What do you think about video game music and people slowly recognizing it as being a bastion of creative and soulful compositions and artistic integrity in today's world of music? You ever think one day that a video game soundtrack might get insanely popular around the world and truly thrust the vidya OST industry into the mainstream? Also feel free to post OSTs or related music you're currently listening to
What do you think about video game music and people slowly recognizing it as being a bastion of creative and soulful...
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I've liked video game music since the 80s. Like with most of the things I get into, the mainstream just jumps on it late. And that's because it's already been mainstream for a long time. Just the stupid media and Hollywood didn't recognize it. Because they try to suppress and ignore anything they didn't have a hand popularizing. Video games just got to a point that they can't ignore it anymore.
Just a matter of time. The scores to ballets and operas are the osts of A BONE TO PICK WITH YA of today. Bump. Let me collect my thoughts
how is video game music not considered real music? it's made by a composer the same way as real music. it's like saying video games aren't art when it has art made by art teams.
As a wise post once said: videogames music is the only music made to sound as good as possible. It doesn't try to send a message, to round up your income, or to please your publisher. It's just here to improve the game.
Let's not get carried away and call it a "bastion of creative and soulful compositions and artistic integrity", but I like it.
Keep in mind Civilisation 4's main theme got a Grammy and that was a long darned time ago.
If Jet Set Radio gets another game, I guaran-fucking-tee you it'll hit the Top 40s for a full month.
old people associate video game music with boop beep boop 8-bit super mario chiptunes, they're just starting to realize that it's not like that anymore
The same way the media didn't consider movies or TV to be art for half a century. Until it started making so much money and taking over the cultural zietgeist, they had to cave. Same thing happened to video games.
Now that Video Games are being taken seriously, the last pariah they have is animation. But Hollywood has successfully killed that.
Video game music is better than the dogshit you will find on mainstream radio and it's sad someone would think otherwise.
People like to get around that suggestion by making a distinction between "music associated with video game setpieces and scenes" and "music written to stand on its own". It's like saying there's a difference between "a work of art" and "a work that contains artistic elements". It's kind of petty and pedantic, especially when you consider that video game soundtracks can be sold on their own apart from the video games that they're connected to.
Not all video game music though, there's enough room for experimental stuff too
>once regarded inferior to film "music isn't supposed to be noticed" soundtracks
laughs in temp music
>these aren't real music
Or poppier ones like
Anyone who shits on vidya music is a retard. Listening to ONLY vidya music probably means you're an autist or a pleb, but a lot of games have top-quality music.
I think it's good as long as people look into music that isn't the same stuff everybody already knows like the Mario 1 overworld theme and all that. Tetris being the most known is kind of shit since they ere public domain Russian folk songs.
I had this video recommended to me recently and I think it's an interesting watch. Don't know much about the channel but the band leader he's talking to sounds really knowledgeable, the best kind of weeb.
I think i don't need someone to tell me what real music is
This but also it's TWEWY
>3 minutes clapping
>it's not actually 3 minutes of clapping
>As a wise post once said: videogames music is the only music made to sound as good as possible.
That's the goal of a lot of music. This is why City Pop is so amazing. And what a lot of classical music did. Video Game music has to conform to some things, like the setting or the atmosphere of the game it's in. Something like City Pop, they can do literally anything they want.
OSTs are imitative in nature(either an emotion or/and setting), while "real" music is supposed to express a complex thought or story. OSTs are seen as set dressing while musicians, particularly the hip pop diva, is seen as centerpiece and outright personality cult -with niggers even going so far as shamanistic hypersigilism-. This parasitism(if it weren't for GAME this wouldn't have been created), farcicalness(this piece expresses or elicits a base thought, so it is emotionally manipulative from the onset) or perhaps unsubstantiality(this music doesn't come from a tradition, or the tradition is not auctoctonous and only hired to do mercenary work thus cheapening it's performance), creates an stigma from the very beginning, marking OSTs as lesser work.
Video games are bigger than movies. People earn their living not only making them, but playing them. There are video game celebrities among the younger generations. Old people will be dragged kicking and screaming into accepting new thing as they always had, this isn't news. Just pray you don't become the old retard too stuck in his ways to accept the future down the line.
What an insightful post. Even games you don't like because either they're shit or you're a contrarian can have good soundtracks.
Classical composer/musician here.
Protip: no one gives a fuck about video game music, and not a single classical musician (except for plebs) thinks that way.
The reason video game music is being played by orchestras is because it pays the bills - stupid fucking idiotic zoomers and shitters with no education on that type of music will flock to listen to garbage played by major orchestras.
Why? Because orchestras are dying museum pieces. This is one of their shots at remaining alive, since the old rich patrons will die.
I know, and DMC5 is not one of them
What are you, some ultra-specific zetta math nerd? Sometimes you gotta go with the flow and transform the meaning of words, bro.
You type like a fag bruh.
>videogames music is the only music made to sound as good as possible.
More accurately, it's music meant to be enjoyable or at least tolerable for long periods of time.
