive for now, maybe it'll change
PS5 will be censored
Why not both??
A non brainlet. Rare.
>Waiting for the Slim on the PS4 when the Pro exists.
If you're going to be waiting for the PS5 Slim instead of the PS5 Pro since now it's confirmed everyone's doing this shit then that's ridiculous.
love how people post this even though its an edit of the original.
>They tried to obfuscate excactly *what* sort of illegal act gramps thought
Except they both conveyed the same thing. Also the dog thing wasn't intended to be lewd in the original, seems like you just want to hear things that aren't there.
Oh and as for Botw, don't cut out lines.
Also gatekeeping yourself like that just goes to show that you like to shitpost a lot about this particular subject and know what kind of arguments to expect and how to respond to them most likely in a ciclical way until someone gives up or the thread 404s because this is 4chsn and its what everyone like you does.
So I guess you can have this "win" because I'm not in the mood.
>You forgot the Last Guardian, SotC remake, Gravity Rush 2, Odin Sphere, every KH game in HD, GoW, HZD, Dreams, Lost Soul Aside, a version of NieR Automata that doesn't run like ass, active communities for multi-player games, etc, etc.
That you have to mention remakes and two games that aren't even out (by the way, Lost Soul Aside is coming to PC too, sorry that Sony likes to mislead its userbase) plus nier just because should make you stop and think.
I honestly expect SE to release KH for PC too.
This only applies to people who like Zelda and Mario, many do not care
Japanese studios will be closed by Amerimutts anyway. Lol at those who still believe Gravity rush will get the new one.
>Stink of the wild
>Mario:a cuck's tale
>Pedoplatoon 2: babbies first shooter
>Not DMC
>Can't play smash, because I like to shower
>Kirby Star Faggots
>XCOM with no sexy sneks, but fucking ugly rodents
>Mario Kart 8 in the year of our Lord and savior, CTR:NK, best played on PS4 Or Xbox
Shitposting aside, I do really want to play tropical freeze, and Mario Maker 2 has that infinite potential for great creativity. The fact of the matter is, there just aren't enough switch exclusives that I really want to play. Also you forgot Monster Hunter Generations U
Yes I did and I hate myself for it because MHGU is fucking great.
no because I got memed into buying a ps4 after waiting 6 years for it to get a measly 5 games I wanted and then the censor issue happened. Getting a ps4 made me realize how great PC gaming is again and I'm due for a new build.
>Except they both conveyed the same thing.
They both conveyed that an illegal thing may have been in the works, but it wouldn't have been hard to translate "You're not planning to sell yourself, are you?" into English and still sound natural. Could've gone with something like "You're not planning to use your body to--" or something. It was an intentional change make it less obvious for younger players, but obvious enough for older players. I've done it too, I know how it works. You can argue that it's a fine workaround, but that's not the argument here.
> Also the dog thing wasn't intended to be lewd in the original
Did you miss all the jokes about Tora being a pervert with a loli maid robot that has fetish features? Do you not know how having girls bark like a dog is fetishized in Japan?
>Oh and as for Botw, don't cut out lines
>Also gatekeeping yourself like that just goes to show that you like to shitpost
Again, what the fuck are you talking about?
>So I guess you can have this "win" because I'm not in the mood.
Not trying to win shit, just trying to educate people, which can be a lot like pulling teeth much of the time. A couple decades ago people were more open to learning about changes in localization (to the point where they'd take anything as fact and misinformation like "Fierce Diety Mask" in Majora's Mask being a supposed mistranslation still gets brought up), but nowadays a lot of people get an idea in their head that a localization for a game they like is accurate and will do any sort of mental gymnastics they have to to prove that it isn't. I just don't get it, I don't understand willful ignorance.
last i checked, ratings systems were firmly in place all over the world during the wii u era.
also, last i checked, sega didn't use the lack of a ratings board as an excuse to censor their games like nintendo did back in the day.
This thread is post after post of Xniggie begging people not to buy a PS5 in desperation
You mean the Exbox Dos.
I don't care about which console is more powerful, I care about exclusives. This is the reason I'm going to pick the PS5. Xbox is nothing more than a console for 12 years old shitlords.
I never understood buying at launch, I only play consoles for the exclusives to be fair but you might as well wait for a bunch and not play 60$ for the original then more for DLC instead of a GOTY version
Pathetic insult man. Do you even know how many users steam alone has, if fromsoft doesn't want more money I can't force them to take it
>>ps4 back compat
PS5 can't lose because of those Marvel exclusives.
