What went wrong?
What went wrong?
reversal edge
it's pretty good besides that. even though they nerfed it now, it's just kind of a boneheaded mechanic to even include
They aren't just releasing a game of customization. Also I didn't buy it because they added Geralt. Entry level shit series pandering to normalfags.
soul charge
reversal edge
run counterhit
Its half a game
ow the edge
>moves being lock behind soul charge
>lacking roster
>almost no customization in the base game
>guest characters
>no good newcomers
>bad netcode
>soul charge
get good
Nightmare is going to be in Smash Ultimate as a DLC pick. You heard it here first.
compared to what, five?
good game, was just playing last night
astaroth is based as fuck
no content
waifu pandering instead of putting in real characters
music doesn't stand up to older titles
online modes not implemented well
outside of that though it's good.
nothing, its good, still active, and the sales reached what they wanted them to
Reversal Edge
failed to catch my attention because of the superior franchise that im already busy playing
Im sick of playing tekken 7 . Tekken 8 when
You play so much that you're 24/7 replying to any fighting game thread here with a Julia avatar
It has issues but it's pretty fun.
no hilde
not setsuka
no buyilde
no buysuka
post 30 seconds of you doing some just frame combos with Setsuka
you've never played setsuka
Bandai Namco shafted it in terms of budget which resulted in it being a decent but totally lacking game.
It's a pretty good and solid game overall.
My three gripes that made me stop playing :
- No deathmatch / rematch in ranked or open rooms. It made the whole thing incredibly slow.
- RE was fine, but still a tad to good to my liking.
- CE animations were WAY TOO FUCKING LONG and had a way too fast startup
>Bandai Namco
read Harada
Best game in the series
ranked mode has endless rematching now.
>What went wrong?
Created Characters have different hitboxes and frame data versus the OG cast thus making ranked matches less about skill and more about frame data.
Posting CaS
They fixed the first two points
CEs aren't that good since
1. Soul Charge is almost always better
2. non-invincible startup
Shitty graphics, boring sidequests, and less than 10 fucking playable areas.
What the fuck were they thinking? When the hell are they adding more areas?
>Created Characters have different hitboxes
So do the existing cast, do you want to ban talim and astaroth?
>and frame data
No they don't.
Why do people treat online like srs bzns. It's online, it's inherently unserious and can never be serious no matter what any fighting game company does.
>Second CaS back finally announced for 5/16
>150 parts
>97(!) New BGMs (likely from SC2-5)
Honestly the ridiculously slow trickle of DLC has been what's killed it for me. The CaS was deeply lacking at launch but I wasn't too bothered knowing we'd be getting a ton of new pieces later.
In hindsight, I kinda wish I'd waited to buy it for it to be cheaper. It's a great game, gameplay is super fun and fluid, roster is amazing, etc. It has a few missteps and feels a bit unfinished but overall I'm happy with it, it was just clearly made on a shoestring budget and you feel that in almost every aspect of it.
The main issue I have with the base game is the lack of stages. There just aren't enough and very few actually represent a character in the roster -- about half are just generic fighting arenas.
CE is way too long for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in the game and the meter gain from Reversal Edge is so ridiculous it borderline makes them spamable, plus the free bar of super you get on round 3
Also, RE is an objectively garbage mechanic that brings the pace of the game to a crawl. Slow fighting games are garbage, 100% of the time.
The fucking netcode and also allowing CaCs into ranked was a mistake
Day 1 DLC
Shitty music, worse graphics than PS3 counterparts, shitty characters especially Geralt. I was honestly amazed at how shitty and cheap it was but Soul Calibur peaked on the goddamn PS2 anyway.
>and the meter gain from Reversal Edge is so ridiculous it borderline makes them spamable
not anymore
-Reversal edge is a dumb mechanic whether you think it's strong or not.
-Very few customization options forcing you to either do some wacky thing with the custom shapes or look the same as every other custom character in normal clothes
He means they have different hitboxes than their base variations. So fighting a CaS that's Astaroth height with Talim's moveset. It changes their reach, hitboxes and damage.
