Dragon's Crown Pro

Can we talk about Dragon's Crown?

I'm currently trying out Amazon but there's a problem.
In order to level Berserk past level 2 you need 3 skill points in the Supplemental Skill category however, the only other skills in this category are Adrenaline, Incite Rage, War Paint and Iron Will, all of which have not much use considering you don't want to be on low health ever past a certain point in the game. War Paint used to be good but I heard it was nerfed significantly to 25% of Amazon's damage so that most people just drop it and use a second axe or a diferent consumable in its place.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't post pictures of me

Macromastia isn't fun.

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okay, i won't

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What is this pose trying to convey?
Is her butt itching so she grinds it on her staff?
What does the staff smell like, brehs?

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Don't think your problem has a solution, m8.

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rate my sorceress tattoo

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I can't help you, user. Once I picked Elf, that's all I played.

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just look for reddit and gamefaqs builds, OP
or don't
unless you're playing max difficulty with some sperg group, just try out the skills you like and have fun

pantylines through tight pants have become my obsession

Youve reminded me of when i used to fap of pictures found by searhcing on Google "macromastia teen". Fun times.

>a second axe
Wait what?

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I pretty much play solo only unless I'm doing some quests in some dungeon i've already been in and i'm too lazy to do it alone.

Oh my, is it titty Tuesday already?

Dwarf = Fighter = Wizard > Amazon = Sorceress > Elf


You're welcome to your opinion, even if it's wrong.

Based Elf, although fuck me if Dorf wasn't the most fun as fuck to play.


Someone make the thread.

how often dogs humps your leg?

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Only finished the game with Elf cause of the maximum level partness that i found online. The game seems so cool, but i kinda not like it.

Elf is boring so maybe that's why

Shit taste.

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Doesnt the supplemental tree have passives like picking up coins to heal? Just grab those.


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*spams arc arrows*
yea man fun gameplay!

>not including kick elves as an even lower ranking
>Amazon that low
>Fighter that high
unbased and bluepotioned

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>*does action*
There, I simplified any class. That said I also like to play a backstab + dagger + maintenance elf.

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idk man, holdout dagger + backstabbing is just less fun than playing a melee focused class to begin with.

Do you back that up with powershot or multishot?
I play the same build with powershot

Yes, bow skills still take priority. You can't play elf without bow skills.
Subjective, enjoy your own fun for all I care.

only NERDS enjoy elf

Oh noes, someone on Yea Forums called me a nerd, what shall my normalfag friends now think of me? You are a faggot, user

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Try playing on higher difficulties. There's more to it than just shooting arrows. There's a reason people get annoyed with Elves, because they spend 90% of their time dodging and jumping. But this is also why they stay alive while the other classes die on higher difficulties.

You may not find Elf fun to play, but it's the best class in terms of gameplay. You can solo everything on the highest difficulty with them. And carry the whole team, even if they all die.

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Yea but at least i'm not a nerd

Nah, the reason people hate elves online is because a lot of the time they mostly kick and fail to manage their arrows correctly.
the truth is that most "high level" elf gameplay revolves around dodging from left side of the screen to the right, unleashing a 5x impact arrow into the sky, then dodge to the other side and repeat. It's not very interesting.

You can assign extra weapons in your inventory like you can with potions and shit. Once you drop your weapon you can just switch to another one.

>the truth is that most "high level" amazon gameplay revolves around spinning from the left side of the screen to the right, occasionally parry something, then spin to the other side and repeat. It's not very interesting

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>Nah, the reason people hate elves online is because a lot of the time they mostly kick and fail to manage their arrows correctly.
Yes, in early difficulties. But they also hate them on higher difficulties, because Elves don't have any synergy with the rest of the party. As much as I like Elf, I can admit this. But this is also why I like Elf. They're a solo class that can survive on their own.

>the truth is that most "high level" elf gameplay revolves around dodging from left side of the screen to the right, unleashing a 5x impact arrow into the sky, then dodge to the other side and repeat. It's not very interesting.
That's basically what I was describing. And I acknowledge that a lot of people don't find that fun. But it's just a fact that it makes Elf the best at surviving at higher difficulties.

