Humble Bundle

*Ding dong bing bong* Goooood morning everyone! It's time to start the hype train for the new Danganronpa bundle! Choo choo!

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Are we getting a new bundle today. It didn't help last time

It will be a software bundle.
Check this 5.

It will be a trash bundle
Check my 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 or 9


It's missing the posts begging for people to post keys.


Post keys faggot

>Still no Humble Music Bundle 2

I don't know if I should be impressed or laugh at you.

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My misfortune just brought you a great bundle
Thank me later

if 4 this bundle will be good

Does this mean it'll be double good?

Too bad user.

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You first, double nigger

If 7, this bundle will be devoted to H-Games.

My sister works for humble bundle and she told me only a few people will like the new bundle today

If 7 we will get a rape bundle

Attached: face.jpg (439x654, 223K)

Lucky for you here is a key

HB sucks since like a year before they were bought

How did he do this

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its going to be a bundle of books on programming
mark my 7

>shit monthly teo months in a row
>Shut bundles for months
At what point do we get an EGS bundle and truly jump the shark?

Microsoft bundle if 3

penis bundle if 6

Nigger bundle if 5

I hope it has a decent selection of games and DRM-free. It's all I ask for.

traps are gay bundle if 2

Tranny bundle if 8

Humble No Bundle if 5.

Don't know what this is for. Steam keys are 5 letters/numbers each.

no bundle if 0

dick bundle if 4

why are you guys getting excited for, this 6 says it'll be another VN bundle


>EGS bundle
What would they even put out at this point? Most of their exclusives are too new for a bargain bin bundle or not even out yet.

Based Anti-user

Humble 4X bundle if 4.

this 7 says its gonna be total nigger fiesta

Who paused this month's monthly?

The games they have in their catalogue, but DRM-free and with Epic Games Store keys.

everyone with more than double digit IQ

post keys anons

1 - New Humble Indie Bundle
2 - Another SEGA Total War bundle
3 - UPlay keys bundle
4 - Ancient AAA titles you can get for 2 dollars on sale Bundle
5 - MMO currency /lootbox bundle
6 - Console keys bundles
7 - Eceleb selection bundle
8 - Humble Comedy Bundle Reloaded
9 - Walking Sim Bundle
0 - No bundle at all


if 4 this bundle will stink like feet haha

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bots autograb keys

no true, I've gotten keys before

4 says PlayStation bundle

if 6 this bundle will be gay

Am I stupid or is my browser fucked up? My page says next bundle is going to be tomorrow


Where does it say that

Oh no, I'm retarded enough to buy the Lego bundle. Harry Potter and Batman memes

I completly forgot I bought that one. Thanks for reminding me!

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if 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 you like feet but are too insecure to admit it

There's only 6 at a time, right?

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What did they mean by this?

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>epic has finally shilled too much money away to get rights for these bundles

Danganronpa bundle confirmed for based

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There can be more

Alright then, everyone go.
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

First the monthly bundle sucks, then they don't have a new bundle for 2 weeks in a row!
Are they in big trouble?


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Welp, time to check out fanatical instead.

>no bundle again
fuck ign

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Why do companies always phrase their PR speak that way? "Not at this time" instead of just saying "no new bundle today" or "wait til next week". I know companies don't like to say no outright, but that's usually for planned features or release dates that are subject to change.

Since there is no bundle, does anybody have any tips on getting a job?

They have been for a long time. At the actual bundles. They only seem to have one, maybe two good titles in the monthly to sucker people in. Everything else is just trash they found on the side.

oh fuck you

I just cancelled my monthly after 2 years of putting up with this shit

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based byakuya

>2 years
holy shit user

Apply for them.

Clean yourself up, be polite, have qualifications, give a subtle wink after saying "what I wouldn't do for a job."

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Pretty sure bundles would have gaps before IGN took over too. It'd sometimes go quiet for a month at a time then hit with something strong. Weekly scheduled bundles are a relatively recent thing and part of the reason quality has decreased. The money they spend on the 6 current bundles and weekly shite water down the quality. Before they would've put 6x the effort into a single bundle.

these don't count each other out
no bundle confimed

DARK SOULS bundle with a couple ripoff soulgames in lower tiers

>$7.5 for bunch of roms

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Anomaly 2

>No DRM-free
Miss me with that gay shit.

why does their logo look like the tab icon for pornhub

HOW does he do it????