It makes practicing in any serious way Vero difficult because the characters don't behave as they would in a tournament setting. You can't reliably learn what combos work on which characters, etc. Because a CaS of that character might whiff the attack because of hitboxes changes.
Oh well thats nice
Devoted time to gameplay and balance instead of making a shitty jankfest bursting with content like sc3.
The amount of content is still perfectly fair though, I'm not sure what fighter this gen has more besides NRShit and smash. I know sfv, ggxrd, and under night didn't.
99% of the customization options are from 5 and they cut a bunch of items that have been around since 3 for DLC.
Are they still releasing DLC for it or did they just decide to drop it and run with all the season pass shekles?
>it's fair for a game to lack content if the rest of the genre is lacking too
>97(!) New BGMs (likely from SC2-5)
Really? Holy shit. They've honestly over delivered on the CaS packs. They should've actually advertised what was going into them.
Rank is srs bzns thats the point of it. If i wanted to play casual then i would. No one is asking for a banned of characters But if you create a character with the body size of talim and the reach of azaroth or some shit that creates problems with countering. Some combos wont work correctly depending on the body type. All i'm saying is if ranked had create character turned off or if create characters had body limitations to the point it wouldnt mess with the frame data i would be ok with SC.
They released Amy last month and a new customization pack is coming out this week, and there's still another character in the pass Cassandra
>You can't reliably learn what combos work on which characters, etc. Because a CaS of that character might whiff the attack because of hitboxes changes.
Yes, you can. Just base your combo on the size of the character, not what moveset they're using. Fortunately most combos in SC are universal, unlike say guilty gear.
So is there anything like 2's and 3's adventure modes or anything?
I fucking live for that shit in those titles.
I don't see what's not competitive about this
It's weird too since it seems clear they always intended to include them since there was a Music menu which had the game title as a banner, so it seemed logical that they'd include other titles later.
I wish they'd add a "random BGM" option to the game. There are so many tracks and so few stages, it's the only way you could really experience the full listing.
Waiting for season pass characters to be out + lower price drop
The situation isn't great. You can only switch the stage BGMs and the method they have you do it doesn't actually allow you to listen to any of the music as you're doing so. It's just guesswork unless you just happen to know the titles of every BGM by heart.
When's the complete version coming out?
Yes. Not nearly as cool as 3's but there is an RPG-esque mode.
lack of content
>Achtually it has more content than..
No, it's lack of content, seriously.
>Tekken 8
lmao, season 3 is only starting this year and with Geese, Eliza and Akuma being received weill, the next project Harada will be working on is 99% Tekken X Street Fighter.
The other 1% would be an absolute madman game, where he just puts in every charcacter he wants, fictional or real, into 1 big fighting game
Holy shit I forgot this game existed. Everyone stopped talking about it like 2 weeks after it came out
Reversal Edge and Supers: Free of Chargeâ„¢
Both are symptoms of the current trend of fighting game devs trying to cram as many Cool Animationsâ„¢ into every match as possible, because fighting games are meant to be watched now.
did you miss the news last week where harada said TxSF is cancelled
>Supers: Free of Chargeâ„¢
but it costs a bar
>he next project Harada will be working on is 99% Tekken X Street Fighter
oh nononono someone tell him please, and no one would play Geese and Akuma if they weren't high tier
At that point you should really reflect on whether your expectations are realistic.
But I think it's also fair comparing it to past games in the series besides sc3, which as I said was a jankfest. Sc6 is ultimately quite comparable to sc2. Less content in some ways, but more in others.
Tekken X SF got cancelled because they couldn't figure out how to make SF's more unconventional characters work in Tekken's shitty battle system
>believing what Harada says
>when literally every person says Akuma is better in Tekken than he was in SF5
Regardless of how good or bad it is RE is such a fucking dumb mechanic. At any point in the match either player can decide they don't wanna play SC anymore and make the other play rock paper scissors for 45 fucking seconds.
