Have 3 or 4 characters at max level

>have 3 or 4 characters at max level
>landscapes are pretty
>pve is awful
how is the game now? I haven't played the last expansion
everytime I reinstalled it I got bored like after somer hours and uninstalled it
I probably just enjoy looking for cool armors for my characters and even doing that it's abysmally boring

Attached: guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns.png (600x340, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's still boring and nothing they add will make it worth reinstalling

Races are fun

if you didn't like it during heart of thorns then you won't like it now.

Path of Fire zones are a lot better than the cluster fuck of the last expansion and the mounts are pretty cool
Probably the best MMO right now, but that's like finding the tastiest turd on the shit pile

At least the PvP is quite good and there's no lvl or gear requirement to join.Fucking finally you can just get pvp specific weapons/amulets and sigils for different builds.I fucking hate having to farm gear,skills,guilds just so I can queue in ESO battlegrounds on top of there being an MMR system too what a joke.

guild races? I made some and they were really boring

that's what I expected

>best mmo right now
you sure user? a PVE with no classes and just DPSs with evasion?
an awful story with paid content?

>you sure user? a PVE with no classes and just DPSs with evasion
Not him but this is not the case anymore.Have you played the game recently?

no, I haven't played the last expansion, I thought the game followed the same mechanics.
what's new now?

There are specific roles in raids like healers,DDs and tanks/utility.Considering you've played HoT you must've seen it happening.Even in PvP scenarios druid was an incredible support healer,chrono bunker was a broken class who could tank multiple pvp.In WvW guardians being the support/healing class and etc

Mounts are the most fun things in this game now.
Still mad there isn't a dedicated griffon race game mode.

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no offense guys but would you mind stopping with the gw2 threads? the frequency of them when sales go up make them look like shill threads even if you're not trying to shill.

Beetle races.

Kralkatorrik did nothing wrong

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Not that user, but outside of PVP and raids.. you can still just zerg things as dps builds for the most part. I'd say having decent CC/Break skills is more important these days than in the past, but the majority of the game is still pretty 'casual-friendly'. Support builds do have significant impact when they're fielded though, regardless of content they're used in. If you found pure dps gameplay to be boring, give a support build a shot.

The one thing I will give credit to GW2 is that the mount system introduced with the latest expansion has completely ruined mounts in every other game for me. In most games they're just a movement modifier, in GW2.. they have movement, weight, and various abilities that can really open up possibilities for 'how' you navigate around the maps. For a game that was originally designed to not have mounts.. they certainly hit it out of the park.

>more trashy CRAWLING IN MY SKIN melodrama
I thought they fired the shitty fanfiction writers?

It's "good" only when they kill mesmer and scourge.
Before that it's not worth even considering unless you want to faceroll as one of those two.


>make them look like shill threads even if you're not trying to shill.
what's wrong if we're not trying to shill? just hide the thread
I think there was a giveaway recently for the last expansion so it's normal if you see more gw2 threads

I didn't try raiding in HoTs, I got bored too soon
are those roles too noticeable? are they really that important this time or is it just one skill that does X?

I don't find this too appealing user
what's the reward for doing that?

this however looks better, but still doesn't look like something I would do more than twice

I hated how everything was dps and I couldn't have any support or tanks
can I try any of the new classes without having the expac?
also the mount thing sounds good

Game still runs like shit
Pve is ok
Mounts are fun
Enjoy fx fest and glowy color characters

>he thinks those are problematic

If you think that, play a deadeye who one shots those two out of stealth in less than 1 second.

There focussed support builds but not tank builds, at least not in the conventional way since this game has no trinity which is a bummer imo

Everything used to be DPS because old instances were easy as shit and being anything but DPS made the clears take longer. Nowadays high level fractals and raids need at the very least dedicated healers and buffers.

They don't need them per se. The reason why healers are meta is because they're crutches. Classes who support using boons are a bit different, but overall they only make a run faster. There have been people doing the hardest raid in zerker exotics with vanilla specs (for the entire raid platoon) and they still were very fast.

Yeah but that's assuming that everyone in your raid party knows what they are doing and are paying attention. Most people just want to take it easy and be held on the hand so realistically you are faster with a healer than waiting for pro autists or trying to carry people who don't give a shit.

Each set of Elite specs are locked to their respective expansion. Likewise mounts require Path of Fire(you 'might' be able to rent the beetle mount on some maps without it).

If you have HoT, you'll already have access to a lot of the current support builds(Scrapper, Chrono, Herald, Druid, Weaver, etc.). The main two you'll be missing out on are Firebrand(Guardian- Core Guard is still solid though) and Scourge(Necro) off the top of my head.

