Meta shit

/vg/ was a mistake, so was /vr/. The reason why Yea Forums has so much shitposting is because vidya discussion gets shifted over to these other boards leading to a vacuum of threads which gets filled with cross boarders and shitposters who you fags are all too willing to entertain. Delete those boards and start self moderating and Yea Forums will be fixed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Why do you love eating shit so much?

I'm the one who distributes the shit around here, kid. Now get out!

I agree. Touhou threads that are made to discuss the games have a dedicated autist from /2hug/ constantly shitposting and derailing them for instance.


backup arrived

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/vg/ takes the vidya discussion but also the tripfags after social drama
It's a double edged sword

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>accidentaly open /vg/
>for a minute, think I'm at /h/ or /e/ or some shit
>9001 gacha threads

/vr/ still talks about games tho. Yea Forums is 75% marketing threads made by paid shills, 20% twitter screencaps probably posted by the people who tweeted that anyway, 5% sadfucks wishing the board wasn't dead.

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OP will be forced to become a tranny janny and clean up Pepe shit for eternity.

Hopefully the more volatile nature of Yea Forums will weed them out as the threads should have more new arrivals to that particular vidya discussion who will call them out on behavior like tripfagging and discord faggotry.

That's a god tier point and click.

help me bros

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no thanks, /vr/ is fineas is and most of its topics would get drowned out by shitposting over more modern systems and games if it merged with Yea Forums
your post is bad and you should feel bad

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how would you fix Yea Forums then? Burning it all down isn't an option.

imagine getting btfo by a spider-man poster
lmao eat shit op

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can't be helped
/vr/ is a better place because it deals with old games, and you can't get hyped over an old game, so you won't see 15 threads about the same game filled with shitflinging
most of the posters are older so they're less impressed by ironic shitposting than the highschoolers that frequent Yea Forums

if you wan't to fix Yea Forums as a whole you should take away (You)s
Hiro even did it for a day by replacing them with dotted lines below the post number, but he was too chickenshit to stick with it


Shit, it's been a long time since the last one.

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we sometimes have a raid thread on Yea Forums

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people still go to Yea Forums?

i use some heavy filters

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Yea Forums have been so shit for the last years that I only go there once in a blue moon.

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OP here, fine you win.

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It was the separation of generals. People think "generals" are this structured forum of discussions when they are literally just general discussion. You don't need an edition, thread count, and OP links for something to be a "general". Moving general discussion about a game off to it's own board is what ruined Yea Forums.

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this. do you want nep general #1500 on Yea Forums?

And 1% mahjong.

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better version

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while making /vg/ separate was a mistake, with threads dying in probably the fastest board within seconds will eventually produce cancer like generals

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I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream Thread?

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I'll just crop mine, it's bigger.

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I don't even remember that last time I saw a Spiderman thread

No, the problem is that the old guard, who knew all the proper things to pass on and instill in newfags, all left the site during each of the sites many 'wounds', with GG being one of the most fatal strikes to the original board culture.

Even though the "Rage-tan" avatar of Yea Forums was how the board was most well-known, posters here understood that the hostility was a front, to filter out the wheat from the chaff. People who demonstrated that they weren't bitch babies who cried at the slightest confrontation and lurked to properly learn the culture and style of humor of the board, were accepted and then found that their threads would be engaged with actual responses, and real discussions can and would happen. You just had to lurk moar and not expose yourself as some rubbernecking internet tourist who can't take a joke.

Unfortunately the posters who replaced those people thought Rage-tan was the literal way to act to be accepted here, and then when posting retarded pepes and wojaks became the board culture, wow suddenly it's all shallow pepe and wojak-tier posts acting "ironically" retarded.

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I mean, we had a nice Link thread going on yesterday, but the mods didn't like it, so...

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They don't like Link threads, they don't like Daft Punk threads. What DO mods like?

Smash threads.

the current set of mods are a whole other can of worms. their moderation makes no sense to me.

isn't this like the second most trafficked board on Yea Forums? is there even a point in not allowing Generals here anymore?

