How do we deal with the zoomers?

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he is not wrong tho

Fuck off zoomer.

You start off by not posting a random screenshot of some literal who review on Steam, much less one that has an avatar of Braid, a game that came out in fucking 2008, 11 years ago

This, why are boomers so dumb?

The games he said aren't good are better than system shock 2 though.

You gotta admit though, Deus Ex is the most overrated PC game and Ocarina of Time is the most overrated console game.

A zoomer wouldn't like System Shock 2 either.

prove it

Name one way in which Deus Ex is overrated

He's right about OoT thought

Play them all and you'll see.

DeusEx is arguable, but OoT is just a polished turd.

Everyone calls it the best game ever made when it cant even beat its contemporaries in any category.

Half Life is better
Thief is better
>inventory management
System Shock 2 is better
>story and dialogue
Planescape Torment, Fallout, and the games previously mentioned are better.

Deus Ex isn’t a bad game but it’s definitely overrated as hell. The main thing it gets right is the ways it reacts to the players actions, but that’s not something exclusive to Deus Ex or revolutionary for the time.

Half life has terrible shooting. Like some of the worst.

>lets list all the other games that excel in a specific mechanic because they were made around it then a game that doesn't

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based zoomer

oot and half life were never good

Deus Ex is better than System Shock 2 though

Ocarina of time is, in fact, fucking shit and possibly the most overrated game in existence

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Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

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The original Deus Ex is very obtuse in its design though with very little hand holding.

I can fully understand why a modern NPC unit could not appreciate a game that does not treat them with constant audio visual stimulus.

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He's exactly correct. OOT is one of the worst Zeldas. Deus Ex sucks as a game and only has value in its writing.
System Shock 2 is good.

Why would a zoomer even like SS2?

Can't wait for the pendulum to shift and considering OoT a masterpiece once again becomes the opinion for cool kids


I'd fucking kill myself if I had to live as one of you worthless zoomer plebs

You must be 18+ to post on this board.

Zoomer here, Deus Ex is great.

Top right.
I loved playing XMen on the Genesis, until my little brother put cheese wiz in the game slot.

Waiting for them to grow up.

Deus Ex is clunky as shit and a chore to play, Zelda is shit
SS2 is a fucking great game

Gameplay should be judged as how functional it is on the level/enemy design as a whole, I bet you complain about Morrowind combat not being made as an action game.

Your opinion is worthless, zoomer


He's 100% right.
OoT is a product of its time and aged like cottage cheese in the sun.

It's just slow like any other 3D console game from that era what's the big deal

ocarina of time does not hold up. full stop. not a zoomer but i didn't play it when i was a kid. tried it out recently and got as far as the fire temple, this game is dogshit. it may have been revolutionary for its time but it aged like milk

>ocarina of time bad. I heard it was overrated on a web forum
Sorry that you guys don’t understand gaming history. Also its not just about gameplay its about SOUL.

It hasn't aged at all retard, it's still the exact same game it was 20 years ago

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>Half Life shooting is better
Dude half-life has one of the worst shooting out of all fps games. Duke, Blood, DOOM, Quake, and Unreal all have better shooting mechanics.
> Stealth in Thief is better
This is true, but that's because in thief, the combat is pretty aids while in Deus Ex you just shoot them with the GEP gun.
>System Shock 2 inventory management is better
The inventory management is the same as Deus Ex.
>Planescape Torment, Fallout, and the games previously mentioned are better in story and dialogue.
I never played Planescape, but to say that the story telling and dialogue in Deus Ex is worse than Half-life, you have to have room temp IQ. For fallout, I wouldn't even say fallout is close to Deus ex.

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Game came out in 1998. Pls