>Business is booming!
Business is booming!
Ugliest Anna yet.
Awakening Anna will never be topped
Fates would be GOAT if it wasn't for that additional appendage.
Never trust a six-fingered person, especially if your name is Inigo Montoya.
Best Anna. You cannot dispute.
>Heroes Anna will never be topped
thought it was fucking yugioh
I like Anna but this is awful, what the fuck were they thinking
I would say we have a trifecta of perfection, but we have one more Anna to add to the group of best Anna's.
I prefer this one
I like Warriors Anna.
I can't understand why they couldn't make the Ballastician usable for girls in Fates. If anything, it just fits Anna perfectly as a callback to her old boy-toy Jake.
Laziness or they absolutely wanted to make a counterpart to witches. Still, nothing could have stopped them from making male witches either.
They could have just allowed Anna to be an exception to the men-only rule for Ballasticians, since she's not really considered a canon character in Fates (you have to literally buy her) and is mostly just playable as a callback to Awakening.
Is the business prostitution?
How did they fuck up Anna so bad. She was such a good waifu before this.
War profiteering and prostitution.
She's been fucked up since Awakening flanderized her character to be a greedy manipulative bitch.
I mean design wise you fucking schmuck, and greedy manipulative bitch Anna is great.
My nigga. FEW Anna has the best outfit.
Will she be romancable?
Only by your avatar, as per tradition. Even then, you're still going to be second to her one true love: MONEY!
I don't like that Dorothea loses her hat on promotion. Anna better sell me her hat back.
>Even then, you're still going to be second to her one true love: MONEY!
I'll survive.
Ah Yes, Fire Emblem Three Houses, originally a 2018 game for the Switch then revealed to be 2019 lineup. Delayed from Spring 2019 to now Summer 2019 for quality assurance purposes per Nintendo's Direct January re-reveal.
Has had constant red flags because the presentation is extremely poor. The artist is Chinatsu Kurahana, known for her otome (games for women, the men typically are pretty boy looking like the Sailor Moon men). Then unlike Sailor Moon, her character design and facial expressions are extremely lacking for all the genders, the eyes in particular are completely fucked up and devoid of life on all the characters she draws. The cover art has received tons of mockery including from previous Fire Emblem artists who poke fun at the upside homo queer Claude.
But if that wasn't bad enough, the actual 3D side of the game is amateur and wonky at best. You get into combat and you see just how uneven the game truly unfolds. Objects clipping where they shouldn't even, weird body types for the women like the church lady has a man's torso, there's a girl that looks like a time traveler Jpop cosplay girl (you'll know her since she has a photoshopped out of place hat), the entire game suffers from lack of anti-aliasing so the hair in particular is distracting in 3D due to shimmering, there's 0X AF so the ground textures (which are low quality to begin with) are very and I mean VERY blurred, and then there's the combat environment like trees/buildings that look almost N64 era. Oh and the physics engine is hilarious, like it seems they put one and only one developer on the collision detection programming side, coded only once just get the game into alpha stage and never fixed it.
Compare this screenshot between open world Xenoblade 2 vs closed single map Fire Emblem 3 Houses which goes in out of 2D plane and 3D plane (Valkyria Chronicles did this too in the PS3 in 2008 and it wasn't an ugly game).
Why is it only the avatar anyway?
>5 Fingers
>Loses hat upon promotion
>Still has it in her portrait
Hilda is honestly quite cute, I really wish these soul-piercing eyes were toned down
Dead otome soulless eyes + PINK HAIR (why???) = ugliest Ana ever. Gotten hinmel they need to cancel FE 3 Houses
Dorothea is still better.
this shit is going to flop
more excited to get these characters in heroes than to play the actual game desu
Thats best anna u nigger
it's going to sell a million at least
and so is my dick
lol maybe they should have done another remake to experiment the waters more
Zelda had like 2 remasters, 2 remakes, and 2 sequels based on a reimagining before BotW came out
all of them were experiments for that game
its gonna do worse than or slightly above XB2 if this stays like this.
Those shitty eyes ruin them.
This desu, we may actually get to see what they'd look like drawn by decent artists.
That's even better than my projection
>FE was saved by waifus
>had such a good track record
>suddenly does this
Awakening Anna is garbage
Stupid Awakeningbabby. That's a throwback to the first Anna
Kill yourself ironic weeb
>Awakening sells well because of waifus
>Fates skewers more towards husbandofags but still has plenty for waifufags
>IS takes this as a sign that they have waifufags on lockdown and thus need to go full otome emblem by hiring a fujo artist
We'll have to see how that works out for them, though they may be right to some extent since Edelgard was instantly popular and they still put in a dragon loli for maximum lolicon points.
Can't imagine being as dumb as you. Like how the fuck do you even breathe? Or get up in the morning?
user, are you having an aneurysm?
Seek help
You're both retarded, Awakening sold because it was marketed well.
No, just calling out a Awakeningbabby for being mentally disabled like usual.
