Can a series go from being too dead to being too alive?
VTMB/WoD thread
Can a series go from being too dead to being too alive?
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This could actually be really good. Its the devs behind The Council, a game that dealt with politics and intrigue and could potentially fit really well with the masquerade lore
Even if they somehow get the politics right, they'll never be able to replicate the sort of humor the 1st game had.
Of all the things I expect to be inferior to 1, dungeons aren't one of them, I'm have a feeling they'll be much, much better.
They're going to spout reddit memes and you know it.
Yeah but isn't a major point is that Malk's have trouble understanding whats real foresight and what's just random delusions?
If the dialogue is more grounded, it'll make it a lot easier to tell between the foresight dialogue and not.
what the fuck is happening in this thread
I'm replying to the old thread here because that shit is at 500+ replies and is going to 404 any second
Mostly because the sort of humor the 1st had would 1: Not be understood by zoomers and 2. Get people fucking fired once the twitter outrage mob got started.
Not to mention that the writers are twitter offendatrons themselves.
OP here I didnt even know there was an old thread up I did not intend to make a pseudo general
Oh well carry on folk
Nosferatu > tremere > malkavian >>>>> shit >>>> other clans
I hope the other VTM game isn't turn-based. Turn based games are cancer and disease combined. You need to stab your self to death if you like turn-based video games, you really do.
master race here
>it'll make it a lot easier to tell
Talk about missing the whole point of the malk delusions. It's not supposed to spoonfeed you. Do you want fucking exclamation marks over questgivers as well?
This is a different game.
cautiously optimistic
Fucking Sabbat shits
Hope they're in the game
BASED nostremalkbro
I suppose there are a couple of options to solve this: some of the 'prophetic' dialogue they get will be false information. The other is simply to note that I did say relatively, and that their dialogue will likely still have a deranged tone to it - just one that isn't over the top and likely more violent to match how they're portrayed in the setting currently.
>It's not supposed to spoonfeed you.
Yeah, that's my exact fucking point you fucking retard. Did you even read my post?
>implying brojah doesn't exist
>VTMB/WoD thread
It's in the OP.
ah the classic malkavian.
>IF they allow us to have a ghoul this time around it'll no doubt only be a guy since having a female servant would be problematic
More like BOREjah
RTwP ftw
although at least i consider that turnbased but if you can't cast, you can just let your party autoattack while you fap furiously to jeanette
Toreador >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other clans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tremere
So... tech or tradition?
It's the main plot after all.
nah they'd have it customizable as in 'you can save only one'
Toreador players belong on tumblr. This is Nosferatu country.
well played sir, well played.
honestly, i don't really even know the differences, only played the game once so far, went with brojah since they seemed to be your average cookiecutter
>Looking into Bruja
>It's officially stated they often get into conflicts due to blindly thinking they're right and don't think about the consequences of their actions
>All the antifa-types are bruja which fits them perfectly
This instantly gave me more hope that they're not just going to jerk off people they agree with.
>Blue-haired writers
I guess we know what the "good" option is going to be.
>Ganrgel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other clans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tremere
>more violent
Violent insane people are so much more cliche.
I liked how Malk came off like they were generally too out of their mind to bother with violence beyond whats necessary.
>The Council developer Big Bad Wolf have announced a “narrative RPG” set in the universe of Vampire: The Masquerade “inspired by the rules of the tabletop RPG.”
>The Council
>great and lively NPCs from vtmb
I feel like I'm missing something. Are people talking about the guy in the basement of Santa-Monica's clinic?
Das rite. Gangrel ftw because they have RUDI
but the council was good though, and actually had clever puzzles and interesting game mechanics
>Fighting for the rights of food
>keep refreshing
>links are still not up yet
Either someone have tipped them and they changed the links, or they simply haven't uploaded the video yet. How am I going to wait until March...
Yes. People saw crazy guy on the poster with long hair that has love for cleavers and instantly thought about Vandal Cleaver.
He has a fucking rose on his suit, yet I don't see Toreadorfags trying to claim that he's Toreador because of it.
uuugh i need a tremere mommy to fucking bleed me dry and explode my penis
>Why do people NEED that guy to be Vandal
Capeshit. When kids start seeing fiction as a big pandering of cameos and assumed continuity it infests their thinking. Everything must be a reference to something the audience already understands. Absolute brainlets.
If they're so great why did they get cut?
>only counter-argument is one britcuck
the absolute state of this kindred
Will they go with set apperances or character creation?
I hope its the first one honestly.
Wtf is his problem?
Because ugly people is ableist af and problematic.
He wanted to be a Toreador, but got malk'd instead.
>malks are in though
Keep telling yourself that, Nossie.
It's the latter I'm curious as to see how it would work once you assume a full clan, or even become a Nosferatu if that's a thing.
His cleaver is not in your ass. Take the hand and bend over.
They've said it will be the latter. Nothing suggests they won't have presets though. Game's like this typically do.
BASED malkbros
Eliminating schizos would erase tumblr culture and that's even more problematic, Ventrue supremacist colonizing scum.
holy shit, are you sure they've got Rudi Völler?! that's game over right there
Then I hope it has a lot of restrictions because I want to look like I belong in the clan.
Maybe you create your character twice but the second time you add a lot of clan specific features?
His clan is just DLC because they got lasombra'd.
My guess is the DLC for Nosferatu will have you join the clan a little bit differently than normal and thus will probably allow you to enter character creation again.
>Blood Magic
how can infidels even compete?
When I say violent I more mean that their derangement(s) won't be pretty. If the PC has OCD as their derangement, for example, and enters a stereotypical Brujah haven they're likely to have an aneurysm desperately trying to clean the apartment or otherwise fall into Frenzy.
That being said, even if violently insane people are a stereotype, it's definitely the type of insanity that is more in-line with the current version of Vampire, I'm afraid. I highly doubt we'll see the comical insanity from the original bloodlines.
Actually, it would erase anti-tumblr /pol/ culture
but how do i kneel and bend over at the same time ?!
>hey user come hang out with us
>Eliminating schizos would erase tumblr culture
>and that's even more problematic
That's gonna be a yikes and a cope from me, brother.
By forcing you to only have 2 of those disciplines
He got boner from all the killing and now he wants to fuck you up there. TAKE HIS HAND!
yikes. S E E T H I N G
Hit a bit close to home, eh?
Are tremere meant to be ugly nerds or not?
chadkavian on top as usual
considering the whole tender affair going tech might be fun
at least this one doesn't have LGBTPQRS pronouns, hopefully
He's mad that people keep saying he's malk, Vandal or kike with gigantic nose known as Dale.
user, I....
More like autistic virgins looking for a cute malk girl to orbit
>gender slider
Im sure it will
Just nerds. I doubt appearances matter all that much to them so maybe they're ugly. The dude in the teaser certainly wasn't.