>"this game is cancelled, we aren't working on it anymore"
>Tekken's shitty battle system
gayest post i've read on Yea Forums and i browse /lgbt/ daily
akuma plays like stiff clunky anus in tekken, people only play him because his damage output is broken
I mean as most characters you can just do them as soon as you see any animation from the opponent, and for Nightmare and Astaroth they're practically guaranteed to hit if the opponent is in throw range
The game is cancelled retard, Harada got promoted and have a lot more work to do on other games now, you idiots dickriding this fucking hack is the reason Tekken 7 and SoulCalibur VI are shitty games compared to their previous entries
Tell me how Guile could work in Tekken. Or Dhalsim, or Vega.
>they couldn't figure out how to make SF's more unconventional characters work
like who? Dhalsim? just leave him out.
they managed to include projectiles and jumping attacks/dive kicks into Tekken, what else could be a problem?
Shitty guest character,
You know, the difference between 2D and 3D games, zoning
What's the point of TxSF if you have to leave out classic characters because they don't work?
Which one
Vega isn't charge in V, they could just give Sim slow startup on his Stretch Armstrongs, and for Guile you could change the input to hold a punch button for Sonic Boom and a kick button for Flash Kick, instead of a direction
Except for Vega, they can just play like in SF. Akuma and Geese already play completely different from the normal characters.
Also you would only need 10 charaters from each franchise at launch anyways, so just pick the ones you can easily implement
>Vega isn't charge in V
Charge has nothing to do with it. How do you make a game where a character flips and flies around and does walljumps in a game where everyone is stuck on the ground and shuffles around like a turtle? Tekken doesn't even have crossups.
>yeah bro Vega jumping around and Dhalsim teleport like a madman would totally work in Tekken x SF just remove the input
>Guile can play just like SF
Oh, okay. That boom is gonna be really useful in a game where you can step fireballs. That flash kick is gonna be really useful in a game where people don't jump and anti-airs aren't a thing.
They didn't include fucking Honda in SF5 and people still bought the game and dlc
I don't want TekkenxStreet Fighter anyway. The 2D characters in T7 are all annoying to play against.
Honda is a boring useless boomer function and Blanka has always been the superior function
No Aeon, no buy.
They still have a final character to announce/release. It's almost certainly Cassandra but they haven't actually said as much yet.
P.S., apparently Nightmare's SCIV 2P is back. Seems they intentionally blocked his arm since obviously the armor would look odd on base Nightmare and the Malfested body can't use the Nightmare arm.
Akuma and Eliza work just fine, you fucking autist.
>NOOO my main isn't completely broken.
Also they had to gimp down every single Tekken character to fit into SF
>tfw sparring against Japanese players all the time because I live in Vancouver and have High Speed Internet.
They're awesome. I always learn so much. PC players might have the best performance, but you can't beat having the Asian players on PS4. So enjoyable.
Only legit complaint is reversal edge and you can still easily counter 90% of the shitters who use it online by just sidestepping
>The 2D characters in T7 are all annoying to play agains
get gud. also why do people assume Tekken x SF would just be Tekken 7 with tagged on SF characters? They would build the game and mechanics around these new 2d characters, so they won't feel out of place.
>the Malfested body can't use the Nightmare arm.
This is some of the gayest shit when it comes to SC customisation. I can't really remember a game which ever lets you use the arm on your CaS
They've also hinted to releasing Hwang after Cassandra
stop typing like a reddit child
Oh look, another half-complete game from Bamco.
>durr I'm fucking wrong and retarded, let me just scream reddit so I can pretend like I won the discussion anyway
as expected of a tekken mouthbreather
Imagine thinking Tekken 7 is superior, when it's a fucking incomplete game more than SC VI
this entire discussion is so retarded and illustrates why TxSF doesn't exist
SFxT made the tekken characters interesting and gave them new gimmicks and angles like steve fox getting a fireball and lili getting divekicks
TxSF would have to actively gimp SF characters to make them fit the game, because the core gameplay doesn't allow for the dynamic things that SF does. instead of having interesting unique mechanics, tekken characters just have 100 filler normals to give them "depth"
Yet it has more players and acclaim
Completely agree. Hopefully it's something they change in the future. Since you can unequip thr arm as Nightmare, it's clearly just a CaS part with rigging so it should take much.
