Aight Yea Forums help me decide.
Who to romance?
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Hifumin is always the cutest
What a Goddess
>half of the women are oldhags
Why is this allowed?
At first Kawakami seems like pure fetish bait, but she has one of the sweetest and most wholesome romances in the game.
christmas cakes are based user
Tae. Anyone who said Kawakami is a shit taste faggot.
Romance who you want but I love Anne.
Based. May your daily dose never stop coming to you, user.
Tae and Kawakami are the only ones that feel right.
lol anne is the ugliest
i'd do anything for them legs.
Ann is the broest of all persona girls. But I have zero romantic interest in her.
I liked the older chicks, my favorite two were Takemi and Kawakami. Though my first time through the game I chose Futaba.
You and me both.
I love Chara!!
name of the game?
hnnnngh time to search up some doujins.
>Made to believe Joker has a thing for older women
>Kasumi will be the most forced love interest and she's a year younger than Joker
I already hate Royal.
I'd easily bend the redhead over a table
Persona 5.
I went into this game with zero prior knowledge and after like an hour or so I got the hang of it and it's addictive af.
Kawakami the best
I love Makoto so much it hurts. I want to tease her until she's as red as a tomato.
>not wanting your bro to be your wife
It's the perfect combination.
>Made to believe Joker has a thing for older women
But user you can make Joker say he doesn't
What a dumb complaint
Don't forget to keep up on your fluids, user. You'll need them.
I just saw that this game doesn't exist for the Nintendo Switch. A mistake, right?
Kasumi will be calling you senpai the whole game, that shit gets my dick hard desu
Seems foolish to assume it would be since it's been PS3/PS4 exclusive since it came out
not really close
I didn't know much before I started my playthrough but Takemi quickly rose to the top.
0 autistic gremlin sister
1 haru
2 anne
3 makoto
4 sae
5 chihaya
6 hifumi
7 doc
8 best girl
9 shit
this. Ann is best girl.
most of the fanbase are old fucks at this point
What a shit opinion, geez
Shows how much of an absolute 10/10 he is
She had a pretty bad confidant though, it's just her complaining about the exact same menial shit 8-9 times in a row while badly hiding why she needs the money the entire time
she got guilt-tripped like a chump over her being shit in the first place, and her complacency during the Kamoshida affair gets completely swept under the rug
the abilities you unlock for doing her confidant are the only good things about her, which is a shame because she actually seems likeable outside of the confidant (if you just ignore the Kamoshida stuff)
but for said abilities being so good I'd say that she has one of the worst confidants in the game honestly
I completely agree, I found her romance route to be the most satisfying.
autistic wet blanket expository dialogue dispenser*
fixed, sorry
still like her more than futaba and haru though
thats the best part
I can understand that point of view but I liked both Futaba and Haru more. I don't really hate Makoto though honestly, in fact I don't think there was a "bad choice" as far as the chicks went
ye they're all alright but shitposting about which girls are best is always the persona endgame
>her complacency during the Kamoshida affair gets completely swept under the rug
It's debatable how much anyone would've known about Kamoshida's perversions considering they were primarily directed at one person, and his treatment of the volleyball teams during their training was passed off as just hard worked they needed in order to be successful, which is a) completely 100% realistic in the sports world, even outside Japan, and b) from the perspective of an outside observer, justifiable considering it led to multiple national championships while Kamoshida was coaching (check the Shujin trophy case in-game for proof). And while his shadow was a perverted douchebag, in public he was friendly to his coworkers and the students, within the bounds of professionalism. So it's entirely reasonable that the faculty would simply consider Kamoshida a decent guy, even if he works the volleyball team half to death in pursuit of success.
It should also be noted that Kawakami is the only person who publicly apologizes to the students ever.
You need to have actual fucking brains to be a fem doctor with your own clinic and make new medicine. Not meme trope brains like futaba's "little girl is a genius hacker".
I love hot and smart women. So if I am free to choose I choose high class.
pretty fair, im sure the new confidant in royal will add more depth to the fallout of the situation
Just pick who you like, it's not hard geez.
Tae (Death) or Futaba (Hermit).
whats your favorite doujin of p5
Ohya, Kawakami and Ann, all at the same time.
the one where joker fucks them all.
