25+/tired gamer thread?
holy fuck I haven't finished a game in forever
25+/tired gamer thread?
holy fuck I haven't finished a game in forever
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28 here
playing a lot of older games lately, namely legend of dragoon
I play a lot of games that don't really have an ending.
26 here. I only started to play games a few years ago and I'm already tired.
Because post 2011 games are all shallow garbage designed to extract maximum money from the customer.
Stick with the older ones my friend.
what did you do for your youth, did you socialize and fuck around?
27. I can't play single player games anymore, just don't get anything out of it. I only casually play mutliplayer games with friends.
The only games I play now a day are f2p shits like World of Tanks and War Thunder.
31. I actually started playing more games in the last 2 years than the 6 prior to that.
I keep trying to pick up this game, but the first hours feels so fucking slow that I end up giving up.
29 here
my wrists hurt all the fucking time, but thats not stopping me. Playing Re2make (just got to lab as leon, first run) Sekiro (just got all the pieces of the fountainhead aroma) and Fallout 76 with my cousin.
I still really fucking love vidya gaems
have i got the game for you!
recommend me something, brother
34 here. Just ran a 5k and had steel cut oats and a smoothie. Gonna play some division 2. Step it up you fucks.
>tired gamer thread
Guys, how do I get past the tree?
favorite genres and gaming platform?
You guys are fucking retarded. If you're so boring a person that you have nothing else to do in your life but play games then you deserve to grow """tired""".
Watched tv mostly.
25 here, finished Persona 3 a couple days ago and just started 4
>you have nothing else to do in your life but play games
Not a single person here said that, but okay.
you're in for a great time. how'd you like 3, and did you play 5 before hand? if not, good on you for playing them in order
favourite series are mgs and zelda, pretty much just play PC nowadays.
My problem is that I get too comfortable with grinding games and have a hard time starting new ones. Like right now I still like to jump onto Monster Hunter World and fight my favorite monsters instead of starting Yakuza Kiwami 2.
29 here. Work 40+ hours a week, and I still get to enjoy vidya. Recently I've played Tales of Vesperia, Zestiria and Berseria back to back.
You just need to get the right vidya. I don't give a shit about nearly all mainstream games, there's maybe one or two per year that are somewhat interesting, with the rest just being trash.
I pretended I had friends and was 3rd wheeled constantly.
29 here. Lately I've been working out for 2 hours every day and then am usually too tired to play anything. I was playing Mordhau with a couple friends the last couple weeks but we're already bored of it. I have finished a few games this year though: Ace Combat 7, Resident Evil 2, Metro Exodus, and Sekiro. Only got halfway through DMC5, it was fucking atrocious. Still haven't finished RDR2 which is holding me up on getting any other open world games.
28 here, I don’t like children but live a healthy lifestyle
>tfw 32 and enjoy playing old video games.
How do I stop being a worthless shit who can't find a job? I've been unemployed for near 3 years now.
Get older
thats not much to go on, but ok.
If you like Zelda, you might like Threads of Fate, an old ps1 ARPG game by squaresoft. if you havent already, get a ps1 emulator and start downloading old RPGS. Sega Genesis has always been one of my favorite systems, but mostly for co-op and versus stuff like beat'em ups and shit.
MGS is one of my favorite series too, but i dont know what to reccomned based on that. Splinter Cell, maybe? Syphon Filter has always been my shit, early PSX 3rd person shooter
Oh man I remember those days...
Glad I found Yea Forums to scratch the socialization itch.
Who else here has had their taste limited to just indie games by this point? I can only play indie games because, even though their quality varies, they take way more chances and are much more interesting than double A or triple A games. Iv'e been playing sunless sea and the sheer amount of content pack in this game is astounding, forgetting the grind it's easily a 50 hours game with massive replayability. What indie games have you guys been playing?
This 2bh. 27 here. Favourite series is Yakuza and I still binge those whenever they come out. Cant fucking wait for Judgment. I've got Valkyria Chronicles Remastered sitting on my hard drive waiting for me to get stuck in tomorrow night.
I'm 30 and still enjoying games. I don't play many new games, but I still love plenty of old ones and remakes/remasters of classics. Currently replaying Dark Souls 3, Tomb Raider Anniversary and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. I'm looking forward to playing Bloodstained and SamSho next month.
30. It took me a while but I finally realized that I didn't really like "video games", I just obsess over the same handful of games and anything else bores me. Haven't played a video game in 5-6 months and I barely browse Yea Forums anymore.
I tried to play Sunless Sea a couple times, found it really boring with lots of slowly sailing back and forth between quest markers
I always end up buying indie games that look fun and end up completely losing interest after 2 or 3 hours. They're all the same roguelite type trash or Metroidvania clones or both. Last one that actually held me for a while was Dead Cells but that was because I got it on Switch and could just play it in bed a little every night.
I'm not sure I can relate, but I feel the tiredness.
I think I just need a better community to game with.
>Playing with Yea Forums, you will win but there's no companionship. Somewhat enjoyable unless you want companionship
>Playing with friends you will have companionship, but you won't win. Somewhat enjoyable unless you want to win.
I want both :(. I want someone who's willing to play games on my level (be it high or low).
I only play emulated games from snes/psx/gba
maybe 2 hours a week, wagecuck life is tiring
28yo boomer
The early game sucks ass but once you get your second ship and better engines and more money rolling you can go faster and you have a lot more options available for what you want to do. It's a slow grind for the first 5 or so hours but after that it's a smooth progression upwards.
You need to pick things that aren't shitty metroidvanias or rougelites then
I've been looking at buying Days Gone and/or Rage 2 since I want something new to play, but I can already tell that I would never finish Rage 2 and unless the story in Days Gone is great I probably wouldn't finish that either. I also got Assassin's Creed Odyssey as a gift back at Christmas and haven't even opened it yet because I never finished Origins...
just finished Ys origin, currently playing through STALKER, sometimes I have a hard time deciding my NEXT game and sometimes a game doesn't click with me, but i'm never tired with them, the only time in my life I was like that was when I was 18, depressed, fat, out of school, playing only DOTA 2 and jacking off all day, go do something productive and play only games you like
>tfw 30 in a month.
I didn't finished a game in a year probably, nor did I really enjoyed any. There is however an exception, I started playing Pathfinder Kingmaker few days ago and so far so good.
26 here, just finished Final Fantasy IX, Kingdom Hearts on proud, and Dragon Quest 1. Making my way through Dragon Quest 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2 on critical. Once the jrpg kick is done it's on to Wizardry and Might & Magic on the NES. And theres always good'ol Xcom2 as my fallback when those aren't doing it.
29 here. Sometimes I get right to the end of games and then don't finish them. Twice, I made it to Mt. Gagazet in ffx and just never climbed it.
How are you enjoying legend of dragoon? What are you emulating it on? PC?
Algorithm is getting fucky lately, sometimes misplacing the picture you uploaded with other.
All I ever play nowadays are multiplayer shooters. They're the most low effort, low investment game possible honestly and therefore are easy to just start playing. Just hop in, play a few matches, kill some people, and be done.
36, I am playing right through Echo, and I am fucking impressed. Can't believe I had that game for years and never played it until now. What an awesome trip
The best way to find a job is to know somebody that has a job that is looking for workers, and that person has to like you enough to like shoehorn you in
I'm noticeably worse at RTS and reflex based games I used to be part of the upper bracket, it's a horrible feeling.
I used to be a top Counter Strike player, now I'm shit at it. It fucking sucks.
31 and still strong. Until recently that is. Last game I beat was DMC 5 and these last two months have been dry as fuck after I burned out of RoR2.
im pretty used to that though, my favourite game ever is baten kaitos eternal wings and the lost ocean which is admittedly pretty boring/bland until you get 3 party members, and doesnt really even pick up until like ~10 hours into the game when you get the 4th dude and you can finally grind/treasure hunt properly
i love it. the slow pace didnt really bother me at all to be honest, im pretty used to it and i was still having fun with it and practicing the addition timings during the first several hours of the game. i am emulating it on pc ya
That's pretty much ONLY way of getting a job these days, especially any job that doesn't feel similar to a barbed wire through your butthole.
25 here. Played through DMC5, Sekiro, and I've been playing a ton of Vermintide 2.
This and never EVER use a job agent, they will skim your pay, call you constantly to cover shit then drop you for the next chump once they get their fat commission check
If you are THAT desperate, try to get the company details from an agent then go direct. fuck those parasite.
>think about starting a game
>sometimes can't even summon the energy
>sometimes get part of the way through then give up because I can't motivate myself to finish tough parts
>Love jrpgs but can't finish them
I always make it to what seems like the final act and just quit.
35yo here, I'm just playing arcade games and fightans. This is were the fun is.
>Sekiro sat unfinished for the past month
>don't want to drop it and start something new
>can't be bothered to get back into it
Kind of, and kind of not.
Recently started playing two games within a short time, both more or less on a whim. Already played through them before but now I have little motivation to finish these second playthroughs. Don't feel like continuing them much, but my autism prevents me from dropping them, just as it prevents me from picking up some other game from my backlog.
35 here. i had a lot of fun with Frostpunk lately, it's a pretty climatic game. Unfortunately, it doesn't offer much replayability.
Also, is there a good modern fantasy 4X game? And by good i mean something one the level of Stellaris/ES2. I already played EL.
