Until our friend returns, I will hold the FFXIV thread

Until our friend returns, I will hold the FFXIV thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


We have such great devs. They took time to make some head pieces equipable when the ew races couldn't wear them at all.

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When are we getting details on the job changes?

sometime this month. I've been leveling several classes just in case scholar gets put down to WHM and AST levels. I quite enjoy AST but I feel the card system could be a little less obtuse and Nocturnal Sect needs to have something done with it. Or is Diurnal just too strong?

>2 corners of that layline clearly ouside the AoEs
Get it together Y'stola (Matoya).

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Cards are fine you just need to get good.

Where is that datamined reward table for these stupid moogle things?

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the card system is obtuse. so much so that many people (most of them not worth naming) don't use them at all. and stop making it so i lose my spread balance when i zone into an instance


Why the fuck would I go to Reddit?

That will never be fixed since it's due to level syncing. Your cards stay for stuff your level.

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To get the thing you asked for? That's what did.

is the skirt dyeable?

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So uh where's the patch?

The fuck is this?

No I didn't. I just saved it when it was posted here last night.

just finished the 2.5 MSQ

why the fuck did Midgardsormr remove the blessing of light? seems like it only served to get a bunch of people killed

I hope these things aren't too easy to get. I own 5 copies of Answers Orchestrion and have been selling them slowly

Then they did
They are adding tokens to shit like crystal tower, msq roulette, and trial dungeons and that's what you can buy with them

Thanks friend.

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>Construct 8
Fuck you
>Pegasus Colt
Fuck you
>All the fucking ARR tribe quest mount
>Pegasus Whistle

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Sorry the answers market just got deleted. You should probably cut your losses now because the tokens will be really easy to get.

To see if your worthy without your divine protection.
You can thank ye ol koji for making that incomprehensible in the EN version.

Why the fuck did they only include the Mach minion and not the other two?

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>No matter how shitty the content was, people did Diadem and got rare items from it
>Give away all the gathering shit with red script
>Give away almost the minion to PotD/HoH
>Now give away the last minion and mount of Diadem

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I dunno. MSQ roulette is like pulling teeth as it is. Most of those items are easily attainable by other means.

The Pegasus Whistle is lulzy. Platinum MGP cards give 100k right? The special maps are like thief maps maybe?

This. Fucking normies getting this shit for free pisses me off to no end

Pegasus Whistle is the only item thats difficult to get. Whats the Namazu Earring? Is it just decorative or whta?

Nothing is rare in FFXIV get over it.

Pretty cool.desu.

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Bros what the fuck? I worked for my pegasus.

If something happens to Alisaie while we're away I swear on me mum

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Wtf, is this from the last round? I've never been lucky enough to get there.

Why not add less rewards, but unique rewards to this event? Why pull from loot that people farmed/worked for? Fucking retarded.

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I like the lore piece that Mhach put Scathach in the body of a young girl in order to hold back her powers.

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That would require them to make new things.

>You think you're hot shit kid? Let's see how good you are without your crutch blessing

It's only incomprehensible if you can't read above a middle school level.

That segment is notoriously poorly translated. He's testing you to see if you're worth watching.

Maybe if you're an American

My dude literally like 3/4 of the dialogue is missing, just straight up not there.

>Heh heh heh. Mayhap thou thinkest me an oathbreaker?
>Thou art mistaken. If thou comest to harm, it shall be by another's hand, not mine.
>I did but strip thee of thy mistress's feeble blessing.
>Thou didst profit much by Her grace, but no more.
If you can't understand what he's saying here, you need to read more.
It's actually not. Every single bit of it is there. You just have no reading comprehension.


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The missing piece is that hes testing you.
It straight up sounds like he just deletes your blessing out of malace here.

This kind of thing actually bothers me. It makes me wonder if there is a bunch of stuff the devs could be doing to make the game better, but don't because some retard above them tells them not to waste resources on it.YoshiP

No that sounds sinister as fuck dude. It heavily implies he's leaving you out dry for something else to kill you. It's very misleading.

Based retard.


>The convenant binds me to thee.
>I shall watch... listen... and wait.
Again, learn to read and comprehend what you're reading.
Yeah, it's intentionally misleading because that's how the lore team (Oda included, not just Koji) decided they wanted dragons to speak. They wanted them to be confusing and obtuse in their words.
Yeah, and every single piece of the JP text is there in English. Fucking idiot.

I want to play this game and I think the engineer looks cool, but what race goes well with it?

>people defending Koji rewriting dialogue
Reddit is that way

>It's not misleading, you just can't read
>Yes it is misleading but it's intentional
Which is it?

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Alright so you're just being a smug cunt that admits it's purposefully misleading in the same breath that you say everything is clear. Kindly fuck off.

Do you mean machinist?

If you come to ultros, remember to /throw and /laugh at anyone from this FC!

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I'm saying the choice of words is misleading, but all the information is there if you bother to try and comprehend what he's saying. Holy shit you people are stupid.

yes that one

>Guided by a star...? Heh heh heh.
>This is true, the star in the northern skies burns with the valorous roar of my kin. This is the battlecry, calling to advance.
Holy fucking based Koji Fox shitting on the scrip just because he can.

>Yeah, it's intentionally misleading because that's how the lore team (Oda included, not just Koji) decided they wanted dragons to speak.
Then why is the JP version so much more explicit about everything?
>They wanted them to be confusing and obtuse in their words.
Then why is Midgardsormr the only cryptic and confusing dragon? Hraesvelgr, Nidhogg, Tiamat, even Vidofnir, none of them are cryptic at all, they just speak in a very old-fashioned way.

Mad your whistle farming was for nothing?

Shut the fuck up

>gooks and tumblrinas going full twatter outrage shit on the taisho outfits because m-muh colonialism after one hundred fucking years
God I want off this gay Earth.

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You get it from the elf town, so Elezen I guess

Nigga you literally claimed, in the very same reply, that they aren't and are misleading.
Make up your fucking mind

Also, Midgardsormr stops being cryptic in heavensward and stormblood

Is that the old GAF?
Wasn't their tag before too?



It’s gonna be a while before you can even start machinist. You have to own The Heavensward expansion, get to level 50, and complete the main scenario of realm reborn.

Actually any race fits Machinist, it's in game lore is that literally anyone can use it and that it's meant to replace Ishgard's difficult knight system that's reserved for those of higher birth.

