How is this even gonna work?

How is this even gonna work?
Can I use my old sub or do I need a new one?

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Other urls found in this thread:

its the same sub as retail

your current sub will LAYER onto the new game :)

So entire beginning of Classic you may often login and end up on dead layers and miss meeting all the great people. Not to mention that Phase 1 is the most crucial one on forming a server community. THIS IS A HUGE FUCKUP.

>15k pop streamer server
>15 different layers
>phase 2
>layers disappear
>3k cap 12k queue

>a bunch of now over the hill losers going to try to "reclaim former glory" with this

chinkdale won

BFA sub for BFA game with sharding.

Remember to subscribe for a chance of getting into the beta :)


hard pass. retail cucks can test my game

Sounds comfy as fuck. I have friends too, lucky me

Release date is a hype killer though

imagine being in your 20s or 30s and being excited to grind pixels again like you have all the free time in the world

Attached: vanilla wow.jpg (960x540, 78K)

1, what is layering, and 2, WHAT'S the best support class for a warrior chad? i wanna be a good healbot

looks like they delayed classic to not go up against this

Attached: shadowbringers.jpg (1600x900, 95K)

>1, what is layering
fancy sharding

Paladin in PVP, Shaman in PVE.

why the fuck did they name osconty july? then deny everything
spineless, they could at least own it haha.

And we should contribute to a dying society instead. Right

blizzard jewed us again

Real question is, do tokens count towards the sub for classic? Can they be traded in classic?


"If you’re eager to claim your character name in WoW Classic, take note: we’ll be opening character creation on Tuesday, August 13.** Players with an active subscription or game time on their account will be able to create up to three characters per World of Warcraft account. We’ll have more information on realm names closer to launch, but rest assured—you’ll have plenty of time to figure out your plans for realm domination!"

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Layering is a 3k pop part of the server that you can switch inbetween, so if theres 15k ppl playing on a server theres like 5 layers.
I might be wrong

>Some user says even if they release Beta today you will play it on August.
Holy shit that leaker faggot was true and i believed every moment of him.
Blizzard really cucked that summer release.

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no, they flatly said no to tokens for classic

so basically classic economy confirmed ruined on week 1 because of gametime token trading and chink RMT


there are no tokens in classic. then again, because you can farm them in retail, they may come into play when trading

you can pop a token on retail and the token will apply to classic since the sub is tied.


Yes, your current Battle for Azeroth subscription will work for World of Warcraft Classic :)

Hope this helps.
Blizzard Support Team.

Can any VanillaChads reminds us how beneficial Layering was back in actual Vanilla.

Literally this is just to get people to subscribe earlier

Fancy in what way?

But I do have all the free time in the world. Wait... You don't 'work' all week do you? Pffffffff-ahhahahahahahahahhahahaha

>streamer server
it's your fault for picking something like that

Basically servers with hidden X/X players, if if reaches the cap, it created a new sever, repeating for how many is needed.
Instead of "sharding" a single zone like they do in Retail wow, it the entire continent in Classic.

>Become the Warrior of Darkness in June
>Play content you've already played before just because of nostalgia reasons

Guess I'm becoming the warrior of darkness.

layering is sharding except the shards split up people on the same players into different shards rather than mix you with shards of other servers. So you still won't see all the people on the server when you move around the world, but at least you're not seeing people from other servers instead.

I knew it was late summer just based on the soon(tm) joke.

Source? What you're saying conflicts with several other anons.

>maelstrom in indian ocean

that's funny

Layering is sharding but to offload the server population instead of merging dead servers together. Any healer is good for a warrior, i wouldn't suggest druid since they're so much faster than Warriors and should just stick to cat/bear form instead

end of august is literally not summer

>dead layer
if a shard would be empty, it doesn't create a shard

Are you fucking serious that you need an active sub for that shit?

Summer literally ends on September 23rd.

You can use tokens for classic sub but you can't buy or sell them in classic, you can't use them to buy gold for your classic characters or buy gametime with your classic gold. But retail is the same sub, so extending your sub with retail gold will extend your classic sub as well.

just dropped a $20 dono bomb to our boy towelliee in celebration for classic being announced

As opposed to just having the 12k queue from day one and also missing out on playing with the other 9k at any given time while simultaneously being lower level than many of them when the pop starts to die down because you've spent so much time in queue?

>all these underage kids thinking Summer means the months of their Summer break

You wow fags need to watch this.

Come join us on FFXIV already. WoW fags love it.

>Heh heh I'm so superior to other, *sips wine and straightens fedora*

Better start saving, Timmy.

Lets be honest. By the time Classic rolls around, you’ll have finished 8.0, and will bitching about no content.

How can WoW compete against the MMO Shadowbringers this summer?

>Aim shoots you from nowhere
Heh... nothing peronsenell, kid

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Layering.. Someone lit my home on fire bros. I have nowhere to go back to.

>region lock
>right click report
>renamed items
>no wall jumping
>multiboxing cancer
>vpns not banned
>only 3 day bans for botters
>nu blizzard
enjoy your stay, homefaggots

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>Retail Vanilla
>"Sharding" of any kind.


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imagine enjoying video games

yea nah lmao
game is garbage
sit in cities 24/7 and queue the same 2 dungeons and 4 bosses, lmfao



This is 5.0 nigga

real talk, there gonna so many mages
after playing mage 3 times as main, i know how a good shreds cloth. seriously considering hunter this time to take shits on cloth

home looks like THAT?

layering wasn't a thing back in Vanilla. This is some nublizz cuck wizardry.

Brain fart...



So what the chances that Blizzard will crackdown on toxic chat in the Barrens or ban people who corpse camp in world PvP? It's not 2004 anymore, we have the 2019 moderation community now.


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I never bothered to play WoW before. Will the free trial work on Classic? I know it's not out yet but I want to know in advance.

>all these trannies in this thread
No wonder why Yea Forums never talk about final tranny 14

You can be sure that the modern SJW GMs will influence the experience in a bad way.

>3 years
>"classic summer"
>delay it by another month
>charge for beta

Blizz is scared of XIV

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you do realize that there won't be a q with layering, right?
so you could join a popular streamer server without even knowing until phase 2 rolls around.

so it just keeps building as pop grows? if a layer holds 1k and there are 1010 people you will either have 2 dead layers or 1 extremely dead layer.



