Underrated as fuck desu
Underrated as fuck desu
Other urls found in this thread:
Great game, best spinoff
Said no one ever about this overrated and constantly shilled series.
Devil Survivor is lowkey the best Megaten series.
>OP samefagging it up
>normie tensei
>100+ € for a copy of Overclocked in europe
God damn it, Atlus. What the fuck did we do to you?
Fuck off. OP is a faggot
>No SMT4 physical in Europe
Atlus does not like us
Or rather we don't like SMT enough, buy more fifa copies
>that artstyle
It's the dude from Yozakura Quartet?
2 has better gameplay and waifus
>SMT5 never
>DeSu3 never
>instead we get infinite P5 spinoffs
I hate normies and ironic weebs so much
SMT5 is coming, if DeSu 3 doesn't come then it likely has more to do with the developers that made it no longer existing than it does with anything to do with Persona, and the P5 spinoffs have next to no effect on the development of SMT5 considering most of them are outsourced and the ones that aren't aren't made by the SMT5 team anyway. If P5 spinoffs are effecting the development of any other game then it's probably Re:Fantasy seeing as there's more crossover in the staff between that and something like P5R than P5R and SMT5.
Stop bitching and moaning about Persona at every available opportunity, it's not like ATLUS were going to have DeSu 3 made and decided on P5 instead and SMT5 is not only being made, but there's also no indication that anything to do with Persona is effecting its development at all.
Unknown maybe, but not underrated, especially not on Yea Forums where almost everyone meets it with praise.
>all of Devil Summoner is dead including Raidou
>Devil Survivor is dead
>no more different kind of games like Digital Devil Saga ever again, just SMT and Persona over and over
SMT deserves to get as much shit as Persona does.
and that's a good thing
A reminder that Ronaldo did nothing wrong.
>Thinking SMTfags care at all about other spinoffs
When was even the last time someone talked about DDS ? Soul Hackers ?
It ain't underrated at all, I always see it lauded as the best Megaten game or close too. and for good reason it's fucking phenominal
I wish the characters, writing, and plot weren't so retarded.
At least Majin Tensei II exists, that feels much closer to mainline tone wise.
I love a lot of the spinoffs like DDS, Raidou, and Devil Summoner, just not as much as mainline. The only spinoff I have little interest in is Persona, though I feel one day I may play P1 and IS/EP at least.
he also did some digimon games
Second SMT game and my Favorite. Nocturne was my first and the more I look back on it the more fucking great the art and direction it was.
I haven't finished P2EP, Majin 1 or Majin 2 but I have a feeling it will end up there once I finish em. Majin 2 might end up higher desu.
Delete this
The last time we had an SMT thread, retard.
I think you mean underrated game DeSu
Yooohoo is garbage tho
How much of a bitch is it to see all the routes? I can't remember if the game makes you restart from scratch, but I do remember it being dialogue/cutscene heavy
Not Soul Hackers and DDS, only Raidou and Desu
Super easy u can keep everything. I was planning once I get to 100% the whole game to do a legit playthrough from scratch. But i have been wanting to replay the game honestly for a while though. After the first NG+ run where you fight Lucy the game is beyonf easy on NG++etc.
dumb normalfag
Awful taste.
>IV and IVA in the same category
>SMT I higher than II
>After the first NG+ run where you fight Lucy the game is beyonf easy on NG++etc.
Lucy is the hardest boss in the game, if you can beat him you'll have no problem with anything else.
>>IV and IVA in the same category
What is cringe about it?
Deep silver has us covered now.
Ah, ok. How many routes are there? I did DeSu2 awhile back, but I think you just needed to do 3 runs to experience everything
Is Majin Tensei translated or it just Majin Tensei II?
>When was even the last time someone talked about DDS ? Soul Hackers ?
Literally every smt thread?
The only one we don't talk about is Persona because of the people it attracts.
Why even have the haven't played section if you're not going to fill it in?
>inb4 it's persona!
five real endings plus four bonus routes in overclocked that continue from certain endings.
Stop being crazy, it's literally only SMT and Desu talk, sometimes rarely Raidou, then even rarier DDS and Soul Hackers
It's the default format you autist.
Yeah, but you could remove it or fill it in with the games that aren't there.
