Will there ever be an videogame equivalent of Endgame? No Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't count buddy
Will there ever be an videogame equivalent of Endgame? No Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't count buddy
Other urls found in this thread:
> capeshit
Sub space emissary
FF7 Remake Part 3
Smash Brothers, you fucking retard
Can't answer your question until you tell me what it's about. I don't watch superhero shit and I look down on everyone who does, so I wouldn't know.
Grand Theft Auto or Smash if you mean crossovers
xenosaga episode 6
Just because you're from some backwater town in europoor, doesn't mean you have to be ignorant. fuck off
Endgame was fucking garbage btw
What a great fucking movie.
I was hugely entertained.
The whole thing with cap was a bit of a plot hole though. I hope they reverse what they did.
Overhyped garbage for normies? Fortnite
>Endgame was fucking garbage btw
Was it?
So a crossover work of a bunch of series about people with superpower made for children?
it was pretty fucking bad, but you can't tell a marvel fan that because then you're basically telling them they wasted 11 years of their lives watching this shit. Honestly it's unfortunate because Infinity War was actually pretty good compared to most of the MCU shit.
Smash Ultimate's World of Light already is.
alternate timeline.
Smash > Avengers
Weird. I'm not a Marvel fan but I had fun watching it. Like a decent 7.
Then again, I hadn't seen any MCU movies since like GotG, so maybe I just didn't have the investment to be disappointed.
they shoehorned in a scene where all the female mcu characters get their girl power fighting scene where they annihilate a giant ship.
I went in with high expectations after Infinity War and found it pretty disappointing. The fanservice scenes were great, but they don't make a movie great.
the continuation of a series liked by pretty much everyone with more spent on marketing than some contries gdp's and it all ending being just kinda ok
I thought it was the weakest Avengers movie. Infinity War was a good movie even outside of the context of capeshit, Endgame was hugely disappointing.
infinity was is the better part of it, now give me this guy in movie form
Endgame getting such high ratings is a fucking travesty, it was a 7/10 at best, and that's coming from someone who's seen all the movies.
It was better than infinity war in general, except for Thanos characterization and ending. IW was made by its ending, the rest of the movie SUCKS.
a lot of the disappointment comes from the fact that you're coming from Infinity War which was honestly a pretty good set up, only for the execution at the end to kind of fall on it's face. Watching it on its own though, first of all, why would you do that, and second of all, probably would be kind of strange since both IW and Endgame kind of revolved around you already kind of knowing these characters for most of the effect the movie is trying to give you.
this movie was absolute garbage in every aspect. a complete disappointment. infinity war was a good film. Thanos was ever present and threatening in that movie. he carried that film on his back like atlas carries the world.
then they went and reduced him to just another bad guy.
fuck marvel studios and fuck the russo brothers
They spent way too much time being all mopey and shit
he'll be the big bad once they start developing more of the MCU outside of Earth.
>time travel alternative universe capeshit
man, the idiots who likes this movies are like the fucking Kojima fags of movies
Stop watching kid's movies.
>already in a movie
>That god awful Fantastic Four film
>He's like some menacing cloud thing
I'm so fucking tired of capeshit ruling film, the last kino i saw was bladerunner 2049. I miss going to the movies bros make the jews stop.
Ubisoft could make a game with characters from watch dogs, ghost recon, rainbow six and such.
That overlong first act may have been worth a shit if all the character development took place on screen. Instead the movie just cuts to everyone already in their post-snap personas.
Hulk gets fucking shafted
Be honest, we all know that was just to give Peter Parker a mummy fetish. I wish that happened to me.
Yes there are plenty of terrible games that top of terrible franchises
Half Life 3
if you wanted to give someone a mommy fetish, the last person you should've used to communicate that is Brie Larson
They established he doesn't have to come back up on the platform. Everyone did in order to be in the same place. He could have just as easily left after she died and warped over to the bench. Overall not a glaring plot hole
Honestly, the better question would be, has there or will there ever be a videogame equivalent of Infinity War.
cause video games is higher quality right?
