>is a right wing ethnostate
>makes the best games
What does this mean Yea Forums?
Is a right wing ethnostate
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death to leftists, trannies, kikes, niggers, spics, and muslims
>>is a right wing ethnostate
fucking when?
fuck off back to /pol/ please, no one fucking wants you here
98.5% japanese :^)
99% of asylum applicants are rejected
some of the strictest immigration laws in the world
>can't even fuck to save their lives
oh no no no no
> anti immigration
> homogeneous culture
> left wing politicians get harassed and threatened
> strong sense of heritage
If this isn't a right wing ethnostate then I don't know what a better example would be
Back to r/games and trannyera faggot. Yea Forums is /pol/.
The country is very densely populated already, and the decline will stabilize at around 60-80 million.
Nothing wrong with that.
>right wing
>make games
>massive population of men who can't get laid
definitely right wing alright
japan is liberal leaning as a whole. they arent so different form eu/america in 2005
amerimutt leftists have become too fucking extreme. everything less liberal for them has become nazism and ultra conservative
Americucks think the world revolves around their delusional politics
>left wing
>cinematic AAA trash with cancerous politics shoved in
why does the most right wing nation in the world make the best games tranny?
Not really senpai. They are very collectivist and are very strict on immigration, drugs, as well as sterilizing trannies.
Japan is a weird case.
If it was a truly right-wing state, things like homosexuality and loli etc would be looked down on, but instead they're glamorized (in media, at least).
It's a collectivist country, and they've collectively decided that you should fuck off and leave them alone.
OP, you'll never be japanese. Let it go.
fags can't marry and trannies are sterilized
>> homogeneous culture
I idea that the Japanese have a homogeneous culture is a myth. Even though they tried to destroy them, there's the remnants of the Ainu in the North, the Okinawans, Korean people stuck in Japan after WWII, and the Japanese people they invited back from Brazil who are now culturally Brazilian.
>hur there is no such thing as blue and yellow because green exist
you are just one of those who believe everything written on the japan page of "rational wiki" edited and written by said amerimutt leftists.
also you should check that page. despite the fact japan doesnt that matter in the west the page has much longer texts than any other countrys in the world.
ofc its full of articles nitpicked and aggressively criticised by them.
this proves amerimutt leftists are so fucking obsessed with japan just because your conservatives value it and you are too easily offended even by microscopic stuff in anime. its fucking creepy.
Reminder that a brawl broke out in their equivalent of the Senate chambers because they wanted to increase the activity of the military from basically nothing and you can't own any personal weapons beyond a shotgun for hunting. Plus the western right isn't pro sexual imagery just because just because the left decided to lose it's collective shit about it.
fuck off faggot
No, Yea Forums is Yea Forums, and off-topic discussions are not allowed you fucking mongoloid
I don't get it, it's on the other side of the fucking world, part of the beauty of it is that things and cultures and languages are so different in different places. What the hell is wrong with some people
>Yea Forums has turned into the same radical shithole that resetera and reddit are but with right wing instead
Truly epic. This picture doesn't just work for games but for this site and the retarded right wingers we picked up
Ethnostate=high IQ country,being high IQ equals being technologically and creatively advanced.
I suggest you actually travel there at least once in your life before making a fool of yourself
>right wing
But they legalized same sex marriage in some places already
>but instead they're glamorized (in media, at least)
This is just a form of parody/mockery, not glamorization. Being legit gay in Japan is a massive taboo guaranteed to get you ostracized by your family and peers.
It's not so much about that but rather about just doing their own thing and preserving their unique, isolated culture, rather than trying to become United States #216
But China is an ethnostate and they're total dog shit. So is Mexico. I think the real issue is that Japanese are actually human and have the capacity for creative worth.
>/pol/tards know nothing about Japan episode
Don't worry anyone with a brain knows that the site is irreversibly down in quality due to retards like you. It's already too late.
they're also not subhuman maoists
China is also communist but they are high IQ and culturally stable enough to eventually BTFO America for good
Sometimes I wonder if americans even know what the words they use mean.