Age of Wonders 3
Playing monhun world and having a blast I just bought 2tb disk for ps4 downloaded 80 games and I've put 120 hours in one game, feels good
25 here. I thought I was getting too tired to finish games but then I played Monster Girl Quest and holy shit did that keep my attention. Would even find myself playing until late at night since I was that invested and after beating it I've been reinvigorated in my love for games. Maybe you just need to the right game to get back your spark OP. I'm sure it's out there.
turning 25 in a couple of months and I still haven't lost my edge. It makes me so happy when people still call me a hacker in CSGO. It means I'm still me.
I finished Phantasy Star 4, it was pretty damn good like rivaling the best of the SNES rpgs quality
27 made my first real venture into CK2 this week.
trying to figure out how to make shit happen.
You're me 5 years ago. Enjoy it while it lasts, you'll be noticing a significant drop off in your reaction times and skill within the next couple years.
>start a new game
>play for 5 minutes
>"meh i'm not really in the mood for this game"
>pick a different game
>repeat process 10 times
Doubt it, I think I still have a lot potential. I'm using a shitty 6ms response time 120hz monitor with a shitty membrane keyboard and Chinese laser mouse. Maybe not though but I feel like if I get better equipment I can play better.
used to be DMG for years, now I can barely maintain MG1 and dip back into nova4 regularly
>30 in 9 days
What the fuck, bros?
It creates this abstract feeling of dread, being closer to 40 than to 20.
Get an ergonomic mouse and do some hand stretches also consider a wrist support like a rolled, small towel. YT has some nice stretches for office workers with the same problem. Your regular mouse is killing your wrist, change things now or suffer pain for the rest of your life, like a retard.
28, not really tired but in a bit of a slump.
Sort of interested in TW:Three kingdoms, but that's more because of the setting than any faith in CA. In the meantime i'm playing Battle Brothers and a bit of Mordhau. Other than that i used to play Tekken a lot but am on a break for now.
Only other thing i'm looking forward to is Desperados 3, since Shadow Tactics was excellent.
I have all these new games and I play risen (1). What is wrong with me.
I keep picking shit up playing it once and never going back. The only games I find myself actually playing are ffxiv, monster hunter, Titanfall 2 or racing sims I'm 29.
Play the arcade version of Avenging Spirit. Make sure you get all three keys or you'll be depressed af by the ending.
you'll be balding before 40
this. games that can be played through in a single sitting are the way to go.
35 here. I play very rarely now and only games that I know I will love
That's why gachas are so popular, they simulate daily activity for neets and social rejects
Give me healthy habit tips
25 here.
Burning out bad. Shit is boring, I spent all day yesterday watching anime due to friends and I fucking hate anime.
Towards the end of the night I was like "I should play something and just spent 40 minutes debating what to uninstall instead, played nothing.
I'm very into fighting games but they've become a chore as of late and I have NO intention to go to my locals and meet these people.
Save me. Gaming is boring.
I just remembered that I ended up uninstalling Sekiro last night.
Pirated it on release but haven't put more than an hour into it, boring shit.
The point is that the hobby is boring. We could easily do other things.
not him but make your own food, periodically stand up and do a few exercises at least, drink water/tea and not soda/juice/coffee, drink water when drinking alcohol, proper sitting position, good bed, etc etc
I'd imagine they're popular because of people who commute to work/school/etc. daily via train. Because what else can you do besides reading?
The whales would probably more likely be neets though.
Literally can't finish a game and instead have been stuck on a mobile phone/browser game on whatever free time I have. Every time I play a real game I play for like an hour and then just stop. I don't get it. Nothing calls me. Anything that requires me to sit in front of a monitor/tv I just can't do.
I wouldn't say my interest in games is fading, it's just that there are more important things I need to be doing with that time, you know? I feel guilty when I spend more than an hour or two playing video games.
>tfw thinking about what game I should play until I feel tired
Change your hobby to cars.
play gris. that will bore you to sleep in 30 minutes or less.
i'm NEET and i feel this way.
27 here. I started a new Persona 5 playthrough because I stopped before like months ago. Here's to hoping I commit myself this time.
Gardening is the thinking man's hobby.
nah bro, i'm thinking about carpentry.
a small company near me might be hiring for furniture making, i could learn stuff there then buy my own stuff and start making my own, but i'm 33, so i dunno. maybe it's too late.
25 here, bought botw release day and only got energy to play it until last week, it was very boring at first but its getting better as I keep progressing, the key is to have a bit of patience though nothing compares to xenoblade x and dark souls for open world though (for me)
I'm so glad fishing season has started again, I spent all this past weekend doing that and can hopefully get out again this weekend.
enjoy your fishing
28 here. I barely play games nowadays. Maybe a few rounds of Rocket League here and there but that's about it. 2018 and 2019 (so far) have been total shit regarding game releases.
25 here. Been playing Sea of Thieves, Conan Exiles and Mordhau. I hope I don't turn 30 when Mount & Blade II Bannerlord comes out.
I've tried to beat a game a month since the start of 2019. I've been doing alright, but at the same time I'm counting stuff that I go back and finish.
Still feel pretty tired with most games that are out, bar hitman 2
Butterlord is going to be a game for our offspring.
My problem is more so that I like to marathon games, once they suck me in, just smoke weed and play all day long until it's finished. But I can't do that because of work and other responsibilities, and if I do, I feel terrible and enjoy the game less.
any boomer out there who can help me in getting slipstream modtool for FTL to work? it's the only thing I can be arsed to play any more and I just want some new events
play a good game?
25 here.
I don't play a lot of different games because I only play shit I know I'll enjoy and the last couple of years have been pretty good.
I honestly think most people are just jaded, or have normalfag tastes.
post more platapucci
I only have the energy to stay up for about 8 hours, then I sleep for 15-18 hours. The concept of day and night is but a memory to me.
Even thinking about starting up a video game makes me tired. I'm tired right now. Always tired.
28, same sentiment. Play only Diablo 2, and haven't played new game since 2014. Probably uninterested in gaming since 2010?
28, same. Just recently discovered the magic of the composite shader. Old ass console games are somehow really pretty with it on.
>load up game
>think it seems cool
>10 minutes later
>alright I'm pretty tired I'll call it a night
I was in a mood to spend today on a cool single player game but couldnt think of anything good so I just wasted 5 hours on CSGO and shitposting
someone please recommend me a neat single player game for the love of god
I always pressure my boyfriend to finish his games, like omg Jorge you spent $300 on that fucking you better be playing that while I watch, he's 27 tho
>be me
>Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder + Persistent Depressive Disorder, ADHD
>Disability pension, live at home
>Kissless virgin
>Napped twice for 6 hours yesterday because it was easier than staying awake
>haven't played a game for more than 15 minutes in 2 years
I've been getting into Dragon Age: Inquisition lately. I initially hated the game three years back. Gained a different perspective/lowered standards I guess. Its not too good and not too bad just like my life.
i'm 34
all i play anymore are fighting games
single player, against the cpu only
Your brain is trying to tell you to get the fuck off your ass and have sex via anxiety.
>tfw 30 and have put hundreds of hours into apex legends the last few months
I don't even like shooters.
30, beat dmc5, I've nearly beat Sekiro, I've almost beat Cross Code. In the last couple months.
You're just depressed. Get some other hobbies.
what do I take for that, an SSRI? fuck if I'm gonna get into dating
31 here. Working 40 hours and holding down a household is so tiring. The last game I really got into was MGSV and the plot ended up throwing me into acute depression. All he wanted was a place for soldiers, dogs of war....why did they take it from him Yea Forums?
>got all achievements for Sekiro
>bought it again for PS4 so I could do it all over
31 and late as fuck to the party I know, but my ex got me into playing pic related and I have very mixed feelings about the game so far (the control scheme for driving is a fucking trainwreck) also:
>trying to listen to Roland and Lillith have a dialogue
>R2D2's retarded cousin literally starts beat boxing in the background
>Got to the last boss of Sekiro having a blast the entire time up until that point
>suddenly have no more desire to play
This always happens to me
>also consider a wrist support like a rolled, small towel
I don't think this is good advice. You should not put pressure on your wrist as far as I know. Your arm's weight should rest mostly on your forearm (not your elbow, mind you) on an armrest or something, which should also be at appropriate height so that keeping your arm straight and relaxed allows you to put your palm on the mouse without bending your wrist and without your wrist touching the desk. Your wrist should basically be completely at rest and straight, most mouse movement should be handled using your arm and only small and fine adjustment should be done using your wrist alone.
27 here. I have some time off this week. I have a ps4 that I don't own many games for and a switch. What should I buy to fill up 4 days? I'm not into fps, but I'm good with everything else. Couch co-op is a plus.
That's my every Fromsoft game. Sekiro is actually the first one I beat because I wanted to retry lots of the early game content now with gitgud and combat arts. It was worth it.
I believe there are highs and lows when it comes to these things, but you must work on it yourself.
I still love playing games and i'm constantly checking out stuff that has yet to release while still playing different games that have arrived since recently.
Your life needs balance, especially if you're a neet, check out something to improve yourself on or appreciate.
I lift 3 times a week and ride at least an hour a day on my indoor bike. Get over yourself.
Not him but I can't bring myself to do cardio every day. I have would I would call a good bordering on great body and lift regularly, so it would just be for health. But fuck me if cardio isn't boring as fuck.
27. I feel like playing something from SNES but not sure what.
Games are ultimately a waste of time. I gave them up because they didn't really improve my life, even though I was having fun. So I just hike and read in my spare time. I'm trying to cut out internet too but old habits die hard.
