ITT: your mental illness and your favorite vidya genre
>gender dysphoria
ITT: your mental illness and your favorite vidya genre
Other urls found in this thread:
AvPD, BPD, GAD, Body dysmorphia, ED (anorexia), Dysthymia
Frequent derealization episodes.
FPS & Puzzle games.
Yoshi's Island
Avoidant personality disorder
I like both strategy games like total war and JRPG games
>third worlder
>Fighting games
>Bipolar disorder
>Dissociative disorder
>Panic disorder
>Social anxiety disorder
>Open world
Call of Duty 3
feel like I'm becoming a possible schizoid
Fighting games, action RPGs
depersonalization, depression, ptsd
rhythm and puzzle
>Turn-Based RPGs
I love this ugly cat
>PTST (post traumatic stress trauma)
>drinking disorder (not alcoholism)
don't post my wife you tranny
You guys are fucking fags.
Am I bipolar if I'm either extremely angry and productive or depressed and downtrodden alternating every 2-3 years? I'm still kind of young, so maybe this is just natural? I work best when I'm under the impression that there's nothing wrong with me, but recently I just feel completely broken and useless. More aware of my lack of control over my life. Is that normal? Should I just get anti-depressants or something since I have no emotional support? I don't feel much reward in my actions anymore, so maybe it's a problem with my dopamine system?
nothing, dad was convinced we both had clinical depression but fuck him
first person shooters
>Ninteno platformers
Its called "same sex attraction disorder"
I hope you try to get healed from that.
>paranoid personality disorder
Yea Forums - sane people
So you taking hormones or trying to fix it?
How severe? Did you get the luck to be a genius?
What is that? Xplain how you live it.
Rip, hold in there Anõn.
mental hospital gang ww@
Take a walk outside, stimulate your senses.
My depersonalization/derealization brother. How frequent are your episodes?
Yea Forums user
Fuck video games
sex addiction
>resource management / city builders
>didn't reply to me
Fuck you, dedicating my next cut session to you
Political radicalization, also I guess schizoid personality disorder
Dungeon crawlers
>Asperger syndrome, OCD, Borderline personality, Gender dysphoria, Social anxiety
>Dark souls
I'm into my step sister
You're just asking for it faggot.
>Multiple Personality Disorder
>JRPGs (particularly persona)
Makes sense that I'd like a series that involves wearing a different personality around different people and adopting different masks.
>lazy as fuck
>survival shooters
>immplying they arent doing it on purpsoe and get off on the abuse
you must be new
Severe Anxiety
Rhythm Games and JRPGs
Stop yelling, it hurts my mind ear.
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Survival Horror and ARPGs
i can't interact with people normally so i just live in a farm while playing vidya most of the time
>drinking disorder (not alcoholism)
>I play competitive Pokemon
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Alcohol Use Disorder
>Intimacy issues
>Grand Strategy
Sound comfy, considering the location and still having videogames and internet
Fighting games
How do I stop being so gay? I just can't stop thinking about pussy, user told me to try dicks, it didn't work, even plastic ones were better
Grand strategy/4X
Asperger's syndrome, audio schizoaffective, and some shit from being molested as a child
Persona 4
Aspergers and action games
Sorry friend, which were you? I didn't mean to ignore, I just went for those I didn't know, but I still wish to hear about you, little one.
>AvPD (Probably)
Hotel Dusk.
Meant to say JRPGs idk why I said the game
>paranoid personality disorder
>gender dysphoria
>Super Social Retard
>Action games
Let me help ;)
fuck off attention seeker
Action RPGs
>transvestic fetishism
>gender dysphoria
>erectile disorder
>narcissistic personality disorder
>diogenes syndrome
>premature ejaculation
>intermittent explosive disorder
>generalised faggotry and retardation
Just your typical JRPGamer
I lost a friend to psychosis.
Stuff isn't fun man, I'd rather die than live in a world where nothing or noone feels real.
I'm into my blood-related sister.
Ok, post address and phone.
How many different fucking terms do you need to describe Autism? They all share the same symptoms
Depression, general anxiety, social anxiety, existential anxiety, slight autism traits
fave genres
How to step NEET? I have been isolated for almost a year now, but I'm so scared of what the future brings, I dislike talking to people a lot, but I want to have a life. I'm terrified even of speaking to my psychiatrist if I haven't done all the things he told me to do, is that bad? I'm meeting my psychiatrist in two days, I'm so scared. What do I say?
involuntary celibacy (yes, check who if you don't believe me)
don't really stick to a single genre, but i could say i like rpgs and mystery games.
One problem rarely comes alone. This is true for both mental and physical traits, as this thread also proves.