They like cute video game character shota threads

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But that *was* the Link thread. I swear, they must fight with each other or some shit

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This board should be to talk about video games, and have unadulterated open discussions.

Instead the board these days is being used as a "Schaudenfreude dispenser", where the only motivation to post is either to anger people, or generate shallow immediate debate to exaggeratedly unpleasant or unpopular opinions.

There are people in the boat and people who want to rock the boat, and the people rocking the boat are starting to get kinda psychopathic about it, and are even coordinating their boat-rocking on external channels with the express intent of capsizing everyone.

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Either way I want more shota threads

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>remove (you)s
>ban all eceleb garbage
>ban all faggots/furries and horny waifufags
>reintroduce "lurk moar" into board culture

that should be a good start

I'm sure we can scare off some tripfags. Just spam them with reaction images until they drop the trip.

I want pictures. Pictures of Spiderman.


I mean four years ago sure.

Those boards exist now because Yea Forums was becoming steadily more shit. Sure, now the decent discussion moved there, but that just shows that Yea Forums has more shitposting retards than both other boards combined. They should stay separate. I don't need the /pol/ circlejerk and contrarian shitheels ruining any more video game discussions.

We tried removing (you)s a few years ago. We replaced them with dots. It sucked.


I'd say crack down on console warring post-post-post ironic shitposters, but that's a solid 40% of threads these days so it might just kill the board entirely.

>the only motivation to post is either to anger people, or generate shallow immediate debate to exaggeratedly unpleasant or unpopular opinions
When the currency is (You)s and the behavior you've described generates them the fastest, why bother having actual discussion? A thread that isn't about the flavor of the month game is going to get moderate discussion and die (barring weird exceptions like Battle Network, New Vegas, etc)

tripfags are important to the Yea Forums ecosystem
they provide a target for people to harass and having an identity makes arguments higher-stakes
basically having a handful of tripfags and mostly anons encourages ideas to get pounded out more thoroughly because anons want to take the tripfag down a notch (very satisfying) and tripfags dont want to feel like a retard

pure tripfaggery (reddit) / pure anonymity (Yea Forums) leads to shithouses that can't sustain a discussion and end up degenerating into endless virtue signalling or endless shitposting

the idea that there should be no tripfags at all is one exclusive to newfags trying to fit in. you should be shitting on tripfags for having retarded opinions and acting like fags, not for using a tripcode. sure, you don't want there to be too many, but eliminate them and you signal the death of your board

It wasn't always like this though. We gave up on gatekeeping who would influence the board's culture and just let the shitposters have it just because roaming IPs make bans less effective now.

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>Delete those boards
You are fucking insane if you think the community that's mutated in /vg/ can be reintroduced and not severely fuck up Yea Forums immediately as a result.
Even if you introduced arbitrary rules like one general a day or every 6 hours there's still too many separate groups and their issues within. Until /vg/ as a whole shows restraint and moderation by itself as it is there's no way it could demonstrate equal or more here. They need to stay where they are as a quarantine.

/vr/ could be brought back, but I don't see them wanting to be. There's not much for them here.

I still remember when this Spiderman meme started.
I need to get off the internet.

No, there were a lot of attention whores who started crying that there was no point to using the site if they couldn't get their (You)s
It was like hearing a cancerous growth scream at the thought of getting eradicated

the golden age of shit-flinging (2010-2013) on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc. was almost entirely due to there being a good mix of trips and user constantly fighting
Yea Forums actually had too many trips but they all started fighting each other which made for interesting threads

honestly you can look at caramel and how fun it is to shit on a guy that genuinely wont give up the ghost and then imagine if there were 6 or 7 more of him across a plethora of games / genres you'd get an idea of how much better Yea Forums was before hating tripfags on principle became a way to fit in

You do not get to leave
Your punishment must be more severe

I just like (you)s because they make finding responses on threads I'm not constantly looking at easy.