I spend a lot of time hiking kayaking and working out and reading. But spending 100% of your time on self improvement seems like overkill to me.
31, I'm not tired of games but there's been a lot of shitty games lately and I generally have to turn to indie shit to enjoy myself. I guess I should play Sekiro.
Here's some options off the top of the old noggin.
Goof Troop
If you like JRPGs try Star Ocean. It is incredible what they were able to do with the snes in that
risk of rain 2 was neat, but my wrist started to hurt
>work shitty job barely above minimum wage for my country, ~170 hours a month
>have my own little apartment but not much beyond that
>wake up, work, do groceries, come home, shower, make food, play video games until midnight, sleep and repeat
>feel empty inside
>no future nothing positive on the horizon
>games managed to fill the void for many years but it's starting to fade and no longer do it for me
>buy some game, start it up, close it 10 minutes later, browse Yea Forums for some hours
>recently felt the age showing its first signs with me getting some health issues here and there
Pete, you can take me now
I know I don't fit here, but I'm 22 and I'm already fed up with games. The only game I'm "excited" for is Doom Eternal for some reason.
A bit of excitement for the Halo games to arrive on PC if they ever do, but that's about it. I don't play games for more than an hour a day.
25 yo fag here
Playing Dragon's Dogma. Need to make a bunch of Webms and gifs of some amusing stuff that has happened
New Blood makes me play Build engine games. Im having fun finally
T. 30 years old
I’m close to finishing Sekiro, it’s the first game in a very long time I’ll finish.
I have a lot of fun with it. It feels good and it's a great excuse to watch some show out movie, listen to some music, or an audiobook. My gf has been watching GoT so she'll put on an episode and I'll ride during it. It's easy once you make it a habit.
well at least you don't have debt, right?
32 here and I just finished Radiant Historia unlocking everything in the story journal(s)
I don't know what rpg to emulate next
we are all gonna burn soon, nature is getting fired up fast
I do understand your point, but my mindset has shifted to valuing time more, I guess. I've applied this to everything in my life. If I'm not learning something new or doing something challenging at work, I start working on my resignation. I don't want to pull out the ol cliche but life really is too short to spend it on dead ended bullshit, to me, every move I make has to have a purpose for tomorrow if that makes any sense.
Reading feels like the same kind of time investment as video games to me. I listen to audiobooks during other activities and read only when camping these days. Only get through 16 or so books a year these days though.
>turning 27 in two weeks
what happened to you guys after that?
It goes TOWARDS the roll.
I will never understand those who put it outside.
This. Never played Blood because it came out 1 year before I got a PC so it was kind of old news back then. Glad all the Fresh Blood threads made me aware of the game. Before I knew it I was done with the first episode and had a blast. It's awesome.
It also made me realize how much I miss levels in games.
Personally I get too wrapped up with min/maxing everything that I end up restarting the game over and over and over to try different builds ( I only play crpgs these days ) and end up never getting far with any of my playthroughs.
I get it, but I think relaxation has a place and it leaves you ready to hit the next task harder. It's like that guy that hits the gym every day and doesn't sleep enough so he never gets bigger.
Fuck I know I should, my dad had heart issues. I'll start with like 3 a week and go from there.
you mean away from the wall right?
the only reason to put it hanging right next to the wall is if you are a retard with a car or child who has a habit of unrolling it
>tfw balding at 22
I have a little bit of debt back from when I went to university, which I dropped out of. I pay it back at a slow ~100/month rate and will be done with that next year.
Not that it would change much. I just want to get out of this job and out of this future-less field and life.
I've been thinking of applying to apprenticeships in the IT sector which I think would suit me best, but then I remember my age and how sought after those positions are and how many other people who are younger and who haven't failed at life are applying and it destroys any motivation and courage I had. No one would hire some 30yo+ for an IT apprenticeship position where they teach you for ~3 years and you're of no value during that time.
Save yourself, user it's only $20-$30 a month
that's quite the range of treatments
>28 years old
>replaying the 3D GTA games and having a blast
You """tired""" gamers don't know what you're missing.
they stop the conversion of T to DHT, DHT makes your prostate grow (Your prostate is effectively growing your entire life)
I'd rather become one of those hipsters wearing a hat 24/7
>beards are reddit
>looking like a hobo is the "chad embrace"
It's better if you listen to something else at the same time. 30 here, replaying it now. The fun is in coming up with builds and finding fun guns, the writing is mostly shit but occasionally gets a sensible chuckle out of me when they aren't memeing it up. It's also better if you're high
so are you telling me with one simple trick i can have a tighter ass AND a head full of hair?
I, too, played GTA V.
Balding is literally not a problem if you aren't a jawlet mouthbreather
You should consider Outward if you're patient and don't mind garbage textures on the PS4 version. Most fun I've had in years, but it's not for everyone.
Deal wit it faggot. Ones hiding it, the others living it
Women hate these!
Jokes on you, I do the Mr Clean approach.
>25 in July
I already feel it Yea Forumsros. I'm not the worst off, but I'm taking a bumpy ride down shit road. I can hardly bring myself to enjoy anything unless I'm doing it with a friend. Can barely bring myself past the intro/starting area of any game I try to play.
Double cope. Its cope without even the testosterone to hide it
Lmao go back to sleep under your bridge, hobo
what games pulled you back into gaming after a long time of being a tired gamer?
>played yakuza 0 on ps4 last year
>most captivating story i've seen in a vidya in ages even if silly at times
>really into the game in general
>got the to the final battle
>btfo by rocket launchers
>quit playing
>never went back
should i finish it?
i also think i'm at the very end of Hollow Knight and quit that as well. playing monolith atm cuz i never beat the overlord
32. Only game I've bought this year was Tropico 6.
Yeah I thought I was a tired meme gamer but after catching up with some older games I've missed I started to realize most stuff released in the last 12 years is just straight up trash.
If you know the zeldas pretty well, randomizers are fun.
Cave shmups
Might & Magic 6 and 7 had me hooked nonstop after not being able to keep my focus on any other game for months
I fucking love those games now
Kinda falling back into it again after finishing the game though. Currently playing Risk of Rain 2 for short bursts of fun, which is quite nice.
subnautica sucked me in like I was 12 again
also played through all of witcher 3 just a couple of months ago vanilla. then with enhanced edition mod back to back
I'm 25+ and tired of gamers if that counts.
Then don't engage them.
29yo boomer here.
I've been replaying some older games as of late (last one was Vtm:B) because all the new PC games suck and I'll never be a console peasant.
My only hope for this year is that Cyberpunk 2077 will be good.
Same can be said for people who go on a video game board blogging about how they don't feel like playing video games, don't you think? Yep, you do.
i'm really looking forward to desperados as well, only did one playthrough of shadow tactics but it was honestly one of the best games i ever played.
if you like old ninja gaiden check out master spy, hard as nails but cheap and underrated stealth game
>tfw tried to play m&m 6 once and didn't understand a god damn thing that was happening
It usually happens when I try a genre I have never really been big into playing and realizing I love it. Like recently I have been playing Beatmania/Etterna and am having a blast.
My problem is autism. I get started on an RPG, play a bit, and then find something else. Months later I feel like playing that RPG again but I start a new game instead of continuing where I last left off. Rinse and repeat.
27 here
just finished bfme 1 and installed the second one
i dont think i will play it any time soon tho
He lets you into his mouth once you have the deku shield and kokori sword
This. I watch the narrative heavy games on YouTube while playing Crusader Kings 2 or Stellaris.
also me
last rpg it happened on was gothic 2
33. Recently really enjoyed the Master Blaster Zero games and am currently playing Warframe, which I guess you can't actually finish, but it's engaging. Also enjoyed REMake 2 and need to finish Prey.
But I really just need to finish making my own game.
27 here. Spent most of my childhood playing off-brand broken games with only some occasional decent exceptions. So now I'm going to emulate as many early titles up until the PS2. Wish me luck.
>posts anime
>is a tranny
it really checks out
It is a pretty simple game once you get over the first area which is pretty hard if you have no idea what you are doing. Pro tip is spend some of that money you get at the start and take a horse to Castle Ironfist and teach EVERYONE the bow skill. After that you can snipe hordes of mobs to thin them out. Also you need a Wizard and Cleric because buffs and healing are super important
I know it is a bad game but is anyone else going to mindlessly waste time in Diablo 3 come this Friday for the new season?
Sounds more like ADD.
t. armchair shrink
26 here.
Going to get drunk tonight so I can enjoy some vidya.
Do you ever get the urge to just abandon everything, run away to some faraway foreign country and see what happens?
I actually have started listening to podcasts n shit while playing it and that has made it a lot better. Will try playing tonight after my jolly herbal merchant drops by.
I thought only white women do that shit.
Every day but I'd still probably play vidya.
Now where's that 25+ isekai thread?
what game
my last rpg was morrowind, i wanted to see what the fuss is all about
started weird, its much more tedious than i thought
I got them boots that run fast but you cant see anything, went to join the legion after talking with that dude in that city
i got past the part in the legion where i had to get a midget den sprocket or some shit, came back and got told to go somewhere else, all legion work
went past a place where the goblin things that go WHAHHAA HAAA WHAAA WHAAAAHAHAHA or something and i realized i cant do jack shit to them because my long sword is steel, and magic shits are immune to it
i havent played it since, i saved as i was running from the fuck, trying to lure those pterodactyls at them
It's time to grab a book and read.
tfw insomnia
I hope you make it.