"Tanks" are more of an abstraction. Certain encounters tend to have threat weighted towards whomever has the highest Toughness value.

True. The problem is really the lack of cooperation and how ready you are to learn, but all of that doesn't matter if you're a chronomancer or a druid who gets a free pass into any party even if you don't use any of your skills. So obviously those people are prefered.

Is the gw2 community still too stupid to understand rudimentary mechanics like breakbars?

has arcdps been updated yet?

>lets kill dragons
>oh wait kill dragons is bad
should have just let you join Balthazar to kill the dragons and the other Gods that ran away like the faggots they are

What sort of build can max GW2 at 60fps in 2019? Just got an 8700k 4.8 GHz and Lions Arch still tanks fps if I don't reduce character count

The GW2 writing is pretty bad. It's super cheesy and crude, but some people might like this.

which class looks best on fem norn?

Not that much anymore in world bosses. All the casuals play other games now. Only autists remain.

gw2 runs like shit for all hardware. it's just really shitty code.

doesn't matter, everyone is going to be hiding your character model anyways.

If you're referring to zergs, then yes. It's further compounded by breakbar upscaling(especially with PoF metas). Serpent's Ire is a nightmare with a wild zerg and the second phase probably fails 90% of the time(assuming enough people actually gather to attempt it).


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Final episode, so next comes the next add-on? I haven't been in touch with the game for more than a year now.

Serpent's Ire is probably the worst for that. No one who knows what to do will bother doing that event more than once for an achievement. So most of the time you just get people who are like "uwu what is dis?" participating when someone announces it.

Another LS season. We have no idea whether another expansion is coming or not.

Probably the last one, since it's called The End. I'm actually glad if it doesn't get a next addon because they're always retardedly grindy.

>want to play weaver elementalist
>don't remember fuckall for what my rotations were so now I die super easily
>try to make a new class
>get bored within 20 minutes

Why doesn't the game have built-in DPS meter?

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Is there a way to check which classes are most and least played?

Because the community already lost their shit when it was possible for players to inspect characters and see if they are actually geared for the content.


You'd need to get data from Anet for absolute precision, but I guess this is something.

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I can't imagine for them to just stop producing add-ons. It's either Cantha or North-East blood legion lands for the next one.

>It's another thread with opinions from 2012

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Obviously they will stop producing addons. Making an addon costs so much more money for them, when they can just make small episodic content with cash shop updates - which makes far more profit.

Blame anet for not knowing why people still play their game and not advertising that fact. The CEO literally came on the official forum and said "We don't know how to convince people who tried it once in 2012 to try it again now, can you shill for us instead?"

Of course they can't convince people to take a second gander at the game when everytime it's brought up there's an avalanche of faggots who think their subjective opinions on the state of the game from 7 years ago is still relevant

The story is trash but other than that it's entertaining enough.

Newest episode was SHIT
fuck Aurene, bitch couldn't stay dead for five minutes

No they just don't know how to advertise shit. For example, see how universally praised the mount system in PoF is? It's been 2 years and they've had zero external advertisement for that even though casuals would eat that shit up. All they do now is tiny trailers for the few people who still play the game.

>pve is awful
Not just PvE, trust me...

It has nothing to do with the state of the game from 2012 that's causing a problem with the player retention rate. It's a problem with the core design and that will never change.

Guild Wars 2 appeals to a niche of people: Players who want progression in the form of story and skins and who don't want to feel left behind due to gear. ESO is the only competition it has.

Sure, they offer login bonuses and daily tasks you can do for shinies, but they're intangible for those players. What use is gold to them, if all they can do is buy agony resistance (which is useless outside fractals) or skins. There's no incentive for them to play the game on a daily basis. That's also why they have added this "battle drop" thing, which is supposed to help with player retentation rates.

Anyway, that's just something that will never change - unless they can kill off ESO or that also finally dying out. They should draw those resources from marketing away and make it a better game for existing players, rather than trying to find new players, because that will never work out for them. Drop the idea of getting the people from 2012 back who expected loot to be tangible.

Well, it's gonna be a good while since NCSoft laid off a shit ton of employees.

>it's grind, but not the grind I want
What incentive would there be for other games? GW2 is a good game and all you listed was advantages it has over other games.