Some games, mostly online ones, are only really fun while they are new and fresh and active.
PS5 is gonna have censorship built into its back compatibility. They'll do what Xbox does and only let through some games so they can exclude the "icky" ones.
I have a feeling that these consoles will not run games at 4k, but instead at 1440p and then upscaled
One fucking Wired article.
It's the one I always go for first as someone who plays PC most, then the moviestation if an exclusives actually look good
Based xbro. Basedfags can't refute what you said
>buying sony products in 2019
lmao no
This is bullshit, but i want in screencap.
>missing out on a midnight launch that can only be experienced once per generation just so save a few extra bucks
I’m guessing you’re also one of those people that never partied during their youth in order to save their money and do nothing with it when they retire?
Well it won't even be out in 2019.
>Not only xbox has more games but it has actual games instead of movies
then why does your graphic only have pc games, "cinematic experiences" like gears and quantum break, and old games from previous generations?
>and won the generation
ps4: 96 million units sold and counting
xbone: btfo so badly that they stopped reporting sales figures years ago
>Also if someone posts it's all multiplats, i will post the PC section of PSNOW, *Flies away*
streaming a game off a ps4 in a datacenter somewhere is not the same as actually playing it directly on pc.
>All of those xbone games besides forza are shit, who are you trying to fool?
>Sunset Overdrive, the one good exclusive
I go to actual parties at midnight nerd it's 2014 who cares?
If I wanted "power" I would buy a PC
and it's the only decent game on that list, better than 99% of the nintendo exclusives. Bloodborne is the only other game on that list I could be care enough to finish
persona is just a shittier smt
>This amount of projection from Viral marketers
It's happening again, isn't it?
PS5 will be even more successful that PS4. It's not a fluke, people love PlayStation infinitely more than they do Xbox.
I don't surround myself with gamer culture and never felt any need to.
What do you want me to stop and think about? Didn't know LSA wasn't exclusive, so what? Those don't count?
>KH for PC too
Sure, along with Persona 5 right?
What if I don't care about those 2 games? Also worse case, emulate (:
I'd be retarded not to.
Power is irrelevant as long as there isn't a literal generational gap, and we know for a fact both consoles will use the same AMD GPU/CPU tier because... well that's all there will be in 2020. After that feel free to add or subtract a teraflop, who cares?
Furthermore I already own a Xbone2 because I own a PC and we also know for a fact Xbox won't EVER get a single exclusive ever again.
Ah yes, what a way to show those console fags that their games are shit by going out of your way to play them. You can literally emulate P5 right now, btw.
The fact that you'd do it all only serves to further my point: PC fags only care about flavor of the month shit, indies, modding old shit, and emulating games their "superior, objectively better hardware" never got.
>Horizon Zero Dawn 2
>Bloodborne 2
>Spiderman 2
>God of War: Ragnorok
>Gran Turismo 7
>Killzone Reboot
>Uncharted Reboot
>New Naughty Dog IP
>New Project Siren IP
>New Sony Bend IP
>New San Diego studio
>About to buy Insomniac, Remedy, Supermassive Games and Kojima Productions
>4.1k 61 fps
>VR with actual games
>Will be backwards compatible
>Already has a streaming service while everyone else is trying to make one
PS5 finna dab on Xcucks
>literally half of $1,000
fucking ridiculous
>Console Ports
I'm literally playing a game that came out a week ago
You do not need to spread your buyers remorse I had a PS3, It had 3x the system sellers the PS4 did. Consoles used to be the shit, now shits everywhere might as well not have to pay for internet access.
I own a PS4, almost any game I bought the system for ended up on PC. Ontop of that sony thinks they're my mom and that they should censor games for me. The PS4 was a massive disappointment for me and as a result I will not bother with a PS5 next gen, neither will I buy a "xbox two" though. I'll just stick with my PC.
I don't think you get the draw of consoles.
Physically owning copies of games and portability. Some people want a dedicated machine to playing games while they use their pc or laptop as work/youtube machines.
Also not begging for PC ports while you emulate old console games and post smug anime when you finally get them. :^)
Depends on what kind of backwards compatibility it has.