It's a natural consequence of more people being familiar with the internet, and no longer viewing this place as some kind of spooky pedo den(not that that was ever an accurate assessment) and more of a place to find edgy memes and shit. I don't think there's any hope left for the most trafficked boards, 95% of them must be normalfags now.

>mfw I remember then the doge meme started appearing everywhere and how fucking annoying and stupid it was
>hoped its momentum would drop but it never did until recently

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The issue with tripfags is that the entire thread derails. Caramel is a good example. Last year or so there was a comfy Metal Gear thread, then he showed up and everything went to hell.

The way things are going I don't foresee Yea Forums being permitted to exist much longer anyway. The fact it has remained as long as it has is honestly shocking in an increasingly authoritarian era of the net.

Doges actually made a comeback. Its not the same format and some are pretty funny.

We need more culture threads to assimilate them. Problem is that the mods will delete those too.

>tfw remember habbo hotel and thinking it was the funniest shit because i was 10
>still think its the funniest shit

derailing threads is mostly a meme because 90% of the time the thread wasn't actually good to begin with. actual good discussion is exceedingly rare and usually gets derailed from within by anons who get upset about their inability to approach the argument
i've seen this a lot where a thread is "comfy" aka people shitposting and copy pasting e celeb opinions at each other and then a tripfag spouts off an opinion and the entire thing turns into a dogpile which is often far more fun to participate in than looking at the same stale memes over and over

Yea Forums should just be deleted instead

Just hold stealth kung pow streams on cytube.

I remember when the frog was first posted back in the day. I remember when wojack was just the guy from that image of "why no one sits next to him on the bus". When angry comics were still a Yea Forums thing.
I hate my life.

I unironically fucking hate normies and the way they fuck up memes. Every joke they touch dies and then its corpse is dragged around by internet point farming faggots, then shit for brain kids spew it everywhere they go. I swear this bullshit had some kind of cataclysmic shift some time during the 2010's where everything just went to shit

Have you been to /vg/? They don't talk about video games either

as long as they get hiro to create some government backdoors so they can easily identify and track everyone it's going to keep existing

that is if they haven't already turned this into a honeypot

Yea Forums sucks because people come here with the intention of pretending to be stupid. There's no way to save it, the culture is too far gone at this point.

people that remember the culture are in the absolute minority, without the mods actually backing oldfags it will be impossible

They're not as funny when you realize they're not actually giving an opinion, they're actively acting retarded for attention. Or you get people who hate on tripfags on instinct so they'll constantly spam, even if the tripfag is actually contributing to the thread.
Just yesterday that was a decent Yea Forums thread on here, just very casual conversation while people would post some comics and ideas. Then around 400 posts in, tripfag joins, just posting cool comics, which got people to shitpost against the tripfag which then derailed into full blown autistic rant about furries or some shit. I was only grateful that the thread was dying by this point.

I don't know why you're humoring that guy, all you need to do to illustrate the bane that is tripfags is say LancedJack.
One weekend I woke up to find not just several threads, but several fucking boards derailed, 3 threads each minimum, all floating on page 1 or 2, all by that psychotic fuck. None of it for the sake of any kind of discussion, just messing with idiots en masse for a laugh.

Even moot couldn't just ignore it after awhile.

That's around the time shit like Facebook, Twitter, etc, got popular.

Jesus, don't remind me. It just seems like it's gotten so easy to derail a thread nowadays. Doesn't matter how great it was, just a couple of words and puff, derailed. And not derail into something funnier, just right down the shitter.

Yea Forums has so much shitposting because it's a board that attracts underages and newfaggots. Same with Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
/vg/ helps form an organized community and generate continual discussion without clogging up Yea Forums.
/vr/ helps make it so that there's still an area to actually discuss video games when retards start shitposting about the new Smash trailer.
The only mistake is letting phoneposters post on Yea Forums

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its all so tiresome

It's always been like this for years user deal with it. I'll give credit but the mods and jannies have done a better job overall compared to the other years. Just deal with it knowing the fact that Yea Forums is one of the most popular boards on Yea Forums. Don't expect Yea Forums's boards to be this super sterile enviroment that's going to be 100% shitposting free.