Read the next English line you fucking tard.
>Then why is the JP version so much more explicit about everything?
Because like most other beast tribes and Eorzean dialects, Japanese doesn't have the freedom to represent that kind of speech without becoming literally incomprehensible to the Japanese. So everyone in the JP script speaks like any average person on the Tokyo street. There's a reason even the JP uses the English Dragonspeak in voice acted scenes.
>Then why is Midgardsormr the only cryptic and confusing dragon? Hraesvelgr, Nidhogg, Tiamat, even Vidofnir, none of them are cryptic at all, they just speak in a very old-fashioned way.
Because reddit and the OF are fucking retarded, much like the people in this thread, and complained that they thought Middy was threatening them because they're illiterate. So they made it easier for you stupid faggots to understand in Heavensward.
It's no fucking wonder you can't understand Midgardsormr if you can't understand what I'm saying. The idea was for dragons to speak in a cryptic way, but all the information is still there.

Redpill me on this game, I'm a new PS4 Pro owner, WoW/PC refugee and looking for something to fill the void.
I don't mind "weeb things" because I enjoy every media source, so go full honest with me please.

Also to add to this by the time you get to HW you’ll get a free character redo potion. So make whatever you think looks cool

Who gives a shit

The outfit is dye able. But the skirt is not a separate item. It is the whole dress as one unit.

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>To express it in simpler terms, it would be akin to having a Nazi outfit introduced into the fantasy game you come to enjoy as a hobby.

Racial cleansing aside, Nazi uniforms look dank as fuck

This is because of shit like this that Racism is still a thing.

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Japanese literally lives and dies by implications and incomplete sentences, lmao

Lalafell goes well with all ranged classes

It's okay. It feels more like a solo RPG with forced multiplayer than an MMORPG but it's fun nonetheless.

Hopefully not too many people

>I won't be able to get my Raidou cosplay

Yes, you'll surely become right if you repeat the same retarded bullshit a few more times.

So how do you translate that into Dragonspeak to make it feel ancient and mysterious when that's already how the Japanese speak you fucking idiot?

That's a shame, thanks user

>Japanese doesn't have the freedom to represent that kind of speech without becoming literally incomprehensible to the Japanese.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about, you don't know shit you larping EOP


>If I were to describe dragonspeak in one word, it would be “economical”. The dragons (more specifically, the First Brood) have had tens of thousands of years to trim the fat—whether it be from vocabulary, grammar, syntax, or even pronunciation. Multiple meanings have been consolidated into single terms and redundancies eliminated. Words have been shortened, simplified, or condensed to minimize oratory exertion. Instead of differences in meaning being represented by different words, inflection and breath patterns have become the norm. And then there is the simple fact that the beings who use this language have been doing so with the same partners for thousands of years. It is only expected that after communicating with someone for so long, that both parties are, in an sense, able to anticipate what the other will say, further contributing to the abbreviation or omission of obsolete terms, as well as imparting even deeper meaning to words NOT spoken─the ultimate form of reading between the lines.

>To combat supposed cultural erasure in the past we demand cultural erasure in the present
LMAO fuck em

>Noooo it's not me that's wrong it's everyone else
Perhaps you understood Midgardsormr "cryptic" dialogue because you have the same ass backward communication skills as the fag who translated it.

Job changes reveal when?

Jesus you're a fucking tool, get fresher bait.

Has change.org ever achieved anything? There are petitions for literally everything.


10 days unless we get media tour leaks which good luck with that

next live letter

We get it, you want to fallate Koji.

I wish I could go back in time and see if you really understood what he was doing at the time, because no shit its obvious what he was doing now that we've all been through heavensward.

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Just read between the lines, minus the oldespeake that's a classic way of threatening someone.

Hi Koji.

>I wish I could go back in time and see if you really understood what he was doing at the time
I did, I understood it immediately and was shocked that I had to fucking explain it to everyone. It's really sad that as soon as something isn't said in plain, direct, easy to understand words, the average person's comprehension totally falls apart. Like holy shit, do you even think about what you're reading?

The localization in this game is some of the worst I've ever seen, the whole fake shakespeare speak is totally retarded too, what the fuck was SE thinking?

>Just read between the lines, minus the oldespeake that's a classic way of threatening someone.
Point to where he threatens us, ESL-kun. He literally says flat out that he's not going to hurt you.

Yeah, they should just hand out normies Ultimate Titles and Weapons by grinding philosophy tomestones a thousand times each :)

>*puts numbers in spell names

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It's literally just some autistic westaboo retard who posts in every one of these threads desperately shitting on anyone who criticizes anything Koji does (even going so far as to defend him censoring Haurchefant and turning him into a boring generic NPC) or uses the good voice acting because he's desperately trying to prove he's not a weeaboo or something.

I would also add all the past Feast reward too!

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Please understand. EOPs are too retarded to know how to pronounce -ara and -aga.

>*makes Haurchefant a boring generic NPC*

>if you're okay with the EN version then you're a weeaboo
Are you mentally ill?

>Forgetting the mentor mount

ffxi did this too

That's not what I said retard. I said the larping faggot who constantly parrots shit that JLPT1 redditors post is a closet weeaboo who is desperately trying to prove to himself that he's not by aggressively shitting on literally anyone who posts anything positive about the JP script or dub/negative about Koji's rewrite or the ENG dub on Yea Forums.

If I lived for 1000s of years I would speak in the most convoluted obtuse way possible because why the fuck should something that lives that long give a shit about speaking "economically"?

He's 100% based and there's nothing you can do about it

He implies something else is going to hurt you right after stripping your protective blessing. Because no other reason is given that implies he's stripping your blessing so something else can hurt you. That's called a threat, and no amount of Koji cock sucking will change that.

>I'm not going to hurt you
>I'm just going to strip you of your protective blessing, and if something else kills you it's not my problem lol

It's a classic example of a threat you goddamn dunce.

1.x had the correct names

Yeah, and it's also shit there.

>Bahamut totaly just thought Neal was female.
How the fuck did he not get fired after that one?

This. It's been like what 6 years now? You should already know by now that this is how shit works in this game. The only sacred cow that they haven't touched yet is feast rewards for whoever the fuck knows why but hell maybe they will surprise us in shadowniggers and give that away to?