IW is just a compilation of random fight scenes, ranging from interesting to bad (mostly bad, Thanos character development since they didn't do it in the 18 or so films before it and random mediocre moments of levity sprinkled far and between. The writing is generally crap and Thanos is mostly carried by his intentions and acting, than whatever the fuck he does, because whatever justification he has for killing half the universe is absolutely fucking stupid. Endwar has some actually interesting set pieces and ideas behind it, even if those are part of the fanservice, it's the fanservice done right.
You just had to remind me of that fart cloud
The gang has to travel through all the older movies where a magic stone is to retrieve it, Thanos from 2014 catches wind of the plot and decides he wants into the fun, travels to the future, giant battle ensues, everyone is back baby, and Iron Man snaps every baddie and dies.
You can ignore her being there. I already did, hence a group of great mummys.
Infinify War was better
Ant-Man was the best part of this movie besides Cap. Prove me wrong.
Days Gone
>Watching it on its own though, first of all, why would you do that
Friend invited me. Said it was okay but IW was better, so it fits with what you're saying.
>where they annihilate a giant ship.
Nigga Captain Marvel did that by herself
Half life 3
Unknown. It's now a meme in Japan to draw shota middle schoolers being given computer parts in exchange for sex with highschool girls.
if you wanted to give a bunch of people a mommy fetish by using superheroes, you should've just watched the Incredibles
Too easy. I want something different.
i remember there being a second giant ship and all the girls do little flashes of damage to it to weaken it or something like that.
Bad user
have sex
Apparently it's by Shinjiro, but I can't find the work itself
where did this even come from? was it because of all the hate Captain Marvel got?
I've watched GotG 1&2 and the crossover movies and that's it.
I liked it.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate already exists
Disappointing as fuck.
Way too much focus on the boring time jump shit.
Hulk is basically gone,
Thor is fat and useless.
Thanos getting killed early.
Not really much action going on.
Prove me wrong
u jelly?
There already has been one if you are a robots dan.
Why would I tell you what it's about if you look down on everyone who does and don't have any interest in it?
What an uneventful life most Yea Forumsirgins live. Literally just looking for things to complain about.
Have sex.
literally kingdom hearts 3
both were total letdowns desu
I'm not joking when I say it's a meme now.
I fucking love mecha team ups
You straight up imagined that shit. It's just a scene of all of the girls posing and doing some "badass" walk for a second, then some shots of them all fighting handfuls of mooks. Then Carol just blasts through half of the army by herself immediately afterwards.
MK Armageddon:
>both intended to be send offs to the original storyline
>featured every single character introduced throughout the series facing off against a big bad(teased in the previous entry)
>both fell completely flat on their ass
Heist movie with time travel then a huge ass battle at the end and literally everyone except Kat Dennings makes an appearance
>You don't watch the same meaningless spectacle as the rest of the masses and therefore your life is empty and meaningless
Imagine considering your life eventful just because you go watch capeshit
>im too cool for [popular thing]! i only like [unpopular thing]!
being a contrarian doesn't make you interesting, and being incapable of enjoying "kids movies" doesn't make you mature.
I’m a somewhat fan of the Marvel movies and was hyped as fuck for Endgame. It was a huge letdown man
>final chapter of a series
>sendoff for multiple characters
>inhuman amount of hype
>satisfied almost everyone
Not just capeshit. But outdated rehashed movie based on comic which is no more based on original story of universes original comic books established.
>No Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't count buddy
They both ruined their stories beyond repair with dumb time travel bullshit.
How do you even know what's going on? I tried watching Infinity War like that going in with no context and I gave up because I didn't know what the fuck was happening and I didn't want to watch 5 different movies before that to find out.
Also GotG was shit
>both fell completely flat on their ass
Endgame actually made money
Yeah but the scene where Cap, Tony and Thor give Thanos a beatdown is fine even though it's just boys, eh?