>spend years wasting budget on marketing to aforementioned 2012-opinion retards
>stop marketing and focusing on improving the game for the existing audience
>"hurr how can they sell the game without advertising"

Did you even read my post? I'm saying this game was designed for a niche of people and which is why they should stop marketing it towards the general mmorpg crowd. It has nothing to do with the game being bad, you simpleton.

The folks who keep trying to push this weird "everyone else is stuck in 2012" angle are probably some of the biggest reasons new people don't want to join the gw2 community.

Well, most criticisms levied against the game are from 2012

The game might have changed a lot for you, but it didn't for a person who quit in 2012 and expected the game to be more like gw1 or any other mmo. It's good now, but it's still a different game than people expected.

Best MMO right now at a mechanical level
Shittiest major one for content.
Turns out Lifestyle games need content more than good game mechanics to stay alive (see: XIV, WoW, Fortnite)

fuck this asspull in the ass with a god damn dragon dildo. Fuck anet for creating another kormir ending

You're just dismissing conversation with vague categorizations like that. It's pretty much shitposting and no one wants to get involved with a community like that.

Turns out the only writers they get referred to are shitty fanfiction ones
Cant even get good fanfiction writers, pathetic

I agree with you user

I had fun until I got my legendary weapon then I just stopped wanting to play and haven't been back since. There wasn't anything left to work towards that felt like it matters at all. Just cosmetics and not really any good ones outside of legendary weapons.
I had a lot of fun with heart of thorns and the mounts though.

any waifus?

Haven't bothered to get HoT yet. I'm thinking of buying it someday just out of curiosity. But GW2 has been the most...perplexing game I've ever played. I just can't get a feel for it. With WoW, I know what to do, and when I die, I know what I did wrong. With this game, I have no idea what's going on. Is this wand doing more damage? Should I be switching back and forth between the two weapons, oh look...everyone's fighting this giant dragon...am I hurting it? Am I doing good? Oh...something it did just killed me. I've never understood how traits work either. idk, maybe it's just me.

>improving the game for the existing audience
That's why they keep dropping things people like, right?
>renew fractals and fractal CMs, introduce raids
>only leave one barebones team on it who can barely make one new one a year now
>introduce cool mounts
>make some barebones race events and do nothing with them
>have a cool april fools jumping minigame
>never add new worlds to it and fire the only guy who kept it alive
>WvW is fucking dead
>introduce mapwide meta events with good rewards that people still play to this day
>make no new ones ever again
>make cool looking maps of regions GW1 veterans always wanted to visit
>there's nothing to do in most of them
>introduce a new home instance-like map
>abandoned as soon as it was introduced
They have the attention span of a goldfish. I wish they'd stop being so pretentious about muh living story. Sure it's enjoyable but most people don't play it more than once. LS3 maps would be dead if not for the easy accessory farms. Focus on the replayable stuff for fucks sake.

nigga just READ

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they could put the game into maintenance mode right now since the new update pretty much concludes what guild wars 2 over arching story was about and that was about finishing destiny edge's job. I bet they fucking planned on it too until NCsoft stepped in a couple months ago and wondered what the hell was going on

He was being sarcastic, user. They're doing everything -but- the things he mentioned.

This game seriously needs some kind of open world pvp.Like an enormous map divided into factions where people can pve and pvp against other factions.Perhaps even capturing towns/maps for rewards for the faction that won for like a week or some shit.Like WvW but on a much bigger scale.

guys why is this game feels like such a blunder, I feel like there is a lot of lost possibilities here it makes me sad everytime

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open world PvP like Aion used to be with 500 vs 500 people. That would be fucking awesome. Including rifting into old zones for the sake for smashing unaware players.

The problem is that anet was working on unannounced titles that now got canceled and neglected GW2 for a long time.

They could have just made WvW bettter but the maps have barely changed since its introduction

game code is outdated shit
WvW constantly spergs out even with 150 players, no way engine could handle stuff like

>tfw havent touched wvw since I got my UD title
The gamemode was flawed since its inception but was fun especially when server "pride" existed and drama flourished.

I know. You have like 10 seconds of skill delay whenever everyone is clashing at the castle in WvWvW.

Did anet ever say what they were working on? I'm curious what they thought was worth the resources.

didn't that new mount which was advertised as a combat mount completely shit on wvw


It's a necessity now, because it replaces your need for something like perma superspeed or runes. All they wanted to do is introduce PvE players into basic PvP, which worked. They should releasee a raid exclusive mount for raids too, which would invigorate the raiding community as well.

Boy the new zone is cool so far and the story missions were great.
Not spoilers but if they had just ended the game after that it would've sort of fit.

