ITT: Rank the mainline titles from your favorite vidya franchise and get called out for how shit of a taste you have. I'll start:
Final Fantasy
6 > 9 > 7 > 10 > 8 > 4 > 5 > 12> 1 > 3 > 13 > 15 > 2
ITT: Rank the mainline titles from your favorite vidya franchise and get called out for how shit of a taste you have. I'll start:
Final Fantasy
6 > 9 > 7 > 10 > 8 > 4 > 5 > 12> 1 > 3 > 13 > 15 > 2
8 > 6 > 7 > 15 > 12 > 9 > 10 > 13
1 > 3 > 2
Mass Effect:
1 > 2 > 3
Breath of Fire:
3 > 4 > 2
6 is dreadful, proper list incoming
Why do people like 6 exactly? Terrible 2nd half, boring story, boring characters, too many useless characters, worse use of the modern FF "do whatever you want" skill growth, ugly graphics
I'll ask a different question: What do YOU like about 6? What do you think 4 and 5 did better?
6 is better than 12 and 2 is DEFINITELY better than 13 otherwise good list
Majora's > Ocarina > Awakening > Oracles > Breath > Wind > ALttPast > Twilight > Minish > II > ALbWorlds > Skyward > the first > Spirit > Phantom
All of them are good though.
And let's do Final Fantasy too:
6 > 10 > 5 > 9 > 7 > 8 > 4 > 3 > 12 > 1 > 2 >>>>> 13 > 15
I like 11 and 14, but they're hard to compare
Robobot > Super Star > Triple Deluxe > 64 > Star Allies > RtDL > Adventure > Dreamland 2 > Dreamland > Amazing Mirror > Dreamland 3 > > > > > Squeak Squad
Bloodborne > Dark Souls = Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Strange Journey > 3 > 4 > 2 > 1
4 > 3 > 5 > 2: IS > 2: EP > 1
TP > OoT = MM > OoS = OoA > ALBW > Zelda 1 > Zelda II = SS > ALttP > MC > BotW > PH > WW > FS > ST > FSA
Need to replay LA and I never played TFH.
I didn't like much about 6 at all to be quite honest. The music was about it.
I thought the story was completely unappealing and the game didn't do enough to endear me to the major characters. I thought Kefka was a boring and annoying villain and 6's encounters and boss battles were very unmemorable outside the completely stupid shit like Ultros.
As for FF5, the gameplay is fantastic. The class system, unlike 3, was done extremely well and each class was a joy to play and the boss battles are far better than 6. 5's small cast was good, and the story progressed at a good pace. I enjoyed how much it reminded me of FF9, which was clearly inspired by this game (even though it chose to do fixed classes). 4 has a really good story, easily the most memorable of the classic FF games. The encounters are good and the games finally started to use tricks to defeat certain bosses that weren't just "attack with X element".
To be honest what pissed me off more about 6 is that it feels like we went backwards. Bosses are purely just weak to elements with a few that are also weak to status effects. Though it hardly even matters because every character just kills everything by the halfway point. The new gimmicks were TOO good
I don't agree. I thought 12 has a decent gameplay system and an interesting story. Its biggest flaw is the placing of story encounters. It frequently had poor pacing because a lot of the game is short 1 minute scenes in between large open areas that can mean you spend 45 minutes between events. When FF12 did its contained story events like on the airship, it excelled. There should have been far more sections where you go through a long story sequence like that
Was this drawn by the dude that has the series about the two lesbians that meet online that are into bondage sub/dom stuff and eventually they bring in a third girl?
What? They bring a third girl?
4 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 3
Change Sekiro and DS2 and you're good
I believe so,yeah. Been a while since I read through it but I'm pretty sure a third girl gets introduced eventually. Not sure if she was permanent or what though. Unless it wasn't a third girl but instead a guy?
Fuck if I remember,a third person gets introduced at some point.
Anyone who excludes FFXI and FFXIV from the mainline roster is retarded and not an actual fan of the series.