>He doesn't know
Look at the new powers thinbloods have.
vlad's cool, but the tzimisce are a line of rotten bastards now in the most literal sense of both words.
Which clan's the hot one but doesn't know it
Nobody's falling for your charade, tranny
You're going to diablerie him and become a malk.
How the fuck? Paradox owns White Wolf. Why would they give it to other publishers?
The last scene is literally a reference to Grout's basement
Toreador are the sexy ones
They're mostly academic types. The vast majority of nerds need not apply.
How long before the modders remove the slider and pronouns and get called all sorts of things for doing by the (((journalists)))
>Get people fucking fired once the twitter outrage mob got started.
>Not to mention that the writers are twitter offendatrons themselves.
Even people in these threads are saying parts of the first game were offensive. Someone recently said all the characters with Asian accents were offensive because they were all obviously being done by white people. Except every character with an Asian accent was done by an Asian voice actor. People are looking for things to be offended about too much to make anything really good now.
Keep telling yourself lasombracuck.
>Eliminating schizos would erase tumblr culture and that's even more problematic
lmao what the fuck
anyway malk>all
The interviews have all been highly critical of the tech boom in Seattle
Wait what? They are making a WoD werewolf game as well
What is going on?
>removing optional content that is literally disabled by default
For what purpose? You people are idiots.
He didn't want to be a malk.
Can't blame him for it. Nobody does.
>furfags above anything
I think dracula's dick needs some spitshining
Let's just hope they're all passable and we make it to a point where another hunter game is possible.
>but doesn't know it
Ventrue or possibly Brujah?
they look nothing alike
That asian shopkeeper was just straight up stupid man. I don't think people are bashing the ethnic selection of the voice acting. If they are, they should fucking hang themselves.
Mostly to provoke exactly your reaction and then laugh at how seriously some people take themselves.
I wonder if your humanity rating will affect your appearance, as having a rating of 8 or higher makes you appear more human as if you've used blush of life. Thinbloods appear as they always have blush on. Maybe your character will turn paler once you diablerize your way out, and even paler as your humanity rating goes down.
If Lasombra get in I may actually day one buy
i wouldn't place my expectations too high, It's cyanide and they were being published by Focus, the kings of cheap
>Unironic furgrel
I said HEY
I think it's zoomers and younger millennials who get racial and racist confused and think they are the champions of the lesser races.
People need to live and let live. If you get offended by a game there is something deeply wrong with you.
(You), taking your sweet time to take his hand and let him put you in the asylum.
>That asian shopkeeper was just straight up stupid man
He was funny.
>chinese ar- herbal remedies forces
>god bless the allegiance flag
Someone was definitely complaining about the ethnicity of the voice actors though, even though they were wrong and ended up saying the Asian voice actors sounded too white.
cope shitters
Jest usually begins and ends in internet banter. I doubt somebody going to the effort to make a mod for something like that is actually doing it solely in an effort to bait press. I would assume it's more likely that person is at least somewhat offended by it's inclusion and thinks the game would legitimately better without it despite the fact it will have zero affect on his or her playthrough. I disagree with your assessment that it's just to poke fun at morons on the other side. I think people are genuinely disgruntled about the pronoun selection.
There isn't single reasonable person that would willingly accept to be a malk.
Also, he's not malk, nor will he be your sire, malkfags. Go wait for DLC.
Almost like your ethnicity doesn't directly determine your accent.
IIRC didn't they already confirm that you can't choose your Auspice or Tribe? Wouldn't get my hopes up for it being anything special.
I can see someone doing it just to rile up the press, it'd just depend on how easy it would be to mod-out the gender slider (Probably not that difficult, honestly).
Reminder to anti-malkfags:
>Brujah are vtmr nostalgia clan so of course they would be in
>potential main toreador in the story for toreador clan was shown in the trailer
>potential main ventrue in the story for ventrue clan was also shown in the trailer
>Tremere got spoiled in magazine
>potential malkavian is on the main poster
>even nosferatu was shown in the trailer
>error 404 when it comes to: Lasombra or Gangrel
Forget the mommy, I want to serve my daddy.
In all honesty, if such a mod were to come out, I would bet good money on it being the devs themselves doing it incognito specifically to provoke this reaction. They get lots of press in the usual rags and then the company can come out and condemn the practice for virtue points.
It's how outrage marketing is done and it's getting real boring. Ultimately, even zoomers will stop falling for it.
I want a nossie gf!!!
Whatever, furvert.
You can't even melee right.
I want a Tzimisce daddy to abuse you.
>>potential malkavian is on the main poster
>implying that's not Lasombra or even Gangrel
>Aren't I so special and quirky? Look I actually think ugly things are cute! so quirky!
t. Beckett
So in V5 Gehenna already happened and it wasn't that big of a deal, right? What's going on with the Antediluvians?
>I would bet good money on it being the devs themselves doing it incognito
I don't think you understand the risk associated with this. If something like this somehow got leaked it would tarnish their reputation for forever. At best it would be a rogue dev, never something that was legitimately organized for the point of generating buzz. The people in charge there would have to be fucking insane to even consider something disastrous like this for even a second.
>Clan of loners that focus themselves on taming the bast inside themselves
>Muh SJW black dude that commands anarcs for equity
The natural focus of gangrel on taming the innerbeast fully contradicts that shit ass neomarxist postmodern bullshit of social justice.
>being too retarded to understand nossies are the most humane clan
>potential malkavian is on the main poster
Except... he's not? It can be anything desu. From Tzmisce to Toreador.
>Gehenna already happened
I thought it just got retconed out of existence
That character is like Trump. It's so fucking stupidly crude and stupid that it's impossible to try parody it.
>shit ass neomarxist postmodern bullshit of social justice
Why do you subhumans talk in buzzwords?
But I like Gangrels so that means they are the good guys and they kill Nazis
>marketing a clan that's not playable and/or marketing the clan that is already marketed in the trailer itself
I don't think so.
There would be no paper trail obviously. I mean, we know for a fact that marketing companies astroturf as crazy sjws and /pol/acks to provoke a fight so they get buzz on twitter.
Do you really think normal people actually care that deeply about pronouns and shit? It's a fringe bunch of rabid lunatics who are being manipulated by marketing in order to make noise about whatever they want to sell or drum up public support for that week.
What is this
>make a brujah
>call it a gangrel
I'm sure that exists to a degree, but considering this culture war exists outside of video games/movies/etc it's not the entire case
Just because you don't know what those words mean doesn't mean nobody else does as well you moron. Don't project your own retardation.
And? Did you forget that bald guy in magazine is apparently a Ventrue, despite having a Ventrue in the trailer? There is also a nosferatu in the trailer, but everything points to them not being playable.
Your points are invalid as such.
I actually thought he was brujah for weeks.
>they do have a meaning! they really do! I won't use the actual words with actual meanings in their place because I need my snarl word soup, but there is an actual meaning behind my moronic garbage!