I like Kurahana's art though. Especially Edelgard looks cute as hell.
>primarily girls buy Fates
>next game is targetted at girls
>guys: pikachu face
I really can't see what others do in Edelgard. As others have said the eyes are the biggest issue, but even then she has a fivehead as well. She looks totally soulless.
There's no better advertisement than assloads of porn.
So, waifufags didn't actually bolster sales? Colour me surprised.
The hate for this game feels so forced.
The hate for this game feels so forced.
No wonder all the girls look like shit besides the loli dragon.
*citation needed*
Dragon loli looks like shit too. It's just that lolifags don't care, because all they need is for her to be a loli.
The force for this game feels so hate.
She has the eye problem they all have, but for the most part she looks alright.
The game genuinely looks like shit
Everything looks so wrong in Three Houses and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly why. I sure hope Sothis is romancable, if not I have no real interest in the other trainwrecks, and I’m not even much of a lolicon.
>the actual 3D side of the game is amateur and wonky at best.
LITERALLY who the fuck cares? It's a glorified special effect when you attack an enemy, it's not actually part of the gameplay whatsoever. Obviously it'd be NICE if it looked better, but me giving the slightest iota of a fuck is a net loss on my life. Comparing it to XB2 is also an extremely dishonest comparison to make and you know it.
>game succeeded due to one factor
No, you're retarded.
Gameplay seems fun at least
Everyone brings up the awful eyes but I think it’s the outfits and armor (or lack of it) that’s the biggest issue. The fujo designer is also a fashion school reject.
>the most boring, least sassy Anna
Dude, have you not been looking at the landscape of modern anime? Pretty much the only people who are going to unequivocally like this game are the eroge crowd.
...Then again, the fact that Senran Kagura and Neptunia threads are a perpetual occurrence on this board pretty much implies that the entirety of Yea Forums are eroge fans makes me think that there really is nobody who'd protest FE16 ending up being FE13-3: Groping Returns...
...Okay, I guess you're right, the hate for this game does feel forced. But that's less people being ingenuine and more that the genuine people are completely crowded out by the chronic masturbators.
>have your veterans design the MC and female lead (MByleth and Sothis)
>let the literal worst artist do everything else
>everyone picks male and fugs the dragon loli
>extort millions out of FEH players for her as a mythic 190 BST dragon
IS is playing the long con.
Nintendo is trying to appeal to retarded Americans who don't know what they want. The ones who try to say "fanservice sucks!" even though they like it and aren't going to buy the games that don't have any.
This is peak Anna
Just give me an alt for her FFS
Its surprising that we dont have any fucking alt of the greedy character
Sothis doesn't look like an old FE design any more than the fits in with the other 3H designs. She's just alien.
No, don't give FEH Anna an alt.
Give us a different, better Anna.
Same reason she has a hole in her outfit exposing her stomach.
>tfw I deleted my launch Heroes account 2 months ago
I felt I threw hundreds of cash down the drain, but I am glad I am not choke holded by that mentality.
What is this picture trying to prove? Showing 3 examples of FE games that actually bombed?
So why this bitch designs work so well for Purse Owner but look legit soulless here?
Will this be the highest selling game in the series? It really looks like it'll be based on the high preorders.
>She's just alien
Which works because she's not human and introduced in a very mystical position. Also people seem to make a big deal about her braids being weird, but they're just red and white ribbons, not hair dye.
My only complaint is that her hair is so complicated they had to render it as a solid block of wood in engine.
FEH designs are better than 3H's.
The only good character there is Veronica, and she was neglected as shit until the fans literally demanded she get a playable unit.
too bad the writing is shit and non-existant
at least 3 Houses characters r actually getting last names and backstories
That would imply they actually spent a lot of money on development of the game which you can clearly see they did not.
>the eyes are soul-less
I don't particularly see it, at least not any more than the other games. I think the real issues with the artstyle is the lack of detail and the ugly hairstyles for certain characters. Also think 3H Anna has excessive amounts of blush.
And they are still better then 3H's.
>too bad the writing is shit and non-existant
Hope you enjoy FE 17, silly willy.
>I don't see it
I don't have the Edelgard one but it's just as striking as this.
I love Awakening Anna, but Warriors Anna is my favorite overall.
>too bad the writing is shit and non-existant
Wow like all of FE
Frankly I think the right looks pretty shit when matched with the rest of the image, but I sort of see your point regardless. The pupils are a bit too small, perhaps? I just don't think it's the biggest issue with these designs.
I hope all of you 3H eye-complainers aren't going to turn around and tell me the Echoes art was great.
This makes Berserk 2016 look good. I can't tell if this FMV is running on like sub 15FPS or there are just that few frames of animation. I could understand in Echoes because they had to cram so much voice acting onto a 3DS cart so compressed/lower framerate FMVs are reasonable to expect but there is no excuse here.
The highest selling Switch exclusives this year will be:
-Pokemon SWSH
-Animal Crossing
-Mario Maker 2
-FE Three Houses
This will be the highest selling FE game ever.