Even if you don't like them and put them both at the bottom, you should still acknowledge them as mainline games.
>6 > 9 > 7
Zelda Home Console Games
MM > BotW > WW > TP > ALttP > Zelda 1 > OoT > SS > Zelda 2 > FSA
the only handheld zelda games i've played is PH, which I would put dead on the end of the list, and ALBW, which i would put right after ALttP
imagine unironically thinking 1 is better than 6, you gotta be trying so hard to be a snowflake it must stressful
Damn, dropped out before that. Yes, it's the same guy.
BB>DS3>sekiro>DS1>DS2>demon souls
Kingdom Hearts and they're all mainline:
2 > 3 = 1 > BBS > DDD > > > CoM
Never played Days or ReCoded but I hear ReCoded has great gameplay while Days has bad gameplay.
This nigger is rating MMO's and surprise surprise he thinks 12 and 7 are good. Kys.
6,9,1,3,4,5,12,2,7,8 everything else doesn't matter
FF since Xenogears isn't a series.
6>9>8>7>15>10>5>4>Mystic Quest>3>X-2>didn't finish 12, 13, 1, and 2 although I've played them
10 is not that great, desu.
>all these people saying 6 and then 9
you guys are alright. I would honestly accept anyone who had 7 before or in the middle of those.
1/REmake > 4 > 2 > Code Veronica > 6 > 5 > RE2make > 7 > 0 > Revelations 2 > 3 > Revelations
>TP that high
1 is much better than 6. 6 was a major downgrade from 5 and a downgrade from 4. The only classic FF games that were worse are 3 and 2 and they are both really bad games
Not even going to argue because this is objectively true and babies need to wake up
Interesting. Can I ask why you like 4 better than NV and 3?
Delete this immediately
7 > 5 > 14 > 6 > 10 > 4 > 9 > 12 > 15 > 1 > 13 > 8 > 3 > 2
I haven't played 11
I don't really care about lore and oldschool role playing mechanics anymore, and Fallout 4 is just a very fun open world RPG.
not my favourite, but 3d mario games:
Galaxy>Odyssey>64>Sunshine>Galaxy 2>3d World>3d Land
>Anything better than VII
VII > X > IV > VI > IX > XII > V > III > I > XIII > VIII > II.
Ratchet and Clank.
Tie between UYA and GC for first > Crack in Time > Tools of Destruction > Deadlocked > The first game > Into the Nexus > Quest for Booty >PS4 Reboot
Never really played enough of All 4 One,Full Frontal Assault or Size Matters to rate them and I never played Secret Agent Clank.
I don't think any of them are bad though,I even got the platinum trophy in the PS4 reboot.
It was just bland compared to most of the others.
3D 8 > 7 > 10 > 13 > 13 - 2 > LR > 9
2D 4 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 6
Haven't played 12/15 so i cant comment on them.
6 and 9 are the only two i've dropped and i have no idea why they are held in such high regard, especially 9.
Superstar Saga>bowser's inside story>partners in time>dream team>paper jam
Only one that matters.
Hotline Miami > Hotline Miami 2
What the fuck are you implying here?
It's my favorite game, period. I know it's not the most popular pick and it definitely has its flaws but I'm particularly charmed by its stronger aspects. Dungeon gimmicks, sword techniques, setpiece moments, even the little details that are easy to miss, it all rings true for me. I just love the hell out of it, warts and all.
>8 over 10, 4, and 12
You have trash taste
naphistim>lacrimosa of dana>celceta>7>felghana>origins>1,2
sotn>aria>4>dos>ooe>por>3>cotm>hod>simons quest >1
Kingdom Hearts
2 > Re:Coded > BBS > 0.2 > DDD > 3 > 1 > CoM
I never played the rest
>Ace Combat
04 > 7 > 3 > X > 5 > 0 > 6 > 2 > 1
>Gran Turismo
2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 5 > Sport
>Metal Gear Solid
2 > 1 > 3 > V > PW > 4
>Resident Evil
2 > 4 > REmake > RE2make > VII > 1 > 5 > 3 > CVX > 6 > 0
3&K > Mania > 2 > Generations > CD > Heroes = Adventure 1 > Colors > Adventure 2 > 1 > Unleashed > Lost World > 06 > Boom > Forces
>Soul Calibur
2 > 1 > Edge > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3
5 > 4 > TT2 > 7 > TT > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1
How'd I do?