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I see everyone's going on about "layering", so I guess there were news about sharding. Was there anything concrete, or just the transparent rebranding?
Phase 1 only? Forever? Zones?

dudes the part in tipsouts vid where be's in stranglethorn vale walking through the flowers and they move it looks so comfy i can't wait to get ganked there

> literally do nothing except sitting and playing game like a special kid

barrens chat is going to be a post apocalyptic landscape of twitch emotes and heavily moderated sanitized horseshit

if they do any of that ban for corpse camping instead of making the players band together to overcome it then my sub is cancelled

>Will the free trial work on Classic?
I don't know for sure but somehow I doubt it.

Blizzard fears FFXIV so they're delaying Classic to not go up against their latest expansion.

They're two seperate audiences. FFXIV is weed/pedobait and WoW caters to the normie MMO audience. Just look at the races for each game, it's Western fantasy monsters/humanoids vs bunnygirls. I don't know why people compare the two

How good at fighting are offensively geared/spec'd holy+disc priests?

I wana sneak in a raid spot as a healer but sneakily be a DPS spec. theres no armory so they cant do shit.

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In that case I guess I'll do retail, then. Or play something else. I'll figure it out later.

this was the most vapid and pointless youtube video i have ever watched and i just finished watching 7 hours raw footage of a train ride from bergen to oslo

layers are zone specific
you're not gonna get 1000 people in a zone outside of right after the game starts which is when the layers will split the population into even chunks

Some of the Barrens chat will be banned, but not all.
I've no idea about corpse camping though. I could see them going both ways.

But even if Blizzard doesn't do anything, there's still a chance you'll get right click reported.

Phase one only (so during the leveling phase/pre-raid phase). Removed in phase 2 for BRM battles etc.

Thankful for XIV shills to bump Classic threads.

Rent free.

Has there been any word on the names of the servers? Will they use the old server names?

Streamers are my biggest worry about classic wow for several reasons...

"Streamer Guilds" Ruining the natural formation of classic guilds is gonna really suck.

"POSSIBLE" beta invite. Dude, this is exactly what Blizzard wants to do here. Desperate classic fans = sub money. We saw this shit happen with the demo.

hopefully with this negative backlash it'll be as short as possible

>region lock

I'm not seeing a problem with this one Mr. Kotick.

they're shit and a "disc priest" isn't a thing, you spec holy and maybe a bit into disc for divine spirit and that's it

Why does a game that has been beta tested for almost 2 decades need a beta test for?

So FFXIV caters to boomers who take it slow with the 2.5s GCD and story. While WoW caters to zoomers with the ADHD button mashing and eceleb/streamer culture.

Attached: ffxiv boomer the show.jpg (687x382, 50K)

>We are implementing sharding but only in the starting zones for the first few days!!!
>Uhm Actually we're implementing sharding continent wise until phase 2 ;)
>Oooh, we want players to be able to experience events to the full, for this reason we'll leave """layering""" enabled until the gates of AQ are open!

I fucking hate all you cucks that gave even an inch to nu-wow implementations in classic.

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> baaaad society it hurts me and people are so meeeeean
Here is your average WoW player. Enjoy it!

no they aren't. layers are CONTINENTAL, why spew nonsense?

>considered getting into xiv
>don't know if I want to with its expansion being so close to classic's release

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At least now your thread has more content than just "...home"

Here is a true story that happened to me back in 2005 when I first started playing World of Warcraft. Back then when I first started playing this game, I was pretty young and was bad at the game. I did not know about websites like Allakhazam or Thottbot to find out where some quest objectives are. So I always asked the chat for information.

One day a gnome female mage replied that she knew the quest and wants to help since she was bored. So we grouped up and did the quest together. After that quest we decided to do a few more quests together. She started to open up about her real life and her abusive boyfriend. We sat down on a hill at Westfall and talked for hours about her issues. It was getting late so we decided to talk again another day.

I think I started having feelings at this point. The next day I decided to see if she was online so I checked the friends list. I could not find her name, only this message: "This user has been layered". From that point on I tried to find her but never could.

So if you are still out there and layered, it is me, Bigbonegnome. I will be playing classic so please DM me if you are in this chat so we can play together and catch up on life!

that's because you're a loser without friends from other continents

Ah well. Could've been worse.

Beta test the layering technology and other changes

shards in retail are zone specific, sauce of "layers" being different?

welp video games are fucking dead bros

>private servers got regen wrong
>private servers got armor and magic resist wrong
>private servers got patrols wrong
>private servers got resetting dungeons wrong
>private servers got lock pets wrong
>and yet to be discovered

oh no no no

New names, would cause confusion with retail, talked about this in titsout interview.

they would never let sharding in for the release of world bosses, or you just know big guilds would find a way to abuse the system

If you're subbed to BFA, you're subbed to Classic.


All this shows is how poorly WoWs game engine has aged under the hood. It's a 2004 Frankenstein mess.
he talks all about it in this video

They said it in the streaming but it doesn't matter, you can get invited from someone in another layer and you'll vanish out of your current one, so it's still highly abusable for pvp griefing and pve farming purposes.

its possible classic just cant hendle the high number of players they expect i mean it is 2004 technology

Private servers are gonna be so shocked about how the game is supposed to be. Fucking retarded faggots gonna get dabbed on by superior old school chads like me.

Yeah, if it's going to happen then at least it happens in the phase of classic where it impacts what I enjoy (large scale WPvP) the least.
As long as my BRM and green dragon conflicts are unaffected I'm fine with it.

again, in retail, even if you get invited by someone in another shard, you'll only switch shards if that someone is in the same zone as you

>inb4 they just make it so you phase into an "arena" that only has one layer

I can't tell what's worse, Blizzard or the fact that people here are going to support Retail WoW by paying for Classic WoW.

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Doesn't sharding kind of hurt MMO communities? I remember being in classic and seeing this awesome pvp orc warrior everywhere I went and it was the same guy... I was alliance and so we would just wave at each other every now and then. Eventually I became really close friends with this guy even though we were on separate factions and I still talk to him this day! How is that possible in this new version of WoW?


