Other urls found in this thread:
Is that the same voice actor from ITSV?
He looks pretty fun. Spiderverse made me actually like Miles
Reminder that we should've gotten Kaine and Ben instead of Miles and Gwen since they had too many ideas for just one Spidey
Fuck these discount copycats created in the past ten years, where is the actual classic Marvel characters? This shit reeks of MCU and Marvel NOW/All New
They are literally in the game user you can see them at the fucking end of the video
>Miles Morales
People actually give a shit about this shoehorned garbage of a character? I'll never consider some pathetic excuse, whose only reason for existence was to promote racial representation, as an actual Spider-Man.
So are there still RPG elements?
Faggots started accepting him because Miles was made before Marvel went batshit crazy with their diversity agenda, he looks tame now in comparison.
Yes, but it has been made more streamlined.
this game looks like ass. who cares.
>t. played both MUA games at age 10
>He doesn't like ass
As he should.
I hope you get pink eye shit eater.
I love Miles, hes cute
No thanks, I'll skip him like I did with Luke cage in the other games.
Yea Forumsmblr as usual treats him like the greatest character of the 21st century, #timesup white man
Rad. i'm down for more spiderverse shenanigans. My hope for this game is they cram as many heroes as they possibly can into it. I'm still thrilled that Daredevil is in.
Since Bendis left people started to like him also Ben Riley is worse prove me wrong
shut up retard
This pretty much. I like the electricity powers and stealth stuff he has. Spider Gwen is a waste though.
>African American
>Electricity Powers
>Rad. i'm down for more spiderverse shenanigans
you fucking reek of reddit
>Miles was made before Marvel went batshit crazy with their diversity agenda
Yeah no shit, because he's the fucking PROGENITOR. Patient fucking zero of the whole cancer.
Fuck his existence forever.
imagine actually getting bent out of shape over the color of someone's skin. Go back to your containment board, pasties.
Underwhelming. This looks worse than UA2.
I really don't like Spidergwen either, Kaine would have been better Imo
Blacks having Electricity Powers is basically a staple in comics
>Rad. i'm down for more spiderverse shenanigans.
>he's the fucking PROGENITOR. Patient fucking zero of the whole cancer.
Wrong, that would be the characters who were only made due to social climates and racism
>literally shits his capeshit diapers every time a white male is on the screen
Such is life in Yea Forumsmblr
I don't hate black people? I love Keith David, I'll watch/play anything that has Keith David in it, you dumb faggot.
user you do realize most superheroes are white right?
>Blacks having Electricity Powers is basically a staple in comics
Yeah, that's the point, it's a stereotype.
>Nostalgic fag wants less characters in his comic book fan-wank game
Shut up, nigger.
He was made because the Ultimate Universe Peter died for good and they needed a new Spidey, so they made s completely new character. They later pushed Miles really hard and moved z ultimate characters into 616 in part to make Miles part of the main canon, and that was part of the whole forced diversity thing.
I think he's a solid character that's mostly had bad writers. Spider-verse makes him really likable and we can hope that in the future he's like that Miles in everything.
He was pretty much wave 1 of it though
Stereotypes aren't always a negative user
thats the va from the ps4 game
Miles was only made because Ultimate Spider-Man's kike writer wanted a nigger hero for his adopted niglet kids to self insert as
>Ultimate universe dies
>Only this subhuman and edgy reed richards survived
I hate this timeline
What the fuck are these recommended videos
>literally shits his racist diapers every time a person of color is on the screen
Such is the life of a /pol/tard
And that's a bad thing!
The dark side of YouTube designed for toddlers given a tablet to stumble into.
And the X-men were made because gays were being discriminated against
Uhhuh, so is he going to have a spherial afro and and a basketball too? No harm done right?
The stages look so boring. Just bland grey scenery
Fucking this. That Jew Bendis made Miles specifically to give an established hero to a minority. He also tried to do the same thing with Riri and Iron Man but luckily he was bitch slapped out of marvel before he could go further
>implying that wasn't what every white kid in america was doing with Peter
>implying Peter wasn't just as bland if not moreso than Miles
Ah yes I forgot only the rational people want whites exterminated to make way for the glorious brown future
maybe if you're a bitch like most anons that cry about a black superhero
All Yea Forumsmblr posters deserve the gold star on every post
>hate forced diversity
>talk about said hate
Liberals are insufferable faggots
Worked for the first game and the 2 X-men games too.
sure he could because those aren't bad stereotypes
Ben was at least written into peters life, Miles was written on top of it
no, the x-men were created because Stan Lee wanted to create new characters without giving them creative origins for their powers.
Your first point was fine but then you had to say something stupid to invalidate it. Peter is a great character when in the right story. Miles has just had Moe bad than good so far.
The problem with comics is that so many writers get to touch the same characters in the same continuity that everything gets fucked up and it's hard to really call any character good or bad unless it's one writer's OC or an obscure character only they use.
>All Yea Forumsmblr posters deserve the gold star on every post
Literally just the opposite end of the same horseshoe you're on, nigger.
I wonder what costumes Gwen will get?
It's Peter Parker but he's black!
and half mexican
and has both his parents being alive
has electricity powers
has invisibility powers
is smart
is popular in school
is an artist
Golly gee, what can't this boy do?
Is Dr. Strange in this? Or do you think he's getting a solo game?
The X-men games look cool, tho
Wow they've improved nothing about these shit games since they were on ps2
>Yea Forums bitches about politics in comics and characters added just for the sake of representation
>somehow forgets that The X-Men and Captain America exist
never change Yea Forums, never change.
Is MUA3 going to end up on the list of games we can't talk about on Yea Forums?
>and half mexican
At least pretend to know what you're talking about.
okay, can one of you fools explain to me what the fuck 'forced diversity' is? Cause I really don't understand this frame of mind
The X-men were literally created for sjw reasons you faggot
Captain America? The strong white man literally from the WW2 era who stands for justice and had a big speech about going against the mainstream and the media to do what you believe is morally right?
If a game contains any characters that aren't white men then it's forced diversity.
