Celica did nothing wrong

Celica did nothing wrong.

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I want to FUCK Celica.

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I love Chara!

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>celica did nothing
you right

Celica is an ugly skank and doesn't deserve Alm.

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She was a Marth clone in warriors, which was the worst moveset in the game.

It was sadly.

Its really annoying too since both have some good skills to grant too, do it's either use them and suffer their crap movepool or keep them as a support character at all times.

I just had her CPU controlled at all times so I could admire her beauty in passing.

That is a thought too, though I tend to focus on Corrin's ass too much to see other characters.

Considering she’s worse than Alm and Alm is as charismatic as a piece of wooden plank, that says something

Corrins black costume, rignt?

Correct. It looks so good on her.

Yeah, it's perfection.

Anyone but Lyn and Ryouma kinda have weak movements

Ryouma way too good. He has solid stats, one of the better movepools, and the best skill in the game. I find it hard to ever find a reason to not have him on the field either to pass his skill to others or just rip through some of the more annoying enemies.

I need a good Celica/Saber smut. Anyone got one?

Celica did everything wrong. She's literally female Jedah and there are way more cute girls in the game to care about her sex appeal.

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Cute doot

All doots are cute.

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If I'm new to FE and want to experience Celica, what game do I start with?

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Lutes are good too

Too bad she's shit just like the garbage game you delusional pedo

Lute is such a bro, and also the best bro and better than Conrad by far.

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She trusted this guy.

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Welp, CQfag is here, time to leave the thread.
I was going to joke about how quiet it was.

>i want to play the game with this character, which game do I play?
The fuck kind of question is that?

Play Awakening so you can see how bad this series is and drop it.

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If you were going to leave you wouldn't bump a dead a hour ago due to being obsessed

so helpful, neck yourself you dumb faggot

sweet, thanks

>says the guy whose sole purpose in life is shitpost echoes threads

Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers.

FE is a shitty rabbit hole you don't want to fall down in

Well, Celica is from Echoes, but to be honest you'd end hating her if you play the game, she's just infurating in her decisions. Still a fun game, play it on Hard Classic.

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Since you are so new, you can click a post number to reply to it Keep bumping you fucking obsessed shill. Weren't you going to leave you stupid bitch

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>Still a fun game
Yeah if you Ignore the dimwit maps, and the shit mechanics, and the broken AI, and the mediocre repetitive music, and the crappy story, and the awful characters, and the recycled animations, and the eye bleeding art, and the stupid twirl the MC do at the beginning of the the PP and it's really fun right?

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I want to fuck Celica's brains out

She's not real dipshit. How about you blow your brains out ironic weeb?

I want to bury my face in her big hairy bush.

>newfag thinks he can get (You)s that easily

I haven't played echoes yet, but I like that Alm is one of like three lefties in the series
I'm left-handed, so any solidarity is appreciated

Conquest is a shit game
Catria is the worst waifu

Don't mind me, just posting these for no reason at all

She did a great job at being a dumb bitch.

>And the stupid twirl the MC do at the beginning of the PP

Seek help

Too bad she's a fucking dogshit characters retards love to pretend he's good

You did a great job at being a shill

Marth was fun, but she had to have the topsy turvey skill on or whatever to fucking work. No reason to ever use her over Marth. No reason to ever use an infantry swordsman over Ryoma though. Xander and Fred were a blast though since the cav combat was super fun.

Alm or Celica?
You used both 'he' and 'she'

How? It's a fucking waste of time that does nothing to the game.

Both, but meant he. Didn't mean to add the "s"

Don't reply to him, he's CQfag, a shitposter obsessed with shiting echoes threads.

>echoescucks keep making up boogeymans

A shill for what? Celica being stupid? She doesn't need my help for that.

This shit game. If you aren't a shill why are you bumping?

What are you talking about? I came to shit on Celica and then talk about FE since these threads devolve into general FE talk that isn't about the gatcha and it isn't the stupid /vg/ thread.

Maybe the others are right and you really are obsessed.

Xander is a beast but I find him and the other mounted units to be a bit too slippery at times to fully enjoy.

Is this the fe thread?

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Never start a game with an Echoes character, this terminally ill fag will come as clockwork to shit on the thread, and I'm sure he's a mobilefag because it doesn't matter how many times you report him.

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No you came to shill. If you want to talk about FE, why not make a actual thread? Here I'll help you since you are incapable of basic shit, make a thread with this and watch he replies come in.

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Imagine being delusional enough to think shitting on a bad game is grounds for a ban. No wonder Echoescucks are a fucking laughing stock

FRob got the best costume out of everyone else in Heroes
Of course didn't make Heroes worth picking up, but damn

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>Dragging people with the Axe
>Carrying mobs everywhere with dash

Frederick was the best.

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That's not Nowi. Robin is hella sexy though.

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Her bikini is hot but her art fuckin sucks, that face is awful. Tana, Linde, Camilla, and Corrin are better as a whole for summer alts.

but she did, she didn't present her ass to my face and rub it in

>and I'm sure he's a mobilefag because it doesn't matter how many times you report him
Or maybe shitting on your favorite game isn't ban worthy. Don't be a pussy.

I'm afraid I've got barely anything to post.

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And people say Awakening didn't kill the series

Could always livestream your suicide tranny. That's something to post.

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Am I the only one that didn't give Robin that retarded ass haircut?

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Conquest is the worst game

that is all

you and me both brah

It was her most popular hairstyle in japan

No, I gave her the hair put up since I played the busty robin.