Hmm, gonna have to organize with people beforehand if the server name isn't the same. So many people I've forgotten.

>you'll only switch shards if that someone is in the same zone as you

Yes and?

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Free advertisement. Blizzard has never used a beta to fix bugs or balance the game for a decade, just look at the dungeons in Legion where you could evade mobs since the beta to reset packs or pull every mob by clipping AoE spells through the floor. It's just to generate hype and ensure their server tech works

Dude nobody cares about FF

Someone post the FFXIV viera vs the fat landwhale wow class.

More like I don't associate myself with subhumans from third worlds.

It's older than that I'd guess since it's a modified Warcraft 3 engine.

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Just like they would never implement loot trading that is abusable by guild/friends groups, right?

Give me a credible source, not some unknown shill.

this is your raid spec no exceptions

he was literally playing classic at the classic event invited him to a couple days ago you faggot talking with the developers

its not
get fucked kiddo

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>Releasing at the start of college classes
What the fuck Blizzard

>haven't bought an expansion since mop
>Didn't pay for classic demo
>Just bought 3 month sub

How likely am I to get into beta? Am I fugged?

it's definitely not the same thing retard

no one understands your nerd language

bub-b-but i paid for content i should be able to access it without other players in my safe space reeeeeee

Why do people post that image anyway, both races look like absolute shit and I could only imagine the type of person who'd pick either of them as their character

It definitely is subhuman moron.

And? I never heard of this guy.

What pserver do I roll on bros

hmm yes, you might do 100 dps for 20, possibly 30 seconds

do it fagot

>private servers got no layering wrong

It's going to fuck up gathering bad. And farming specific items/mats, since they'll have 5x-10x or whatever spawns counting all the layers. And there's nothing you can do about someone else farming your spot. Expect to be farming for raw gold. It's about as bad as they could do it, but at least it'll go away eventually.

>caring about the inconvenience of youngfags who never played classic in the first place

your time is up, neet

Any news on hunter "Exploits" like being able to FD during combat/bossfights and drink/swap trinkets?
If I can't FD, put on jumper cables and rez a healer during a raid fight I'm not playing this garbage.
Or FD and pop invis pot, saved my world buffs so many times...

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Why the fuck would I pay money for something others have done for free and better?

>have 2 months of paid vacation from 5th of june until 16th of aug
fuck you blizzard

It doesnt matter, he apparently plays a lot of private servers and noticed the differences.

Doesnt take an expert to tell the difference in regen and patrols from a private servers, and armor and magic resist were always just a guess on private servers anyway. Confirmed for having "thematic" armor so Golemagg being made of stone would have more armor etc.

How many servers will there be? Please spoonfeed me.

On the contrary, sharding makes it impossible to make friends, enemies, starting guilds. You'll have random fuckheads pop in and out throughout your levelling, desensitizing people to the idea of being part of a living world. It's like playing a fucking offline game with NPCs and pretending it's just as good. They cull the community right there and then yet people seem to not give a shit.

I feel like if enough people bitch, they'll cut down on it. They backpedaled pretty quick on the loot trading.

whats the point of playing an mmo where the world isn't shared
if you play classic you're enabling blizzard

>and better

lmaoing @ ur lyf

None because Blizz is about to start swatting them away like flies. Don't get invested in a character that will get wiped in the next 3 months.

I'm gonna enjoy cucking classic-wow only kiddies out of their names with my 3 active BFA subs.

>and better
time to start looking for a job, leech

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Wtf? I thought classic was gonna be out in like a few weeks... why is it so long from now?

>stop liking what I don't like

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>meet someone cool
>add them to friend list
>group with them for content

wow, so hard. much difficulty

Could always play XIV instead

fair question. not sure why they need 90+ days to beta test this. something made them push it back

In a perfect world all the streamerfags would be put on the same quarantine server, but this is not a perfect world.

>Summer 2019
>Literally coming at the last week of summer.

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final fantasy and they dont want it competing with their new raid. expect new phases to drop coinciding with retail lulls between patches

I watched vid and must have spaced him talking about warlock pets. What did the private servers get wrong?

Because WoW is a mature game for adults, not children.

>>meet someone cool
Sorry, he's in the delta shard. No go.

my hpriest could sustain 150 with dots + wanding without dps talents

Oh yeah, tell me about all those friendships you've made with people like XxXSlayerZzZ popping in on his DH to kill three mobs then vanish 2 minutes later.

Because I sure as fuck can tell you about the people I've been meeting in three different zones and two dungeons only to bump into them in IF or WSG.

Oh that wasnt in the video, in was during the blizzcon test.

People were complaining because on private servers you could summon a new pet and your old one wouldnt disappear until after you finished the cast. Whereas on actual vanilla as soon as you started the cast it would despawn your pet.

why does nobody here seem to be aware of the soon^tm meme. I put in my PTO for august-september as soon as the summer release got announced.

Being a Blizzdrone is a mental disorder

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> giving money to Blizzard
People never fucking learn.

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In what fucking world summer ends on September 23rd? Is that financial quarter?

Holy fuck what a huge faggot.
>be grateful for this thing they want to sell you

The private server cucks got eternally BTFO today lmao
How mad are you that you have been playing a literal LFR version of raids all these years? HAHAHAHA

>regional servers means region lock
Are you retarded by any chance?

>He doesn't have millions of gold just sitting on his account from back when WoW was relevant.

Already have 8 months banked in free tokens.

>Doesn't sharding kind of hurt MMO communities?

It does. Gotta hope this first "positive" reaction is just shitposters or people who haven't experienced it or thought it through, they might come around.

>Goldcapped from WOD + Legion phone app
>Can play Classic virtually forever without having to pay anything
feels fucking good bros

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The announcement for a summer 2019 release went up before the shadowbringers announcement. I'm pretty certain they had their sights on a mid-late august release regardless of when SHB was coming out. Not that it matters since I don't believe there is actually much overlap between the players for these games to begin with.

8.2 is also going to drop between late June to early July. This was probably the biggest factor influencing the date being so late. A lot of retail players are probably at least going to try classic since it will be included in their sub so this gives them time to finish progression in Azshara's eternal palace before moving on to classic.

big dick deeps, that almost as much as an afk autoshooting hunter

>wonders why blizz does what blizz has been doing

Attached: classicsummer.jpg (935x536, 648K)

Imagine being Blizzard.
Imagine shitting right in your playerbases mouth.
Imagine how much they are fucking loving it.