Literally any time a black is in comics it's forced
2099 Spider Man when?
Of course you don't Yea Forums, you're too busy whooping YAAAAAAAAA QWWWWWWWEN every ten seconds.
This. It's almost like people on here only come to bitch about race and political shit because they are obsess over it. Minorities live in their heads
>Straight white user deciding what is and isn't offensive stereotyping of black people
>>That metaphor extended to the characters themselves, with Professor X and his vision of harmonious human-mutant coexistence standing in for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., while Magneto’s rigid attitude toward the defense of mutantkind reflected the philosophy of Malcolm X. The Sentinels, a brand of massive mutant-hunting robot, were introduced two years later as readers watched on TV as black Americans were beaten and abused by white police officers.
Yea Forums BTFO
oh fuck theyre making a new MUA?
fuck yes
HELL yes
Yeah I guess that's why Japanese games full of Japanese characters are so hated on Yea Forums. Oh wait a minute that's Yea Forums
>the face of tolerance
>Playstation 4 gets the real Spider-Man in a AAA GOTY game
>Shitch gets the Nigger version of Spider-Man in a low effort shovelware cashgrab
He’s half Puerto Rican bendis is from nyc that’s the only place in the world that actually gives a fuck about them
Though you could talk about the awkward story point where Miles father says he’s completely ashamed of his family to the point he insist his son have his wife’s last name. Or the awkward situation of a (((white))) dude writing a black character named Jefferson Davis
Yes. Captain America. The character who was literally made as political propaganda and beat the shit out of Nazi's. Something which if he came out today many of you retards would take offense to.
>It's anther seething cucks thread about Miles
I don't get it? Every year since his inception you guys tell me he's seconds from getting cancelled.
but he keeps selling books.
He keeps standing the test of time.
He keeps WINNING.
What's going on bros? Where you wrong again?
Also his move set looks amazing. He's got a permanent spot on the team.
>didn't really pay much attention to MUA3
>gameplay released and it looks like a decent midpoint between the originals and a flashier Japanese action game, since it's Team Ninja
>threads about the game go to shit immediately because 2-3 brown people that aren't Storm are in it
>Switch exclusivity will only make it harder to discuss
The roster could use some work (fuck Crystal and Spider-Gwen) but we don't know the while lineup yet. I hope a decent thread about it can be made at launch.
user I'm black
Wasn't Miles in the PS4 version as well?
Just like Spiderman
Spiderverse was good, you're a shitter
Anybody who is knowledgeable about American superheroes can tell you they've always mostly been SJW since the start, Superman was even a socialist.
His mom is a latinx
Except that's not true at all, MUA3 has the same gameplay
Adding a minority to your comic at any point in time any passed 2015.
>why dont you like this character that was shoehorned in because spiderman needed to be black for representation also parker dies lol
Shit like this.
I don't get why they are making another ultimate alliance, I used to play that shit in HS with my friends and it was never that great of a game. We only played it because it had some characters we liked.
I hate women and minorities.
Yeah i rate it a 12fps out or 60
its when there's a nigger or a woman in MY media because I don't like those things
Peter died many times in his comics remember when Kraven was Spider-man or when Peter was getting replaced by Ben?
No... Stop liking him.
Imagine seething because the not even mainline version of Spiderman was replaced.
they were great beat em ups
The nigga has the name of the most popular hero in comics, he’s sold on that basis his entire creation. Give him his own name and see how long it takes for people to realize that he has no stories or motivation or character. Fuck every character in that harem not only predates him by at least a decade but has a character and place in the comics, Miles is just bendises fetish marketed to the masses
I liked the first two but their gameplay was extremely stiff. 3 looks smoother to an extent by virtue of having a team that's done some if the better Musous on it, and it has a more behind the back camera for single player. I think it'll be a bit better in the gameplay department. Let's hope the roster and costumes are up to par.
His mom is Puerto Rican, and despite what El Goblinos think Puerto Ricans are quite different from Mexicans. At least some Mexicans are decent, all Puerto Ricans are nigger tier.
>this entire thread
I just want to talk about the game, what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Hey Peter, show him my Oscar
They used that at the end to safe their asses
Jesus Christ the blatant differences between Yea Forumsmblr and the rest of Yea Forums are so fucking stark it makes me feel like I'm on two different sites at once
Yea Forums is a bunch of autistic children obsessed with minorities
The death of Ultimate Peter was really well done. It felt way more powerful than most comic deaths because you could tell they meant it.
Great Superhero beat-em up with 4 player co-op, and a decent roster. Some people want a sequel as opposed to another HD port.
I understand you probably don't go anywhere else, but Yea Forums is more than just Yea Forums.
>anons continue to use an alternate what if universe version of Captain Britain for shitposting for 3 years
Yea Forums can only talk about race
2009-er here, It never used to be this bad. I wish people would keep their political arguments in /pol/. This is a video game board for fucks sake.
You probably should have just used the game cover. Yea Forums will want to shit on any minorities in games no matter wrong they are.
Today I shall remind them
Don't kid yourself. Yea Forums has never been a part of Yea Forums. You freaks stick out like a leper on every board you go to. There's a reason so many boards despise you, even slow and peaceful ones like /m/.
>but he keeps selling books
What books? The niglet has one side-print while Peter has like 3 ongoing Spider-Man series at the moment, the Spider-Nig didn't become the phenomenon Marvel wanted. They even came up with Kid Arachnid alias in some cases where people don't want him to called Spider-Man.
what's the reason Yea Forums get's called the worse board on Yea Forums?
Yea Forumsmbler scum like yourself are one to talk.
Yeah because it's not like Yea Forums doesn't spend every waking moment bitching about white men and how they are 'good allies' for buying dosghist books because muh representation.
Sweet Christmas! That's some shit taste!
>the death or ultimate peter was well done
>the fucking sinister six finally killed him after almost 50 years of constant failing
It was so subversive, after ten years of stories bendis kills Pete 2 years into his career
>Yea Forums the worst
>when shit like /pol/, Yea Forums, and /mlp/ exist
Been here since '09 as well. This place has really gotten fucked by /pol/ over the years.
