>Still crying about longbow 40 hours in edition.
Females When.
None of you know what true killing power and versatility is.
Arming Sword gang rise up.
Reminder that everything needs to cost AT LEAST twice as much stamina as it does now. And that polearms need to only deal their full damage when connecting with the blade.
Literally nothing wrong with the longsword, billhook, bardiche or eveningstar.
treechad standing by
increase FF damage and remove friendly perk
nerf shields nerf 2h make everything more deadly
>Change polearms so that they're just spears
Yes, this will fix things
>bard spamming on top of a piece of wood on camp
>trebuchets fire
>hits the bard head on and obliterates him while knocking over the people bobbing their heads to him
I wish I was fucking recording
Anyone crying about balance just sucks.
Stabs need to have their drag ability cut in half. Being able to mousewheel up then wave my mouse through 4 people is retarded.
I'm talking the NPC trebuchets, not a catapult. It was amazing because that bard was crying that people were killing him despite sitting in the point playing. Kill all bards on sight.
Got anymore footage, panchads?
run 3-3-X + bandages
grab big 2h weapon off ground
feels good
Nothing wrong, definitely not as OP as people tend to complain
Based treebro
I'm kinda with you on this.. Not once did I run out of stamina in this game so far.
Fuck people playing bard on FL.
Bards on duel servers with plenty of slots are alright.
I think the best changes would be some type of siege weapon ala catapult given only to losing team.
The other thing is some maps are hilariously imbalanced and 90% of the time red team wins, some simple map / spawn changes could help with this.
Engineers are kind of too weak right now and could use a buff, maybe some increase in things they can make when on losing team? Some type of siege weapon to help push?
Other than that only thing that would be fun is a siege mode map. Fighting on ramparts, shooting bows down, etc.
>panman in game
>nothing but 3 pans
>runs around screaming help me in the foppish voice
>proceeds to wipe out 4 people in the point while solo
You weren't on my team, but god damn were you ever alpha as fuck
>See an enemy with a pan screaming help
>Run towards him about to strike
>Bear trap activates and I get pinned down
>Beats me with his pan while laughing in a foppish voice
Engineers need a building counter in the UI and maybe increase the number of structures they can have up.
They don't seem that effective though. Don't firebombs counter them too easily along with some other things.
I think engineers could add some more replay-ability if they became important. Something like more elaborate fortifications and some siege way to help the side that didn't take point.
maybe being able to build a catapult when losing at specific points on the map, or being able to build an archers tower to help attack, who knows.
Who else is an /engineer/?
Hands down the most important role.
like how there are those points you can build walls automatically just repairing. There could be points for the attacking team to take halfway to the point that build a catapult if you bring enough supplies (losing team only)
That or maybe an attacking structure with a ballista or two on top that can be built to help the losing team retake the middle point.
Reminder that everyone who complains about spears, polearms, and rapiers is a two-handed sword babby mad they keep getting knocked out of their slash spam.
What? You could still deal full swing damage, just not when hugging your opponent.
I'm with you, they are fun to play but they don't really have much to do, especially in some maps.
>Killing your opponent by kicking him into a spike fortification
Is there anything more satisfying?
I got 6 consecutive kills as a half naked man with a battle axe yesterday
Would be dope if you could control of a halfway area and build ballistas/catapults or w.e. on the losing side. Would help with the 90% of time the winning team at 50 seconds ends up winning.
>Tfw you lose on Taiga
>As red
Got any tips to make good?
*him look
kill yourself
Before people start arguing about wahmen in video games, the argument against them is simply this: Devs shouldn't be wasting their time adding female characters when they need to focus on much more important things, such as bug fixing, mapping, and new weapons. Adding women is genuinely a waste of dev time. Regardless of whether you want women in the game or not, I think everyone can agree that with a dev team this small, they should stay focused on adding content that actually adds playable content.
