>800 hours
>still only gn1
i dont think ill ever get good
800 hours
How? just buying the pro90 and running around spraying while pointing at the floor is enough to top frag until at least GN3
>1600 hours
>not a single game on ranked
I can't get above the rank I calibrated five years ago.
Do you watch pros? Do you look up technique? Do you practice on workshop maps? Do you consistently play? Have you met people to party up with? Do you actually put effort into this or are you just ramming your head into a wall like a retard?
Not anymore.
nah no way man. before the rank shift i could get gne easy, but now idk. plus the amount of hackerman and shurfman accounts is ridiculously jigh
i do half an hour of proper ffa dm before i play and i play aimbots to 1000 kills ak only. i kmow a few smokes but thats it
>Not anymore.
why not?
not worth it. why do you even want to get good?
good games are stressful to play high level. i miss being bad.
Do you play with a team or at least a couple of other people? Good communication helps a ton.
The higher skill level the more stressful the game is, but with winning also comes a lot more satisfaction in my opinion.
CS is already super stressful since death means you dont get to play for like a full minute, getting good means you spend less time dead which sounds like more fun to me
there will come a point where you're not satisfied, just relieved. have fun until then, man.
>being dead is less stressful than operating at 100%
nobody here is good at anything, jesus christ
good luck ITT
It's f2p. smurfs are at an all time high.
>why do you even want to get good?
To win, duh.
you don't have to worry about smurfs when 70% of the people above nova level is cheating
Haha yeah I guess except being better at CS means meeting better opponents as well.
When is that point in your opinion? Just curious.
Great. Yea since the f2p update I've basically quit. I just play wingman with a friend occasionally now.
Just play pubs bro
You know this thing exist , right ?
Cool number, bro. If only it had any credible source.
Didnt they nerf the shit out of it?
Pubs feel rather meaningless to me, I enjoy matchmaking.
my source is VAC being useless because people bitched about "muh personal information", and the overwatch investigators being irrelevant, the cheater scene has always been alive but since 4-5 years it has been a clusterfuck, the pro scene is ridiculous also
believe what you want, once you go to AK levels you either cheat or get to eagle tops if you are some kind of god
>eagle tops if you are some kind of god
I have 4000 hours (probably 2500-3000 actual playtime)
I only play with scout, shotguns, pistols, and negev.
I'm GN4/MG1.
I was global back before the 2015 rank update, and I was actually trying.
I'm at MGE and can't even do a proper counter-strafe, my pc is dropping heavily during heavy gunfights/smoke.
If there are cheaters, they're way above this rank.
You retard,I was Lem in 1000 hours
You should have been that in like 100 hours, why are you calling him a retard?
so all pros cheat?
timeisbutawindows, fon, gummies, goose, etc all cheat? all pros cheat?
>1500+ hours
>1400 of them spent on trolling
>400 hours
>90% on dust2 deathmatch
>10% surf
csgo is fun
i think i have 100 hours in surf. i finally finished classics today
Is faceit / ESEA good for lower skilled players? I have little experience with playing this at lower skill level, but as a higher skilled player I recently tried it out and found out I enjoy faceit a lot more than I do normal mm.
I don't know if it's placebo or not but I am pretty sure I can tell a difference regarding when playing because of the server settings.
nah i'm fine with rank decaying from MG all the way down to silver whilst enjoying a high trust factor playing on vertigo only, free from esports autism
>make game with guns
>make said guns shoot everywhere except where the barrel of the gun is pointed
ayo hol up
>800 hours
ur like a baby
watch this
No, unless you pay money. Then it's fine.
>good games are stressful to play high level. i miss being bad.
just play until its not stressful anymore.
all the new maps look like shit
why does valve fail at making things look good nowadays
worst fucking lighting i've seen in their maps
silver 2
That may be true if you are underage and your trust score is shit.