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The SCH victory pose does things to my dick.

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You retards need to read the entire conversation and then actually attempt to comprehend it. He accuses you of gliding by because of the Blessing. He speaks of binding himself to you by a covenant. He strips you of your Blessing and then says he's going to watch you. God damn.

Read the gamerescape article on it. He didn't find out what the final gender was going to be until the Second Coil cutscenes showed up on his desk and he suddenly had to cook up some kind of acceptable reason for the male pronouns used in 1.0. When they published the real explanation with the lorebook, we're expected to treat Urianger's explanation as an incorrect guess.

vpose over someone doing pdead

they wanted a return to ivalice-like dialogue

>Based XI has so many spells it needs both numbers AND ra/ga suffixes
Fucking WoWfication

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are you guys hyped for jp nazi and whore glams?

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when is shadowniggers coming out, guess ill have to play this till Wow classic comes out

It was during the meltdown and before their new site. Now it's this.

i'm hyped for korean tears (i didn't even know gooks played this game lol)

>cap level vs lvl 20ish
weak bait. not saying blm is super complicated, but its way more complicated than this image is giving it credit for.

28th of June if you pre-order
2nd of July otherwise

Did they actually line up the female hat to be a ribbon for the ponytail hairstyle?

>literally nobody uses the direwolf mount but me

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This is depressing to read, as someone who didn't play XI.

They should be content rewards

There's also the legacy chocobo and goobbue mount I'm just waiting for those to be put on the mogstation or given away too

It basically boils down to unga bunga hit fire button and is a travesty compared to other MMO mages. (modern wow excluded)

legacy chocobo will literally never be given away, there would be too much of a shitstorm
goobue doesnt really need to be given away either considering laurel goobue is almost identical

I wonder how gooks feel about Sakura Taisen.

>Wind-Up Cali
Fuck yes, the only minion I was missing from the Void Arc raids.

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The ARR BT mounts are my favorite ones.

>Elbst still can't fly

Fucking bullshit.

If it could fly then it could swim and the lore for the mount says it can't swim anymore because it had the webbing on its feet cut at an early age to be used as land mounts

How long until Feast rewards start appearing in Mogstation?

>there would be too much of a shitstorm
eh I dunno about this considering what happened to White Ravens
but I guess that was more specifically shitting on people who actually liked playing the old game enough to get them and not just the legacy players who forked money over so I guess that's about right for YoshiP

so wtf is so special about the map?

>you'll never have a school uniform this stylish

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I'm convinced there's a few fags in SE's NA localization team that stroke themselves off over this wannabe Shakespeare shit and pretentiously shove it in wherever they can get away with it. Honestly, there are times where its really not that bad, but holy fuck when these fags get a hold of certain characters they do not let up.

Yoshi-P apologized for the White Ravens and said he wouldn't that kind of thing again.

Someone reply to the fanboy defending the retarded writing, watching this shit unfold is fun

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I'm going to marry Y'shtola!

I have the job capped. It has more to do with the dilemma of cast times and required movement than anything else. That enochian timer can be a bitch. But yeah, the job is simple on paper.

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The sandals look really stupid.

well, if you'd played XI you'd realize the majority of the gibberish on the left doesn't apply to to black mages and the list of spells mostly replace each other. It would be like saying a Mage in WoW has over 10 ice spells when 8 of them are ranks of frostbolt

Guaranteed to have an Uznair portal.

What that pic doesn't show of course is that you were basically just there to chain nuke and 90% of your class didn't actually matter. Bloat =/= better and anyone who says XI BLM isn't just as shit as XIVs is a liar who didn't play the game.

i hope you don't seriously believe that lol

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>arr and hw mounts just being given away practically for free
What the fuck did I work for...?

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Shh... XI is a perfect godgame. No more criticizing it.

Beast tribe team-up quests

Who really cares? If they can let gobbues fly, then they should just lift all of the restrictions. I honestly thought they had until I read his post.

They're so easy to get nowadays that farming the tomestones for them is actually harder.

>implying anyone works for ARR and HW mounts now
If you weren't outraged at unsync and increased tribe caps then you're being silly.

In the case of my direwolf I actually leveled up my goldsmith using those quests and that was the only beast tribe I actually gave a fuck about because the rest didn't give you anything worth your time so I'm happy about this

The mounts that you've had for years? The fuck do you mean.

>because the rest didn't give you anything worth your time
What about the easily obtainable crafting materials and dyes?

I don't craft and gil wasn't and still isn't worth my time

Yes, the mounts I farmed as they were current content. Now every tom, dick, and harry will have them after running a couple dungeons without having to roll on them or do clear anything but normal dungeons.

the beast tribe minions and the team-up quest rewards


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Why the fuck don't they sell this shit on NA?

Did anyone end up datamining the audio for the two new orchestrion rolls?

The true bonus of beast tribes. Has made my life so much easier when building airships.

Why only like 10% of NINs ever bother using Shade and Smoke?

You can easily solo the ARR Exs and in a month you'll be able to do the same for HW.

because the chinks are better paypigs than burgers

The Feast should be next

they will eventually, that shit doesn't stay exclusive for very long

Pffffft Imagine being you and genuinely being upset that other people can get mounts.


Ninja here. I might shadewalker if my tank is tanking something, but in roulettes, literally no reason to bother.

Lalafell should be tanks ONLY

I don't even get why it's even being a thing for old beast tribes. They're actively incentivising people not to go and do other content. Dead content like Diadem, sure, that's pretty whatever and reasonable. But beast tribes and old extremes are so accessible it doesn't make any sense.

I bet you think translators adding self fallating "books" in game that justify their shitty spell naming system is acceptable too.

They will, just takes a time window of exclusivity.

>spend weeks agonizing over glams
>just decide to use Job sets in the end
They look good

>things I didn't say
The WoWification of XIV is a cancer and I want my proper spell names. The modding community is a perfect opportunity to get them, but people are much more interested in making lingerie, futa cocks, and fat asses.

>make alt on EU recently
>will never ever get the shantotto minion on it

Bro. I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be a silly joke if you're talking about the passage in goobal hard

please let this happen. the tears would bring about the second coming of louisoix

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The cutscene where he's first voiced seems so out of place. He's gesticulating like a madman and your character is creeped out and making bizarre faces but the English version still has his boring dialogue.