It only gets worse, dude. I practically can't even play video games anymore without some sort of bottle nearby. It's like Pavlov and the bell/dog scenario.
26 here and i haven't finished a game in maybe 2 years
I got like 7 games for my ps4 3 days days ago and i hardly played any of them.
I found when I finally moved out after buying an apartment my urge to game returned.
Turned out I was just slending too much energy on my family and work to deal with hobbies. Once getting home meant eating and having the evening to myself instead of helping out with homework, listening to people moan about their day, cleaning up after my lazy siblings to take stress off my mom, or anything else like that I started having energy and time to play games and have hobbies again. Even started going to the gym as I never had to worry about getting back late.
I'm a massive introvert and basically had to act like a third parent because my dad never does anything at home though so your mileage may vary.
I also got SCAMPED.COM on my first game of Morrowind. Almost feels like a rite of passage.
My mom did that when i was a kid, and dragged me along for a decade and a half of poverty, debt and a stretch of homelessness. Having finally starting to recover and strike out on my own, all i want is a stable job somewhere nice and quiet.
Fuck adventure.
When will truck-kun take me, user? I just want off this ride.
I watch documentaries and flip goods on an EVE online market. Didn't leave the station in days.
25 and i keep playing sim/strat games with no real end so I can stop whenever.
Aparently a friend brought up to another friend about PC parts that are cheap right now with games attached and he blurted out "What's the point video games are fucking shit now." Really makes me realize what is the point to invest in new parts if there isn't anything worth playing.
M&M 6 is a bit problematic since it's so grindy. The dungeons just go on and on and on with endless mob waves and repetitive town visits. M&M 7 was a lot better in my opinion, dungeons were faster with a few ebin mega dungeons. You got frequent changes of scenery so it felt fresh. I also liked the world a bit more.
>tfw you will never cast fly and fucking meteor shower the living shit out of everything like some literal GOD for the first time ever again
end it all
I haven't decided yet. plus once i'm drunk my mind might totally change. Might grind on ffxiv, or might play some bloodborne, or see if anyone is around in discord to do some shit.
I was falling down that trap but I think I caught myself. Whatever.
What did you think on Endless Sky, my friend?
26 here
I finished Touhou Luna Nights about a week ago and just finished Momodora RUTM a couple of days ago. Finished my insane difficulty %100 run a couple of hours ago. Really great game, I'm gonna go for a deathless run now that I have all of the items and health maxed out. I also beat RDR2 2 or 3 weeks ago, fucking game refused to end but it was still fun for what it was. I go through phases where I just don't want to play fucking anything but the right game will knock me out of it.I also grinded for a PR ship in Azur Lane and finished the exp grind before the minimum time to finish, so that I had her as soon as possible a few days ago.
Why would I move to another country just to do the same thing I do here? Stay home, get drunk, consider suicide, play vidya.
I know my misery come from the inside, not because people around me make me miserable.
The game is nasty, its boring if you have to convince other npcs to do shit by only bribing them, which makes sense irl, but how is anyone to find out or to think of for instance offering pixie booze to them?
How was i supposed to find that out if i didnt have that certain brand of pixie booze on me when that fucker that was in debt to everyone was on my quest list?
I could lure the Doby fucks into something to get them killed, but i dont know how to deal with them? are they ghosts? why are they dealing physical damage if i cant hurt them with steel? i cant use magic, i have heavy legion armor and a long sword, im doing the game by the book, as i like it, as a certain role
Game could have been excellent, its huge and interesting, but shit like that gets on my nerves
Taking the retropill is all you can do until big publishers stop making shallow shit as a front for their gambling shit.
Check with a doctor. That sort of tiredness can be associated with a variety of diseases.
Maybe it's a second chance. Start all over, reinvent yourself. Tabula rasa.
How does it feel now that you are about to become a boomer?
>tfw 26
>half the year already gone
>will be 27 before I did absolutely anything as a 26 year old
games are the least of my worries
That sounds like depression or some form of illness. Improving your diet and getting some light exercise may help but you should go to a doctor dude.
Play Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. Also try Lost Kingdoms, Lost Kingdoms II, and Custom Robo Battle Revolution.
>tfw no fun new mmorpg to play with Yea Forums
This was me on the new year's eve, realizing that I accomplished absolutely nothing in 2018, and 2019 is looking like it'll keep on being terrible. I'm honestly wondering how the fuck am I going to be alive until my 60s and not kill myself before then.
28. NEET, friendless, virgin, depressed, etc. etc.
For a while I could barely muster the willpower to get out of bed and browse Yea Forums
Recently got into a research study at the local hospital for Ketamine's effects on people with treatment-resistant depression.
And I think it's actually been helping. A bit. I can actually muster the willpower to play vidya. I still feel pretty empty inside, and I don't have the motivation to apply for a job or finish my degree. But I'm not actively researching suicide methods and shit. Just kinda passively wishing I'd go to sleep and not wake up.
Only downside is ketamine infusions aren't covered by insurance, but maybe that will change soon. It's been way more effective for me than those shitty SSRIs. For now I'm sticking to the oral ketamine even though it's less intense.
you might like hiking and fishing, try it
just a tent, campfire and a rod
mosquitoes need not apply
I'm considering diving into some old games I never played before, hoping they'll be a bit slower paced and more atmospheric than newer games so I can get drawn in.
never played classic PC games like Deus Ex, Thief, System Shock, Half-Life etc.
city of heroes maybe
MMORPGs aren't fun they're only there to make you waste hundreds of hours doing repetitive braindead tasks while pretending you have a circle of friends to socialize and spend time with
28 here
recently unemployed and have been catching up on the past decade's worth of games and also continuing to 100% hitman 2
having a real good time
3d rc racers, try it
I've moved countries three times due to work. Within my own country I've had to move twice. After the honeymoon period of meeting new people in a new environment, your personality comes back up. You stop trying to imitate your surroundings to adjust and you fall back on who you actually are.
I heard there were very few players
>Ketamine's effects on people with treatment-resistant depression.
Do you need a volunteer?
I feel like it's important to note that I would literally marry most arylcyclohexylamines.
It only works if you're Japanese sadly.
I decided I'll pick up a series and play every single game in it. In my case, I decided to go with Fire Emblem.
It's been actually fun, but I always struggle starting the games up, it sucks.
SS1 sucked me in for days after I got used to the controls. SS1 or Thief is probably your best bet for slower atmospheric games out of those you listed. If you do play SS1 try it with the original controls and without the mouselook mods since mouselook makes the game play way different imo
>messing with ketamine
Just take Bupropion and Dextromethorphan, it'll be the first line treatment for Depression in a few years
deus ex and system shock 2 got me really hooked, really fantastic atmosphere
So what you're saying is that all I have to do is reset now, hope to be reborn Japanese, and wait another 15-25 years and I'll be free?
Pretty much, you will just have to keep rerolling until you spawn as a jap which will take a while
30 here. Finally getting around to playing the bioshocks, saints rows, mass effects, arkhams and witcher 2
I played a lot of games over the past 2 decades but missed those
I enjoy the dextroverse but to recommend it over ket or its cousins is pure foolishness.
Any recommendations for something new? As in, a game that tries something fresh instead of rehashing the same few mechanics in a new package. The only genuinely unique game I've played in the last few years was Baba Is You.
Wish me luck, user. If I get reborn as a Zimbabwean, I'll send you a lemur or something.
I only play one MMO, games are shit now
>have a kid
I've been playing the original Company of Heroes lately, the game has aged gracefully
A bit old at this point but have you tried Paper's Please?
I don't even remember the last game I played
28, I haven't played anything new since I beat Sekiro twice within a couple of weeks. I'm debating whether I want to go for platinum on it or swap over to a new game (Tales of Vesperia or KH2FM).
Yoku's Island Express
>>have a kid
I had considered finally trying Yakuza 0 as my last shot for reinvigorating my love of video games but I’m just bouncing right off it
There’s too much walking around and talking to people and watching cutscenes. And then so much of the combat revolves around these heat actions where you build up the meter to watch a short cutscene that has your character do something cool instead of doing anything cool, yourself.
I’m still having fun with my weekly D&D tabletop games so I don’t think it’s full on depression but if I can’t get myself through at least the first chapter of Yakuza 0 I think it’s well and truly time to admit me and video games have gone out separate ways.
fuck man, that's some childhood memories right there, i couldn't catch a fish to save my life
Fellow 30+ bros
What games you looking forward to this year?
For me
>Mario Maker 2
>Pokémon SnS (maybe, not sure yet, I dislike the visuals)
>Team Sonic Racing
>Crash Team Racing
>Borderlands 3 if it's not too memey, gonna pirate this one I guess
>Doom Eternal
>Spelunky 2
>Digimon Survive
>Daemon x Machina
>Astral Chain (maybe)
If it wasn't for a big interest in table top games, mostly miniature wargaming, I wouldn't even have a hobby.
I really just play Table Top Sim at this point, but sometimes I break out old vidya to feel some nostalgia.
I can't believe it but I probably won't finish Sekiro for a long time. When I play video games nowadays I just want to relax and have fun, I'll occasionally play competetive multiplayer games but never anything nerve wracking.