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It was never this bad.

i'm pretty sure the reason they split Yea Forums in two is so that if pol does something dumb and goes so far the cops come knocking again, he can just shut down that fork and leave only 4channel.

source: ???

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just look at the fucking catalog right now.

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cytube is criminally underutilized. where have the resourceful people in this world gone? if you have filesharing-savvy people in charge of your cytube, you can watch entire copyrighted shows, movies, and anime through video embeds. I constantly see twitch streamers who say they wish [basically cytube] existed to watch movies and anime with their viewers. If they just had Cytube explained to them they'd go there.

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Tripfags have provided more for this site than any of you, as they substantiate actual discussion.
The issue with /vg/ is avatarfags, these are people who don't have to keep up an image while also maintaining some kind of identity.
Take for example Moose in the Yakuza threads. He actually provides good info on the series and spurs discussion.
Then look at Dragon Ball threads in Yea Forums, easily the worst threads on the site which are populated almost entirely by avatarfags. Not a single namefag or tripfag in site.

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t. I've been browsing this shithole since 2006

>cytube is criminally underutilized

I remember Synchtube being a big thing on Yea Forums back in the early 2010's, but I haven't been on there in years.

>console wars
>waifu threads
>old thing good
>mainstream meme of the year + bait
yep, it's Yea Forums

2007 here

Attached: rage dad troll.jpg (500x938, 71K)

>Tripfags have provided more for this site than any of you
>user defending tripfags
Time to turn on your trips faggot.

It has gotten clearly worse but it's been this way for several years now. There used to be more self-awareness, everything was or could be a joke. Now it seems everyone takes everything seriously, no fun allowed.

Nice non-argument.
This hatred of tripfags is literally just a meme spurred by newfaggots.
Go back to your smash thread retard.

Remember when Yea Forums users were nicknamed "Yea Forumsirgins"? I feel like Yea Forums's current userbase would freak out about being called that.

>/vg/ was a mistake

/vp/ was a bigger mistake since it set the principal we could divide boards if topics got to heavy. HG/SS and B/W was a perfect storm that only happened once and never again, dicussions of the game never hit that peak again and yet we kept the board for no reason. It should have been deleted when we got /vg/ since it could have it's generals there, who gives a fuck if Yea Forums has to deal with their animefags anyway?

The only good tripfag is _Kya._

Truer words have nary been spoken

Attached: tripcode_by_Quentin.png (1000x835, 122K)

>who gives a fuck if Yea Forums has to deal with their animefags anyway?
Guess where has the most hotpockets

Tripfags are nothing more than attention seeking faggots who gurgle cum 24/7 and want everyone else to know that. The acceptable reasons for using a trip in 2019 are so rare that 99% of tripfags could be nuked from orbit and no one would even notice other than a marginal uptick in post quality.
No, just because avatarfags are cancer doesn't mean tripfags are any better.

>Be newfag from 2011
>Remember Yea Forums being way more off-topic during the 2011/2012 times when I first got here, with threads like "that'll be _ plus tip" and ">mfw Americans clap" threads being spammed everywhere
>Feel like I would honestly take that stuff back over all the political fighting on Yea Forums these days

>This hatred of tripfags is literally just a meme spurred by newfaggots.
Yeah fucking newfags, only started shitting on tripfags in 2018. Its not like almost all tripfags were mobile cancer, its all the newfags fault.

>This hatred of tripfags is literally just a meme spurred by newfaggots.

Coming from an actual newfag like yourself that means absolutely nothing because you have no comprehension as to why they get that reputation besides stories after the fact. You try dealing with faggots like Akagi, Aeris and Lanced Jack back in there prime and see how you feel about that "Just a meme" shit then.

Anything with a Twitter screenshot should be autodeleted
Tripfags should be banned
Poster IDs should be introduced

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And delet phoneposting.

