Do you watch female speedrunners or gamers?
Do you watch female speedrunners or gamers?
I don't watch any gamers or speedrunners.
Pic not relevant?
>hyena mascot for tranny speed running event
>female hyenas have a pseudo-penis
This can't just be a coincidence.
40 minutes more of this guy.
Is it a Girl or a "Girl"? Im guessing the latter because of the name.
>guyUser was banned for this message
Nah. Women aren't funny or good at technical atuff so they really don't fit the gamer as entertainment role that i enjoy.
So who is commentating and who is actually playing?
>autistic speed runner
like pottery
I love Chara!
How is this speedrunning? Hes just playing normally...
guys are playing girls are commenting
Kinda cute, I'd hold hands with.
He(?) sounds like a little boy.
>23 XY
>35 XX
Seriously why the fuck is there so many trannies when they don't even make up 1% of the world population.
I'd smash
This fucking disgusting creature is the worst of the worst. I used to be friends with it on facebook, and it blamed EVERYTHING on being trans. Couldn't get a ride somewhere? Transphobia. Couldn't afford a game it wanted? Transphobia. Didn't understand a deadline? Transphobia.
The worst of the worst.
seriously how did trannies take over speedrunning. this shit is weird
>castlevania 4 "speedrun"
>uses cheats
>keeps dying to the final boss anyway
>over estimate
>XX chromosomes
Some of them are alright; the cis girls and the runner of Meat Boy were good.
I just couldn't sit through Metroid after reading the runners twitter. It reads like a parody.
can any biologycels explain what the fuck that is
why do people fucking love that word
no im gay
wrong thread
Autistic medium such as speedrunning disproportionally attract marginal groups, such as trannies. It's the same for Yea Forums.
I don't even know what to believe anymore.
It's hard to say but I blame John Numbers for emasculating Cosmo so hard he be came a chick.
With a brick?
Female hyenas have large clits, larger than the males penises. They are also a matriarchal society led by an alpha bitch.
Not much to explain. It is what is it is. Male spotted hyenas use their real penises as sounding rods in the female pseudopenises too.
He was already emasculating himself with stuff like painting his fingernails and I bet he was trying out onions before the Numbers incident. It was the combination of the Numbers incident and his girlfriend leaving him that truly sent him to the deepest, darkest pit.
i don't have time to watch any speedrunners / gamers because i either play vidya or go here
Numbers incident?
Florida MAN
No, that's not a penis.
>dilation station
literal clown world
reminds me of the HIV testing station at that furry conference a few months back. made it's way around cringe-collecting forums.
I remember watching this live laughing my ass off.
This one?
Check "his" Twitter, it's not fake.
oh yeah i remember that
No, it's quite real actually.
yes, this one. there are apparently furfags who get off to spreading HIV
What the fuck.
Why can't trannies just try to be cute bros
Also why can't they just keep the penis
But most trannies are not even good at the games they run.
because, despite what WHO says, they are in fact mentally ill.
"Furries don't rape animals," they said.
"Furries are harmless," they said.
"Furries aren't sexually promiscuous degenerates, " they said.
Yiff in Hell, furfags.
Being good isn't relevant. Especially with the "inclusivity" culture that permeates the speedrunning community nowadays.
>gullible enough to cut its genitals for attention
>gullible enough to believe likes and RT are real people and the whole world
adds up
There's a STRONG correlation between autism and homosexuality.
You don't even need to take a deep research, just take a look at this fucking board. But if you still want some serious studies, you can always Google it.
>Also why can't they just keep the penis
This is the part I don't get. Why intentionally go through such horrible mutilation, especially with such a sensitive body part? The only reasoning I can think of is that trannies have overly romanticized the idea of having a vagina and believe that modern science can give them a fully functional, real vagina.
>The only reasoning I can think of is that trannies have overly romanticized the idea of having a vagina and believe that modern science can give them a fully functional, real vagina.
I blame the Jew surgeons and psychologists who ply them with mind altering medications and sweet words.
Furfags are both degenerate and dumb
>For the last few years, the Hilton sustained more damage during RainFurrest than it did from every other event at the Hilton the entire rest of the year. This doesn’t even include damage to guest rooms or other incidental wear and tear like the elevators.
>This year’s incidents include two plumber calls, a flooded bathroom that soaked the offices underneath, towels stuffed into a hot tub pump, and multiple petty vandalisms and thefts. A final damage report is still being compiled.
