What happened?
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
He went full conspiracy retard. It's all Qanon and incel shit now.
The best members of coolhole have all left. Now it's just him and his 'secret pedo' conspiracy videos
He spent five years telling everyone he had secret proof that Pat from Two Best Friends was a pedophile.
He said he had evidence that Pat has been inviting underaged girls from the US to Canada for sex.
after FIVE YEARS the 'evidence' is finally posted, and it turns out to be him flirting with a 19 year old in messenger.
Then he claimed he never claimed pat was a pedo.
Now he's back to claiming Pat is a pedo but that they've 'hidden' all the evidence.
canadian mistermetokur
First he went full edgelord, then full SJW, now full conspiracy nut
So he keeps losing his audience
He's not that good anymore.
the "my entire schtick is laughing like a goose at quite literally everything that happens" thing wore thin quickly
Didn't he crowdfund a movie that never got made or something
I stopped watching his streams when he started having his boring wizard friends on.
He got everyone to give him a bunch of money, then kept saying "The movie is coming out any day now!" and then years went by. So yeah, he stole all the money.
They were never funny
>Yea Forums rightfully makes fun of garbage like death battle
>turns around and consumes this
>Conspiracy tard
>Stole from his viewers
>Streams 'ironically' now.
Its been 1 year and he verifiably filmed it. He's just a lazy ice shitter.
So pathetically desperate to be above "both sides" because both are dumb has broken his mind as he basically wants to be able to obsess over zoe quinn all day and night as if anyone gives a shit anymore but also not associate with others who do and think the same. He's just an obsessed retard who wants to lash out in every single direction but also not firmly take any stance whatsoever because that would prove he cares about something and HE TOTALLY DOESN'T!!!!
He's bad, but not MisterMetokur bad. Metokur is entirely unsalvageable and never had a good premise to being with.
Sure. I bet that movie will come out any day now.
I mean there was footage of him filming it and he showed rough cuts of it, so it was filmed. He didnt pocket the money.
guy has lost his marbles by being an obsessed conspiracy nut who also wants to hold onto teenager-tier ironic aloofness and disinterest
This sums it up perfectly.
I don't give a single shit about these dramas I just wish he would make more vidya content
I wonder why he stopped doing those
if you watched this you're a zoomer retard.
>le wacky voice BROOOOO
i'm just surprised jim hasn't snapped yet, considering what he dedicated his live to
you look at any account and blog dedicated to "owning people i don't like" and there's always a 100% chance they'll go nuts
the only exception was whoever run that kotaku hating tumblr blog
Twitter was a mistake.
>damn I hate the left... but the right are bad too! look at what this left person did... but the right are dumb too. look at what this right guy did for example... haha so dumb. but then again the left are dumb too.
Isn't this the guy that linked those videos claiming Obama started the transgender movement in order to 'divide the nation'?
metokur is based and redpilled and he owns the libs epic gamer style
All i knew is he stopped making videos didn't think he went off the deep end.
doesn't he have tranny mods in his stream?
I don't think so. He's obsessed with videos that prove EVERYONE is a secret pedophile tho. Every individual you've ever heard of is secretly a pedophile and these youtube videos will PROVE it
He sniffs mombot's feet now.
Canadian + Alcohol Abuse
>gets an ask on tumblr
>his "answer" has nothing to do with the ask, as if he's talking to something else
is he schizophrenic?
I mean, they are though.
Never forget that the pat pedo story was all petty revenge because Pat turned him down for a crossover video after the Prophet Mohammad video.
ah, the nick mullen disease
>gamergate celebrities on twitter are STILL a thing
how do they do it
how do they spend every single day of their lives just complaining about libs in videogames just to get some worthless likes on twitter from underage anime avatars with 0 friends
what's the point
if I woke up every day knowing that was my life I'd kill myself
He fixed his brain and then started thinking that having a functioning brain made him a super genius who sees the secret truths of the world
twitter brainrot is real
t. seething furfag
At least Metokur makes somewhat informative videos from time to time. What does this fat faggot do besides get drunk and scream to a couple hundred people on Twitch?
that's called projecting
The real way to watch him is to just skip right to coolhole
I fucking saw this one coming as soon as I said something about "le metokur xd"
> this thread
Holy fuck, I used to be a regular on his streams years back. I thought I was the only one who saw his mental health getting worse over time. His mod friends are fucking awful too since they just enable his crazy rants instead of recommending that he get a new therapist or change his medication (I can excuse the younger ones like Filthy but the older ones like Taterz are totally complicit in his breakdown). The guy is completely convinced that he's getting the right treatment despite his crazy conspiracy word salad obsession.
It's wonderful to know that I'm far from the only one who saw him getting worse.
Pat wasn't even rude about it apparently. he just declined.
THUS BEGUN THE "Did you guys know Pat is a pedophile?" storyline that brote kept up for more than five years
You're a retard if you think there isnt an alarmingly high amount of pedophiles in positions of power and influence.
>join stream
>its just earrape
I never understood the appeal
No one is arguing that and you know it, you pedantic little fuckwit.
The problem is that I'm assuming the crowdfunding was for the finished product, not just several weeks of filming. I get what you're saying but if the film isn't finished because of poor editing, poor post-production, or lack of reshoots then we can't really say that he has a proper film together.
there are but it's not healthy to go on coke binges and obsess over it until you crash
So whats your point then? Because an incredibly high number of people ARE secret pedophiles.
have sex, what are you mad at
because metokur does have a life and i dont mean it in a meme way. he lives with his girlfriend, the reason he doesnt stream often is because im sure he has a job, he researchsva lot for his videos, sure he tweets a lot but everyone can do it while multitasking. i think many snapped out because all they do is stream and stay on the internet without any break to spend time in the real world, im just assuming
we came from light and trees dude
trypophobia exposes deep biotruths
>laughing at retard of the week
And youtube conspiracy videos analyzing peoples body language in public, and piecing together bizarre nearly paranormal level 'clues' do not reveal any of them.
I was just saying he didnt steal the money. He used the money on the project as intended, he just hasnt finished the movie.
what's his opinion on projared
I want Nick Mullen to rape my boypussy
Can anyone recommend any comedic videogame youtubers who aren't "totally NOT gamergate guys!!! ;^)" retards having a mental breakdown and trying to start shit with as many people as possible?
His passive-aggressive whining over his Twitter ban and Pat is concentrated cringe.
He's too busy making nonsense social statements. His followers are part of the reason why threads on Yea Forums are constantly derailed with talk about /pol/ or SJWs.
where'd you get it, clown college?
and it always works
Well yeah, the subject matter can be stupid, but I'm saying just by watching the video for a few minutes you can tell he took time gathering info together and putting it together in a coherent way.
That's worth SOMETHING
Wizard circle or whatever the fuck it was ruined everything.
Seeing as I've never even heard half of the shit in this thread, I'm guessing it got worse from that point onwards.
no, because then it'd be an "e-celeb and not vidya"
it has to be some form of garbage to be consumed by Yea Forums, you guys have fucking awful taste
He doesnt do that.
Bro Team definately has mental health problems
But I don't get why some people are so mad he makes fun of the left and the right. There are idiots on all sides of a debate and its always fun to laugh at them
He already knows that every eceleb is fucked in the head so it's just another funny example of that
Not really, they all moved on to Twitch. Maybe oneyplays.
>Youtuber reveals themselves to be socially conservative
Liberals are ruining Yea Forums
I pointed out that he was being a dick on stream one time and instead of laughing it off he tried to "shame" me, claiming that I was dismissing his depression. That was pretty much the final red flag that the guy was starting to take himself way too seriously.