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Except there hasn't been a low quality tripfag in ages. The issue is avatarfags and low quality shitposters, something I wouldn't doubt you do.
Those two things bring down the quality of the entire site more than any tripfag has in the current day and age.
>You try dealing with faggots like Akagi, Aeris and Lanced Jack back in there prime and see how you feel about that "Just a meme" shit then.
They are unironically better than almost every avatarfag and low quality anonymous shitposter

>The issue is avatarfags and low quality shitposters
Why are you pretending tripfags can't also do that?

>Poster IDs should be introduced

Attached: I move away from the mic.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>Hasn't been a low quality tripfag in ages

Gladium and Ono are still active, Manly also still posts but anonymously to shill his youtube channel.

Yep. I miss those nicknames. When I first found Yea Forums in 06-07, I actually lurked for 2 years before posting.
Partly because I was paranoid as hell of the internet, didn't know how much personal info was being sent with each post, partly because I saw the rules of the internet and learned how people talked on here. Nowadays it likely takes a new user about a minute between finding Yea Forums and starting posting.

Because they normally don't.
Go to /vg/, you'll see every issue stems from Anonymous avatarfags. They're also the people who keep their generals alive, until they make their super secret discord

>Poster IDs should be introduced

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>Block all phone posting and IPs with Reddit in their history as a 1st of April prank
>Create a new board called /fg/, Furry Gaming
>Never lift the ban on Redditors and phonefags
>IP ban everyone who posts on /fg/

Attached: 1508882935362.jpg (1080x1080, 66K)

Fucking no. Ever since I browsed this shithole since 2006 every shat on every tripfag because they were considered attention whores with names. The only tripfag Yea Forums ever liked was Donkey Kong.

Out of curiosity, does anyone else remember the complete shitshow that happened when /vg/ was made? I remember that dubs were disabled at the same time that /vg/ was made, and I also remember that short time when mods were very strict on Yea Forums, until they stopped due to the backlash.

>Except there hasn't been a low quality tripfag in ages.
Because most of them were gaiafags that got scared off after half of them were doxxed for being retarded. Even now they are way too many tripfags.

You're forgetting Marielx

Yea Forums's status as an outgrowth of Yea Forums has never been escaped

>First posted in 2009 fresh from ED brainwashing
>First thing I do is try to pick a fight with a tripfag by spamming the few images I saved from the Wiki.
>Rightfully called an Idot
>Lurk for a few months after before posting again

It was a major screw up but I can admit that, unlike most newfags on the board who probably bust into copelock after being called out.

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>poster ID on Yea Forums
unironically a great fucking idea
maybe put up the r9k originality filter, too
just don't add flags, that shit ruins any chance at real discussion

>I actually lurked for 2 years before posting.

I don't even remember how long I lurked, my early days on here are extremely faded already.

I remember. I said it would kill discussion on Yea Forums but nobody believed me.

Agreed Flags would just disolve into country circlejerk

>Remember the times when everyone complained about Yea Forumstards shitposting off-topic stuff on Yea Forums
>Rarely see Yea Forums even mentioned these days

>Nobody believed me
I really can't understand how people couldn't see the writing on the wall when every topic thread was getting the shitpost treatment the first week in.

>Rarely see Yea Forums even mentioned these days
It's kinda sad that Yea Forums suffered a very slow and painful death. Partly because of some of the shit that went down on Yea Forums. But /pol/ kinda took the oldfags of Yea Forums and now shitpost on /pol/ now. /pol/ is like the 2.0 of Yea Forums.

I wish the archive went back that far, I would've been able to find it pretty easily. because I was using a tripcode

the ability to chat while also being able to watch stuff you can't stream on twitch or upload to YT (anime, network shows and movies), is a gift i don't think people realize the value of, and soon the internet will be too locked down and AI-monitored to allow speech this unfiltered

Telling people to fuck off to Yea Forums became Old Hat after the Reddit "Le Rage Comic" hysteria set in.

forgot i had a spiderman folder

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>Haven't been to Yea Forums in some six years
>Checked it now
Still 90% porn and /pol/. Remember when Yea Forums actually was random? When we got threads of the dude sticking his dick in a skull? Good times.