Naxx raiders of Yea Forums how time consuming is clearing naxx in terms of consumables farming etc.?
I did play classic but only made it to cthun (not killed)

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It fucking rustled my jimmies when old school Runescape came out and people were saying "UUH CAN I PLAY WIZ MY OLD CHARACTER???" "HUH?? WHY WOULD I START FROM SCRATCH???".

And Classic layers will be continent wide so you're likely to switch layers even if you're at the opposite ends of the continent.

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This zoomer streamer is talking about how the classic demo destroyed his anus so bad that he had to spirit rez doing a lv7 quest.
Are private servers really that easy?

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Why do people play WoW over FFXIV? What is the appeal for a Blizzard game?

Private servers basically got everything wrong, what do you expect.

streamers ruined video games and now they're about to ruin classic wow

classicwow reddit is literally full of NPCs defending sharding

I'm fucking done with this shit. This world wasn't made for me.

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nobody said it was, learn to read

i don't know anything about bfa or retail.
i'd really prefer they just treat it as it's own game. what % of players on nost had an actual sub to retail? i'd wager less than 5% if even. the overlap is from retail->classic, not the other way you know. maybe they are worried like you say about that overlap, but a sub is still a sub.

>Cross-Realm BGs were in 1.12 so we want to do CRBGs in Classic

Lads we gotta get on r*ddit and the WoW forums and tell them that's stupid

>imagine having so little ambition that you’re willing to get back into a 15 year old rehashed MMO in 2019 years after everybody realized MMOs are a huge waste of time, just for the nostalgia
Don’t do this to yourself, lads. didn’t you learn anything from the past 15 years?
Any game that requires you to play more than an hour a day to compete is a huge waste of time, a waste of life.

I don't know what I was expecting, I've never played any of them. I just figured they'd be somewhat true to what they were trying to emulate.

1.5sec GCD

no shit blizzard doesn't give a fuck about their customers, what's new??

same, I sold a couple +10 carries every week at the start of BFA to pay for my consumables and have enough left over from the tokens to stay subbed for almost 2 years.

What was $99?

Tfw play on Europe servers and dont have to handle any streamer bullshit. :)

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what do you expect reddit is full of drones and it always was

>Classic goes live on my birthday

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private servers don't have the official numbers... mobs are probably way harder than you are experiencing on reddit-servers

>tfw you wanted to go Home but you found out it's infested with rats and mold

>more than an hour a day
you are tier 1 baby casual, opinion discarded

private servers had /who and database parsing

the little things make this

the wrist brace
the knife
the matching red gaming pc keyboard mouse and case
the fact its actually an okay apartment but there is nothing appealing about the person occupying it

>private server frauds got exposed hard

Combat is a lot more responsive. GCD is also t a lot shorter and secondary stats actually matter. Raids are generally more difficult at the high end and there's more people who actually care about it instead of the community being divided between those who care about endgame progression and those who think players who use a damage meter should be banned.

/ourguy/ Towelliee is btfoing private server cucks right now

You don't have to do dungeons with French or PS4 players

This . im glad niggerdale and elyfaggots finally get graved.

Will /ourzoomer/ Asmongold be streaming the Classic beta?

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Post YFW Dungeon Finder addon.

Attached: blackarot.png (484x377, 177K)

Attached: vanilla party finder addon.png (498x332, 201K)

blizzdrones WILL defend this

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Regarding all this layer shit, what if there are, let's say, 1000 people on the same area and on the same layer? For example, think about the AQ event....

Based and absolutely basedpilled

4channelers love Sharding

>muh mash buttons!!!!!

hype ded for 90 days, enjoy 3 months of home threads

Basically Blizzard is banking on enough people quitting in the first few months that their servers will be able to hand it without sharding.

If Classic is a huge success sharding is here to stay forever, their servers simply can't cope

really hoping they delay it after the stress test and rewrite the net code instead of rushing out a sharded inorganic garbage dump of a game

wow now i get to spend a whole summer in shadowbringers!

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There won't be... AQ is phase, what, 5, 6? Layering is confirmed ending phase 2; just long enough for most autists to be maxed and early level clusterfucks averted.

blizzard setting themselves up for failure yet again

autists will be maxed after a week you fucking noob
phase 1 lasts for fucking months


>private servers
>admins spawning rank14 characters
>can't walk 10 feet without seeing someone with "xiao" in their name
>multiple server crashes and rollbacks every day
>buggy glitchy scripting
>un-blizzlike nerfs to various instance farming

this shill literally said he hated classic when it was announced

This is gonna prove Retailfags right. The only thing that made Classic WoW good was the fact that no one knew what they were doing.
Therefore if the game is ruined by infrastructure, they were right.

Attached: Arthas.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Jesus fuck imagine activision's dick this up to your asshole. If you are a die-hard classic fan how can you be so stupid to defend them still to kill the whole damn point of the game.
WoW's whole fucking point was to make friends alongside your journey. Most people literally didn't gave two fucks about endgame, nor they didn't see it. Now you'll get sharding on whole fucking continents because of this retarded ass postWoD technology which is cheaper, so large scale Wpvp will be a no-no also you'll see people not feeling so good and vanishing.
Blizzard ALWAYS finds a way to fuck it up.

Crossrealms are only a matter of time too.

okay this looks hella epic, who else is getting ready with a copy of Battle for Azeroth?

Attached: 3533308-wow_15year_ce_beautyshot_adp07_1920x10801.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

based if true

no, blizzards unwillingness to do the job properly will be what kills it

>not even a pet for classic WoW

can't wait for hot glue threads on /gif/
get hyped

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that addon has been around for a long time

>all the nostkiddies mad that it won't be released during their summer break

>The only thing that made Classic WoW good

Is that it's a good game. I know this is really hard for you to comprehend, but you don't get to 10mil subs and become the biggest MMO ever without being a good game. Pre-cata WoW, before the decline, was just fun. That's why people want it back so bad.

All i know is that I'm gonna laugh when people think 2h fury /sit exploit is gonna be viable on classic.