Why do 25+ year olds have such shit taste in video games? I swear to god if I see someone saying they're playing assassin's creed or the division 2 I'm going to fucking find you and kill you.
but i am
playing kingdom hearts 2 and 3 for the first time
>the visuals is his main problem with h modern pokemon
I play elona+custom
Are you me, now?
I appreciate games more now honestly, the little details, not rushing everything, taking the time to play and admire everything and try out all the options. It adds to the gameplay since you are trying out different ways to play and experimenting and I've always enjoyed that aspect. Also used to make walkthroughs so that probably another reason
Just realized that in less than 5 years Yea Forums will be 20 years old.
I have plenty of issues with modern Pokémon games. If it were up to me we wouldn't have z moves and we wouldn't even have megas in them.
what mmo
>have tons of unplayed games
>lots of highly acclaimed top 100 games of all time tier shit
>still look through sales for something interesting to buy because I can't find anything in my library
or a cat
or a dog
or someone who uses more than 2 fucking squares to wipe their ass.
I wonder what my life would have been like without ~14 years of Yea Forums
>Yea Forums will be 20 years old
I wonder if I would be alive now if not for 4chin
You could start by getting off of Yea Forums
I tried Wellbutrin years ago. Didn't do squat. I've been on SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, TCAs, all the damn first, second, and third-line medications. Even tried anti-psychotics, amphetamines, benzos, and lithium. They either did nothing or the side effects outweighed the benefits.
I even went through ECT and did more harm than good. Fucked up my memory.
The Ketamine's done more for me in the past month than any other med I've tried. No side effects that I've noticed, and I don't feel addicted to it. Currently taking 100mg orally 2x a week, moving up to 150 next week.
>hit lvl 29
>sudden guilt over playing games
>I can't be playing vidya for the rest of my life like this
>can't focus on anything
>regret wasting so much time with something this meaningless
>really anxious about getting shit done in my life
>it passes
>just started clearing my backlog
>still over a hundred games in my steam library that I haven't even touched yet
Feels good man, I hope you guys can get over your problems too and get back to the games.
Did you ever play Secret of Mana?
If so, you might like Seiken Densetsu 3, the Japanese only sequel to it. It's been translated for decades now.
You can also play it multiplayer, with up to 2 other people that can control the other party members.
It has some decent replay value too. There's 6 characters to pick, and the story at the beginning and end is different for each character in the first player slot.
The endings for certain characters are related though. Duran/Angela, Hawk/Lise, and Carlie/Kevin's stories all end up with the same final dungeon and boss.
There's also a class-upgrade system where you pick between two very different classes for each character at the mid point and near the end of the game.
You could switch to turn based games like Xcom and civ
I was the same way then I just picked up old games and have been trying to budget all my time again. Recently got back into Age of Empires 2, have been playing City of Heroes on those private servers, and then play Hunt: The Showdown with a specific friend who enjoys it a lot.
Before that I played a lot of Blood, Duke 3D, Quake and Doom/2 and just been enjoying myself with them. Max Payne 1 and 2 are still a lot of fun to this day.
>JuSt Be HaPpY bRo
Seriously though, hope that works out.
>27 yo
>only recently got the courage to rent my own apartment and live by myself since living with my mother and grandmother was driving me crazy
>have a stable job in IT, doesn't pay a LOT but is enough to pay the bills and save about half of it in the bank
>have a scheduled trip to Bariloche on August, I really miss the snow from the places I used to travel to for business meetings
>still want to live abroad (currently living in Brazil) since it has always been a dream, and I learned that having dreams and working towards them is great for cotaining crippling stagnation
>still afraid of leaving my job for a better oportunity in another country but I think this is something I need to ease myself into before deciding
>currently playing The Witcher 3 and Fallout 1 on my old notebook, God old games are comfy as fuck
>last one I finished was SEKIRO, awesome game
>tired in your 20s
jesus christ
>walk into grocery store
>ask for job
>work in a shitty starter department like deli or cart catcher
>transfer to a better paying department once a spot opens up
and thats how i make 19 dollars an hour working retail
I'm considered a newfag by the true oldfag standards and I've been here for 10 years now
Just tired of life
I'm not tired
Nothing interests me
I'd rather be sleeping
Empire at War made me realize that I love RTS games. Had it for years, but never actually played it.
31, i beat a game a few months ago. i even have two or three ps3 games unopened.
Death Stranding.
This is why I'm glad I spent my 20s partying.
28 here, me too and I can't bother learning the mechanics of a new game and I also suck at drawing.
man, I got into this, but then for some reason on the map screen it made this continuous noise that forced me to drop it.
>Everything is expensive, wages have stagnated
>Arrogant boomers blame everything except themselves for your problems
>Have to send out one billion applications just to have a chance at getting crappy min wage job
>Boomers using up social security and then voting in politicians who defund it
>Social media makes you hyper-aware of how much you're falling behind your peers
>Rich getting richer at exponential rate while working+middle classes get shafted
>Soulless, consumerism-based culture that you feel trapped in, but you don't have the resources/know-how to escape it
yeah no shit i'm tired
>so many games to play I can't possibly finish them all
>fun MP games to play with friends too, those essentially have no ending except getting bored eventually
>a bunch of other hobbies/activities I like
All I wish is that I had more time to do all the things I enjoy.
git gud
>completely misunderstands the thread
21 here
Zoom zoom
How do you get in turn based games i cant get into them any tips i tried some ff, wizardry,earthbound and bravely default it just pisses me off
>be me
>hit 5k mmr in dota2 solo
>Realise that getting gud required making friends
>Never had a friend, never was going to make a friend
>Started playing games less and less once I accepted the fact that i was never going to be a pro gamer(tm(not that I ever wanted to be one))
>Play games maybe 4 hours a month
Sometimes I am drop dead tired after work but I can't fall asleep or I do fall asleep but wake up after 1-2 hours and can't sleep for the rest of the night which is even worse
You have to be 30+ to understand turn based games, zoomer
Play TWWH2 for turn-based empire building and real-time battles.
Play fallout 1 and 2
>bought a mini snes
>haven't even played anything on it cause I'm too depressed
I felt this way when I was NEET but now that I'm not, I still feel the same way. I thought it would go away but it doesn't. It's honestly pretty awful.
I get that too. This generation seems to really try to force the idea of self-improvement as quickly as possible, carpe diem, every day a blessing bullshit. As if you're not doing something new and exciting every day then you're a failure. Mix that with social media where you might see old friends and classmates each posting from some exotic new location or getting married or already getting kids, and it feels like you're standing still without being able to move forward.
>falling for the meme
I haven't played a game to completion in like 3 years.
>go to college
>make friends
>come out of shell
>have the time of my life
>years pass
>have slackers dream deskjob making good money to he bored all day
>have loving wife and cat
>still close with my family
>never see friends anymore
>alcoholic for no real reason
>would rather drink or shitpost than play vidya
>couldn't even finish KH3 after waiting all those years
I dont even think I'm complaining, I like my life. My life is good. But still.
You have to enchant the weapons (in order to damage ethereal type mobs) or find/buy a weapon that is enchanted.
26 yo bloomer here. Never enjoyed vidya so much.
I just play a lot of Quake an Quake accesories multiplayer now. I would like to play more local multiplayer co-op stuff but i don't have the friends for it.
You are making up for your lack of friends with alcohol I'm the same way
This generation is also jaded, cynical and pessimistic as fuck. There's a reason why suicide, depression, and nihilism have become popular meme subjects; it's a coping mechanism for how hellish things seem (and are).
Shit like school shootings have become normalized to the point where you can see pic related and not bat an eye. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out in a decade or so.
Mine is in October. I am facing an existential crysis.
what genres you into man
Also, companies pretending to be suicidal on twitter to seem more relatable to this generation
if this isn't a sign we've entered clown world I don't know what is
Prepare for your body to start falling apart. I know it's cliche, but the day I hit 30 I swear to god I started feeling shit I'd never felt before.
I honestly believe that getting rid of social media would improve the world. If that can't be done, just a solar flare or something to fry us back into the middle ages. Might as well at this point.
Absolutely. Twitter was a mistake.
33 so a little older than you but Ive had a similar experience. Took my mid to late 20s off to have sex with sluts and cuties. Got back into games via retro and crt stuff. Now I'm whole dick just gaming again. Never go out, never do anything but game.
Yeah. How about you grow up, sweety? Who plays videos game beyond the age of 20?
>Soulless, consumerism-based culture that you feel trapped in, but you don't have the resources/know-how to escape it
just do literally anything you like though
i have a few punk like venues i go to when i want to go out that are often cheap or free, like making shit or having game
my problem is more getting to know new people as i'm a semirecovering autist
Gta 3 and vice city both 100% completion
My dad is 45 and he plays the division all the time. Think he was addicted to ark for a while.
>feel tired
>get out ps3 & play saints row 2 & prototype again
>oh man games are fun
>cat breaks my ps3
>so fucking devastated
I gotta sell my ps4 to get a new one now, I never even got to play dmc5 ;-;
cat got away with it too, there were three of em in there, I'm almost sure I know which one did it but it's only a gut instinct, I don't have proof
>Hello, I would like a "It's complicated Meal".
>We have a 2 for 1 special today where you can get an extra "Existential crisis Meal"
>You know what, nevermind, I'll take the that has the suicide hotlines in the back.
>Ah, the "Twitter Meal", our most popular.
28, been playing games I didnt get around to finish completely as a kid like Wild Arms.
