Thith ith Aerith. Thay thomething nithe about her.
Thith ith Aerith. Thay thomething nithe about her
Other urls found in this thread:
Still upset, I see
It's Aerith, just like it's Sephiroth.
Just call her whatever you like ffs, it's like the whole PSX vs PS1 argument all over again
The is bwutiful, no mattu how wu thbbbbpell it
There isn't really an argument since PS1 is correct.
Nith tith
And so is Aeris.
and so is PSX, call whatever you like.
SE finally caved and put Gackt in one of their games, when are they gonna do the same for Meg Ryan and Ellen Degeneris?
Why do you faggots get triggered by the th sound? That's how it was originally spelled in Japanese concept art and magazine spreads. Aeris was just a typo by the translation team.
Are you guys fucking retarded?
Calling it just a typo is fucking stupid, it's the name of a major character, it was clearly deliberate.
But the fact is it doesn't matter. They put the game out and her name is Aeris. Retconning it into something that sounds fucking stupid isn't going to go over well.
It just doesn't sound like a bad name, Terra and Tina is an even bigger difference but people don't mind calling her Terra because it sounds good and still fits her character, obviously people that complain about other guys saying th are retarded but Aeris is the least of the problems with the original FF7 localization after all.
They're incels.
Final Fantasy VII was shock full of translation errors, nothing in that script was "deliberate". It's localization nightmare has dozens upon dozens of articles about it.
>aerith sounds more stupid than aeris
what bizarro world do you live in, retard
The game was translated by one person.
He very well could have realized it was mis-translated about half way through but couldn't undo it as it would have been a waste of time.
Alright, if they name Aeris/Aerith wrong in the remake Squeenix is fucking finished.
It's not Aeris or Aerith.
By looking at the original katakana, we can find the truth.
She's Aerith in the new trailer, you can see it during the combat scene with her.
>Spell it "Aerith"
>Pronounce it "Aeris"
You are all puppets.
Her name is Aerith, you can read up where someone said her name is a portmanteau of Earth and Aether.
Fuck off, Jenova.
Why? The character’s names in dialogue can be whatever the player wants. All he would have to do it change what her name defaults to in the name selection menu.
Her name is Aeris, you can play the game.
Hi Mike Tyson
This post are sick
I mean, imagine humans being at each others throat for years over a spelling of a name.
I can't wait for the plot twist where you can send Tifa to the sephiroth kill spot instead of Aerith
Her name is Aerith, you can eventually play the new game with more accurate translations.
Her name is Aerith in Crisis Core too, and that's been out for a decade.
Mike Tython
Cloud loves Aerith
It’s not a spelling issue, it’s a translation issue. Japanese kana is phonetic with very few pronunciation differences between how it’s written and how it is spoken. The problem is Japanese is missing so many phonetic that writing loan words leads to retarded pronunciations. For example, Star Platinum from JoJo part 3 is suta purachia becuase they don’t sounds to recreate the word platinum. DMC 1 famously had Nelo Angelo, which was suppose to be Nero Angelo, as in black angle(super edgy I know). But even the he remakes left it has Nelo becuase some translation errors have become iconic. There’s a reason ff4 ds kept the “you spoony bard” line. It’s why Tina is still Terra in all English localizations.
Aerithfags will never stop deluding themselves with scenarios where she lives it seems, I still remember back them faggot little shits spreading all kinds of rumors and Aerithfags seriously trying them all methods for her to survive.
Yes then she died, so he rembered everything after the mako coma and went on to love Tifa more.
>It’s why Tina is still Terra in all English localizations.
You mean...Terra is supposed to...
I grew up with Aeris (and think it sounds much better), but have come to accept that Aerith was the intended version.
I want to fuck that flower.
Fuck off Tyson.
>the virgin Aerithfag
>the Tifa Chad
Fuck you, Mike is a cool guy now.
>bad translated game in period of time known for awful localizations is right
Shut up you fucking biased retard, it's Aerith, cope.
>It’s why Tina is still Terra in all English localizations
You could say it tries to keep some of the intention behind the name choice too. They chose Tina because in japan that is an exotic foreign name to go with the characters exotic, not quite from this world aspect. In the west that would just be a common as fuck name.