>console cuck shit like Horizon Zero Sales
>not flavor of the month
>Sure, along with Persona 5 right?
More like along with FFXV
Doesn't have God of War though
>gears V has a cover art now
Xbox is back baby
Eh I'd say Persona 5 had better quality than most of the recent SMT titles. There hasn't been a good SMT since Devil Survivor
who is begging we want to buy the games and support the devs you console babies claim are "the best". Imagine how many sales a movie would lose if it was only released in select theaters vs all theaters that's what console exclusives are besides when they are used to justify the existence of the console like SIE games.
>buying a pissstation at all
You were still ripped off.
>You do not need to spread your buyers remorse
You do not need to project yourself to me. I don't regret owning a PS4, in fact, it was a fucking fantastic purchase since I liked this generation much better than the last one. Getting a Switch was replicating that feeling all over again, and what's best is that I've played some of the best games ever made on those two systems. I don't care if Sony censors shit, because seeing an asscrack or a an anime girl in underwear does nothing for me. If I want to fap, I'll just go read doujins. I'll still wait and see what the PS5 has to offer, and will wait at least two years before deciding if I should buy it or not. The Switch'll be keeping me busy during that time.
i refuse to buy any sony product after the cancer they've brought into gaming this gen
>have games
>cinematic tps experience no. 115398
Looks like feminist garbage.
It has backwards compatibility so yes I'll buy it.
Xbone doesn't have any games I'm interested in so even if it's powerful it literally doesn't matter. Besides if I want to play games on fucking max settings 144fps, I'll play on my pc.
It will only have BC to PS4 and that's it, nothing else.
Absolutely not, unless there's a MAJOR change in their vision regarding censorship. I'll probably switch to PC (which isn't only Steam btw unlike some fags here seem to think) + nintendo.
nigga who the fuck said shit about censorship I do not care on PC I'll mod it back in so you might as well just not censor it. And Nigga this decade was a desert, how could you disrespect the beauty that was last gen on all platforms.
There's literally only 1 worthwhile game on that list and it hasn't even been confirmed.
Does it have Halo or Metroid, there you go.
If you want to support the devs, but not buy the system it's developed for, then you must not want to support them that much.
That's enough for me. I have tons of PS4 games I want to be able to play.
The only game PS4 has is Bloodborne and that's it.
Whatever you say, man.
All games are made on PCs, I'm paying for their labor in creating the orignal story and assets, and porting it to work on my PC easily. I don't have to support the PS4 for it. I'm glad I get to buy Yakuza for cheaper, support the devs, play the best version and not have to support Sony in the process. I will only give as much as I get, they are not my friend. No game on PS4 Worth 400$
I just got Overwatch like two months ago for 20 bucks and have been having a blast with it.
Last gen was the drought. Only good shit I can think of
>New Vegas
>Dude Sex HR
>Lost Planet 2
>Eternal Sonata
Drawing blanks.
>It's not flavor of the month shit if it's on PC!
HZD wasn't flavor of the month shit, like everything you fucking play you fat beta faggot.
See, the big difference is that SE ported a shit game. No way they'll port KH3. The series has never left consoles and never will, as per Nomura.
The power thing doesn't bother me but censnoyship is the issue that will stop me.
I'll buy the PS5 if From SoftWAE, Kojima or Yoko Taro releases an exclusive game for it.
It very much was fotm shit, game had no lasting appeal since the west can't make any console game that doesn't appeal to retards, PC is 100% western territory and also where all the games that are made for people that actually like games go.
>mentions gears but no Halo 3
>Weeb trash don't bring up PS3 Yakuza
2000-2009 >>>>>> 2010-2019 I was there for both bro lol not just games, film, TV, cartoons, Anime, all objectively more entertaining than what is "new". I blame the Recession and current world politics for it.
>includes classic xbox games but no ps2 or ps3 games
It's cause you know xbox has no games right? Also all those xbone games are shit except cuphead.
Ok, that's you. Some people think that there are games that are worth $400 or whatever the bundle price is.
Personally, I don't think there's a game that's worth $80 but some people do.
>not Halo 3
Kill yourself, even Halo 4 was better than that pile of shit since it's still a video game.
its called the xbox two cause you take two looks at it, turn 360 degrees and walk away
I'll buy 5 of them if they man up and call it the Xbox 720
It's going to be called Xbox, don't know why people keep calling it the Xbox Two.