If only that was real. I'd want it to make it to market so I could laugh at how bad it would be.

I really like the animations in this game,they're great.

Only a complete retard gets hit by a deadeye.

wasn't it some mobile shit?

Pretty sure it is the end of the game. The zone gives you all the major currency rewards for past expac zones, meaning that you don't have to grind those anymore. Also lets you cash in volatile magic as well in exchange for those. I doubt there will be anything after this.

too bad more mounts won't bring in new players and only appease those still playing

We GW 2.5 now?

It's the end of the season. They still said a Season 5 is coming just not an expansion.

Unrelated but I really love Revenant and I can't for the life of me find a good alt that feels as fun, any suggestions?

It's been so long since I've played this game and I'm currently updating,is there any recap?

Story Journal has a written recap and you can always just replay the missions.

Anything with mobility and damage,go thief or soulbeast.

any waifus plz i only play games w waifus

They won't get new players anyway, unless they rebranded themselves from being a mmorpg into something else (like guild wars 1 did). Call it a cooperative massively multiplayer game, CMMG, or some shit. But they should've done that ages ago. It's too late now.

Honest question, why is gw2 so poorly coded? Wasn't gw1 supposed to be really well made for it's time? Did they lose the people who designed the networking for gw1 in the transition to gw2 or something?

It's an MMO user, make your own waifu

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Short development time and afterwards they never really recoded the engine.

It's because they used GW1's engine and just spaghetticoded 3 dimensional movement, physics and all that other jazz into it.

How is Soulbest? I've considered just finally being meta and making a Druid over Ventari healing but Soulbeast seemed kind of boring on paper.

It is just a boring game with painfully monotonous combat that has been relatively static for 7 years now. Naturally, people grow tired of such a system sooner or later.

I've always had problems with running this game at 60 fps, even with reduced settings, and even with fucking i7

Is it STILL shit?

i dont play females im not a gay

ANet only shills the plot. Which is probably the weakest aspect of PvE and has been shit since 2012.

You need to give up on ever running 60fps when more than 20 people are around.

it's a much better game now. og gw2 kinda sucked

Easy to gear,great mobility and ridiculous burst potential.Other than it still plays like a vanilla ranger.The DPS is just insane although I prefer druid(too bad its been nerfed to the ground).


They've sort of written themselves into a corner now- for once there's no apparent villain or thing to drive the plot forward. If they are going to continue the story it'll no doubt be a ham-fisted introduction of a new threat that just appears out of nowhere, they don't have the ability to do this without it appearing dumb as fuck. Wonder if there'll be anything past this at all now

can you marry a waifu

There were (at least) two mobile projects in development hell.
The first was most likely a moba, which ANet must've dropped once pubg caught on and no one cared about LoL anymore. The second one must have been a battle royale kind of game.
Keep in mind that ANet is greedy but also stupid and it's always doing popular things exactly when they stop being popular, see the mount loot boxes.

Maybe that's the point?
We've been reliant on Elder Dragons to carry the story for years.

maybe they're setting up a gw3 where now that there's no big bad the races go to war with each other

>a setting with even a remote tertiary possibility of guild wars
nope. 100% not gonna happen. it's a damn shame though.

I loved GW1, played the shittone of it, loved classes, all possible builds and the gameplay.

I've tried getting into GW2 few times, every time I got bored after few days. Just the lack of variety of builds (usually 2 viable per class?) and skills turned me away.
PvP was quite fun, but not as interesting as in GW1.

Too bad, GW1 is still in my favourite MMORPG ever.

This. With no common threat, the real Guild Wars can begin anew. God I fucking hope guild wars 3 won't suck.

Well, they could always go to another continent and let us fight another one's threat.
They had so many retarded turns and points in the story "oh no if we kill another dragon then everything implodes", marry sue pea-head villain from s1 and whatever else.

Hopefully they move on from this tired format yeah. This is the third elder dragon we've killed, with entire seasons of waxing philosophical about whether or not we should be killing them, then going straight back to killing them. Something new and interesting would be nice but i fear that's being too optimistic considering these devs!

We need something straightforward and fun. Like the Luxons and the Kurzicks fighting. No more big end of the world shit. The threat doesn't have to be world shattering to be engaging

just started playing, is the dx12 thing safe? Have the devs even acknowledged it?

>a non casual open world pvp game
mite b cool

It's safe but isn't it causing DCs right now?

A No sub pvp centric mmo that doesn't suck? Yeah that would be really fucking cool.

the lore is boring

Honestly this has one of the best B2P modes out there.No meme "optional" subscription option either.