>pet for classic wow
>in game bullshit companions mounts
>wanting this in the game
fucking neck yourself literal nigger

>healbots until full t2 + full spell damage accessories
>dabs on you in AV

Nothing personal, no shoes niggers.

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>streamer server
lmaoing @ amerifags

>he's a brainlet that doesn't know summer technically doesn't end until sep 21


we're going home bros

Attached: buy vanilla server gold.jpg (939x417, 105K)

>all the zoomers who follow their favorite streamer will make realms FULL as fast as the streamer logs on

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Vanilla WoW had pets though, calm your tits.
Actually, vanilla was even worse, since you had to buy it 3x if you wanted all the pets.

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>Private servers basically got everything wrong

literally everything in this post is wrong

dude you missed the okama gamesphere

Private servers are pretty much 90-95% accurate to retail vanilla, don't listen to seething retailfag shitposters.

Whatever the number is, you need to keep in mind that it's split between both factions. So if its only 1000 that's 500 Alliance, 500 horde on the ENTIRE CONTINENT.
>20 zones
>Averaging 25 players on your faction in each zone
>1-2 players in each Questing Area

World is going to feel dead, especially when the majority of the players reach 60 and you never see them outside of cities or exclusively in endgame zones farming mats/heading to a raid.
Private servers struggled from this too, if you started a few months after a fresh launch, it was extremely difficult to find groups for leveling dungeons or group quests.

>debuff over 6% damage with 2h

[1. General][Lolrouge]: DAE facestab buton not work wtf blizz

yep, but retailfags are also stupid as shit, for playing nuWoW, so at the end none of them wins. The only way to win the game is by not playing it. Its that simple.

towellie is a well known blizzard shill who defended BfA.

>if you started a few months after a fresh launch, it was extremely difficult to find groups for leveling dungeons or group quests.

Maybe on a shitty 1000 population dead server. Over on Northdale, leveling zones have been lively and active ever since it launched. They're still really active.

I can't believe classic got delayed because they were too afraid of FFXIV

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>unironically taking 3/3 imp crusader

retailfag detected

lol dis nigga never got a hyacinth macaw

>tfw private server cucks wont be steamrolling anything when the resists and armor and regen are proper

iirc vindication got totally reworked in tbc, it's good in tbc and trash in vanilla

>FF14 is so tiny that they think a spinoff game is competing with it


Well, I resubbed. I hope the jews send me a beta invite.

Ya dude, imagine playing video games

>Paying $45/mo for WoW

>official forums having a full on melt down because "august doesn't count as summer" and they'll be back in school

Eat shit you zoomer fucks.

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>improved seal of crusader
>no 2h specialization
>takes seal of command but also takes 5/5 improved seal of righteousness

based retard

None of this shit is worth 99$, also ragnaros looks like shit, why he isn't red?

imagine paying money for a soulless corporation private server

Same thing with druids and spamming frontal shred, gonna be a dent in their levelling speed.

>paying money to have a server that isn't flooded with chinks

yes please

>summer break traditionally early june-august 26
>classic summer
>first day of school
blizz hates money

what makes you think chinks won't invade classic? it don't stop them from invading retail.

They have no way of actually making AQ opening work without a form of sharding. It would be the 40v40 Alterac Valley lag memevideo on steroids.

even without front shred, druids still level super fast because 0 downtime

t. person who leveled druid without front shred and hit 60 in about 6 days /played

Wowee. It’s almost like anyone from Blizzard is a massive liar...

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Based classicchads singlehandedly saving blizzard from bankruptcy

They'll have their own regional servers to play on. No point in playing a server in the USA outside of gold spammers, who will get banned super easily by blizz

Because in my reality Classic is absolutely perfect, even if it’s not the reality that actually exists

> big box
> shitty 7" figure
> two reskined mounts
> a fucking pin's
> mousepad
> 3 postal cards
> Only $99! Ultra collector rare premium mythic edition! Haste!

looks like they are also doing in game items for preorders of a 15th anniversary edition. I knew they would fuck it up. hopefully video game market crash soon im so sick of this.

they'll play on US with a VPN because it has more players and is not censored.

Zoomers on suicide watch

based f2p private server neet

I hope all the streamers just circlejerk eachother on their own realm so it's a containment zone.

you mean taiwan/korean servers

CN players always played on taiwan/korea servers during retail

They’ll play on American servers to sell gold. Always have and always will. Stop lying to yourself

It's the authentic classic wow experience, you had to pay for a sub in 2004 and will have to pay for a sub now. What happened to the no changes movement bro?

get fucked zoomers

You forgot the 1 (one!) FREE month of gametime.

And get banned super easily because blizz is a lot better at catching bots/spammers now than they were 15 years ago. Stop lying to yourself. :3

>No changes
>Adds sharding

>frontal shred
it's called claw

>blizz is a lot better at catching bots/spammers now than they were 15 years ago.
>In my imagination this is true!

>you had to pay sub for reserving a name in 2004

>No changes
>adds support for resolutions above 1024x768

>"n-no you're wrong!"

Nice counterargument, seething retailnigger

Friendly reminder that there is nothing stopping you from staying on your precious f2p private servers if 15 dollars a month busts your balls too hard when it is already costing more than that to run the computer you're using right now

> reserving a name
> muh online e-dentity

>No changes
>Adding tokens to classic
Big think on that one too

>No changes
>Game goes beyond 8 debuff limit

Okay. Don’t expect us to welcome you when you get bored

Classic had resolutions higher than that. I played at 1440x900

Attached: 1547750349273.png (1440x900, 1.98M)

> Society is dying
> Instead of fixing it let's just play Video games until it dies completely and then just fuck off and die
And they wonder why nobody likes them.

Man they’re really fucking up classic. I’ll just stick to my private servers

They aren't tho.

>Everyone bitching Classic is released August

Maybe they're smart enough knowing majority of the consumers would rather spend their summer outdoors?

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Based classic chads making world of warcraft's profits eclipse FFXIV's all by themselves

I want a specific name for my character because that's the name I used when the game launched

he means a glitch that people used on pservers to use backstab/shred from the front

>majority of the consumers would rather spend their summer outdoors
Oh you poor SUMMER child indeed

Just like they won’t add flying after the massive and continuous outcry for it I’m sure.