Kek this image
Why Steven.. Why
the fuck is a trust score?
you're doing something wrong. I'll list some common mistakes that stubborn people refuse to stop making, maybe there's something on there that makes you feel personally attacked, then deal with that first. If not then we need more info about your problems in the game.
>using speakers
>not using a microphone
>using a high mouse sensitivity or DPI (taking less than 30 cm for a full rotation in the game)
and no, I don't want to hear about that one pro who plays with high sens and aims okay. zip it and fix your sens.
>running the game with less than consistent 100 fps
>using a 60 Hz monitor or a monitor with bad input lag or ghosting issues, anything that will give you a significantly higher reaction time because CSGO is extremely harsh on reaction time.
>not using proper weapon/item binds
there is no excuse to ever pull out the wrong gun or grenade. the game has been out for a decade, CS has been out for two decades and it takes like a day to get used to unique binds.
>using the default crosshair
>never bothering to learn a few basic grenade throws per map in 800 hours
>buying when your team isn't buying
the list goes on of course but cbf.
1365 hours
System that determine which who you are going to play. If your trust factor is high you will play only with people with high trust, if it's low enjoy your games full of cheaters.
I have valve account with cs 1.6 for 13 years. Never cheated and i don't meet cheaters in ranked.
also MGE here, I've met cheaters on my way but the average player at this rank is just as bad as I am and I've been ranking up at a steady pace (2-3 times a year). I know I can still improve a lot as a player (can't spray for shit, only know basic smokes, can't bhop) so logically as my contribution to my teams goes up I'll keep ranking up. just gotta be patient and never ever throw. I'm finally learning spray patterns lately. hopefully that's enough for the next rank, kek.
After F2P im given up with Competitive for good.
Cheaters, Smurfers, Kids, Christian Bots (Yes) completely kills this game. Not even overwatch system can fix it.
Now i just play on Casual, at least they not frustating.
why does everyone get so triggered over people creating a new account
stop whining scrubs
>220 hours
>Silver 1
Yes you are fucking bad
If you have more than 150 hours and arent atleast LEM you are a subhuman
I had a 60hz,Speakers and sub 60fps.
I got global under 500 hours.
As long as your aim is okay its easy.
Plus csgo is a super slow game so you dont even need that much of a good aim
>0 results
delusional trannies ITT.
>christian bots
You mean the people that spam preachers over the mic?
Same. I just love playing deathmatch and 10 vs 10. It's more fun that way.
>600 hours
>580 hours in zombie mods
nice game
>playing Zombies instead of Jailbreak
>500 hours of dota
>498 hours of auto-chess
>was dmg way back in 2012
>now after 1000 hours only LE
Its not bad but not great either.
>4000 hours
>95+% on dust2 matchmaking
best map
Get a decent cheat. Don't go for aimjunkies or that other shit. Try getting skeet.
I was playing on a smurf account a few years ago, and came across a guy who was legitimately silver 4, played like a total retard, and yet he had 3000 hours played and over $1000 worth of skins
Play esea or faceit desu
do you play tekken? lol
Unlike most players, he's having fun.
yeah, "aim" would be the wrong word. but you need good reaction times and if you're playing on 60 hz you need double good reaction times to make up for the disadvantage (8 ms constant delay added). plus I imagine things like spray patterns are harder to learn as you can see less of the motion accurately.
8 ms is pretty much nothing, normal reaction time is 200+ ms, and besides that there's also your ping + the opponent's ping in peeker's advantage.
it's 4% of the normal reaction time according to you. that's not nothing. if your general accuracy or movement speed in CSGO took a 4% hit you'd play noticably worse. as for peeker's advantage, you get 4% less and your opponent gets 4% more of that, too.
You're right, except maybe for the 4% less peeker's advantage in addition to 4% more for him, I think it would only apply to your 4% less (unless he has a 144 hz screen, which would give him the 4% more maybe?).
But yeah your point is valid and I definitively agree that spray patterns may get harder to learn.