That and i think the ending hinted out that peter will die and miles will be the protagonist on the ps4 spiderman inevitable sequel
Well damn I guess some people really liked them, I hope this one lives up to what you guys want
Venom blast is the single most cancerous power to ever appear in a spiderman comic
I mean you movie fags ruin everything, have you not realized that by now?
Man, imagine liking Spider-Man.
The entire character of Peter Parker is always getting knocked down time and time again whenever things might go his way. He is LITERALLY a cuck, and liking him is the comic book equivalent of cuckholdry.
You get mad and angry, but there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do about it, cuck. Remember ASM#700 and how it spawned Superior Spider-Man? Remember how you were going to boycott it? Well it's still making issues today, so who won that one little cuck? Yeah Doc Ock did.
Peter Parker will never be a good character, when his entire existence is about him getting shit on time and time again. Getting rid of white super heros and replacing them with minorities only stings more doesn't it? Cuck boy? Fucking pathetic
o b s e s s e d
If that is true, Bendis didn't have to create a new black character for his adopted kids to relate to. That's just pouring gasoline on the fire, which is believing that you can't relate to someone unless they're skin is the same color as yours.
Take black weebs for example. They didn't need Naruto or Goku to be black for them to relate. They just had to exist as they are, without conforming to what society thinks is appropriate.
sony always wins baby
Nah, it seems more likely to be like the mainline spider man comics where Miles becomes a separate hero (Kid Arachnid)
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with /pol/ when /pol/ doesn't think about you at all?
>Yea Forumsmblr as usual treats him like the greatest character of the 21st century
>i don't read comics
General opinion of miles is that he was a good concept with wasted potential. Most of the praise comes from how in comparison to riri wiliams he's elder god tier.
but shouldn't that literally be the case for white anons as well?
Even Yea Forums hates us but I honestly forgot /mlp/ exists so you got me there
I'd prefer if it's more like MUA 1 as opposed to 2, but as long as it has more content I'll be able to enjoy it with my kids.
Legit scared they will kill Peter off and replace him with this niggie in the Insomniac-verse.
I'd rather have another X-Men Legends game. Miles is a homo.
yeah that's cool but where the fuck is wasp
>yesterday they released a Kamala video
>now Miles
I really hope the next one isn't Gwen or Carol because otherwise the plot is going to be total shit
Who do you want to be announced, user?
Yea Forums literally never talks about /pol/
He is
It's not even the same Avengers' Tower. OH NO NO NO...
I'm not joking around niggers where is wasp
Not him but I'm hoping for a never ever
>Venom blast is the single most cancerous power
You couldn't be more wrong.
>This shit reeks of MCU and Marvel NOW/All New
well, yeah
Based Gwen poster
Me in the middle
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH yeah OK you fucking faggot Yea Forumsmblr is obsessed with /pol/ and thinks it's always a /pol/ plot that anyone dislikes them
She's gonna be in it nibba calm down
I don't even browse Yea Forums you melt.
Just look at this shitshow of a thread, anytime someone calls another user out for saying racist shit, the go-to response is
>lol Yea Forumsmblr at it again
Who thinks about who I wonder? Could it be that people who browse /pol/ can't comprehend that individual people don't like them? Keep blaming random collectives if it makes you feel better, user.
oh sweet thank you user. :)
No thanks, she's literally just a worse version of Wadepool.
>"keep blaming random collectives"
>blames /pol/ for everything
I see alot of
>inb4 /pol/ posts
Just make cool characters. Race doesn't matter.
t. Black dude who likes Wolverine
/mlp/ at his peak was a great board and ponies would keep the normals at bay. At least is still fun to bait barneyfag
>To separate Miles, the black Spidey from other webheads, we focused on the electricity aspect of his powers
Don't forget /biz/ /r9k/ Yea Forums /gif/ and Yea Forums in addition to those.
Have you read her comic?
The only good superheroes come from Japan.
Bring this up on Yea Forums and watch how fast their tolerant lefty attitude evaporates and they start calling for another Hiroshima.
/vip/ best board. If you were very important, you would underatand
Just read her 25 issues.
>He says this as faggots keep talking about Yea Forumsmblr and saying anyone who doesn't shit the bed everytime they see a black is a Yea Forumsmblrite
Sounds a lot like Shameik Moore
Oh man that's a good question:
>Fantastic 4
>Doctor Doom
>Shuma Gorath
>Moon Knight
>Howard the Duck
>Silver Surfer
>The Punisher
to name a few.
Unironically the best Superhero movie since the Spider-Man 2.
Blacks and electric based powers have been a staple in media for decades.
>NOT including their tokens
You guys are so cute. Of course they would.
/pol/ has multiple posters who dedicate the majority of their time to trying to sabotage any Godzilla or capeshit vidya thread they see.
>literally posts a ridiculous virtue signalling page and wonders why anyone calls him Yea Forums
>This shit reeks of MCU and Marvel NOW/All New
Because it's more popular than the comics they came from?
>it's the same faggot that has a hateboner for Yea Forums
See you in the next Godzilla threads
damn OP you got me hype for a moment, i thought they were actually making miles playable with the store bought spider-man costume
Not really but keep thinking that
>Yea Forums
Now wait just a minute, you motherfucker. That's the only good board on this site.
Undeniably good taste
I hate SpiderGwen, Gwenpool, and Miles Morales.
I don't hate Minorities or Women.
I love Peter Parker and hate seeing him be fucked over because of political pandering.
No faggot, those are just normal common sense people who don't want Yea Forums trash flooding the thread with scalie porn while we're trying to discuss the movies or turn the threads into this shit.
I see alot of praise for Japanese shit
>Laurence Fishburne didn't show up at the last fight in Endgame with Ant-man stomping shit into the floor
You literally cannot make a character any race other than white nowadays without people bitching. If John Stewart was introduced today, it doesn't matter what reason he came into being or how cool he was, retards would still bitch about the nigger Green Lantern
>I think he's a solid character that's mostly had bad writers.
That's basically the core issue with Marvel Comics, and what these drooling fucking retards are unable to actually vocalize. Because it's easier to parrot talking points than take time to learn why the company is so shit.
