At what level would I start having fun as a Warrior?
I want to tank, but if I have to auto-attack my way to level 30 before I get enough skills for enjoyable combat, I'll just go mage.
At what level would I start having fun as a Warrior?
I want to tank, but if I have to auto-attack my way to level 30 before I get enough skills for enjoyable combat, I'll just go mage.
you're still auto attacking with whirlwind axe until 40
have fun drinking 7 24 then
mage gets fun at ~25, warrior at 40+
At soon as you get charge
I suggest making friends to play with
Or play retail altogether
whirlwind (the skill not the axe) at 30 improves things
>I'll just go mage
Have fun drinking every 3 mobs.
You can have fun pretty much out of the gate with hamstring kiting
>not pulling 10+ at a time
>teehee I will just go mage :)
Have fun drinking after 1 mob.
When Paladin gives you Blessing of Freedom.
>He's still unironically playing WoW
I'd say at level 30 when you unlock Slam, you'll then have a good amount of damage abilities. Just be glad you're not a Paladin that just auto attacks.
tfw it's prime time to start deciding on faction, class, race and names
I can not decide on class, at least on my first main. Hunter, mage, warlock or rogue?
Hunter would let me get to 60 easily and without help, and is the easiest, fastest, most chill and efficient gold farmer especially until phase 2; their only competitors, mages, don't get to farm lashers, while hunters get to farm Princess right away. Huge gold lead, nothing will come close.
Hunters are the ultimate rpg-ish class in vanilla with all sorts of immersive gimmicks as well as having a tamagotchi to take care of.
Their problem is getting invited to raids and getting any loot. It would be risky to keep a hunter main beyond 3 or 5 tier 1 if you can even get that lucky, and only if your guild is strong AND wants you to stay.
Otherwise it would be mage, the second best farmers. They're the strongest ranged dps, are fantastic at all variants of pve and pvp, have strong utility making them popular in groups, and are kings of CC. Their one downside is being really squishy in pvp at 60 until they get strong gear to double their health.
Warlock would be a third option. I play Alliance of course, so from what I've learned, an Alliance warlock is pretty much always wanted and I can expect getting to do all the raids. AFTER tier 2+, they become good in both pve and pvp, but until then are pretty mediocre and even bad dps, but they still bring fantastic utility to the party and raid. inb4 WotF, it's not a big deal, there are many ways to outplay it.
Lastly, rogue. Gods of ganking and pissing people off. I'd keep mining on this guy JUST to kill or sap in front of mining nodes and steal them. They're strong in pve but bring nearly zero utility aside lockpicking, sapping is unreliable even specced. They're good in all of pvp. Their large weakness is that they're horrible at gold farming, with BRD pickpocketing being at best half the efficiency of doing either of the farms that a hunter, mage or warlock can do.
around 30-34
You need to be masochistic to enjoy leveling a Warrior in Classic.
>playing the most hated vanilla class
WoW isn’t fun. it’s an alternative to facing your problems and replacing your addiction to substances with a virtual world designed to keep you distracted from life.
there’s a reason there’s actual WoW addiction help groups and rehab facilities
>not rolling on every melee weapon
>not dabbing on the haters
>the only way to have fun is to live a straight edge turbonormie life
Kek no druids are more hated than hunters. Hunters are actually not very noobfriendly in vanilla, although they were still called huntards because of noob players taking all the gear and letting the pet run amok. But actually playing them right takes more effort than at least mages and warlocks that literally spam 1 button rotations.
there are groups and facilities to treat every kind of addiction, videogames are no exception
having idiots who cant handle basic shit like balancing a few aspects of their lives doesnt make it bad for everybody else
or just play games that aren’t designed to be time vampires
MMOs died for a reason and Blizzard is greedy as Hell.
But suit yourselves. you will NEVER get those 300+ days you wasted on a 15 year old game back.
>At what level would I start having fun as a Warrior?
Trick question. Answer is never, unless you're brain damaged
I'm never getting those years I wasted on teenage football back either
3 years of that shit left me with nothing
Basically this until you hit 30, at which point you can go arms for sweeping strikes and start pulling more than 1 mob
>my only options in life are MMOs or sports
pathetique. learn a skill, stop playing time vampires designed by the Blizzard Jew
what kind of skill are we talking about here?
I already have a profession, are we talking woodcarving or some shit on my free time? boy that will really be time well spent
Nelf druid (no resto)
Dwarf priest
Gnome warlock
help me decide bros
Dwarf rogue
gnome warlock
That's the backup plan