4A has the best gameplay in the entire series, and it's not even close. Like fuck the story, it's decent, but who cares when you've got combat this exceptional? And I'm tired of people talking up 4's story like it's any better than 4A's, considering any route other than chaos is pure dogshit.
I love how easy it is to get a demon I want IVA and i Hope it carries over to more SMT titles and the gameplay is peak. If not for the stupid cringy narrative it would be SS. But am glad some one else knowa SMT 1 is better then 2
Alot more then 3. In OC Noaya/Kaido has 2 routes evil and good. 6 or 7 I think.
Just 2 is fully translated. I found a partail translation of 1 and the script a long time ago. Both can be found on /smtg/ so I played half way of Majin 1 until it got to boring and tedious for me so now am waiting on Majin 1 translation. Its almost done.
>P4G that fucking high
>P4 on C
But why? Is Marie your waifu or something?
Maybe you should actually go into an SMT thread.
Does Cathrine count as a SMT game?
I know it was kind of a demo for the P5 engine.
The reason Persona gets the most attention is because it sells the most.
IVA is clearly superior to IV.
4's law ending is great. Yes Toyko gets nuked but you fulfil your roll as a samuri of Mikado and Mikado grows and gets betters. Its kino. chaos has every thing get fucked as usual so idk why people praise it so much.
Ofc not idk why it was on thay tier list maker. Ill post it in a bit so othet anons can show of their shit taste.
No u, just look at the past days threads
Not him, but I really like a lot of the additions and changes made to P4G even though I don't like Marie. I don't know if I would say the changes are enough that I would call the original a C-tier game and Golden an S-tier game, but I do think Golden is a big boost to the game.
>I know it was kind of a demo for the P5 engine.
Catherine ran on Gamebryo.
No actually hated Marie but the gameplay improvements and added scenes made me like it a lot more. Maybe it was the replay as well.
I count it. When are you ever gonna put Catherine on a tier list ever.
I'm lazy duh.
>P4G that fucking high
>P4 on C
>But why? Is Marie your waifu or something?
It it's not hard to ignore her
Some people consider it a MegaTen game on the basis of it involving Demons and having a Law/Chaos dynamic, but I don't think it's officially listed as one by ATLUS, even if they obviously took a lot from SMT in making it.
Does it even have SMT demons in it?
Tier list here. Also TOM and DDStrans are great to follow if you have a twitter to be kept up to date with translations. Now that Gideon FINNALY let go of if... and wiped his hands clean of translation SMT games these guys are now taking the reins. So many Never ever translations of games we thought would never see the light of day are coming out and its great.
>Does it even have SMT demons in it?
It got Ishtar, also succubus technically
Why did Atlus even announce SMT5 before they actually started working on it?
Welcome to Atlus. They did the same thing with 4 and Persona 5.
Persona 5 selling so well got to their heads and they acted like Square Enix a little.
Nintendo forced them to make cheap hype around shitch.
MP4, Bayo3, SMTV - all vaporware games at this point.
Because it came after Strange Journey and had that generic animu art style
+ € for a copy of Overclocked in europe
man, good thing i bought it, when it was released on 3ds in europe
They said they were in the build and rebuild stage of SMTV so its fine.
Not SMT Demons, or at least not SMT Demon designs, but it still has Demons. I don't consider it a MegaTen game myself, but I know some people do on that basis. I will say though, I was kind of hoping they would use this design for the Succubus in P5, not that it's a big deal and I can understand why they wouldn't, but it would have been cool.
Probably part of a deal with Nintendo considering where it was announced.
>P4G 3 ranks over P4
>pretending to have played Gitan Tensei
Devil Survivor came out before Strange Journey, though.
shut up retard
>played Giten
still hoping for a translation of majin tensei 1, the snes era games of megaten were the best
People who consider it a SMT game are idiots desu. If it had atleast SMT demons or something fine but its clearly its own thing. That demon design looks hella fucking rad though
Is Gitan even translated? Will it ever be? How does it play i heard its like some real time hack and slash?
This is embarrassingly bad.
Probably the best atmosphere of any DS game.
Even #FE have more with Jack Frost, Decarabia models and Black Frost / Ame no Usume / Anzu / Fortuna cameos.
That's what Atlus does.
Remember, P5 was supposed to be released in 2015.