Don't ever listen to 'literal translation' spergs that don't understand good localisation means conveying the meaning of the words more than the literal translated equivalent of the words
I like this part of the song
Who the fuck cares what her English name or what the subtitles say. The characters are gonna be saying エアリス anyway.
She clearly has a S sound at the end. Aerith fags BTFO.
It wouldn't surprise me if they originally named her Alice and they just sperged out later in development.
How come FF7 is way better than every other FF?
It kinda worked in the games favor in a weird way. A lot of story points were signposted but the translation made you miss them
Her name was confirmed to be a pun for the word earth in Japanese, same pun for her english, It's obviously Aerith but you can think whatever you want to cope
Reminder that Tifa was only added because they decided to kill off Aeris and needed another hole
It really isn't. Play it again, it's a half finished buggy, ugly, held together by glue, mistranslated mashed up mess with an awful plot. 6,8, 9 & 10 are all much better and much more polished games.
aerith description from the KH wiki
It’s just nore than the sum of its parts which the other games kind of struggled with.
A lot of them do specific things better than 7 but lack the “complete package” feeling
Everyone that cares about the name spelling is a filthy dubfag, just ignore these shitty threads and arguments.
I want Gackt back. Gackt is cool.
No 6,8, 9 & 10 are all very weeb and anime and I hate them. FF7 is literally the only FF game I like.
Then you're just a normie.
Has a lot of the same problems as 7 and a less interesting ensemble
Just no
Very good but incredibly slow and pulls a lot of silly narrative cards like Necron
You like it because it tries hard to be dark and edgy and that appeals to pea brains
Should i emulate FF7 if i've never played any FF game?
All of your opinions are trash because you think FF7 is good.
Do some autistic people actually have difficulty pronouncing Aerith?
How is 6 too anime? It just doesn't feel as americanized as the games after VII but it feels more grounded than most stuff from VII which is wacky as fuck like half the game.
Is it going to be Fire 2 and Fire 3 and not Fira Firaga?
No it's extremely overrated. Try playing Final Fantasy VIII
I think the ports are fine and I like the crisper graphics
Just go for it
I want to hear that scene with the original japanese voices.
>Her name was confirmed to be a pun for the word earth in Japanese
Where was this confirmed? I grant you that it would make sense.
Get the PC version and mod it. I played it with replaced models and I think there's an asset upscale mod now too.
>her name is Aerith because its supposed to sound like Earth or something.
Bravo Sakaguchi
It's not that FF7 is great or anything is just that the other ones are even worse, X, VIII, XII, IV are all shit)
That’s a criticism I disagree with at least wrt 6.
I think 6’s biggest issue the cast is twice as big as it should be, making a lot of the characterization and development a little meh
The ports are no good. Up-rendering in games like this looks like dog shit.
Why is Zack better than Cloud?
That's the usual japanese way of picking names for the characters, it HAS to mean something.
3d models on 2d backgrounds are pure soul
Are these mods on steam or do i have to go to a special website?
>tfw I changed it to Aerith on my first n
The'th abtholutely thtunning!
Doesn’t look like my pc or switch version so idk what’s up there
Not raised by a single mom
Like all names mean something.
I thought it was Daffy Duck myself.
You got bad eyesight. This pic here is official from the Steam store page.
Will they go with crisis core version or ff7 version of zack death for the flashback?
Will she die again?
Hes not
Yeah but it also has to be self referential to the story of the game.
>b-b-but japan pronounces it aerisu
sephiros is my favorite villain
play on pc with the ai upscaled backgrounds mod
the AI upscale mod is pointless. it doesn't look any better than the original assets.
>they insist it's Aerith in all materials from now on
>they still flip flop on whether it's Orthos or Ultros for everybody's favorite octopus
Just be grateful that FF localization isn't fanfiction like many JRPGs that blatantly change names because it;s not american enough.
For me it's PS1 version on CRT, that's pretty much how all games made with the PS1 in mind look good too.
go check your eyes
Aerith nu niggers are barely human and need to be put down. Her name was and will always be Aeris
She makes for a good seath.
He put all points in CHAD stat, huge early game pay off, big late game cost though.
who is that dude?
It's also Zax not Zack but they didn't 'correct' that one for some reason
I called my son Zack because of Crisis Core. Ask me anything.