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So can you actually use the skyclaw in the other maps?

If that happens you know they'll write the furries winning

playing female is cool nowadays, didn't you know old man?

The lore died when the genocidal furries became misunderstood heroes fighting nazi humans

I've flipped between ESO and GW2 for a while and it's sad to see ESO spiraling downwards in the regard of business models.


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The humans don't act like nazis.

Name 5 other fantasy settings that have NO horses.

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is this real?

Assuming you stopped during the Scarlet fanfi--I mean subplot,
>Scarlet dies but wakes up the jungle dragon
>plot twist! The sylvari race is really jungle dragon spawn
>kill jungle dragon, but depressed huntress Eir and boring salad jesus Trahearne die
>find dragon egg from the only good dragon, it hatches and the baby dragon chooses you as champion
>band of evil humans from GW1 called Straight White Mantle resurrect an evil GW1 villain
>plot twist! Dragons are part of the world's life cycle and if we kill one more dragon then everyone dies
>evil GW1 villain was actually evil GW1 human god in disguise
>he allies with evil GW1 joke villain
>you kill both, baby dragon absorbs their magic
>big bad interdimensional travelling crystal dragon is going to destroy the world
>you can kill it without destroying the planet by replacing it with your baby dragon
Last episode the baby dragon died after a failed assault on the crystal dragon.
This episode, to exactly no one surprise, baby dragon revives itself, kills the crystal dragon and flies off into the sunset.
If you think it's disjointed and feels like a piece of fanfiction, know that I've intentionally left out the autistic schoolmate of your guild's kid genius, the village of hippie cats, your character crying about not being popular, your character getting thrown rocks when joining a super secret dramatic reading club, the ghosts of ANCIENT KANGZ sending you to the library of the gods and the lesbian couple going through a crisis.

>made my warrior femhuman instead of fem norn

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post more cute fhd waifus

Femnorns are the best.

Attached: 126.jpg (1920x1080, 763K)

Everyone who worked on GW1 left during the development of GW2, save for the balance expert who can't balance, the community manager who ignores the community and the CEO who mismanages everything.
>Short development time
It took five years to made GW2 and even then it came out incomplete. ANet is just incompetent.

fucking lmao at this recap

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>pvp centric mmo
>that doesn't suck

Age of Wushu was fun for a bit...

It's almost embarrassing how incomplete the game was.Won't deny it was fun for the first weeks playing with friends but holy shit did everyone quit including myself after a month or two.Came back years later and was pleasantly surprised and still login with each new patch release.Still only an expansion will bring me back for more than a week.

Up until know I was good willed and thought I'd hop in again. But I remember that I could only enjoy the game when I completely ignored the story.
Their writing is mental.

Here's my old weaver
pls no bully

Attached: weaver.png (346x786, 505K)

what is population now will it die if i start playing anybody play with

What's the best Ranger race? Salad for Druid?

i want to penis vagina

Please don't remind me of launch day and the broken ass camera.

It's literally one of the most populated MMORPGs currently.But considering what the competition is that's not saying much.
The game features megaservers,the ones you choose when create a character only matter for a specific gamemode(world versus world) and even that will be replaced in the future.So every map will have the maximum amount of people which make them alive.
Give it a go, if you own vanilla only then I'd suggest Guardian,thief and perhaps ranger for PvP if you want to get into that.Anything else works for PvE but vanilla warrior is meta(or was haven't played since last patch)

Banner Warrior is still Meta.

thanks you user

I have a charr ranger. Feels nice as soulbest, but weird as druid.
Remember when they dumbed down the starting areas because their player base found it confusing to feed cows?

The furry hippies someone previously mentioned might make Charr Druid seem more reasonable. I suppose I'll do that since I already have a Sylvari.

It's pretty obvious that Aurene will be the next villain due to the amount of foreshadoweing.

You say that, but I see it more as just wrapping up the Elder Dragon plot line and saying it's taken care of for now.


Is WvW fun now? I think I stopped completely when they merged every server into some advanced match making that turned it into something with no identity.

I don't know my dude, the "You will be worse than I" and the "Hope you don't have to kill your new friends" seem to hint heavily to the fact that she will be.

But there are NPCs who idly chatter about horses.

arcdps has just been updated lads, finally I can start kicking these low-dps retards

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Well it's certainly easier to find fights especially if you were on an empty server but other than that nothing has changed.

We'll get through to her with the power of friendship

How are the new raids?Stopped playing after W3 I believe.

They're okay, but it's obvious raidlogger content so don't expect anything.