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There won't be a bundle today because the spring sale is still going on.

they are literally DRM free, the install comes with a folder of ROMs

Does anyone know why they haven't done another one? How many years has it been now?



I don't have a Steam account nor I want to create it.

oh nevermind i figured it out, thanks

Fuck off then, ESL.

Anyone grab a Mystery Egg bundle? I'm not going to but I wanna know what you can get.

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Can somebody check if they still put soundtracks in the regular bundles? I haven't bought one in a while.

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Humble bundle of sticks

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why the fuck is humble such absolute shit?

haha humble fagot

Project CARS 2

Just a bunch of shitty indie games I've never heard of.

Thanks user, you're a good guy

Invalid product code for TED, explain.

>its real
Oh god dammit

List em

Make me, cunt. There's literally no reason to not offer those games as regular downloads.

The HIB 20 had three soundtracks.

what was the answer for this one

Different user. I'm guessing AL.

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those key riddles are pretty smart

Because the person in charge of social media doesn't have the date.

>tfw STILL no anime cunny bundle

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Go to indie royale faggot

Where's the bundle?!


>Vegas Pro

cancel that they're dead now, anime cunny bundles are now at indie gala

Indie royale closed years ago you fag.

If 9 then it's something

i got a key for you Yea Forums


>Someone asks if there'll be a bundle today
>Support says no
>They release a bundle anyway
>It's a software bundle.

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Thanks for borderlands 3

How bad is it?

I don't get it, I just got a jpeg of you.

I'm gonna do it, whatever I already have goes to you faggets.

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enjoy your bad rats

enjoy those shitty games

Thanks for Agents of Mayhem

got legend of brofist, thanks

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What else did you get?

can't wait for nothing

random $5 games that I never heard of.
>The Last Tinker City of Colors
>Sun Blast Star Fighter
>Gladiator Trainer
>Blackguards 2
>Labyronia RPG 2
>Rolling Sun

Come on, just one week, it's not that long...

when are these point and click weebs gonna migrate to Yea Forums?

Blackguards is a SRPG set in The Dark Eye universe, which is a German more brutal version of D&D.

>its nothing

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Why did my roll post get deleted But others didn't? Is this Reddit?

because yours was funny and jannies don't like that

And they said meme magic wasn't real

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Humble has gone to shit, no idea why anons still hold out hope for good bundles.

[email protected]

May I please have the Megaman collection sir?

>Overwatch Loot box

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[email protected]
can you provide dark souls 3 good sir

If you're being generous, Titan Quest or Owlboy would be much appreciated user!

[email protected]

The spawn bundle was really damn good

Oh shit are you legit dropping keys? If so hit me up with Civ VI my good nigga

[email protected]

[email protected]

h-hit me up with A Hat in Time or SOMA please...

i don't think we do
i just come to these threads for amusement and to give out keys
anyway humble is running their spring store sale so don't expect anything

[email protected]
Dead rising 4 or the surge please. I love you user if you deliver

you forgot the useless video game dev book bundle also what about the software bundles no one wants

they don't spend anything on these bundles, we do

could you give mgsV definitive edition or resident evil revelations?
[email protected]

Quantum Break please
[email protected]

mafia 3 and/or ruiner please?
[email protected]

Cities skyline please user if you still have it
[email protected]

im pretty sure they still give them out but I dunno. I checked the most recent monthly and it gave me a soundtrack to finding paradise. who the fuck wants these soundtracks? crayon physics?

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thx man

Why you're paying for something u don't use

[email protected]
little nightmares please
also the escapists 2 if you can

first I hope one day that consumers will have their rights reinstated and I'll legally be able to resell these. I don't want to do it through g2a.

lots of them are dupes, I have about 2k games on steam. also many are just games in my backlog I might never get around to playing so I didn't want to redeem them on my steam account since that basically renders them worthless. even if I could get a couple bucks out of them on average, there are nearly 200 so that's a decent chunk of change I could spend on something I'd actually use.

forget the hearts of iron post please, I don't remember my protonmail password lol.

Faggots he's not giving a single shit, stop bumping


if you reset it before they send the email you will lose all of your old emails but be able to log in and get any new ones. protonmail is a bitch like that but at least it's secure as fuck

[email protected]
dark souls?