Never cared about Halo, you also just made me remember AssCreed II. Besides, my Xbox got RROD, which made me fucking MS and I went back to owning a PS3 despite all my friends having 360s. Can't believe I also forgot Demons Souls and Dark Souls
>cares about the crap pile that is Gears but doesn't care about Halo
You what?
Xbox Ten so it matches with their operating system, don't underestimate how desperate nu-Microsoft is to force their shit.
Nope, just Xbox, they're not going by generations anymore, everything is going by one banner now, Xbox.
I don't care about Halo. I'm not going to play a fucking FPS because of the story. Who has time for that shit?
Who has time for feminism of War? Gears should have been a Sony series, it fits the bill of being a shitty generic third person movie made for fags.
Whats the point of this picture?
More like xtranny.
Not me, I dropped the series at 2, but I enjoyed it while it lasted since it was the only time I played online with friends. Sounds like you're much more intimate with Feminism in Gears, as I have no idea what you're talking about.
>dude Sony movie games lmao
Ah yes, good little drone. What else did Yea Forums culture teach you to say?
After the censorship shit; Xbox all the way.
>he says this while he activetly defends a company making games for fags and trannies
>defending Sony's cinematic BS
I was already tired of Gears by Gears 2.
This but with PS4 & PC every time Xbox is mentioned.
This is only accurate if you're interested in PC gaming, I never was so for me it's just Xbox and Switch. People have to stop shoving PC in the console market in these threads.
Let's see, I have roughly 80 games in my PS4 digital library, all of which will be playable on day one with increased performance, decreased loading times. Likely GT7 with full VR support and/or FFVII will be a launch title. And Bloodborne 2, Spider-man 2, God of War 2 and Gravity Rush 3 and the rest of FFVII are all but guaranteed to be on the PS5. And in contrast, Xbox has.... Halo and Forza. Cool beans.
Personally I'll be ordering whatever the most expensive version of the PS5 is on release date. Hopefully they drop a PSVR2 bundled version because now that VR is slowly becoming better and the hardware power is finally there, AND Sony is the only game company demonstrating a serious devotion to VR gaming.
I'm sure no matter what it costs, brand loyalty alone will give PS5 one of the biggest console launches of all-time.
PS5 ain't going to do shit if its reveal is shit.
This is the funniest bait.
>Instead of 15 really awesome critically acclaimed games you can have 150 mediocre and SHIT games that nobody gives a fuck about!
I literally see nothing on the Xbox that warrants me buying one. Xbox isn't a console seller.
>I was already tired of Gears by Gears 2
Doesn't sound like it by your feminism complaint, but sure, whatever you say.
Gravity Rush 2
Odin Sphere
The Last Guardian
and Spiderman sure were cinematic. Didn't touch the controller once, no sir.
>valve outright banning lewd games
>steam is the only place to get games for pc
T.Yea Forumstard with 0 experience with PC
they're the same market and if you believe otherwise you should wonder why anyone who posts on Yea Forums wouldn't want to be an "enthusiast" gamer like PC gamers are apparently
Look at the people in that picture you fucking faggot. You're one of them. Sad.
It took me until 2014 to even buy Gears 3 just to finish the shit show when I get the Xbox Anaconda, Gears games are the only first party games I'm not getting, Microsoft shouldn't have brought this franchise, it ruined third person games.
Not unless it can play my PS1 & 2 & 3 games upscaled to 4K,
Specially lewd games, who the fuck ever had Steam as their first option to look up an h game?
Yeah fuck them and their fun.
Also have sex
No, they're not, when a Sony faggot brings it up in a console thread it just sounds like it's out of desperation. PC has it's own issues to deal with with the Epic and Steam stores.
I have a gaming PC. I'm not gonna get a Xbox lol
I'll probably skip the first PS5 and get the second version. Unless PS5 has a bunch of absolutely must play games coming out early
>Brag about PC playing anything at 1080p 60fps and above
>haha bro just build a subpar PC 500$ is just enough
People who have disposable income
This is extremely doubtful though. Unlike MS, Onions understands what its consumers want and cater to them. 100 million sold speaks for itself.
I probably have a better pc than most of Yea Forums, have a 144hz monitor and yet I hate PC gaming.
I spend like $2000 a year on console games, all 100% digital. No regrets whatsoever. If you didn't have a Switch or PS4 over the last few years, you basically completely missed all the best games of 8th gen.