I finally reinstalled the game
why is running like absolute crap wtf is going on

do I need old nvidia drivers or something?

Attached: 1554688905670.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

Nah she's going to absorb every elder dragon and fuck off to the past to become the ~mother of all dragons~ if the dialog with kralky is any indication. Remember ANet can't write. When you can't write you usually make everything overly dramatic and introduce time travel. We've already had rifts in the Mists (which exists outside of time and space) and time loops (orrian towers in jahai) so it's not too far-fetched.
By abusing a bug with the makeover kits you can give your (female) charr hippie horns with greenish ley-lines.
In case you wanted to go the hippie way.
They introduced a WvW mount that killed the mode.

turn amount of players to lowest
and get the dx12 addon

its cpu heavy

Downloaded this game last week to try it out, dropped it after 2 hours it was so dull and lifeless

How do you start the Skyclaw mount collection? I don't have any achievement for it and all google finds is the mount of WoW.

I don't use windows 10

but I'm in the middle of nowhere and just one character drops my fps like 20 or 30

I assume you need to finish the story first?

Adelbern did nothing wrong.

Attached: 1527444935971.jpg (253x483, 24K)

>I don't use windows 10
just to clear things up: whats your full specs?

Turn all the settings to low and gradually increase to see which one is the problem

In this scenario the charr are the nazis and the humans are jews.

I forgot to talk to Gorrik to unlock it. It's all good now.

ryzen 5 1600
8gb ram
and I'm actually using windows 7
every other game works perfectly fine

will do but holy fuck I don't remember the game running that bad

>ryzen 5 1600
>8gb ram
my current rig is a straight upgrade from that, however my last rig is 10x worse than that, and it ran gw2 just fine

>gtx960 2gb
>8gb ddr3 ram
>i5 760 (2.8ghz)
but i also use windows 10

I don't understand what's going on, it ran perfectly fine a year ago
I'll make some investigation thanks user

GW2 uses Dx9, with no multithread support and outdated everything. It's also completely unoptimized because everyone who knew how to use that engine left ages ago.

borderlands 2 has the same problem, even with a top tier pc, it will still stutter when it has to be aware of larger areas.

Quite kino.

Attached: gw257.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)

if you have supersampling and ultra shadows active try lowering those first

also try lowering the amount of active entities to medium

So who's Kralks mother?

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Probably the Kralk before him

exquisite tastes.

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gonna try it now in a sec

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aah yes, the old fucky fucky

nobody gave a shit about the snowflake branding that GW1 tried and it wouldn't work now either. this is not how games sell

I'm sorry that GW1 was much less popular than GW2 is ... oh wait.

Games sell whe they're either good or well advertised, and GW2 is neither.

I don't understand why they are sticking to this no vertical progression bullshit. No one likes that horizontal progression crap or finds it satisfying, yet they just keep doing it.

>Condition Damage+
>Healing Power

I just want to make a tanky FB with high HP regen and infinite burning

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>No one likes that horizontal progression crap
GW2 players like it.

Yes, so no one

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Both GW2 and ESO are the best MMOs on the market due to horizontal progression.
Why should I enjoy ALL my progress resetting every couple months because of something as arbitrary as ilevel? Horizontal Progression has it's own issues but it beats having to endlessly climb upwards.

Because getting stronger is fun, and there can also be stuff you keep like weapon skins, mounts, etc. that are unobtainable after new content comes out so you don't completely waste your time even if you don't find a "reset" fun.

No vertical possession defeats the entire purpose of an RPG. The game is basically just an online platformer atm

You don't like horizontal progression and that's your problem, you can play some other game instead.
GW2's problem is that its horizontal progression is done quite badly.

>two dying mmo's are the best on the market

What are you smoking buddy.

You guys are retarded. I bet you think FF VIII is better than VII and IX as well.

What a cutie.

Getting stronger is fun, getting arbitrarily weaker just to get stronger again is not fun. There's no difference in relative power with item level it's just "this piece is better".
Not to mention something like WoW where you level up and actually get weaker as expansions go by and rework classes by pruning things meaning a new expansion has to be a "reset" that can have terrible class decisions.

The only good FF game is FF:CC
If you don't like something why would you subject yourself to it or demand it to be changed? Just go play something else then.

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can you slutmog a heavy armor character in this game?

I'm not demanding shit, I'm just saying maybe people, including me, would play it if they weren't retarded. Everything looks great except for the actual RPG part

Yet it's impossible for you to think that someone might prefer horizontal progression just as you prefer vertical progression? Maybe it's just not a game for you then.