Zoomers need to be gathered up and be shot. You niggers want everything to be given to you for free.

Fuck you zoomers. What happened to earning things?

As much as I despise PvP in this game, and wish I could've obtained some of the mounts, I'd rather this not happen. Shit just ain't right.

Why the fuck are you complaining about this kind of shit in fucking XIV of all games?
I farmed my mount mounts years ago and I don't give a single fuck about them.
If they were giving out the SB one I'd be mad, but as it is right now, literally who cares?

>Encouraging free loaders
You need to go too.

And they probably will give out the sb mounts in the future, looking at this.

>still holding on to the idea that anything is unique or special or valuable in this game

hoooooooly shit you guys are dumb

>Implying I don't already have my coat and hellhound armor

I fucking hate the niche little pvp community in this game. They're even more entitled and obnoxious than most of the 1.0 people I played with. let it fucking burn

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>Being mad that you can now buy easily farmable mounts

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Yeah, in 4 years.

Shut the fuck up. This is a fucking game, not fucking free healthcare.

Koreans just trying to flex on Japan 70 years later because they got their shit ruined so fucking hard it resonates some 3 generations afterwards.
It's such manufactured outrage too. Using the "My grandparents-" shit is fucking pathetic and no one should ever listen to that argument. The cop outs after too are the worst though. "Oh I think they're pretty but uhm like, can we just not use them and forget this era of history?" Its such a disconnect of reality from fucking art that its shocking. This is like saying no painting made in 1940's Germany deserves to be preserved in a museum for research or appreciation purpose.

lala tanks are a novelty the first few times you see it, nothing more. Nobody in current content even blinks at them, contrary to what lala players think

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Elitist manbabies having stuff taken away from them gives me a stiffy
Can't wait to get the new mounts

When do I get to stick it in Alphinaud's butt?

>easily farmable
That's the thing, they're easily farmable. Put in some new, unique rewards you lazy hacks.

I want the male outfit. Fuck overdesigned way too bulky Asian dress #12

So you're gullible as fuck

>This is like saying no painting made in 1940's Germany deserves to be preserved in a museum for research or appreciation purpose.
They actually would support that, though. They want to erase the past.

How will you zoomies feel when they give away replica ultimate weapons?

No, they can do the content that the devs worked on instead of being fed it for free from content they will be doing regardless.

Nothing says learning from past mistakes like trying to delete them from existence.

Nobody even farms 2.0 extremes any more.

PvP is shit content. Nothing should ever be locked behind PvP.

t. have been playing MMOs since Tibia in 2001.

I was once in an FC where one of the members said nothing positive came out of Nazi Germany. I countered that we had a lot of medical and scientific advances like rocket technology, and that ultimately Israel was born out of the Nazi's actions fuck kikes but I was appealing to normalfags. I was banned for it.

And the only one I have, bastards

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* now THAT was an mmo.

There should be a 5 year grace period for Feast Rewards.

Normies hate Israel you idiot

Gonna pop a boner

Try farming Diadem right now, I dare you.

It makes even less sense in doma where fucking illiterate peasant rice farmers are speaking high English. It's fucking immersion breaking for a story centered game. God forbid they give each region a different style of speaking but that would require the localizers to not be hacks

These are not people
They are savages that need culled if they cant afford the brain cells to appreciate art for its beauty or craft.

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Yeah. Make them bad at L's and R's so you can immerse yourself.

There's a difference between erasing the past and not wanting to support bad shit. Just like there shouldn't ever be a nazi uniform in the cash shop. You can have it in a history book.

XIV's world actually has a reversal of what you'd expect. The peasants are the ones speaking in older English dialects, but scholarly characters like the Scions speak in more modern terms. A peasant says 'sennight', but a scholar says 'week'.


Enjoy your flat asses and Size B cups.

The human that invented clothes probably clonked a woman in the head. Better stop wearing misogynist clothes.

Actually the things that makes me rage the most is how they put the seasonal events items on the fucking mogstation when in 1.x they always brought the old ones back that you could re-buy with gil or tokens. Maybe retire them to the mogstation after 5 years or something but what makes me really mad is the fucking cucks who defend this practice and clamor for stuff to be put on the mogstation at all. Who are these people who WANT to pay 20 dollars for a fucking pumpkin head or something instead of being given the option to trivially earn it in game????

why dothest thoust hate the basedsth Koji Fox.

>School uniforms = Nazi uniforms
Got it.

Based retard.

Based pretending to be offended by clothes.

So why haven't you made the stonaja mod yet

>be me, new player
>find this cool guy in the starting island
>we level up together and form a bro friendship
>time to choose vocations, i chose paladin
>later regret it
>friend offers to hold my gold to give it to a new character i made planning to be another vocation
>actually gets scammed and never sees the friend or gold again
10/10 shit was fucking cash

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I wouldn't have the slightest clue of how to do that.

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Asking the important questions. They should drop that useless sister of hers (his) that no one wants to look at and let us drown our meat popsicle in that tight porcelain boypussy. And also give her (him) her (his) slut outfit back.

Why waste so much time pretending to be someone special in a fantasy world when you can use all that time to improve your real world self instead? The same could be said for all the time and money spent on games in general. For every hour spent running dungeons or raids, you could be lifting, reading, socializing, meditating, studying, etc.

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>ywn fool players into doing the Desert Quest with you and trap them in the very last room before the exit with a buddy and take all their loot again

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I bet SHB will flop. Flop hard. Because release date is too close to WoW Vanilla and because SE is in bad state.
All SE games flopped and now XIV is the only source of income for them. So they will milk their players and will cut costs on development.

And WoW Classic will be HUGE thing on MMO market and will draw auditory from EVERY mmo in the world because it is alpha and omega of the genre.

Actually we already can see difference between old XIV and NEW. For example new race in XIV is literally prostitutes without story, lore and logic.
And wow has cool new races with awesome style and deep lore. Like zandalars have Aztec style, man, this is super cool. You actually know this race before, you can see their capital in game and you can understand their lifestyle and problems, they have deep story and their existence is lore friendly.
But what about bunnyshit? Jeez

So... SHB is already dead and SE with it. Because SE don't have any other big games, and they need money, so they will cut costs and force more microtransactions.

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Fuck off loser

This, but with literally anything.