This should help figure it out OP
Always go for a doctor or teacher.
>Ginko at F
>Aigis at D
>Ayase at anything but Shit
Shame 'cuz it's not a bad list otherwise
This is the correct ranking.
Makoto a shit.
Lisa is literally a prostitute that fucks old men for drug money and she only wants Tatsuya's dick for popularity, She's banned from ever being above D tier
Aigis is a dumb toaster that thinks its people
Ayase is better than anything I put below her even though she's awful
Ohya is a good girl just not romancable
Lmaoing@Contrarian faggots like you
While I think your taste is generally shit, at least you aren't pretending to have played P1 and P2 like the faggot in that other thread, so I can respect this
Futaba and Kawakami have by far the most interesting romance paths. Rest are pretty bland.
She's a top tier bro but an okay tier waifu at best
>he doesn't like the most generic opinion available so he must be a dirty contrarian
You have 2 new superior options coming in Royal, Kasumi the cute kouhai and pic related.
Persona 4 has objectively the best romance routs because it has the most tomboys
No girl in P5 is worth staying loyal to
Makoto has a fat ass
Makotofags reminds me of Kirinofags.
The new twins content better extend into new Lavenza content.
Taechads assemble
Caroline > Justine > Lavenza.
Based Joker picking the best choices
The ones that rhyme with bae
Sadayo and the only other remotely correct choice is Tae. Anyone else and you're gay.
Nah P5 was the best cause it has the most cakes, here’s hoping we get more
Lavenza is just Caroline + Justine though. Her only problem is that the game never actually lets her be herself. Even in 5D it's the twins for no real reason.
Why do you believe the twins will be a romance option?
It seems very unlikely.
That could still be either Niijima: Cake Edition or big tiddy goth gf
I like Chihaya
...none of them?
It's pretty unfair, how are all the other girls supposed to compete with something so cute and funny?
qt country bumpkin is good taste
I half expect her to be some kind of illusion.
Because that date looks exactly like what they added in P3 FES for Liz, you're showing them the real world. Justine's naive comment about someone living in the castle confirms it. The dates might not be explicitly romantic but neither are any of the confidants until Rank 9 or 10.
Atlus isn't afraid of loli romance and Lavenza already openly confesses her love for you before any of this got added.
Let alone TWO of them.
I mean, I hope you're right. Caroline is very attractive.
Best waifu. I like how most people here an Annfags and Reddit is Mokofags, no suprise soiboys go from the boring stronk woman.
None, do an incel run
Oh and the twins are on the cover of Royal. Not super prominent but it's clear they have a bunch of extra content now.
i can't decide
If you should live or die
Joker is a very conflicted man. On one half he loves milfs. On the other hand his attendants are loli twins.
I want to rub her feet after a long day.
here you go, OP
>Attendants are supposedly the person's ideal guy/girl
>Joker chooses twin doms that fuse into an absolute angel
Dude's got odd tastes
The twins aren't even attendants, it bugs me when they get shown with Liz, Theo and Margaret. Lavenza is the attendant.
Yaldy specifically made them wardens when he distorted the VR.
All the persona 6 romance routs should be tomboy cakes
>no prison guard lolis
>entire list
>no prison guard lolis
>Chie not S
>Rise and Ann token perfect sluts not last tier
Fuck yo-
>Kawakami & Naoto S
>cringepoem tsundere D
Ok, You're not all bad
i have not seen this picture yet!
still don't know if this is real or a shop, it gets posted a lot though
now you are talking
It's real, part of the Famitsu special
its real
I can dig it except for Ai in D-tier.
Tomboys are at their best when they're either roughly your age for the "girl next door" feel, or slightly older than you for the "big sis" feel. If they're cakes then it loses its charm.
someone post the height chart
This, Futaba is the only logical choice. Small girls are elder God tier and if your not currently dating a girl shorter then yourself then I feel sorry for you.
the height chart
Not a footfag but I'd do it to see her facial expressions.
Between those two I really don't know who to go with.
She's a doctor not a nurse
Fuck you atlus.