>P3P at S tier
>SH lower then PQ
I've heard it's relatively easy to navigate in Japanese but it sounds like shit from what I heard.
You might be thinking of Raidou or Maken X.
Giten wasn't developed by Atlus, it's absolute trash. Think of a early 90's eroge game with a megaten theme. The porn scenes aren't the main sellimg point but it fits that general style of game.
I definitely think SJ has a better atmosphere. Not to say DeSu's is poorly handled, but SJ does an exceptional job with its tone and atmosphere, I think.
TWEWY beats it out imo but the atmosphere in DeSu is still phenomenal
>mfw when Demon of Darkness
is that just a part of the analogy or does Giten actually have porn scenes
Oh yea thats the game with that vore/gore/rape scene right? Who thought that was a good idea?
Oh shit lmao. I did this last night I thought it was SMT2 lmfao
DeSu does a good job of showing you the city breaking down and how people react to it. Compare it to something like P1/2 where weird shit is going down immediately and nobody really questions it.
fuck off retard
Name a better bro.
I agree it does a good job, I just don't think it's as good as SJ in that regard.
-Exclaimed the ironic weeb
>Kill yourself
-Replied the SMTchad
DeSu, SJ and Nocturne are the most Kino games desu
Real porn scenes, nothing too outragous but there is some guro. As I said, they're not the main selling point but there are eroge elements.
I wish Giten was translated.
for real fuck off thread derailing retard
Wait seriously? Do you have the cg set? I've been looking and I'm just really curious desu.
>I-I mean it!!
boo hoo
>soul hackers
Blame the mods and the /vr/ split for that.
>hey cuz, wanna style on God’s face?
Naoya’s route was kino/
keep ruining smt threads then faggot
It's pretty fucking terrible user. If you're interested there was a guy on a Fire Emblem fourm who actually did a short playthrough of it in thread form.
Some pf the highlights were
>him having to grind 25 levels for the first boss
>being unable to access the first porn scene since it requires answering various questions right
>a mother and son being fused together
>the protagonist dies and gets reincarnated
>a underground society of furries
Sadly at one point in the game a boss battle kept crashing the game and he couldn't continue as nothing he did would stop the crash, still was a cool read.
Name a more broken skill set than Holy Dance+Drain.
I do not. I imagine they're all on youtube though.
This video is pretty famous, it features the sort of infamous guro scene where demons rape the heroine as they tear her apart and eat her.
Should I play the originals or the 3ds releases?
Nah LAW was.
>Get to ruin Noaya's 5d chess plan
>In OC he comes in and helps you because you are his cousin
Shit was nice.
Which FE forum? Serenes forest is the only one I know.
3ds has alot more content.
deathbound/pierce/phys amp/ares aid/marksman
3DS re-releases are pretty much better overall, Overclocked adds DeSu2 gameplay improvements and has an extended epilogue day while Record Breaker has an entirely new campaign thats like 20 hours long
Sounds cool
once played a bit of giten, yeah, could be better, but i like the post apocalypse cyber punk setting of the old games, so i also wish for a translated giten
It is serenesforest. I wonder if someone has a full translated summary. Im intrigued now.
That's the one. Found the thread too while lookimg for it. As I said, he wasn't able to complete it due to technical issues but he covers enough that you get to see just how trashy and broken it is. Very weird game.
I literally can’t.
The 0.9 update is rolled out!
- Added Dis demon with implementation of "Sleep" status and correspond skills: Dormina, Lullaby, Me Patra.
- Added Yoshitsune demon with exclusive skill Hassou Tobi.
- Added Baldur demon with the set of new skills with additional ailment effects: Dream Fist, Nerve Bullet, Charming Bolt and Poison Whirl.
- Other minor improvements
The definitive list
His ending was really dumb. I get he saw the demons as wasted potential but giving it to the military? For fucks sakes.
Please fuck off russiafag.
>#FE in S rank
Almost had me...
>Synchronicity and #FE that high
My nigga
#FE doesn't get enough praise.
It was very much a game people judged by its cover that ended up being fantastic.
#FE is pure ludo. Lunatic Medeus is the second best fight in the series only behind Demi-Fiend
Holydance+drain+magic yin.
>he thinks controlling demons for the progress of humanity is lame
Come on, user.