Why live if everything you do will be worthless in the end?

Just saying if they had a nazi style coat and hat glamour in this game i'd be all over it. don't even like the fuckers but won't deny they had style.

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So where did this cope pasta come from?
MUH HOME general? Or Reddit?

I ask myself that everyday.

Self made

>WoW Vanilla

You think those of us who play FFXIV give a shit about that game?

Its funny to see people gatekeeping pvp of all things and shitting on all the garo babies instead of trying to get more people to stick around after the mounts are gone

Attached: 1345827728881.jpg (238x203, 17K)

Not an argument

Just kill yourself. Seriously. If you're going to be anal about "wasting" your time with literally anything, you might as well.


>can't proceed msq because of level
i don't feel like doing dungeons, i just want my comfy grind alone in peace until the next forced msq dungeon
is doing fates of my level viable

so you're just a begging leech with no initiative

I want them, and you, to leave pvp because you don't have the will to learn the strategy. Just there to spam attacks and get your mount. Just leave and let us who are strategists deal in the real combat of the game.

A nazi uniform no, but an outfit designed to pay homage to the genius designer's artistic ability is not harmful in anyway except to your feelings. The new outfits are just designed to recapture that era's fashion aesthetics, and the faggots trying to shut it down because it hurts their senile grandma's feelings are actually just butthurt about shit that didn't happen in their lifetime.

>Doesn't mod your game

I said exactly the same things. These hypocrites bitch about pvp being dead and abandoned but everytime someone tries to bring up giving the old rewards for something even like collars that you can only get so many of a year they still bitch and dig their heels into the mud. Garo was the single best thing that happened to pvp but they'll tell you otherwise. It's because they were getting pissed about getting their shit pushed in by randoms

Attached: 1554155415002.jpg (280x280, 16K)

The uniforms are emblematic of the oppression of the time as well. It's something that is used to erase a native culture. Same thing with the native americans. They ported off their kids to the schools, cut them off from their cultures, and tried to erase it in that manner.

Enjoy your 3 hour queues then, I guess.

Probably? Assuming you're a first timer I'm not sure how good the XP is, but if fates don't work out you could try palace of the dead or PvP, though I'm unsure if the latter still gives XP at lower levels.


>if you're not a modder then you can't want modders to make a much-requested change!
Nigger, fuck off

Do the daily dungeon roulette, your class's hunting log (press H), weekly fate challenges (5 fates in different regions + 5 other fates). And a levequests or two maybe.

Oh shit well let's just erase all the colonial era clothing in XIV too

Yes. You can always do the collect shit or kill enemies fates. Only the boss fates will give you trouble solo depending on your class. Assuming you're at Coerthas right now there are several optional dungeons you may have missed if you're just following the MSQ that you may want to check out at some point too.

Why the fuck can't I update my god damn game

Attached: 1541361594373.png (243x151, 8K)

pretty shitty pasta going off of a lot of assumptions.
1. SE is in a bad state, but not nearly as bad as blizz.
2. WoW Classic is going to die very shortly after release due to modern features being shoehorned in (sharding) and the fact that it is a static game that will never receive updates, because then it would no longer be classic.
3. Hrothgar are ronso from ffx, viera are from the world of Ivalice. Both have lore attached to them from the start instead of vague real world stereotypes like "aztec style, man". You know the race before if you know about final fantasy.
4. Classic is going to be the final nail in Blizzard's coffin, because BfA is hot garbage and they sunk money into a temporary game instead of spending it making their main retail feature playable. Looking forward to watching blizz burn.

Is desert yellow unbarded chocobo the best mount?

Attached: ARR_Chocobos.png (586x532, 336K)

Do you open the launcher last night while the servers were down like they specifically said not to do? If so you'll have to uninstall and redownload it.



No sir.

Attached: ffxiv_05122019_012631_713.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Getting the same error here. Wtf?

Do you perhaps have the game's .exe running as administrator? try turning that off, or optionally make sure the launcher is also running as admin

>they brag about developing adding sleeve physics for the samurai robe
>add this outfit at roughly the same time
>sleeves are stiff as a cumsock
>still charge $12
Bravo Yoshi. I also like how they are completely hidden in this promo photo.

I don't believe you.
You make a compelling argument.

No, not all the clothing. But some clothing, such as mandatory uniforms, can be used in such a manner.

I don't, but I tried running the launcher as admin and it still didn't work. Also tried restarting my PC and my modem, and checked firewall settings.

How about ffxivupdater.exe and ffxivupdater64.exe?

Chocobro with that Maelstrom barding, but with the medium version of the helmet (penisless one) is the best mount.

>They're so easy to get nowadays
fucking join a sephirot farm party right now and see how ""easy"" it is.

Find your boot.cfg in documents/my games/ff a realm reborn/
find BootVersionCheckMode and change its value to 1 if it is a 0. Should force the launcher to check for updates.

Just restarting should do it. Same thing was happening to me but I rebooted my computer.

>dont touch game yesterday
>get on today
>wont boot

great game glad i got it for free. wouldnt pay money to deal with this fucking garbage

No good. I guess I'm gonna have to reinstall.

I think they said next live letter is on the 23rd, unless I'm not remembering correctly.

I hate these outfits just because they look fuck ugly but I'll take it if it makes Koreans cry.

Just checked and the Documents/My Games/Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn folder is set to Read-Only for some reason? I've been trying to uncheck and apply but it keeps reverting to Read-Only.

That's Yoshi's MO, get used to it.

Same here, but I unchecked it and it worked. What the fuck?

Don't remove it and give it to us too already.

Attached: taisho.jpg (1080x1920, 263K)

>There's no Tower shield relic in the game
I hope ShB will change that...
Meanwhile I'll keep my shield of the round.

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will people make fun of me if i buy the demonic set from the mogstation?

Good pasta. Should go post it on the wow classic reddit.

maybe get yourself a prywen, it's fairly large shield, though not a tower.

I miss when there was actually stat differences between bucklers, kite shields, and tower shields.

I will.


Remember when BLM has wands and shields ?

They should at least make that shit glamourable.

there are still those differences, but there's only like 1 tower in sb and it's a leveling shield.

Haha fuck you! I just did sephirot EX twice last night with my FC and got the whistle

Fun game.


They had clubs user, not wands. WHM had wands.

Did I miss something?