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as an amazon main this is 100% accurate and I regret nothing

but deadly revolution is inferior to the other aerial skill on high levels, and the standing square combo into brandish deals much higher damage anyways.
on ultimate amazon gets really boring.
anyways not really sure what you're trying to prove. all other classes still at least utilize most of their movesets on high levels but for elf it's pretty much just arc power shot and then maybe a kick here and there if arrows are needed.

Dunno, i think any character can manage very well solo. That's the beauty of this game. I don't feel like i'm gimped no matter what i play. One could argue that Sorceress is just a weaker Wizard but Reflection and some other skills kind of make up for it.

And there is nothing wrong with that.
I'm also a great fan of the running backwards shot. Fantastic damage and covers almost the entire screen.

real chads enjoy dwarf the most because he has a healthy combination of throwing shit, fisting shit, hammering shit and grand slamming shit.

too bad dwarfs output is mediocre all around

Well, also because he is the chad choice.

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Sorceress or Wizard for solo?
It seems Wizard is just superior when it comes to pure damage, bur Sorceress has S tier Luck while Wizard has E tier luck which means you'll be dealing a lot more crits as Sorceress.
She also has some life savers such as Protect.

Anyways, my autism says "level a wizard" but my peepee says "level a sorceress"
What do?
Also, not sure but it seems like Overcharge could eventually get annoying, but maybe you're not supposed to keep it up at all times.

You can use anyone if you practice enough. But I would say Elf is the best for solo. Since you don't want to play Elf, just play one of the two. The game is also short enough that you can play both.


Wizard is better for solo, but honestly not by much. You'll be fine with either.

The game is only short if you stop after normal.

Even playing all the difficulty settings, it isn't long. It's like Diablo. You can play it multiple times with each character if you enjoy it enough. And since each level is 10 minutes or less, you can take breaks and not burn out.

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Why is Sorc so lewd?
Anyways, i've been playing 40 hours on my Fighter alone and i only just got to Infernal

George likes big diddies. Go play his other games. Every game he makes, there's at least one character that looks like Sorceress. Dragon's Crown even makes the random NPC women look like her.

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>Dragon's Crown and Gravity Rush will forever be stuck on the platform of a company that wants you to forget they exist.
>They will never be ported officially to PC and Switch.

At least port Muramasa so I can be happy with that.

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Those games got put on PS3, Vita and PS4. It's been on enough platforms. Muramasa needs a PS4 port to have 1080p resolution though.

Can't you just emulate the Wii version of Muramasa and the PS3 version of Dragon's Crown?

Don't have access to Muramasa and don't like Odin's Sphere

Why aren't there more 2D side scrollers with 3 dimensional levels?
For some reason they all died out after the arcade age and Dragon's Crown is the only game that harkens back to these kinds of games.

Why is that? A 3D plane to move around in opens up way more possibilities for level design than the completely flat 2D plane of modern indie games. I think Dragon's Crown has ruined all future side scrolling 2D action games for me.

black pirates

Dragon's Crown is literally a throwback to those kinds of games. But other developers don't want to do it. One, because it's deemed antiquated but two, because it takes more effort to make a game like that.

It's actually just a pain in the ass. It's tough to see if you're level enough with the enemy and doesn't add much to the game.

I think it's more the fact that beat 'em ups in general have fallen out of favor. Not that it matters much, as the genre has pretty much peaked with the Mystara games and all the other Capcom CPS2 beat 'em ups. Even Dragon's Crown was pretty much just an homage to Shadow over Mystara.

Odin Sphere remake fixes all the problems of the PS2 game and brings the combat up to Muramasa/Dragon's Crown levels. It's worth playing

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>It's tough to see if you're level enough with the enemy
Only ever had this problem when i was up against airborn enemies or when in a group with several people (which i don't like to do anyways)

Also, similar to what you're saying a 3D game isn't necessarily more deep than a 2D game in terms of gameplay, but it does definitely open up a lot more options for level design.

>Every game he makes, there's at least one character that looks like Sorceress.
And they're frequently necromancers.