She'll always be Aeris to me seethe harder zoomers
Aeris is the better name. Aerith sounds like a retard lisping. End of discussion.
But is it safer, sephiroth?
yeah I'm so butthurt and mad that Aerith is what the remake will be saying(?) it just totally triggers me,
She is FINE.
based retard
not according to the latest trailer lmao
Aeris fags will never not stop seething, hot damn.
>Aerith nu niggers
Aerith has been a thing for almost 15 years.
Filtering your autistic image.
>FF7 remasters *fix* dialogue
>Don't fix Aeris
Turn away! Disobey!
I'm the end and the beginning!
The drug that gives the wretched meaning!
The answer every soul is seeking!
Say my name!
S E P H I R O T !
>almost 15 years.
Kingdom Hearts 1 was a 2002 release. We're at 16 and a half years.
I prefer to call her Aeris as its more nice sounding and it also sounds like Iris which are the color of her eyes and fuck those translators, they might as well be spanish
No... PSX was that supped up PS2 recorder.
Objective FF Ranking:
FF 12 > FF 7 > FF 10 > FF 4 > FF 6 > FF 9 > FF 8 > FF 15 > FF13 > FF 3 > FF 5 > FF 1 > FF 2
Aeris is her correct name, the japanese word is literally aerisu. The translation idiots just think aerith is better for western market.
>crisis core
>Clouds last words to Zack
>"Thank you. I wont forget."
What the actual fuck
wrong retard the japanese word spoken is literally pronounced aerisu.
Have thex.
based retard SE
Thats why none of the compilation shit is canon for anyone who is not brain damaged.
Just because they say it like that doesn't mean the name isn't meant to be Aerith you dumb negroid.
Close enuff
Yes, but also no.
How much ?
Yea... the first game did it better. Only the “living legacy” line works
I like the starting assumptions they made but the execution is always cancerous
whatever doesnt hurt your ego
>Aeris is her correct name, the japanese word is literally aerisu.
I'm gonna call Sephiroth as Sefiros from now on.
You're all wrong.
Good for you, kiddo. You're still wrong.
I don't care if you call her Aerith, her name was Aeris when I played FF7 so her name is Aeris to me.
>that's how I remember, so I'M RIGHT!
This whole controversy would have never existed if English wasn't a retarded language
Only zoomers get triggered by people calling it PSX.
Cry more, fucking autist
Only newfags say zoomer when they have no counterargument.
>people wanting nostalgia bait remake to cater to them
Actually the issue is with japanese's poor phonetics.
All the arguments for why she really is Aerith have been posted already.
I understand the nostalgia on the name but Aeris was the bad traslation and she's been and she will be Aerith from now on.
Better start dealing with it.
The picture was the counterargument retard, it was called like that all over the internet too. Of course a zoomer like you doesn't think that anything made before 2009 exists.
>the problem lies in how the name should be romanized in English
>it's japanese's fault!
>huurr, zooomer
Keep it up with your buzzwords, newfag
Well, yes.
Sometimes even the japanese don't know how to romanize english names.
She looks like she could take a punch
>hurr durr look at me I have no argument so I'm gonna focus on a word!
Keep seething, kiddo
do you think aerith enjoys being slapped and punched haha and then she just heals herself haha
And sometimes English speakers don't even k ow how to pronounce their own words
can't wait to see her get penetrated in the remake
Please don't get hurt.
Keep crying
I bet you call them the band of the falcon as well.
Did Squeenix go non-union and tell the old voice actors to kick rocks? None of the voices sound familiar
i hate my lisp
>That's how it's spelled in Japanese.
Watashi-wa, Tarunksu-des.
She's a cute brunette with green eyes. Those are always the best girls!
Meh, that's mostly irrelevant. They may not know how to pronouce them but as long as they spell it correctly it's alright.
But the japanese have a distorted idea of english spelling, basically because they have no sounds to match their counterparts. Case being the usual mistakes of the L/R sound and spelling or the S/TH sound, which is the one that concerns us now.
Actually his name is "Tiida" so Tidus is not that farfetched romanji translation
If you call Aeris "Aerith", then you also have to call Terra "Tina" and Bartz "Butz" or you are a hypocrite.
