Why are Americans so fucking poor?
Why are Americans so fucking poor?
We can get more than any other nation making only 12/hr for one
i fucking love video games
Literally the opposite is true
rich af
How much do you make in your country?
We're trained from birth to be good little corporate lapdogs.
Get out
>Can Trump help
Also, not video games, fuck off to
Honestly I'd love to work for 10 an hour. That's 1200 a month if you work 6 hours a day. More than enough for me.
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?
american dream baby, 1st world represent
As a retailfag making $13 an hour I can safely say it was only my own bad choices in life. Yes, circumstances beyond my control did fuck me over beyond belief, yes, only so many can succeed and there are going to be 500% more failures than success stories, but at the end of the day I could be doing a lot better for myself and my family if I wasn't a lazy faggot. This is the case for mostly everyone, but no one wants to admit it, so we get gay little articles like this every day.
I dont understand the mentality.
How is it my fault that a mom with 3 kids works at mcdonalds?
Literally what has trump down besides upset the left since presidency honestly. I guess it doesn’t matter that’s kinda funny enough
Unfettered capitalism
The min wage bullshit is stupid. Some places the living cost is low, some places its high. But accomodating those states by rising the minimun wage, it kills business everywhere but the city. Its fucked up
>Why are Americans so fucking poor?
Our dollar is worth literally hundreds, if not thousands, of your poorbucks
>fucking first*ids arguing on who is richer
I hate all of you, privileged faggots.
Have incel.
Because democrats are so shit that these people would rather vote for Republicans who do nothing for them, that's what it says to me at least.
I make $11.00 an hour get me this gig.
I can agree with this . I admit my faults and everything else you said that led me to this point. I just thank god I have no kids, a little debt is fine . Also living in a cheaper state helps
Bido gam
I would live like a fucking king making 18/hr where I live, not everyone is entitled to that kind of money
Most of us are idiots too distracted by our own pettiness and the media to pay attention to the real problems.
God, I need the Class War...
Also, LTTP is good or something.
Less money for federal pork barrel programs, welfare handouts and the military-industrial complex is definitely in my financial interest.
>can Trump help?
He might give you a burger, if you ask nicely
>Americans unironically have to pay lots of money for decent health insurance
where do you live m8? Poland?
>$18 an hour
Is this supposed to be low or something?
God damn I can feed myself for an entire month in 3 hours of work with that pay.
They know how to appeal to poor people. Doesn't matter if they're the ones making them poor. Just promise "family" values and more shit paying jobs that never actually come.