Tetris being the most known is kind of shit since they ere public domain Russian folk songs
this is exactly why they play this music, it's free and they don't have to pay any companies for licensing. instead, they just get their slave interns to transcribe and create parts lol
muh mom also works for Nintendo
i wish i was pretending. the houston symphony did this video game bullshit a little while ago, and then went on to program beethoven over 10 times in one fucking program. fuck them.
Except the development of quality, complex music is iterative. People who put pop bullshit on a pedestal over something "mercenary" just because of its intention rather than accounting for mechanical skill too is just as shallow as what they're criticizing.
Not vidya but look at this shit:
Jazz, orchestra, rock, and electronic all combined into a great, complex sound that's both distinct and evocative of exactly what they're going for.
>Classical composer/musician here.
I knew he was still alive...
>OSTs are imitative in nature(either an emotion or/and setting)
>OSTs are seen as set dressing
Naw, not all the time dog, sometimes you just GOTTA BELIEVE in primarily music-focused games
>You ever think one day that a video game soundtrack might get insanely popular around the world and truly thrust the vidya OST industry into the mainstream
What is Megalovania
You need to be 18 years or older to post here.
most of them also think that Beethoven and Mozart are now kitsch
Dumb soccer moms and sjw's trying to hide the truth.
Basically, if you hate freedom, you hate video games and tell lies about them.
I wonder if he ever truly was.
Music is meant to sound nice. Simple as.
You sound like pretentious faggot so i believe you
>Protip: no one gives a fuck about video game music, and not a single classical musician (except for plebs) thinks that way.
Modern classical sucks. Movies and video game music are closer to Classical than your "avant garde" crap. Modern classical music is the audio version of modern art, where they duct tape a squashed banana onto a canvas and say it's a vogue statement of nothing.
Imagine trying your hardest to normalize nerd music to actual 50-70 year old boomers
If a piece of music for a game is closely associated with the part it's playing in, then listening to the song alone might not offer the whole experience.But I don't think that's something that can be decided in general.
I think the more important question is whether the music is heard and rated by itself or as part of the game it came from. How often do people talk about music of a game that isn't liked?
is this some sort of joke? i guess music plebs like to assume they know things
the music you posted doesn't go past jazz pastiche you fucking retard, there is more to music than which instruments play what
Buddy, Hot Topic merch ain't mainstream. Get outta here and let me know when a video game soundtrack makes actual newspaper headlines and radio appearances, or a music celebrity just rips off one for the next hit single.
I'm fucking 24 you dumb bitch. I have an engineering degree. I'm just stating facts. It has like 60 million views on youtube and 1000 remixes
which is pathetic, the masters need to be played. just not 20 fucking times, while composers that are alive are lucky to get one piece played by a major orchestra in their lifetime
>I have an engineering degree.
baby yeti only got a Grammy after it was released on a studio album. It's a shame that they couldn't recognize it as part of the game sound track.
you couldn't be any stupider if you tried my friend, well done. read a book once, have sex, and you might figure this whole "art" thing out.
thanks, we try
why would i pretend to be mozart? he was a genius and no one can compare to what i did then
If you're a modern composer and you're not working on the movie and video game industry then you're literally not making anything worth listening to
wow, the masses consume the garbage that is peddled to them en masse without regard to taste or the nurturing of knowledge, what a surprise
What is the reason no one gives a fuck though? Is it a matter of quality?
You claim to be a musician, yet the argumentation of your opinions pales in comparison to the rhetoric Yea Forumstard potheads dish out when discussing vidya.
Worst of all, he's saying nothing worth paying any attention.
Assuming you are telling the truth I always wondered what you people thought about doing orchestras for vidya, like imagine studying how to play cello for a decade and then your group is asked to go around the world performing vidya music with the most important song being One Winged Angel.
>porn addicted nerd tries to be a steward of modern taste
Nobuo Uematsu is one of the best composers of all time.
>you couldn't be any stupider if you tried my friend, well done.
>read a book once, have sex, and you might figure this whole "art" thing out.
Oh the irony.
He asked for mainstream vidya music. I simply gave the user what he wanted.
you seem to be extrapolating a lot of information here
I bet this guy has an engineering degree
>the music you posted doesn't go past jazz pastiche you fucking retard, there is more to music than which instruments play what
Condescending style categorization autism is exactly why nobody gives a shit about modern standalone composers.
"Oh this isn't neo-fusion jazz it's post-neo contemporary swing" fuck off. Enjoy being the star of a genre of one playing bingo halls for 21 dollars a night. Modern musicians are basically the trannies of art, every few hours it's a new genre or gender.
Get a real job and make fuk
He's really not. You need to hear more composers. I'm not going to say he's bad, because he's not. But he's really derivative. Various people who started writing music for FF after he left have already surpassed him. Not to mention his mentor Sugiyama.
>whether the music is heard and rated by itself or as part of the game it came from
I mean, video game soundtracks are sold on their own, but you could make the argument that they're targeted to people who actually played the games instead of a wider audience.
>You claim to be a musician, yet the argumentation of your opinions pales in comparison to the rhetoric Yea Forumstard potheads dish out when discussing vidya.
keep working on this bait, it could be better
I do.