Yea but Dragon's Crown is superior to Mystara which makes me think that there's actually a lot of potential in this kind of game still. Especially with non linearity (dungeon crawler) or a more interconnected world instead of separate levels (which of course deviates from the arcady structure)

Does anyone else feel like Dragon's Crown actually suffers from multiplayer? The screen just gets too fucking busy to the point where it's virtually impossible at times to tell who's positioned where and who's doing what.

I know, i tried the PS4 version Leifthrasir, i just don't like Odin's Sphere. It has inferior art, inferior character designs and inferior playstyles. None of the weapons or attacks in the game feel good to land (for me) because all the weapons are so awful. Really just couldn't get into it. Dragon's Crown is just better so why wouldn't i just play that instead.

Yea but desu that goes for most games of this kind.
Diablo 3 becomes a bit of a clusterfuck with 4 people, Monster Hunter becomes a clusterfuck with 4 people... Basically as the number of players increases, the fun goes down. At least for me.

>Play the shit out of the game back when it released on PS4
>Get to Infernal with Fighter and Sorc
>Go play other games
>Fast forward to a few days ago
>Decide to pick the game back up for no reason at all

>This thread pops up
What the FUCK op.

So how viable is a punch-only Dwarf? Hammers are cool and all but sometimes you just wanna punch shit.

I really don't see any interesting possibilities for level design that get opened up by having a bit of vertical movement in a 2D game.

War Paint is still your best choice.

Define viable
Since Grand Smash is BiS skill you might as well punch the shit out of things and throw them while you wait for your hammer.

Is the "recovers MP on Square attack" skill for Wizard/Sorceress worth it? Their square attacks deal literally no damage so i'm not sure about this.
Just charging might be better.

sorc is great pre-ultimate and helps you learn the game. food and protect help immensely and you have blizzard and thunderhead for autopilot.
however wizard shines in ultimate once his equipment starts getting instant cast effects.
keep in mind players stop needing food and protect once they get good, so sorceress drops off.
some bosses are great to have protect on however due to their new ads/moves in ultimate, but its more of a safety net and by not using wizard you're still limiting your dps by a ton.

overcharge is annoying but you will get an effect that constantly regains mp therefore giving you a level 1 charge. you will however get used to holding the button anyways due to level 3 being so much better.

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Viable as in could I get to Ultimate Mode and not die in five seconds.

isn't thunderhead complete and utter shit?

>Battle Hardened Edition is still $18
so did this sell like shit

Active mana regeneration is way more important, and I think even the skill that replenishes when killing an enemy is more effective overall. If you don't use the square attack at all, then forget about that skill.

your chances of survival are the same with or without attacking.
the question is how long will you have to wail on enemies?
the answer is probably much longer.
i for one think the biggest draw of the dwarf is that you can mix up so many different styles of play.

Devs were pretty happy with it last I heard. Got a lot of publicity coming up to release thanks to clickbait about Sorceres's tits.

meant the ps4 version, not the original launch

Can we talk about how VanillaWare's new game is apparently some no-actual-gameplay walking and talking visual novel?

What more is there to say?

i cri

nope, they buffed it later
it also stays active for extremely long

>tfw no sorceress gf
and i'm not even a tits guy

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Thunderhead is why I picked the Sorceress over the Wizard. That and the rock are so much fun to use.

So basically get that Grand Slam skill, max the fist powerup skill, and whatever else and I'm good?

Obviously I haven't looked into this too much. Never played Dwarf before either. Just an idea that crossed my mind a couple times.

So disappointing. I don't begrudge them though, they should make what they want. They've made plenty that I like already.

Can we not? I hate seeing good concepts/art/characters wasted on a VN.

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i mean if you really only want to do fists then get the barehanded damage skill, grand slam, powder mastery, and the skill that infuses your weapons/hands with fire
i don't see any reason to not invest in powerbomb and other stuff though.
especially powerbomb will give you some much needed CC if you're going with lower damage options

Double slam dorf FTW, if you're fisting shit you aren't timing your slams right

It might be okay. Dunno. I was mentally preparing for a Vanillaware version of Armored Warriors, though.