Flash forward a few years later and he's a complete conspiracy nut. I have no doubt that a lot of bad shit happens but randomly shooting at targets doesn't mean he's accurate at all.
Because of the meme about "le fencesitter". Because treating shit like a sports team where you must be on one side and must crush the enemy is so much healthier than trying to find a balance between the two and laughing at the retards who abuse both sides' positions.
liberals are quiet and you have to ask them.
broteam isn't conservative though
he literally bans people for transphobia in his stream chat
go away reddit spacer
He isnt conservative.
>liberals are quiet
thanks for the laugh user, i needed that
His fans still believe that he's making some kind of brilliant meta joke by saying that shit and haven't caught on that he's finally lost his mind.
So much for getting treatment for mental illness. I wouldn't trust anything that guy says anymore.
Yeah, we're all mad liberals angry at youtube man for not liking our team.
Not because he's fucking insane
but it's not as simple as making jokes about the left and right. he wades in to the discussions. he makes big statements and even frequently makes inflammatory claims about others. he is a shit stirrer and gets too involved, he's not joking at all. and then he tries to act aloof and he doesn't even care just joking haha
but that doesn't work when you are literally constantly fuming about this stuff
Brote is all over the fuckin place tbqhwyf
>decide to check him out
>still under machinima
i'm sure you did, it shows
He's snapped several times, especially during gamergate.
could this be all a machinima plot in development?
i thought he left machinima years ago
Pat go back to being a fat ugly pedo you fucking gremlin lmao
Why does he hate Pat?
Listening to circumsoldier was fun. Old brote was fun. Rolaids was legendary. Where did it all go wrong.
That totally doesn't apply to Broteam who just says crazy random shit instead of finding a compromise between extremes. The guy just wants to fling shit at everyone to make himself look good. Normally that'd be fine if he made valid points, but ranting about hidden conspiracies based on totally flimsy evidence is not the way to go around.
Brote is past the point of no return now. I'm honestly wondering if he's considering self harm these days.
Machinima ended his contract many years ago now
Why is there such a massive overlap between people who obssess over ecelebs on Yea Forums and leftists?
>rollai- *strangled dolphin noises for a solid minute*
Good times.
Where are you getting this information from anyway?
>do not make fun of our trannies friends or we will ban you
What's really weird and interesting about that shit is that he's basically just realizing that evolution and instincts exist but going off in some bizarre orthogonal direction, instead of
>we don't like holes because it means bugs and shit got into it
>we don't like holes because of some secret something I figured out about natural and social patterns and I need to talk to Jordan Peterson about it ASAP
Dude will become a statistic of the opioid crisis when he OD's on fentanyl.
Would probably be the best possible outcome.
Bestfriendsplay and Broteam were both under Machinima at the time.
Brote releases this video, which stirs a lot of controversy youtube.com
A few weeks later Broteam messages Pat on social media, inquiring about the two channels doing a crossover, as they are both in Canada and under Machinima
Pat declines, due to the heat that mohammad video was getting.
Brote snaps and obsesses over Pat for five or six years
I use to like him a lot years ago when he was just a cool dude who streamed random videogames. He would get donated 20 bucks and freak out about it.
GG happened and I liked him cause he didnt take a side, just shitted on retards.
But years after GG he always still talks about e-drama and irrelevant people and anita. The goes around and says anyone who still talks about anita or gg are pathetic individuals. And now he calls everyone a pedophile and everything is because of cults. He's completely lost his mind its really sad.
I used to follow his stream on a regular basis a few years back and I check his Tumblr from time to time. How the hell do you not see this if you're going out of your way to defend him? He even went on a weird fucking rant about how Penn and Teller are secret pedos without sharing any evidence at all.
brote is possessed by the spirit of terry davis
Good. I have to read TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY DILATE every 2 seconds on Yea Forums, it's nice to be able to have a fucking break from it now and then. Not every site has to be Yea Forums, I wish more people accepted that.
I heard him go on a big rant about how Bill Nye was a pedo but never Penn and Teller
> bringing up transgender suicide statistics is bannable
> claiming that all furries fuck real live animals is just a fact
> compare the two, even as a joke, and the mods have an absolute fucking meltdown
Nah dude. All Metokour/Internet Aristocrat does is talk shit and try to pass opinions as fact. Bro Team has real people from the game industry talking about the industry and all of the shit that goes down there. Huge difference.
I feel like you're all just making this shit up based off random tumblr ask replies and zero actual knowledge about the guy, I've followed him for soome time and he's not "obsessed" with these conspiracies. Mostly its a passive enjoyment of incel retardation and pointing out when someone fucks up and thats about it.
I feel like a lot of us who supported him through the Machinima scandal are partially responsible for his ego ballooning out of control. Brote is under the delusion that he's some tortured prophet instead of a guy who just thinks and says weird shit.
>Yea Forums hates Brote now that he's conservative
l m a o
Can someone post some of these rants? Never seen them.
>makes fun of everyone else
>can't make fun of weirdos wearing dresses and obsessing over their fake breasts at speedrunning marathons
Loving every laugh
taterz is a ptsd ridden boomer who got fired from his job as a paramedic for sexual harassment
same with snax, the guy who actually killed a child when he was in iraq lol
you already posted this once and got slapped like the retard you are
He's not that funny anymore. Life of Dranks 2 might be funny but that's only because Notch donated to him so that he can became a mod.
Do you guys not get tired of this boring shit? It's literally YouTube drama for teen girls. I don't mean Bro Team; I mean all the gossip to do with paedophiles, blackmailing other e-celebs and so on. Who the fuck cares? They're all a bunch of nobodies who will be completely invalid to our lives.
Hi brote
What are some of his mental health deteriorating?
His tumblr is pure shitposting you retard. That isnt proof of his mental wellbeing.
As for the Penn and Teller thing, didnt he do that after Randy Pitchfords CP allegation? Pitchford is i guess kind of friends with Penn and they've done magic shows together.
His videos still have machinma infront of it.
It's pretty ironic that they critise this guy for obssessively hating someone.
Yea Forums -Tabloids & E-Celebs
If i was brote i would have said something that a chinese immigrant would say because his english has deteriorated into its own psuedo-language.
drama is fun you fucking faggot. literally most stories throughout human history are about drama between people. have sex incel
Yeah, his old machinima ones
i only watch oneyplays now a days
I'm honestly shocked that whatever medication he's taking isn't killing him somehow. The guy seems to have lost any self-awareness that would lead to self-preservation.
I don't even check his Tumblr on a regular basis. I check it every few months whenever some stupid shit on Yea Forums reminds me of him and I always found him going on some insane rant that would normally lead to a schizophrenia diagnosis.
I don't know if I should be pissed at his mod friends for making his mental illness worse.
So your logic is that he never says anything wrong because any outlandish mentally ill shit he says is automatically just shitposting and there are literally no exceptions. Glad to know that you're part of the problem.
What did you specifically say that made him shame you?
I've followed him for quite some time too. If you seriously think that he wasn't in a better mental state five years ago then you're only making him worse. The fact that his friends totally dismiss his weird behavior as a "joke" is what's worsening his mental illness because retards can't tell when he's joking and when he's going on a serious delusional rant anymore.
Me talking about him having bizarre schizo ideas about trypophobia comes from the streams and tweets where he talked about his bizarre schizo ideas about trypophobia.
What are 3 examples of his insanity?