>dosnt even know what buzzword means
Oh the irony.
Well yeah. When you act like idiots, genuine idiots will be attracted to you. I'm just suggesting that a mod to remove the gender slider could be made specifically to manufacture "outrage" which Paradox could later condemn for an attention-bump a couple months after release.
At any rate, the butthurt articles in the usual places and the counter-butthurt videos on youtube would be a salt goldmine over nothing.
>modern city setting for vampires
I always assumed he was a brujah...
Looks like this
Why? A modern city at night has all sorts of interesting things to do and people to do it to. What would you prefer?
Leak about bald guy hasn't been confirmed at all. It's just random supposed "leak" with zero source to it.
Also, there is a difference between showing nosferatu that you're chasing and apparently kill, to using a certain character to promote the entire game. What's the point of using non-playable clan as main cover for your game? They never done so in the past and I fail to see the reason why they should be doing it now.
Clans don't need to be stereotypes.
Not every anarch freedom fighter is a brujah, not every insane vampire is a malk, not every bossy cunt is a ventrue, not every insufferable turbonormaltard is a toreador etc.
Though the books sure suck at not making clans stereotypes.
Should have been 80s/90s.
being high humanity is the way to go tbqh
if you ever come across a werewolf you won't have wyrm taint on you, not that that guarantees safety but its something
>I mean, we know for a fact that marketing companies astroturf as crazy sjws and /pol/acks to provoke a fight so they get buzz on twitter
I must have missed this then, or you're just talking out of your ass. I can't fathom a major publisher ever doing this. Either you're just hugely disconnected and ignorant to how these businesses are run or you're just baiting. Got any examples of these proven facts?
>Do you really think normal people actually care that deeply about pronouns and shit?
Possibly not but at the very least they seem think that they do. I think you overestimate publisher as puppeteers that orchestrate internet discussion. The people behind these campaigns are genuinely not that smart.
>spam this shit all the fucking time
>in every single thread
>for at least a week now
>"omg guys how did they find out"
Modern cities are so boring though visually
Name a single one word alternative for neomarxism and postmodernism
I think it's a personification of a Weaver spirit dabbing on a fag werewolf
Being high humanity is really hard lore-wise, it would involve having a very spiritual and ascetic lifestyle
My point was that Malkfags are too stuck with poster guy being a proof of them being in --even before whole asylum/prison/cracked mirror shit-- when in reality we don't know a jack shit about said guy other than he kills two people with a cleaver and is grinning like an idiot about it.
Are werewolves a threat in major cities at all?
>Malk and Nos on top
Feels good.
>Got any examples of these proven facts?
You realize you can literally hire "protesters" for marches, right?
There are marketing companies who sell marketing packages that literally include "creative" use of reddit and facebook to spark outrage and buy outragebait from the kotakusphere. Hell, several subreddits have literally been bought by marketers.
And then you hope some youtuber takes the bait and they make the counter-video and they all get attention and clicks.
>I think you overestimate publisher as puppeteers
I think you underestimate people's desire to fuck each other over for a paycheck.
Will it have a protag this based again?
Not for the most part, they just keep themselves to rural areas and the wilds
only during gehenna
"Art movement that I have no fucking idea about but retards love to hate it so I ape them"
>misogynistic elders
The writers are unfamiliar with VTM. Misogyny is literally not a thing among elder vampires since power is completely detached from your genitals. There are ancient female elders that would shit on 99% of male vampires. If your base your decisions on gender prejudices you are not going to live long enough to be called elder.
It's literally not a subject that comes up.
Except for their hatred of white people, so try again.
That's also a buzzword
And those elders typically are spoken of as "it" so the pronoun people would have fun too.
No. Christof was a divine gift.
>neomarxism is hatred of whites
This is exactly why you should use actual words instead of buzzwords: you don't know what you're saying and what you mean.
This isn't show and tell, user
They are not going to refrain from getting money from other games. They will probably stick with Bloodlines as it's the most famous and anticipated one (there are going to be more, mark my words) while allowing other companies to release different material on which they will also capitalize.
I would like for him to make a cameo in the upcoming game
It certainly does tend to manifest itself this way in its adherents, though.
Can you show me a single neo marxist who doesn't hate white people? Including white NMs themselves?
what about glasswalkers
The other game in development is clearly of a different persuasion. While Bloodlines is an Action RPG, I feel that one will be mainly a story rpg, akin to Age of Decadence
>long wavy hair
>not terrible to look at
>putting on a display which shows he's a show off
>looks like crazy artfag desu
Malkfags GTFO, this is /ourguy/ confirmed. We're on the cover.
what mods to use apart from clam quest and unoff. patch?
So is this game worth playing?
If any non-Bujah has SJW values I will not buy it.
Nosferatu cares for a lot of causes you know.
This, but unironically.
wish we'd see the new fokin clan already
They're just irony given form tho. Brujah are unironically "fight the power" fags.
Glass Walkers and Bonegnawers are the only werewolf tribes that could be commonly found in a city
Glass Walkers are considered like heretics in the Garou Nation and are known for being unorthodox in their treatment with Vampires, for example the struck a deal with the Giovanni Clan, leaving the city of Venice alone in exchange for information about Pentex
Bonegnawers just keep themselves to the outskirts of cities and poorer parts of cities
>We're on the cover.
Not in the million years, Twilight clan.
>Set in Seattle
>Swedish publisher
>Devs with mental-illness haircuts
>Literal gender slider
Prepare to be disappointed then. It would greatly surprise me if that Ventrue we see in the trailer isn't a Trump analogue of some sort in the game.
Which I'm actually ok with if they do it right. Politics in a game is fine as long as you get to decide how to react to it and it isn't hamfisted like it tends to be.
>Preordered on steam
>Leave shit review on release
You know that'll be the excuse they give when the bad reviews roll in anyway. It's all russian bots now.
>Toreador on the cover
Keep dreaming.
I don't care if you have faggots like Rudi, I don't care even if you make them incredibly capable and competent and all that, just have an equally competent foil to them, or make them all shitty.
They had Damsal in 1, who was an outright commie, but no one had an issue with it because she wasn't jerked off as being the best most correct most just vampire ever
>people think nos will be in over malks
>the most popular clan of the first game won't be chosen over the clan that makes your oc so hideous they can't interact with other people without fucking up the game
you should play malkavian with that attitude cos you're obviously batshit
>they think malks will be on main cover for second time
Fuck off. You were on the cover for the first game. This one is ours.
Gender slider? I always thought SJWs gave up on the 100 genders thing.
>Can you show me a single neo marxist
No, because then you'll say that whatever example I give doesn't count as neo marxist because it's not a pink-haired hipster.
Or you'll redefine hating white people to posting on twitter.
>tell tale shit
I imagine a thousand copies sold max
He's thin-blood, you retards.