Where's Robbie then?
That's just another page to show how comics were always sjw shit. that page came out in the 40s
>alot of praise for Japanese shit
Yea Forums literally thinks Power Rangers is better than Sentai
>Yea Forums
Nigger, those are the best boards.
Exactly. Same way I'm a Filipino who likes Nightcrawler. Writers do not need to go out of their way to introduce a racially-specified character to pander to an audience who is of that specified race.
Outfit for Ghost Rider :^)
I would want him as a seperate character though
>Yea Forums literally thinks Power Rangers is better than Sentai
Didn't know they had such shit taste
Case in point, "preemptive" shitposting is the dumbest fucking retarded shit I've ever heard of.
>You literally cannot make a character any race other than white nowadays
Yeah that's why we're up the wazoo with awful minority characters the media sucks the cock of right? That's why the next phase of the MCU is almost entirely niggers and women right? Yea Forums lives in a fucking bubble.
Yea Forumscksuckers' inability to let go of the past is why they're still making god-awful comics and films about joke characters like Captain America. You just hate anything new.
Reminder that you are the faggot that brings autistic ramblings about a board that lives rent free in your head to decente threads.
None of these will. Have Squirrel Girl instead
Yeah but that's not exclusive to spiderman
So then how the fuck do they introduce a character of any race that isn't white?
GR is not on the game
Why does Yea Forums go out of its way to make threads on here just to shit them up?
No, the decent threads are free of Yea Forums shit, so there's no need for me to do anything.
by not making that their main personality
Is the PC version of both UAs good?
They mentioned Midnight Sons. They better not pull that shit.
Captain Chavez was a god awful run.
Steve should have stayed dead post Civil War
Hydra Meme Steve was okay
Uh sweaty, you're not allowed to dislike Miles. Bigot.
That's what sucks about this forced diversity shit, it's trash that panders to a group of people that never asked for it.
Yeah like the one that was completely free of it and remained free of it last night, yet despite that you were shitposting nonstop against a boogeyman that wasn't there.
No, the reason all that is happening is because companies choose to ignore retards like you who see any sort of new non-white character as an attack on the white race.
Every thread Yea Forums makes is basically a parasite trying to force their ideology on other boards, they've done it for years. They should be treated as active enemy agents on Yea Forums, they basically just exist to subvert that icky gross Yea Forums mentality.
white males not allowed
depends if you mean the remastered or original
Why can't he be full black or full beaner
beaners fucking hate blacks goddamn mayates
>gays were being discriminated
So they created characters based around eugenics and procreation?
Not the official ones.
/biz/ is responsible for the 3rd-worst wojak edit, which was the one that bumped wojaks down to the least funny meme in Yea Forums's history.
He better have the spray painted suit as an alt
>I love Peter Parker and hate seeing him be fucked over because of political pandering.
Except he's fucking not. He's still THE main Spiderman, in comics, in movies and in games. The fuck are you talking about?
Is the steam version the remastered or the original?
white for them
You are trusting an autist with a grudge to tell you the unbiased truth, in case you forgot.
remastered, but it got delisted
Yea Forums is like a parody but it's unironic
This is super hard for cucks to wrap their hands around.
I'm sure they wouldn't miss that chance
>Yea Forums literally thinks Power Rangers is better than Sentai
That's completely wrong
By making a character they like
>good concept
Which is what? Pussy version of Peter?
>That's why the next phase of the MCU is almost entirely niggers and women right?
Sure is alot of black men overpowering those white and Asian actors right
she cant run for office, she isnt American born
>We should've had 2 more Peter Parkers.
You're the worst
>The fucking dog is in but ant man isn't
It's not fair ant bros
Fuck, just noticed. Was the remastered version decent?
Yea Forums subhumans, it's time for you to leave at once.
no the cure the gay mpvments
I don't really follow comics, I'm just here for the video game.
But don't you guys just ignore characterization just because the dude's black anyway? From the movie, the guy had tons of personality that wasn't just "I'm black".
Because no minority characters in the past have ever acted like their race before.
Why didn't the postercount increase user
Why the fuck he can shot elecricity? Is there a spider that can do it?
Umm sweaty stop mansplaining ok the future is female
>but he's Ok with spOck and Silk
See? You can spot 'em from a mile away.
>Random screencaps I conveniently keep saved proves the mindset of an entire board!
For all any of us know you made those posts, dumbass.
Static Shock and Amadeus Cho
>By making a character they like
And you assume they don't like the characters they make?
it had all the DLC, but I think the old version was easier to mod.
>Static Shock
>flying drains mana
Cho has been dogshit for years and Static hasn't existed for even longer.
From what I understand, the Electricity is supposed to emulate a venom bite. It's why the move is referred to as a "venom strike" in the movie.
Huh. Venom Strike.
There is only one spider-man
You guys excited for the new Avengers?
Black Captain America (lmao @ Bucky, more like cucky)
Black Iron Man (Iron Heart)
Black WarMachine
Black Thor (Valkyrie)
Black Spider Man (Morales)
Black Panther
Black Widow (Oh wait, nvm)
>Literally no argument
I don't know why I expected something else.
For /pol/, adding anything that isn't white.
All shitposting aside, J. K. Rowling retroactively making characters gay and shit in Harry Potter seems like a good recent and obvious example of it.
Yea Forums is by far the most NPC hivemind on Yea Forums, I can only assume they've gotten worse, even before they went full tumblr they despised Japan for manga outselling comics
Bendis hated venom and wanted Miles' fight with him to be over quick so he gave him electric powers.
The more I see it, the less it looks like MUA and looks more like a musou game. Do they even have the 3-strike combinations (stun, sweep, uppercut) from the original MUA?
No one likes Superior Spider-man except for Dan Slott.
>Black Widow
What about the black queen of the NORDIC kingdom of Asgard? Who had her throne handed to her by a fat white drunk?
Is this a musou? I've never played any games in this series, but I like musous.
Fuck off, the only reason Bendis wasn't allowed to kill Peter in civil war 2 was because Slott opposed him.