Also the arming sword plus targe is amazing
They should just make being female a perk that uses up points
With the added option of flat-out disabling them and replacing them with skinny males that have the Foppish voice set to the highest pitch
i tried playing engy on camp and all i could build were walls
how do i build stuff like spikes and ballitsta?
press R
>Retard pushes the catapult across the river
>Blue grabs it and starts pelting us with rocks
>implying I won't body you all day every day with my estoc while you flail around your phallic spear
>swords aren't phallic
the balls are even represented with the hilt.
if your balls look like the hilt of a sword I recommend seeing a medical professional
>Females When
Never ever. Let's keep the immersion intact, shall we?
>he says while some half naked ultra skinny guy with a hat and long beard rides a horse throwing fire bombs at everyone
[dragonforce begins playing while a peasant heaves one of his many pans at your head]
forgot my image
Is making the black Knight from the holy Grail possible? I just got the game from g2a and was wondering what the armor options are since I know there is a lot
no roasties ever
keep the game pure kino
Wow, been playing this game on borderless for a week and it ran like shit on my garbage PC. Turns out it's all good on fullscreen.
The day they add females to the game, is the day we will stop playing it.
Get woke, go broke!
It's hard to make black armor but there's a few tints that make the metal darker, and then you can decrease the sheen level so it's almost matte.
yeah though pretty sure you can make him with a Tabard/Greathelm, although you might just look like a normal knight..
Just got the game, having a lot of issues with ping and getting it to run smoothly.
Specs in pic, 2 ms 20mbps wifi
How do I actually get good at engineer?
Most people aren't retarded enough to slam their faces into the spikes (if they aren't burnt down first), and the ballista thing you can build is pretty slow to reload. Not sure what else I am supposed to be doing. You don't even get assist points if a team mate kills someone with your ballista.
I can't get the longbow to work for me, but I execute people with the crossbow. I don't know what they intended, but in real life arrows don't drop off that much for a while
Stabbing needs to all around be nerfed. The hitboxes are way too generous given how fast so many weapons can stab. Spears also shouldn't do full damage when you're rubbing nipples with a guy and he still gets the damage as if he fully thrusted.
what is it you want? no one's going to top the scoreboard just with engineer stuff.
>Stabbing needs to all around be nerfed
t. xXxSlashKingxXx, executioner sword main.
>what is it you want?
For the devs to actually give engineers a purpose. You could remove them from the game right now and it wouldn't make a bit of difference
post lute nogs and rate
I just started the game, finished the tutorial, launched a game and missclicked on spectator and now I can't find how to switch to a team
am I retarded or is there something I'm missing, it's been 5 minutes and I can't find this goddamn button
it's mordhau not minecraft. if you don't enjoy playing engineer then get an actual weapon and play the game
If you don't main bard you don't deserve any respect
You're being a huge silly billy if you think stabbing is just fine with how it works at the moment. I'm not saying it needs to be nerfed into the dirt, but it needs to be dialed back
God I love it when armored people wear no helmet. It's like you want me to kill you fucking instantly.
>wanting females before better gamemodes and maps
>if you don't do nothing the whole game you don't deserve respect
haha yeah bro Lute is epic dawg I love hearing a song played with 4 fucking notes
kill yourself
>not being in the landsknecht gang
Engineers can literally make or break a game. Fortifications are stupidly strong on any map you care to name. You're not going to be topping boards, but you'll be funneling enemies into chokepoints or making it easier for enemies to get flanked by your team as they try to chop down your buildings.
>we want the dark souls crowd
fuck off
traps are so fucking fun
Any reason to use one handed axe or arming sword? Never see it used
I find arming sword great as secondary for my archerfags
Ew no
His base has no helmet.
The game will include women now?
Thinking of buying it, how's polearms in this game? I heard it has more than just a spear and a halberd, like partisans and shit
Cheap and throwable. Axe is also good at breaking wooden objectives. Also having something for ladders is nice.
Half of the fun I have in this game is customizing mercs. Post more creations pls.
There's short spear, spear, halberd, poleaxe, billhook and bardiche. You can also customize all their heads and shafts for in game currency
H-how do my stats look
I'd love to be able to wear a helmet, but then I just become a regular knight dude instead of a warrior priest of Sigmar.
Level 1 circlet headgear when?
While I still manage to always land within top 5 in every single game I play, 80% of the time first. Its still annoying to die to the stab rape squad that goes on you like a zombie horde.
fake never happens