Try to prove otherwise.
Always seemed to me the general consensus was Echoes had great art.
>Try to prove otherwise.
FE is dead garbage
Echoes had the lower quality cutscenes because there were more of them and they're longer. 3 Houses probably has more CG cutscenes than any other game in the series. Awakening/Fates cutscenes were so high quality because there was only a few of them and they're really short on top of that.
if it's dead y is there a game coming out
and y r u in a fe thread if u hate fe?
I have a feeling this is going to kick the shit out of the franchise and put it back to death's door again.
I agree, miles ahead. But they both got the souless dead eyes happening in them
FE is more popular than ever and it's releasing on a hot new console. It is a 99% chance it'll be one of the highest selling FE games.
Because those are two entirely different artists?
It really depends on the gameplay. If it's fun, well balanced and deep I don't care if the visuals look like dogshit.
retard who doesn't know GBA budgeting or...
>actually using money
FEH is the most generous gacha with free shit.
It doesen't even need to best gameplay for it to sell. It will outsell almost every FE game just by being on the Switch. Even Warriors outsold most main FE games.
I'm glad that I quit forever ago, to be honest. I forget when, but it was probably around Ayra's release. And the situation just keeps getting fucking worse over time.
A particular character got added a month or so ago, made me really want to pick it up again, but the retarded amount of powercreep just doesn't seem friendly for people who haven't been playing since day 1.
Not to mention all of the currencies you have to build up over time to make all of the new shit fun to play, so nothing is lost from ditching the game.
I can't.
3H will be the best selling FE ever and I look forward to watching Yea Forums seethe
>actually believing this
It's not as jewish as F/GO but it's far from the "most generous". It doesn't even come close to GBF.
Reminder that a spinoff like FEWarriors pushed a million (higher than every FE except Awakening and Fates). So a new actual main FE will likely even surpass Awakening and Fates.
Various degrees of disgust for fujo scum.
If you hate fujos that much, why use a reaction image with Ike on it?
>This makes Berserk 2016 look good.
Woah, lets not get carried away here
t. Soren
Please don't start that argument again.
*million shipped
>still in denial
right, so it didn't succeed solely due to waifu faggotry
It's not Ike's fault they latched onto him.
not my anna
Echoes art was shit. Shame Catria was part of that cancerfest.
>If it's fun, well balanced and deep
You are expecting too much from FE
Why does Anna look so poorly designed in this? It's not even the art style, she looks like less effort went into her when comparing her with the other 3H characters.
Or is it just me? I want to like her because it's Anna, but damn.
Not that guy. I just don't want to see the argument choke up the thread.
Hey, everything else is different from previous FEs, why not? I don't mind when they try new shit either, as long as they're not just taking old mechanics away like the weapon triangle.
Are there any good Fire Emblem games?
Everything looks bland and uninspired, say what you want about Awakening and Fates but at least they had some level of aesthetic, it just seems like Houses is going for genic anime highschool bullshit
>say what you want about Awakening and Fates but at least they had some level of aesthetic
Yeah, really fucking retarded aesthetic. This is just the same, but a bit more highschool-themed.
It honestly looks like they were trying to design a game for the Wii/Wii U or even the 3DS. The Switch doesn't have laughably bad specs, you can get games to look really good on it if you put in any fucking effort.
>generic anime *insert trope here*
u mean like every FE game
Fatewakening Chad here. Im skipping out on this installment because the designs arent hot enough for me.
The problem is that the only HD game IS has ever made is Paper Mario Color Splash. Better specs means nothing if the dev has no experience.
There's a difference between anime as inspiration and anime as shackles, dumbfuck.
I don't understand why you're not prowling Oregairu threads instead. At least those have some chance of real conversation.
So u haven't played any FE game except those 2?
Kozaki is never coming back so u might as well drop the series.
>anime as inspiration vs shackles
that means literally nothing
all u said is "anime high school" when literally every FE game is anime inspired (and almost every fucking JRPG ever)
She’s better than Nowi and is the deuteraginist.
They should have made Male Byleth a slut like his counterpart
it's because she's not playable
I'm not the guy who posted the image. I don't agree with him. I just disagree with you grouping all the FEs under "they're anime, so they're shit".
Fem byleth is an obvious afterthought
The world building and lore is already superior to Awakening and Fates just based off what we know already. That and the characters actually have last names for once. Already an improvement in my books as far as the setting goes.
Last names don't equal better worldbuilding.
True. They should've seen how much she contrast with male Byleth and changer her a bit,
the last names being coordinated to the world map telling you where the characters live................is
She had pink hair in the original games you filthy Awakeningfag.
She has pink hair in like only one game. Pink hair fags need to kill themselves.
She has had red hair in more games than she had pink hair in.
>Business is booming!
Am i the only one who gets off to the idea of her pimping the rest of the cast? i want her to bully stripper Chrom in front of his prostitute ddaughter
>don't care about Yea Forums bitching
my copy is preordered and am playing day 1