Fun fact in my language it was actually dubbed as "Toranx". I flipped my shit when I discovered that he was actually named Trunks and Bulma Bloomers.
>and Bartz "Butz"
>i have no idea how japanese works: the post
Not really, the localization team chose to use them in official translations so they would roll better on the tongue like Tidus. Aerith was misspelled and chosen to be corrected, so I'll go with it too as a way of spellig her name.
I'm going to be typing Aerith just for you from now on.
Sephiros sounds rad as fuck, this isn't an argument.
It's still not spelled correctly.
>Sephiros sounds rad as fuck, this isn't an argument.
>aerisfags are THIS desperate
Can't wait to see aerisfags get BTFO when the game is released
If the japs have been calling her aerith since the game came out 22 years ago, so should you
>character selection screen
>name this character
btfo, huh?
Man, I never knew the Final Fantasy fandom was this autistic.
Then again, I've only played 13 and Lightning is my queen, so I'm pretty autistic too.
>name this character
* "This option has been removed in the remake, please enjoy the cast calling each other's names in the voiced cutscenes."
They call Terra and Bartz different names too but no one calls them their Jap names unless you are a super weeaboo.
Aerisfags can still just play it in japanese
Actually it would be Earisu
it's not pronounced "wimmin" you braindead illiterate and never has been. i bet you pronounce iron as "i yearn"
Wow, pretty name!
If Japs hired native English speakers to translate their games, there’d be none of this bullshit. They have no idea about the subtleties of English just like a non-native Japanese speaker wouldn’t in regard to Japanese
I mean you can see her name in the menus in the trailer and its clearly Aerith
Aerisfags have been btfo for decades
The localization teams have been natives since FF8, or at least the quality of the localizations skyrocketed since then.
A visual inspection has determined that Aeris is a fine sexual specimen and is worthy to be a member of my personal harem of breeding stock. I must, and shall, impregnate her immediately.
Get raped, fujoshit
Japan retconned it to Zack.
The fixes were mostly making things even worse, though.
I like it, really greek
Breasts are mostly fat. The milk producing gland isn't affected by size.
Bigger boobs just mean bigger tumors.
What version of FF7 calls her aerith?
Even the Switch version, which I think is the latest, still calls her aeris.
I wonder what Michael Baskett thinks today
It's a mistake by the translators over at Sony, since scea handled ffvii's localization. As soon as square translated anything related to ffvii themselves they fixed it.
Feel free to find me any English word that ends in -rith.
Girls with bigger boobs can bully girls with smaller boobs.
"Aeris" just looks nicer. I don't care if it's wrong.
Pretty sure Squaresoft USA had the one guy who did the game.
That guy^
i bet you aerithfags say gif like "jif" too
ive always called butz butz
You mean Aeris.
>What version of FF7 calls her aerith?
The Remake, you can see her name in the UI.
That isn't Final Fantasy 7 though.
>What version of FF7 calls her aerith?
The original, in the code.
Fact: if you skip her naming screen, the game calls her Aerith by default.
“I’m Aerith”
>if you skip the screen that calls her Aeris, her name is Aerith.
Not Final Fantasy 7.
>>if you skip the screen that calls her Aeris, her name is Aerith.
The naming screen has never been relevant! Nothing you put in there matters. Her original name is her original name, the naming screen overwrites it. No matter what you name her there, it does not change her actual name. The naming screen has never been canon!
She's always been Aerith. Thank you for acknowledging it.
Really? Must be Dragon Quest VII then.
>multiple games from square enix call her Aerith in the canonical FFVII universe
>original FFVII is known for having many translation issues
>people still believing her name is aeris and not aerith
Okay so post some proof of this happening.
That's Final Fantasy 7: Remake. It is not Final Fantasy 7.
>release ff7 20 times
>fix translation errors
>her name is always Aeris
dumb nigger in denial
What denial. I know her name will be Aerith. Everything related to ff7 after ff7 is shit.
That doesn't make any of those games Final Fantasy 7.
Well you just admitted her name is Aerith, that’s all that matters now
>Okay so post some proof of this happening.
Here you are.
If you are playing Final Fantasy 7, you are playing as Aeris.
If you are playing a game that is almost guaranteed to be shit, her name is Aerith.
Enjoy your remake.
I say gif because Jif is a PB&J brand.