>>So your logic is that he never says anything wrong because any outlandish mentally ill shit he says is automatically just shitposting and there are literally no exceptions. Glad to know that you're part of the problem.
No you fucking idiot, im pointing out that his tumblr is 90+% shitposting that he's straight up has said he only does while on the toilet, very little of it besides the mental health replies are actually serious. The Penn and Teller stuff is a stretch sure but it didnt happen for no reason, someone they know and have worked with who is a known scumfuck got (reportedly) caught with CP, its an extrapolation, wouldnt say a good one, but its not something he conjured from the depths of schizophrenia.
Obviously he's wrong about shit but you're exaggerating the hell out of this.
> who got fired from his job as a paramedic for sexual harassment
Holy fuck, is that true? Is there any source for that at all? The guy always seemed like a fucking creep so I'd totally believe this. I barely remember Snax though.
well they have a lot of trannies in their community
>hard time
>fate of battlefront/galactic conquest
I miss that brote
I was once a regular on Brote's stream and recently started watching Jerma (started watching Jerma way before Brote and took a break after he moved to the 2nd channel) and I gotta say Jerma seems like a really chill and nice guy.
He occasionally goes on rants on stream but usually on Tumblr (and formally on Twitter) about random people in the entertainment industry being part of some weird pedo conspiracy. I thought it was reasonable and funny when he mentioned Dan Schneider but now he's bringing up Bill Nye and Penn+Teller without any actual evidence. The guy's lost it.
I don't care, I just think it's pretty funny that your criteria for this guy being crazy is him obssessing over someone else.
Where did you hear that he messaged Pat to do a crossover?
I mean no not really, ive seen his behavior outside of streams and he clearly doesnt give as much of a shit as you think he does.
What's up, Drew?
The literal posts were all shared in the old SA thread
Hes not conservative
Traudeu fucked up and brotes so thirsty for any sort of drama he jumped on the bandwagon
2016 he thought Bernie was "the good guy"
Is that some kind of currency thing?
you just aren't smart enough to understand Him
This was made in january.
Yeah I remember he posted himself fucking a tranny and shooting a dog in each individual foot on stream.
Jerma's great but his chat is full of some of the most retarded people in the world, which wouldn't be a problem because fuck twitch chat but he consistently reads it for some reason.
Actually, I remember that I called him a dick later on. He actually shamed me during a donation because I said something stupid about how we should wish for the strength to handle our troubles in life instead of wishing for an easy life since the topic was about mental health. Then Brote claimed that I was trivializing his depression (which I totally wasn't at all) and suddenly became weirdly serious and accusatory.
that's an old video he reuploaded on his channel because machinima died and took down all of his old videos
That's a re-upload you idiot
Ah okay
I mean I've never watched this broteam thing but this really isn't wrong.
Boring? Sure. But I don't see how anyone can look at the current state of political discourse and not be overwhelmed by the absolute retardation and faggotry that goes on.
How do you look at a person rambling about crazy shit like that, based on completely flimsy and circumstantial evidence, and claim that he's totally okay and that his Internet butt buddies aren't enabling his delusions? I don't know what kind of people you hang out with to believe that I'm exaggerating here.
He's not crazy for obsessing over Pat. He's crazy for constantly flip-flopping on whether Pat is some kind of pedo, especially when people dug up the Twitter convo and saw that the girl was completely legal at the time, then claiming that only Brote has some super secret evidence of some kind of pedo ring.
Yeah. He attracted a lot of people from the TF2 community back when he used to do YouTube and now most of his audience comes from Reddit. He's actually stealth Yea Forums and /biz/.
Please state your age.
"w-we're just laughing at retards, bro!"
>proceeds to spend every single day for the next 5 years obsessing over trivial shit with no sign of stopping in order to "pwn the libs gamer style"
Yeah, sure does feel good laughing at retards, huh.
Jerma is the hardest working man on Twitch in my opinion. Dude's trying to set up an interactive dunk tank stream now. Seems like it will be fun.
As the other user said though, it's full of awful trannies and furries who get horny over everything. Best thing to do if you're going to chat at all is use FFZ filters so you don't have to see their bullshit.
>>How do you look at a person rambling about crazy shit like that, based on completely flimsy and circumstantial evidence, and claim that he's totally okay and that his Internet butt buddies aren't enabling his delusions? I don't know what kind of people you hang out with to believe that I'm exaggerating here.
Because you're putting projecting onto him.
Oh, so you're one of his mod buddies who enables his delusions? Must be pretty proud of yourself.
Oh, totally. I used to think that he was shitposting when he put on that kind of attitude but he genuinely says that shit whenever anyone calls him out for anything these days. He's become a narcissist because of his mods.
Reminds me of the time when he burned the american flag and took a shit on a mercedes on stream
I'm the same age as Brote's trypophobia biotruth with the mind triggers
So you're the type of person who probably spends most of your social time with his stream friends.
I like the older Fates Of.
>"twitter is such a cesspit!"
>makes 20+ accounts constantly getting banned but never giving up
>current one is sitting at 900 followers
Seriously whats wrong with him
What evidence do you expect him to post? It's like when sexual assault victims aren't believed because they don't have "evidence". Are you sure he wasn't just openly spewing conjecture?
Yeah Jerma is honestly one of the few modern day people who's probably ahead of his time. The interactivity, effort, and work he puts in to pull off certain jokes (ie. Meet the Elbertsons, Jerma Rumble Live, etc.) really shows how far he's capable and willing to go and shows how brilliant he truly is. Man's got talent, gotta give him credit.
Vinny has been annoying the shit out of me the past month or so. Shit games, whining all the time, complaining about ONEGUY, and his bad tastes in music/film.
yea the fuckin trannies spamming their stupid fucking flag and sending donations to make him say "trans rights" over and over really fuckin bothers me. The dude is so clearly uncomfortable when shit like that happens but they're so lost in their own world they don't even notice
this is the only bro team vid ive ever watched
To be fair, they are dwarfed by the people who still cry constantly about gamergate despite the movement being dead for quite a while now.
>>I'm the same age as Brote's trypophobia biotruth with the mind triggers
Answer his question, underage.
I noticed that too. His dumbfuck fans want to act like Brote is some genius who's above all this shit yet Brote constantly tries to get back on Twitter and constantly bitches whenever he gets banned. It's pathetic.
I don't expect him to flat out lie when he accuses other e-celebs of trying to fuck an underage girl.
>the latest Sam & Max stream where the characters refer to someone as "they"
>people start using (((echoes))) and others start freaking out going CHAT NO
>others respond with CHAT YES and CHAT MAYBE
>some even seemed to be regular subs
Sometimes his chat can be based if the mods don't interfere.
it's a reupload of his old machinima videos you fucking retard
Join the 40%, they're waiting for you.
Why is it important? You can assume that I'm underage if you want, you closet pedo.
>t. someone got banned and is salty about it
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Since when is Brote a conspiracy guy?
Remember that time he killed George H. W. Bush live on stream?
you probably sounded retarded doing it and are now lying about certain facts. He wouldn't do that. Show me the stream clip.
heeh circum heeh lool hheehe circum said funny heeehhhehee
I don't really care about any of this e-celeb drama shit you zoomlings are talking about but when he became a streamer instead of a YouTuber his quality dipped extremely low.
Thot horror story bingo and porn reviews were funny though.
This was four fucking years ago. I don't expect you to believe what I say at face value but asking me to show the stream clip is ridiculous. Nothing I say will change your mind about your beloved e-celeb though.