Since we're talking Cape shit. I miss the old static shock cartoon
They can start by not piggybacking on the success of their predecessors, for one thing. Why'd Miles have to be a Spider-Man? We already have an established Spider-Man with a fully-fleshed out history: Peter Parker. Miles being Spider-Man was a total irrelevancy, same argument as having Ben Reilly or the numerous clones he's had. Not to mention that entire Clone Wars arc was a gigantic clusterfuck.
If they had just decided for Miles to have been an original IP, he could've gotten his own fair share of respect and stand on is own.
Peter died because they needed to make a black spiderman, not the other way around. They could make a thousand more comics about him but they needed to make something that draw attention of their audience, that's how superheroes comics working for years.
Based. Best black superhero.
Anyone that disagrees with this is a newfag and knows nothing about comics, fuck off back to /pol/
>Says the fag who is literally basing his every opinion on a subject based on what other people are telling him is true
Do you have any idea what an idiot you are?
I was saying that sarcastically. I know no one actually give Static shit.
I'm sorry I meant just STATIC
Static Shock is my nigga
>White men literally saved the Universe, and restored all the people Thanos snapped.
Shut up, nigger.
They knew good and well what they were doing trying to make this a monkey costume, didn't they?
>They can start by not piggybacking on the success of their predecessors
How do you feel about John Stewart?
It's when a character is clearly there just for brownie points rather than for merit or because they matter as an individual. It's like how they replaced Peter for Miles, just because they wanted people to like Miles and then they had to bring back Peter because people didn't like how forced Miles was becoming.
Muslim Captain Britain, Jane Foster Thor, Miles was originally used like that but he became his own character and the writers even made him hate the fact people don't think of him as Spider-man and instead think he's black Spider-man, the new Squirrel Girl has stories about that, and I know there's more than that. Chinese Superman is an example of something that's perfectly fine provided he's either in his own multiverse or he gracefully takes over for Superman rather than just finding a way to kill the character off and then go "This is the new guy!".
It doesn't matter if a character is of a different race, background, or religion, it matters if you shove that character in without caring about the world itself just to appease a couple people. There's nothing wrong with making Miles Morales, what's wrong is killing Peter Parker and then going "Haha, isn't Miles just so great, he's the REAL Spider-man now!" while having him one-shot everything Peter had trouble with and making him super overpowered just to get people to like him. Miles in ItSV is enjoyed because he actually deals with losing Peter, he's trained by another Peter, and he realizes he shouldn't be Peter or try to be replacement, he should just do what he can while failing at using his unique abilities and having his unique abilities work but not one-shot everything.
The entire point of Spock was that he's not as good as Peter and a villain will never have what it takes to be a hero, no matter how intelligent they are.
The arc was meh but the point is solid, the superior Spider-man is Peter Parker
>Slott saved Peter from Bendis Coming
>He brought back MC2 Peter (after killing him and character-assassinating Mayday though)
Fucking hate Slott's garbage books but glad to see even he had a line he wouldn't cross.
So what you’re saying is characters are better when their creators are of the same race and not when it’s jews fetishizing them?
Oh the irony
>saving the nig in Human Holocaust suit of all things
but why that power in particular? I know they did it with static shock and storm too
Why was is so good? It seemed very generic. Plus didn't they try to push racism and gay topics?
>all the gameplays have been in a arena zona with laser walls
I can sense the shit of this game
>Miles in ItSV is enjoyed because he actually deals with losing Peter, he's trained by another Peter, and he realizes he shouldn't be Peter or try to be replacement, he should just do what he can while failing at using his unique abilities and having his unique abilities work but not one-shot everything.
God damn, that about sums it up. ItSV is so fucking good. Every time I think about it, more and more brilliant shit comes up.
>Black Thor (Valkyrie)
She doesn't even have the hammer and Thor is literally with the guardians because he want's adventure
>Black Captain America
Bucky wants peace and has literally been mindfucked and killed innocent people and put on a terrorist watchlist no one will accept him.
>Black Iron Man
His wife became Rescue so she will be his replacement
>Black Spider Man
Spiderman is getting the first movie right after endgame user Miles isn't even close to showing up
The problem with Morales is that he's literally a better spider-man. Not in terms of writing, but in terms of abilities.
He's just as smart, has all Parker's abilities, has electricity powers and can shock all who come in contact with him or his webs, and can turn invisible. He's just a better Spider-Man.
It's like Superior Spider-Man all over again. Doc Ock is just a better Spider-Man. He's SMARTER than Parker, more well equipped than Parker, and stronger than Parker (because he doesn't hold his punches).
It's just boring and reads like a fanfic OC character.
No shit, he's in. He's on the fucking cover, dipshit.
Dr. Strange and Guardians are still good.
Spider-Man will still be good until he dies during Ends of the Earth to be replaced by Miles.
Asgard is a tiny shithole village now, Thor knew exactly what he was doing.
Not that user but 90% of the characters are based off their MCU counterparts, they even tried to get discount dollar store voice actors that sound somewhat similiar to the original MCU actors. I get it, they're trying to bank off the success of the movies but I miss when MUA just did its own thing. I'd rather not play Endgame the movie the game.
>Cap is a nigger now
>Spidey is a nigger now
Why does it keep happening? Why can't they just make their own shit?
It's a given with Storm
No all the time Icon and John Stewart were made by a bunch of whites.
Sorry Yea Forums but I've seen it with my own eyes on various occasions, along with your myriad of other reprehensible and vile traits. Blame /pol/ until you're blue in the face, the truth is readily observant.
>This shit wouldn't have happened but it didn't
Wow, amazing tell me more about how Spiderman is getting fucked over.
I don't know if they changed this but early Miles was explicitly dumber than Peter. He was good at math and shit, a gifted student but not a super scientist. He had NO fucking idea how Peter made his web fluid and never figured it out, he had to get a supply and eventually the recipe from Aunt May/SHIELD.
this is how I know you're a /pol/ shitter and not someone that actual reads the comics
It's sad that we can't have Thanos in vidya without it being related to the movies
That doesn't really answer the question and I don't know anything about Storm except that she has lightning powers and is black
>>Cap is a nigger now
If Falcon is the new Captain America, does that make him Captain Falcon?