And, most importantly, you could flip them all the bird and go your own way or side with any faction without really being judged by a "bad" end. It's all bad, really. That's how you do game politics. You get to have a Damsel if you also have a Jack or a LaCroix or a Jeanette.
Absolutely, I like Redemption even more than Bloodlines. Gameplay is mediocre, but everything else is amazing.
idk about gender slider since there's probably no cc, but I'm pretty sure they off hand mention picking you "preferred pronouns."
>Or you'll redefine hating white people to posting on twitter.
I mean, if the post is about hating white people I would. Or do you think you can't express hatred through...text? I don't get your point here.
>No, because then you'll say that whatever example I give doesn't count as neo marxist because it's not a pink-haired hipster.
Makes me wonder why you're bothering to reply at all then. Makes me think that's just an excuse.
Shit bloods especially should GTFO and die in the corner.
>You realize you can literally hire "protesters" for marches
How the fuck is this relevant to a game's publisher faking controversy in an effort to stew internet shit?
Your point on Kotaku I think is solid, and hopefully we can find some middleground there. I completely agree with your assessment that Kotaku is perpetuated by bullshit internat flak. Everything you say about fucking people over for paychecks and everything you've said prior to this makes sense for Kotaku, not Paradox or Hardsuit. Paradox and Hardsuit to not benefit from controversy. They don't. If you think they do, you're wrong. Kotaku benefits from controversy. Getting shit flung at an author of a Kotaku article is actually good for them. Internet traffic like that is how they measure success. This is not at all the case for games publishers. A PR Manager or Marketer's job is almost half disaster control. It is not in Paradox's interest to stir shit. They benefit from game preorders and sales, not clicks. If you were to say something like "A Kotaku author went to the effort to make this controversial mod just to be able to fabricate a story around it and bait clicks" I would say that's potentially plausible. Super risky if they ever found out, but it at least generates actual success for the author. Most PR managers for games publishers would rather see a game simply not be talked about rather than bombarded around controversy. That's how they lose their fucking jobs. You're way more likely to get fired for stirring shit than for just underperforming.
Get staked.
You don't belong in this discussion.
Real clans only.
Well I'm pretty hungry for more VtM.
Does it have any big mods like Bloodline's unofficial patch?
>the lore of the central computer
Christof is a jewel
Toreador reveal next
I'm not gonna prove that the world is round to you. Google outrage marketing and you'll find the companies literally selling this as a service and you can see the sites they advertise as being active on.
Good, there are like less than 10 vampire games out there.
>Makes me wonder why you're bothering to reply at all then.
I'm pointing out that your crusade isn't against real people but against a shadowy blob of strawman boogiemen who you've never met.
You're probably a slav or some other third worlder who imagines first world nations as filled with privilege checking transniggers.
Age of Redemption.
eeeeh. theres plenty out there, its just a real hit or miss topic.
>I'm pointing out that your crusade isn't against real people but against a shadowy blob of strawman boogiemen who you've never met.
You don't know who I am, what I've done or who I've met.
Your point would be more potent if it wasn't pulled out from your ass.
Thin-bloods are the only clans in nu-pire. It's a sad state of affairs, really. First thing I did was usually buy gen for every point I could beg, steal or borrow.
i bet they never miss huh
>Tante Käthe
it failed user
fuck no, but that's exactly why we should be wary of these.
>wolfish yellow eyes
He's either gangrel or tzimisce, you retards.
What is pulled out of an ass can be disproven with an asspull.
You're the one who needs to prove an existence of "neo marxists". Or even just define them in such a way that it can be checked.
So far you've given a meme label known to be an undefined buzzword that retards use to shut down people smarter than them.
Neither of the two are playable, you cunt.
So they fired the original authors (who were already insufferable leftists) over a nontroversy.
So they took over the narrative and THIS is the best they could do?
Neither of those clans change your eyes on embrace.
>You're the one who needs to prove an existence of "neo marxists"
No, because then you'll say that whatever example I give doesn't count as neo marxist.
>Sitting down and reaching to the player
Probably not in beast mode
>Cleaver and two corpses hung up to dry
Breaking masquerade so probably not Camarilla
I'm guessing Tzimisce or a crazily degenerate Toreador, actually.
Its cool, these guys got fired too.
>insufferable leftists
*tips fedora*
>So they fired the original authors (who were already insufferable leftists) over a nontroversy.
What happen
>furry shit being /fa/
>tzimisce being on a cover, EVER
Go fuck yourself with malks. He's toreador.
Why can't people just not fire each other randomly for being problematic and try to improve instead.
"Yeah, Bob. This isn't exactly what we're looking for. Try again and make the following changes..."
And problem solved.
Gangrel gain animalistic eyes if they frenzy a lot/low humanity. That guy fits that bill and his eyes are wolfish yellow aka glow like wolf's eyes.
>wars between devils do not concern me
>only my pure religious waifu
absolutely based
Because there is a group of people actively trying to push for a civil war/revolution. A good way to achieve that is to hyper polarize politics. There is no nuance, there is no grey, you are either a good person (with us) or a bad person (not with us).
I mean, the reactionary shit is too much, but at least this was funny and both ends got exterminated properly.
Thats fine. I'm not saying those don't exist. What I'm saying is that none of that connects at all to publisher's like Paradox performing inside jobs to stir shit on themselves. Did you even read any of my fucking post?
People don't get fired for being controversial.
It's more like controversies are created to get people you don't like fired.
Stuff that was OK to say yesterday is today considered problematic, and it remains problematic until you are gone. After you went, it's OK again.
First requirement of a good writer is to be able to empathize with his characters and see the world through their eyes.
Notice how this type of writing has gotten significantly rarer lately?
>wolfish yellow eyes
That's a stretch
They just gain random animal parts. Your eyes can change but like you said you have to start frenzying for that shit. Only Brujah use frenzy as a main battle tactic for the most part.
Toreador antitribu fits the bill desu
Gangrel are ugly hobos that stink and tzimisce tend to make themselves look like freaks.
He's either malk, or toreador. Any other clan can fuck off.
>but the council was good though
Yes. I feel like people avoided The Council because they imagined it to be just another Telltale game.
I did but I thought I had covered it already.
To reiterate, Paradox itself would not benefit from the initial outrage. They would, however, benefit from their _reaction_ to the outrage as it gives them an opportunity to condemn the mod later on and gain attention in the same outrage blogs for "doing the right thing" etc.
That was the point. As for risk, what risk? Nobody would be able to prove anything and any claims could be dismissed with russian bots.
Chechnya death camp thing.
Chechnyan vampires hold homosexual kine like some cattle in death camps.
Based on a supposed real thing that was supposedly happening (until a journalist actually went there and discovered that the building was abandoned for years).
Somehow the writers were accused of homophobia (despite portraying it as a bad thing only villains do) and got sacked for it.
well, christof IS a canonical character
You'd think they could save a whole lot of time and build competence in their writer team by just showing more dilligence when hiring and guiding the team properly instead of having the weekly two minutes hate to vote someone off the island.