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Yea they should make what they want but
>read that vanillaware is making a new game
>apparently it's mech themed
>think to myself "holy shit a 2D mech action game that plays like dragon's crown but you can change combos and skills by using different parts"
>it's an adventure game

was just the biggest disappointment of 2019 for me.

Is this game fun

yea if you're going for optimal damage, but i like playing dwarf in a way that utilizes all his playstyles and mixes them

depends on your taste
if you have good taste then yes

I'll probably still buy and shill it just to give vanillaware more money.

No, we only like to talk about non-fun games.

Yeah grabs are cool too. Forgot about powerbomb and the other stuff.

Basically I was thinking the usual playstyle - whatever that is - minus the hammers (and bombs?). Not going for max damage or anything, but wouldn't wanna die in record time either. Was just curious if that would work.

>Pro came out last year
Huh. Somehow I missed that. Any word if the online is still active, or whether it works with PS3/Vita players?

Like day old girl farts fermenting on a hot summer day

It has crossplay, yeah. Since PS3 online is still free there should be players around. Mostly Japs, though.

well, hammer attacks and frenzy aren't really that viable on high ToM floors or on ultimate so you'll usually grand smash and then eagle dive between grand smashes or throw something if it has to be dispatched quickly.

I don't know how powerful throwing actually is if you're not throwing barrels. Someone said that sometimes the boulder won't even break 1k damage but that was 5 years ago, which means it was in a previous version of the game where lots of things worked a bit differently. My dwarf is only level 40 but throwing boulders seems like good damage

The game is "dead" but even in a dead game with 100 players peak times it's still easy to find 3 other randoms.

I always loved how fucking insane Wizard could be if you properly used his teleport and jump/air dodge/levitate cancelling attacks

Shooting six massive air fireballs every jump as your normal attack with the overcharge buff is just crazy, and people dramatically underestimate being able to choose which elemental damage you use in a fight.

Also Slow is one of the best moves in the game, Meteor Swarm makes the killer rabbit and many other boss fights go much smoother, and Execute it 100% fucking mandatory for Infernal+ dungeons to clear the black elite mobs

>When LP is 0, dealt dmg +x%
What the fuck is LP?

>I know, i tried the PS4 version Leifthrasir, i just don't like Odin's Sphere. It has inferior art, inferior character designs
Disliking the gameplay is something I can understand, even if I disagree. But hating a game just because you don't like the art is really shallow. And claiming this game has inferior art is kind of bad since it's art design and story are the things that make it unique, even compared to other Vanillaware games.

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What makes it worth it for the Wizard is that it works on the magic missiles (hold square in the air)

We haven't actually played the game so we don't really know what's going on. That said, the only Vanillaware game I couldn't finish was GrmiGrimiore, because it's 5 hours of talking with one our of gameplay in between. Same reason I can't finish Golden Sun or Bravely Default.

Yet there are some visual novels/RPGs with lots of story which I liked. This one might do that.

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Is putting all points into elemental lore even worth it? Of course most damage will probably come from bow skills anyway. Does the elf use her intelligence stat for elemental lore? Her intelligence isn't even bad, I wonder if it's worth using a lot of magic items with her.

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So you understand that i dislike the game but you don't understand that i hate it, even though i never even said that i hate it? What did you mean by this?

life point

It could be worth it if i fucking KNEW how to do the fucking elemental lore cancel spam

He didn't say he doesn't understand that you hate it, just that he thinks hating it because you dislike the art is shallow.

But i don't hate it and i never said i hated it and furthermore my #1 complaint is the gameplay and the unappealing art is just another drop in the barrel.

>tfw no velvet gf

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Focusing on terminology instead of addressing the points I made? What did you mean by this?

I'll add to my point further. I'm not a big fan of the generic fantasy style Dragon's Crown uses. But I played the game and found other things I liked about it. I'm just wondering why there's people out there who discount games just because they dislike the art. If I did that, I wouldn't have played half of my favorite games.

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should i play this or odin's sphere first?