Obsessed tranny

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she should have been Robin's echo fighter

You should have never been born

musk fighter

What would she do different?


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fuck off smashfag

Tell me more

Everyone is grab-based?

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This is a echoes thread, why are you obsessively posting something unrelated?

-femRobin as base
-stamina instead no durability for all spell attacks
-Beloved Zofia only, no Thunder Sword.
-rest is animation and hitbox tweaks

Why not the whole thing?

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Sounds like shit smashfag

Why not just kill yourself? You already are late for your HRT segment

Sweet, thanks user.

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No durability is a plus. Would her sword be as good as levin sword or be an in between the bronze and levin?


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So is robin a canon tittymonster now thanks to grima?

Is it even robin anymore, or is all art of her just grima?

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do one better

in-between seems to be a way to go

If it'd anything like the Lucina/Marth and Chrom/Roy situation, it'd probably be exactly the same as the Levin Sword except it deals like 1-2% less damage and the same knockback.

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>Is Robin a canon tittymonster now
As for the art, I've been seeing way more Grima than normal Robin. So I guess Robin ultimately becoming Grima and everyone being fine with it is the accepted path

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Having the same knockback along with no durability would make her much better then Robin. I say reduce the knockback to give Robin something over her.

Hey, look at Chrom. He has the same knockback as Roy in the tip of his sword, meaning he can play spacing and get kills off his f-tilt.

Its Intelligent Systems, they will go for the minimal effort route.

So Grima letting go of the hatred and being cured through the power of sex is the canon ending? Is it like shared consciousness now? Does Grima comment whenever Robin has sex? Did the blood of Naga on Chrom/Lucina/Tiki do this?

Why can't you let the thread die?

You have a point there. I guess I just hate seeing Robin getting shafted.

Because fuck you and everything you love


But I love Awakening

I main Marth since Melee and I think my most hated character in FE is Lucina.

How do you think I fucking feel?

Like a fag without a dick in his ass

>hurr a character's poor writing and flaws are completely justified because they have a vagina
Waifufags are the worst.

I feel for you. Sometimes i hear people say his tip makes him better but her consistancy is too good to ignore.

>10/10 character design
>Trapped in fucking Fire Emblem
>Apparently does nothing in her game
It's not fair!

I never said anything about liking her. I just told you how you felt and it seems I was right.

She's essentially the tip on at all times, specially on Knockback. Sure the tip FSmash can let you cheese some 70-90% kills with FSmash close to the ledge, but Lucina gets the full tipper knockback at like 100%. Not to mention Marth has to absolutely get the tipper in order to get a meteor off his Down Air whereas Lucina only needs to get the center of the arc. Much like with Chrom and Roy, there is absolutely no reason to ever use Marth if you can use Lucina, and I hate that because it also completely defeats the purpose of Echo characters.

Hottest fire emblem girl

aside from Maribelle, muh waifu

It's really funny how Awakeningcancer and Echoescucks are two sides of the same coin

It’s true, I do not invest that much in this dumb anime melodrama aside from the two I played on 3ds

I disagree with your opinion on Conquest but I respect it.

>shallow, shitty gameplay carried by cute designs by a popular artists, and superficial aesthetics like supports, music and (poor) world building
The worst part is that Echoesfags feel like they're playing some magnus opus just because it's a remake of an old game.

You sure do. Go dry hump a body pillow, fag.

It's true because they think it's acceptable to like shit games. Notice how Awakeningcancer are the ones desperately shilling this game

Don't reply to me faggot.

Based. Ironic weebs need to fucking slice their throats

Echoes was kino.

Go back to playing smash you faggot.

remind me what an ironic weeb is

It's Genealogy's birthday today!
It's also Cynthia's birthday today!

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Worst FE PC
32nd worst girl

List the other 31.

No one gives a shit. There are fucking two other threads up. Why not post in there you obsessed fuck?

It's time to post some beautiful FE girls.

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>so deluded he thinks only one single poster ever has shat on Echoes
Shadows od Valentia is GARBAGE. It's absolutely everything wrong with Fire Emblem nowadays. A complete sideline to gameplay and strategy in favor of asthetic and superficial features that are mediocre overall.

Out of all the fucking games to remake with a decent budget they had to pick the most boring, repetitive grindfest and not fix any of the flaws of it's dated NES release. Jesus christ ISIS.


Um, no sweetie, I can't find the excel file

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Why are you so fucking retarded you delusional CQfag? Kill yourself and stop shilling your shit game

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>no L/u/cina

Such a hackjob franchise jfc

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Thinking about it, there's not much /u/ in Fire Emblem, is there?

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I am a Genalogy and Thraciafag actually.

I'll say it once more so you get it through your skull: Shadows of Valentia is the worst Fire Emblem game released in the west.

That's not Fates.

What's the worst one in Japan

Fates has gud gameplay buried under the retardation, SoV doesn't.

She didn't fucking trust him retard, she had no choice but to go with him. Read next time.

The music is godlike. Take a hike.

No I can’t notice because I’m not into your little psychodrama

Fucking Gaiden. Literally the only FE game I couldn't bring myself to finish

Fates has
>Good gameplay mechanics
>tons of classes
>a route for casuals and a route for clasic fans
>A lot more chapters
>a lot more support dialogue beyond just 5 dialogue lines.
>characters are at least 1 dimensional jokes instead of flat nobodies
Hell at least in fates you're not forced to repeat the same fucking overworld map every time you just want to visit a shop. Fuck that Swamp section in Celica's side.

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