Cool to get fucking magically nuked
It’s SMT. That’s like Tuesday for the universe.
Now this is 90s
Synchronicity needs some kind of sequel
You know people like to rag on SJR's new art style, but honestly I am really appreciating how every crew member has a portrait now and that everyone has portraits with different expressions.
Is P3D / P5D that bad? How did they fuck it up? Thought of picking it up while it is on sale.
From what I’ve read, less content compared to P4 Dancing.
It's not. I just really didn't enjoy it compare to P4D. There's a sense that P4D was actually done by people who loved P4 and Rhythm games.
P3D and P5D just felt lazy in both the music and UI. Try it out though, I've heard people liking it. It just feels a bit cheap that some songs are just music videos.
if you like rhythm games and the music for their respective games then you will enjoy it, especially if you liked p4d. you unlock more songs as you play songs, instead of having to go through a story, the story is all side stuff you can do (idk how the story is cuz i cant into moon runes). personally i didnt enjoy p5d as much as p3d because the music while sounding great in p5d, didnt make for a particularly fun soundtrack for a rhythm game.
>PS2 era had the most SMT and spin off games
>Mainline, 2 Persona games, 2 raidou, 2 DDS
>Fast forward and now all we have are Mainline, Persona, Persona spin offs and DeSu
>DeSU 3 is never coming out
Fuck off, Clicky
Thanks rhythm senpais.
M-maybe SMTV will start a new era of SMT spinoffs.
>genuinely liked Yuzu's ending of just saying fuck it to everything, and running away from the city and damning everyone in the process to a life of hardship
>Overclock just makes it a springboard for a good ending
>dude, what if we just fight every single fucking star in the sky forever?
Fuck off, Ronnie.
He may be a tremendous faggot, but goddamn if that isn't the most metal thing ever
Based Bunny.
>SMT mains
fuck off.
I loved #FE, idk if S, but I enjoyed it.
>persona 3 that low and about 4
We got ourselves a double faggot here.
They look like siblings.
Hottest ugly girl ever.
>hmm yes I love love love not being able to control my partners
>I love how slow he animations are when 2 other SMT games were utrn based and much faster
>I love having to wait 10 seconds before I can put another input
>I love even when I have set to target weakness they wont or they dont prioritize healing when I tell them
>I love how only at the half way point the game becomes memorable and cool
>i love how they removed Demon negotions and designs for bland and boring shadows
>I love how boring and samey tarterass was
With the 3DS and Vita having finally kicked the bucket, Atlus absolutely needs to make hundreds of new models in order to make more games even for the Switch, let alone PS4 and upcoming PS5. The models already made for Persona 5 will help, but once you get rid of the unique protagonist-only Personas that will never show up as regular demons that's only 182. By comparison, Nocturne had 184, and by the time the PS2 era was over they added a couple hundred more.
It's good but strange journey is still better
People don't like the idea of committing mass murder and self sacrifice in 4 Law.
What do I win?
I wouldn't place 3 that low myself, but I can understand where someone is coming from when they think it's completely shit. It's probably one of the most poorly designed MegaTen games from the PS2-era on, it has its saving graces with some high points and its low points at least feeling like a large part of why they're poorly handled is because the developers were trying to do something novel or trying to communicate something about the theme or characters through the mechanics or something like that.
Personally, if I wasn't endeared by how they were willing to try out novel ideas like that rather than just playing it safe, I'd think the game is kind of bad and if you don't care for that kind of thing, I can understand why you would dislike P3.
Strange Journey had Mastema, an Angel who understood human nature and did everything to get bumped up to Archangel status.
Meant for
Why is it bad, user
Just saying "it's bad" is the lowest-tier shitpost
That's part of why it's better.
What fucking terrible opinions.
I want to go back when this wasnt acceptable
I want to go back to a time when there was no phoneposters or anything else beyond them either.
I too enjoy human killing.
No, that desu is properly rated.
Why is Yuzu so rapeable?
>tries to murder Makoto
>tries to start a war with every single star in the sky after losing twice to the Triangulum
>"nothing wrong"
That's not metal that's the epitome of him being a retard
I feel like this exact same conversation has taken place in these threads every time Ronaldo is brought up.
