Attached: 1557163229873.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: can i have a nintendo switch..webm (960x506, 2.61M)

Mario maker 2 direct tomorrow I just can't!

I am not a faggot who uploads any videos. But don't these people watch their own shit before uploading?
How fucking emberesing

Attached: 1556748133523.jpg (594x582, 58K)

This is the worst one. Looks like a fucking manchild.


This is a season specific reaction image i'm posting, very rare, make sure you only post this during winter!

Attached: TheStateofChristmas.jpg (1435x1435, 246K)

>Go to cuck's house they asked for a black bull
>The niggas is playing Nintendo switch
>Also jerking off as I fuck his wife


you should hear him. he's an actual jew living in israel

Ay what the fuck is wrong with white guys lmao

what is the context?

>Implying they don't do that on purpose


>those nintendo fans stole my family and my world

halp me bros, i need to get my world back. WE NEED TO STRIKE BACK

only the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO guy is missing

>tfw you bought a switch for smash
I think I'm mentally ill

Attached: ###########sf.jpg (499x499, 191K)

have meat

Attached: tendie.png (1600x2400, 165K)

This board clearly need more onions

Attached: 1528865302107.jpg (700x734, 107K)

silly faces lol to the music of nintendo.
That's most of his videos, just him doing silly random facial and noises. "Comedy"



Attached: EBF84590-309A-4DCE-935A-213C8015E36E.jpg (609x786, 346K)

It feels good to be the right kind of white :)

Attached: john-cena-nintendo-switch.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 171K)


Attached: 36207185.jpg (316x201, 40K)

Are you looking forward to Sword and Shield?

Attached: 144683461354.gif (850x680, 583K)

white culture """""comedy"""""

Attached: sad bobo.jpg (226x223, 7K)

Did you mean so(n)yboy? Wanna keep the shitty memes going, let's shit on Xbone and PC too, come on, that's so hilarious, truly above reddit and twitter drama!

Attached: 1535761367091.jpg (2288x4232, 2.31M)

Attached: 15527427.webm (640x352, 2.07M)

Which aphex twin music video is this from anyway?

But user, it's spring.

ehehe funny cot

the new guy ruins it

>This is america

This is like an "I am silly!" comic in real life

the triforce of soitendo

Reminder that Randy Orton is the best Nintendo fan

Attached: randyorton.png (1186x1458, 1.57M)

based switch-chad

He's not white, he's an Israeli Jew.

>When Star Wars fans project

lol, your franchise is dead move along

this kid will be a chad you can tell

See ya at E3 Sonybros!

Gotta play the waiting game user, can't post that picture until next christmas, it's the rules

>people with white skin are not white, because of their religion

Attached: 1523550875596.jpg (900x729, 67K)

>not white.

when is russia bombing america?

Well, I guess this had to be done

Sony should host a surprise THE ABSOULTE STATE OF Play during E3, that'll be a power move this board will NEVER forget!

Holy kek

>to the music of nintendo.

At full price? Yeah, a little.

Attached: 1552662256935.webm (1600x900, 2.7M)

>tfw you bought a console to play a video game

This thread + snoyfags defending censorship should show everybody that snoyfags have no valid reason to be allowed on Yea Forums.

Jews are OG sandniggers who fled from Egypt after killing Egyptian children and babies. They are not and can't be white.

then why did you post it when it's not winter?

Reminds me of when my friend bought me Max Payne for my birthday even though I was certain he was going to buy me GTA III.

Everyone was disappointed.

which one in the webm is you? be honest

Fucking look at this stud

Attached: 960.jpg (960x620, 39K)


nice tits

a reminder that hiro's original imageboard 2chan has a sony containment board

this WEBM literally screams NINTENDO
and you must be shutting your eyes and ears as hard as you can if you say you don't hear it

For the preparation, can't have christmas without gifts to give

Attached: a79.png (362x337, 107K)

None, liking Disney shit like star wars or spiderman is for snoyfags.

Attached: Cat.png (229x229, 42K)

>Eric has again an autistic tamper tantrum

>If you hate nintendo you must like sony!
You're a real cretin, you know that?

>hiro's original imageboard 2chan has a sony containment board


I'm not one for bullying people... But cheeks kid...What the fuck is wrong with him

>Whities arguring and trying to make this behavior a console thing
nah, this is a Whiteman thing.

Its just bait lad
Might as well blanket term all of asia too

>this is the snoyfag SCREEEEECHING at being found out.

I've been under a rock. What is the gunman clip from?

Based. Jews pass down their genes through the females so their women fucked a bunch of Aryan Chads and produced bitter Goldberg spawn

Censorship is OK when Sony does it.
Reminder that they were (and still are) against crossplay just to ''protect the children''. Also censoring games that were previously rated (by rating board) for teens and older.

Sony is basically saying that their fanbase are children who need protection.

Do you want me to take pictures of all of the Nintendo consoles that I own?

Who else is left? PC is something everyone has and Xbone isn't in the race anymore, of course it's always about Nintendo or Sony, get a fucking brain

Why so,ybois love marvel and game of thrones?

>can't be white

This is your brain on /pol/ pills.

Attached: 2jy24u.jpg (636x773, 74K)

some shooting in nz

Not being a fucking drone shill for a company. Brand loyalty is the mark of a retard.

New Zealand shooting. There's a torrent of his live stream on P-bay. Highly recommended, the sound alone makes it worth watching

My cousin's kid got this package for Christmas and he already sold it.


why can't white gamers be more like Xavier Woods

Attached: (1385x711, 216K)

it's epic

>haha I steal ur MEME
Why are snoys on suicide watch?

Attached: Jewish Hypocrisy.png (713x926, 517K)

Not that guy, but yes.
People say Slavs aren't white. If Slavs aren't white, how can Jews be white? But hey, in USA, if a Murrican and latina chick make a baby, that baby is considered to be white, so...
Just like mixed mabies from WHITE and BLACK parent is not mulatto... but black. WTF?

>all the kikes itt thinking they're white

Australian dude shot up a bunch of mosques in New Zealand with the hopes that his actions would change the world.

Turns out nobody really gives a shit.

looking at how much they shit up Yea Forums with wojaks and threads like this, they are probably right that their users are exclusively small children.

This is on par Jim Carrey's comedic skills.

is that the guy whos friends with funhaus?
i think ive seen him on there before

>People say Slavs aren't white

What people?

Based edgy 13 yo

no because its not KANTOOOOOOOOOO

>nooooooooo noooooooo rigged poll!!! nintenogaf!!!!
>we dindu nuffin!!!! we good bois!!!!!!! dey hate us because dey jelly!!!!!!! we good bois!!!!!!

Attached: Which_fanbase_is_the_wors.png (676x567, 31K)

And you're not much better yourself, tripfagging like the attention starved whore you are

Since he mentioned /pol/

Go to 2chan and click the ソニー link. Also run ソニー through a translator or something.

based seething goat rapist


Attached: cena.png (547x287, 209K)