The best sonic game of all time. Prove me wrong

The best sonic game of all time. Prove me wrong.

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I won't prove you wrong if I agree with you, user

Needs a remake or sequel on the switch

You're not wrong user. Sonic battle and sonic rush are my favorite sonic games

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>You will never be a braindead robot that Amy treats like her child

>any game with shadow in it
pick one

Its a little janky, but good fun. Emerl customization is also really fun and complex for a GBA game.
Also, I really like the artstyle. Its got such a mid-2000's look that I don't think anything has done the same.

Pretty great but the insta kill system ruins it.

Looking back, this game should probably have been garbage when you look at the trend of sonic spin offs... But it was REALLY good for some reason

Well this game is good, especially funny you say that as well considering it gives Shadow the most development besides Emerl.
Stay seething.

It should've been a proper fighter or at least a Smash clone like the Digimon GBA games. The weird 2D/3D visuals and Power Stone gameplay made the game a pain to play.

I think this game made the best use of Shadow's powers. Most of the games don't bother to make him and Sonic fight different, but he was doin chaos shit left and right in this one.

>farming tails' simulations for rare cards
>remembering how easy it was to get hit once then stunlocked to death
i didn't need to remember this suffering

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>oh shit a rare skill
>tails pose

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>tfw teleporting into a brawl with shadow and getting the Chaos Burst instakill on like 2 opponents

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I am sad Sonic games stopped using the Gamma copies.
I miss Gamma, non-ironically one of the best looking and best written characters for no good reason.

Never got the 20 victories needed for cards.
Always got bullshitted by one of the A.I getting their insta kill move charged up by all of the hits i gave to them, can't evade them forever, specially with some characters having homing ones.
This was my jam back in the days.

>Doesn't include Shadow the Hedgehog

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>tfw played through the game as a kid and completed the full story while never upgrading Emerl besides the one time you're required to.

Young me must've been a stubborn fuck cus nowadays I can't get past the battle with fucking Knuckles in Chapter 1 now.

Agreed, this game is dripping in style. I'd love to see a sequel or remake.

>RARE - tails color
>literally the same fucking shade of orange as default

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>Fanfiction-tier storyline that adds further ret-cons to Shadow's already dragged-out presence
>Non-functional fighting system where the only effective attack you have is the super-cheap touch of death attack

What are you talking about ? Story was one of the best parts of that game.

>not getting ult attack 2 which benefit from the one-shot bar despite not consuming it, and couldn't be auto-blocked

Fuck, this was so good.

Only ultimate attack card i got was the sweeping kick one.
And since the virtual training then amps it up to 20 kills i haven't been able to get more.
Seriously who the fuck thought that was an ok number?

Who else is playing it as we speak?

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It's literally everybody just fighting over a toy named Emerl like little kids, combined with ret-cons saying that Prof. Gerald just so happened to have been experimenting with Emerl at the exact same time as he was developing Shadow.

At least Chronicles gave Emerl a better origin by being a sentry that accidentally got separated from its makers, but Chronicles isn't canon anymore and so that's gone.

So, Chaos in this game
Complete shit or fine?

This game was really hard, man

I played that shit when i was little, and never tried to customize Emerl. So i completed the game with all default moves. Looking back at that retardation i can't even imagine how did i manage that

people actually wasted time farming the 20 VR wins???
the time you spent getting floored by cheap one-shots in VR training could have been better invested in spamming that 1 KO fight in knuckles's chapter hoping RNG would bless you with them

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Been a bit since I played, but I remember doing okay with him.
He is just slow as hell.

absolute garbage, he's the slowest character and the game only fools you into thinking he's good because the fight is heavily handicapped against you

Wait.. you can get them elsewhere!!?
Please explain further good sir, i legit thought they were locked behind that mode.

I did dumb shit like that all the time as a kid.
It took me forever to beat Sonic Adventure 2 because the rogue level in the pyramid with the scarab robot guards scared me.

When I was in elementary school, I let a friend borrow my copy of Sonic Battle after I finished it. The fucking dumbass played it in class and got it taken away. Had to wait until the end of the year to get it back. Fuck you Alan.

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