>no changes
>better servers
>less bugs
>more realm uptime

Attached: index.jpg (190x266, 7K)

Literally zoomers born in le wrong generation that are asshurt that summer is more than june and july.

>Layering(fancy sharding)
>Crossrealm battlegrounds
I knew they would fuck it up.

>Paying to reserve a common name

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the fuck are you talking nigger how old are you?

get some black tape for the sides and smear vaseline on your screen i guess

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The version they're basic Classic on already had the limit changed

Attached: classic_fanbase.jpg (500x375, 58K)

They aren't doing that either.

>Cash shop

Isnt paying to reserve names exactly the kind of shit you spergs would want though so you can steal names from other people and squat on them?What are you worrying about?

With all these changes I'm excited to see what new content they'll add to Classic.

i"d rather they just make Classic 1 big shard(1* realm types * regions), and create pseudo realms by prioritising you with Friends, Friends of Friends, Guildmates and Friends of Guildmates

As a trans person, its going to be really hard to find a lgbtq+ friendly guild. And theres going to be 1 max per faction. I'd rather less friction when it comes to making and joining guilds.

>No old unarmored Epic Mounts

No point starting on launch then, I'm not paying to farm MC/Ony for 6 months.

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Are you genuinely a retard?

>The International 2019 is the concluding tournament of the Dota Pro Circuit and the ninth annual edition of The International. The tournament will be held on Chinese soil for the first time, as it moves to the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai
>Group Stage - August 15th - August 18th, 2019
>Main Event - August 20th - August 25th, 2019

oh blizzard you sly motherfuckers.

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>can reserve a name 2 weeks early
>still the same outcome as having everyone just make the character in game at launch

baitpost but cant you just be trans without making a big deal over it?

So is sharding/layering essentially placing a certain number of players in an available instance of a world, effectively splitting up the player-base amongst different mini-worlds? Redpill me on it and why it's bad.

my voice clocks me, user
going back to man voice, even temporarily, damages my girl voice

/x/phile here
August used to be a fall month
I fuckign swear man this shit aint logical WHAT IS GOING ON TO THE SEASONS my teacher alaways had that shitty calendar with orange leaves for fall on august or was it november?

>complains while playing on private servers that have changes like letting you logout to reset your position in the instance

lmao at your life.

Posting in the real thread because I posted I'm the gay thread by mistake.

I'm still excited for Classic and the mount system is pretty cool but there are still many changes and decisions I think are badly made.

Sharding is still a terrible idea even if you call it something else. Not putting the settings in a mock parchment paper interface, new raid frames, too much integration, changing the names of items from what they are actually called (Nicker to BRS), summoning into instances from outside, and half-baked item progression are all bad decisions.

But what confuses me the most is the unwillingness to preserve raid difficulty by using the unnerfed form of raid bosses when they're going above and beyond with regards to changing the mount system. They clearly aren't married to the idea of keeping everything adherent to the 1.12.1 patch so why compromise on one of the most important aspects of the game?

It's upsetting to me that the version that will be the "definitive" post-vanilla version is actually less authentic in a handful of regards than the private servers.

Can't wait to watch the modern tatooed and blue-haired Blizzard community complaining about how much ninja looting is hurting them.

you don't have a girl voice, it's always painfully obvious

It goes a bit beyond just 'paying to reserve a name'; what we're going to have, is a pool of ~2m or so players, some of them very enterprising, that have zero interest in classic and are going to hog the most desired names, just to resell for tokens(or honestly, real life money).

I mean, I can see the argument that they want to give loyal players a shot at their favorite names "first", but it really should just be day one free-for-all, I think.

wow a whole thread that wouldn't exist if you just used google. What a retard

It's changed a lot in 4 months user, it can take years

Sharding breaks up a realm into separate instanced zones. Like crossrealm but on the same realm. In theory it isn’t a bad thing because it mitigates server overflow.

However it’s bad in the sense for classic because that immediately says “well we weren’t gonna change anything that would damage an authentic vanilla experience, but we’re going to do it anyway and hope you don’t notice us lying to your faces this time.”

>bring back personal loot!
>even more fury warriors, druids btfo

>better servers

Attached: woosh.gif (478x474, 1.09M)

In the sea of whales, Blizzard would be fucking retarded not to offer incentives to pay for reservations. It makes me sick but it’s our reality now.

>reserve the same name on 3 different servers
>triple your chances of avoiding streamerfags

Attached: 1431088465350.png (560x407, 12K)

It might be worth considering that authenticity and faithfulness may be two different qualities. It would be authentic to have a ton of servers that will die off in months, and some servers with hour long queues all without sharding. But it may be faithful to the classic experience to allow people to play it, interact with a living world, and eventually have this layering business taper out when it becomes unnecessary.

So wait, Blizzard are basically re-releasing a 15 old game that's already live and people will pay for that? will they actually just release all the old expansions again too?
what the fuck is wrong with you people?!

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Will that even let you group up as a Druid/Paladin/Shaman tank?

>Subbing to get into the beta.

You have ZERO chance of getting in unless you're an ecleb, streamer or youtube "content creator".

The game ended in Cataclysm. So the game is and should be a trilogy.

You think they'll let Kungen in the beta?

That all hinges on the idea of being able to trust that Blizzard won’t immediately attempt to fill classic with cash shop items or anything else just to make even more quick money

>implying CRB is bad
enjoy non-stop premades and 2h queues to join fucking AB or AV

I got into the Overwatch beta so, good chances for me.

Th-that's the collector's edition?
My God

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Only idiots sign up for MMO betas in the first place so yeah, makes sense.

Yeah I'm sure everyone is going to care about your name on your irrelevant USA Realm #27 server.
Yikes, this isn't nost kid.

Already sold out after a couple of hours on the EU store

I don't think anybody wants that tho. There have been times where the community refuted something that they wanted, and they backed down. Community, which this entire project is about and in response to, does have power, and I don't think there is any large amount of people that want classic to be severely mangled like that.

You mean paid shills

Kungen killed himself...RIP

Is this real?

Sharding by continent as opposed to subzone, apparently.

Literally who?