>We had to send three people to the hospital and call the police twice.
>By Sunday morning of con this year, the hotel was so exasperated that they were threatening to evict attendees for single noise complaints.
Fucking hell. I was truly expecting it to be too fucking absurd to be real.
And they say that furries can't party!
andy warski?
Those are pretty common at furry conventions since a lot of people hook up
current runner sounds like a biowoman
I don't watch speedrunners at all.
For the cancer must be silenced for the sake of human nation
The limb, it must be severed in the fursuit amputation
>"Wow I had no idea"
>MFW Trannies can't understand sarcasm
Most of these people never went near a party during their teenage years, so they lived out 5 years of craziness in one go
or something. ockham's razor would have me think that they are just fucking stupid
why would you need to go all the way to a furfag convention to get tested
nothing wrong with sticking a dildo into your gaping wound where you dick used to be :°). also nothing wrong with wanting to LITERALLY FUCK AN OPEN WOUND. trannies are fucking disgusting. the people who somehow have the urge to fuck a tranny are even worse
Anyone got that image of a tranny asking how women can ever get bored of looking at their own boobs and females reply him by saying stuff like "Because unlike trannies women don't sexualize their own body"?
>even with actual cash in the bank and insurance to cover damages, every venue told them to go away
The testing wasn't the main attraction. It was a side effect of all the rampant degenerate unprotected fur sex they were having.
>Do you watch female speedrunners or gamers?
No Cams of these "women" so i dont know if they are or not. Some of them havebeen entertaining though.
adding to this, anyone have that image of trannies who had the operation and regretted it?
>JRPG "Race"
Im out.
Not anymore. I used to watch speedruns back in 2013-2014, after that SDA took over GDQ full time instead of it being a community effort, they made the LLC, they started being on the payroll for PCF, and the quality got worse and worse as it got larger and larger. Not just in a sense of ambience, the quality literally got worse because they buy new equipment they don't know how to use every year.
What the hell?
I just want to let any trannies that may or may not be lurking, that you should kill yourself.
To be fair they have had some biological females doing runs for once.
The quads of tranny death
Don't worry they will.
Too low
Why do the trannies put ZERO effort to actually look good? At most they wear women clothing and have long unkempt hair.
Even when I was younger and had my Goth phase I looked way more like a woman(was even accidentally called that some times) than any of the trannies I've seen.
The doctors who participate in this tranny shit, especially the ones involved with children, are fucked up psychopaths who get off on it. they're the types to fap to kiddie snuff porn. Just look at john money for another example.
Tranny shit in its entirety is a severe mental illness.
They failed at being dudes, did you expect them to succeed at being girls?
Thanks. I mean life is hard enough for LGBTQ+ people and throwing out "kill yourself" pol edgelord shit really is making things better for everyone...not. Get some empathy in your fellow humans you dumpsterfire human garbage.
Ugly men make ugly >women
Because unattractive men don't make good women. Unattractive women can make half decent men though which is why ftm is more successful
Why isn't anyone here talking about the event? You're all worse than trannies desu
I want to know if there's ACTUAL trannies playing on the stream
Since it was an invite only marathon I had the hope that they'd only let biological female people play
There are actually a few girls in the community and it'd be a shame that they wouldn't be acknowledged
>fellow humans
>pretending to be an outraged tranny to farm (You)s
>FF4 race
Is this even worth watching or is there just going to be 2 hours of tranny talk coming up?
>outraged tranny
I have sympathy for humans.
Trannies are not human, though.
Ok, but for real what's the real women to tranny ratio in this? 60/40, 50/50, 40/60?
>I want to know if there's ACTUAL trannies playing on the stream
Someone already posted the schedule, it comes with handy-dandy XXs and XYs.
>Ctrl+F XX: 33
>Ctrl+F XY: 22
Draw your own conclusion.
because most good looking men dont have any delusions as to what they should actually be sexually
they might be gay or bi or straight, but they know what they are biologically and they seldom try to change it
Someone in chat asking "is this a he or she?"
So which one of you did that?
39.6% Male "all Female" event.
>for emasculating Cosmo so hard he be came a chick.
Do I want to know what a dilation station is? Or is this forbidden knowledge best left alone.
>wow I had no idea
>he doesn't know!
Cherish your ignorance.
See People like to say that John Numbers dominated that competition so hard that it broke his opponent.
Some knowledge is better left alone.