>I'm 24 you dumb bitch
>all this butthurt because i insulted his kid music
orchestration has nothing to do with genre retard, that was my point. the music you posted is jazz. it uses jazz harmonies, jazz idioms, with an augmentation of orchestral timbres. but you wouldn't know that, because you (like most of htis thread) has no idea what real art is like, because you all play video games
I'm sorry user but maybe you didn't realize he also had an engineering degree. So you know, back off okay?
Oh, thanks for googling some musical terms, man. You didn't have to do this on my behalf.
skin flute is not a real instrument
>let me know when this insanely popular piece of art on the biggest medium there is makes it to dead media
OK user
>projecting your educational failures and inadequacies, all because you couldn't possibly fathom how someone could ever be educated beyond watching youtube videos and vernacular information
lmao keep trying bud
>because you (like most of htis thread) has no idea what real art is like
Real art as defined by modern experts is formless trash. If the Classical masters are "kitsch" then nobody has any claim to knowing what quality is.
While not from an orchestra i can confirm this, video game/movie music is what is paying the bills for a lot of orchestras out there these days
>It has like 60 million views on youtube and 1000 remixes
Sure, that makes it popular on the internet subcultures, but it's not an indication of the real-life mainstream. Mainstream would be something like Megalovania getting on the Billboard Hot 100.
>60 million views
Oh wow, that places it below almost every single Taylor Swift video on YouTube.
I will never understand (You) whores
Man, what was so triggering about me telling you I have an engineering degree? I'm just a MechE trying to crack it in an unfriendly job market and awaiting my licensure test results
i never stated that they are kitsch you massive fuckhead, the masters are the masters forever and ever. the narrative that art has to be "formless", or whatever fabrication you are parroting simply does not exist. your perception of art, and especially of classical music, is incomplete, so you fill in the information you don't have with your own bias and fiction.
again, read a fucking book you massive moron. music, and art in general, is not linear. especially after the modernist period, where art started to become more cosmopolitan (which it already was anyway, the baroque period was full of cosmopolitan creative theft)
again, wouldn't expect you (or anyone on this board for that matter) to know or understand that either.
>You ever think one day that a video game soundtrack might get insanely popular around the world and truly thrust the vidya OST industry into the mainstream?
Nah, triple A is going the way of the movie industry, "yeah I know John Williams went senile so give me anything that sounds like generic orchestral farts you could put in youtube Epic Music Compilation #238, f a m".
The talent is mostly in jap games and indie niches, neither of those is going to make a chart-topping album.
Because your mentioning of this in the context implies Asperger's and thats funny.
Deliberately flexing your vocabulary alongside "lol fag" in all lower case is a hallmark of a Dunning-Krugerite who's self conscious about their own surface-level understanding of what they're talking about.
Parsimony and direct language are how the actually educated write.
I can fathom it, as I have stated numerous times in this thread, I have an engineering degree.
>insanely popular piece of art
It is online, no doubt there.
>on the biggest medium there is
Which is not the mainstream, you've just been on it so long that you're accustomed to thinking it's what's representative of the world's tastes.
>dead media
Boomers and Gen X-ers are propping that zombified shit up like no one's business.
So I occasionally like to listen to classic FM on TuneIn radio. Mainly because it's an England so if I listen to it from America at night, it's really late over there so I got to kind of comfy late-night vibe
anyway I heard the video game show once a few weeks ago. They play Skyrim and a couple other songs it wasn't that bad actually
So what, sell like 10000000 singles of megalovania in music stores?
Perhaps toby should consider bundling a key to the OST with Deltarune. He'd hit platinum in a week.
>any of the words i've used
>"flexing" vocabulary
holy shit, just how stupid are you?
>I'm just a MechE
lmao this nigga couldn't even get into EE or aerospace
bloodborne has the best dark orchestra music. love it
live orchestra:
You can always tell when it's a zoomer who's on his first year of whatever the fuck he claims to already be
It’s a shame masashi hamauzu doesn’t work with orchestras more often because I would love to hear his music on the radio.
>He'd hit platinum in a week
No thanks, I don't want to hear kids on my lawn thrashing about to trap remixes of "Mr. Bad Time Ft. GUCCI GANG"
Besides, daddy Asgore deserves that shit more:
How does Yea Forums deal with the conflicting thoughts of not wanting "normies" to corrupt their favorite pastime but also want legitimacy through people taking their favorite pastime seriously?
The pride in some mysterious book-knowledge that he somehow always fails to demonstrate is what gave it away, tbqh.
>thoughts of not wanting "normies" to corrupt their favorite pastime
This the start and end of it, don't give a fuck about anything else
>or whatever fabrication you are parroting simply does not exist
Experts get sick of the mechanics they've learned and taught, tell the next generation to innovate. The next generation produces things with a narrower band of consumers in mind. This cycle continues until any criticism is basically a creative writing exercise to label something as pleasing or not pleasing to the five people on earth capable of tracing the path that led whatever has just been made to exist.
Exactly the same shit as any other "expressive" rather than "descriptive" media, you come in as a mechanically competent undergraduate with a potentially large future audience, and come out as a postgraduate working for an audience of five.