They're rare and useless but there are wall jumps in tekken. Give Vega good versions of those and change his left/right mixup to mid/throw mixup.
>game is superior because is has a playerbase and metacritic
holy shit Dota 2 confirmed game of all time
>Tekken players derailing ANOTHER fighting game thread
pottery, they're pretty much the Smash players of FGC now
God Tekken is so dull. 2D fighters have diverse characters because they can make any wacky designs and movesets they want but Tekken are all mostly plain humans throwing the same punches and kicks. At least SC has a variety of weapons to make things interesting.
/fgc/ cucks that talk about playing games and wanting stuff to come out never actually support them and just go back to bitching about SFV being a broken mess or MK11 being too "Woke".
I personally think this is the best Soul Calibur game since SC2.
Tira's new voice killed the game for me. Did she die or some shit? At least jp got to keep their seiyu
nobody in the FGC cares about MK censorship, only Yea Forums is obsessed with this, for obvious reasons
>nobody in the FGC cares about MK censorship
Yeah, because they're paid to not talk about and/or won't talk about it out of fear of losing ad revenue.
they still don't care
Her VA changes every entry for english
I'll play it again then.
stop cringing like a Yea Forums adult
this is false info.
>Rank is srs bzns thats the point of it
No, it isn't. Lag is 20x as big an issue as CaS and that's never going away.
>But if you create a character with the body size of talim and the reach of azaroth or some shit that creates problems with countering.
You mean it's overpowered? If you give an astaroth moveset the smallest body, it WON'T have the reach of astaroth.
>Some combos wont work correctly depending on the body type.
Again, that's already an issue with the existing cast.
>or if create characters had body limitations to the point it wouldnt mess with the frame data
You keep saying frame data but I don't think that's what you actually mean.
That's hacked using cheat engine. Should be prevented of course, but I've never seen it.
>and the method they have you do it doesn't actually allow you to listen to any of the music as you're doing so.
That's not true, you can press a button to listen to the song.
No, it doesn't.
Not as you're choosing tracks for the stage. There's a menu you can use to listen to tracks and a menu you can use to select tracks for a given stage but you can't listen as you're selecting tracks. It's a really weird and clunky issue.
Again, we need a Random BGM option.
Unless the other player has the baseline level of competence to avoid and fuck over anyone who tries to RE
Sc6 has zoning, it's just tekken where every character plays at the same range.
you clearly have not seen the current state of Tekken.
Dang that sounds pretty good. I'm in vancouver but on PC.
And zoning works in SF with projectiles, and Tekken is a 3D game where you don't have to jump to get rid of fireballs, now add Vega jumping around and characters being based around zoning like Dhalsim, Guile, Menat,etc. Do the math and realize why Harada dropped this shit
Worst offender: Reversal edge. Since you have a 6f move that nullfies all normal attacks, throws, and supers, everyone's kit is based around unga auto-mixup nonsense (see: 2B's design). They want you to play chicken with RE, but no one asked for that shit. We just wanted SC2 with better graphics and balance.
Meter is also dumb. No one asked to have installs for every character or invincible/aGI supers. What the fuck.
You are know-nothing babby. Who has only played SFV of all game his entire life.
Characters like that are already in Tekken. If you think Vega is bad then you have not seen Alisa.
>If you think Vega is bad then you have not seen Alisa.
>Jack doesn't exi-
>d/f+1 you
that's what I thought. Take a walk, scrub.
Damn Jack 7 gameplay consists of doing teleports now?
>b-but yoshimitsu
that's not his gameplay
motherfucker this is a soulcalibur thread, get out
You're literally baiting now, you cannot be this retarded
>Jack is the same as Dhalsim
>Alisa is the same as Vega
This is your brain on Tekken.
nothing besides namco higher ups wanting it to fail apparently
>m-maybe he won't notice me samefagging
Posting more CaS
Clearly using a Yea Forums extension and you removed the wrong (you), you idiot.
Let me just post this DoA image thanks
So, this thread is the power of Aris fans, I truly see now
Who said anything about Jack?
