Why aren't you playing the most popular game ever made?

Why aren't you playing the most popular game ever made?

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I hate popular things

Why should I?

i played quite a bit of minecraft back in the day

Budweiser is the most popular beer
Swag is the most popular kind of weed

I don't want to play a game in which shooting someone turns them into a 20 story building.

How much wealth has this man amassed being an old man photo model?

he does it for fun

what, Tetris?

Turning into a house when you get shot at isn't fun

why are so many people playing it if it's not fun

game sux

My PC fucking died on me and I can't afford to replace it right now, thanks for reminding me

take better care of your appliances

Nothing lasts forever, specially an old motherboard

the game is updated more frequently than any other game ever. Normies don't get bored because all the changes

I play Tetris now and then, it’s still a top tier puzzle game

I don't find it fun, simple as. Didn't play knockoff Crush the Castle or knockoff Bejeweled when they made it big, either.

my brother wouldn't shut the fuck op about it and I installed it, the building mechanic turned me off the game completely after finding out an autistic fort comes out as soon as you just breathe on another player, good riddance

I never liked weapon scavenging multiplayer games.

im not a child

then why are you on a video game board

I don´t like multiplayer games anymore, except for coop with friends, preferably local.

Attached: Yuimetal.png (310x425, 192K)


Because their taste is shit.