Breath of the Wild, God of War, Spiderman, Bloodborne, Mario Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, Xenoblade 2, Persona 5, Bloodborne just to name a few. Outside of fighting games, roughly 95% of all my favourite gen 8 games are ALL console exclusives. And fighting games are always a vastly better experience on consoles (tried SFV, Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Xrd on PC, complete waste of money, PSN is where its at).
Consoles are here to stay, they're going absolutely nowhere. Outside of fps and rts games, playing games on pc sucks. People like you don't understand it no matter how many explanations you're given, but the vast, vast majority of gamers just want a solid console with great exclusives.
Is there any real news about next gen? I just want 4k, 60fps and 4k disk drive. If they get rid of physical games and do "games as a service" bullshit, then I quit.
Ted Bundy was just having fun too asshole.
Or you buy the 279$ 8gig RX Vega 56, undervolt and overclock it and play some games at 4K Medium 60fps like the consoles are planing too.
Normies have been getting pissed at Sony, after Microsoft delivers t E3 this year, Sony is fucked, their absolute State of Play is already considered shit.
>Post Specs
Why'd you build it if you hate it?
PC SFV has crossplay with PS4 and you get to play it at 120fps
>Breath of the Wild, God of War, Spiderman, Bloodborne, Mario Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, Xenoblade 2, Persona 5, Bloodborne just to name a few.
Bruh you're so brainwashed by Sony you said Bloodborne Twice. I had a Wii U with no gamepad for smash bros, an Xbox One, A PS4 for 2 Weeks and a PC guess which one I didn't sell? Ayuph PC does it all. I missed nothing on the consoles
More like people that like to waste their money on hardware that has a greater chance of breaking, let's not forget how awesome Sony servers are at the launch of their consoles.
>Normies have been getting pissed at Sony
Source your ass
Yea Forumsintendo can't handle another generation of Sonydomination. They just got back on their feet.
Those Xbox games are BC. PS2 & PS3 doesn't have BC with the PS4
>the TPS that popularized TPS
State of Play is still considered shit.
Nintendo themselves haven't been censoring anything recently as far as I know. They only ever seem to censor things when the ratings boards tell them that they have to these days.
Yes, it's very generic.
>PS4 compatability
>15x faster loading times
Damn straight I'm buying one.
why are people acting so certain that the next xbox will be more powerful?
Because everyone says it's more powerful.
It's the Seinfeld effect, but with cover-shooters.
>BC with a console I already have
[citation needed]
again, source your ass
It’s going to be basically a windows machine that plugs into your TV. It’s going to have Steam
>God of War
I swear if I ever get a PS4 and these games don't make my brain explode with how fun they are I'm gonna shoot someone, shit like GoW and a licensed game wouldn't have been taken this seriously a decade ago, and I enjoyed both PS2 GoW games and the usual decent licensed game back in the day but the praise feels ridiculous.
I've bought every Playstation and Xbox at launch and none of them failed me except for the PS2 Disk Read Error when it was old as dirt
And buying the console when the servers are shit and buying it when the servers gets fixed is the same thing.
There were also rumors that the PS4 was going for 4K.
Playstation was never the most powerful console of the generation (until PS4) in fact the PS2 was the weakest out of the big ones.
MS said so and that's all info anybody needs. 2013 was a mistake, Dumb Mattrick got fired, MS pumping more money than ever on their gaming division (PC included).
And that really means shit when the Xbox Anaconda will do more.
True but the PS4 proved with initial sales it really didn't need that many games to beat Xbox out of the gate, though that is 100% on Microsoft for fucking up so bad. I think if Xbox has 2-4 good games at launch, and the console can run some kind of Windows so it can support Steam they could put serious pressure on Sony. It makes the most sense considering it is Microsoft and they have the Windows Store as well.
This. I use my PC for actual exclusives (Starcraft and CSGO)
other than that its just console ports
The PS4 was 25% less expensive AND 25% more powerful.
>I think if Xbox has 2-4 good games at launch
Well if that happens but I very much doubt that
Consoles still lack a lot of western RPG though.
the xbox will undoubtedly be more powerful even if it costs more. they want that enthusiast market. i'll probably buy that console because of the extra power. most normies will buy whichever the cheapest console is though.