>I blame John Numbers for emasculating Cosmo so hard he be came a chick.
Cosmo was always gay as fuck, which is why he and his girlfriend broke up. Transitioning was just the next step, it was inevitable.
kill yourself
>female event
>40% tranny
I'd bet it gets over half next time
It's a meme, but basically it would be a place where they could go shove something in their gaping wound they call a vagina to keep it from healing up.
>dilating station
I try but end up just watching porn instead
Overall population doesn't make sense here. Should be normal people or something.
>One photo seen by shows a penis that was shaped into a heart
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
I'm not surprised that dude is crazy. His job is literally cutting dicks up and reshaping them into a gaping wound.
Shit must be traumatizing.
Look forward to all the sexual harassment complaints when all the actually female attendants get hit on by these dudes.
Post more Ivara
They're all streaming from home.
heres your speedrunner, say something nice!
Nice mom glasses
I’d let him suck my dick and call him a faggot at the same time
One or two female GTA5 role players that don’t use facecam but they’ve been pretty boring lately, so no not really.
Stephanie from LazyTown is looking rough these days.
Its hilarious how they all have that same haircut with slight variantions on hair length.
Ew no, man face and bod. No thanks. Trans women are desperate for love and acceptance. You can get way better than that for close to no effort.
No. Or yes.
gotta hide the receding hairline. along with a choker to hide the adams apple.
Because they don't relate to women as people. It's interesting to see and interact with people like that, because they're so strange.
They only play shit games and can't into showmanship at all. The male runners can also be ultraspergs, but at least their games are more likely to be interesting.
What a hotty.
In a sense, you are kinda right. The tweet is real, but having dilation stations started as a meme. Someone edit the source of GDQ's site to make it look like a thing (even said to please wash off dilators after you are through) but it didn't actually happen. That said, it probably will lmao
it thought it was just a /pol/ meme like the cuck shed.
Are you telling me more than one person can use one of those a day?
more like 40% lmao
does the DilateStation have any good games?
I could see working with genitals in a surgical sense making you become numb to these things but that's a big oops.
>went from 8K viewers to 4.9K
where did 40% of the viewers go?
Its just a meme.
>they're not speedrunning
>they're not girls
>they disabled all cameras so you can't see the unholy abominations agsinst god
Trannies are so intellectually vapid from all the hormones
You're missing out on a lot of trans porn and blogs. Hot men turning into hot trans stuff is EVERYWHERE. They're mostly very, very gay.
Well that's hardly an event then.
it's not, check the trannies twitter that posted it. "She's" legit.
its funny how my brain is able to decipher men from women by just listening to their voice
>Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame
She*'s just shitposting.
>they disabled all cameras
You're not the brightest person, are you?
Mara is fun. She gets up to crazy shit. Got her ears taken off recently.
You'd be surprised. I get called a woman quite a bit over the phone even though I'm a 27 yo dude
Why is there no camera, donations or audience?
Even trannies can jokes user.
Yeah, I prefer female Let's Players if I watch one. Mostly because chicks tend to get a little more involved in the story and their blind reactions are more fun.
that's actually a good thing.
HIV infections are mostly to blame on people who don't know they have HIV.
having HIV and being on meds massively reduce the chance of infecting someone even with unprotected sex ( you still should use a condom you fucking criminal).
of all the things furries do free HIV testing is the last one you should be angry about.
to be honest all kind of cons/festival/gatherings are about fucking in the most slutty way possible, even christian ones. HIV testing would be a good idea on all of them.
>admittedly not trans yet
The fuck?
Your sorry because you DIDN'T fuck up your life yet? Fuck tranny runners, im glad this event had had a good amount of real wimmins and not wo mans
Smoke cigarettes
Plus they have tits and a pussy
yikes and cringe and oof
Cigs have estrogen blockers that prevent birth control contaminated water from making you into a psycho sissy
Well yeah that goes without saying
A REAL tits and pussy
This a pretty wild direction for your advertising campaign big tobacco.
>HIV testing would be a good idea on all of them
We truly live in a degenerate society.
it isn't in 2019 my friend
actual clown world we live in
$5 has been deposited into your Camelâ„¢ account.
requires effort
reminder they actually have sleep built into the schedule
It’s true though. I only smoke cigs when I want to have some nice coffeemilk or a beer though, just to make sure the estrogen in beer and milk don’t give me tits
This could have been cringe kino, but it's just boring
so i didn't watch it yet because i dont want to give money to retards, but what happened ? was it cringe or just normal, is it over yet ?
why would post-op trannies want a wounded gap to remain open? can't they use their ass for pleasure?