Y'know its probably permanently Aerith now because Aerisdies.
What do you mean you’re playing as Aeris? I play as Cloud in Final fantasy 7. Oh and the cute flower girl, her name is Aerith! I love Aerith!
Cloud prefers men anyway
aerith with a beard to match her man-jaw when?
>... it hurts
>those beautiful mako eyes
Tifafags are blind I swear
In a competition of eyes there is no way that Tifa's luminous red eyes could lose.
I like your eyes
you having sex and getting out of your house when?
There's no way this gets into the remake.
What a waste.
who cares
I do.
I love Aerith!!
Aerith's innocence > Tifas sexiness
Thank you for posting this.
I'm trying to find more video of it but most of them cut off before her name is revealed.
Speedrunners sure are amazing though. How do they find shit like this? What a cool skip.
thats right
>Cloud homo scene is getting cut
>Cloud crossdressing scene is getting cut
>Cid abusing Shera is getting cut
>Priscilla CPR is getting cut
T'was the good 'ol me.
Crossdressing HAS to make the cut, it's just that iconic.
>Spell it E-A-R-TH
>pronounce it AERITH
Either use Aerisu or E'arth
The "abuse" of Shera probably just gonna be better translated, so Cid will just be a rude dick to her. Not abusive per se.
>Crossdressing HAS to make the cut, it's just that iconic.
The trailer shows the boss from Don Corneo's segment and Cloud and Aerith are in their usual outfits, the trailer either made a smart cut make it a surprise in the final game, or the event has changed entirely with no more crossdressing.
>be better translated
Nothing can be better translated than DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA. Cid being a huge fuckwith with Shera is what made the realization that he was wrong all along be more outstanding, if the new script just makes Cid be PG rude then it won't be the same.
Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa all strip their getups when they corner Don Corneo in his penthouse and start making threats. They're in their normal combat suits by the time he drops them into the sewers.
>dead bug eyes
The three of them were in their original outfits in 7 too.
If you remember they changed back when they threatened Corneo, they didn't fall into the sewers fancy dressed.
>Aerith's innocence
She threatened to cut someone's balls off.
>imagine being this autistic
This guy claims that its Aeris even though it has been canonically confirmed to be Aerith and that Aeris was a translation error, and also he somehow equates the new, most beautiful rendition of Aeriths face with a goblin? Then what does that make her uglier old faces look like? Pretty high standards there bud, not even a 10/10 literal space Aryan goddess is enough for you.
The remake is already better than the original LMAO
Can't wait for the PC police to get all over every inch of this game.
Spoilers user. They removed that in the Steam remaster of FF7.
Ruined it, the mood of rocket town, that arc in general, the characters. It was all less goofy for a town with a derelict rocket in the center. Soiled it soiled it soiled it!
It would take a miracle right now for foul mouthed Cid to make it back. I think they will also get rid of the cigarette pack on his head.
>Aeris sounds more like the nip pronunciation
>but muh Aerithhhhss
lisping faggots aren't welcomed
>has literal 10/10 face for a woman, not a single masculine feature in sight
>someone still whines just for the sake of whining
And this is why you never get laid
Guys, just use google translate on japanese and write Aerith, then click on voicing, the pronunciation is clearly E-A-RI-SU, thus making Aerith the correct spelling of the name in english.
They are not crossdressing in the original either by the point they fight the monster
I bet you beat it to tranny porn and think it's not gay
Most underrated scene in the entire game tbdesu. Shame lazy people miss out on it.
She's probably just calling him whiny in the original.
Why do americans get so attached to these old mistranslations?
Aerith and aeris are pronounced the same way too so it literally doesnt matter.
I hate my life
Exactly, Aeris is the nip pronunciation, and it's a white woman, not an asian woman. Why would you think her name is determined by how Japs pronounce it?
>white woman
She looks as chinky as it gets
Nice projection about your own hobbies.
She's not even full human.
>likes tranny Aerith
>doesn't beat it to tranny porn
I call bullshit
Why should her name be an english word?
No? Looks 100% white and nothing like an asian. Nothing but European features in her. Put down that opium pipe noodledick Cheng.
They might not need to, I doubt the new script will be as rude as it used to be, the recent ports already tones some of that in the original game.