The chat with his dad at the door is the best part of that movie. I can't believe it managed to make me enjoy Miles as a character. Even PS4 Spidey did a good job with him, I just hope 2 makes him work through things slowly rather than be as strong as Peter. Having another ItSV moment where Peter has to help Miles train and get used to his abilities but still fail yet overcome difficulties would be great.
>Yea Forums supports any comic creator even mildly centrist or right wing being harassed out of the industry and deplatformed
>screeches to high heaven about the intolerance of /pol/
Yea Forums is fucking retarded. Half the board is racebaiting shit and the other half is waifu shit.
>wouldn't have happened
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Cap has been a negro before you cuck. Why don't you fags cry about the other heroes being made into Hispanics and Asian?
I don't recall Thanos from MvCI being very related to the films
She controls weather
>/insertboardhere/ is one person
Fucking retard.
You're not on Yea Forums, you twitter fuck.
That's cause he was shit
>Yea Forums supports any comic creator even mildly centrist or right wing being harassed out of the industry and deplatformed
Yea Forums literally does as well just replace right wing with left
Ah yes because it's not like Yea Forums hasn't been historically overrun with waifus from cheap children's cartoons including but not limited to magical horses from a girl's cartoon
>restored all the people Thanos snapped.
>whites claiming responsibility for the accomplishment of a green man
Typical whitoid.
Captain Chavez and Amadeus Cho Hulk were awful tho
that was the execution. The concept was someone completely unprepared filling big shoes, not because he has to, but because it's the right thing to do. great power, yadda yadda. the problem is that we had to wait for into the spiderverse for miles to reach his full potential and come into his own. while in the comics he's just another spiderman.
Lol no
>Just like Spock
Spock was beaten in the end though because he tries too hard to think things through instead of taking advantage of Spider-Man's biggest asset, his speed and wits.
Peter has the bigger list of accomplishments because he's better. It's why he has time and time again taken down opponents way way above his weight class.
Because it's ok when they're hispanics or asian.
>shitting on Ben just because nobody likes your Gary Stu
You've reached a new low.
Icon was a milestone creation he was created by mcduffie and cowens just like static. I don’t think that people should be restricted to only writing about their race and culture but Miles has never been properly quantified into 616 despite him being literally the only reason left that secret wars even happened, he’s just a death kneel hanging over peters head and I’d be fine with that if they just let him get his good end first
I don't recall anyone on Yea Forums trying to get anyone deplatformed or run out of the industry even if they deserve it, Yea Forums though is all circlejerking and high-fives whenever the newest DRUMPF supported has his job pulled out from beneath him and his family stalked
ITSV's depiction showed him just as smart.
CW2's depiction shows him just as smart if not smarter,
Are you seriously complaining about sam wilson the dude who has been captain america multiple times before
It took place in the inner city with a Black lead, it'd be weird if they didn't have anything about Racism at any point. Also the sidekick was gay but they never really call attention to it, he's defined by his smarts and friendship with Virgil.
Blacks are only 15% of the population but get pushed in all media. Cancer
I'm actually opposed to the idea of having multiple human Green Lanterns, as it seems unfair for the majority of other alien races who have one representative, so I do feel that John Stewart has also been an irrelevant character.
I'd have preferred if they expanded and/or just focused on Alan Scott.
>No Silver Surfer
>No F4
>No Adam Warlock
>No Quasar
>No SuperSkrull
>No She Hulk
Current Ben Reilly is pretty shit sadly, only good thing he's been in lately is Spider-Geddon where he and Kaine teamed up to literally bully one of those dumb Inheritors to death, playground-style.
Riley was literally the worse spider-man in recent history user. Don't make me shit on Mayday
Yeah but ponies are based and redpiled
Anything for shitposting. Not sure why any of this matters.
>The problem with Morales is that he's literally a better spider-man. Not in terms of writing, but in terms of abilities.
>He's just as smart
Completely wrong
has all Parker's abilities,
Downgraded versions
>but because it's the right thing to do
Why would he think that? How and when did he acquire strong morals? He was absolutely generic kid who drifted along his life.
So they got invaded by trannies?
Check out scarlet witch's camel toe
>but get pushed in all media.
>white people changing their features makes them not white
It doesn't work like that.
ItSV certainly showed him as very smart but where did it say he was as smart as Peter? Didn't he still get quite a few hand-me-downs?
Dude you forgot to mention sam who was became the cap way before mcu
Oh yeah, a ton o f the industry is tranny these days and will be sure to remind you white male bigots
>My nigga wolverine is fucking back
Fuck yes!
Don't talk about a topic if you don't know shit about it, retard.
She looks black to me.
>Don't make me shit on Mayday
I will actually kill you if you try.
Literally my main hero in MUA. His healing and berserk shit was so broken.
And you're on Yea Forums not tumblr
Cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman.
I think its fine to have Thanos in the game, but not as the main villain. There's plenty of other ideas they can choose rather than recycle what the movies did.
The official theme of /pol/ and T_D getting triggered and styled on by Miles.
>using MCU Starlord, Spidey, Widow, Stevem, Fury, Groot+Rocket
>using classic wolvie
? ? ? ?
Peter died because the Ultimate line was in the fucking toilet and they wanted to use the controversy as a jumping off point to keep it going.
Miles was a band-aid to a larger issue. The fact that the whole Ultimate line, which was supposed to be bold and different, basically devolved into a mini 616 because Marvel is fucking garbage.
You didn't refute what he said, you just pulled a pol card and expected an easy win.
Irony coming from Yea Forums, who are ignorant about every form of media besides capeshit but fancy themselves well-read and knowledgeable about video games, movies and tv.
>Yea Forums supports any comic creator even mildly centrist or right wing being harassed out of the industry and deplatformed
Give me 10 examples retard oh wait you can't
It kind of looks like one, which is good
We literally have show adaption of other media where white characters get cast by black actors right now. The Witcher for example, also, think of any show produced right now that doesn't have a black in the main or supporting cast
What do you expect from trannies and sois? They're the ultimate pseuds
It was bold and different all right. It's just that it chose stupid shit to be bold about and everything different was worse.