If you feel the MSQ is boring just skip it.

anyone got that pic of the WoL with alphinaud and alisae and it says "if anything happened to alphinaud and alisae i would kill everyone in this room and then myself"

Attached: 1557640876058.png (440x440, 273K)

If you honestly get upset over an old mount being easier to obtain you need to re-evaluate why you are playing this game.

I hope they do that because why should ultimate be sacred when nothing else is? all that time farming for ponies back in the day and now you can just solo farm them in a couple of runs, what is the point in me farming anything in the game when I can wait a year or two and I'd be able to get it for almost free. So yeah fuck ultimate, fuck PvP the last bastions of the unnerfed reward rates.

Post your orchestrion playlists.

Attached: file.png (744x454, 387K)

Can't find the source for this. Link?

>hat is male only
fuck gooks

Attached: 04b8028f474742a2a2d820fc0846bd64.jpg (600x567, 74K)

>hat is male only
What did you expect you dumb whore?
Just play a male character if you want to use something that only male people used to wear.

1. youtube.com/watch?v=lmdJTptF2go

dilate, tranny

Attached: 1555811755660.png (719x363, 305K)

Should I continue saving up for this or just get the typhon mount today?

Attached: 4366213676.jpg (1080x1080, 90K)

>tfw no Somnus orchestrion roll

I got all seven chaos emeralds

Attached: 7.jpg (1920x1056, 803K)

go back to idling in rhalgrs greylet

You sound like you play a Xaela, tranny.

I think I used Typhoon for like 20 minutes before switching. I've used the Sabotender a bit more.

>males get cool things
>males only
>ugly shit
>shared between gender
every time

Why not both?
t. owner of all gold saucer mounts

>Vast majority of gear looks better on girls
>Guys get something half decent looking
>Everyone starts bitching
Every time.

i log on every day...
still nothing to do
welp guess thats it then and im not sold on 5.0

Female characters get a lot more shit (exclusive, or shared but aimed at female characters anyway) than males do, get fucked. Let us have good, exclusive shit sometimes. Female characters don't have to get everything males get, especially when males don't get what females get (for a good reason too).

Attached: hey weebs.png (445x285, 268K)

>he hasn't started big fishing
>he hasn't collected all the triple triad cards
>he doesn't have all the relics
>he doesn't have his Warrior of Darkness glamour ready

>>Vast majority of gear looks better on girls
Completely untrue, its the opposite, fending and melee sets look awful on females
>b-b-but robes on casters and healers that look awful on everyone

I only have a tank set ready. No clue what to use on my other classes.

>fending and melee sets look awful on females
Wrong. You're just shit at glamour. Or are you mad that it's not slutty enough?

Attached: 1542746150903.png (1309x653, 1.72M)

that's one cute zwei

>triple triad
mega yech
from 2.0 then they turned it into some crystal grind trashbin
>glam ready
bitch the day expansion drop all 4.0 gear will be made useless by npc shop gear

thats cheating, all gear are designed for them, you don't suffer from oversized shoulderpads like au ra and cats

>he doesn't know how glam plates work

>high heel sabatons

don't play the designated slut races then if you want to look good in armor. It's not complicated.

Yeah, since typhon doesn't have a sneeze action I'll just continue saving up
Because I'm a retard and only started doing fashion report a few weeks ago

Attached: 76543612243.jpg (500x490, 41K)

Yeah, it's feminine but still looks like a knight.


I DO NOT WANT GArBaGe gLaM fRoM yesterdays PATCH

Gas all Miqo'te

>He thinks I'm anywhere close to grey
I just want to see people get pissed and to stimulate discussion about the people in this game who think it's okay to do less than hw damage in stormblood content and are unable to put in any effort whatsoever because they don't have to but hey let's reward them anyway.

Like half the whore npcs are midlanders.

>makes every NPC speak like an ancient englishmen
>makes every "pirate" or sea people just speak incoherent shit
>every fate and quest name are pop cultures references
>changes writing of the MSQ to be more obscure and confusing
>puts numbers in spell names instead of retaining the original naming, yet every fucking Ninja skill and Samurai retains their japanese name
>adds funny meme descriptions to the items


Attached: Untitled.png (449x167, 9K)


Change your FFXIV game folder from read only

I'll do you one better

Attached: 1548123194745.png (668x412, 357K)

>get hit by doom
>healer doesn't have esuna because they're retarded
>cleanse it myself with bloodbath and midare setsugekka



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So whats the deal with this scene? Is it Matoya inside Y'shtola's body? Is it some crazy 1st crystal Matoya/Y'shtola hybrid? Or is it something else?


theyd probably love that

every time

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Attached: correct black rose usage.jpg (1920x1080, 608K)

We don't know

If I wanted to grind on a 15 year old game I would just go to a ragnarok online server, a CoX server once things settle down, or just boot up GW again.

Chances are Matoya sacrifices herself to bring Y'shtola back, or she is somehow possessing Y'shtola. The thing is with possession in this game is that the possessed speak with the body's voice, which is why Zenos-Elidibus sounds like Zenos and not Elidibus

I've roleplayed with them before. I'm sure you won't be surprised to find out that they're a tranny. Not in a meme way, but they are very literally a tranny. And they get asshurt about everything.

Which mental illness does this tribe have again? Is it the buddhist trannies or the horse-fucking ones?

Of course.

Attached: file.png (293x88, 6K)

They're on the First in that scene though, in Rak'tika, and Y'shtola got her soul sucked there. The Crystal Tower has cloning facilities so it's more likely that she's just in a new body over there. So then the question is why she's using the name Matoya.
>which is why Zenos-Elidibus sounds like Zenos and not Elidibus
But Zenos in his Elezen body still sounds like Zenos. They pick and choose how to have them sound just for viewer convenience or to intentionally mislead.

Dotharl just believe in reincarnation. And of course trannies have taken this and twisted it into, "Sadu identifies as a male because she was a male in her past life and so Dotharl are trans."

either that or the Elezen he possessed has a similar voice to his. Dumber stuff has happened

>First Savage tier of 5.0 will be out a wee bit before WoW Classic launches
SE, please...

>gooks forever mad they japs civilized them

Attached: 04a89c7386bd827eb9f4037fafd11f07.png (1300x824, 1.24M)

honk honk?