But then, I tend to view things from the perspective of what would make them the most money and provide the best product in the long run.
He's not bad looking and he seems to fancy formal wear. He also has rose on his suit which is a trademark for toreadors. So, I'm putting my money either on Toreador or Malk.
I apologize.
I didn't mean to write insufferable. This word implies that sufferable leftists exist.
Better dead than red.
>Bad people can't do bad things anymore in media
This shit is going to be the death of art, and there doesn't seem to be slowing down
>sufferable leftists exist
I'm willing to tolerate any leftist that doesn't want to shoot me for being the wrong skin color.
They're getting rarer but there are still some left.
Yes goy, everyone who isn't on your side of the barricade is a wrongthinker to eliminate! There can be no compromise with those!
You don't get the point.
Those people were millenials (aka 30 year old boomers), the old guard, the leftists who focused on socioeconomics rather than accumulating privilege points.
They simply had to go to make room for the clique.
>a game is called vampire the masquerade
>implying bloodlines is the first vampire the masquerade game
You are like the people that think that oblivion or skyrim are the first elder scrolls games.
>Chechnyan vampires hold homosexual kine like some cattle in death camps.
That's stupid as fuck.
Why would they care about human sexuality other than forcing everyone to breed?
They're lucky they didn't get #MeToo'ed, then.
Not him, nor do I think that's Gangrel, but guy on the poster has glowing yellow eyes which is associated with predators like wolves.
And again.
They didn't get fired, because bad dudes were doing bad things.
They got fired because they had to go, and this was the best thing they could use.
Except it's called "Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines" and the sequel is "Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2", so saying "the first one" is entirely accurate.
Isn't that only temporary in v5
What if I told you that Brujah have eyes like those too?
Way to fall flat on your face you fucking idiot, trying way too hard.
>The game is literally called VtM: Bloodlines TWO
Makes for a decent cover. Say you're a vampire in chechnya. You can mask your herd of captive ambulatory bloodbags by posing as a militant islamic terrorist or something. People would dismiss it as just another enrichment center and not be too concerned about the suspicious prevalence of anemia.
Don't be a hipster.
>SJW fuck Drumpf
>wearing suits and being metrosexuals
You are even more retarded than Gangrelfags.
Based on a real thing. Homos are fair game in Chechnya.
Also they don't breed them, they feed on them
Fucking hang yourself
EXCEPT the post I replied to was replying to the OP, with the news of ANOTHER new vampire the masquerade, that isn't called bloodlines, and is a narrative rpg (closer to what redemption was).
And as the news point to just a vampire the masquerade game, and not vampire the masquerade - bloodlines game, is not accurate.
dunno but that's kinda gay
>They would, however, benefit from their _reaction_ to the outrage as it gives them an opportunity to condemn the mod later on and gain attention in the same outrage blogs for "doing the right thing" etc
No, they wouldn't. Outside of the possibility that a PR manager is bat shit insane, nobody would ever fucking do this. Gaining internet karma is not in their job description. They generate hype, manage social media outreach, schedule press events, and work to organize advertisement campaigns. None of what you are describing is at all in their interest. Winning favor of a political ideology doesn't correlate with large game release success. White Wolf's incompetence in V5 is partly because of this, and that completely lost authority of their IP for it. They're boneheaded morons who don't know the difference between creating and marketing a decent product and writing an angsty political blog. I think perhals your gross misunderstanding of optimal business and marketing operation might be caused by you overuse of social media. You seem to hugely overestimate the value a business shouls place in those spaces. They only respresent a fraction of the total sales. Not even a minute amount of people who buy and play VTMB2 will be a part of whatever group would be happy or even aware of with this inside job controversy you're suggesting. The guy in pic related who runs the streams is the literally Product Marketing Manager of Bloodlines 2 at Paradox. If you want to see how real people in the business behave outside of your weird tunnel visioned perspective of internet marketing works you can tune in and watch them.
Care to point me to another Bloodlines video game that came out before the 2004 game?
And you guys can't read for shit.
And you are retards.
My apologies then.
except if you actually read the thread its pretty clear everyone is treating this as a Bloodlines 2 thread
Comparing his eyes to Gangrel eyes like Beckett is a stretch. I agree his eyes are glowing but it certainly doesn't loom anything near what Beckett has.
Just admit your mistake and stop behaving like a stupid nigger
are you ok retard?
>clearly crazy guy on the poster
>thinking he's anything but malk
Can't say if this is delusion or just plain contrarianism.
I guess it makes up for gangrel getting gimped a bit in the combat department from what I've heard
I mean, why involve vampires.
I know chechens are doubly full retard about homosexuality, but why would vampires organize such a thing?
Could work, I guess.
Care to point me where the news is about ANOTHER BLOODLINES game while the link points to another Vampire the masquerade game made by bid bad wolf that ISNT BLOODLINES YOU FUCKING RETARDS WITH AN IQ OF LESS THAN 2 DIGITS.
I can't wait for them to reveal he's not apart of any clan.
>nobody would ever fucking do this.
Do you seriously think that the "outrage" over movies like Ghostbusters or Captain Marvel is organic? Do you think companies just advertise these services but never actually sell them?
Got some coupons for a free helicopter ride
Do you think the Sonic design thing was an intentional?
>he's psychotic so that must mean he's malk
What is Sabbat?
What are Tzimisce?
What are Tremere?
What are Lasombra?
What are [insert any clan from Sabbat]?
im not sure how that makes up for it. pretty much makes it worse.
how does it being temporary make it worse than being semi-permanent
They're weaker in combat so their curse hits less.
Probably not a fair trade, but it's a trade.
Why would I behave like you, when you can't read for shit?
>the op post a link about a NEW vtm game that ISN'T BLOODLINES.
>the post I replied to was replying to OP, saying that the story wouldn't be as good as the first one, implying bloodlines was the first vtm game.
>you attack like a bunch of apes, without reading comprehension, proving you are the niggers.
man, you are like the flat earthers.
This may shock you, but... malks don't go around murdering people in his style. Malks are meant to be crazy, not bloodthirsty maniacs because of it. True, there are some malks who do that shit, but point remains that malks' don't butcher people just because they're mental. That's more Tzimisce or even Tremere's area of the field.
Malk's got the cover last time. I don't get the biased towards if that is the case again
Free food?
Because that particular society does not give a fuck if something bad happens to them?
Because the propability of them being rescued is abysmal since they would be honour murdered if they were to be released again, so it's actually safer for them to be inside than outside (though if that state of existence is better than being dead is up to debate)
Because the more homos to feed on, the less there is a reason to feed on the rest, so that society will adore you for getting rid of the pest and not feeding on them
With how fast they "changed their mind" and promised to change it on a _rendered_ movie... absofuckinglutely.
Outrage marketing is absolutely a thing.
>What is Sabbat?