>wanting Kamoshida’s sloppy seconds
>used goods
Based KamoCHAD, fucking easy girls like her
yet you faggots drool all over Sadayo "public cocksleeve" Kawakami
Repairing girls who lost their self worth is the most wholesome and patrician thing you can do
My girls.
Kawakami being in "maid" services ends up being a gag because she's so old she never gets called for the under-the-table stuff, so her job is literally just actual legitimate maid work.
fuck bros why did they make her so slutty im gonan turn into an ann fag
What the fuck are you talking about?
>everyone argues over who is best girl
>nobody ever wants all best girls in a harem
Kawakami, Tae, and Futaba all at your disposal is the only way to go.
>in a kimono
Being smothered under a combo of Justine, Caroline and Kawakami's socked/stocking'd feet would be the best.
its JUST a kimono user
new neet
Wow long hair Makoto is actually top tier
>Drooking over Kawakami
granted, she's kinda hot. but i prefer Tae.
>Repairing girls
But you cannot fix a broken girl, they'll break you instead.
>tfw redemption and "repairing" girls was one of my favorite things as a kid
>now that I've met a lot of broken people I realize it can almost never happen outside fiction
nice cuck fantasy, would make for a great doujin.
none of them, romances in persona were a mistake
ann makoto kawakami, dont sex ur little sister user
>settling for discount Mitsuru with Mokoto’s mask
god short hair sae does wonders to my dick
Reminder that volleyball was the only thing she was ever good at and the only thing that kept her going, so not only is she used goods and will never find someone to love her, but she has no career prospects, no meaningful hobbies, and will likely always have physical pain for the rest of her lonely life.
mitsuru is ugly and only looks good in ultimax
>leaving out the character created specifically to appeal to footfags
One can only dream, brother.
This is basically it. Kawakami is best.
Royale romance route coming my friend. It's going to be so sweet it will give you diabetes. Headpats and handholdings galore
This is correct
Futaba>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
royal better add sex scenes desu
God just imagine all the porn of her.
whats the sauce user saucenao gives nothing
Futaba is cute but her dialogue is so cringe i caan't bear her references.
Petting her was top tier tho.
Me neither it's going in the collection
never understood why anyone would pick the teacher over takemi
>Don't like Futaba
Not wanting an autistic little sister you can fuck and marry, wtf is wrong with you Anons
doesn't sojiro tell you not to fuck futaba
I mean everyone at one point had that one hot/cute teacher that they wanted to bang.
>putting the journo who is willing to risk everything to find her friend below the teacher who allows her students to suffer because she's too much of a beta to say no to people demanding money from her
Delete this right now user
He just loves all sorts of women like a real man should.
>Joker has an interest in older women
>gets Lavenza
>Yu has a little sister complex
>gets Margaret
I think Igor just fucked up.
Teacher/mommy(incest) fetish is popular in US....
That's why I despise Kawakaminiggers. I have nothing against her characters but holy shit her "fans" are obnoxious.
What if I like Kawakami for reasons that have nothing to do with fetishes?
Try to romance IRL bro.
That images was literally made for ろーる
Haru would be the best girl if only she wasn't so late in the game. So you should either romance anne or the shogi girl.
Good for you but you are a minority.
fucking hell, I'm so thankful I'm not a retard
Maybe he should go for shortstack cakes.
Glad to know Yusuke is a real man.
Based and Velvetpilled.
Based and Tomboypilled
Cringe and probably abused by an effing adult
2/3, you almost nailed it.
you need to leave
>my yearbook is full of shit like this
>now I'm old and fat
and that's why I threw it away
Kawakami is what made me realize I've stopped roleplaying as a high schooler in these games and would rather waifu someone closer to my actual age.
For all you underage in the threads, the only regret I had in high school was not asking the girl I like out. Worst she could do is say no and you get embarrased for a week.
too STICC for me
>always liked older women
>now they're just women
Kawakami's age is ambiguous though.
She was designed to be vaguely around 30, somewhere in the late 20s or early 30s.
>ywn be young enough to have oneesan rape you
Yeah, and to my dismay 95% of tomboys are either broken daddy issue nutjobs, or turbo dykes. But 2D is superior to 3D for a reason.
Bang Futabae
This better?
Reverse just a little.
That´s better
Tae and Haru are the only ones that look better with those hairstyles.