Don't know. I played day one and I got one two online matches and then spent an hour waiting for my next match. Tried again same result. Never played again after that. Shame because playing the new edgy character and Siegfried was fun.
I am still waiting for the gog.com release...
It was okay when the guest character was link because nintendo is based!!!! WAHOOO!!!!!
man, you must be braindead to be able to spend time with such a primitive game... I bet you are a mobile gamer as main
>fighting game on gog
whos that qt
mike ross said its worse than sfv
dude there are tons of fighting games on gog:
Art of Fighting 2
Samurai Showdown V Speical
The King of Fighter 2002 unlimted match
Garou mark of the wolves
fatal fury special
king of fighters 2000
real bout fatal fury 2: the new comers
street fighter alpha 2 (shitty control setup)
king of fighters 2002
king of the monsters
pray for death
the last blade
samurai showdown II
ultimate body blows
blazBlue calamity trigger
Speed Brawl
My policy for any kof game will always be no ggpo no play.
Oh shit, where?
>Reversal Edge nerf was 6 months too late
Fucking christ man what an unnecessary dynamic. That's the theme of modern fighters, some retarded system mechanic that defines the way the game is played until super high level. At least I got used to having a block button for Mk11.
I dunno, it sounds pretty good to me.
I like talim's new voice too, can't believe she's the same VA as 2B. Though I do kind of miss her huskier voice from sc2.
I don't like it though. I really enjoyed her english va with the personality switching. I don't know. I just can't get down with the new one so I play amy and maxi now.
>What I like most about ST is that I always feel in control
Oh yeah that's what I was thinking of. Random music selection would be great. The best would be smash style playlists but I'd rather they put that effort into lobbies.
As it is I'll probably set everything to my favorite sc2/sc3 music and forget it.
Code names in the data mine.
Rock - Stone
Snow - Setsuka
Reptile - Aeon
Yellow - Hwang
Apparently Hwang is the color yellow in Korean.
Wew that's some hot garbage, oh my lord.
Assuming we get a season two, though I guess the game performed better than expected so there's a chance.
Maybe this game won't stay dead after all.
>people actually get hit by that focus attack
I don't think so
>2 bars and rage
Dat's breddy gud
Apparently there's a PC tool to import/export CaS, I should try it.
Not much honestly. It's one of the best SC games so far and I really hope that it gets the support that Tekken 7 has. I would kill for a season 2.
>getting styled on by eddy as king
>that defines the way the game is played until super high level
Eh. RE is only game-defining at low level. Even mid level players should be able to b8 and punish it pretty well.
>dropping tira in the first game where she isn't shit
Shiggy diggy
Oh yeah, I knew about that. I thought you meant we'd gotten a new hint that Hwang would be next.
Remember, the order in the datamine doesn't necessarily matter. If it did cass would've come before Amy.
Imagine having to shake hands with your rapist.
If Mike Ross told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Last I heard he was super into playing guitar. I think he has a touch of the ‘tism.
Just to clarify on what Harada said, he thinks releasing a TxSF right now would eat Tekken 7's lunch, but is still otherwise enthusiastic about the idea. Whether it's actually a good idea as a game or not is debatable, but he never swore it off. If anything, it might be delayed to next year.
>washed up fgc e-celeb said _____ without elaboration
It's a glorified shitpost statement. Dude needs help and, more importantly, to get over his victim complex.
Honestly I’m surprised Bamco doesn’t see the prospect of having an internal team on Soul Calibur just for costume packs. They easily could go the doa route with it if they wanted, but obviously not at the expense of the rest of the game and not to doa’s degree.
I mean they easily could do collab costumes since everyone wants to make exsisting characters anyway, you might as well make a deal with From and make a Dark Souls pack or whatever other example you want. It tempers the endless guest begging too
marketing and bamco giving more attention to harader and tekken
They should have released it later then they did. It came out when there were tons of big games coming out, and there were no big tournaments happening.
Released too close to Smash Ultimate
Incredibly boring 3rd party characters
>Incredibly boring 3rd party characters
U wot
Geralt fits perfectly and 2B is possibly the best-implemented guest character in any fighting game.
how stupid do you have to be to buy a fighting game without having any intention of playing competitively
If there was a fighting game whose regular gameplay looked like this, I'd free-shill for it forever.