>3d platformers
>RPGs and platformers/metroidvanias
It's a spectrum disorder
why dont we take this to pms my lady :)
My sibling was diagnosed schizophrenic psychosis last year. It's rough.
It's being healthy.
First post in the thread
Dyspraxia, mild ADHD
Action games
See a doctor, don't listen to randos on Yea Forums if you genuinely feel like you need some help.
I have sensory issues, used to walk on the ball of my feet and I cant trim my nails down too short its torture to touch anything but plastic or metal.
Fabric feels like hell to my fingertips.
Hardcore arm flapper too sometime, but I was never diagnosed somehow.
sent qt :^)
>What do I say?
The truth will set you free
Ptsd and Autism
>Co-op RPGS
Depressive episodes
Action/Adventure games, platformers (mostly old ones) and occasionally JRPGs, roguelites and Metroidvania
I'm sorry then. Can you explain those to me? I'm not sure what they all are...
If you feel more kinship/closeness with people on Yea Forums, while also knowing when something is a real honest post and when something is shitposting, then going to Yea Forums is probably better. Unless you're one of those people who have way too much faith in authority and won't consider yourself cured unless you have a professional say it to you.
>Don Juanism
>God complex
>big dick syndrome
Naturally I prefer WRPGs.
Not him, but dealing with alot of mental issues myself. I can't go to a doctor, because I am afraid they will lock me up in a hospital.
The closest I got to seeking help was, I told a psychiatrist about my suicidal thoughts and episodes of everything feeling totally unreal.
She said that it's my problem, I'm a grown man.
Death Drive/Thanatos Impulse
Reminder antipsychs will just make you dumb and give you mantits
Don't take em
>Autism, some kinda psychotic thing
>RPG probably
Pretty much this. You might be an autist who can't focus for more than a minute and has PTSD, but at least you're not a nigger.
wtf are you me?
Nice bait. Take my (You) and feel oh so accomplished.
>She said that it's my problem, I'm a grown man
Are you satisfied with this?
"Involuntary" celibacy is a fucking meme. If sex means that much to you it isn't hard to find a hooker, even in places where prostitution is illegal. Not even all that expensive either.
The only real incels are people with chronic ED or something that are physically incapable of getting it up.
>little bit of everything
How do you fix not having goals, willpower or support?
Did you want her to lock you up?
>mental illness
Depression, anxiety, aspergers
>favorite vidya genre
this is why i didnt post
self-diagnosing is stupid
At the time I was desperate for some help.
>ITT: your mental illness and your favorite vidya genre
>mental illness
OCD (pic related)
>favorite vidya genre
Competitive games where a player can fucking decimate if they're good enough.
Think of games like the 'Counter Strike' series and the 'Super Smash Bros.' series.
(phoon & mang0 are a big inspiration to me)
Schizoid, avoidant, history of ADD, schizophrenia w/ visual hallucinations(just flashes of light that I know of, thankfully) and avolition -particularly in spontaneous actions, I need some time to think how I am going to perform a new action and I think that this delay makes my motions more elaborate, farcical and presumptuous. Disorganized speech too, but thankfully higher education gave me sone tools to connect my disjointed thoughts. Still, I feel difficulty in expressing simple thoughts, which has led to others perceiving me as a tryhard and the social isolation that comes with it. The lack of drive and failure to reach goals compounds with that, exacerbating my social isolation.
Simulation games.
Sounds more like a bout of depression, i.e. the human condition. The changes in bipolarity should be quick, not through long periods of time.
Go to a Norf v. Souf match.
>asperger's, general anxiety, depression
>god games like spore
Roguelikes and fighting games
Schizos and certain other disorders can experience avolition, a lack of will. Not just like anhedonia
>At the time
You've lost me. You were suicidal, but didn't get any help. You're not desperate anymore, but not dead either. Was she right and you didn't need help to not kill yourself?
>OCD + competitive games
Must be easy to play against, you do the same thing every time.
>Was she right and you didn't need help to not kill yourself?
I guess
>Yea Forums is filled with nothing but mentally deranged faggots
I'm not surprised
>Diagnosed depression, ADHD and avoidant personality disorder
Well there you go. Brain-damaging meds shouldn't be taken if you don't have to. Good for you that you powered through, if that was what you did.
I'm not a faggot
FPS shoot em ups
> Good for you that you powered through, if that was what you did.
Fuck no, I just take a handful of meds every morning.
That's definitely autism. Try another psychiatrist whoever tried to diagnosed you might've been retarded
Psychology student here, your self-diagnosis doesn't count you faggots.
