>one life(aka permadeath), striving for no hit(or the least possible) run is the best possible playthrough
>absolutely no exploits
>absolutely no guides
Doing these things actually immerses you into the game and you start to actually play video games the way they were meant to be played otherwise you're pretty much just mindlessly droning. This is not some joke or some hardcore restrictions, this is how games are supposed to be played and without these rules the games turn into a mindless trial and error. Feel free to share your thoughts and add more rules that you think are important.
Real philosophers hour Yea Forums
those rules are not built in to the game
it's retarded to subject yourself to a no damage run in a game with healthbars etc
>those rules are not built in to the game
How does that change anything at all. The game is just the bare object we use. You're not even trying.
your entire argument is that you should make chess more interesting by seeing how many pieces you can shove up your anus
>by seeing how many pieces you can shove up your anus
That's your visions of it, which even though its not weird for here it sure is quite gay. Its sad that people with lobotomy can use the internet freely. I said no hit is the perfect run and that sometimes is simply not physically possible though it still doesn't deny it in games that is in fact possible without any exploits. You're simply too retarded to even make an argument and have to use your gay fantasies to try and disprove me.
Immersion fags are retarded. The best games involve dying a bunch get good.
Don't you have a dirty diaper for your mom's husband to check for you?
>The best games involve dying a bunch get good.
You can die however much you want, its that you start from the beginning again. If you focus on quality over quantity you would have understood my post but sadly the animal blood in your denies you from that. Most games in fact teach you how to play but since you rush and don't care about tutorials, intros and any information you just do the same as if speedrunning any other media.
add this to your list then
no saves
no loading
dying starts the game over
>no saves
Well, this is a bit of difficult if the game is really lengthy or online(for example WoW or any MMORPG). Saving is fine if only if used to continue from safe space and not as an exploit.
>no loading
What does that mean.
>dying starts the game over
Its my very first rule as I have written.
Tutorials don't teach you patterns. And of course not getting hit is better than getting hit. Honestly the scoring system in DMC does a great job of forcing you into optimal play to get good scores.
6/10, got me to reply.
>Tutorials don't teach you patterns.
Every game has a different tutorial and if you actually use your brain and play carefully you will start seeing games in a different way and actually feel like your progress is real and it matters.
no saving means no saving post NES shitter
no loading means no manual loading
You realize most people don't give a fuck about immersion right? I play games because they're gamey. If I die 40 hours into a metroidvania while learning the attack patterns of a new boss I'm not restarting.
Why not just play roguelites and likes. They're made for you.
I explained the rules for saving, or should I say checkpoints. Of course manual loading and exploiting saves is cheating and an exploit. Save are used only when you stop playing the game and is done so in a safe place(town or before a stage or the beginning of).
Its not about just immersion, its about actually playing a game. You're barely playing the game like that, you're no different than an mindless AI who just dives till he finds till he finds the pattern not to. Games are a great thinking tool like every other media. Though yes, I have understood that most people are brainlets, casuals and mediocre.
I like the second and third, but the first is dumb tryhard stuff.
You can't sight read everything dude. There's 0 chance you could beat God Hand under your ruleset on hard or likely even medium.
Arino from Game Center CX is better at enjoying games than you and he breaks literally all of your rules. One of the reasons why he's better at enjoying games than you is that he actually plays them. Just play the game and worry about being good at it if you really like it, you fucking nerd.
In the beginning there were the words, and the worlds made the worlds, I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends. You cannot go forward in an absence of space.
How games should be played: A loaded gun attached to your head fires when you lose.
you'll need to engineer an actual pulley system that pulls the trigger for you and program a simple software that detects when your HP go to 0 and activates headshot.exe
>no guide
Of course
>no exploit
Nigga finding exploits/glitches and cheese has got to be the most rewarding thing ever in vidyia, yes more rewarding than no-hit runs so fuck you.
>have lapse in judgement/make human mistake and die ingame
>uninstall game and burn the disc
while I agree with you OP, I don't think that's the only way to play games.
For instance, if you have a game where you need to build up to more complex /difficult mechanics, extra lives enable a player to try again without slogging through the beginning part of the game (and losing fun value).
You could also theoretically have a game with infinite lives, but where the game itself changes upon every new life.
There's not one best way to play a game. I do think the question of permadeath (for example) should fit the mechanics of the game, and it's even better if it is in line with the narrative arc of the game as well (if it has one)