My obsession with Rose has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better. But this morning...

My obsession with Rose has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better. But this morning, I started crying because I was thinking about how I'll never be with Rose and the tears wouldn't stop flowing. I finally had to get drunk to make it stop. I don't know what I'll do if this becomes a regular occurrence.

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Other urls found in this thread:

hands off, rose is /g/'s waifu

Have sex

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three quarters of nu-/g/ are poos and other third-world shills, they wouldn't know rosemary

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imagine being a mental midget falling in love with someone you never interacted with

why don't you find another gamer girl

there are plenty

>Have sex
not until rose first has a baby. then I will have sexual intercourse.

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The same way she’d never know about you?

I love Chara!

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I can still dream. I'm just glad I'm alive at the same point in human history as her.

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There's plenty of awkward, generic looking blonde white girls OP. Go out and find one. Just play Taylor Swift's Blank Space in your car as you slowly cruise around a JCPenny parking lot, offering a Starbucks frappe. You'll catch some flies.

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This is my favorite Rosemary Lisa Wolfe Gotto video!

>find another gamer girl
there's no one else like her

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how many of them do play vidya and can build a computer?

>generic looking blonde white girls

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Why are her gaming videos so comfy bros?

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who is she
can I have a quick rundown please

Oh no this is so disgusting, I can't see a single Person of Colour

Girls will play vidya with you if they like you enough. Just don't expect them to love anime pillows and amiibo as much as you.

Oh look she dyed her hair blue. Now she fits into the category of awkward colored haired white girls of which there are millions.

wasn't that person a guy?
also seek psychological help

Based charaposter

This, but unironically. Stop worshiping this below average roastie.

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British girl who likes video games and physics posted quirky, weird videos since 2007, got discovered on /g/ in 2011 when she posted a "how to make a PC" video, she posted herself on /g/, she blew up, and shit's history.

Because that's in Iceland and that's her senpai senpai.

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>obsessing over rose in 2019

just kys. shes gone and she learned a lesson about internet fame and how it turns you into a target for all the lonely fucks that obsessively worship women.

>he doesnt know the cutest trap on this side of the uk.

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>shes gone and she learned a lesson about internet fame
if that's so, why does she keep coming back and making videos?
she clearly seeks out attention, no matter how many social media she deletes. she was famous back in the livejouranl and deviantart days, you can't destroy that attention-seeking habit.

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