They buy Games
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based and argpilled
Based. Glad I'm not sucking corporate cock
I only buy games I play and like
>people on the internet argue over which online
video games shop they should use
this site is more reddit than reddit
FC New Dawn and Rage 2 still uncracked lol
They probably updated denuvo again lol
t. sherlock
>people on the internet argue which fast food chain to buy their processed schlop
Wow you are saving like 120-200$ A YEAR what an acomplishement mate,so envious wait.. I can do and actually SOMETIMES DO THE SAME FAGGOT,I just buy because its just more convinient,especially in the long run,If you just pirate you are kiddo whose parents wont lend him more money KEK
>I can also save money
>t. burger corporate cuck
like clockwork
I jaywalked this morning. I'm gonna jaywalk again later.
Im sure you use that money for buying shit food or paying some random hooker kek way better used for vidya
more like 1200-2000 on games alone
delete this
I d-don't want it anyway.
>installs rat
>lose money anyways
i don't
Why are you so mad at people not wasting money on video pixles?
>people on the internet argue which bull should fuck their wife
>he steals his games digitally instead of physically
And that is how I know you're gay.
>RAGE 2 hid Denuvo until launch
Shame, I was almost considering buying it, but now I'll just play it until I'm bored.
Im not a console cuck KEK , who the fuck wastes 2000$ on games a year?
not me lol
Im just saying the real truth , so videogames have no value for you?I see you are a great gamer mate
Can you have your mental breakdown somewhere else? Thanks
>I see you are a great gamer mate
oh no the horror
There literally is a fucking Torrenting board.
Granted it is exclusively for things that never will be localized, but its still illegal.
Based. Corporate cuck mutts BTFO
nobody wants to play those shit games. There's a reason no effort has been put in to crack them
Where's GOG?
I pirate some things and buy other things.
Generally I buy games if they are multiplayer, or if I really enjoy them and know I'll want to play them again in a few years (Slay the Spire, Dead Cells, Celeste, Broforce, Rise to Ruins, A Hat in Time before it went full SJW (big regret there), Risk of Rain/2, Wargroove (big regret there), Homeworld Deserts of Kharak, Deathsmiles, Mushihimesama, Golf with Your Friends, Downwell, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, Tooth And Tail (regret), and Redout, I would have bought ANNO 1800 if no DRM, are my most recent games) and won't want to hunt them down.
If it is something I'll probably only play once/will never be updated/is old and single player I will probably pirate. Things like every 3DS game, BotW, Mario Odyssey, DOOM 2016, DMC5, RE2, etc.
When I buy the game I get the better service.
So what if you can play it a few days early, the games are buggy anyway. Sure I pay full price and the game is just as buggy at launch, but I actually support the publisher and the online store, so they can make sure pirates like you will need your shitty cracks to play offline, lmao
I guess not since you dont care about games at all.
There are more shitter Denuvo games than those two and they are cracked, so your theory about "shit games isnt cracked" is false and always will.
These pirate fags talk like if there werent actually sane people which buy the games they like so they get updated and get a better service and pirate others.
there's seriously nothing worse than ubishit
I only buy it if I like it
GoG is based though
>1200-2000 on games alone
How are you supposed to play this many games in a year?
Lurk more and dont attend fornite dance class, kid.
Okay Jamal
Chef, this pasta is not very fresh.
Ok just dont brag about it because I see you as inferior,do it but in silence,everybody pirates game pal.
You pay for games you won't own.
Fucking handball
>pirating =/= stealing a physical copy
Also, do you want to know how i know that you are a nigger?
I just want easy updates bros. I miss GOD.
>people on the internet argue
absolutely based
fuck paypigs
didn't handball 17 get btfo FIFA?
I just typed it out. I wanted to be ironic on how real customers get cucked by the publishers and stores with all the dlc and micro transactions bullshit, where you can't even play your games offline.
Last time when steam was down, I couldn't even play Sekiro, as they deliberately removed the "play offline" button, when the program detects you are online but steam is down.
A man take responsibility for what he owns by purchasing it rightly. The child and nigger is entitled and steals.
Make your choice
What if you own shares in the corporations you are stealing from?
Capitalism you nigger.
>the virgin buys, the chad takes
That is not a very intelligent move
>unironically defending ubishit
>tfw too rarted to pirate
wow so hard
Thread theme:
nigga skidrow cracked new dawn downloaded it a few days ago
Might aswell go pratice it irl than playing a vidya based around it
>anime pic
opinion discarded
Based and piratepilled
You're no pirate, but you're certainly a corsair.
if i was not so poor and the prices were decent i definitely would buy and also if the game is worth playing not some stupid AAA sjw propaganda
yeah good luck
I seriously dont get it, if its FREE and you can get it online, why not get it for FREE instead of giving money for something that you can get for FREE?