I work in a field that has an analogous problem, where the few dozen people who buy an annual journal argue incessantly about the details and purity of their concepts while people actually applying theories in the real world pay them no attention.
i think the latter belong to the camp of "gamers rise up", even if unaware of that
videogames can never be art, for one simple reason - art is the representation of the ideal, and that ideal can only be uncompromising if it is from an individual.
however, i am interested in seeinf if there are games where they are 100% individual, with no outside help (outside of tools created by others [ala a paintbrush etc, which sometimes are created by the artists instead]). only there can art be approached.
...I like da gaem musics
What's popular among "normies" and media that people take seriously (outside of the interest of commercial success) usually doesn't have a whole lot of overlap.
>Experts get sick of the mechanics they've learned and taught, tell the next generation to innovate. The next generation produces things with a narrower band of consumers in mind. This cycle continues until any criticism is basically a creative writing exercise to label something as pleasing or not pleasing to the five people on earth capable of tracing the path that led whatever has just been made to exist.
you literally made this up, that's my point.
you talk about music as being "expressive", but i doubt you know that this dialogue of music as expression is almost one hundred years old now. again, i wouldn't expect you to know this because you're speaking strictly from your ass - you possess no knowledge of history, and create the bias you need to further your argument.
Especially since nowadays advances in technology allow for dynamic music, so you can have a good stand alone piece that can be remixed for the game.
>implying I couldn't
Aerospace is for the autistic people who want to do fluid dynamics all day and be super limited in their field and EE is for ham radio fanatics and arduino bitchboys
There's a saying among some metalheads
>you're nothing until you've created your own subgenre
>Projecting your inadequate education onto me because you could not believe someone in this thread could be formally educated on its topic
There, I made your greentext parsimonious for you. "Vernacular information" is what you'd write in an essay for word economy, not an informal internet argument. Throwing things like that into your sentences just shows you're trying to draw attention to your vocabulary to imply it automatically makes you superior to whoever you're arguing with.
>cartoon remake
I don't think that's mainstream, and it's evident that the people who would work on a remake were fans of the game anyways.
Nu-Ducktales is shit anyways, The Three Caballeros is where it's at
If the Duck Tales remake was influenced by the NES game, it would be better than the shit we got. The Duck Tales remake is more influenced by shit like Regular Show and Star Force than the past good stuff.
>you possess no knowledge of history, and create the bias you need to further your argument
I have a knowledge of Western art history from the perspective of a different field. Sociopolitical and economic factors leading to debates as to who music is for, Marriage of Figaro shit, 19th Century Existentialism/Postmodernism/Materialism creating a schism in the art world between old guard traditionalists and Avant Garde figures that challenged rules and conventions, etc.
But after a while the cycle of generational conflict becomes not worth keeping up with because the field in question is fractious to the point where it's broken up into a million different micro-disciplines. Or in your case, genres.
>videogames music is the only music made to sound as good as possible. It doesn't try to send a message, to round up your income, or to please your publisher.
Tell that to Mozart, Bach or Schubert. Or basically any composer of the last couple of centuries that spent years improving their skills.
Like almost everyone here, I'd wager, I'm vastly more competent in my particular field than almost everyone on Yea Forums. This does not give me license to act like an tosspot to anyone who decides to even broach the subject of said field. I always try to explain concepts and educate people who are interested in this stuff, even if they are edgy cunts. I'm almost always met with curiosity and eagerness for discussion.
You've made no serious attempt to explain your opinion. What's more, there's not one poster you've replied to that you haven't exuded utter contempt at. You are a the first classical musician I've seen on Yea Forums, and you leave a very poor impression about your profession. Then again, the two classical musician I've known have also been bellends so it might come with the territory.
>t. thinks a 3D printer unironically counts as industrial machinery
The same reason playing video games for 2 hours is sad while watching netflix, youtube or browsing facebook for an entire day is totally fine.
>Dude I just binge watched the walking dead all night
>Dude I just played left for dead all night
Theres a stigma with games being for losers or children
Furthermore, due the fact that they require some effort to absorb the media, it's harder to socialize through it for your average brain-dead normie thus it's lame.
Movies/tv require no mental engagement so they're cool.
That's art too though but I get your point.
>Movies/tv require no mental engagement so they're cool.
Given how often they go "why did character X do this?" I doubt they even pay attention to begin with.
>tell that to Mozart
You mean... he IS alive?
There are three composers listed in that post, why are you singling me out, user?
The auto-correct must have bugged out haha
I didn't say seriously in the sense that it is academically or intellectually recognized as having value, I said granted legitimacy.
The article and thread are talking about legitimacy through mainstream recognition. And in this case, there are two mainstreams: the consensus on what is quality music by the musical community and the appeal of the music to the average listener. As mentioned in the thread, there is almost no mainstream musical recognition of video game music beyond profitability. Secondly, sales and listener/viewership show that video game music is not acknowledged by the mainstream consumer of media by orders of magnitude.
In spite of these facts, we have plenty of people here arguing that video game OSTs are serious pieces of music and that there is mainstream appeal. But why? Yea Forums prides itself on being not a part of the norm (proving this by partaking in a multi-billion dollar industry enjoyed the world over but lets set that aside for now) yet mad that people don't take their ambient music seriously.