>furry is not about sex, we are a family-friendly community
John Numbers/Cosmo was ground zero. Trannyism will start exponentially spreading to other communities soon enough.
Speaking of degenerates, the person who made this picture is a ftm tranny and she actually dresses like that irl.
I feel like the people posting this don't get it that Neo is perfectly blocking the man throwing greentexts at him.
go dilate
back to your tranny discord
It's not an actual event but rather just people streaming from their home. They don't even use cam or anything.
tfw no tranny gf
What the fuck shilling tobacco pays that much ? Where do I sign in ?
Except that it only appears on Agent Smith 4 or 5 times out of all the other times it appears on Neo.
I'm not pro or against all this, I'm just pointing out that people are probably misusing that webm.
>Someone asks something about the run
>Mod answers
>He replies with a "Thanks man"
>Was banned because the mod was a woman
Is this a meme? It can't be real
I've been permabanned from a GDQ sdtream for saying "that guy's annoying" in chat
>create a cultural environment where women's only events are abundant because patriarchy
>let men take over said events because if you don't like that you're transphobic aka literally hitler
What did women mean by this
Time for our daily check-up into Miles mind. Yep, still insane.
I'll tell you exactly how it happened.
The speedrunning community is made up of mostly timid cucks who don't like confrontation. You have a few exceptions, but this is overwhelmingly the case.
What that means is that when a freakshow individual wants to join in, there's absolutely zero pushback.
One leads to two, two leads to four, and before you know it every tranny who has ever played a video game is part of speedrunning, using it as a support group and silencing anyone who calls out the bullshit.
Eventually, once it becomes mainstream enough, people will start calling dudes dudes again.
>it's not a fetish, it's gender """euphoria"""
>enjoyed his metroid runs
>found out he took the tranny pill
The males have sex with the females by inserting their penises inside the females' penises.
>Autogynephilia is a term coined in 1989 byRay Blanchard, to refer to "a man's paraphilic tendency to besexually arousedby the thought or image of himself as a woman." Alternative terms proposed for this notion includeautomonosexuality,eonism, andsexo-aesthetic inversion. TheDSM-IV-TRincludes an essentially equivalent definition, and recognizes autogynephilia as a common occurrence in thetransvestic fetishismdisorder, but does not classify autogynephilia as a disorder by itself. The paraphilias working group onDSM 5, which included Ray Blanchard, included autogynephilia and autoandrophilia as subtypes of transvestic disorder, a proposal that was opposed by theWorld Professional Association for Transgender Health(WPATH), stating the lack of empirical evidence for the theory.
He did go a few tweets without mentioning his boobs. So that's a positive.
To be fair, DSM V is tying to make an active effort of removing gender dysphoria itself as a diagnosis because it's more often than not a symtom rather than a cause, and treating that directly masks a true underlying cause of the problem.
Autogynefilia was a meme theory, though.
Sweet, docking is hot as hell.
Dude that's how hyenas actually work, check it out. Female hyenas are practically unrapable thanks to their psedopenis, so their entire society is pretty matriarchal.
Who is the guy talking in the current GDQ stream? I hope they're not trans because they sound incredibly manly. That's just sad.
>no idea
this is so true
>trannies don't like furfags
>female streamer
>does literally nothing except smile, look pretty and be bad at a game
>Male streamer
>more often than not good at the game, has to do more than smile and look nice so there's actual humor/banter/information
no I don't watch female streamers, lmk when a good one comes up
I want to be abused by a bigger female!
Congratulations you got the point.
Smith is the tranny lover spouting pronouns.
Neo is the functional human bean.
>A lot of animals turn our ideas of gender-roles upside down
A lot of animals solidify our ideas of gender roles, too
Oh no way a bizarre fetish community has intersections with a different, highly fetishistic community.
Just the one.
>Smith is the tranny lover spouting pronouns.
actually, he's spouting greentexts, that's the problem
I feel like you people are trying to use that webm to mock trannies, but it's easier to interpret as Neo blocking those posts that are just >LMAO HER
Whoever made that webm should, if they want to mock trannies, replace the >her with her, >she with she, and so on, or make it very clear that it's actually Neo saying >she >her etc
This fucking guy gets it!
Just gotta wait another decade for these freaks to turn thirty. They'll cull themselves by then.