>What are Tzimisce?
>What are Tremere?
>What are Lasombra?
Indeed, i find it so weird that people assume because Malks are crazy others can't be. He, if anything non-Malks have a great excuse for having all sorts of mental issues, being so old and seeing so much shit.
It's a fucking curse. It's not supposed to be convenient.
Hang on, does your version of Redemption work in high res without cutting off the upper portion of the game? How do you do that?
>Because the more homos to feed on, the less there is a reason to feed on the rest, so that society will adore you for getting rid of the pest and not feeding on them
If they weren't retards, they'd realize that half of the people in the camp are straight and just put there to pad the numbers.
Fuck off malkfags. Nobody gets to be on the cover twice.
>Brujah for VTMR
>Malks for VTMB1
>not-Malk for VTMB2
Gangrel bestial features don't give any buffs, they're just mini-nos stuff.
If you got enough of those, you could look like a furry nosferatu.
There was a bloodline in Requiem that did this, wasn't there? Something in the Legendary or Hidden bloodlines supplement.
Morothropians or something like that.
mfw they have a tzimice doing the marketing
And who will be on the main cover then? Non-playable clan like Tzimisce and Lasombra? Toreador, that is shown in crazy light instead of a thing Toreador is infamous for?
Actually lost
Thanks, just what I needed tonight.
>tfw to smart for humanity
Sadly, no. To get normal cutscenes you must play in 3:4 resolution.
That guy you replied to is a faggot but how does that promo pic not scream Toreador to you?
He's obviously a Nosferatu. :^)
What part of him is Toreador like? I'll wait.
It's a Thin Blood. The whole first portion of the game centers around them. The freaking main character starts as one.
Poster boy is literally Vandal.
See and
For (You):
Well he does kind of look like an effete fag who plays banjitar and writes poems in his moleskin notebook inbetween murdering people...
And then theres the rose.
From a purely survival/practical perspective, who would you want to sire you?
Ventrue or Toreador
>tfw no vampire gf to mutually blood bond with
That stereotype regarding his looks fits more old Tzimisce and I'm sure he's not one.
He has a cleaver as well. Are we to go back into Vandal Cleaver territory as well just because of it? Exactly.
big tiddy Toreador gf
Based. I approve of this headcanon.
Fuck all vampires. Hunter chads ftw and for the main cover.
Ignorance. I will tell you that the world and people above you are far more disinterested and incompetent than you give them credit for. I hope at the very least you become open to the idea that the world is not as orchestrated and deliberate as you assume it to be. Your perspective is only possible by the fact that you are disconnected from these spaces. Not everybody can go into or will go into areas like this and see how the people we are discussing actually behave when the cameras and microphones are off, but I promise you that the world you imagine where these people are somehow hyper efficient manipulators and schemers does not exist. They are often lazy, sometimes old, money grubbers that hop from project to project with little interest or enthusiasm for any particular one. They are self perpetuated scumbags that couldn't be asked to solve their own problems in an efficient manner. All these big decisions are made by old white fuckheads that are more interested in going golfing on Thursday than maximizing the efficiency of a product because they know regardless of how people react or how poorly it's recieved they will never be at risk. This is how hollywood works, this is why bad movies are made, this is why the Star Wars sequels are so bad, this is why triple A games bomb, this is why shit like Mass Effect Andromeda happens. You don't fucking understand the level of retardation that goes through the heads of the 3D film industry. I would bet my fucking life that the Sonic design was not intentional. The people who perpetuate this shit are morons. None of this is intentional. It is all beurocratic incompetence.
Can feed off rats easily. Hides in sewers with ease. Can walk among the kind with a hoodie or can charm them if you're of the right bloodline. Knows how to use nmap and free wifi.
Community not entirely consisting of scumbags.
The Cammies need your info gathering skills.
Nossies for sure.
>drinking blood
Unless Vlad somehow became a human again and somehow joined hunters, I doubt it.
I mean character wise
>I would bet my fucking life that the Sonic design was not intentional
They're not re-rendering the entire movie. This tells me they rendered the trailer specifically to fish for outrage. The movie was fine all along.
Why is he drinking blood then?
Any Sire that would stick around and show me the ropes. Isaac I guess.
big tiddy Toreador gf from the trailer
Ghouled hunter
Set it in the 18th century. Modern technology is boring.
Also your level of film production knowledge is fucking abysmal if you actually think the entire sonic movie is "rendered" already. Half of VFX work is rotoscopy work in compositing. Final cuts will always look miles different before and after compositing work you don't even fucking understand.
I hope you're young.
>Knows how to use nmap
In V5, Shrek net got owned hard by inquisition and cummies are all banned from the internet.
>cummies are all banned from the internet.
How would you even enforce that
There are only 5 suit guys:
>Ventrue (certainly not)
>Toreador (extremely possible)
>Lasombra (kek, NO!)
>Tzimisce (possible, but doubtful)
>Malkavian (most popular opinion)
Ama throw a coin and say it's:
1) Thin blood - game revolves around them and how they're hunting other vampires like maniacs in order to improve their rank.
2) Ghoul - vampires aren't only bloodsuckers, and while I don't think he's a Vandal, Vandal was an example of a ghoul that was obsessed with "nectar of the Gods" even more than vampires are.
Dont forget about Assamites.
>Ghoul - vampires aren't only bloodsuckers, and while I don't think he's a Vandal, Vandal was an example of a ghoul that was obsessed with "nectar of the Gods" even more than vampires are.
Vandal was a unique exception and very mentally unstable.
Ghouls drink blood from their masters. They don't go out of their ways to butcher humans for it.
Lol, i'm not the one who will have to deal with it later. Faggot.
If prince finds out that you've been shitposting on noschan, you're considered to be violating masquerade.
He doesn't look like an Assamite, or how Assamite would act, if you catch my meaning.
Fuck me, is there anything v5 didn't ruin. :(
>very mentally unstable.
Isn't that in part thanks to his master being a Malk?
Big tiddy Toreador gf from the trailer
You people are absolutely charmingly naive about marketing. It's downright adorable.
He better have one hell of an IT guy.
So many retarded guesses.
So much arguing.
Yet none of you ever thought of fucking Nagaraja.
time to switch sides nossies
negro that's my line
Assamites are classy in v5, and sucking on bad guys is their main thing.
You overestimation of people in these positions of power is genuine naivety.
How exactly do you get embraced twice? Wouldn't having all of your blood removed once vamped just be diablerie even if you get some of another vamp's vitae?
its not humor you retard. its atmopshere and narrative expression
No. He was fucked in his head way before Therese.
Did you missed the part in which he would set traps as a KID and then enjoy watching rats get caught as they choke on their own blood right next to cheese?
This would be based. ngl
Oh yeah, i totally forgot that part. I guess it's time for a replay.
