The PS4 version of Omega Labyrinth Life is now simply called "Labyrinth Life", because the omega ω looks like a pair of breasts.
What the fuck is wrong with Sony?
The PS4 version of Omega Labyrinth Life is now simply called "Labyrinth Life", because the omega ω looks like a pair of breasts.
What the fuck is wrong with Sony?
Omega Labyrinth Life is a switch exclusive.
Labyrinth Life is the paid demo without the titties.
No touch mechanics
No stripping girls as a result of the player's direct input (Battle damage is different thus Senran Kagura gets a pass there)
Steamy hot springs.
>the omega ω looks like a pair of breasts.
its obviously intentional.
snoy haets japan
No shit but it's also the NAME OF THE SERIES
Because now devs can charge 20 bucks extra for the omega
I'm pretty sure if Pqube or anyone else wants to touch this game in the west they'll call it Labyrinth Life as well after OLZ got banned from the 3 largest European economies.
>after OLZ got banned from the 3 largest European economies
Except it was never banned.
oh boy another 500 reply thread of nincels seething at everything sony do despite not owning any sony console
this board sure is great
Is this series any good? I've heard of Omega Labyrinth on vita.
>sony censors
If you like Pokemon mystery dungeon you'll definitely like this.
Man Sony is really going all out on the censorship, who exactly are they appealing to with these moves?
this game sucked ass on the vita with it's selling point being able to jiggle a webm of titties while playing the most basic dungeon crawler straight out of the early 90's.
Dungeon Travellers 2 was fan-servicey but had actual depth to the gameplay to back it up and of course we don't get that one
fuck videogames
says the guy who chimps out over the lack of breasts
the faggots, the trannies, the child abusers and the mentally ill commie subverters
Two, that doesn't prevent digital releases so they could have easily released it.
I hate this form of censorship. How would I know it's low effort panderbait for fat lonely neckbeards when they remove it from the cover?
They still could sell the game on psn.
So people who would never buy these games anyway?
So alt right?
I can't tell if the Snoy version is mocking their censorship or if it's actually sincere.
>This refusal is relevant to physical product only (disc, cartridge, etc.)
more of this derpina
lol amerimutts are like russians
commie regulations
How long until Sony starts censoring letters from the Latin alphabet? I wouldn't be surprised if games released on PS5 in the future weren't allowed to use the letter "l" because it looks like male genitalia, or the letter "N" so people don't get reminded of the N-word.
you want more?
>4kids version for sony players
Steam doesn't need any qualification
Epic game store am I right?
There's something weird about that Mika