I got burnt out from that and life in general after years of just trying to pursue many things just because of this mentality.
35 here
I just got Dead Cells and it's pretty sweet. Beat a zero cell run on my eight try.
26 here
I'm mostly tired of waiting for games to release. Bought a Switch, but no good games are releasing till fucking Fall. As an adult, I got the fucking money. I could purchase Luigi's Mansion 3, Pokémon S&S, Animal Crossing, Zelda Links Awakening and Astral Chain right now, all of them, with cash, if they were out now. But they aren't.
For fucks sake, Nintendo. Get your shit together.
I wish I could make a living by playing video games and masturbating to 2d
This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but the world would unironically be a better place if every human drank cyanide.
I'm still feeling that. A hundred projects, none worked out. Having dreams sucks.
My brother plays c&c generals with his 3 kids, plays also the latest mod with russia and europe
Kids are trying really hard and try their best but he refuses to let them win, obliterates them
He plays only russia or china, kids try everything but cant make a dent
They try all out areal attack, he already has tens of heavy aa, mid ranged aa and infantry with aa capabilities, they cant puncture the line at all, not even with superweapos because he already has 2 and destroys any attempt of making one
He wont let them turtle and they cant rush him all at once, he breaks their first attemt with infantry only
I dont think the kids even like tge game, he makes them play it and laughs at them every time since they lose every time
He wont let them quit and harrases them, attacks and doesnt deliver finishing blow, makes them rebuild so they go again
Oldest son is 11, uses air power, youngest uses artillery and daughter uses vehicles and infantry the most.
I think he is teaching them something but i dont know what.
I played with the kids, they trampled me in 90seconds
How is that edgy? Humans are far and away the worst thing to have happened to this world.
Then again, without humans, would value systems and concepts like good or bad even exist?
Brutal. Kids will have issues.
I have this issue where I can't motivate myself to play vidya sometimes. Despite this, I don't really get this, "WAH I'M SO DEPRESSED I CAN'T EVEN ENJOY VIDYA ANYMORE," bullshit. Whenever I DO sit down to play a game, I enjoy the hell out of it and end up playing for a few hours. Been playing a lot of Splatoon 2 lately actually. I think I'm about to play some more right now.
26 years old btw.
It's so hard to get tired of games when you can dip into a new genre whenever you get really bored, or try out a dumb multiplayer one with friends. It's the same as getting together with the lads to watch some sports, a waste of time but enjoyable nevertheless.
>Then again, without humans, would value systems and concepts like good or bad even exist?
No, only natural instinct. And that's a good thing.
>would value systems and concepts like good or bad even exist
They always exist. The only thing that matters is following: are there any sentient lifeforms to bear them and recognise them?
I have never understood people's obsession to cars, for me it's just another tool that is fine enough when it works right.
Look into the wide world of the AA title.
Stop playing AAA trash.
I've been playing Mordhau and started A Plague Story today and theyre both great
>wake up hungover at 3pm-7pm
>start drinking
>play games for an hour (maybe two to three if with friends)
>watch sad movies
>throw up
>go to sleep
typical bus rider
Can you only play dmc5 on your ps4 user?
He takes them fishing, biking, on ice cream, restaurants and other shit dads do, they all hug him when he comes home, its just this one thing he does, very odd
Me taught me tekken moves when i was a kid, we played and won a neighborhood tournament in tekken tag, but he wasnt nasty or opressive as he is to his kids when he cripples their bases and picks off their most expensive units and supply collection
if a game can be finished it's newfag casual shit
>Holocene extinction
>meanwhile the actual worst extinction event in Earth's history was caused by some fucktarded microbes
Being a shithead with lack of foresight regarding your own survival is part of life, welcome to the club, maybe drop the edge on the way out.
Only gave a shit about DMC 5.
I love the Senran games for the characters and will play bloodlines, when it drops.
Other than that im slowly done here i guess.
>they all hug him when he comes home
>does things dads do
I usualy felt cold chill or just outright sense of dread when mine came. Yeah, i am not exactly blessed. Hense depression/anxiety.
>plays C&C generals with kids
Mine played with me dominoes and cards for a very brief moment.
>tfw DMC5 was my most hyped game in fucking years
>brother sold his PS4 without telling or asking me if I wanted to buy it first
>actually preordered the Deluxe Edition
>tfw have more than enough money to buy a new PS4 but I'm saving and can't justify spending so much at once
>thinking about just holding off on buying a PS4 until I've saved like another thousand or two or just waiting until PS5 comes out
I'm so fucking mad but I've been slowly getting over it.
did you get hit with random popup a couple days ago?
Ragnarok Online
>be me
>was preparing to move house because getting job in a different country soon
>spent weeks preparing usual moving house bullshit plus visa paperwork, closing bank accounts, canceling phone/power/gas/water etc all the bullshit
>stressful weeks of no vidya
>have 2 weeks of goodbye parties, seeing friends for the last time etc
>finally ready, a week before I fly
>spent 3 days just looking at an empty desktop
>mfw being too busy to play vidya for a few weeks, suddenly I have the time and I just sit there not playing anything
back at the parent's house for a month off right now before I go to this new job overseas
spent the last 3 weeks just drinking and playing Ragnarok Online. I just sort of forced myself to find a good lowrate server with no warpers/healer/reset and log in. without it I wouldve spent the last month and a half just drawing boxes on my desktop bored.
i do that every few years. sometimes i'll fuck off for a month's paid vacation, sometimes i'll hand in my 2 week's notice and just move country at the drop of a hat. keeps things fresh.
You are like my sister, she loves playing sims too
It has something to do with female nature, the home design, the family, the carpets, furniture, shopping music and wacky whit that happens
Yep, thems the good ol days of 2002, me wanting to shoot peds and cops ingta 3 but its sisters time on pc and she is checking on what the sims are going to do
just finished ori and the blind forest after like 6 months playing it on and off
also just learned that i missed an item that i cannot return to and so it's impossible to get 100% and now im pissed off
dont fuck with ket. it fucks up your bladder the same way using too much coke fucks up your nose.
some guy on Yea Forums was posting the other day how he has to collect his piss in a bag now that ket's destroyed his bladder.
Did he do things to you or did you have things to hide from him?
Its your dad, he loves you
So many feels.
>Sleep 12 hours
>Spend all day yawning
>Constantly dog tired
>Feel kind of energetic for an hour before dinner time when I'm sipping a whisky
>Eat dinner
>Tired again
>Too tired to do any physical activity or even play vidya half the time
Apparently I have Sleep Apnea and I've been meaning to see a doctor about it but I'm just too tired all the time, so I always put it off until next week.
That's why you do analogues. I did MXE and then DCK nearly daily for five years and I came out fine. I mean sure I lost my job and have a shit-load of injection scars but physically I'm mostly alright. Don't do drugs.
Nah, verbal abuse and rarely, but to a devastating effect, physical.
>he loves me
Like hell he does. No sane person sends a child with pneumonia to school.
well that's why i'm taking it slow, not taking super high doses or anything, just what the doc recommends
obviously if I notice any weird shit happening i'll stop
thats why I just stick to alcohol, weed and an acid trip once every 6 months.
For me drugs stopped being cool the moment i finished hischool , weed made me paranoid only, other shit felt wrong
I did keep snorting speed or coke, but only twice a year and only when im super drunk but want to keep going
Drugs dont make me feel good at all
I believe many addicts wanted to become addicted from the start
>spend like a week just playing witcher 3 nonstop
>then afterwards when i finish it i go back to fidgeting around doing nothing, tired and being indecisive
god i just want to get lost in a game again but not so much i'll end up neglecting other things
>every game is just code on a screen
>every game has a beginning, middle and an end
>every game has a goal
>once you've beaten one game, you've beaten them all
>it's been this way for the past 40+ years
Oh, i thought you said you like games that have no end, i gues sims isnt that appealing to you.
What about Dogz5?
As an alcoholic on top of all that (and continuing to this day), I promise you alcohol causes more problems than any dissociative I used. PCP and its analogues are fine, but alcohol is easily more socially destructive than ket or its analogues.
Honestly, I think you're right. I think there was something alluring about about being some secret outcast. Problem is it doesn't stay secret for very long.
Same poster, I meant PCP and it's analogues are NOT fine. I avoid anything with PCP in the chemical name because every single time I've had a psychotic break.
>Spend most of the day half awake
>Feel fine, capable of concentrating
>Stay up till 3
>Start over
What esport should I play as a 25 year old? I used to be really into SC2 back during WoL and played a lot of Melee, but don't know what to play now.
29 here. Started BOTW when I was 27. Still haven't finished it. Nor any other game since then. But it's okay, I found another hobby in learning to play guitar and how to make music in general. That's been much more fulfilling than playing pointless vidya. Not that I completely dropped gaming. Still play smash with friends quite often.
>What esport should I play
none? Just like... play vidya man
27 here. I buy games and don't finish them. I have Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Shenmue, KH3, RDR2, DMC 5 and The Division 2 all bought on release and never finished. I stopped buying games because of this.
>only play games when hanging out with friends
>we play fighting games until we're too drunk and play something less execution heavy
>talk about replaying old favorites like MGS and DMC
>never get around to it, just cycle through the same games
I played RoR2 not too long ago, that was the first game in a long while that made me feel like a kid again. I hardly ever wake up and want to play vidya, and if I do I end up getting sidetracked browsing Yea Forums or whatever. I can't remember the last big game I bought, even something like Sekiro seems like too much of a time sink. I'm okay with not playing as often, I just wish it was easier to get into new games again and be able to get lost in them without thinking of how much time I'm wasting.