Nah, mein.

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when /vg/ was made mods went full hitler on Yea Forums and deleted/banned all not vidya threads. few weeks later it was back to business as usual with people not interested in video games spamming the board with Yea Forums shit.

I haven't been on Yea Forums itself much, I just remember how shitposters on Yea Forums used to be told to go back there.

eceleb containment board would help everyone, literally no downside to anyone

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>the Reddit "Le Rage Comic" hysteria

I remember that from around the 2011 and 2012 times, back when everyone on Yea Forums spammed "LE" and "XD" at everything.

Yea Forums - Forum Moderation

>spamming the board with Yea Forums shit.

The Yea Forums shit from back then doesn't seem so bad these days, in comparison to the shit on Yea Forums now.

If we had mods that weren't complete incompetents we wouldn't have to have these threads.

It's called /trash/

This archive goes back to February 2012.

It's all so tiresome.

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>Kawata Shoujo general

It's all coming back to me... The True Degeneracy.

>modern Yea Forums is faster and has more poster than peak Yea Forums
shut it down
Yea Forums2.0 was literal

>Even /vg/ is faster than Yea Forums now


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I have nothing but nostalgia for spamming dubs in ks generals

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>Got here around the "I shiggy diggy" times
>Feel too new for oldfag stuff, but too old for newfag stuff

Holy shit it's been years since the last time I saw a Spiderman thread.

Fuck off Moose

my god I used to be a huge faggot

Honestly oldfag stuff was just typing LOL and EPIC unironically
There was "all your base" kind of stuff but that was all SA/ytmnd

Speaking of tripfags, does anyone else remember a tripfag called Jupiter that spammed shitpost threads back in 2012?

yeah. he'd post that one pic of homer a lot.

Pretty much. It was just a more innocent time.

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Since we're already wildly off-topic, what the fuck happened to trolling? How did it go from being a artform to being summed up entirely by the mantra "act as retarded as possible until someone calls you a retard, at which point you win?" What fucking happened?

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I always associated Simpsons reactions with the shittiest opinions on the board, usually, whenever someone posted some dumb shit it was coupled with a laughing homer or one of those thousand off-model still-shots. I love the series but god the people who coveted it here are unbearable, especially the idiots who spam the season 11 meme.

Oh yeah I fully expect the new doge to die once it hits the mainstream. But some are pretty funny right now and thats all that matters.

manchildren found real trolling to be too hard, but found they could turn their brain off harder to "troll"

Maybe if you're a degenerate waifufag.

Attached: 1293846620796.jpg (558x400, 30K)

Absolutely weird. I do it from time to time, but I guess the general population here is sexually inactives who vent their teenage rage and think that insults are cool and crass.
Same goes for creating images. Most faggots here are mindless consumers who copy the drivel from turbo plebs around them.

Attached: american kitchen vs european cuisine.jpg (1064x526, 215K)

Just ip ban everyone that has been to /trash/. Only furfags and degenerates go there.

shitposters are the lifeblood of Yea Forums

Yes thanks. I needed that.

No thanks. This can stay as the designated shitposting board. It keeps the vast majority of retards away from the decent discussion.


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I have never been so utterly btfo in my entire life.

I will readily admit that I still can't do it.

What's the price to obtain such a power?

Am I supposed to be impressed?

Attached: faggot.png (637x128, 10K)

Wait, user. What did you put before the first triangle?

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This 5 will reveal your secrets!

Attached: 1557251718563.gif (555x555, 556K)

Oh shit I'm sorry

Now tell me grand sorcorer, show me the way!

Wait, why are you apologizing?
No. No no no no no! Don't do this to me user! Don't do this! BREAK ME FROM MY NEWFAGGOTRY!!!!

Ok user, the secret is cvnp++

Today I learned that

I'm a brainlet
Thanks anyway user. I guess your teachings are wasted upon me.

Aren't Hungry Man's banned in the US?

Your hint is Touhou 12.5