I remember one time at a school induction ceremony they played the Final fantasy 12 title music for some reason
>Re-arrange the letters, take out the M, and you get Taro
>M is one letter away from N
>Nier contains a kino piece called "Song of the Ancients" that contains violins, just like Mozart used in his pieces
>Mozart would be considered ancient given that he's alive
>Final fantasy 12 title music
Did anyone record that shit? I'd expect a copyright strike from people hearing the fucking Prelude if it was uploaded.
Mozart is a bad example because his music became more repetitive and derivative over time. His early works are amazing and unique. But as time went on, his works started sounding like Beatles music. Theme, Chorus, Theme, Chorus, slight variation on Theme, Chorus. A,B, A, B, C, A. Repeat 1000 times. This formula is why he was able to write so much music. But it also made his music become bland over time. And this is the formula modern pop music uses. Mozart was the pop musician of his time.
>The Z is one letter away from Y
>Y for Yoko (Taro)
>Mozart's full name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
>Amadeus is an Ancient
>Wolfgang starts with the same letter as Weiss
Yea Forumsros...
I actually listened to this show when I was out driving a few months ago, well the last 20 minutes or so of it. They played an orchestral thing from Call of Duty and something from an indie game. Bit bland, but then that's always been classic.fm's problem.
>Finds a way to so contrarian that you manage to argue that being consistently good is a bad thing
Only on Yea Forums
>if I don't agree with your view then it's contrarian!
Oh the irony.
>what is the 2nd Viennese school
>I-Im not being c-contrarian by calling Mozart shit
Sssssure buddy
Not that I'm arguing with the gist of your post, but do you really think all of Mozart's later works are bland? His Requiem is probably one of the most moving settings of that text ever
why is the SotC OST so good, bros?
First off, I didn't call him shit. Second of all, you didn't get irony of complaining that someone is being contrarian by contradicting me. And with no counter argument either. Your argument so far is "Mozart is good because if you don't like him, you're contrary to popular opinion!" And guess what, you're not required to like every single thing popular opinion says you should.
I like plenty of artist that are well regarded and popular. I love Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Holst and Debussy. But having listened to most of Mozart's work, I found them to have very obvious patterns and get less unique over time. I'm allowed to have that opinion.
Too late because modern videogame soundtracks suck dick.
Even Call of Duty and Assassins Creed used to have great soundtracks.
Some of his works are fine. I mean, Magic Flute is one of his later works and it's clearly good. But it's also not following the formula I laid out, like a lot of his works do.
I also don't know why people are so defensive about admitting a lot of his works followed a pattern. That's how he was able to write so much music at such a young age, just like a lot of pop musicians in modern times do.
Like every time period there are a bunch of shitty soundtracks spread amongst a few good ones. Also nice would-be quads.
lmao what a bunch of pseudointellectual morons.
read. a. book.
To be fair, most Classical and especially Baroque composers did the same, so maybe it's singling out Mozart, a household name, that causes people to get so defensive?
The same shit happens whenever I say that I don't like Beethoven all that much
Recommend me some OSTs with this hot piece of ass in them.
>so maybe it's singling out Mozart, a household name, that causes people to get so defensive?
Perhaps. But that happens because any time someone talks about classical music, it eventually leads to a "Mozart is the best composer of all time" wank fest. And when you ask them to explain why, they never have any answer besides "he's the most popular" or "the sheer volume of what he wrote." In other words, people are not forming their own views. They're just regurgitating what popular opinion has told them.
Mozart was a genius. He did write a ton of music. And some of his songs are great. But I just can't blindly say every single song he wrote was a masterpiece. And he's not my favorite composer. I would rather have a composer who writes 1/10th the amount Mozart did, but have the music be unique. Which is what a lot of my favorite composers do.
Super Mario RPG
Dragon Quest
I wish they did a full harpsichord version of Aria of the Soul but Margaret's theme in P4 Arena still features it
>videogames music is the only music made to sound as good as possible
dog i like video game music too but come on you sound like an edgy 14-year-old who just discovered good music after only hearing top 40 shit
Normalfags don't actually like vidya music and pushing it into the mainstran will just create a new "hay I like this am I cool" subgroup.
>Movies/tv require no mental engagement
I mean, most of them don't but that's a broad generalization.
It's still considered real music, it's just not the focus of 99% of people because the main media is the gameplay itself.
It's similar to movie scores/soundtracks, of course they're respected and appreciated, but most people don't listen to OSTs of any media because it's the context that makes it great
>of course they're respected and appreciated
Liking video game music to the point of downloading it and playing it on your music player is a big incel redflag. Unless it's the Mirror's Edge OST then they're patrician chads.
>tries to critique Mozart
>calls his pieces "songs"
This is how you spot a retard everyone
Dont masquerade as me you jackass
What does Yea Forums think of the Mystery Dungeon OSTs?
Are they as good as their reputation or are they overrated?
i was referring to film scores, you know, ones that have an oscar category
>tries to be a Yea Forumstard
>film scores have a category at an awards show for film
Learned not too long ago about the quality and variety of classic video game music usually from games I never even heard of.