>tfw we will never get cool armor like this because of Yoshi's autism

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arent female koreans super turbo SJWs? I fucking hate this games playerbase, nothing but pansy fags every corner

preasu stoppu riking garureans

It's amazing SJWs have time to enjoy themselves when they're stuck carrying all the irrelevant worries of the world on their back, being the modern-day court criers and all.

It's similar to the tumblr SJWs, most wouldn't really care that much about this.

I personally know that person. It's a tranny.

Attached: bgm.jpg (715x334, 68K)

All koreans are sjws and worship jews, they get circumcised because they think it will make them successful

>In a FC, 6 of us all happen to live in the same city, FC leader and her husband want us all to meet up a couple weeks ago and watch Avengers Endgame together
>actually have a good time, we all go back to their house for a few drinks after and FC leader makes us all dinner and she's a really good cook
>after dinner the others start to filter out and leave, leaders husband goes into the garage/game room and plays Smash, I'm in the kitchen helping with clean up and dishes
>FC leader suddenly hugs me from behind while I'm washing a plate and leans her head against my back, she tells me how grateful she is for everything, not just helping with the dishes but for what I do for the FC and how I've helped her in ways I don't even know
>says she wants to show me how grateful she is and starts taking off my belt and opens my pants up and starts to kiss and suck my dick
>harder than I've been in a long time, start fucking her face and cum down her throat, she didn't gag or push back once and swallow everything
>after she stands up and leans against my chest and asks me to hold her for a little bit
>eventually have to go, her husband had no idea what happened
>in game later she tells me she wants to see me again
>have her come to my house this past Sunday, her husband was out of town that day and me and her spend almost the entire day together in bed fucking and talking
>tells me how unhappy she is in her marriage, husband doesn't do anything and collects a check from the government, he doesn't help with the FC, and would rather jerk off to cat and lizard girls than be with her
>starts to cry a little when she has to leave, kiss her and tell her it will be alright
>when she asks when she can see me again I just tell her "soon"
Guys what the fuck did I get myself into and what do I do now

Run away and/or tell her husband. Don't get involved with backstabbing whores.

how's their female boypussy

So i guess FC cuck roleplay stories are the new thing now? I got a feeling your the same guy who typed about the angry gook friend

a big lie that everyone can see through you massive larping fag

>things that never happened

If that thot cheated her husband without divorcing him what makes you so sure that she doesn't do that to you?

Her husband is a broke fuck and if you don't treat her then she gonna cheat on you too.


It's the sad fate of retard proofing your game.

user stop describing the shit you watch on PornHub, it's disgusting.

>gook crying about being colonized
>when modern Korea gladly accepts Western influences including that of negroes to shape their music, fashion, and pop culture in general
Dumbass gook

>A month and a half of absolutely nothing.

You find some new copy-pasta is what.

Mine's just permanently set to the Twin Faces of Fate.

I didn't have any intention of having a real relationship with her, but I do get stupid and am pretty easily manipulated by sad girls sometimes
I made some good friends in that group though and hate to see it ripped apart, do you think I should talk to them first and let them know what's up before telling her husband

>Mine's just permanently set to the Twin Faces of Fate.
Good taste.

This is easily the least based and gayest playerbase from any game I've ever dedicated my full time to. What attracts fags (and not just literal fags, but anyone who's remotely faggy) to this shit anyway? Is it the aesthetic?

Just because you guys are totally asocial doesn't mean everyone is

>I made some good friends in that group though and hate to see it ripped apart
Women always destroy groups, user. It's in their nature.
>do you think I should talk to them first and let them know what's up before telling her husband

>Korean assblasted because of JP colonization
>Plays JP game

whatever you say user now tell me a story about how you fucked her ass so hard that her legs gave out

The game never pressures the players or expects them to improve, and it's chock full of dress-up and house decorating features.

gooks are professional victims.
Japan certainly assraped them but they won't let go even after one hundred years.

>plays Smash
Please be more subtle when shitposting

>Spent all that time grinding hunts last month to get riding maps.
>Now it'll be piss easy to get.
Fuck you!

>motivation to play is completely drained this close to the expansion

Why can't it just be here already fuck

Well I just lost 2 friends outright and they left the FC as well and said I'm about to ruin everything, the others just said "that's fucked up, you gotta tell him" but he's not online right now so we will see how that goes
Dude I fucked her so hard your mother called in the middle of it and screamed my son user is a faggot while she was cumming

They already were piss easy to get with BLU. If anything the maps there are incredibly overpriced compared to everything else.

>playing SMN
>mfw the tank does the BIG boy pulls

Attached: 1371056208583.jpg (442x439, 119K)

Attached: (YOU).png (300x313, 174K)

holy fuck I hate everyone who said join malestrom they fucking suck now in pvp.


I wonder, does every game have autists screeching about not being able to join the villain team like XIV does?

the sea swallows all cum

how are we gonna get these? mog shop or in game?

Everyone sucks in PvP with Freelancing now.

Take a guess.

stupid GC jumper

Fuck I want that hat

Flames are legitimately retarded.

>join PVP game on Flames
>game starts off well
>team always ends up zerging to the middle and feeding eventually

Every goddamn game

Why is moulinet level 52 aaaaahhhh

as if you even need it pre 50 with how early you get shatter and how much damage it does early on with 0 fall off

I'm not a gc jumper faggot. I've been mael since ARR. But we've got a lotta refugees from the pvp event announcement.

Has anyone here ever seen even ONE GAME where the Flames don't choose who the winner is by throwing for third and harassing one of the other two teams at random?

Attached: 1525790785024.png (519x903, 424K)

You're a dumb fuck. Never tell people you know about affairs unless that bitch deserves it.

All you literally had to say "I'm not fucking you anymore bitch."

Have you seen ProJared?

Pretty much every match. Pretty much ignore them unless they have a A/S rank node otherwise they tard out and chase your team the whole match.

Attached: immortal flames.jpg (580x960, 78K)

this shit didn't happen at all but could you imagine

will do

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-015947__01.jpg (1080x826, 204K)

Might actually start running MSQ roulette

Yoshi is obviously doing this because of the influx in WoWfugees who are stuck trying to get past Castrum/Praetorium.

Flames is almost a guranteed loss. You literally might as well AFK the moment you see Flames symbol.

ah. my answers scrolls are safe

>Coming Home Orchestrion Roll

Attached: classic wow.jpg (802x1038, 261K)

You gotta admit, it's probably a mmo's most successful down time between expacs.

