>game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you
Game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you
Other urls found in this thread:
Please someone find an image of the person who made this comic, my sides need rearrangement.
>draws himself as a very muscular man with Dragon Ball Z hair
at least post the porn pages of this shitty comic
>OP deliberately makes the same thread every day
You can laugh but it's true. Same thing happened to me in Thailand. I asked for a super spicy version for Thai people. Wasn't that spicy.
I asked my Thai friend to order one for himself and it was so spicy I couldn't eat it.
>game allows you to steal xp from enemies
not the main char, give it a read
>why does a spic love dragonball
pilled and based red
>enemy ai is so bad it kills itself
He's not the main character, the main character is a depressed, slightly pudgy, white, female, game dev with a pink mohawk who made the most popular game in the world so she's obscenely wealthy and owns an island nation
this post makes me sad for a number of reasons.
>not letting people gauge the amount of spice for themselves by letting them try out the variety of hot sauces you offer
shit restaurant
I dont get it...
>niggers invented civilization I mean it!
>every page of every comic he makes is in english
confirming what we already know: nigs are kind of dumb
why are wh*te "people" so cringe?
>posts bait for /pol/
>gets mad when /pol/ invades
Why is Yea Forums so retarded?
>negros are superior!
>but they, for some reason, allowed themselves to be absolutely buttblasted for centuries
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
Well before whites, blacks have no written language so how else are they suppose to prove that they wuz kangs?
is this goku male or female?
Honestly it's funnier when the bits are censored
I ain't reading this for nuts
>blacks invented clothes
then why are all the nogs in africa naked
why are the other guys already wearing clothes if nigs invented them and they just stole them now
This pink haired girl is making my peepee hard.
What does the artist look like?
>OP deliberately posts the same fucking thread repeatedly across several boards for days on end
>enemy kills itself for you
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, die
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
Father, father, father, father
Father into your hands, I commend my spirit
Father into your hands
why have you forsaken me
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken, me oh
Trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
this guy is actually p good at drawing tits, his pussies and buttholes are pathetic though, and that character's face is awful.
This one's actually pretty funny
I knew there was some weird shit going on. I wonder if it's just some faggoty group of discord trannies trying to start flame wars or just some unfunny tard trying to start a trend
is there ONE decent sex scene in this shit?
Ok, pretty based
>just posting the headline and leaving out the story
The names are the best part.
Just be glad he isn't posting moon over june
This is made by a South American isn't it?
looking at the last panel, i cant help but think
it seem super low effort, it's trying to be both a funny webcomic and porn, but it's not that funny and the porn is really lame.
>but sooner still
I was't sold until the shortstack though
Are these strips not funny on purpose ?
Lesbians are gay.
This needs to be more common. The only restaurant I know of that does it is Tijuana Flats.
>it's not even the hardest difficulty
It's just porn
>Ireland and Iceland
I've never eaten mexican food, does it get spicy?
I think the spiciest shit I've tasted is the sauce the local guy adds to the kebab but I'm guessing that's nothing.
>he's white
Fucking amerimutts and there white guilt it's astounding
>draw a girl face on a male body
>call it gay
Is this porn not arousing on purpose?
>Be white
>Grow up in the southwest
>Have never had an issue eating spicy food
I've never understood this white people can't handle spicy food meme, are people in the midwest/east unable to handle spicy food?
But it looks like it's trying to be funny
It can but not really. House salsa is rarely super hot and most people put Tapatio or Cholula on stuff. Neither of those are hotter than say, Tabasco.
You have to acclimatise to it, and it takes years. Kids growing up eating spicy shit will of course be able to handle more than an adult who has never touched a chilli pepper before.
I always thought these names were some fucking meme, but they're actually real?
Is this nu-Yea Forums's Moon over June?
I mean the other names don't sound normal either
Hey fuckin' janny assholes, instead of taking the time to delete just the porn, delete the whole thread you useless sacks of hot pocket grease.
Before brits stole African language, they spoke in caveman grunts
This is racist
Basically the same content, funnier, but not by much, and better drawn, so not really.
he obviously shoehorned his autistic DBZ OC as his self-insert thinking nobody would notice.
>HAHA white people cant handle sauce
>meanwhile the best food in the world was invented by white people
>Fucking amerimutts and there white guilt it's astounding
>being this mad he isn't even an official Yea Forums™ Hotpocket Quality Assurance Manager
when the bar is super low and you STILL fail to hit it
>dumb fucking jannies only delete porn and not thread
>doing things the hard way
Maybe they don't even have the power to delete the threads
So Resident Evil 4?
Being attracted to anal sex is gay. Have sex with vaginas.
It's mediocre in both comedy and porn.
Genuinely good
Dragon Ball it's insanely popular in South America.
Gotta love how jannies delete the porn of an obviously non gaming related thread instead of deleting it entirely while Projared thread disapears within minutes.
Fucking kek
>The spic who draws himself like Goku is a fat bastard
What a surprise.
I personally hate chili spice, and can't tolerate it at all, but love wasabi and put it on everything I can
Accurate. White folks can barely handle sriracha.
that's not the artist, just some fag streamer
Like what?
>game deceives you
The Chinchilla
the goat
Now post the one where the ginger girl smugs at Vegeta there
>he isn't overly buff with big anime hair
Those names are some Harry Potter sounding shit lol