Odin Sphere - Focus on story
Muramasa - Focus on gameplay, with some story
Dragon's Crown - Focused entirely on gameplay

I actually like the trope filled story in Muramasa even more than the "serious" story in Odin Sphere.

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More like what the fuck is wrong with disliking certain art or visual designs? I would never touch a game like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because of the unappealing character designs and there's nothing wrong with it. Disliking a certain kind of art style is not wrong.

I see no reason why considering Muramasa is miles better than Odin's Sphere and Dragon's Crown is a lot better tham Muramasa.

Is it true that the throw damage of dwarf turns to absolute garbage on higher difficulties?

Why does it feel like Amazon does barely any damage?
I feel like i killed shit 5 times as fast as Fighter.
Only when you get Berserk to max level she starts kind of doing some damage but still seems inferior to other classes.

because you're not brandishing enough

I feel like I got spoiled out on a good game when I completed Odin Sphere Leifthrasir first. Play Dragon's Crown first.

Sorcnado is best.

Pooka were pretty much the only good thing about Odin Sphere.


The issue is, an art style can grow on you, if you give it a chance. Also, you can start a game with an art style you dislike, but find it has some amazing gameplay or story you get addicted to.

But if you just skip every game that has an art style you dislike, you're going to miss half of the potential games you would like. Or even more if you're the type of person who just skips "all anime games" or "all fantasy games" or "all games with a female lead" and so on.

>run out of arrows fighting against ghouls
>try to melee them
>they eat me

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The art is part of the game. One aspect being offputting to someone can be enough to sour their experience of it, so why force it?

Pretty sure I spent at least 30 mins glaring at her idle animations.

well, i'm only level 21 so there's only 1 level of brandish available so far

Do people still play this game? Back when it came out I had a fucking blast with it. Haven't played it since I beat it back then, though.

You do not need incite rage, as parrying will get you into rage anyways.

I skip all games that don't appeal to me.
So do you. Simple as that.

>The issue is, an art style can grow on you, if you give it a chance.
But if you just look at the cover and go "I hate this!" then you're not going to ever try new things.

artist actually did a pretty damn good job recapturing it

Questionable place to put it though... why the fuck did you get it on your leg??

>Still no PC version
>PS4cucks is dead

I know? Hence why i said Incite Rage is useless, but i need a supplemental skill so i can put more points into Berserk.

well there you go, more levels son
also berserk is absolutely necessary

Did you max parry yet?

Parry is a Ground Skill so it doesn't unlock more points for Berserk.

Should be more big tiddie doujins desu
Game is pretty good.

>PS4cucks is dead
What? Also, the PS3 and PS4 versions have cross play. So if anything, the community will last longer. But you don't even need to play this online. You can play it solo or local coop.

Parry is a Ground Skill not a Supplemental Skill so it won't unlock more Berserks

war paint is still your best option.
on ultimate, in level oh about 200, literally nothing else matters besides parry and ground slam though, and no, there honestly isn't any way around this, there is no gitgud, look up tippy top nip guides and they'll say the same. Amazon's moveset and taking the time to brandish into berserk is far too risky to fully implement.

she's a blast through and still my favorite by far since lets face it, once you get that high everyone becomes a one trick pony in one way or another, I just wish zon didn't die immediately if she does anything else.

vanillaware cooking game when honestly, they should do a redwall game.

>tfw the odd Vita player still lags the fuck out of the game for everyone else

where can you find guides? i tried playing this before and fucked my character up and quit

This is what you're building to. Do you see how fast that dragon goes down?

Yea at some point in this game you'll just hit a wall where it becomes boring to play becuase 90% of your moveset becomes too risky to use. I don't think i'll play until i get to that point though.
Also the cooking minigame when you chain dungeons is so fucking great.

>fucked up my character
>when you can respec as often as you want

>can we talk about a really godawful shitty game with a shit artsytyle and garbage character desgin?


that's the thing, most guides are old and outdated, the general used to have some hot tips but they're dust. you'll unironically have the best luck finding shit through reddit although hang on, i'll dig through some vids real quick
>zon vs red dragon or kraken
It's a fucking hoot

tell me more about how shitty it is

shut the frick up

Extremely shit netcode, extremely boring and tedious even for a beat em up brawler, a buggy broken mess (especially with a few of the game breaking bugs like your save being wiped) with none of this fixed at all in the garbage re-release literally nobody asked for, the game was so shit they had to stir up controversy to make sales, not even a month after both relreases everyone forgot

Well said. Ban this sick lolicon filth.