Abyss > Vesperia > Symphonia > Eternia > Phantasia > Destiny
rest of the games are garbo im not rating them
Season 2+Legacy Pack>BM>Season 1>Contracts>SA>C47>Absolution
Wrath of Heaven>2>1>Fatal Shadows>the rest
Holy shit this artist has sameface
Metal Gear Solid
3 > 1 > 4 > 2 > V
1 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 4
Devil May Cry
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2
Demon's Dark Soul's'borne
DS3 > DS > DeS > BB > DS2
VII > VI > X > V > VIII > XII > IX > I > IV > XIII > II
Street Fighter
4 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 1
Resident Evil
4 > REmake 2 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 6 > REmake > 7 > 0 > 1
Some Notes:
3 is objectively the best one; I don't think there is much of an argument there. 1 was my 2nd favorite game ever in my life (my 1st was Golden Axe) so nostalgia is heavy with it. 4 was a perfect ending imo, and V ruined everything. 2 was fun.
2 is regarded as one of the best JRPGs ever and I agree, but again, nostalgia is heavy with the first one. I play it once a year, it's one of my favorite games. The series declines after that. 3 was good, 4 is bad, 5 is meh.
4 is as close to perfect as a team of humans can make a video game. A true 10/10. REmake 2 is a close runner up. I think the rest of the list is self explanatory.
>Street Fighter
4 was almost the perfect fighting game. A game where the top high level players still traded off victories and you could never count any of the top guys out against other top guys. There was never a single dominant champion at EVO for SF4 and I think that really says something. It also drew in a crazy amount of new players and boosted the FGC to previously unseen heights. 2 is overated but was the best of it's time and 3 has some of the best sprite work. 5 is a disappointment.
Respectable. In my opinion Twilight Princess isn’t bad or anything, it just doesn’t stand taller than the really good ones.
>Zelda (not factoring multiplayer ones)
MM > LA > LttP > OoT > ALBW > OoS > OoA (bite me) > BotW = TP > PH > MC > Z1 > ST > SS > Z2 > WW
>Mario (2D, not factoring SMW2)
>Mario (3D)
SM64 > SMS > SMG1 > SMO > SMG2 > 3D Land > 3D World
>Mario RPGs (including SPM because fuck you)
SSS > PM64 > BIS = SMRPG > TTYD > DT > SPM > PiT > PJ > CS = SS
Classic Mega Man (haven't played 9-11)
MM3 > MM4 > GB4 > GB5 > MM2 > MM8 > MM5 > MM6 > MM7 > GB1 = MM1 > MM&B > GB3 > Game Gear > GB2 > RnF Wonderswan
Why does everyone hate on Absolution so much? Was it just the hide your face thing? The story was dumb, but it's Hitman; The story was dumb since game 1.
I liked it.
For reference, though, I have only played Hitman 1, 2, Absolution, Hitman (2016), 2 (2018). So idk if it commits some "fan travesty" that was in one of the other games.
FF8 is not my favorite FF, but I wish they do a remake of it on the level of FF7R so I can get more Quistis.
XIV 1.18 >= XI > VII > VI >= X > XIV Current >= XIV > XI >= XII > VIII > III >= V > I > IV > II
Mass Effect
1 > 2 > 3
2 > 3 > 1
Half Life / Portal
1 > 2
2 > 3 > 1
Fuck forgot FF13, it would go below 1
Fuckin' based.
Completely understandeable. Do you prefer the GC or Wii version?
Any list that doesn't have IX in the bottom three was made by a zoomer, guaranteed.