You don't. Diablerize doesn't work like blood transfusion, you straight up drain another vampire till the last drop.
oh my FUCK
Shot in the dark but maybe you start off as a thin-blood but get an opportunity to hunt and diablerize an ancillae at some point. Introduce the nos'es that way as an additional choice.
That way, it doesn't matter if you were embraced by a nos initially since you won't really be looking like boiled ass until later.
Unless Nagaraja are playable, then like with Tzimisce, I doubt it.
They only ever put playable character/clan on the covers.
>Christof for redemption titles
>Jeanette for bloodlines 1
This is smash rosterfag level of overthinking things
>first game
>lucky 10,000
I hope we'll get to see more otherwordly creatures.
The werewolf/shark and chink gargoyle were cool, but they were just classic boss to kill, I'd like something like an intricate quest involving some ritual shit spirit and what not
There exists no "double embrace" mechanic I don't think. Another user brought it up as a gameplay/story friendly design choice that would be better for clan initiation than forcing diablerie. I think it could easily be explained. To embrace a human, you would drain them and replace it with your own vampire blood. You could quite simply say that thinbloods are so thin blooded that embracing again in the exact same way would actually allow for that thinblood to become full blooded. Brian would have to deliberately create a mechanism for that though, as it doesn't currently exist in VTM.
that isnt a bloodlines game
First level disciplines are all free to use, meaning that you can do a lot of fun stuff without having to pay the blood shekel.
Nos ugliness is there, but without going full masquerade violation.
Fortitude doesn't make aggravated damage matter less, it complements vampire resistances instead of overriding them.
Sun no longer instakills everyone, it's actually possible to dash through full sun, even though it's usually a bad idea for non-thinbloods.
Thinbloods actually exist and aren't just butts of jokes.
Humanity lets you do more stuff at high levels, like granting passive blush.
Less utterly shitty powers that no one could effectively use.
It's mostly subtle things that got better.
Though they really avoid having non-subtle things. Powers limited to being used on mortals, previously full scene powers now last one turn celerity got fucking raped, though the slut deserved it, all high level stuff costs blood.
It's handwaved as inquisition having ubergeniuses who can reliably break all encryption.
still nothing
Followers of Set when?
Nobody, they're all fucking nutjobs and I don't want any part in their shit-tastic backward ass plotting larping games
>nice hair
>metrosexual with pretty face
>fags still don't think this is Toreador
Kek @ (you).
He's Toreador Antitribu, mark my words.
They're anarch fuckdolls now
>Toreador Antitribu
This makes the most sense by far
>Sun no longer instakills everyone
It just makes me sparkle?
Some decent changes in that list, though. I particularly liked the genderswap "alchemy" shit in another list. Totally fits the new theme but it rips off the Tzimisce.
>anyone who isn't ugly must be Toreador
You're as bad as Malkfags who think that anything deranged looking is a Malkavian.
I get that Tzimisce having unique stuff is nice but discussion on vampire appearances too often came down to "well you'd have to get a Tzimisce to do it" sort of thing, as if any of them actually ever would.
Yeah, I don't particularly care for the clan but Beckett would be the best sire.
surprised that Ventrue is placed so high. Thought they're a fairly niche clan.
>It just makes me sparkle?
It's more that it does huge damage (especially to Lasombra) rather than instagibs you
>It just makes me sparkle?
It burns you at more reasonable rate and you can save against the frenzy without being a buddhist monk vegan ascetic who bends spoons and rebar with his willpower alone.
>I particularly liked the genderswap "alchemy" shit in another list. Totally fits the new theme but it rips off the Tzimisce.
Tzimisce can't really make new organs, they treat bodies like materials.
Sexswap is more natural, muh chromosomes and shit.
I wonder if she realizes that this look will age as badly as long-haired hippies in bell-bottomed jeans.
And literally giving a fucking trigger warning in the brujah video... my sides
I agree Gangrel is pretty lame but they probably have the longest average unlifespan of any of the clans.
I'm basing it on more than just looks, in case you missed.
However, his looks and the way he dresses do play a part. Also, the rose. It's very out of place accessory on his suit. Guess for who rose is a signature for.
>/pol/ the clan
>surprised its high
I always figured the danger of sunlight as being more metaphorical as in, you die with the light of the sun, not that it causes damage per se.
Made it more mystical and gave it an existential thing that was way more depressing than the sun being just a burny-ball in the sky.
Malkfag here, toreadors are cool bros unlike faggot sabbat shitters who come crawling back too the camirilla like the tsimise or the lasombra.
Ventrue isn't /pol/, it's the jews.
/pol/ is brujah and nos mix.
lolno. They embrace and release the kids into the wild to survive on their own for however long they feel like. Then as they get older they keep amassing animal features and most eventually go full beast. They're the only clan that don't have immortality in a real sense.
it's not fair bros WHERE'S THE LEAK
Tremere are Jews.
Toreadors are /fa/.
Nosferatu are Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Ventrue are /pol/.
Malkavians are Yea Forums.
There's a mod for Total War: Rome 2 that decreased the chance for a female general to 1%.
If the game will be modeable, someone will remove the sliders and probably post this on 4chinz, zoomers will eat the bait and spread it on leddit where journos will pick up a rancid smell of non-troversy,
/pol/ are malks. Prophetic genius but absolute nutters who are occasionally dangerously correct.
I was aware of the thinking they do to their childe, but I wasn't aware that their beastial forms actually put a date on their mortality. That's pretty ironic considering everything abiut like really stems from being independent and valueing survival amongst everything else.
Marie would like to disagree.
First, they put test on you before siring you.
Second, you may not survive the siring because you'll be torn apart.
Third, your Sire leaves you to your own after he sires you and many Gangrel don't survive past first night.
So, no.
>Tremere are Jews.
Nah, Tremere are autists
Ventrue have charisma and money, something absolutely absent on /pol/.
If /pol/ was vampires, they'd be praising Ventrue while being Nosferatu, Malks and Brujah.
Malk insights tend to be useful, /pol/ insights are limited to
>jews are behind this journalism
How is that debunking his point? Have you seen shit Toreadors wear that they think it's fashionable?
>tfw Dylan is the only decent looking one
was this seriously a /fa/ meetup, because this is some fucking abbhorent taste.
They've said nothing about sliders, just that you pick your pronoun separate from your sex. I just really fucking hope they don't start refering to NPCs as they (singular). That shit really bothers me grammatically. They don't do it in their rulebooks so I'm hoping that stays.
Considering the general draw towards counter-culture, this seems like it makes sense but my guess is that both /pol/ and tumblr would have Brujah with Ventrue or Tremere fucking with them and pulling strings.
post the pics of the 2019 meetup
Literally V5 Toreadors. I'm not even joking.
Like I said. Occasionally dangerously correct.
dylan is honestly pretty cute, would cuddle with
I don't find this as offensive since some of them are clearly taking the piss out of it
>you'll never protect Dylan in prison
why live
I will never truly understand how Jews=Tremere became a thing. Please VitaePill me
/pol/ would probably be cannon fodder for the Sabbat or a chair in the home of a Tzimisce that they insulted by calling a degenerate.