DESU I would probably give gw2 a try if it was all a bit cheaper. Even on sale I don't think it really deserves 25$ since there would still be so much pay-gated content.

is double pistol rogue worth it? I like how it feels

now show that people bought GW1 because of its snowflake attempt at branding a genre and not because it was a "subscription free mmo"

that's what i thought

Guild Wars 1 sold more copies than GW2, in a time where not everybody already had internet or a PC. But keep seething.

It's absurd against single targets.

It's AoE is woeful.

thanks user!

You can have two sets of weapons, pistol is fun, but only for single targets.

yeah, I don't know much about rogues, I just enjoyed how guns felt
I don't have the last expac yet but I want to avoid the staff
are there any other useful weapons?

mashing 3 never felt better

Aurene should've stayed dead.

I literally made a gunner for that skill alone

I play as a daredevil, i love the staff but i don't know too much about the other weapons, you can look the builds here to get a better ideia.


Is revenant fun?

use windows 10 it's a much faster OS it's 2019 user

Kind of

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Rifle thief is basically just a better version of dual pistols famalam.

renegade is

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Anyway, the best secondary weapon sets for p/p are staff and sword/pistol since dagger has a lower target cap on its auto attacks, and pistol offhand is nice with a melee weapon for the blinds. Since you don't seem to like staff your choice seems to be clear here.

>Yet it's impossible for you to think that someone might prefer horizontal progression just as you prefer vertical progression? Maybe it's just not a game for you then.

Never said that. Clearly not many people like it because every game that has it is dead as fuck.

More vertical progression games have died in the past decade than horizontal ones.

Very likely in part due to the former outnumbering the latter.

thanks user, I'll try how I feel with sword and pistol

Are base classes still completely outclassed by expansion specs?

I barely played heart of thorns and that's when I stopped. I was also thinking about trying it again but everyone seems to hate it

Kind of, yes. With the most recent big balance patch they claimed that they wanted to change that, and started making changes towards that end.

Yeah it's a system that heavily relies on people keeping up to date to stick with the treadmill. If someone decides to take a break and come back they might be so far behind they just don't bother.

Buttmad Ascalonian detected. Enjoy being a refugee in your own land.

Do FFXIV's plot next, this shit is funny

I read that more of him regretting that he murdered Glint, and hoping she doesn't have to become what he had become.
I don't think she'll be evil, but I do think she'll have to make a lot of "the greater good" kind of choices that will put her at odds with people who can't see the whole picture, I.E. the commander and co.

I mean it was, if we go by sales numbers.
>b-but everybody knows what GW1 was!
user, when was the last time you saw people talk about GW1 outside of nostaliga bitch tear threads? It was popular enough to get noticed, not popular enough to actually be good.

Same as GW2.

The writing and game balance is identical between the games as well, lel.

GW2 has almost as many players as FFXIV last I saw, and it's out on 3 consoles and has shillbux behind it.

I wish this game didn't have expansions so I would actually try it again. I bought it on release but I couldn't play and I'm not going to buy the expansions for this shit nowadays.

How does that stop you? This is one of the few MMOs were expansions aren't required.

Getting to full ascended is fucking annoying
Leveling is garbage until CP160 and there's no real build variety

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[citiation required]

Mesmers are garbage without expansions.

I guess you can prove it then because anet just fired a shitload of people recently.

>This is one of the few MMOs were expansions aren't required.
Good luck never raiding, doing instances/fractals or pvp.

It's probably my favorite class mechanically. I don't like weapon-switching on cooldown and I also dislike having to build for one specific boon. I know there's the Alacrity Renegade but 'no'

>Everything is garbage without expansions
Fixed that for you, why play base engi when Holo exists?

>Full Ascended
Doesn't really take that much time and once you have it you basically never need to really farm for gear again so if it was easy everyone would bitch even more that there isn't anything to do.
>no real build variety
You got me there, ZoS has done an outstanding job doing absolutely nothing to change Healer/Tank balance for going on 4 years, but DPS are all in fine places and they all work.

Technically it does more damage at the cost of being much more annoying to pull off.
I'd say Mesmer is probably the worst base game profession but you can find a build for just about any other profession that has a base game variant.

I meant if you want to play as a Stam DPS, you're stuck with using bows and dual daggers.

That hasn't been true for months. Bow backbar sure but you can find competitive builds using DW/2h/Bow frontbar as well.


