The picture says it all.
The picture says it all
Is this honestly real?
>the western gamer
This meme was funny the first few times but it's now the telltale sign of an insecure right-winger who probably isn't too manly himself.
Yeah. It was even on the news.
I love little boys
like tapestry
aww, did someone get mad that their thread died :3
More or less, the real one is some guy with an xbox.
Why would you do this to your body?
Fake and gay news. Remember the fake Gook name thing when that plane crashed.
So i can dump loads im wom*n and never worry about kids?
Have sex LMAO
Some guys have fathered all the kids they want to and would like to enjoy risk free unprotected sex. Alternatively some people carry fucked up genetic disorders that they have decided not to pass on.
>Western gamers
Why would you have children?
There isn't a single rational argument for this, you're a retard running on instincts if you don't realize this.
the "my wife's boyfriend" part is fake.
>You suck. Get out of my country-maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.
never fails to make me smile
Tyrone told him to
Yeah but you're still fucking up your body for something you can avoid with contraceptions.
>The highest quality sony content on Yea Forums
Snoyfags should be banned, nothing of value would be lost.
it is reddit therefore it is shit.
>Hanging out with a lot of Asians recently
>BTS buddies
>Filmed movie with Jackie Chan
>Can now speak fluent Mandarin
>Looks like this now
The ultimate man
they make me feel so good!
I'm looking at the comments and amazed at all these cucks congratulating him
Breeding and having young is a part of life. Even if you might not want them now you may grow old and want them at some point in your life.
god tier post
You do know that vasectomies aren’t permanent
Pretty shitty bait my dude
Dilate, tranny
>everyone does this! why don't you want to do this? you'll regret not doing what everyone does!
>what do you mean all those people who don't do that and are statistically happier in their marriages?
I assumed they were, my bad
Parent here. Dont have kids bros. Dont fucking do it.
Why dont roasties get there tubes tied instead? At least thats safer than castrating men.
haha I too love posting the same memes over and over again
That OP is a sad bitter creature starved for attention from his internet pals?
What do you guys think of Bray Watt's new gimmick?
You're too low test to ever understand.
>infinite cope
have sex incel
Uh oh, you triggered all the low iq third worlders with that post
Vasectomy doesn't mean chopping one's balls off.
>Breeding and having young is a part of life.
Life is the exclusive cause of death, a necessary condition for death to happen. Therefore, forcing someone to be born is murder.
>Even if you might not want them now you may grow old and want them at some point in your life.
False, there is no instinct to have children, only to have sex. Desiring children is a matter of societal imprinting. I'd rather saw my arm off than play russian roulette with the fate of a perfect innocent.
you're both npcs
the correct option is to never use condoms, never call back
i probably have at least 10 kids by now, never met em, never will
Most of them are a huge pain in the ass. Might as well fuck a fleshlight raw than some whore in a condom.
Meanwhile, at Sony Santa Monica HQ...
>2-10% chance
Both are completely safe nowadays. They can even do some vasectomies without making an incision
Based grindr pro
Because almost every doctor denies the right to control their own fertility when women ask. Societal zeitgeist still dictates that women are incubators, and what use is for an incubator that can't incubate?
>risk free unprotected sex
>what is literally every STD
I mean, yeah. I suppose in a monogamous relationship, you COULD pay thousands of dollars to do what a box of $20 condoms can manage.
>They can even do some vasectomies without making an incision
How the hell. I'm imagining a magician putting a cloth over the penis, snapping his fingers, and boom, you're snipped
>Vasectomy doesn't mean chopping one's balls off.
True, that would be after buying a sony product.
You know this is probably bait right? Why bite?
Gnostics are subhuman
most people who get vasectomies are people who have already fathered multiple chidlren
How do you "dump loads" when your balls aren't even wired to your cock any more?
Just put her on the pill and tell her to deal with the side effects
Sorry, too ethical for that one.
Thats why you go digital!
>the absolute STATE of Western gaming
Still above any mainstream religion
Religions are for literal retards, mainstream religions are for retards among retards
The only argument for having kids is "everyone does it" which, frankly, is not much of an argument.
They just make a small puncture in your scrotum apparently.
At least he was able to get some money back with physical though. With digital you are just stuck with trying to sell the whole account
I love nintendo characters!
They dont disconnect your balls. Holy shit.
Weird how the typical zoomer "alpha" /pol/tard who screams about white genocide incidentally refuses to have children (As if they'd get the chance) in 99 cases out of 100 of them
does this open mouth smile have a name? a wikipedia article?
>worship demons
>be angry that other people don't worship demons
What do you think life is going to be like as a 70 year old with no bloodline?
because in a natural enviroment without a leftist nanny state providing you pensions and care centers and medicine you only have your children to rely on when you're an old fuck
But not showers!
Not so fast
Guess who's writing nu-GoW 2 right NOW?
user thats fine
its just not everyone want to be a nigger
I love stinky nintendo characters!
>m-muh bloodline
>caring about what happens after you die, but only about the part where someone has some of your genes
>m-muh leftists
Worry about yourself
>Worship a woman
>Cut your dick off because you're told you trap sentient light into a baby with your jizz
>Be angry when other people have children
They literally do. They don't cut them off but they literally unhook them from your dick, idiot. What the fuck do you think is the end goal of the procedure? To not shoot out sperm.
Its incredible how people talk about something without even a bit of cursory research. Just ignore him, and most of Yea Forums
> The picture says it all
not an argument you dumb cuckold
Stop posting any time.
I love how you can literally separate third world scum and slavs from the civilized people in this thread
I said might, you dont know what you'll be like 30 or so years down the track
shit, as it always were.
>>caring about what happens after you di
I'm talking about caring what happens while you're still alive. No children and grandchildren to love and to look after you in your old age.
What's wrong with getting a vasectomy if you're married and have kids? Nutting in your wife every night sounds great.
I love left handed nintendo characters!
>says while he dreams of raising a daughter for some man to fuck
Fucking seething. AHAHAHAHAHA....
Why do Sony fans replaced the image with a Nintendo one? Also added "my wife's boyfriend"
4 out 6 desu
>they actually think the child is theirs!
As expected of sub IQ religious freaks and poorfags without education
I play XCOM
If I know anything, those two sets of percentages are basically the same thing.
I miss and the aliens crit me
>people who have vasectomies
>ever having sex
I love my wife!
i won't have kids either you dumb retard
because memes. this thread showed that people will simply believe any image they see on Yea Forums as long as its making fun of a group they don't like.