>implying all male toreadors are pretty metrosexuals that wear suits
so much to love about this photo, so little time
I can't watch her videos for more than 3 minutes, their pace is so slow that I get bored immediately.
Any gud lorefags in here?
>can frenzying vampire be dominated to do non-frenzy shit?
>how is blood bind "checked"? if two vamps swap looks, will blood bound dude love the vamp he's bound to or the one that looks like him?
>can v5 frenzies be interrupted by other frenzies? I recall older versions allowing shit like hunger frenzy changing to rage or fear
>can vamps use torches and flamethrowers without sperging out?
I'm looking for canon shit, not ST ruling.
his voice actor was great
wait what, so we're getting Vtmb2 and anonther game? or are they the same game with two studios working on it?
why was this questline and bosses so creepy anons
>that tzimisce violating the masquerade in the middle
Does every single zoomer have ADHD or what?
>I will never truly understand how Jews=Tremere became a thing.
Tremere fuck over everyone and scheme 25/8.
They were originally mages but converted to vampires, like Ashkenazis converted to Judaism.
>Shit, nigga. maintain. Maintaaaaaain. You can get back to Elysium soon just be cool. HNNNGGGG
>literally two dudes who don't look like total weirdos
>one is tiny
>the other looks like a slavshit
>tfw no goth kurwa wife
The ones that survive the first year or so, yeah I guess
They fuck over their own even more than others, though. They're loyal to the pyramid but not to the individual members of the pyramid.
Honestly, I think Ventrue are much more similar considering ownership in major banks, media etc. Tremere seem more like basement dwelling incel shut-ins who hate everything, especially each other.
they changed it for v5, that stuff's temporary now
So your saying tremere are /biz/
I'm 27 and was actually diagnosed with ADHD when I was 17. Also for Brujah;
>While the clan definitely includes substantial numbers of vocal and visible outsiders, their desire for rebellion reaches as deep as the fraudster ripping off his own company, the lawyer representing the poor pro bono, the neo-Nazi claiming to be “alt-right,” and the basement-dweller downloading thousands of movies illegally for redistribution on streaming sites. Fledglings Embraced to fight and protest are commonly known as rabble.
They are just inclined to go against everything popular, Caine just cursed them to be autistic hipsters for eternity. If everything they stand as of today becomes the norm, they'll oppose to that later on.
i kek'd
Me on the right.
>He's Toreador Antitribu, mark my words.
Amen. Thing that honestly makes the most sense and the thing I myself thought when I first saw him.
They think they're Ventrue but they are Tremere. Yeah that fits.
>hunter blocks your path
>along with a sabbat, a technocrat, a werewolf and a Demon that you kept annoying
Different games
Also that wolf game
>Honestly, I think Ventrue are much more similar considering ownership in major banks, media etc.
It's basically:
>Ventrue - the actual jews, the banks, the russian oligarchs and propagandists, the corrupt church officials
>Tremere - the boogieman cabal to blame for events, Soros, Illuminati, CIA
but doesn't Paradox own WoD in it's entirety? I don't get it.
It's not ADHD to not want to watch slow videos made by XX subhumans who love hearing themselves talk.
t. dwarf fortress pro
Bingo. The interesting thing then is the Brujah which are in opposition to the Ventrue.
This has Russia 1917 written all over it.
Inb4 he isn't even a vampire and all of you retards get BTFO.
I guess they licensed the rights out
Will this be in game?
y tho
>not a vampire
>drinks blood
>main poster guy for a VAMPIRE GAME
Considering the devs literally talk about "punching up, not punching down" and "being more thoughtful about mental illness" take a fucking guess.
So which of the two(three) games is gonna be the better one?
To BTFO everyone who is arguing about this.
Dracula drank blood way before he evan became a vampire.
Vandal liked blood and he was just a ghoul.
So crazy that is their tier, exists.
Being a The Thing like monster and mutating people with my tentacles is such a huge non-sexual fetish of mine
I get species dysphoria when I'm reminded it will never be real
I like how these sensitive types always actively seek out media specifically meant to be dark and edgy and people expect me to believe they're acting in good faith and aren't actively trying to change culture.
5 and it's Ventrue
sorry bud
6 and its gangrel
It's a thin blood. Rest of the fags can go home.
Furries get out
This 2 proves it's Toreador
3 and its Toreador
>Cara Ellison
>Senior writer for VtM:B2
>Literally states that the game will "subvert masculinity" and "not cater to the male power fantasy"
Rudi is a parody though
>Tremere fuck over everyone and scheme 25/8
This is basically every fucking vampire in WoD though, there is a reason why they call the whole political struggle a Jihad.
>They were originally mages but converted to vampires, like Ashkenazis converted to Judaism.
This is just reaching, am I talking to some assblasted gargoyle?
How has this anything to do with "punching up, not punching down" it's a Tzimisce using their own clans discipline to feed like the sadists they are
well fuck.
cancelled out, sorry lads.
Vagina tentacla is misogyny because women doing any sexual shit for any purpose other than racemixing and degrading themselves is creepy and ugh.
If a dude did this with his dick, then it might be acceptable.
5 and it's nosferatu
>with protean
Lol keep your pointy stick
>no cute demon slayers in 2
5 and it's Baali
so where is the leak niggas
>Brujah then Tremere then Toreador
Makes sense to get all the faggot magnet clans out of the way first, since they're such obvious picks. If Toreador has Presence and Celerity, we can safely assume that:
>Ventrue: Dominate, Fortitude
>Malkavian: Dementate, Auspex
>Nosferatu: Obfuscate, Animalism
>Gangrel: Protean, Animalism/Fortitude
With hanging Animalism or Fortitude used to justify adding an 8th clan
9 and it's Malkavian
>No Gangrel
>No Malk
>No Fat Larry
what even is the point
>She just leaves her sword on the counter after you help her
>you can't take it
Why don't you check the URL
You double Assamite
brainlet here, you put dots in unarmed for claws right?
6 and its Toreador
yeah, and you do
>no Malk
he doesn't know...
you're alright psycho
Yes. I usually put only two points in Brawl, then get to Downtown and have Nines train me in Brawl for another dot.
>no bra
Yeah. And you do +1 aggravated damage so everything without armor or fortitude is fucked by default
Le epic stoner
Thanks boys. Time for a rip and tear run.
What clan is Brian?
Whatever he is (le epic fingerglove)
The same reason they license out Chronicles of Darkness to Onyx Path. Free money without any risk taken
Fingerglove must mean he unzips katana from his fingers.
Gangrel confirmed
>Except every character with an Asian accent was done by an Asian voice actor.
You can not convince me that Yuki was done by an asian person.
Even I can speak Japanese with less of an accent
Gehenna is currently ongoing