I think you have a persecution and projection problem.
I am a moderator of this guy's stream who has come here to now argue about useless shit with you.
>no proof
So why believe you, faggot?
Clearly you're the lonely loser here as you have nothing better to do than get immersed into this inane shit. Most stories aren't based around uninteresting people in uninteresting scenarios you mongo.
i'm not defending him but the likelyhood of him having stream clips is very fucking low because twitch vods past a month are deleted now, unless you pay for more saved vods or something? i dunno how it works
I stopped watching a couple of years ago because his streams just became viewers donating to play annoying music and he never really spoke anymore. Then his YouTube videos became inside jokes that made no sense if you didn't lurk during his streams.
who what?
Pat really did try to get a teenage harem going
You could post literally anything that people are accusing him of. I literally asked for any evidence of this shit back in
does he really think he can still get into doing movies now? after he's already exposed himself as a boiled brain retard online who would be stupid enough to pay attention to him
You don't have to believe anyone if your emotions are more important.
I'm someone who's disappointed that his mental health is decaying this badly and I'm pissed as hell that his fake Internet friends are just letting it happen. I think the guy has completely fucking lost it but I know that it's just an illness. His mods are the real reason behind it.
The only downside is the godawful community/chat
>Le epic short streamer lol
>ITT: no evidence but let me screech anyway
He followed the Randy Pitchford pedo trail and he's a pariah for it
Ah so you're a retard who's mad he got banned then.
True, but that's to be expected nowadays.
Go through his Tumblr pages and you're guaranteed to find one. It doesn't matter since even if I dig up his Penn and Teller rant or his Bill Nye rant or any of his other fucking rants, people like you will just continue to make excuses and dismiss it as shitposting.
still caring about gamergate shit in 2019 and typing like this every day
but it's ok because he doesn't actually care and you're stupid if you do dude lol
> who do you think makes movies?
Did anyone watch his streams in mid-late January? He got completely high off his ass, watched a Jordan Peterson video, it blew his mind and he started rambling about how trypophobia is some evolution instinct and how humans evolved from trees. Completely refused to listen to anyone saying otherwise. Then said he NEEDED to share this with Jordan Peterson.
This went on for a week.
I think thats when i realized hes gone insane.
I never got banned but you're totally free to assume that if you'd like. If you want to go down some crazy conspiracy rabbit hole, I donated to his stream for several years. Don't know if Brote keeps receipts of that kind of thing but maybe you're stupid enough to chase after all those names to find out who I am.
I don't care about the drama I just think he's gotten less interesting as a streamer
How do you know his mental health is decaying and how do you know his fake internet friends are letting it happen? Why not try to intervene if you're so disappointed and pissed as hell instead of posting here?
nah nick is more about hollywood harboring and protecting pedophiles (which actually has merit)
being some nobody youtuber screaming about other nobody youtubers being pedophiles just makes him look like a headcase
Everything he does is and inside joke of an inside joke of an inside joke that you need to follow his tumblr + instagram + discord + private discord + coolhole to "get"
Hello Yea Forums! This is Cheng!
Cheng is your Tencent appointed Epic Defense secretary, and he made this thread in order to defame Mister Dolphin after his spurrious accusations towards one Epic partner and contractual agreement partner Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox Entertainment, who was recently outed as a pedophile.
In order to maintain the sanctity of our licensing agreement and insure maxium profit in the third quarter, Cheng is putting forth a counter narrative to combat this vile snow demon, and secure Randy Pitchfords reputation for the future of Borderlands 3.
Say hi to Cheng, Yea Forums!
>Le epic short streamer lol
You can tell he's getting tired of that joke and other ones like it, but his stupid fans keep repeating it ad-nauseum because they're so unoriginal.
I'll admit when they're clever enough some of the short jokes can be funny, but hearing someone in chat go HA MAD BECAUSE BAD BECAUSE SHORT LUL and then hearing him read it in a flat voice just makes me cringe. He deserves better than that.
nope, I want to see proof so I can understand this better. If he's fucked then he's fucked, I just don't believe some retard from Yea Forums straight away about anything.
Pat did some stupid shit but Brote absolutely insists that Pat's some kind of pedo for hitting on this girl. His fans are perfectly willing to go down a slipper slope conspiracy along with him though.
I suggest you save this image and challenge Brote with it. I tried to do it and he completely ignored it.
this is his new twitter btw make sure to report for the 10th time he's ban evaded
>go through his shitposting tumblr that he uses when he's on the toilet to find evidence of his secret schizophrenia.
Pat leave
when did Brote ever say he was a pedo and not just trying to round up teenagers?
I honestly think he had that whole meme funeral just to get rid of unoriginality and encourage viewers to make new jokes but it didn't work unfortunately.
It's a curse.
Every time he tries to kill off a meme it just ends up creating two new ones.
Poor jermy
>he's in the thread right now
The entire thread is filled with examples. Doesn't matter since nothing's going to be good enough for someone who worships him.
I guess you can say that I'm providing just as much proof as Brote does but you can look up all these examples yourselves. Not going to spoonfeed someone who can't even go through his Tumblr for more than a few pages.
Last I saw of him he had his twitter back temporarily and went on a long rant about randy and magician pedo-rings. Was pretty crazy, but he looked like he was enjoying himself.
bring back Beef, Miflett and vidgamedude
the rapist crew
Sounds like you said something stupid, got confronted, and are still upset about it years later.
go home brote
So you're basically saying that he can say literally anything and that's totally not a sign of him going on a word salad rant, is that it? Literally nothing he says can be taken seriously?
Man, he could claim that he wants to molest kids and you'd totally laugh it off too. What a life he lives.
He literally used to say the words "Pat is a pedo" and "Pat grooms kids"
I stopped watching when his streams started being "I'm on spiders hehe" I'm fucking glad.Also chat was always the best part of his streams, I have no idea what happened
do you have literally any proof of this happening?
then fuck off
>all the good coolhole members have left?
nigga what? circumsoldier and filthy still do stuff there. that and everyone is a rando, nothing matters just like nothing matters here.
>he's back to claiming pat boiven is a pedo
hello proof?
>"He's all Qanon and incel shit now"
he made fun of incels regularly on their discord server
>First he went full edgelord, then full SJW, now full conspiracy nut
yeah, the guy who said "I don't want to be on either side of gamergate" is an sjw edgelord
this isn't reddit
he posted shit that he thought was funny. almost everything he says on stream or in his videos is just pure mental retardation. He just says that retarded shit to garner a laugh, and he finds the anti-gamergate squad to be fucking hilarious.
he pissed off a bunch of muslims and milked that shit for all the laughs it was worth
nothing to see here folks, just another post in Yea Forums's most intelligent board. so intelligent, that OP uses his faggot beams to telekenetically beam the evidence of all this happening into everyone's heads, he's just that smart. he doesn't need to physically post the proof, he's just so gay that he doesn't need any
knowing his community, I wouldn't be surprised is this is all one big inside joke
2BF damage control on board
Bro Team is the insane one and not the 4 beta mongs who can't even keep themselves together to get rich playing video games and try to recruit teenagers for the daddy daughter RP
He called him a pedo groomer, you retard
>Man, he could claim that he wants to molest kids and you'd totally laugh it off too. What a life he lives.
He's literally said that exact thing on his tumblr, because he just shitposts there.
you did the thing
It's the person Brote was quoting, saying, she was of legal age, and they just chatted.