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Correct. Nobody HERE wants it. What of the rest of the community

Are they at least going to phase out sharding as server population dips after the initial hype or are we looking at a "permanent feature"?

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They said it'll be gone when phase 2 is enabled (MC patch)

It's being removed by Phase 2, but it's unclear since people are cross referencing dev interviews from several streamers instead of one clear bluepost

Yea Forums and reddit, and youtube people seem to be pretty much on the same page about these things.


>They said
They cannot be trusted on their word

>Sharting in the whole continent, as opposed to shart in start
What a horrible nigger decision

Attached: file.png (702x464, 721K)

Yeah, well, I trust Blizzard more than I trust Anonymous No. 462145898
...No offense.

What? I thought sharding was only supposed to be in the starter areas?

That’s your choice then. May god have mercy on your wallet.
Guess we just have to see who’s voice they listen to. The people that actually want to play the game, or the money pouring in for battle pets

Ok, if the possibility that they are lying bothers you that much then don't play. I don't see the point about getting this upset about something out of your control.
If remains and affects the experience enough that I no longer have fun then I'll stop playing.

why is ragnaros brown? he literally looks like a shit monster.

Not only that, but battlegrounds have been confirmed for crossrealm too.

>We are considering implementing sharding just for realease on starting zone... but as you guys were not happy with it we implement sharding on the whole game for 6 months


This is okay as long it doesn't show your "ilvl"/inspect gear from a website, it will reduce a lot of spam in the chat.

That's clearly a golden hue, if they made him orange there would be non stop oranges jokes.

diversity quota

you gonna keep posting this word-for-word every single thread now till august?

they were crossrealm in vanilla

It's gonna be permanent, they already lied about it .

>watch intense twink paladin vanilla gameplay
>they press 2 buttons and auto attack is 90% of their sick damage

Why do people like twinking?

I don’t want you or anyone else here getting hurt user. That’s really all it is after the retail WoW trainwreck.

>Classic Beta requires an active sub
Cool, looks like all active retail players will get to try the game early :)

Well, yes like it was originally in 1.12

W-why? Do you think I should stop?

LFD/LFR is inevitable

people who fail at 60

I appreciate your altruistic intentions. I hope you find something that you look forward to playing like Classic is for me. :)

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someone will make a gearscore addon to calculate ilvl in classic wow

its almost like you didnt play vanilla and know some shit items are better than higher level items.

They said they are using the pre-1.12 mount and riding system. Apparently it's a skill instead of a profession? I started in wrath so can someone fill me in on the major differences, if any?

>hey bruh I'm at Southshore, we're having a fight here, where are you?
>actually I'm at Southshore too, what fight are you talking about?
Nice fucking classic experience, retards.

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Smacking actual newbs around is never not hilarious, and never gets old. Smacking an entire team around and camping their gy solo is pure bliss.

Er, I mean- It's a fun challenge and an alternative to the level 60 pvp cliques. Fighting against other twinks is so exciting and unlike anything else WoW has to offer.

I only wish for people to look back at the close to 11 years of decline and understand why I say the things I do. It’s why I cannot stress enough that Blizzard is going to mess this up, everyone besides those that are paid to enjoy it will be upset, and all I can do is sit here and watch their dreams of a better game shatter before them. Yes it’s dramatic, but it’s the truth.

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You are so fucking dumb
You are a shit for brains
A fucking clod
A stupid plebian

Gearscore, but have a BiS list, more BiS = more score

You absolute fraud

Opinion discarded.

oh fuck game's gonna suck so bad in phase 1. we might not be going home boys

What opinion?

>oh you are not with us? here let me invite you and join the fight :)

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>The guys you were fighing suddenly just disappear
>They realized they were outnumbered so they jumped to a different layer

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Everything they thought was accurate is guesstimated bullshit. Pserver kids are gonna get clapped the hardest.

>then we followed the cowards in order to rape and slave the orcs

>Implying Blizzard hasn’t taken rigorous notes from Nost and Khronos and copied it as close to 1:1 as possible to those servers
You underestimate the lackadaisical tendencies of Blizzard and their handlers

>whooops, party/raid is full already, better luck next time bud
>whooops, you're already fighting someone else, welp I can't leave my Layer™ because I'm fighting other players here too, let's pretend we're fighting together
>whooops, what do you mean "find new friends in battle", there's no one here but us
Blizzcucks are the most pathetic creatures on this planet.

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If not, addons will.

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Probably fairly accurate. Blizzard themselves may not even know everything about vanilla WoW considering they literally lost the source code/master disk for Starcraft a few years back.

No one cares retard

>bruh the armor values are slightly different what are we going to do???

Attached: 1542955171349.png (658x400, 43K)

*dabs* back to class lilzoom

>all the addon could be is a glorified macro for spamming LFG messages or a glorified invite button for other people with the macro
Truly the death of the game

can't wait to mass report retards for tagging my mobs

why so mad?

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Currently the price is split 20/80 between the mount and riding skill. 80g gave you 75 skill, 800 gave you 150. You can use (almost, there were some race restrictions) all normal speed mounts with 75 and epic mounts with 150 skill and they cost 20/200g respectively.

The old system reverses the prices and splits the riding skill into specific mounts. No longer can you pay 80g and ride all kinds of normal mounts, that can only get you one kind (Horse, Strider, Ram etc.). This makes it harder to swap mounts around and makes the three that drop from bosses much more desirable.

With that said, I am very curious how this system works for Paladins and Warlocks. Do they learn their race's native mount riding or nothing at all, just the spell?

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>finally have a release dat
>STILL can't decide on a class

I want to heal but also not be fucking useless outside group content or farming. It would be nice to not pay a fortune respeccing twice a week too.

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30/0/21 Shaman. Destroys anuses in PVP, can raid heal perfectly fine, every Warrior will instantly suck your dick just to be in your presence. Never has to respec.
One of the truly functional hybrids specs in Vanilla.

I subbed back in hopes of getting in the beta. Currently leveling my 110 character from Legion and all BFA zones are empty.
Is the game that dead?

In vanilla the riding skill was cheap (20%) and the mounts themselves cost a fortune. You also couldn't buy other racial mounts without being exalted with that race. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Attached: 1431092867664.jpg (600x600, 30K)

Before release, try private server and level each class 20 lvl. Then you what to pick up.