I still want to check out how to play old archived tracklists, that are played with some kind of special program, as it is on this channel. No idea what it's called though
yeah and literally nobody listens to film scores, they can both be acclaimed and unpopular. This thread is trying to say VG music is all of a sudden popular when it will almost certainly not because OSTs are a niche interest
>Classical composer/musician here.
user, fooling around with fruity loops for 30 minutes trying to make scales doesn't make you a composer, even less a classical one.
Suicide yourself please.
Recognized by who ? A bunch of fucking has been who have everything outside of their private club/media syndicate ? My thoughts are the less they touch it the better, we already have enough hacks in the gaming industry, no need for some more with a patronizing attitude, radio is dead, tv is dead and cinema sucks dicks nowerdays, they all fell hard into irrelevance because they already have explored the limits of their medium (its already happening to vodia to but still).
lol what? did I trigger you by showing you don't know what you're talking about so badly you had a stroke?
Video games are not art, it's a platform to brainwash kids politically.
Did you forget, Yea Forums?
That's a good point. I know plenty of people who appreciate good game OSTs but it's only autists like myself who actively listen to them or go beyond surface level.
I've liked vidya music since the early '90s myself. Music really helped make or break certain games for me.
I remember the shitstorm that Skyrim and Aerith's theme made getting into the ClassicFM Hall of Fame. The comments on Facebook from angry boomers were hilarious.
Eh, when you have vidya soundtracks on shit like Spotify, I think we're approaching that point where no one gives a shit if you listen to vidya music, if we didn't pass it already. For me, Necrodancer's shit is groovy, I like to keep that shit on shuffle.
I don't think children and manchildren are interested in politics if they're playing video games. Hey, I don't blame them.
Classical musicians/orchestras are pissed. They're forced to play the Mario theme song because it's the only concerts people attend.
>*blocks your melancholy suffering*
losing marty was the worst thing to happen to halo
Political activists that are swarming video games to force agendas don't care if you're interested or not.
no one cares, fuck off
Kinda takes a backseat to the guitar and chorus after a bit, but it comes back.
Classic FM is pleb as fuck desu
>Western orchestral garbage
Disappointed, glad Japan is already ahead of the curve about this
I want none of that shit. God, how I wish people still were ostracized for playing video games and that shit was a niche hobby. Leave us the fuck alone with your real life bullshit, I play video games as a means of escapism. Same goes for the internet, much better when it was only available on desktops without social media garbage and people on phones shitting up everything. Normalfags ruin everything they touch.
>think of muh childrens!
why is this shit coming back? i thought we left it back in the 90s with the mortal kombat hysteria
The committee of diversity and inclusion does.
Agreeing with you here but holy shit I gotta say working anywhere where mainstream radio is unironically drives me fucking insane, its all such fucking trash.
not him, but let him make an ass of himself. He doesn't need your help to do that, and you don't need to sully your hands with his type of filth.
Video game music is art as is any creative form because that's the fucking definition. Some people are stuck up faggots that won't appreciate something because of its intention or source, and they can go kill themselves.
Normalfags are pleb as fuck, what else. That would explain Yea Forums's pleb tastes as well, you know.
Been on a piano kick as of late:
Any more soundtracks with these dreamy piano synth feels?
Vidya music not being recognized as real music and art is further oppression of us gamers. When we rise up then finally vidya OSTs will compete with the likes of Mozart.
Mr. Fox, shall we commence the OST uprising when Deltarune releases?
>implying I want vidya music to ever be like modern "music"
I'm glad video game OSTs don't sound like Fallout Boy.
There's plenty of video game OSTs that are even better than Mozart. The establishment is just jealous. It's like those academy snobs who think anything that came after 1939 isn't valid. But over enough decades, they started to pretend to love Star Wars, Jaws, Lord of the Rings and etc because enough fan pressure and money was shoved in their face.
They're gorgeous songs because of how melancholic they sound, considering the overall depressing settings you play in. I think the best touch in the Explorers soundtrack is how Time Gear is the basis for many of the songs, including the final battle.
>It's like those academy snobs who think anything that came after 1939 isn't valid
Ah, the proto-"born in the wrong generation" crowd.
>yeah and literally nobody listens to film scores, they can both be acclaimed and unpopular
To be honest, people rarely, if ever, pay attention to the soundtrack of a movie because they're too focused on what's happening on the screen. There's either too much noise or too much action to actually care about what's sounding in the background. Anecdotal, but the only reason the main theme of The Avengers comes to mind is because it's played in a very specific moment where they're preparing for battle, it makes emphasis specifically on the music to intensify the moment, while most of the time the music is always a tertiary element. Same with the motorcycle chase in the second Matrix movie, there are only a few sound effects that allow you to listen to the music made to intensify the moment.
Meanwhile with a videogame is easier to notice a song since most of the time is made for that specific setting and you hear it on repeat for at least a minute or two, let it be a random encounter in a Final Fantasy game or a level in Megaman, it increases the experience and puts you in the mood to fight, that's why is easier to remember than a movie song.
people who think video game music is on the same level as classical music have never listened to classical.
Beethoven is overrated, Wagner's where the bombastic goodness is at.
You're right. Video game music isn't on the same level as classical music. It's on a higher level.