No, I'll buy a new graphics card for my pc probably. I'm surprised how well my 1080 is holding up, still max settings on literally every new game to come out at over 60 fps.
Until I see Sony turn about on their recent retardation, or at the very least see something about a Gravity Rush 3 then no. Hardware power is a nonfactor for me, it always has been. I care more about the potential games I'm gonna get and I'm not so sure about Sony's recent output.
Why buy it though? It's just a weaker PC and it doesn't get the Japanese games that the Playstation gets. Any exclusives it will have are probably going to be on PC so there really isn't a point.
Normies just buy the better advertised one, PS4 won by default because no one even remembers how they were selling the xbone, wii U had the most retarded name ever while Sony had their 4theplayers campaign and didn't confuse costumers.
Normies don't give a fuck about power anymore, One X barely made a dent in PS4 sales
>It's just a weaker PC
as is every console bar the switch which is a weaker tablet.
>nd it doesn't get the Japanese games that the Playstation gets.
couldn't care less about japanese games and neither does 99% of everyone else in the west hence why japanese games are always constantly outsold by ass creed, fifa, cod, gta, far cry etc.
> Any exclusives it will have are probably going to be on PC so there really isn't a point.
99% of console games from the last 2 gens have been on pc yet the console market is still booming as re multiplat sales. i want this xbox because my friends are getting it for halo infinite and i honestly can't be fucked for pc's right now.
The lack of confidence from the Xbox community is concerning. Phil's got this, remember?
Every Playstation has been weaker than its Xbawks counterpart, yet every Playstation has ended up being the superior system.
Mictosoft can fuck off.
the ps4 pro didn't even make a dent in ps4 sales.
new gen is not the same as a half gen refresh.
Modern wRPGs are a travesty, not a big loss
Make it run a version of Windows 10 so it can support Steam and PC games, give it mouse and keyboard support. Normalfags can have their dude bro fifa machines and the more enthusiast crowd who can't afford a full fledged gaming pc will finally get a taste of pc gaming. Everyone wins. The only problem would be preventing piracy.
Horsepower doesn’t matter.
Software does.
I thought the Switch was gonna be another bummer like the Wii U, because of it’s low-end hardware, but it’s quickly becoming my favorite platform because of great retro games, cool indies (none of that artsy hipster wank), tasteful Japanese experiences and lots of SHMUPs.
Whomever delivers the best games next gen are the one I’m gonna back.
Oh shit, when did this image get updated?
>Whomever delivers the best games next gen are the one I’m gonna back.
this is subjective. i bought games like uncharted 4, horizon, god of war from sony and they are the highest rated games however i found them to be complete garbage.
spiderman is the lowest rated game of all of them and found it to be the best one of them all.
Nope, im buying the next Xbox, i dont give a single fuck about the GayStation.
Dime a dozen insults like these would be worth a chuckle at your expense once upon a time. Nowadays, though? I can't even say you're wrong.
>Are you gonna pay $500 for a console
After the whole red ring of death and kinect thing I'll just stick to a playstation even if they're on a censorship spree
remember when Neversoft made a fucking goddamn Spiderman game and it was glorious? Insomniac's Spidey is ALMOST the same(in the glorious aspect)
I'm not particularly looking forward to spending half a grand on a console but if I did I'll go for the one with the superior engineering which is the xbox. I've used the xbox one, x and ps4, pro. The xboxs are whisper quiet (even the OG one) whereas I have to clean out my ps4 og twice a year to keep the fans from sounding like a jet engine. The comparison between the pro and x is a mismatch because the engineering of the x is massively superior. Smaller, quieter and more powerful. It's like Sony didn't even try with the pro.
But yeah I'll go with the better engineered one which will most likely be xbox
>does it have games I want to play?
If no, then no.
My Original Run PS4 still works great after all these years. I hope the hardware quality is back but the world has gotten shittier since then and so have the fab plants. We’ll see.
>More then half the switch games listed are ports
You know I like the switch but this makes me think..
PS4 had no games yet I bought it and only really played Bloodborne. I think I agree that the Xbox 360 really was the last good console, we basically have to stick to PC since it's the only one that gets fun games anymore.
i think i might be done with consoles in general.
>seems to be doing everything it can to kill itself by pissing off devs and the customer base
>just kind of there
>doing the best so far, but still doesn't have much going on
things are weird
>trys to be intelligent
>sounds like a butthurt retard