Video game addiction
If you already have the meds what more did you want?
i'm bipolar and i fuckin love arcade games
Have you played the last Skyrim? The Special Edition? I'm having a blast!
is there something for forgetting that I exist? I forget to eat a lot and I'm pretty sedentary, I just conk out on video games and whenever someone says something that makes me remember that I'm alive I feel really really scared.
Also, puzzle platformers.
It doesn't flair up in every activity. It's become a lot better, but I still have issues with cleaning, proper grammar and formatting.
I think I can play fighting games just fine.
Although I never got out of Silver when I played CS:GO (solo-queue)
Flapper arms, sure. The rest of it seems like oversensitivity or something.
>I make the same conclusions that you do, but I'm licenced and that makes me better than you
But what if I'm diagnosed autistic?
let the world burn fren
let these retards fall for thw cuckold meme
>I still have issues with cleaning, proper grammar and formatting
Clearly you do, you reddi.t spacing fuck.
Good taste, but hardly a video game genre.
I don't fucking know, everything is just a mess at this point.
Fighting games, Rhythm games, ARPGs
>yes goym, go to these ''''''''''''professionals''''''''' and change your gender
>Aspergers and depression
>Tactical shooters
Go back to Tumblr
>everything is just a mess at this point
What's so bad? Are you in some kind of trouble?
Impostor syndrome, mild anxiety, the human condition
Racing simulators
>I am gamer
>Nintendo games
>racing gaems
Ironically, I can't drive IRL
>Tactical shooters
That's kinda vague. What do you mean?
>OCD (real one that fucks me up, not the meme "OH NO THAT TILE IS NOT ALIGNED AND I'M ANNOYED, I HAVE OCD I GUESS, EPIC")
>action RPG
Oversensitivity is an autism symptom, user. In most cases it's about noise but haptic oversensitivity is also a thing. It's about the brain being unable to process certain stimuli properly.
It's why many autists like smooth, polished surfaces such as glass. The perfectly smooth structure feels good cause it's so easy and pleasant to process.
I took zyprexa and gained 50 pounds and couldnt sleep for less than 14 hours every night
I switched to vraylar and it was worse with the psychosis but at least im not a literal stone
I guess its either hallucinate asleep or hallucinate awake, around the ones you love
I probably have mild internet addiction. I've had like three short term bouts of depression in my life (trying to shake off the third right now) but nothing chronic.
Action and Fighting.
dont forget mild autism
you have to be on the spectrum to appreciate vroom vroom on a screen
it doesn't count if you do it with money. and hookers are ugly. the issue isn't really celibacy in the first place but not being with a woman i like. type of woman i'm interested is usually high class or "elite" while i'm a poorfag so it becomes an obsession. i don't care much for the average girl on the street, i'm not really bitter.
just looking to release from the mortal coil with the least amount of pain and most amount of fun, and just disperse into the aether.
Shit like Red Orchestra/Rising Storm, Squad, Insurgency, and a little PUBG with friends from time to time.
Don't have one, I mean I guess I get anxiety when I play ranked in vidya?
Fighting Games
Clinical depression
>hallucinate asleep
Isn't that just dreaming?
I don't have mental illnesses anymore but when I did I was deep into simulator management.
especially porn management games
Mild Autism Yui is best girl
I don't use Reddit, I just think it looks better.
I never knew that making something look nice or easier to read meant that I used an inferior website.
Oi, motorsports is liked by millions of normalfags.
Down syndrome
Anime games
yeah that's what I'm taking about, just trying to make a connection between the two
sorry if it came across as pretentious or something
What does it mean when I rotate my eyeballs all the way up until I see a white/blue imprint of my iris whenever I have a bad thought about somebody I care about or else it will happen?
Hi, I'm user. I'm addicted to amphetamines and masturbation.
Racing is a pretty normalfag genre though, in general.
That said, the way I play them definitely puts me on the spectrum.
You sound like a fag
Go for girls in your own league retard
You're not an incel you're just stupid as hell
>Grand Strategy
Yeah but then people start thinking you're a pussy or making shit up if you have multiple, even if you're statistically more likely to have depression or anxiety when you have something like ADHD or OCD.
watching K-ON!
It just seems silly
>I guess its either hallucinate asleep or hallucinate awake, around the ones you love
When "hallucinate asleep" is what regular functioning people do.
Pretty sure it means you love ahegao
>I make the same conclusions that you do, but I'm licenced and that makes me better than you
You require extensive training and lots of reading on the matter to be able to make a correct diagnosis, not anyone can do it.
Congrats, you are not a self-diagnosed like the other tumblr-tier special snowflakes. Keep on with your life fellow Yea Forums user.