>Female hyenas have pseudo-penises that can get erect and are bigger and longer than the males' penises
i do
>tfw thanks to Sonic Fox people now think furries are just misunderstood,minorities that need to be protected.
>Mfw I'm starting to see profurry posts everywhere.
What are some video games with cute anthro boys?
I feel a bit sorry for females. The way things are going it seems like some kind of reverse bamboozle. It seems like all their institutions are being hijacked.
It's hilarious how these people think masturbating to anthropomorphic animals makes them an oppressed class.
Yeah, it's cruel to see them lose the institution of.. speedrunning.
pls let girls do girl stuff together
God I want a Peppercat gf
Everyone does.
>not a single facecam
the irony
>hyena as their mascot
this can't be real.
Why are we encouraging mentally ill people(trannies) to keep on with their illness instead of trying to help them? Why are we also letting these same mentally ill people influence the gaming industry?
I've seen dudes on Rupauls Drag Race look better that the majority of MTF transgenders.
It doesn't look like a hyena very much
why are they fucking running sekiro twice? are they desperate for filler?
Some elder demon out there figured out a way to raise a lolcow army. I honestly think that the real answer is just that the west is chronically obsessed with sex and rebelling against anything that existed before, so some of us just went off the deep end and forgot how to live.
Glad you see that his post is making it better for everyone. I wish more people,could open your eyes like you.
They have a day and a half written off as "sleep" so yeah, probably.
He really did a number on him.
It's kind of funny how the west is extremely obsessed with sex and pretty much everything has to do with sex and relationships for them, it pretty much revolves around their life.
But at the same time they hate nudity and the thought of a nipple being shown on the TV or somewhere is unheard of.
lmao you wish.
Hate to be that guy but it's not a bad idea to have HIV tests when sex is expected so that way you have proof you don't have it
But then again, it's a better idea to not fuck strangers you just met
Autism seems to involve a mutation of the oxytocin receptors in the brain, this may play a part in the kind of hormonal unbalances that would cause people to seek out things like gender transitioning, I haven't looked at the science particularly hard but it would explain the massive overlap
I mean, I can't argue with that.
This world is very weird...
>But then again, it's a better idea to not fuck strangers you just met
But that's what cons are for. Yes, even anime ones.
why the fuck do all neurotransmitters need to be batshit insane looking molecules with like 15 centers of chirality
>check out the female speed running exhibition
>no face cams, just male voices
Doctor's realized they could get a more steady and higher stream of cash exploiting extremely vulnerable people with not much to live for, instead of enforcing the healthy self-image mindset of loving your body and improving your life.
Cue others jumping on board when they realized they could be exploited further. They make perfect consumers and fanatics, having such a fractured concept of their own self-worth.
This is over right? Did anyone bothered to watch? The Yea Forums threads were literally dying an hour after it began.
it's a very lucrative business
>hormonal unbalances
how about you do like 15 seconds of research before making a "theory"? hormonal imbalances are suspected to happen pre-birth. the cause for gender dysphoria is suspected to be (which means supported by all the current evidence) non-plastic neurological structures. trans people literally get their hormones tested every single time before hrt officially starts so your "theory" is just incredibly retarded.
Money or virtue signalling.
It's on until the 16th
The girls are shy
>The Yea Forums threads were literally dying an hour after it began.
no fun without facecams
>Females are larger and more aggresive than males
Isn't this because the males are almost every second bordering on starvation to keep the females healthy and well-fed?
There's no facecams, commentator and runners are nearly all lifeless and boring, you get banned for talking in the chat unless your message is a super positive one that praises the runner for doing mistakes.
I mean it's not even an event, just people playing games from their homes.
Let me guess, also a trap
>no girl would touch them in life
>out of desperation and biological mental gymnastics, tries to become the one they think they were made for
It's just sad, man. I bet the vast majority of these guys would have a much better quality and actual drive in life if they had a girl that liked and hugged them regularly.
This is legit inceldom taken to the extreme, what bitter irony.
generations of boys raised by women. My outlook on life completely changed when I got my first apprenticeship and started hanging around 50yo+ men. Single motherhood is the biggest threat to our civilization.
I just went to the stream for the first time now and all I heard was two dudes. LMAOing at women getting erased from their own event by men who became women because they couldn't handle being called an incel.
btw i'm a girl
But womens biggest weapon doesn't work against the trannys! It's fucking evolution happening!