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>Finally add set that makes Quickness Firebrand fun in open world and pugs
>Add a rune set that works perfectly for it
>Immediately rape it to death with a fucking 25% damage nerf
Fuck this game, fuck Arenanet, and thank god their chink owners are shuttering them.
You fucking deserve to go under when all you do, every day, is find the last vestiges of fun in your game and shit on them.

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I don't even

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>mfw play rather irregularly and still don't have sand cat or gryphon let alone the newest thing

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Kralk is apparently being torn apart by consuming Zhaitan, Mordremoth and Balthazars magic and it creates the Torment which is telling him to consume everything and the pain will finally stop.

Why is the writing in gw2 so shitty? I feel like even a generic, formulaic story written by an 8th grader could outdo it. It's like gw2's writers try to make each plot point a twist or a subversion of a previous plot point. They do it so often that it's now the expectation and the story winds up being an incoherent and uninteresting pile of shit.

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Path of Fire is fun, also I like mounts

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Literally what is the appeal of this game?

It's fun.
I like mounts but I like HoT overall more than PoF.
New map is like all the HoT maps mashed together and it's pretty fun.

probably just generic mmo appeal. people play because they want to hide from their lives. furries and other generally disgusting people are the core audience.

The new map is comfy.

>It's fun.
That's a dumb response. Give me a real reason why I would play this over literally any MMO.

I prefer horizontal progression and the classes are more fun in GW2 than ESO.

The fuckin living world dialogue is hilarious.
>Be you
>Commander of the Pact
>"I don't know, we're making it up as we go."
Also they've just kind of thrown all their assets into a Dragon's Stand-style map. They've changed a shitton of skills/traits since last expansion, and living world maps are basically just easy material farms. It's worth at least an afternoon.

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The whole point is you didn't have a backup plan from last episode.

I play gyro engi for barrier tank shennanigans. I was able to tank the emperor mushroom in draconis mons with it and a combination of elixers.

it's because they refuse to let mods access their code, theres a dps meter everybody uses that's based on the combat log but not 100% accurate due to not being able to get into the game files

In the base game, the only team worth running was 4 warriors and a mesmer for the portal.
Worst class in the base game was necro without a doubt.

>commander doesn't have a plan ready since forever
>lol shit commander
>also not even commander of the pact, it's Logan
Is your power trip ruined or something? Pretty dumb complaint

>tfw after seeing how DBM ruined the WoW community I'd love to see more developers just not allow any combat tracking addons
>tfw dps meters are important though so it'd be nice if developers just put one in themselves
It's a fine line. The fact DBM will check if other players have it installed and alert people that X doesn't have it is so fucking obnoxious. It's even warped how Blizzard creates encounters because they are aware a large chunk of their community uses an addon.

anyone with an extra account that already bought an expansion

Landing in the middle of the water means Cantha FUCKING WHEN?

An old friend of mine gave me his account with both expansions. Was doing double t4 FotM's, but I don't feel the motivation for that anymore.

What are you talking about? Arcdps literally parses the game's network function. It is using the game's function.

can i have it? or you still have plans on playing it?

Oh shit I forgot he left the seraph and became commander. And dont get me wrong, im enjoying the game, its definitely way better compared to the bitter taste it left others years ago.

Sorry, but when I finally have more time again, I do plan on playing it again.

ahh okies, no worries dude. e-begging is hard hahaha

So I know the history of gw2g but is there really no hope to have a continued discussion about it that doesn't involve the degenerate general? Yea Forums threads are so infrequent.

who can you romance this game


are you sure please i need

it could easily have a lot of discussion on Yea Forums but the reality is there's not much to talk about most of the time. plus i've never seen any gw2 players ever want to talk about the actual gameplay for an extended period of time.

help who can you romance

this guy already answered you

that's impossible why are there npcs couples and lesbians scissors but you can't fucky fucky

Which is a shame in and of itself. I'd love to get into Fractals and Raids but man it's so obnoxious to find a guild nowadays that isn't full of false sincerity.

I always read that the main complaint is combat feels too floaty. The games still an mmo, but it might move too quickly for the animation. Or its entities never completely interact with eachother.
i dont know, it doesnt bother me.

Wish theyd just release it already.

Fractals are easy to PUG and quick to learn. I've only ever done 2 successful raids, though.

Same. I keep hearing stories about how groups will kick you if you're not running a specific build, and none of these meta builds sound interesting whatsoever. Guilds are either totally silent or have an obnoxious core group of tryhards and/or ass-kissers.

Have they fixed the performance issues in this game yet or does it still run like ass? How can people keep playing this game when getting steady 60fps is a pipe dream.