Tastes like chicken.
She's SHIT! SHIT!!!!!!!
I want his wifebeater too
Why are they using his awful comic costume instead of his Spiderverse costume?
>take spiderman
>make him black
>make him smarter, stronger and faster
>give him more abilities
Ahh... so this is current age comic book writing...
Fury jr. is black in the comics as well he's the illegitimate son of OG Nick Fury
What part of "concept" don't you understand?
>He was absolutely generic kid who drifted along his life.
Mile's dad is a moral paragon while his uncle is a literal villain. where do you think the moral conflict came from. You don't read comics do you? There's so much you could nail comic book miles for and you inability to hit one just makes it come off as if you're one of those tourists who came to Yea Forums to yell BLACK SPIDER BAD and cry about SJWs then pretend you totally read comics.
everyone involved with Comicsgate
All cartoon discussion on Yea Forums is dogshit, I never said anything contrary.
Yea Forums is simply worse however, because at least Yea Forums has normal discussion of comics that isn't NIGGER KIKE spamming.
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That's not make any sense, venom bite isn't the same as fucking electicity. Am I miss something or what?
>Wolverine is in
>but Cyclops isn't (yet)
You can't hide your hurt feelings behind ironically quoting black women who aren't thinking about you.
No idea but I like the picture.
>Complain about Miles being a Peter clone
>They make him different
>Complain that he's different
t. Doesn't read comics or consume comic adjacent media.
That hoody spider suit is pure kino
>think of any show produced right now that doesn't have a black in the main or supporting cast
can you do the same with whites?
>take spiderman
>make him black
Ehh happened before
>make him smarter, stronger and faster
That's completely wrong
>give him more abilities
In exchange some of his powers are weaker versions of peter's
>Ahh... so this is current age comic book writing...
It's a comic
They did the same with Spiderman 2099 but made him Mexican
>has normal discussion of comics
literally all just circlejerking how progressive every story is, between threads of them talking bout how they are in unironic 'open relationships'
It disables your systems similar to how venom does. (temporarily)
The effects are similar. Sharp sting followed by paralysis.
Is Ultimate Alliance 2 good?
Miguel is based
nigga can't even see who he shooting lol
Yeah, let's just pretend all the other MUA3 threads besides this one were all NIGGER KIKE spamming.
>Doesn't read comics or consume comic adjacent media.
I love how Yea Forumsmblr cucks literally use this as some kind of badge of honor and not a mark of shame
>make him smarter, stronger and faster
Why do feel the neeed to lie on the internet?
>Wolverine constantly trying to cuck Cyclops
>judges him when he moves on
Wolverine has cool powers, but he's a complete faggot.
>make him smarter, stronger and faster
Can secondaries please not pretend to read comics.
You're right, electricity is both negative and positive
Miguel is literally better in every way to Peter
>Yea Forums literally thinks Power Rangers is better than Sentai
>That's completely wrong
Yea Forums is never wrong.
>immediately has to bring up Drumpf
but of course it is Yea Forums
Reminder that if Miguel came out today people would shit all over him.
>downgraded versions
>literally a kid/teenager
>can turn invisible
>bioelectric shock bullshit that lets him take down characters like Blackheart down in one strike
>organic web fluid that also has bioelectricity
He's a stupid OC.
He has to be fighting the shit he does
WELLL MY VERSION OF SPIDERMAN IS NAMED Miguel Rodrigeuz, and he's smarter than both Parker and Morales, AND REED RICHARDS
and and uhh
he has spidermans powers and adamantium bones and uhhh, can fly (but uses webs), has strength on par with rune-god thor and uhh wields a shield like captain america (but has a spider on it)
his colors are grey and black.
can i get a job at marvel??
>he doesn't know what t. means
Oh great not only does he not read comics he's a newfag. Can we ban all obvious election tourists?
Friendly reminder that Wolverine actually fucked Squirrel girl.
Those nose holes make him look like a fucking gorilla
You sure were wrong about the election
Fuck no. Play Ultimate Alliance, skip 2 and maybe play 3 if it turns out to be good or not.
And im Yea Forums and what that user said was wrong
this is Yea Forums why the fuck should I give a shit about comics? Go back to Yea Forumsmblr and fucking stay there.
The ones for the past week have all been. Something about the gameplay reveal awakened all this shit, and having the past two spotlights be on Kamala and Miles didn't help.
Miguel is an edgy fuck, that's why people loved him
Spider-Man with Uzis? What's not to love.
Miles at first had a different set of strengths.
He had camouflage and the venom strike but he was a lot weaker than Peter and couldn't chuck cars at shit. His Spider-Sense wasn't tuned as well and was more of a vague buzz than telling him exactly what was going to happen. He was way more durable because he had dulled pain receptors and couldn't really feel himself getting clobbered. All this plus no webshooters and they could have made him more like a trapdoor spider kinda nigga, sneaking around to ambush tougher foes and getting absolutely slammed if he's caught.
But then they threw out all the differences and made him Electrical-American Spider-Man.
Mexicans are based, niggers are shit.
God I wish that were me
Can't wait for them to kill Peter in the sequel.
Curious. How so?
>take down characters like Blackheart down in one strike
>Mile's dad is a moral paragon
No he isn't, he's a regular guy who hangs out with his son occasionally, neither Miles nor his family really struggled in life to build his character. Also Miles wasn't as close with his uncle like in the cartoon, they fought for a while and then he died in an accident.
What was that like?
Wouldn't need to bring him up if you had stayed in your subreddit.
>I love how Yea Forumsmblr cucks literally use this as some kind of badge of honor and not a mark of shame
Remember this for when you start shouting about SJWs not actually playing video games.
>this is Yea Forums why the fuck should I give a shit about comics?
>Video game based on comics
I remember when you were gloating in threads for that game how it was a sure thing Peter was dying in the first game and Miles would be the main character from the halfway point on. Save yourself further embarrassment, dumbass.
He just ran away
The one fucking the squirrel or the one fucked by wolverine?