Im not complaining tho, do what you want, i cant pirate anything if nobody is buying anything, so k-keep on... t- taking it.. g-good ah umm yeah k-keep it on up.. k-keep it up if you get the service and product you are after, but i see no logic behind it.
Id rather spend 10 dollars on a case of beverages or flip flops, maybe a towel, or bootleg sunglasses that i end up losing or breaking in 4 days, or whatever pepsi costs, a package of milk, there are so many ways to spend that 10 dollars on something dumb and download a game for free instead of spending 10 dollars on the same thing you are downloading for free (the pirated game is same as bought one, you can play any multiplayer and run any mod)
It would be advised not to play games too much tho, or buying them too much, one game in 6 months is enough.
Torrenting isn't illegal, retard.
Just one example out of hundreds. Obviously some are better than others.
this is the best part. i really could not give to shits who cracks my isos.
enjoy being an illuminazi slave.
The real red pill is that if the amount of games you buy is enough to even notice in your budget you play too many games.
I miss when we had just one main torrent site for everything. Like right now I want to get a specific porn game off of steam but where the FUCK do I get it? the normal torrent places all suck and none have pron games
Waiting for the new Anno is hard bros...
The Chad pirate, the virgin buyfag
Literally why do any of you care
torrents are for plebs
i want to see some more pirate fag OC
I don't. Piracy hate and any discussion on if it's "ethically moral" on Yea Forums is retarded since there is a literal torrent board. Also fuck wojakfaggotry.
>xbox is a tumor growing out of pc
Fucking hell I'm laughing my ass off at a wojak edit
>implying I have money for games
Piracy is great for me because I have crippling credit debt
you only play around 3-4 games a year?
where do you go for torrents now a day?
That's more than your average Yea Forums poster
You have bad taste in games and generally waste your money on trash. Piracy is pretty much a requisite for you
Classy nigga
malwared and spywarepilled
We have to have more because the spooks are shutting everything down
test OP is a fag
>he doesn't practice safe piracy
>play 3-4 NEW games a year?
No,buy 3-6 new games a year
also buy some old cheap ones Im interested
and Pirating I pirate a lot of games if I like them I buy them
Reminder that anyone, ANYONE, who comes in contact with a virus from pirating on the modern Internet is a braindead retard.
all of which i win btw
From the tumbnail the green guys looks like he is holding a rake for the fat beard guy :p
or a razor
>Pirates games to get free games and doesn't make excuses
You swallowed that mustard propaganda pretty bad, huh? PC gaming is a phase, I grew out of it long ago. 600 games huh? Probably only ever played 14 of em.
Thank god for pc and piracy because I really just fucking hate every console
What even was the last good console? Xbox? PS2?
Carmack said it himself best, single spec, tailored optimization usually yields 2-2.5x performance out of hardware compared to equivalents on PC. As expected from a bunch of nodevs, he knows better.
What is wrong with my taste?
As long as they don't put in bitcoin miners or ransomware, idgaf
What did you fellow pirate bros do with the money you didn't waste on video games this week?
Me I bought some ice skates went out and started practising with them at the rink also planning a nice vacation abroad to Kyoto.
I'm thinking about taking an archery course and buying the needed equipment.
I keep downloading shit off Codex and my virus software keeps telling me its adware and shit did I fuck my computer or is this corporate propaganda shit they put in to virus software to stop me pirating?
>tfw I vehemently refuse to pay for games and pirate all I can but have dropped at least 8,000$ on mobile game transactions by now
how based am I bros
Sounds like a good time I'm thinking of taking up archery as well does anyone know which beginner bows are recommended?
I bought a Yamaha SV250, an expensive electric violin. Paid for by all the games I didn't buy in the last few years.
Any other violinFags btw?
Seething paypig.
Don't worry, your mon's PC will be safe if you analyse the RAR file
neither is goldface in a pirate hat, retard
>just buy because its just more convinient,especially in the long run
to think that things like GFWL last so long because cucks like this guy
>this corporations needs me! can't wait for the next AAA Agenda game
Adblockers also try to be aanti-piracy software now. Check to see what exactly it's blocking it for
Where did you download it from?
Pirating makes sense when you're poor. When you can afford to buy all the games you want you realize you don't actually want to play most games and you save money anyway.
>faggots unironically shill for Steam
>not just pirate everything
Fuck off redditors.
that just means you are depressed. probably from working a shit job.