>three hours of nothing, then four minutes of Ride of the Valkyries
Sure, that one song is good. But it wasn't worth sitting through the three hours of boredom.
>it's music meant to be enjoyable or at least tolerable for long periods of time.
real music has alot more depth than soundtracks
soundtracks are made to be listened to in the background a few times, real music is made to be listened to over and over
All this can lead to is fucking justin bieber getting deals to make the soundtrack for the next dark souls
Since many video game composers are influenced by classical music, you are the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. Some of them even surpass the classical composers.
Also, most modern composers aren't really classical. They follow more closely the romantic or modern greats. Though some still go farther back to the actual Baroque/Classical era.
>Emil turns into "le happy merchant" with this fucking rendition of his theme:
>when he nuked an entire village ten thousand years prior and should be mentally deranged by now
wtf bros you told me automata had good writing
best track on the sen 3 ost
>mfw this song plays as you began your journey in Alefgard in DQ3
Absolute kino, I can understand why the Japs fell in love with the series and the trilogy.
>when he nuked an entire village ten thousand years prior and should be mentally deranged by now
Was awhile since I played it but he kind of is deranged in the sense that he doesn't remember. It's when you go for the hidden boss battle against him that he has some recollections of the past events.
How is video game music even different from any other music?
It's all composed and recorded in the same ways, right?
Does it just not count as soon as it gets put into a game?
Video game music is surprisingly really good.
Except for western games´s music which are really inferior when it comes to originality. Absolutely bland and generic.
Cant remember a good western video game OST.
>Now anyone is going to listen to your beloved music
what possible go wrong?
reminder the worst thing happend to videogames was become too popular in the firts place
>being a bastion of creat
Depends on the music, some musics in vidya ae not especially different thant "real" music desu, the more instrumental/lyricless it is people will probably see it as vidya music and have disdain for it. I'm glad some of it is becoming mainstream but I wouldn't like to listen bing bing wahoo music on the radio.
I personally have songs from Persona 5 ,god hand and Devil May Cry on my phone
it was inevitable that people would start to acknowledge this when there is literally nothing good left in the actual modern AAA music industry.
i don't blame folks for turning to vidya music, not just because it has all the best composers of our time like Yoko Shimomura or Keiichi Okabe, while every western orchestra sounds the fucking exact same
Not to mention that sites like YT and Twitch completely discourage or outright banish copyrighted music due to obnoxiously overreaching record label lawyers, while vidya music is apparently totally fine and is never chased by copyright goblins for some reason
I want to see these comments!
I don't being popular isn't inherently bad. It's the modifications that developers make to their games in search of broadening their demographics or to pull back a newfound audience that fucks it all up and often kills the appeal of a game series. Indie games are popular, and yet there are still absolute gems coming out of the industry, for example, because they were made by developers who care about games and not merely selling a focus-tested product.
Play more games.
I mean, no normalfag would probably know that the tracks from P5 are from a game, especially when people would mistake shit like Beneath the Mask for that meme Youtube Japanese lo-fi hip-hop shit.
I like baroque and romantic more than classical
>Cant remember a good western video game OST.
There are plenty. You just need to play games besides the recent AAA junk, which play it safe on everything including music.
Neoclassichads where you at
>tfw you hear a song in a game or an anime in a style you don't know but are too afraid to ask what it is because Yea Forums will make fun of you for listening to vidya music
That's because its usually commercially made easy listening garbage that shares little with actual genres of music
That being said Japan of the 90s ripped off popular dance genres & western pop music all the time
Why don't you just ask them "can you recommend me more music like this" you absolute numpty?
so what track made it on to classic fm?
>google doc of anons sharing music was abandoned
Feels bad man
>afraid of posts
Probably some Final Fantasy shit like Aerith's Theme, Liberi Fatali, and the like.
but video game music is supposed to be derivative which implies that there should be tons of music that sounds similar but better because it's "real" music
Nah, its western shit like Halo and God of War. I guarantee it
Just ask in threads for that game or anime then.
If it's a japanese game then the genre is probably some weird nebulous fusion of j-pop, jazz, decade-old western pop and instrumental hip-hop that doesn't exist anywhere else though.
>Except for western games´s music which are really inferior when it comes to originality. Absolutely bland and generic.
Maybe modern games, but not when you play older games.
Then you had the different kind of music depending on who you played as:
the Loco Roco OST
This one?
I've had it saved for a long time but forgot to download anything.
>If it's a japanese game then the genre is probably some weird nebulous fusion of j-pop, jazz, decade-old western pop and instrumental hip-hop that doesn't exist anywhere else though.
So something better than what's popular right now in the west.
Yeah, at some point everyone just ditched it. Not sure how many of the links still work but there's still a few nyaa ones to give you an idea of how long it's been dead for
>video game music is now winning awards
how will hip-hop ever recover
Hip-hop is doing fine, it's rock music that's on the ropes at the moment.
>video game music unironically being recognized on classical music radio stations
>metal songs have unironically made it into the curriculums of snobby Art Music/classical music schools
What is happening?
Interesting video, thanks for posting user.
Internet made it easier for people to realize and discover there's modern music that's just as impressive as classical compositions.