>me in mid-late 20's
>grab beer from fridge
>play vidya with 2~4 friends every night after work
>every night shooting the shit, dunking each other or teaming up together vs pubbies in shit like TF2, Civ5 etc
>minecraft, alien swarm, MtG, arma 2/3, dayz etc. good times
>one by one they all gradually "get busy with work"
>use being tired from work as an excuse to just absent-mindedly watch Netflix for ~8h a night instead of playing anything
>half of them get serious long term gfs
>a couple get married and pop out kids
>one moves halfway around the world to Florida
>another's job changes him to night shifts
>now to do something as simple as "yo lets play 1 round of Cards Against Humanity" takes 2-3 weeks of planning and aligning schedules to maybe have 3 people log in
>tfw I miss playing vidya with friends after work every night
>tfw took those days for granted
>tfw I cant join some other online clique because i'll be "the new guy" in an already established social group
>tfw I cant enjoy half my games anymore because they're boring solo vs co-op with a friend while talking shit on skype/teamspeak/slack/discord
28 here. Recently started tales of vesperia and the game's a lot more fun than I expected. I really loved playing symphonia and abyss back in the day but berseria made me think I got too old for these types of games.
oh forgot, we're all mid-30's now.
all you cunts complaining about being 27, 29 or turning 30 it gets worse later on.
When you're 20 you can randomly have ten people show up at your place unannounced.
When you're 35 it takes weeks of planning to maybe hang out with someone for an hour.
Come back in ten years kiddo
I can hear the shopping music...
I remember the wooden garden chairs and table...
The first families...
I remember Bob Blow
He was bald with a beard, didnt have much but was an honest man, kept his tiny home clean and was never late for work, had shitty tv and shitty bed, ahitty cheap everything
He made shitty garden gnomes in free time, sold them for profit and trained for work and got a raise
He met jenifer aniston, anso a dirt poor woman but i never saw her house
They liked each other and were kind to each other
Got married and both had to work to expand Bobs house , to buy a nicer bed for both of them, they took turns sleeping on the couch since Bob had only one small bed
They raised some money, expanded even the walls, didnt have enough for paint and tiles but it was getting along, Bob made an extra room, they had a baby.
Skeeter was a good boy, like his dad, studied hard and was never late.
Then came Sheyla, a wonderful girl.
Butch was the youngest.
Jenifer stopped working, had to stay at home make dinner, Bob was making real money.
They were all sitting watching big screen tv and it broke. Bob went up to fix it and got electricuted to death
Sims1 ladies and gents
I just want to feel somewhat productive while playing them desu
Present him a shrubbery.
>tfw 20 and already too tired to play vidya
Are platypus' mammals or birbs???
Unless you're making money, it's never going to be productive.
38 here, bought a cheap PS3, haxx0red it and installed a bunch of vidya in it. Enjoying the first Ni No Kuni a lot.
However, my interest in vidya has very much diminished. I play quite casually.. and I have a fuckhuge backlog. Bought a lot of vidya from Steam sales and Humble Bundles.
>been addicted to Smash bros for months
>I suck so hard at the game that any time I play it I go away feeling angry
I need to stop playing this fucking thing. I want to play Monster Hunter GU again.
Yeah, no pc yet
Its a badger in reverse, the eggs it lays is just a weird placenta that looks like an egg
I dont know why the claws are poisonous but idc
Its very cute, whatever it is, and im sure it has a place in the system it belongs in
this is great, but not answering the question
They're Monotremes. It means they're warm-blooded like mammals but lay eggs like birds.
I find that I just have to force myself to play games now. Once I'm playing I enjoy it, but the idea of picking up the controller fill me with apathy.
Fair. I don't know, maybe try a new genre.
>almost 31 years old
>not a lot of free time
>feel inevitable death approaching rapidly
>still want to play video games despite all this
>realize I won't be able to clear my backlog before I die unless I win the lottery and retire early
How the fuck do you guys deal with your mortality? Should I just drink more?
Yeah, I guess that's true.
Starcraft chad reporting in
>implying I ever had a single person even want to hang out, let alone bother to plan to meet
You just get over it. Worrying about that shit isn't going to change it. When it happens, it happens. Just do what you enjoy in the mean time.
Plant trees or some shit
I carve pointers in crypted messages on large river stones and bury them, they point to a location where i bury a stone with dick carved in, ass, pussy, shit asshole laughing face and whatnot and a doodle of a peson holding that exact stone.
I made something that will remain after im gone and i dont really care about death that much. Drink less
>How the fuck do you guys deal with your mortality?
Realize it's inevitable, accept that it will happen, do what you can to avoid an early grave and enjoy what you can.
If anything old age scares me more than death.
You're going to make an archaeologist in the future laugh.
Play with friends or don't play it at all. It's fun when you come across someone cool, but there's way too much shit to wade through. I don't even enjoy playing co-op online with my friend anymore since everyone online is a shithead in one way or another, but playing locally is still fun.
Stop amassing huge backlogs, I've finished every game I bought, except the third call of jaurez which was just trash. I dunno how many games I own, I can't count digital shit right now but I only got 20 physical games, probably another 20 or 30 digital ones.
Stop pirating shit unless you know you're gonna actually play it, it's like collecting porn, you've got like 500 images saved but you probably only actually look at fucking five of them
I embrace death, hopefully I'll go to sleep and not wake up tomorrow.
>Play with friends
Reporting in. 25 and have no will or desire to play anything in my massive backlog
I loved 3, though The Answer was a bit too much of a grind fest
Also I want to hug Aigis
I don't have a PS3/4 so I can't play 5, but I played it from start to finish together with a buddy that has it, it's how I got introduced to the series
im 18 lol get fucked boomers
I'm just gonna keep finishing sekiro until I get 99 attack power and then I'll be back to playing nothing
26 here, why bother with life anymore, I wake up sit on my recliner and watch youtube all day and play vidya for a couple of hours at midnight before sleeping at 5am. How do I get motivation to play games again
27 here.
I play moistly mordhau and Rising Storm 2 now. Been on-and-off playing Yakuza 0
None of these games give me any feels anymore. Was thinking about buying some old TV and see if i can get my old PS1 to work
Its not a backlog if you dont want to play them
This. Retail is a pretty shitty career but it's definitely easy to move up in a short amount of time.
dont worry sonny you'll soon be among us, feels like I was 18 finishing high school just a couple days ago and now I'm 25 working for a year in a dead end job at walmart after neeting it up for 3 years.
25 here
The only thing I play now is gachashit since its easy to jump in, use up my game's stamina bar and fuck off until it refills.
unironically based
>played brawl with friends in high school
>was always a blast, used all the characters and spent hours in stage builder
>sm4sh comes out, online is better but still garbage
>most friends from high school moved away or don't talk anymore
>locals full of zoomer tryhards when i just want to play matches without lag
Even after a month or so in I feel fatigued with Ultimate. There's too many ways to be an unfun asshole that it's terrible to play unless you play with a friend. Either find chill people to play arenas with or stop playing, it'll stop you from getting an aneurysm.
28 here.
Last month I made a marathon through BG1, BG2 and IWD1.
Now I'm playing Katana Zero. Will end it tomorrow.
I also have a normal job.
Just stop playing open world garbage games and play some good stuff.
>work part-time in a warehouse
>tired at all times
>may transition into full-time work for a local IT company
>not sure if I'll be any better off
>not looking forward to the next level
Heh, I got used to being alone as my interests got too different from my friends over time and they started to get real lifes, now I'm glad no one can disturb me and don't miss it one single bit
I wish I could just muster up the nerve to ask for a rise or fuckoff from my job, I'm too good at adapting to shit and keep a routine, so they keep throwing new shit and not reflecting at my wage. But the idea of looking for another job, even if the same kind, holds me down, but man would it be fun to just quit it and see everything crumbling down
please recommend engaging games
i like rpgs/shooters/action
if you like twin stick shooters, play nex machina
I can't pull away from multiplayer comptetitive games. I was always known as the kind of guy who puts single player experiences over multi because of the artistic aspect of a tailor made experience.
I can't stop grinding to get better and just get salty when bullshit happens that can't be controlled at that moment. It's unhealthy and I know it but I can't stop it.
>mfw it took me 4 years to quit League of Legends
>mfw almost 500 hours TF2
>mfw S4 League is the best shooter online gameplay before Air Gun and Twin blades update I've ever experienced and nothing scratches that itch
>mfw I maxed my level in Uncharted 3 a few years back
>mfw I main Hwoarang in Tekken 7 but can't improve because even the good Tekken players are bad
>still didn't beat The Surge
>on the last dungeon on FF6 first playthrough
>last case on Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice for about a month now
I just don't know.
worst part for me I guess is that 5-10 years ago there were a lot of common games that everyone played.
now the industry is so diluted with shitty p2w AAA games and endless indie shit that everyone just plays different shit.
My discord with my small group of vidya friends, literally everyone plays different games now.
10 years ago it would've been all of us playing more or less the same 3 games.
Not a boomer but already tired, we need an arthouse game movement or something. I'm so fucking bored of the same formulaic shit, even the old games are boring to me now, and most of the indie ones are overhyped trash that don't really offer anything new nor good
Weird, it was the complete opposite for me
I just beat Castlevania 3. Its a 4 hour game and somehow it took me a week
just play me in third strike, homie. i'll show ya some moves.