Brote is claiming that SHE is lying about what SHE spoke to pat about, despite HER screencaps
lmao this is absolutely broteam, just fucking log off you obsessive retard
Here come the bootlickers. Don't worry, Brote is way too narcissistic to admit that he's losing it.
It's great. Anything anyone else says has to be taken at face value. Everything Brote says is just a meme within a meme so it's perfectly okay for him to lie and make shit up about other people.
>no evidence but let me screech anyway
Sounds like a broteam tweet
the chat fell to complete shit once the funny people left or moved on and it just became circumsoldier doing his tired schtick and 200 retards trying to get his attention
>Lmao no just go find evidence of my ridiculous claim
Just scrolled through the few hundred most recent posts on there and almost all of them are like one sentence replies. No conspiracy rants that I saw. Post a single fact to back that up.
You're just projecting, Half-Half.
We know its you.
He is laughing at this thread right now. You all look so stupid.
Trend is going to be shit
>goblin darts
>he's looking at your kid
>internet dating
take me back
Can't believe that Brote is literally OBSESSED with these threads. Include me in the cap, you future suicide.
That's a reup you absolute fucking troglodyte holy shit
he is aware he is just some gaming retard and talks shit
he makes it pretty clear that you are at your own peril if you take his shit as a gospel
actually, he's pretty open about his mental health stuff and encourages viewers to seek out their own happiness and get in touch with their mental hygiene. I think he actually does this the best out of tons of people I've seen online give this lip service. You can tell he's suffering with some things. He's talked briefly about his child trauma. He seems more balanced than a lot of people I know offline though, he's just honest about whatever and open to talking to you if you bring shit like that up. So I'm starting to think most of these people are furry retards that got blasted out of his channel for posting emotes.
>the one guy in the thread writing NO PROOF OF ANY OF THIS!!!! over and over and over as if everyone is having some sort of collective hallucination about broteams actions over the past 5 years
it's either him or someone who donates money to him regularly
we are all broteam
Great to see that this washed-up failed filmmaker needs threads like these to feel relevant again.
I used to watch his streams and I can totally see him doing shit like that, so I believe it.
But I'm just some nobody on the internet so take that as you will.
>dance of the knights intensifies
Yes, literally this.
And if you paid attention, he gave you all the pieces of his trail that you'd need to see where he's coming from.
That said, yes, he proclaims pretty freely that it's a stream for morons who want to see bad games played by a retard.
Again, you're projecting on his critics in order to feel better about yourself. If you seriously see Brote as a model for good mental treatment then I honestly feel sorry for you. His attitude towards the world as a whole is not remotely conducive to recovery.
>he's LITERALLY still tweeting about zoe quinn
holy fucking shit just get over it already
halfhalf leave
Literally who?
Shut the fuck up Half-Half you dumb retard, you've been doing this for over a year, fuck off already.
bear puns
You know what? Thank you.
The thing about Brote is that he preys on people with mental health issues in order to feel like a better person. All the shit he says is completely superficial trash that hasn't help himself at all. It's sad because kids with no support networks look up to him.
Don't worry, it's just layers and layers of brilliant mind games coming from a true biotruth genius.
So when did Taterz molest that girl?
You are right, he is GONE. You should all tune into Tigref instead.
asking for proof makes you a bootlicker
I am starting to think this never happened based on the amount of people who are doing this exact thing when asked for evidence
Him getting high every stream just ruined everything desu
Coincidentally its also when he started getting weird. I dont think he can handle weed, at all.
Literally who?
Brote, if you're here, take a screenshot of my post and post it on twitter
Brote, if you're reading this then let me know if it's true that Taterz raped that lady without going into multi-dimensional irony mode. Thanks. We all know that your mod friends are 100% great people, unlike RTMelissa and all those other people who you never trusted and always knew were bad.
Hoo yip
when did he claim this girl is lying?
There's a screencap earlier in the thread with the girl in question clarifying that she wasn't underage and that Brote was exaggerating.
Fucking kill yourself
I saw this thread because Brote linked it.
You are all a fucking treat.
lol he just left rtmelissa steal people's money because he was too much of a pussy to confront her and risk making himself look bad. imagine being that much of a gutless coward
Months ago he said it was mostly finished but wound up being only a couple minutes long unless they fill it with random shots of nothing.
I couldn't tell if he was joking or not
Why don't you ask Brote about it on Tumblr and act totally surprised when he doesn't answer?
The guy's a lying cunt who exploits mental illness to look like a victim. Fuck him.
wasn't btp proven to be a manlet?
>first account he follows is mombot
absolutely fucking pathetic
t-the fire rises...!!
>twitter gets suspended for one tweet
>could appeal and come back with the tweet deleted
>nah I'm just gonna make a million new accounts that all get banned
BroTeam is a front for the community he gathered.
Most of the hardcore fucks don't even watch him anymore. They just sit sit in the "suparsekraite discord" and laugh at the dumb people on the actual broteam discord
I still enjoy his screech reel videos I don't watch streams
where and when did this taterz thing come out
show some proof of these claims
An obsessed retard who got banned from Broteams stream and private video movie night channel for being a complete retard attention whore idiot who lied about his age and accmoplishments.
Also he plays naked hide and go seek with his dad, he described his dads dick as a thumbnail, and he thinks about his moms tits every day.
This is him: youtube.com
I just don't watch him anymore because it feels like his focus is somewhere else. This fucking thread is a dumpster fire. Coolhole is fun to jump into every once in awhile still.
He wasted all the money because he doesn't know anything about filmmaking. It's okay because his fans forgive him.
Holy shit this is an amazing thread. You're all fantastic people.
I hate that all the chat drama was relegated to discord/twitter circlejerk. What was deal with Beef? I was away for 2 weeks and anyone that asked about him was banned at the time.
shut up faggot
Yeah dude same but I think started a little before that with his "loser cult theories" about furries or incels, but then he started getting angry.
Nowadays I only go on stream or hole to see Circum type racist shit, his takes about how modern society is degenerate and then go to his Furraffinity account and look at robo booty.
>defending twitter
Modern day Yea Forums, everyone.
are you saying women lie about their victimization?
It was mentioned earlier in the thread. Someone should ask Brote to clarify. He's already in this thread anyway.
Brote, let us know if Taterz actually tried to rape that lady.
Oh sure, I'm totally whoever that guy is.
OH FUCK THAT'S HIM? Okay, tyvm!
Did he actually lose his mind and going off the deep end in conspiracy theories or is this some in joke? I only watch some of the shit he posts on Youtube occasionally and never watch his streams.
>broteam keeps wondering why so many fucked up people follow him
>doesn't realize its cause of how he acts himself
>Oh sure, I'm totally whoever that guy is.
he molested meggsandbacon when he was staying with her for I think it was EVO? he was also telling people that she was his girlfriend and sending her dick pics
shame he turned out like that because he was one of the only funny people in the chat
Is Brote seriously bitter about Half-Half to the point where he assumes all his haters are the same person?
That's pretty sad shit.
What's funny is that Circum turned out to be a pretty cool guy. Brote is the one who's a lying cunt.
>it was mentioned earlier in the thread
yea, it was someone saying it happened, i'm asking for proof that it did, not just some idiot saying random bullshit
Not him but I think he was questioning the logic of going back to a place you actively dislike and persevering to do so.
Again with no evidence and getting defensive instead. Alright chap no problem
>73 people in the thread
>72 of them are shitting on broteam
>damage control insists somehow this is all one person
its a re upload, god i hate you
Its not a joke, hes been doing this for like 6+ months now
I don't know, it's probably whatever reason you're coming up with.