I'm against the normalization of trannies too. (((Proffessionals))) shouldn't advise them to chop off their dicks, it doesn't solve anything.
Wow there’s a lot of mentally ill people on Yea Forums
Same autists here, the few times I trimmed my nails as far back how most people do, its really fun to type on a keyboard because the smoothness. You wanna know something really weird? Sometimes when I clip them I get a pulse in my right ear as it snips, like nervous system is apprehensive to the act.
Also deal with an issue with wearing socks sometimes making me feel more tense, yet sometimes socks help.
There's a place for double spaces, like when changing a subject completely. Not when finishing a sentence.
>Social anxiety disorder
>Fighting games
Literally how? I have ADHD and I dont have the attention span to learn strategy games.
I guess me getting up every 30 minutes from my PC then walking to prevent me from breaking my spine counts as something?
Light novels with puzzels
My eyelids are closed though
That shit doesn't add up. Or do you start new games every few minutes?
Bipolar Type II
JRPGs, fighting games, puzzle games, and action games
Being bipolar isn't that bad, honestly. I was diagnosed at 12 because my dad was diagnosed with it the year prior, so I've learned to live with it instead of taking medication. Medication is awful and makes the world seem fucking boring. I feel sorry for everyone else that's on it.
>Diagnosed with aspergers as a kid, now diagnosed with general anxiety and Pure O OCD
>2D platformers
that's true
but you're on Yea Forums, you post on Yea Forums and then play racing games
that combination can make anything but a normalfag
I’m into my sister in law
bipolar i, ocd
FROM games
they self diagnose attempting for neetbux to live le life of a gamer
i'm so depressed i have depression :(((
>Borderline with ptsd from extreme psychological abuse during childhood
>Anything Yu-Gi-Oh or Shin megami tensei related
Havent played games from other franchises in over a decade
>You require extensive training and lots of reading on the matter to be able to make a correct diagnosis
Yeah, on others. Because it's hard to understand how others feel because you aren't them, so you need to be taught how.
>sex addiction
>Dungeon crawlers
schizophrenia and tactical rpgs.
Maybe it's the fabric of the socks? I'm going fucking insane when socks have a noticeable seam where the toes are. I literally throw all socks that have them into the trash because wearing them is torture.
Yet folding towels for example can make me freeze up and make my teeth hurt because of the sensation. Its like chalkboard scratching but to my teeth and fingertips.
I'm telling you, racing games has nothing to do with that equation.
Based undergrad who barely even understands his field
>Quick tempered
I've seen this posted quite a few times, and I haven't been able to figure out why it's so popular to post. I don't know if I'm correct to assume the worst, that people use it as a means to make fun of transgender people, but shouldn't this indicate that they need a lot of caring for?
Actually good post.
You can do it!
>racing games has nothing to do with that equation
do you take racing games seriously and consider yourself pretty good at them?
what the fuck, im also a cluster b whos heavily into ygo and megaten, not JUST those, but still, now you got me wondering if theres a correlation
residual schizophrenia
any rpg
Try wearing them inside out?
I smoke a fuck ton of weed and it makes me incredibly hyper-focused. I only play Darkest Hour because you can rigidly apply a few strategies and find success, but there's also room for going off the rails and doing weird shit.
If I'm not stoned as fuck I can't play for more than about 10 minutes before I get bored. But stoned? I can run Operation Barbarossa in one four hour marathon sitting.
He didn't say choose your starting skills.
Nigger they're super mentally ill, a regular person doesnt cut off their dick
No and no. But it has been about ten years since racing games were my favorite genre.
Kill yourself
Tell me about horsepussy.
Exactly for that reason. I don't know if there's a study about it but my gut feeling says that bullying and harassment doesn't help these people.
That's even worse. Socks are more rough on the outside.
Do you split? What about cutting??
Can you maintain a healthy social link?
>No and no.
So you are playing a genre you don't care about and are not that good at?
>card games
I actually think your problem is that your socks are of too high quality.
I need to post that on every tranny thread
>Immersive Sims
I think its more about sometimes needing the barefoot stimulation and sometimes needing to isolate the foot with socks depending on other stressors going on.
What the hell does any of this mean
Whats worse? Normalizing mental ilness and making them feel like they SHOULD be normal after getting mutilated? Which they fucking dont, or some jokes?
Racing games give me a rush like few other games do. At least the right, non arcadey ones do. However I rarely seek that rush specifically when playing games so I don't play racing games that often. I think you have me confused for another user.
Puzzle Games/Metroidvanias/Adventure games/ARPGs.
You just dissociate? Look into all the personality disorders cuz usually thats just a symptom of something else my friend