I must settle this once and for all. Is Dead Space 3 worth playing...

I must settle this once and for all. Is Dead Space 3 worth playing? After the first 2 I just want more but I've heard the SHIT. I need answers.

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I did and I could' ve lived without that experience. It was meh.

Do not play. It wasn't even worth watching a playthrough. The beginning segments of roaming in space were great, then it became far shittier.

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Its very average

People shit on DS3 for a lot of good reasons, but like every “bad” game most of it are bandwagoning favorably who’ve never even played it themselves.

I personally like the game quite a bit. I think the first arc of the game in the flotilla is the strongest example of Dead spaces ideas being expressed. The space Atmosphere is done fantastically. The game does take a dip when you eventually land on the planet and have to track across snow fields for a while, but it picks up by the final area in my opinion.

The DLC is also fantastic and worth playing through the game for

What is meh about it? I've heard it's essentially a generic third person shooter now with cover and most of the spook is gone.

Did you ever think that the one thing Dead Space needed was firefights with other humans and non-limb based combat? If so, please kill yourself.

EA gave it for free on one of those origins promos. Not even those kikes can make money off that piece of shit.

The weapon crafting is really fun, pretty much everything else sucks.

Yes. Yea Forums was always full of shit about this game, it is as good as the first two.

Agreed. Also fuck common ammo. I enjoyed tearing necromorphs limb from limb using engi weapons.

its meh because it effectively removes everything mechanically that made dead space unique and turns it into more of a generic third person shooter. Not an awful third person shooter, but it doesn't do anything really special.

The hyperbole surrounding this game is ridiculous
Yes it introduced a lot of stupid shit to the series but it's still enjoyable and has some great ideas

If I actually had something to do over the winter break I played this game I probably wouldn't have even bothered to finish it.

Most of Yea Forums has still clearly never played it. The cover shooter parts against soldiers are less than 15 minutes of the entire game. The weapon creation system was cool. It was much more horror oriented like the first game than 2. The story was pretty good. It's a great game and anyone who enjoyed the first two but fell for Yea Forums's lies deprived themselves of a game they would have enjoyed just as much.

Its like resident evil 5. Introduced objectively bad mechanics, good in co-op and average in single player and needs an over the top sequel with big budget (RE6)

>it was more horror oriented than 2
>co-op shooter
nigga what


Is anything missed if played solo?

I got to chapter 5 probably and dropped. It's fucking awful.

It's ok, but a really shitty horror game. The overarching plot is actually good but the story itself is worthless

A lot of character development

doesn't isaac basically miss every scare since he's immune?

3 cool side missions

It was settled once and for all years ago, faggot.

Yes there are co-op only dungeons. But depending which character you are you miss out on certain sequences and hallucinations in those dungeons.

Yes, lots of dialogue, one area and a couple of mindfucks - Carver is low iq and marker makes him go coo-coo and see things differently (missed opportunity in game, aside from one level).

>company closed down because of shit sales due to shit game
>settle this once and for all


>resident evil 5
>objectively bad mechanics

I love it when they are kind enough to out big red "discard my idiotic opinion" flags

I figured using such bold and courageous language would bring in more replies.

You should have tried to act like you're old enough to post here instead.

Lore is kinda cool. Weapon crafting is also cool but what they had to do to make it work (universal ammo, enemies that you can just shoot dead center to kill, less options overall in terms of attacks, nonexistent difficulty curve and that stupid robot thing you have to keep putting down) almost makes having it not worth it. The atmosphere ranges from alright when you're going around the ruined ships to completely awful when you finally get down to the planet. Overall its just really meh at best.

As it has been said before; it's a good game, but it's not a good dead space game. It's call of duty wearing dead space's skin. However that was from Isaac's point of view. From John's point of view, everything is going batshit crazy. He gets all the hallucinations from the first and second story, attributed to john never being exposed to the marker before. He's a soldier, him getting the weapons makes sense, and honestly, if they let you be john in single player mode, this probably would have saved the game if isaac was there to constantly shake him out of his hallucinations, and to try to talk him down.

Dead Space fag here

It's great but the weapon creation system is broken, and the universal ammo system means you'll never have to worry about switching weapons. You'll make one god tier gun and use it for the entire game.

Apart from that, it's a decent game. Not on par with 1 or 2, but far from deserving of the tirade of nuclear assmad it received from the 'stop ruining our horror games' brigade.

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The create a weapon was lackluster, and the "horror" of the game was almost entirely poorly done jump scares.

Were Brethren Moons a good idea or should markers and convergence have remained somewhat mysterious?

>bought the whole series
>still putting off playing them because they look too spoopy

How long are these games anyway? Right now i have the excuse of playing through another series but i burned myself on it halfway from being completionist autismo

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Horror Atmosphere took a back seat for the action
Creating your own weapon and adding mods made the game piss easy, even on the hardest difficulty
Multiplayer trivialized the game and removed any remaining "horror themes"
Bullshit microtransactions
A very disappointing DLC that honestly should have been playable after the credits
TOO. MUCH. TALKING. Jesus it felt like everyone in that game was a fucking high school junior with their interactions
All in all it wasn't a satisfying shooter because it was too easy and was a bad DeadSpace game for abandoning the horror that made it so popular to begin with

On the one hand its a cool idea, on the other hand it leaves the story no where to go unless they go for call of duty levels of retarded action heroness where isaac and carver somehow gain the ability to destroy planet sized objects.

not that the story's getting continued anyways, but still.

its about 10-12 hours per game

It is very lovecraftian, a supposedly unstoppable, unknowable alien presence going to go fuck the earth. However, it is next to impossible to make a story from that, unless somehow chuck them into the sun.

that was about what i expected, thanks. What about difficulty settings? Do you have them unlocked from the start or do you need to beat the game first?

Yes it is.. It is more action and less horror, but aside from that very awesome
If you are a not a - but my survival horror idiot-than it's great fun
Microtransactions were totally ignorable back then and laughable compared to today's 'standards'

they do that dumb shit where you only get the ultra hard modes after you beat the game

Yes, the gameplay is good and the new crafting system can create some cool weapons. Don't listen to the retards saying it's bad, it's not, it is just mediocre.
