Why was Halo 2's story so much better than the other games and why couldn't Bungie make a story as good since?

Why was Halo 2's story so much better than the other games and why couldn't Bungie make a story as good since?

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because you played as Arbiter for 70% of the game instead of Captain King

3 > 1 > 2 > Reach > ODST > 4 > 5

I love CE, but a lot of it really just becomes long and spooky forerunner structures, or trudging through the snow by yourself, aside from the first couple of missions. Halo 2 had you playing alongside more marines and elites in a variety of different settings.

>3 above CE or 2
>Weakest campaign of the trio
>Some of the worst multiplayer maps in the series and was only saved by Forge

>Halo 2 story
It's good because it's your first Halo game, that's it.

CE was shit and the multiplayer is even worse from what I've experienced with the MCC.

blue and cringepilled

Zoom zoom.

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3 > 2 > Reach > ODST > 1 > 5 > 4

Speak for yourself, anybody with taste knows it goes

CE > 2 > ODST > Halo 3 > Reach

And do I need to remind you about the fucking trash maps that Halo 3 had? Isolation? Rats Next? Ghost Town? Narrows?

>5 > 4
>ODST > 1
>2 > 1
oh no no no no no

*Rats Nest

I'm half asleep.

3 exists and had a vastly superior ending, in fact it should've stayed as the canon ending to the entire Halo franchise.

Halo is a Zoomer series in general. Play DOOM for a genuine FPS experience.

4 is complete trash and 5's mp is pretty okay even if the singleplayer makes you play as a nigger, so 5 is better
1 is only good through nostalgia goggles, 2 did literally everything better


fuck twitch shooters

Narrows was fucking great, though.

Halo is the archetypal 30 year old american normie shooter, faggot. Zoomers started with CoD.

You're forgetting how old you are. Halo is a Millennial series. Doom is gen x

Because Joe Staten had such a heavy involvement in writing it.

If you read Contact Harvest, which is one of the 2 Halo novels he's written, he 100% nails it, and it's one of the best Halo novels as a result. There's a ton of of little minor lines of dialog in Halo 2 or in the marketing for Halo 2 that has to do with the covenant that he expands on in Contact Harvest, Treuth is written in the exact way he was iun 2, not in 3, etc.

I can't agree with this either for SP or MP

2 > ODST > 3 = Reach > CE > 4 > 5

>Core MP
H2A > 2 = 5 > CE > 3 = Reach >>> 4

5 >> H2A > Reach >> 4 > 3 >> 2 > CE

CE's got great core MP, but it's got no customs/user created content options unless you count the PC port, and the campaign is tedious and repetitive as hell.(seriously, I'd almost say 4's campaign is better, in fact it does a lot of the same ideas with how it uses music and atmosphere and general level themes as CE)

3 may have an actual conclusion, but otherwise the story is way worse. and I've honestly never really minded 2's cliffhanger anyways, the fight with tartarus still acted as a climax and resolution.

>it should've stayed as the canon ending to the entire Halo franchise.
Nah. Ending to the mainline titled games with MC? absolutely. But the franchise had and has enough potential for spinoffs, new seriess, etc. Bringing back MC and doing Halo 4 was a mistake, though

*spawn kills you repeatedly from the middle of the bridge*

3 > CE > 4 > 2 > 5
Couldn't give two shits about Reach.

False. It has the best story and you are a double digit IQ retard

You mean the story where the bad guy gets exactly what he wants but still loses because the minute he gets exactly what he wants he starts a gigantic civil war for **absolutely no conceivable reason**?

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please explain your seemingly awful opinions

>5's mp is pretty okay
>2 did literally everything better

>click on thread
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

What’s the best mission and why is it Quarantine Zone?

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>calling an opinion false
Kill yourself, you autistic cunts. You want an explanation, simple, Halo 2's campaign wasn't good, there's your explanation.

>see Gaylo thread
>click on it
>wtf why are they talking about Gaylo

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Yeah, I was that guy. Sorry you're such a shitter, I guess.

>Halo is the archetypal 30 year old american normie shooter, faggot.
*Frat shooter

ODST had a great single player campaign, I don’t understand the hate for it.

>3-hour campaign
>flashbacks are meaningless
>none of the characters are interesting
>who cares about Buck and Dare's relationship, what is this a soap opera
>plays no different from Halo 3 except gimping the player
>adds nothing to Halo but a Gears of War Horde mode
>has nothing else to offer
>open city is empty after Sadie's story
>not really non-linear since the missions are set in a linear fashion
>too dark to see shit
>film grain
>bloom lighting turned to 11
>animations in cutscenes are not as good as Halo 2 and 3's
>inconsistent with the Halo trilogy
>Microsoft overpriced it
>Bungie locked Halo 3's final maps on it
>Bungie locked Recon on it
There's a lot to not like about ODST.

>posts an obviously contrarian opinion
>People disagree
>Provides nothing to backup these claims
>Assblasted for no reason


I bet you think shit tastes good while expecting people to agree with you, you insecure bitchmade faggot

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Halo 2 didn't even have a good campaign on release, don't know why some of you guys dick ride it so hard, other games even had better-written stories.

It has the best writing of the halo games by far.

It really doesn't.
>doesn't explain how Master Chief got back to Earth
>doesn't explain how Johnson survives Halo
>doesn't explain how the Covenant find Earth
>after so much build up leading Halo 2's release the invasion is only two levels
>it can barely even be called an invasion
>they expect me to care about some random Elite that I just met after killing them all throughout the first game and they have me killing them again for three levels
>Arbiter's levels suck
>they spent more time fleshing out the Covenant instead of focusing on the main plot of the game
>boss fights suck
>the Gravemind's introduction is a mess
>Flood and Brutes suck
>Jackal Snipers suck
>Drones suck
>AI isn't as good as CE's
>that ending was trash
Halo 2 was mediocre.

I never said I did you insufferable faggot, I actually agree with you. It's just that you come off as such a bitch that I wanted to make sure you knew that you were.

Also you have yet to give an example to back up your fucking opinion. People like you are the reason this board sucks ass. Redeem yourself at least. Add to the discussion.

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Because it didn't resolve anything and introduced the Covenant side of the fight. Too bad they didn't continue on that path because amerimutts still salty of the 911 couldn't stand the idea of playing as the space muslims while gobbling down their syrup drinks and freedom fries.

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This is unfortunately true