Hey there!
I don't know, ask Brote to clarify if Taterz is a rapist just like Beef.
Shut the fuck up Half-Half we know its you. You outed yourself.
You cant hide, you always find a way to out yourself.
Okay I looked up "Broteam Trypophobia Rant" on Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr. Didn't find anything. Can someone post this CUHRAYZEE rant?
he should be fucking sued then he's ugly
Stop samefagging Half-Half this is pathetic.
It is absolutely a joke. Very rarely is anything he posts on twitter or tumblr not a joke.
why is everyone reddit-spacing ITT
>Half-Half is here
holy shit kid
What do I report it as? There's no option for ban evasion.
Is Tigref still part of the crew or did Brote accuse him of being a pedo too?
Except when he starts making stuff up about his mental illness. Those are serious lies.
>72 of them shitting on Half-half
Fixed that for you, bro
can't wait for the SMITE stream later where he talks about this with his le ironic aloofness and disinterest while he's seething inside
Because I knew you'd notice it
The brote defense force is here now
It was in January, nobody wants to go back months and comb through hours and hours of streams to find the thing everybody knows about. Just search his tumblr for "holes" or something and see all the asks about it if you just want proof it even happened.
what is he lying about?
Sean, please stop exaggerating your depression for internet pity points. It's pathetic.
his laugh is funny
>its just Half-Half again
Holy fuck kid when are you going to stop doing this? You always get caught and its always super embarrassing for you. Go suck your daddies toe dick.
tigref is still around because he's kinda a racist but at least you can respect him for that he's always been who he is. broteam is just a schizo
About his neighbor who committed suicide, his friendship with Burch where Brote was totally not complicit even though he knew about the sexual assaults, etc.
What is with this aloofness thing? Does he mention how much he doesn't care about things or is this something you believe because he can talk about something without throwing the fullness of his being behind it or against it?
brote's cocksuckers are here
It fucking is Half-Half holy shit.
>Oh sure, I'm totally whoever that guy is.
We've got him boys.
I liked most of the mods. It's just sad to see that they're wasting their time hanging around a guy like Brote. Filthy's streams were pretty comfy.
Look at his tumblr in late January
Theres tons of people asking about his well being as well as people saying hes gone off the deep end. Everything else was on his Twitter that got deleted of course
Brote I know you're reading this please talk about this thread on stream later it will make me laugh a lot
i legitimately hate this person
he is one of the reasons i left
because spegs like him kept coming in and ruining all the fun
Hey Half-Half, ligma.
Hey you schizo faggot, nobody here likes you or your autistic screaming about nonsensical shit. Why don't you just go back to tweeting about gamergate before your account gets banned again, ok?
>Circum turned out to be a pretty cool guy
ha nope, he's just another embittered furry that went to /pol/ instead of getting pussy.
this thread is pissening, it's sickening
half-half, we love you.. please come back to us. we miss you.
Tigrefjust turned into broteam-lite
His streams are insufferable now too. Everyones a pedo, cults, etc etc
Whenever anyone calls him out on a lie, there are countless examples in this thread of how he was just joking and totally shouldn't be held to the same standard as a guy like Anthony Burch who tried to pressure people into sex when he was at Gearbox. And Brote totally didn't know about any of that even though he later went on a rant about it online.
its revolting
its insulting
> totally not triggered
>not a single Yea Forums filename on any of the posts saying half-half
He posted this thread in his discord to damage control
Can you explain these further?
implied n-word and a tip of the hat
Way to go outing yourself Half-Half, we know its you now, perp.
But Mombot’s a man.
Make more review videos you dolphin fuck
They were funny as shit
ah so he sent his lackeys here, that's why this thread turned to shit
I didn't stick around long enough to see him go full tinfoil but I pretty much lost whatever interest I had in him about 4 years ago. His whole schtick was wearing thin well before that point, though.
Yeah, ask him if Brote feels bad about Chloe Sagal committing suicide after Brote outed ((him)) for being transgender.
>not even trying to deny it.
Still mad, Spuck McFeedy Half-Half Mommy Milkers?
Do you want Mommys big Khazar milkers?
Mommy mommy? Moooo mommy oh mommy dearest mommy omommy momommmmmomomommy.
I bet you want to squeeze your mommies tits just like this.
GPM fucks puss loser
Filthy is great cause he just plays games.
Something brote hasnt liked to do for like 4 years now. His streams are just ranting and rambling about irrelevant shit
If no one cares then how do so many people gift him money every stream? He makes at least 500 USD a night.
>Make more anything videos you dolphin fuck
I would totally believe that.
This was years ago, but when people called out Brote on one of his lies Brote immediately started talking about his childhood neighbor who committed suicide in order to deflect attention away from the topic. Ask him about it. Don't take my word for it. See how he responds if he even acknowledges it at all.
>helping add to the 40%
sounds based to me
So Brote doesn't feel bad about driving Chloe Sagal to suicide after outing him?
sounds like a guy who hangs in retardera
>so many
Its 3 guys, 2 of which is snax
Check his stats on his donations page
half half is resulting to defending randy pitchford. he is lost
So this thread is what happens to the autistic people that get laughed out of his community, right? Looks like they made a good call.
It seemed like Brote was the only one who cared about Anthony Burch sexually assaulting women actually. I've seen him mention it a few times on Twitter and it's like yelling in a vacuum. So many people want to be known as great allies but when there's a live issue at play, no one touches it because of the risk. I thought it was cool he was putting himself out there and burning an old friend to spread the word that the guy's a rapist. So I don't know where you got that Brote was complicit.
stopped watching broteam a while ago when his streams started having songs playing all the time
hope he's doing ok nowadays
THIS IS OP youtube.com
>THIS IS OP youtube.com
THIS IS OP youtube.com
>THIS IS OP youtube.com
THIS IS OP youtube.com
>THIS IS OP youtube.com
THIS IS OP youtube.com
>THIS IS OP youtube.com
>Yeah people know every single detail about their internet friends
I know, Brote's a really great trans ally after getting Chloe Sagal killed. Remember how Chloe set herself on fire when she committed suicide? Hope Brote remembers!
I'm sure Refineries loves him for that.
i once got told some mean words and i killed myself. true story
why is this e-celeb drama thread still up?
have you heard of finding out something after it happened?
Aight GuitarPunk calm it down, now.
>retarded people like to throw their money down the drain for stupid reasons
Read my post again. I didn't say nobody cares about him, I said nobody here likes him. The only people in this thread defending him are his faggot mods and donors, who didn't start coming around until he made a tweet about it.
Really makes me think about who is defending him...
I can't believe snax killed Pat Tillman
What did Metokur do other than drop in productivity and stick to streams?
Hello, I am a person in his Discord right now. We are currently coordinating an infocentralized memetic response to neutralize various truths. The canadian must become schizophrenic, just as the biotruths foretold.
Also as I am a member of the BroTeam I will confirm he IS an actual pedohile, but he abstains from sex with children and prefers the term Minor Attracted Person thank you very much.
The only reason why Brote brought up Anthony Burch's sexual assaults was because Brote was desperate for attention at that specific time. He did jack fucking shit to bring attention to it earlier.
He's a snake.
Oh Brote, it's time you took responsibility for driving a trans person to suicide.
Half-Half stop being a faggot and attacking people from the discord.
>Trannies are good
This is why you shouldn't watch e-celebs, kids. You start seeing ghosts.
snax fucked my wife. go ahead, ask him.