Don't expect these names in a 2019 Blizzard game anymore. It hurts people feels.

>tfw got a warning for having a guild called "Nagas With Attitude"

>armor value
>drop rates
It's a long list buckaroo

>gearscore adds all numbers up and divides by 17
>bis-score has some monkey autistically weighting hundreds of items for each spec

who the fuck is gonna bother

Can someone help me make a healing/ret spec for paladin? I want to be supportive but if I have to I want to be able to hurt people

So it's one upfront cost but you have to buy it every time you want to learn a new mount "class". How much is each one?

That's the power of the Blizzard® Server Sharding© Experience™. Please look forward to an equally impressive system in World of Warcraft™; Classic™.

Prot to Reckoning and the rest into holy. If someone looks at you funny swap to a 2H and oneshot them once you have reckoning stacks and then go back to healing.

nah bro you got "sharded" into empty an empty shard :)

theres only like 10 items per spec

Yeah I mixed it up. In Classic the riding skill (for the specific mount) will cost 20g and the mount will cost 80g.

You get 10% discount at Honored and another when you reach rank 3 for a maximum of 20% discount. You also need Exalted to buy other races' mounts.

>hurting anything but their own pride when they are forced to wear their dress and heal
There is no healing/ret spec. You go the cookie cutter healing build and spend you time healing warriors, which is ample time to re-evaluate why you picked paladin in the first place.

I get that you need to have a subscription to play, but do they send beta invites only to people who are currently subbed?

>complaining about layers

>wont create a new one unless the its full
so its probably
>80 people in (zone)
>new layer

Its not like cross realm where a person is going to hop to a different fucking realm and you dont know where they went because theres like 100 of them

I don't remember anything about type-specific riding skills but then again it was 15 years ago. Either way I'm playing Troll so I get the best mounts without having to worry about it.

I made this, not sure if it good but it kind of want I'm looking for

Attached: healing ret.png (620x429, 468K)

imagine not managing your entire schedule so you can relax and enjoy playing games while attending IRL matters
time is all we really have user :)


you sound like a very sad individual and I pity you

>wotlk classes confirmed!
>cata world confirmed!

If you're looking to do literally nothing 90% of the time, sure.

I feel like you're the same fag who said he doesnt own pets because they're a detriment to the meat industry.

>Reddit and general forums are on fire while shills are defending them phasing THE WHOLE GAME.
>Home faggots are also ignoring everyone trying to cope with this fact but posting stupid old builds.

AHAHAHAHA You retards are so pathetic
You're so fucking deluded and now you watch the start of blizzards lies come just like everyone said they would.

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I don’t have to imagine, not anymore

It's not going to play the way you envision, user. But you do you.

layering is not phasing, dumbo

Yeah it's the whole fucking game you stupid nigger
Look at your stupid ass trying to pretend

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>sharding until phase 2
Why does neo blizzard hate money ?

if they were smart they would delay it and rewrite the net code

Lets say the layers are 80 people person zone
If there arent 80+ players in the zone, there wont be a second layer in that zone

lightwell wtf? cant remember when was the priest rework and they removed holy nova (with 30s cd I think) as highest tier talent?

it is continent based, not zone based



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>there will only be sharding in the starting zones
>there will only be sharding until phase 2
>there will only be sharding until we transition to BC
>there will only be sharding until we close down all servers

>pets harm the meat industry
Come again?

I played wow at launch. I was like 14. Played it seriously for 2 years and then the grind got me. I moved on.
Imagine me getting back to that shit.
Smart people realise this early on, imagine being 90 in your deathbed thinking about those 50k house youves spent on this shit. and no don't give me that "doing what i enjoyed" shit, you can be indoctrinated to enjoy being raped too. you were a plant of the system.

>lol dude slippery slope totally isn't real

please tell me you didn't do that

I have no clue, there was a thread where someone railed against "society," said they had no family that loves them and didn't own pets for the meat industry reason.

>retarded zoomer shitposters shitposting about sharding is confusing boomers who don't know what layering is

Attached: 1404846065457.png (338x496, 275K)

>27 august

so it will be a chinkdale summer finally

weebshit is as normie as it gets, all the retail trannies are the same demographic as that shit.

classic should just cost $40 plus subscription and everyone who bought it gets beta access

you know people (especially from other continents on the fucking internet) usually have friends you don't know right?

shhh, its fun.

Im aware, but I think its more of how I am explaining it

Lets say the server pop is 3k or something like it was in retail
1500 per continent, something like that
There will still be hundreds of people in the starting zone depending and it doesnt work

Unless the "layers" are 80 each or something small like that so youd have 38 layers for 3k population
And lets say you have a speed leveler in each "layer" they wouldnt have 1 player in each zone of the 38 layers

So it would be like

500 players spawn in Northshire Abbey, 6.25 layers

Players slowly move into Elywyn, so the first players there move into Layer 1 of Elwynn and go on until it gets full and adds a second layer

I'm more, how the FUCK do you guys have the time or just general desire to play that game all over again. There are so many god damn games that if I did nothing but try and play them all, I wouldn't get through a fraction of them. And even if I did, by the time I was even close to being done, there would be a TON of new games released.

You have one life and are lucky/cursed enough to live in a time with such abundance of games, but cursed to a economy that requires you to sacrifice as much free-time as possible for a barely livable wage.Why waste it this way?

Look, I get it. First time playing was AWESOME. But that time was over. Keep the memory of those great times and never forget. But there are NEW adventures to be had.

I'm going to laugh when people try to tank with fury builds and no shield

Pservers are full retard


Layers are continent wide, not zone wide like sharding.

I don't remember when it was changed either, but talent changes were sorta done class by class on each patch throughout vanilla. Disc's cap used to be divine spirit as well. The funniest end of a talent tree was probably Fury's. Bloodthirst, except it was a passive that doubled damage on the next auto-attack swing after getting a killing blow.

Bear tanks. OMEGALUL

I know but its fucking stupid and I need to see a better explanation because layering on a continent scale doesnt fix their problem that sharding does.

Its not going to be (layer 1 = 3k people) oh youre 3001? All by yourself.