Attached: wow.png (758x133, 22K)

This is your FC leader for the night.

Attached: ffxiv_02242019_211202_428.png (1920x1080, 3.3M)

>Joins a FC not recently ago by a catgirl
>Joins the FC anyway because why not
>they have a big house in the mist
>They are telling me to enter the house so that they give a "special" greeting
>okaaaaaaay i guess it won't be that bad
>enters the house while out of nowhere a fucking lizardgirl runs straight to my crotch and roleplays saying *nuzzles bulge* "OWO whats this?"
>teleports the fuck out of that house
>leaves the FC
>blacklist the one who invite me
>mfw after the experience

Attached: 5ef.jpg (480x343, 14K)

Didn't they recently report that the numbers have actually been GROWING since 2019 started? Usually this close to an expansion launch things are dead as hell.

You talk like a fag

This definitely happened


That is correct. BFA's self-destruct combined with the free campaign has brought many people to the game. In fact the free twitch stuff is going through I wanna say the holiday weekend at the end of this month

Kinda random but am I crazy or is the audio quality worse on PS4?

I really hope they they react correctly to this with shabowbringers, if the quality improved after the current kinda lazy expansion they grow so much more.

>FC "meeting"
>it's actually just people sitting around talking about changes and improvements they should make to the FC
I quit right there.

Attached: ffxiv_03312019_211453_088.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

FC is dead, me and remaining friends just made a new one without the old ones leader or her husband
Old FC leader wants me to convince the others to let her in and also wants to go out on Saturday, says her and her husband are now "separated" but he's just going to live in the garage now
What's a nice way to tell her to fuck off?

Did they mentioned shadowbringers would be the biggest expansion yet or some fanboy said that just because?

You're crazy, you must have a shitty TV or something

>but he's just going to live in the garage now

Attached: 1541069699845.gif (261x282, 304K)

So that's the actual reason why Raubahn left the Immortal Flames.

I like the Yea Forums xiv threads but the screenshotfags that pop up from /vg/ are skulking about like the niggers they are. They've gotten bold again judging by the last thread.

That sounds pretty neat honestly, like a real community.
Sounds more like marketer talk that some rando might buy.

Thank GOD someone like you is here to police the thread and tell everyone of their faggotry.

Fuck off /vg/ havn't you ruined enough?

how much should I buy to prepare for the new expansion?

Attached: gold.png (1218x608, 67K)

Speaking of that I'm a bit confused how he can just leave all his responsibilities behind. Not only was he their top general, he made his entire fame and fortune off Ul'dah and her people. Additionally, he leaves a vacant seat on the Syndicate, does he not?

Nah I'm using my meme reference headphones. I've actually had this "problem" before but certain songs/SFX sound even worse than usual.

Would you watch an user suffer through UCOB?

Attached: 1506802919051.png (246x242, 59K)

based ESL wow falseflagger

10 mil is enough for a entire expansion buying crafted gear and the like.

None, nothing useful can be bought with gil

No. The only MMO stream I would even consider watching is pvp.

I guess he just bequeathed everything to Pipin. He's probably still a member of the Syndicate though.

He passed everything to Pippin

Keep jumping at boogiemen, tranny.

buying gil when theres no plots available.

Not if you're getting it day 1. A full set of hq crafted gear plus materia for pentamelds and food and potions will run you about 20 mil per even numbered patch.

>/vg/ is the trannies
>not /vg/ is also the trannies

I don't understand this meme

>mfw a friend of mine who hates everything anime, catgirls, and the artstyle of final fantasy is considering joining because he said "im bored with wow"

lmao, if the classic trick doesn't work blizzard is finished

Attached: nanalan.jpg (357x268, 14K)

True for day1, might be more competitive now with the much higher amount of crafters and multiple servers.

Why do people risk the ban with this game, gil is useless

Yes, if they are on adds prog or so. I want to see other teams' POV for my own groups'.

He's stupid just ignore him. People like that can't form a coherent thought.

I see, that does make sense. Although wouldn't it be a bit conflicting for him to be in the army of another kingdom but also on the Syndicate? I dunno, it just feels weird that he left Ul'dah given his long history with making it big there.

Show him ascent infinite realm. He'll forget all about xiv.

>risking a ban

FFXIV is not even THAT anime if you ignore the thousand catgirl and lizard PC with japanese names.

What NPC is that?

Pipin's in charge now but Nanamo is working to dissolve the Syndicate anyway. They still haven't filled Teledji's vacant seat for that reason.

Gil buyers get banned in big waves all the time user

Way to reply to yourself.

Ala Mhigo is a glorified Ul'dahn subsidiary at this point.

>published by Kakao games

Attached: 1555967328219.jpg (238x212, 8K)

>toy sword
>plastic armor

Try again, seems your your the one seeing things not there.

Attached: stupidanon.png (481x84, 4K)

So you know the english dub is gonna be halfway decent.

>Ul'Dah uses them for cheap labor for years during the Garlean occupation
>they finally win back their homeland
>Ul'Dah ends up being their primary benefactor for their only industry

Mhiggers are destined to be potato slaves forever

the only way to actually get caught is if you talk about it in game or if you buy frequently all the time, in my years of playing I've bought loads of gil and haven't gotten a ban yet

Nice try faggot. I easily saw through your photoshop attempt. Here's the original unedited pic.

Attached: enhance zoom enhance revert.png (1000x279, 90K)


I wonder which gems will they record in Air

Attached: 1546889841323.jpg (529x431, 33K)

>Magic Bucket
Nice to know that not only did they cuck fisher out of having exclusive access to the castaway chocobo chick but also they decided to do this to another fishing minion. Thanks.

>normal Dungeons
Isn't this gonna be exploitable by just going unsynced?

We're on adds and starting in 2.5 hours. If everybody plays well tonight hopefully I see the golden chicken

Yeah, they have been making all the raid food require fishing ingredients instead.

But fishing is haaaaard :( just give me the minion for free please!

Its probably the headphones then

You don't get tomes for unsyncing stuff

>mfw thinking of selling gil to pay for sub

Good luck man, what datacenter are you on?

They redubbed every line in the game.

Trying way too hard now user, enjoy your last you.