Couldn't get into DeSu. Kinda wish they went pure strategy with it instead of the weird hybrid that it is. Couldn't get into Strange Journey either. Demon Coop is awful when compared to press turn, which is god's gift to man. I dunno, most entries outside of mainline don't quite cut it.
>Nocturne didnt sold as expected
>So they started using the engine in a shit load of spin offs
I mean, if anything, it must not suceded to see any hope of spinoffs going out
>tfw i've never really interacted with megaten fans online
How much fanbase infighting do you guys have on a scale of Kirby to Fire Emblem? Also, I played both the first Devil Survivor and Persona 3 and liked them both greatly, so what is another good one to play from there, aside from obvious shit like Devil Survivor 2 and the other Persona games?
I had to exact opposite with DeSu I wouldn't have liked it if it was pure strategy and not a weird hybrid.
Megaten fans or persona fans? Cuz megaten fans are pretty civil we mainly shitpost about alignments and spin offs. Persona fans? Fucking run barely a step above fire emblem. The DDS saga might be good for you, introduction into press turn with a great story and it's pretty friendly for an SMT game. Most mainline SMT games have a really minimalistic story.
>best spinoff
Um, sweatie...
Strange Journey is your best bet.
Don’t play redux.
Fire emblem when it comes to persona, kirby when it comes to anything else.
At best there is just alignment shitposting.
where does he say its bad?
its an overrated jrpg. the DS has so many better RPG games
It's pure S tier
Same here. It was fun to fuse OP demons and just style on every single enemy in one turn.
I didn't even play these but something about those two in comparison to 4 looks really phoned in. Most dances look like shit and the models all look idential and lanky, not even good for fanservice
Soul hackers was good but incredibly flawed. It's not near Overclocked in terms of quality.
Play SMT IV.
It's the baby's first mainline game, because it is soft rethread of SMT1.
Play Digital Devil Saga to ween yourself into the mainline megatens and go from there. Too many people rec Nocturne to persona fans right off the bat, which is such a massive 180 smack to the head that it could turn you off from mainline.
I love how much of a fucking retard you are for being wrong
Mary > Namissa
We don’t deserve smirking Flynn.
I give Infinite Space more leeway than like 99% of people, but it definitely isn't as good as DeS. Or even DeS2.
Everything he said was factually true though.
Cute bellybutton
There's something about her that spells "pin her down and fuck her tits"
Eh worked for me, I baptized my little brother by fire with nocturne and he was a nu-persona baby. Now he likes DDS more then anything and he's played a fair few games.
Smt IV truly was a gift for memes
oof. Now I'm really curious about the other porn content. Not on panda sadly
>How much fanbase infighting do you guys have on a scale of Kirby to Fire Emblem?
When Persona is not involved, people are typically very civil, when Persona is involved it brings out the worst in everyone and becomes the most obnoxious shitposting imaginable from both sides.
It's not. Use tactics and analyze retard
Man this game would be goat if it wasn't for the insane difficulty hike all of a sudden and the stupendous amount of grind.
I never managed to beat it because of that.
Literally all of those but tactics and Tartarus are applicable to persona 4.
Soul Hackers is the best game period
>use tactics
>team still acts like retards
reminder that if you haven't finished the game with a purely phys build you haven't beaten DeSu
Wait what is this?
This one always fucking gets me.
I guess i'll go with DDS, then. After I finish Xenosaga Episode 1, that is.
Unfortunately, I don't have a working 3DS at the moment. I can fix it, i'm just lazy. Also, out of curiosity, what's wrong with Redux?
No they don't. If you use analyze + tactics they will use alwayd attack the weakness. If you set on heal they will always heal.
What if I beat it with a yamato build?
haha great franchise you guys I really enjoy it.
playing 4 right now
Overlord or Messiah?
Strange Journey Redux is worth playing, yes? Anything I need to know before going in?
Yea and thats why P4 is low as well. Just not as low
Out of all the persona fans I think I hate P3 fans the most.
No factualy not true.
>Junpei doest use fire but physical
The AI doest always do what it wants me to do.
>Set to heal
>Mitsuro charms
I regret so much not recording when I played P3FES so much. To prove to you P3 fan boys your game is flawed as fuck.