>honestly, they should do a redwall game
My absolute nigger

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Why shitpost in a thread about a niche game almost noone talks about? I'm sure there are a lot of other threads where you could farm (You)'s more efficiently.

but user, I thought you didn’t want to talk about it?

Someone else already did it.

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Is it any good?

>tfw my favourite character to play is Fighter but it seems to be almost everyone elses least favourite

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also whats kinda the noob ez mode class i can play
i dont wanna sprain my shit doing all sorts of cancels, can you even play like that in end game?

I like it. Still play it every once in a while. However, because it only has one mode, it gets repetitive. Still better than something like League of Legends, but it won't substitute for a story driven RPG or anything.

Basically, it's a Redwall board game with beautiful animations.

Don't worry user, I like the Fighter too. Fuck leg day.

>40 hours on Fighter

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depends on your level of playstyle. Fighter is probably your best bet, he's steady and provides decent dps and utility. zon admittedly has a low floor and does a shitton of damage, but really has a fairly high ceiling. Dorf becomes way harder to play at high levels simply because he plateaus, and is forced into only one or two options to deal damage way earlier than other characters. casters and elf are probably not your bag.

depends on how high your endgame goes. Labyrinth of chaos, absolutely. Tower of mirage, well. once you get up way up there you learn your meta rather than your tricks and you're stuck

what's wrong?

Elf is all about arrow management. You do what you described and you're guaranteed to be hitting like a wet noodle when you empty out your quiver in 5 seconds. You can simplify it all you want but when a you have an elite + handful of mobs + an ultimate boss on your tail 24/7 all of which can 2-3 shot you in ultimate, kicking to get your arrows back suddenly isn't as easy as you think or even remembering who you can kick to get arrows back or when the kick arrow cooldown is up. Heck, even finding an opening large enough to fire an up multishot is tough.

Elves are quite welcome for higher floors due to their extremely high burst damage. When the boss starts casting invulnerability and heals, you really need to squeeze the DPS every opening you can get.

Is the multiplayer anygood?

Depends. Fighter, Dorf, Sorc and Wiz work pretty well.
Lag with elf means you'll be shooting at dead/nothing most of the time.
Zon is frustrating because someone moving the screen means missed parry means death.
Lobbies are also spread out over all the difficulties and towers so it can be hard finding a game.

it's one of the best em ups there is imho
game is dead sure, but I still manage to find players before too long almost every time I look

What about Elf players going for a dickass thief build, how would you rank those kinds of Elves?

How important is clearing LoC 99? I'm 50 floors deep into ToM and I dunno whether I should just keep going or go back to LoC to upgrade the seal of the conqueror.

No, it only hurts the experience unless you're doing local co-op.

>elite pirates
jesus christ

Nothing, I just couldn't stomach Fighter, so investing in the character seems weird to me. I didn't play multiplayer, so that probably makes a difference.

what are some dwarf/fighter/amazon builds?

I only play solo tho

With crossplay with PS3, PS4, and Vita I'm pretty sure your bound to find someone sill playing.


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the fighter's smile of course

Aw :)

So what the fuck happened to 13 Sentinels? The last thing I knew is that Vanillaware released a paid demo with a teaser for another game

oh nice, i didn't know about this.
13 sentinels is probably gonna come out in 2019

I know that feel.

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Development hell.
Pretty much any time a game gets delayed a bunch and they release a paid demo things aren't looking good.

I think halfway into 13 Sentinels development they realised it wasn't coming along as they had hoped (maybe failed to do proper Mech 2D action combat?) and then they went into damage control mode, restructuring the game entirely

Like mentioned before you need to max war paint and maybe take 1 pt of adrenaline.

You mean Stun Wave, right?

Nigger, dragons crown HD is on PS4 right now