>4 rounds
what is this memery?
player lobbies allow you to change the round count
What exactly is your example of exciting?
Geralt fits entirely with the game and 2B is nearly every gameplay gimmick from Automata. No one in any game I know has been faithful as her.
lol, is that guy smurfing just to mess with people?
Probably, he isn't even taking rounds if you look at the win counter. Just goofing off.
Why are tekken animations so janky
they're 20 years old, not even joking
Best SC since 3. RE is shit, music is shit and the meter/super animations are too long. Still solid and fun
>tekken's animations can post on Yea Forums
I feel so old bros
>Best SC since 3.
>implying 3 was good
stop posting and close this thread. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about
SC3 AE was the best calibur game but maybe 100 people got to play it. it was basically a less buggy and better balanced SC2.
Wish they'd sell it again somehow.
It was very good. I played it at an arcade a lot. What is weird is that it had more modes than the home console version. Namco is absolutely retarded for never porting it to console. They were also retarded with porting 4 to psp instead of making it a title update.
They still have counterhits for movement in this game? I thought that was one of the most panned mechanics from the last games.
As a poor fag that can't afford online I love it for including 2 separate story modes
Some nice stuff in the new patch
>P3 and P4 colors
>Nvidia Ansel for high-quality 2B screenshots
>improved some CaS part compatibility
>ranked changes
>actual bans, probably for PC inferno players
I'm pretty happy about the continued support the game has been getting, they're definitely on the right track.
>*Looks at steam charts*
Lacking content imo. They also seem really fucking slow with everything.
>ansel support
For me, shitty graphics and dreadful loading times. Also, it's a pain in the ass to play local multiplayer on PC.
SC2 for Switch when?
Movement is decidedly stronger in this game than scv.
>Also, it's a pain in the ass to play local multiplayer on PC.
Man, compared to other PC fighters it's pretty nice. This is the only PC fighting game I play that handles people unplugging and plugging in new controllers gracefully.
>no axe user that isn't a big unga bunga fucker
I ended up using Zasalamel for my Camilla and Titania
playing fighting games in 2019
i thought this shit died with mk on snes
i was wrong
150 parts holy shit
Didn't the last one only have like 30?
Give me my husbando already!
The increase is unexpected though
Balance notes when
I'm wondering how Ansel will work. If it'll pause matches or maybe only be usable on replays.
Every game should have Ansel support if it doesn't have a native photo mode. I hate that MHW doesn't have anything like that. It seems perfect for it.
where's the next DLC
God I regret buying this shitty season pass, whyyyy
literally this week
Tomorrow actually, check the soulcalibur twitter. Seems this one will have lots of stuff.
How can someone so smart be this fucking dumb i fucking love speedkeks
>it's fair for a game to lack content
It honestly does not lack content at all, it's a pretty decently sized package
>like who? Dhalsim?
Not that guy but Dhalsim would probably play kind of like how Noctis does
>waifu pandering instead of putting in real characters
Sign someone has never played a Soul Calibur game
Every fighting game this gen has shitty loading times I feel, not enough people complain about it
Fuck Guest characters
Especially since even after Cassandra gets added the game will have more male characters than female
Oh, I was expecting a new character but at least we're getting a bunch of customization now
>competitive SC
you know what they say, homo community is an incredibly loud one these days and thus want even more dicks in this game
meme toaster
>is fun and hype
She could be a literal toaster as long as her moveset is this good
unreal engine 4
Not wanting to be that guy but link is legit the only good guest character along with spawn.
But his moveset was awful and aesthetically he was slightly odd looking (just a touch too anime). 2B and geralt are both better done, as was ezio.
Let's not talk about star wars.
Without a multiplatform engine to help development along I'm not sure this or T7 would have even been made.
>you can now equip cats on yourself as accessories
Can't wait to make my crazy cat lady CaS
supers suck precisely because they get boring to look at. they may be cool for the first time but nobody wants to see the same cutscene over and over.