PubG was weird in that it was about the only game in the last 5 years that EVERYONE played.
but now it's died off and no-one gives a shit about it anymore the only common game is Minecraft, which we've all played to death.
One guy plays Rainbow Six about 1h a night.
Another guy plays FFXIV
Another plays some furry strategy game called Armello
Another unironically plays Fallout 76
Another plays World of Warships
and so on.
Trying to suggest "yo dudes lets all play something" gets one of two replies
>"I'm not playing any of the shit you guys play, so all you guys buy my game and join on me"
>"Ah yeah, I might have an hour free next week, let me get my wife's permission and if work isnt too busy I might be able to play for 40min"
im 26
i am homeless
500h in TF2 isnt that much. Most people who just play it for 30min~1h after work every day have 1000 or 2000h in it.
nah they're artificial for sure.
>Born 1992
>Remember going on Yea Forums back in the early 2010's, when I was barely old enough to be allowed to post here myself
>People born in 2002 will be allowed on here in a matter of months
It genuinely unnerves me how I'm already getting older than the rest of Yea Forums.
I have 2 friends. One plays truck simulators 12/24. Other plays some fucking fishing games. Nobody wants to play flashpoint or 100% oj. Im fucked
how do you guys do it im so tired all the time and as stupid as this sounds my eyes hurt even if i get 8 hours of sleep i feel like shit since i have to wake up at 5am
28 and I haven't played games daily or even weekly for over a decade.
I play RGG games and some sim games if I want to kill time. Want to get into VR for cockpit games.
This is a bad hobby. Almost every activity in life is more fun and fulfilling.
First game to hold my attention to 100% completion in a long time, utterly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
Y'all playing garbage is the problem, try Divinity original sin, XCOM and advanced wars. These are all games that use their turn based quality to enable strategic play that would not be possible in real time, instead of just being there because it's simple to implement.
i just graduated and im literally doing this.
I can't get past the 3rd floor in gungeon, what do
Only games i've genuinely enjoyed in last little while are Sekiro, The Evil Within 1, RE2make. Couldn't get into God of War 4, Nino Kuni 2. Forced myself to finish Horizon but holy fuck that game takes a nose dive it's second half.
Basically can't play multiplayer shooters without getting triggered after 20 minutes. I used to love FPS too.
>Was 18 in 2010
>Feel like this entire decade has gone by at turbo speed
32 i spent the past 3 months living without my desktop only a laptop so it forced me to play some low spec games while i wait for my apartment move to be complete
so i replayed a lot of diablo2, shadowrun games, and even ff7/8
being technology limited has made me have fun and look forward to going back to a real pc whereas before i was pretty bored
I finally got around to playing Requiem Avenging Angel. Turns out the game is shit. Next on my list is Vampire Bloodlines.
After 7 years of working, I've quit. Close to a million in the bank. Just going to play games and chill now until shit hits the fan.
25 here, I can't play slow singleplayer games anymore. I need something short and competitive like a fighting game match to keep my attention. I look at Sekiro and sleep. Still beat it though despite being bored out of my mind by the end.
Imagine trying to post a pepe and the system replaces it with a wojak.... Harrowing.
36 I have a free mcboot ps2 and play “backups” also an og 3ds I play inside my desk drawer at work grinding Pokémon for the f of it.
Im with him boss
That is going to be a yikes from me.
I get it now
older adults don't stop playing vidya because they don't like it, shit just happens in life that you end up prioritizing over vidya
if I had more time to burn away, I would go straight back into an MMORPG and completely enjoy it, but now there's shit on my plate that I end up doing instead
Horizon I feel like they didn’t finish. They expected Zoomers to quit once the new flavor comes out next month. I truly believe that’s a lot of games now
I've started LISA 4 months ago. It's my second attempt. I don't want to start any other game until i finish this for once. My last play was three and a half months ago.
>tfw spent my teens hating on anime and playing normie games
>at 28 I've embraced my inner weeb and anime has replaced games unless it's jrpg's
29. I recently got a position as a manager at a multinational company and I feel too much pressure all the time. Vidya is the only thing that keeps me going.
>cant improve in Tekken
Lmao your just not as competitive as you think. If you really wanted to get gud youd go to locals and dedicate time to watching and learning streams and videos put put by pros like speedkicks.
>Play sekiro
>Game blows my mind
>Holy shit it's so fun
>The animations are so smooth
>It's perfect
>Chihiro fight was absolute, pure, unadulterated Kino
>Get to the divine realm
>Immediately get bored, never open it again and have no desire to do so
What the fuck?
>he thinks he's done
clench your asscheeks for death wish
Thats just your mind playing tricks on you. Go play it and you'll have fun.
I can't play competitive multiplayer games at all, I just think competitive games are stupid. I'd rather have some comfy co-op these days.
You all have sleep apnea I need to get yourself a CPAP machine because you are f****** tired for no reason
You might enjoy fighitng games.. I also hated competitive games because the shit talking and relying on teamates got old, which is why good ole fighting games are perfect for me
25+ sounds about right. After that point time starts to move really fast and you have no patience for anything.
This but with kpop
My main problem with any PVP game is that I can't handle losing. I tilt and start punching shit. Now I'm anxious to play because I know how mad I get.
Maybe I should start checking that out as well. I haven't really explored anything music-wise in years now. These days I only listen to old shit for the nostalgia value.
27 here
I finished my backlog and now I focus on mobile games, MP games and replaying old games
Low IQ
No joke, I did an overnight sleep test, with all the shit attached to your body and gunk in your hair and shit.
They said I had "mild" sleep apnea which didn't warrant usage of one of those things.
I don't think I could fall asleep wearing this bullshit, so I don't mind, but I wonder if there's anything else I could do.
After playing Kingdom hearts 3 and Devil May Cry 5 games I waited a decade for I just feel empty. Like I can't bring myself to play any vidya now
27. I can't play multiplayer action games anymore, between my reactions and ability with KB+M, and being an alcoholic I just can't keep up. Party games I'm fine with. I mostly stick to single player games, either new stuff like Yakuza games, RPGs, or emulate older games.
At least my PC is pretty good.
I'm 35 and just this week decided I want to get into competitive fighting games, dont even know where to start. Ive never used a fightstick and only have a Switch. Do I need a PS4 or PC? Probably. As for games, SFV doesn't look very fun, I prefer 3rd Strike's aesthetics. Soul Calibur 6 looks cool but seems to be dead. Tekken isn't my jam. DBZ Fighterz and the new Samurai Shodown look kind of rad.
I just blitzed through the Core-A Gaming channel and got hyped. I want to learn. I've got the time and money. Are there coaches? When am I good enough to enter a local tourney? Will people there smell like shit?
I have sleeping problems too, never went to a doc though. I just drink to put me to bed. Yes, alcoholism is bad, I'm fortunately a happy drunk that goes to sleep. And honestly the sooner the better on death, just won't off myself because that's for fags
ps4 is the location for fighting games right now, that's where you'll find the most players.
If you don't care about 4k then a standard ps4 will be pretty cheap to find 2nd hand or even new these days.
>Had a shit day at work
>get home to Rage 2 which I preordered through amazon
>install it thinking it would take a long time
>installs all 30 gigs quickly
>do some stuff so that I can relax an play it
>even bought a mikes hard lemonade for the occasion, I never drink
>sit down an start the game
>tells me it needs a 13 GB update
>now it’ll take all night installing because I download at 7.5mb/second at the fastest
I am legitimately pissed at this point
26 here. This year I've beaten plenty of games across multiple platforms. I no longer try to 100% everything and if I'm getting bored of a game I just rush the main story. I found having less free time actually leads me to complete more games because I structure my time better and spend more doing stuff instead of clicking through jewtube suggestions. I also don't buy new games until I beat the one I'm playing. Sure, I'm probably a filthy casual but if you're not enjoying it then what's the point?
I was the same, I started exploring a bit and going through Japanese music, mostly old stuff and having a great time, them I stumbled on Korean ones and fell in love with the language, mad, it helped a lot with the overall jadedness. The concepts are really diverse, I'm sure you'll find something to your likeness.
It didn't used to be this way. You bought the damn game, inserted it into the console, called your friends over, asked your mom to order a pizza, did fatalities you wrote down out of EGM, swam in the pool, watched SNICK, got back to the game, watched fuzzy cinemax to see some boobies, and then fell asleep. I mean what the fuck happened, what's the deal?
mate when you know a game's probably gunna have an update right after you install it just unplug your internet.
a game doesnt have to update if it doesnt know there is one.
t.I still play Dota 6.something patch from years ago vs bots because I hate how the 7.0 patch changed everything
>finally get a PC that can run shit
>end up playing old games or indieshit anyway
PC would be easiest since you can just set up fightcade for free and play 3rd strike which you seem to be interested in but most people play on PS4. If you ask for help chances are you will get someone willing to teach you some shit, you might even make a buddy or two this way. Don't be afraid to get your shit pushed in and you will learn ten times faster once you can realize how you lost and how you can avoid it next time.
If you are actually interested in learning you could be the worst player at a tourney and still have a blast since everyone is just there for a good time and will probably help you out a bit if you ask questions.
Ok looks like I'll pick up a used ps4, no use splurging since ps5 is around the corner. Thanks anons, I'm ready to lose.
namefag test
Too late to do this once it started to download?