Classical stations have been playing movie and video game music for decades. Almost all classical stations have at least one program a week devoted to music from movies. And they get more listeners on that one hour than any other time of the week. It's only a matter of time before some of them go exclusively to playing movie/game music 24/7. Not counting Sirius, which already has a channel for that.
>some weird nebulous fusion of j-pop, jazz, decade-old western pop and instrumental hip-hop
With classical music I'm not all that surprised.
I listen to the local classical radio station every morning on the way to work and it really is just the same 50 or so songs over and over again, except on Sundays which is opera day and the weeks where they beg for donations.
They almost never play anything contemporary either, but that might just be them being too poor to pay for the rights.
How much exposure does contemporary classic even get nowadays?
Mainstream Pop and trap is always garbage no matter what, but I think there are a couple of good mainstream artists, like Post Malone.
>I'm fucking 24 you dumb bitch
Careful with that edge little boy.
lol you sound mad as fuck, for no having actual talent hahahahaha.
>mfw a vidya music composer actually becomes a famous music celebrity shitting out platinum singles and albums inspired from the video games he/she composed
The question is, which composer would make for the most banging tracks and interesting celebrity persona, or at least be the most memed on Yea Forums if he/she hits the big time? I'm thinking Fox or Naganuma or Siivagunner in the vein of Weird Al.
I think its wonderfull, if only they made more memorable games too
Best fucking track in that game, never see it get any recognition.
Thanks for posting, user
The nier guy, but only if Taro is directing the music videos.
Right on, jazz and funk, but the drums are 90s hip-hop and breakbeat all over.
Literally the only contemporary classical shit that I remember as of late was probably in Octopath Traveler. JRPGs are good for utilising old genres like that, I've found, they've almost always made kino OSTs out of them. Also Cyrus best boy
The second one is unironically what game journalists want so anybody here who wants that is a faggot
Video game music is such a strange thing compared to contemporary music.
Yeah there are a lot of good pieces of music that are composed from vidya that you can listen to out of context, but the really good ones are so much more powerful when you know exactly where its being played and what scenario in the actual game.
To me there is just more context needed to appreaciate vidya music than everything else you just buy albums and listen to
And some works that are classics today were seen as crude and pedestrian in their time.
Just fucking try to make a music video out of this
What the actual fuck Taro
The postmodernists are finally getting old and being replaced with people who care more about mechanical skill than the caricature of an Avant Garde 1920s expressionist that they all wanted to be.
People are learning to have fun again.
>And some works that are classics today were seen as crude and pedestrian in their time.
You mean like Shakespeare? I'm amazed that the entirety of the Western literary canon holds him up as a paragon of clever and powerful writing when he made crude jokes about sex and farts for the common masses and groundlings. Don't get me wrong, that makes him based, but still, it's a little surprising. Makes me wonder if shit like Uematsu's themes will be remembered in the far future when they were featured in games that involved characters riding around on giant chickens and fighting off giant cacti. It's the absurdity of it all that gets me, sometimes.
>"oh wow user this song is pretty good! what artist is this?
>well its from a video game
>"turn this nerd shit off fucking gay ass nerd shit wasting time why don't you have a job/family/house/car stop wasting time etc."
>Mozart's an assman
Who woulda thunk it
I guess it depends on what kind of music we are talking about. Destiny's OST(Music of the Spheres) was designed to be stand alone given it's 48 minutes long. Yet from the same game youtube.com
Here's some real music you virgins. Try to to ejaculate too early.
>Try to to ejaculate too early
Forgive me, master. I must go all-out just this once.
>he thinks people react with vitriol to video games in 2019
>an over $134B market
Face facts, retard. Everyone and their mother plays and accepts video games now. Gamers are no longer as ostracized as you seem to think
Here's your reminder that Uematsu was once a rock musician:
>>metal songs have unironically made it into the curriculums of snobby Art Music/classical music schools
Remember all those old cringey memes calling metal the new classical? I guess they're true now
Found the grade 5 trumpeter.
>anons still triggered by getting btfo by someone with actual education
It's not exactly the same since Uematsu just wrote the music. Which is why people tend to remember his music separate from the stupidity of the games it's in. But he's also not the best composer in JRPGs (or even FF games).
Berkeley graduate and secret adviser to every living successful composer on the planet here.
Video game music is terrible and basically you are fucking stupid.
Also my dad is Mozart so yeah... I know my way around a treble clef, kid.
Sent from my iPhone
I graduated summa cum laude at DeVry University Game Design. I've consulted 8 out of the last 11 indie GOTYs. Video Game Music is the highest form of music-- you are simply misguided.
I remember hearing Zelda music on some classic FM stations in canada a while ago
I've definitely heard SotC music on the radio before. Might have been a local station though.
There are few things I hate more than hearing some sweeping orchestral arrangement of the Mario or Zelda theme. It sounds so wrong. If a track was composed as a chiptune, it is best appreciated in that form.
Video game music is soulless garbage. Sorry, but it is. Its commissioned music written for money before any thought goes into it. You guys love talking about SOULLESS so much when the music os the least soulful part of any video game. You can @ me all day, but its true.
Someone post Kojima learning the MGS theme was ripped off from a classical piece
based call of duty player