Fuck Naoya
Persona is FE tier because there are people who genuinely pretend 5 is a good game
Don't listen to him, you should play Redux. It has worse art, and the new endings are a mixed bag, but it fixes some of the most obnoxious issues with the original release, has more content and pretty much all of the new content is good, and it has more Demons, portraits and CGs. If someone's telling you not to bother with it it's likely just because of the downgrade in the art, but it more than makes up for that in many other areas, and it's not even like the new art is bad, it's just that the original sets a high bar to match.
What SMT game would make a good 24 episode series?
My hat's in for the original SMT.
Yknow, I didn't hate P3 fans until P3P came out. FeMC fans are pure cancer and probably never played anything outside Persona. They encapsulate everything wrong with your typical Persona fanboy. Waifushit is a plague.
Nah go with Redux, worst case scenerio you don't like/want any of the new shit (endings, bosses, and characters) it's ALL optional so not point I'm acting like the game is gonna force you to put up with it.
Alignment shitposting is almost always just banter. I think like one person ever has taken it seriously.
Do the Womb of Grief whenever you can, you only get some of the QoL improvements from the original release there.
>what's wrong with Redux
Nothing it has more content and fixes the neutral wank in that game.
The only real downside is that the artstyle is worse, but it is fibe in my opinion because now every single human character has a portrait and expressions instead of just 4 static portraits.
>Junpei doest use fire but physical
No Junpei will use fire when you analyze. Why are you lying?
I thik it had 8 to 9 * ratings universally when it came out.
Isn't Alex still the Neutral and Law final boss, even if you don't bother with the Womb of Grief? Redux is still ultimately better, but I do think you're forced to at least resolver her plotline at the end.
There is a reason why everyone loves the overlord ending.
Lawfags are just mad, because DeSu chaos cucked them out of their best ingame lawfag.
>Chaos route is so based that even the resident Lawfag joins it
Best Chaos route in the franchise, bar none.
>Alignment shitposting is almost always just banter.
I never said it was a bad thing.
I love me some alignment shitposting.
Are you? Wouldn't know I played redux twice and both times I agreed to help her cuz I wanted to see the new shit. I played the OG like 5 times so never wanted to go for the OG endings.
My memory might be a bit hazy but actually the instance I was thinking of was, once I used fire on an enemy weak to it, Junpei was set to abuse weakness and instead of using fire, he used physical. Regardless the AI should have known the weakness but didt use it. Its a shit system. And my point with Mitsuru still fucking stands. Fuck P3
What grind?
>put an officer on finance duty
>buy carrier blueprints
>enjoy the wild ride as fighters obliterate everything
You only fight alex if you dont do the womb of grief or if you do the womb of grief and tell her to fuck off.
So it's basically a "soul" thing? I'm no stranger to that.
I've seen people try to shitpost that Kirby Super Star Ultra is inferior to the original due to minor artstyle changes even though Ultra doubles the content of the original and has far more polished controls.
>People rating P1, IS and EP over later games.
Why? Every problem related to dungeon crawling and combat is magnified on the earlier games.
There seems to be a P1 renaissance going on this year. Not sure why. P2 has always been good, though.
Such as?
No it doesn't. That literally never happens. Only reason Junpei would use physical is if to save SP, you didn't use anyalze, or you didn't set to weekness Mitsuru. It's okay to be a retard, well seeing your garbage taste in SMT that would make sense, but there's no reason to be salty
its only the human art that is bad. Mary coming back after only appearing ONCE in fucking NINE is worth it.
Gameplay wise P1>P2
Because those games are utter dogshit like P5.
everyone in desu2 seems really annoying
Nah, they’re generally cool. Except for Ronaldo. He’s a cunt.
DeSu 2 had perhaps the greatest social link implementation in the series, and it went to waste on shit characters.
Because 'muh waifus' i guess (never mind P1 and 2 had some waifu shit too)
P2 is only good storywise, everything else is a downgrade from P1
People praise that about DeSu's Chaos ending, but I don't actually like it. I like my Lawfags and Chaosfags to be resolute in what they believe and have to put them down if they get in the way of what I'm going for. I don't think it was out of character for Amane or anything like that, but I find it kind of boring when everybody just agrees with you instead of fighting against you. In a similar vein, I'm not crazy about the new Law ending in SJR where Zelenin just rejects God's message despite being transformed into his servant so you just get this idealized Law ending, even if it is presented well. The ideal for me in MegaTen is for every end to be kind of bad, not in the sense that it's poorly written, but in that sacrifices are made and there are clear downsides to the ultimate outcome, and having things like members of the opposite alignment join you so you don't have to kill them doesn't sit right with me in that regard.