So nothing about Chloe Sagal, huh? I hope he tries to meme it off but people start looking into it deeper. I really hope Brote brings up her suicide and tries to act like he wasn't involved at all.
>Hello, I am a person in his Discord right now
gtfo nigger
He has laughed about that suicide several times onstream you fucking idiot.
I'll donate 50 dollars to him if he actually made a tranny kill himself
Not sure if that's true, but he's probably really proud that he drove a trans person to suicide. Really makes him the ideal advocate for mental health recovery.
someone drop some cute and funny to kill this shitty e-celeb thread
how do you know he knew about anthony burch assaulting before he brought it up?
Coolhole 2
Pro tip Half-Half but when you start getting massively blown the fuck out for sucking your daddies milky thumb dick, shifting your argument towards something completely unrelated only outs you as a bigger faggot.
It also makes it more obvious that its you. Moo moo mommy milkers.
an autistic community fighting people who were either too autistic or not autistic enough to stay in it
>this thread has nearly fucking reached bump limit
Yea Forums is fucking dead
Just ask him about Chloe Sagal and swallow whatever lies he tells you about it totally wasn't his fault at all.
this thread is funnier than anything broteam's made in the past like 3 years
I remember missing some streams and coming back to nutjob pineal gland talk and his fans and some people in hole are set to hostile by default for some reason but thats about it. Still a funny guy
I'm genuinely kind of excited for it even though I know all the wacky stuff will just be his close friends fucking with everyone else
Come on, Brote. Brush off your involvement in Chloe's suicide. I know you can do it!
We all know that you'd totally out Refineries too if you wanted to. Can't wait for the day when Brote stabs Refineries like that too.
>after getting Chloe Sagal
BroTeam murderer of trannies
explain how he's not based now
He's still pretty funny.
>everyone who is against me is whoever the fuck half-half is
Holy shit Brote, you actually are a schizo. You're as bad as the people on here who think everyone is a discord tranny. Either get actual help or go OD, loser.
>you know what would make coolhole better? A shitty annoying rpg on top of a video viewer in a walled off website of our own
Way to kill a good thing
How come Circumsoldier hates furries but always draws shark robots with thick thighs, wide hips and big asses, and why did every episode have a human fall in love with an alien?
This thread is gay as fuck I wanna know why did he get a Sergal pillow?
That's some eerie shit.
Be sure to tell as many people about it as possible because Brote only wants to cover up his involvement. Ask him about it! I might just be making shit up, after all! Only he knows!
>anyone who dislikes thing is just mad they aren't in my cool kids club
Did you miss all the times before that he brought it up, you stupid child?
this sounds like something a pedophile would do
Someone redpill me on Brote and Refineries killing a tranny?
Circum is, deep down, a good guy.
Brote lies about people and constantly denies how he drove other people to suicide. Again, Chloe Sagal.
Sounds like someone got pegged.
half half is dead too
a what?
this thread is dead, just abandon. He sent in the discord defense force so it's just a circlejerk now
Moderator from Brotes Discord here.
I want to start off by saying how completely disappointed I am in every single one of you. You all single handedly ran away our guests by posting nothing but childish, disrespectful, and just flat out rude comments. The Discord is a chance for gamers and people in general to interact with Brotes friends and other people when they will likely never have a chance to do so. What you all did was completely un-called for. I am now having to reschedule the Trend release for another time because so many people that actually wanted to have meaningful questions answered had their chances ruined because of all of you. I can tell you with complete certainty that if I see a single “For you”, “You’re a big guy”, or “CIA” reference in the new Discord you can bet that you will be permanently banned.
>426 replies
>80 posters
This is going to be a platinum yikes from me. I don't know what's more humiliating, the obsessed samefag making this thread or the mods on this board
*weezes in canadian*
unlike with a non-subhuman like metokur, with brote i can't tell where the irony begins and where the faggotry ends
Brote harassed Chloe Sagal over some crowd funding bullshit and humiliated her. A little bit later Sagal committed suicide in a very public and painful way because her life was destroyed. Brote denies any and all involvement.
Refineries wasn't involved but it's only a matter of time before Brote shows how much of a good trans ally he can be to him.
holy fuck dude we get it you nigger fuck off
What the fuck are you on about, faggot? Chloe an hero'ed because she got violent with her roommates and they threw her ass out. Broteam didn't have anything to do with it.
And the person who outed Chloe's SRS crowdfunding scam was Alistair Pinsof. Broteam had nothing to do with any of this, other than laughing about how batshit crazy Chloe was.
>TFW Broteam made this thread himself to drum up viewers on his shitty stream
A guy who is obsessed with BroTeam makes these threads and posts stuff like this every now and then. He said some embarrassing stuff publicly then got upset when people laughed at him and kept figuring out who he is whenever he'd try to go into their secret movie club to start shit. It's actually a kind of ritual at this point, he posts a thread, maybe a few people post asking about the two best friends thing, then he starts flinging shit as soon as it's revealed that BroTeam and his community know about the thread/posts. Then when people call him by his name, he does the denial bit followed by misdirection.
Basically it's a thread that always turns into people laughing at the village idiot who doesn't realize he can just leave the village.
>Obscure edgy man bad
>ResetEra good
he fucc my ass bayad
get over yourself
You took the Trans 50/50 route
Half and Half
that's weird
>Be Half-Half
>Normal working queer boy down at the daddy milker stead
>Log onto my favorite digitized binary numeric code violence visualization vicarious experience simulator website Twitch Dot TV
>Watch my favorite fat retard weed filmmaker who isnt Kevin Smith
>"wow this is so cool, he's so funny"
>"im going to donate a message and say the n-word"
>gets banned by based Circumbro
>play star wars
>try to sound impressive
>think about how hard you work milking the dad cocks and how you just want some of mommy dearests milkers for once
>Tell them an earnest story about how you play naked hide and go seek with your dad and you've seen his dick on "numerous" occassions
>also tell them you thinka bout your mommies sweet juicy bouncing heaving titties every single day
>They relentlessly mock you
>Circum dunks on you like Charles Barkley got hit with some vodka and a Chernobyl isotobe
>cry some more
>keep crying
>Find coolhole one stream, decide this is your shot at redemption
>Start acting cool, hip, screaming about the jews or some shit
>Get called out again
>Banned again
>Keeps getting banned
>Swear vengeance upon this fat canadian video game schizophrenic pedophile mass murdering trans assaulting rapist racist white ethnonationalist gamergater
>fight the good fight
>Dad gets mad at you because you didnt milk his cock yet today
>Its a sticky job but someones got to squeeze it
>sullenly log off of Yea Forums to go back to work while everyone makes fun of you again
Half-Half had a hard life.
I think you can figure that out on your own
Nah, Brote went out of his way on Twitter to harass Sagal and gang up on her in order to get some Internet rep points. Then Brote started to deny he did this after Sagal killed herself.
Sure have it all figured out! Don't worry, I'm sure Brote is perfectly happy that he drove someone to suicide.
Lamo it's just a stories dude lmao no xenophile robo-kobold shit here lmao stupid Sergals lamo kill CEOs lamo
Why so defensive, user?
its true!
i saw him light the match himself while he screamed the 14 words and saluted Hitler
I hope for your sake this is a pasta
This thread is proof that anybody who likes Brote is probably on the autism spectrum.
Ranting about a has been e-celeb
Link got posted in the e-celebs discord which resulted in an invasion
Oh man, you sure are making Chloe Sagal really sad. I sure hope no one looks up how she died! Brote would look really bad!
