What went so wrong? It seems to me that they didn't even try to develop a good game. Well, at least there is still pillars of eternity 2.
What went so wrong? It seems to me that they didn't even try to develop a good game. Well...
You know I'm right.
Maybe your parents didn't love you. Maybe they loved you too much.
We don't know what went so wrong with you OP.
>what went wrong with a critically acclaimed game that sold well
Obviously nothing, retard.
I know you're either retarded or pretending to be retarded
I haven't played since release. What did the definitive edition add? I've heard they redid act 3 but is that it and is it good?
Read the changelog, dipshit.
Nah. Just cough up the info fag.
What critics? Most say that the game is maximum mediocrity.
The game is objectively bad and you should start to understand that.
kys, OP
Except that everyone is giving it 9/10s and 90+%
>What did the definitive edition add?
Some shitty, obnoxious mascot NPC and some general rebalance that does nothing but make Lone Wolf less blatantly OP, pretty much the same rebalancing as D:OS1.
>I've heard they redid act 3
LMAO no, it's the same shit it's in the normal edition with a few more lines, same for Act 4, the game still goes to shit after Act 2 and never recovers.
What's worse, they though it was a good idea to add more quests to ACT 2 OF ALL FUCKING THINGS but leave Act 3 and 4 the same, don't know what the fuck they were thinking, and the game's still braindead as fuck in terms of gameplay too, let alone the roleplaying.
I still give it a pass because it's turnbased, but it's a disappointment, at least you don't have to pay for the DS if you already wasted your money once though, they had the decency to do that at the very least.
I vaguely recall a new feature being announced for this game a month ago, but I can't remember what it was.
See it's been so long that I fucked up here and meant 4 instead of 3. Still, thanks for the heads up. I might try it eventually but I'm in no rush now.
The game is 2 years old and still not finished? It's just pathetic. The third act was simply unplayable at the time. Rightly punished by the critics.
Maybe on Reddit. I'm talking about serious critics.
Well then which is it?
Is it mediocre or is it bad?
its pretty fun with friends. mods are cool too. a little too easy/monotonous once you learn how to play.
Last night my save file shit the bed right at the Alexander fight... Feels bad man
>serious critics
Get fucked kid
Have sex
>n..no y..you're the fag
Nice come back incel baby
I had a lot of fun with my dual lone wolf Pyro/Summoner and Necro/scoundrel. Sorry your life is shitty.
>h-haha i am totally not a fag..you are!
I fuck a lot of hot women. Great women. Some of the most beautiful women. All this while you're jerking off to ugly beasts.
If only more games could be this bad.