If you know someone with a complete PS2 collection report them to the police for having this game

If you know someone with a complete PS2 collection report them to the police for having this game

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>17 year old boobies are bad
kys faggot

As per American laws, nudity in art ≠ pornography.

Owning child porn is not illega, just selling it is.

It's not illegal to own this game. You can literally buy or sell it on ebay right now

Pornography of children is bad, that's right. Not sure why you're trying to make that seem like a controversial opinion.

Remember when Vanessa Hudgins had her nudes leak and the FBI had to purge the internet?

you are very wrong

But it is user

>"wow shes hot"

>17.9999 yo
>"totally not attracted thats a child call the fbi"

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Atleast I'm not a criminal.

so is everyone who helped produce this game in jail now or something? How the fuck did any of this slip by?

Based constipated boxart man.

Every trip to Blockbuster.

I have a question. In the internet there are compilations of girls from this game being naked admnd that shit. So that means it is illegal pornography? It should be banned? Or none of those compilations include the young one?

Yes, that is the law. You seem to understand it. Do you object to it?

Possession alone is illegal in the US. In some countries it is legal.

A girl lied about their age. Said she was 18 when she was really 17.

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I mean, it isn’t pedo. But first it will be 17, then 16, then 15, then 14, then 13 until we reach -60 years old

I'm black.

made me check but these are still absurdly easy to find

>Every trip to Blockbuster
I thought I was the only one. I remember trying to look at the back of the box without my parents seeing.

Women ruin everything everytime

Do you disagree that a line should be drawn in general?

slippery slope fallacy

I didn't say anything about changing the age to below 18

Possession is extremely illegal. Where the fuck do you live?

We need a line, but you faggots are fake as fuck even by Yea Forums standards

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sick fuck, enjoy your permanent vacation

As a Muslim, I deserve the right to a qt loli wife, just like our great founder Muhammad. You MUST respect our culture!

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Is man the guy from the E3 PC gaming show?

>reminder that IGN gave this a higher score than God Hand.

Actually 18 isn't the legal age of consent in many places, even in the united states. In fact, 16 is the legal age of consent in the majority of america.

Actually owning it is now illegal in america, though the law making it so was actually quite recent. 1990's if Memory serves.

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wtf I love Islam now?

>purge the internet

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Laws which allow for an 18 year old to be arrested and charged because of a relationship they have with someone who's one month younger than them. Do you not object to this?

Not when it comes to porn. Even if it's legal to have sex with a 16 year old that doesn't mean that porn of 17 year olds isn't still considered child porn and is illegal.

It's the same here in the UK too. You can fuck a 16 year old as much as you want legally but if you take a picture while doing so then you're a pedo who created child porn.

I did not advocate for any age so far. I'm just asking if you think there should be a line in general.
Laws can often seem arbitrary, but that doesn't mean we should carelessly soften them. The age of becoming an adult seems like a good place for drawing the line. You can always try and haggle it down, but a law is a law and in some cases (note: in some) you should just accept that. Even if it means sometimes that a hot 17,9 year old "who is really mature for her age" is non-legal. The law can't always take individual cases like this into account, and a strict line like that seem like the most simple and intuitive solution. Just stick to the line, m8, if she's hot at 17,9 she's still going to be hot at 18.

>then you're a pedo
>who created child porn.

Seems a very arbitrary distinction.

age of consent is not the same as the legal age for porn

Not that user, but honestly, there should not be a specific line. instead, the law should be based on a psychological test of the involved kid/person for sexual desire/ability to understand what's going on.
There're no kids out there who really understand what sex is, nor have a desire for sex, so the result is going to filter out actual pedophilia out anyway while at the same time picking out which cases are really an adult abusing a minor, and which cases are a minor having some harmless fun. yes, it's slower, more annoying, yadda-yadda, but that's how justice should be.

>you can legally fuck a 16 year old but god help you if you look at her

she's probably like 30 now
who the fuck cares

well they are worse than 16yo boobies according to statistics

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>mfw pedos get caught with the guy game
enjoy prison lol

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You can look at her all you want, just not take any pictures of her or look at any nudes she's taken.

>The law can't always take individual cases like this into account
Except the law DOES take individual cases into account, it's part of the reason why judges exist, otherwise the moment someone was pronounced guilty we'd simply consult the Big Book of Criminal Sentences and leave it at that.

God I fucking hate americans. I hope they raise the age to 21 so they are only stuck with single mom hags

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meant for

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A good idea in concept, and I am not against it in principle. But it seems hard to implement this in reality. Should children have mandatory psychological sex checks every year before they get the green sticker on their ID or something?
I mean, sure, probably every human should see a shrink every now and again, but we aren't really there yet.

No, I meant to do it in case of an incident.
>guy gets caught fucking a 15 years-old girl
>check her out for sexual interest, cohercion, mental stability, etc
>she's actually just a healthy teenager: no crime

I'm pretty sure people could exploit this system too, by way of grooming them. I'm sure it'd be hella hard to prove if they came to think those thoughts on their own or if they were just pushed in that direction.

Yeah, fuck corporate responsibility and verifying, corporates should be held to no standards

Really drives home the point on how terrible God Hand actually is when memeing stops, don't it?

>As per American laws, nudity in art ≠ pornography.

Right. If that weren't the case, everyone who owned a copy of American Beauty would be guilty of owning child porn because of Thora Birch's tits.

It's fine, she's 32 by now.

Hmm. Seems like a decent approach, but I don't have the psychological background knowledge to judge if this solution is feasable. Also, comes with a lot of buts and ifs.

What's bad about it? How could its core concept have been executed better?

and there lies the problem, and the reason why attempting to seduce underage persons is inherently morally wrong.
drawings however? (and 3d models and other shit) I'd say thats all fair game since its fictional.

Okay but what happens when she doesn't know what she wants, or unable to stand by her words?

She might suddenly go back and think, nah im not ready for this or the people evaluating her will aggressively try to make it seem like she didnt want to do it, making her question if she did in the first place. Because you know there will be some people so against it they'll do exactly that, and cause them to spin it the way they want.

My 12yo sister casually shows me more skin that those random sluts

Seeing Nevada in this picture always makes me laugh for some reason

That was the main problem with The Guy Game. They didn't had approval of her parents, since they thought she wasn't underage.

Well, yes, obviously the law can never be perfect, user. I could put some cocaine in your pockets and get you arrested for illegal possesion. What should be considered is: is the risk worth the reward?

>17y old is pedo
what the fuck

Of course 16 isn't pedo. That's the average age of Yea Forumstards after all

You can get away with it. Just go to Syria or the middle East, buy a loli, then come back to Europe. They literally are forced to accept your marriage, even if she's like 10. Tons of refugees came to Europe with their child brides and the authorities did nothing about it.

>That was the main problem with The Guy Game. They didn't had approval of her parents, since they thought she wasn't underage.

Topheavy Studios got sued and apparently settled out of court for not doing their due diligence. OP frames it as if owners of the game are in violation of the law for possessing a copy, but the game hasn't been banned, so it isn't considered child porn.

I'm saying precisely that.

how come the government can take money from me without my consent?