He is in, you just can't see him cause he is tiny
As this game was probably approved by Disney when they where setting their eyes on Fox maybe they plan to use the Classic Wolvie outfit in the MCU X-Men movies.
Is your spiderman self contained in his own world and doesn't clash with the main spiderman too often except for cross overs? Then yeah, you're in.
Miles doesn't even create his own gadgets, Peter is genius level intellect and has been since he was first introduced.
As far as it's been shown in the comics Peter is far and away much stronger, and has to mentally hold his strength back because he can easily kill most of his regular villains.
Where was he ever shown to be faster? They are fucking web slingers you dumb nigger.
I have a switch but I'm not touching this garbage.
It was a stupid semi-introduction to the character after he was fully brought into the 616. Blackheart really wasn't even Blackheart, but regardless, it was stupid.
>Mexicans are based,
Oh and uhhh he gets to pick up thors hammer because he's worthy unlike the other spideys
just like when your dad fucks you but more hairy
> about SJWs not actually playing video games.
You don't, you just play capeshit games, then virtue signal about tits and sexy women and white protagonists for all the other games you consider problematic
Doesn't Spider Woman have bio electricity too?
>take down characters like Blackheart down in one strike
It's too bad it didn't hurt him it only made feel a unknown sensation so he left
Parker has wielded Mjornir though
you don't know why he said what he said do you?
That's funny as hell
They'd boo her off stage for an unhealthy body image and unrealstic beauty standard.
>forced diversity
Has anyone actually gone on the record about the horrible physical abuse the writers went through by Stan The Man and Bob Iger until they championed the idea of a black Spider-Man?
>one throwaway shitpost in a mua3 thread
>suddenly some sort of spiderman version of acfag
Cool shit.
>You don't play video games.
>You just play video games that I don't like
>They tried bringing back Static with his own comic series and management messed up so badly that the writers just walked out on it.
I will never not be mad.
No, objectively worse.
>forgetting the nanite technology that lets him survive nukes
I’d like to think any character introduced over the still warm body of the character they were replacing would get a poor reception from the fan base. Also Miguel added the alchemex corporation as a villain to the franchise, Miles hasn’t added anything like that in his 9 years
>nigger spider man
if there's one thing I hate is niggers, but what I hate even more is when some nigger calls himself Spider Man when he's just a nigger and the only REAL Spider Man out there is Peter Parker, nigger Spider Man should be kept separate in another universe or something, I'm not consuming anything that has this brownie in it
Also no matter how many Oscars this shit movie has or whatever literally no one went to see it because they'd rather see Aquaman than some nigger pretending to be Spider Man for 2 hours
>they fought for a while and then he died in an accident.
no, his uncle was a tried and true asshole in the comics but he and miles did have a strong relationship. It's just that bendis can't write so it comes off as disingenuous.and miles' dad is such a paragon shield hires him despite him being just a cop. don't read the comics, they're bad. but don't pretend to have read them.
What are you talking about? Miles was super tight with his Uncle in the comics. Miles gave him the benefit of the doubt when Aaron shared he was the Prowler and they did a team up to stop Ultimate scorpion. His Uncle was more of a manipulative asshole in the comic but Miles still adored him.
Cute robutt
Only temporarily though. He's only ever been able to hold it when he absolutely needs to.
Miguel is in that special group of "is just as worthy as Thor and can hold it whenever"
Spider-punk is also black
>all this nu marvel shit
>tfw no spiderman 2099
>despite him being just a cop
Wait, was he really a cop? I don't remember it being brought up once in the USM run.
He'd have to read comics to know that.
Spider-Punk was fun to read.
he's in Spiderverse at least
SG is a big slut
>Yea Forums though is all circlejerking and high-fives whenever the newest DRUMPF supported has his job pulled out from beneath him and his family stalked
Things That Never Happened for $200, Alec
My usual go to example is 90's girl power characters like the short-lived character from TMNT's Venus.
Bobbie brown was a respected member of the cast u til Miles came in and had his uncle steal his name.
Lets see some of those sexy marvel girls.
it's OK because they are all Drumpf supporting republinazis though
>that bulge
this is autism
Of course he fucking is. It's like marvel is trying to say sorry for having so many white characters before going woke.
Too OP, it would be like making DOOM playable
I never said I gave a shit about other Spider Men, for me it's Peter Parker only
I read comics, just not the ones that include retarded multiverse shit of multiple spider men, and in no fucking way I'm reading shit that includes nigger morales
Doom was too fun in 1
Getting bit by a radioactive Spider enlarges your pp by tenfold.
W-wow, Yea Forums reads comics like *THAT*!?
Wasp is in
Can't see why Ant-Man wouldn't be
I genuinely hate dreads theyre the ugliest shittiest hair style but shock always made them look really cool
The Adrenalin released during a murder normally makes the perpetrator get hard
>really love the ultimate alliance games
>don't own a switch
>game comes out in july
>switch "remake" probably won't come out untill early 2020
So a whole lotta nothing, then?
It should have been nothing, but SJW and Yea Forums turned it into a big something, now they're angry the people they harassed for years are finding success through crowdfunding
I've literally never seen that.
It was a black superhero not replacing a classic white superhero and the focus was just on him being a superhero without constant politics or race bait.
Static shock should be the model for how a black superhero should be done really
Best thing about comicsgate is that most of those guys aren't even making political comics, Yea Forums just hates them for simply wrongthink in their private lives
It's like how that subnautica audio guy was fired because he was a republican, not even that outspoken about it either, and immediately got a huge budget job offer for 3 times what he was making
I can only imagine the subnautica team was fucking seething about that
So, nothing, right?
But there are many more Hispanic Asian and whites than black when it comes to comics
As bad as Miles is as a character, I don't know if he's worse than Korean waifu Spider-Man who learns to be Spider-Man by watching videos of Spider-Man and is literally written to be faster and better than Peter in a number of ways, having abilities like organic webbing and web manipulation.
Yea Forums being butthurt is always nothing, but I was asked for evidence, there you go.
>without constant politics or race bai
t. never watched the show
There was literally an episode about Richie's dad being racist, Static going to Africa and discovering his roots and gun violence/bullying