I want Aerith to thuck and fuck my penith dry
does she look better with it slightly more rounded?
There's no tranny, you dumb homo.
This walking abortion must not be brought back, with Gackt's face or not.
Is Aerith a tranny confirmed with that hairline?
No? I'm playing it on Switch and it's still good and retarded
I genuinely feel pity for you. It seems like you have nothing better to do with your life than spend your entire days projecting your insecurities in Final Fantasy threads. It's easy to tell on any day, at any time of day, open a FF7 thread on Yea Forums and you are there, the way you type is so easily recognizable. There's no more than one delusional retard on this board who thinks a 10/10 face for a woman "looks like a tranny".
I hope you are able to get the help you need and get well eventually.
No that makes her look chubby. Like she never lost her baby fat or something.
$20 says the secret "500 years later" ending will be switched out for something with Genesis setting up FF7-2.
Theres no point in remaking the original secret ending anyway, since they already did for Advent Children.
Looks way better in the trailer
>Why would you think her name is determined by how Japs pronounce it?
Game is made by japs for one.
No they have to conclude his arc somehow.
Yes, and the character is a white person, like those Japanese devs have stated in interviews... Obviously her name is not read and pronounced with a Japanese accent and intonation, but with a western one, possibly british considering her name is Gainsborough.
>has not tits
>has a manjaw
>has man shoulders
>when she moves there seems something to dangle between her crotch
uh ....bros...?
then I don't know what people upset about her jaw want. as far as i'm concerned she looks great and they shouldn't change her.
Shouldn't you suck your girlfriends feminine penis?
Aeris is self professed to be streetwise and is very outgoing. She doesn't possesses much of an "innocence" quality going by FF7's storyline.
>white person
She is a chink tho
They just want to complain. Everything is a "manjaw" to them. They want women without jawbones. They cannot be satisfied. Ignore them.
Might be better than the vanilla port but peak soul is still original PS1 with RGB on a good CRT. The polygon models are more aliased, but blend much better with the pre-rendered background in glorious 240p. Only braindead cucks would disagree.
>that file name
Jesus, ff7 fags are embarrassing
But shes really not a Asian.
>Two trannies promoting manjaws on women
>he says, while in a FF7 thread
This fucking thread
Thephiroth vs. Sephiross
Who wins?
Yeah. If anyone is its Tseng. Now what's with that guy and Aerith's mom, who is a westerner.
fuck off reddit
Next you faggots are going to be saying it's Claude, not Cloud.
Rich girls with small boobs bulky poor girls with big boobs, because they cant stand not feeling superior
At least that's what I observed in high school
Aeris and Sephiroth are real names.
wtf? I love manjaws now!
i love the transition to that song so much during the fight
It literally says Sephiros in the original one winged angel you fucking berk
>Goku and Cloud are the same guy
me an aerith are gonna go ta didney whirl
Aerisfags eternally btfo.
Because the choir is japanese, of course they say Sephirosu.
The name is still Sephiroth.
I'm only here to laugh at you faggots for not enjoying a real JRPG like Persona or Dragon Quest.
>spergs out in threads of things they hate instead of enjoying things they like
absolutely cringpilled
It's Guts.
>tfw Marlene is Marin
>tfw Shera is Xiera
>tfw Elmyra is Elmina
>tfw Rufus is Rufaus
>tfw Aeris is Aelice
It's not reddit, newfag.
Her eyes and nose ridge are too high up if they lowered her eyes just a smidge and made the nose a bit shorter she'd be pretty good, but I always looked at Aerith as having a longer face in general.
>You won't be able to find another good CRT in your lifetime
It hurts dammit.
retard sides with magazines instead of SONY
>he cant solder capacitors
wow that was hard!
Mi pene.
sony never called ps1 psx after it released even to this day, do you faggots call the wii the revolution?
>the character is a white person
>Applying real world races to fantasy land
Culture and language are unrelated to race in a fantasy world.
I don't care what people say, Genesis is the coolest character of the entire FF7 franchise, I want more Genesis.
I thought he just became the substitution of the Weapons, he can now live forever, Hojo succeeded in one of his experiment at the end.
>like Persona or Dragon Quest.
Persona 1/2 are okay but Persona 5 is nu-male trash
*blocks your paths*