>shoehorned in a scene where all the female mcu characters get their girl power fighting scene
>what is the A-Force
pic related, it's me
No, it's more anons being contrarian and hating popular things because they are popular while pretending they only watch Hitchcock and Tati
Can someone kill that jaw monster playing captain marvel for I don't have to see her again
>How do you even know what's going on?
It's a Marvel movie, dude? It's not super hard to follow.
Nah. That shit was fun. One of the only hero movies I really liked. 2 was better though.
Not garbage, but it was really disappoint, especially since the previous one was a really good movie
No, they literally just walked in that shot.
My entire theater cringed loudly at that scene and laughed.
Yup. They actually have history of fighting together
Fucking brainlet
Infinity War was a better standalone movie.
Endgame was fine as the conclusion to the whole thing.
>You don't watch the same meaningless spectacle as the rest of the masses
Who fucking talks like this besides anons that think they're better than everyone but turn out to be huge faggots?
surprisingly Yea Forums would rather have the black Captain Marvel
literally only one of those is actually in the movie bro.
Begone harlot, you don't belong in this world!
Yes because up to that point the movie was totally believable. Time travel, a giant purple man killing half the universe, a rat saving the Avengers from losing. But a bunch of women getting together for a "girl power" bullshot is just too unrealistic for you and your cheeto encrusted fingers?
Have sex.
What was good about it?
Literally just a spectacle of boring action scenes and explosions sprinkled with quips.
>hurr the only game to have 1 continuous story spread over 17yrs doesn't count
Why make this thread when you already deny the only correct answer?
Yes because it's the Big 3. The whole MCU centered around those guys and Thanos
Exactly like then.
SRW @3 was an alright conclusion but @2 was far better.
>not one person on Titan thought it wise to just blast or cut off thanos' hand when he was under
>Strange didn't just portal cut his arm like he did in the beginning of the movie
>he didn't dial back time to tell Quill to shut the fuck up and chill
Yeah, Lego Marvel's Avengers
Man who gives a fuck, if a little bit of fanservice for chicks makes you this buttmad you need to have a look at yourself.
Have you ever heard of Thanos Galactus?
i have no idea what A force is but if you're gonna give me low perspectives of them woman looking down at you, making them seem huge and you small, then keep posting
Powerful and epic. Anyone else got goosebumps?
I found Infinity War to be meh at best and really dumb at worst. The only part I enjoyed was Thanos' duel with Dr. Strange. I watched Into the Spiderverse at around the same time and found it significantly better in like every category.
I don't think I could muster up the will to give it a full rewatch.
if anything, it's sexist that the Russo brothers decided that they needed to do a scene like that in the first place, it would've been better if each of them was fighting individually throughout similar to how most of the characters were fighting in there. Nothing is more sexist or anti-diversity than bragging and calling attention to the fact that you are diverse.
He's definitely the big bad in the next phase of MCU. They have to one up Thanos
Its Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts literally came up with the concept before MCU existed faggot
there are differences between the comics and movies
yeah, Spiderverse was a genuinely good movie and one of the better superhero movies out there, I'm speaking about infinity war relative to all the other MCU films.
endgame was shit
wanda is my gf
>Kingdom Hearts literally came up with the concept
Smash bros.
It’s was fuckinng shit because those weapon had no point in walking together in that shot at all.
>Black Panther little sister
>Mantis guardian girl
Like why the fuck would they line up like that in the middle of a battle?
Smash Ultimate
>something well performed and well made that shows long term character growth and pays off story threads established early on is absolutely shit because there's also action scenes and jokes
Hating it because others like it doesn't make you smart, it makes you look like an idiot
Trying to dismiss the movie without recognizing its strong points doesn't make you smart, it makes you look like an idiot
Actively rallying against it like it's a symbol of the world going to shit doesn't make you smart, it makes you look like an idiot
Scurry off to your Yea Forums hug box where everyone is a retard like you trying to pretend they have 2 brain cells to rub together and make a thread about Raimi Spiderman because spamming nigger is so much fun
forming a protective ring around the shota
>It's a Marvel movie, dude? It's not super hard to follow.