I didnt know you were dyslexic, Half-Half.
So you're the dyslexic gay molested incestuous oedipus complex having compulsive liar retard known as Half-Half now. Quite a title.
Circum is and always has been the best of the broteam this only solidifies how cool he is
Pretty much. If anyone says anything remotely negative about Brote, they're just Half Half or RTMelissa or whoever. Or Chloe Sagal.
See, this is why people think you're retarded. Stop screaming and having an autistic meltdown over things that aren't real. Not even going to bother replying to you anymore because being yelled at by Terry Davis junior is just sad, not funny.
You're a fucking moron dude. Chloe's suicide note was just a big rant about her roommates and the lack of mental health and homeless assistance programs. People laughing at her on the internet had nothing to do with it.
>One autistic samefag spamming HALF HALF at all criticisms
it seems like ISIS and other warriors of allah are trying to shame bro team in this thread. and there's the prophet muhammad himself, half half
Sean Wever is a gay bottom who likes to get daddy dom'd but he got too fat.
Go back to being a twink you fucking Ni-
> Brote lies about his neighbor who committed suicide in order to get pity points
> Brote lies about how he totally didn't know Burch was sexually assaulting people and he's a good person
> Brote lies about not harassing Chloe Sagal until she commits suicide
Your god is completely safe from criticism.
wow what a based guy!
His remaining fanbase is fucked up. They just lap up whatever dumb shit he says and praise him as some sort of god
This never happened and everyone can see what you're trying to do. You aren't a smart person.
you're being flagrant
you sure fucked that strawman
there have been longer greentexts on here. 0/10 obvious half half alt
i like saying the n word
Oooh, you've done it now, mister! You'd better be prepared for some mongoloid to call you half half!!
I'm sure Brote had absolutely nothing to do with exacerbating her mental health by sending all his fans after her on Twitter. I'm sure he feels like a great person.
Aren't you going to accuse me of being Half Half now that I brought up something that you can ask him? Just ask him about it and watch him lie.
this is probably the worst thread i've seen on this board in weeks
congrats you leaf-sympathizers really outdid yourselves today
Brote if you're reading this make some more internet dating videos you ghoulish fuck
GPM is what we like to call "our nigga". Do not strike him.
fuck they found another of my 4channel accounts
I donate regularly to an eceleb and also whiteknight for them on Yea Forums for free
Hi Half-Half :>)
Brote, if you're reading this then apologize to Refineries for killing Chloe Sagal. kthnxbai.
> Brote lies about not harassing Chloe Sagal until she commits suicide
>she commits suicide
HAHAHAHAHA fuck off you delusional redditor
Someone already made you look like an idiot for this and you're trying it again. You seem hurt.
>Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal Chloe Sagal
> thread is near the limit
Brote-drones still seething
I hear he killed himself
Tex Flexem here, Brote invited me to a Telegram group about 2 months ago. The only other members were Circumsoldier, Snax, Filthy, and Taterz. I didn't know what the group was for, but I joined anyways. It turns out they use it to share loli porn and actual CP. I don't know how this hasn't gotten found out yet, but it's some really fucked up shit. I saw Brote talking about how he was using a lot of the money from Trend and his Coolhole 2 campaign to buy child porn off the deep web with bitcoin and other crypto currencies. When he was talking about crypto on stream a lot, that was lining up with when he started getting into buying CP off the deep web with crypto. I can't really do anything about it since I'm not Canadian, but I urge anyone to be aware of what's going on and to not support people who have connections to him.
You are dumber than the people who try to blame Kiwi Farms for her death just because they liked to laugh at her batshit crazy antics too. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Chloe offed herself because of real world problems, not internet bullshit.
You outed yourself 30 minutes ago Half-Gay.
trying to force a trans dichotomy angle
you are 17
(watch out for pat boivin!)
Oh, I'm sure it's a complete and total lie and Brote doesn't feel any guilt at all because he's a great person. Wish I could say the same about Chloe.
Oh, it's fine. Just another transgender suicide statistic, right?
Ignore this thread. It's someone named Half-Half, a banned troll, trying to libel Brote
This is a troll thread
Brote is great these are just salty rumors
He posts serious things to laugh about them and then you take them seriously and he laughs at you for that, causing you to take it more seriously, because you were born with autism instead of a personality.
He sticks his fat ass where it doesn't belong in every drama that happens. He's basically the distant cousin of that cokehead Warski. The difference is Brote is a coward who will always shirk away when the heat gets too much for his fat greasy asshole.
He also has become the shit he mocks regularly. His incrowd of faggots are fucking insufferable enabling old men and little boys pretending they're the new underground Yea Forums or something else gay. He enables that behavior and just generally the whole lot of coolhole are largely the boring tryhard nonames from vidya4chan
> libel
> salty rumors
Don't worry Brote. No one will believe that you bullied a trans person into killing herself.
Basically what happened to Chloe Sagal.
It's Brote himself. Nobody else types in all caps like that. He thinks its funny but it just comes across as tard rage.
Who doesn't hate furries? hes just a xenophile
actually it's pronounced "choal"
>500 replies
>96 posters
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
Yeah he cares about nothing at all ehich is why he still talks about GG and anita and all those other retards
Because he just doesnt care so much
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he made one or two posts here minimum. The guy is a total wash-up.
Anyway, see you guys in another thread. Hope you have a nice day.
Hope Brote takes responsibility for Chloe Sagal.
At this point we need a sticky
hey why did u leave we were having fun
>Brote desperately deflecting as hard as he fucking can
You bringing up Libel is hilarious since Pat could have sued you. In Canada you only have to prove that the statements were made with the 'intent to harm a persons standing'.
Pat could have sued you for whatever Trend money you have left
brote is probably just wheezing reading all this shit honestly
when did he ever have "heat" on him?
> denial
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch
shut up faggot
>notoriously insane person threatens suicide dozens of times
>finally follows through
>leaves a long note about the reasons why, never mentioning the internet once
yes, clearly this is the fault of one canadian man you don't like who laughed at her once
It's not libel to throw around false pedo accusations, but it IS libel for me to factually claim that Brote drove Chloe Sagal to suicide.
Hope his fans remember that name and start doing their own research.
half half is trying to create a psyops campaign to destroy all of montreal along with bro team and his warriors of christianity. don't believe half half's lies
You are partisan to a particular fat gaming canadian and don't like a different one because it might take away from the stature of the one you like
It all started to ramp up after Brote started egging on his Twitter followers. Don't worry, Brote's a saint. He wouldn't drive a mentally ill person to suicide, right? His depression is something he can exploit to shield himself from blame, right?
Don't worry. I'm sure Chloe Sagal would agree.
Canada libel works differently.
It simply requires untrue written statements with the intent to harm an individuals standing
Imagine the redditor trying to dig up dirt and ruin Brote's life
This is you right now.
You seem to be really hurt by him to want to stick to this. What bothers you so much about Bro Team Pill ? Why not ignore it?
Dude's applications to the Bro Team got denied like 10 times in a row
>not skateswitch
To all the other guys who acknowledge that Brote's a fucking scumbag who lies in order to get pity points, I really appreciate it. His bullshit is awful and I'm glad that I almost never think about him outside of this thread.
show me the tweets where he did that
keep your friend group to twitter instead of jerking yourselves off here
stop bumping this shit thread
he is literally the last person on earth who cares about zoe. he's still obsessed. keep telling yourself it's an ebin joke and everyone is so mad about it and that it's really funny. nobody else cares, it's just embarrassing.