Why was Loki suddenly friendly with everyone? Why are they all in Asgard or wherever the fuck they are? Who even is Thanos and where did he come from? I imagine this all started from a cliff hanger that came from the end of Thor Ragnarok, a movie I didn't see.
The first 10-15 minutes of the movie are from the ends of all of those other movies coming together I'm assuming, and since I haven't watched any since I decided I was done with the franchise after Ultron,
I guess what you're saying is don't think about the plot and just watch the flashy lights and cool colors. I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to re-view it.
wasn't Wasp with Ant Man during most of the final battle too since they were the two that had to activate something or get something somewhere or whatever? doesn't her being in that lineup kind of make the position of everyone relative to each other(which is the only way a massive battle scene with this many characters can even work) get thrown off?
You didn’t answer my question, what was good about it?
>it’s good because it be like that
It's like you ignored his entire post or something
They just needed Pym Particles which they both have because of Iron man and the fact she came back
I really shouls read comics
Yeah, she just joined the line up randomly. Many of those women never even met each other before, it was jarring as hell.
Ragnarok gave tons of character development to Loki, Thor, and even Hulk. Infinity War takes place immediately after it.
but the second user is right, Time travel is bullshit and even Endgame break it's own rules
>say actors performed well
>say movie was produced well, no starbucks cup in a medieval setting
>say writing was well done, examples of long term character growth and story threads paying off instead of fizzling out
>y-you didn't answer my question
>p-please user don't blow me out even harder, my asshole can't take it, I'm just a poor little brainlet contrarian, please let me feel smart for just a moment, I have nothing else in life
So is that the only other one I need to see? I don't want to have to watch every movie after Ultron to figure it out.
>It's like you ignored his entire post or something
I did yes, because the retard is rambling about people not liking this garbage being idiots for some reasons.
Give me some god damn arguments instead.
A shame we didnt get to see cap america returning the gems. Could have been fun to watch his reaction to red skull in the soul gem planet
Infinity War was definitely superior
Why are people obessed with these movies?
Why are abridged versions of comic book stories in movie form popular with people who could not give a single shit about comics several years ago?
Well fox had the rights to him before so they can actually use him now.
>the entire old guard is basically retired
>have thor as play the LE FAT FUCK xD
Fuck you
>say actors performed well
I will give you this one, kind of.
>say movie was produced well, no starbucks cup in a medieval setting
Huge budget and effects galore doesn’t make a movie good. A turd wrapped in gold is still a turd.
>say writing was well done, examples of long term character growth and story threads paying off instead of fizzling out
Not at all. You call lazy throwbacks and references good writing? Also character development for both Hulk and Thor went down the shitter, it’s like Thor Ragnarok doesn’t exist.
Also Captain America abandoning everyone for some pussy and risking fucking history up makes no sense.
>Who even is Thanos
Are you sure you watched up to Ultron because Thanos was in the movie right before it.
>tfw comic collection value has tripled because of movies
Tis good
>that scene where they get just the female characters in one shot to fight the bad guys
Thor was literally depressed as fuck user he lost almost everyone he cared about in about the span of a year and most of those people died in about week while he could do nothing about it.
How the hell did he even manage to return them properly alone when they needed a full team to retrieve them?
People like action flicks. Some of these comics can look long, which scares normies even though they're fucking picture books.
Not to mention some of them get expensive. A movie ticket is only $10-$15.
you'd probably go the same route if a small mistake you made basically killed quadrillions of people, including most of your friends and family.
>Also Captain America abandoning everyone for some pussy and risking fucking history up makes no sense.
>Captain America promises Sharon he will give her that dance
>Only woman he's ever loved and keeps a locket with her photo on him at all times
>saved the known universe and returned the stones to their respective timeline
I would say Civil War is kinda necessary too even though I don't think it's very good.