I will say, as far as SJR's new Law ending though, it still isn't perfect which I like and I probably would have been fine with it if it weren't in SJ and were in its own game instead. Even though the games often have a neutral bias which I dislike, I don't think the key to fixing that issue is making all endings great, they should just all be a mixed bag, and sacrifices should be made to get there.
I've only really just started and have maybe 1/3rd of the fate people met but they're all annoying cunts so far
the only decent one is joe
Mixed bag, half make you want to close the game, other half are pretty cool guys.
It's one of my favorite SMT titles and I've played most of them.
>other anons say it happens
>always P3 fanboys deny it
Also read I said that my point on Mitsuru was that she didt fucking heal me not that she didt abuse weakness.
>Conserve SP
Unless he was out this is fucking dumb. Not being able to control your party members is fucking dumb.
>you didn't use anyalaze
Also if I just abused the weakness of an enemy I shouldt have to analyze it just so team mates can then abuse it. They should know what the weakness is this is garbage game design.
We been over this. It never happens if you use analyze and tactics. I'm sorry you are so dumb and get your opinions from r/Persona but please get a brain.
Eh, I disagree but I guess I’m just lenient towards them. I generally liked both DeSu casts, obvious stinkers aside (cough, Ronaldo, cough, Keita, cough).
If you died to Yamatos dragon stream you are a casual
And thats ok, i hope you learned to always have speed demons in reserve
Yes you should. Once you analyze a target they will attack the weekness. It's okay to be dumb and have shit taste but it's fucking sad to watch.
>garbage game design
This isn't P5. so no
>This isn't P5. so no
P5 tactics do that though
No they don't and p5 is a shit game.
I disagree.
I think every ending being bad is what lead to neutral wank
Law and chaos are bad, because you will get fucked over by angels and demons with neutral being bad, because it only postpones the choice.
And keeping the apocalypse from happenimg is way better than just getting fucked by angels or demons for the rest of eternity.
I think there should be some merits to an ending, because choosing what way you want to get fucked over isn't all that compelling of a narrative.
Its a shitty system regardless. If I discovered the weakness I shouldt have to use anaylze right after they should know the weakness. My point still stands with Mitsuru not healing me when I left her own focus on healing. Even IF I forgot to set it to healing which I did not, she should have healed me instead of trying and fealing to charm a boss.
>likes P3
>says other people has shit taste
How is P5 worse then P3? It has actual dungeons, Demons and negotiations?
Having to rely on dumb as fuck party A.I is objectively fucking dumb and boring.
It's not. It's great and you should actually play the game P5babby. Mitsuru charm is a meme and she doesn't ever do that shit against bosses
>It has actual dungeons, Demons and negotiations?
Which are all shit. Seek help p5babby.
It's okay to how a low IQ. Don't need to keep revealing it.
Yes I love fighting a re-textured black hand with a mask for the 5000th time
>its a meme
I thought it was as well until it happend to me. Fuck you. Are you really saying those lazy and boring shadow designs are better then the demon designs we got in P5?
The fuck are you even referring to? You have full control as I recall.
Desu1 is appropriately rated since many agree that it's a game with superb gameplay with characters and story to match. But Desu2 is the underrated one since even though it's basically the exact same as 1 gameplay-wise, many think that the story and characters are vastly inferior to 1's. Which is true, but the character work in 2 is far from bad as the characters have organic growth that actually have small impacts on the plot later on in the game. Also the Fate Link system is basically an improved version of the SLs in P4 and P5 that manages to surpass both of those, since bothering to develop each character's fate relates to their growth in the main game, like it does in P3. Which is something Desu2 doesn't get enough credit for.
>tfw I like P3, P4, and P5 roughly the same
>can't say I like one without the others flinging shit like some autistic ape
>because if one is good then the other two are bad
This is what everyone was trying to warn you about bub just don't bring persona into the equation or ignore them and everything is fine.
I agree there should be some merits to each ending, but I don't think they should be varying shades of idealization, they should have some clear flaws and sacrifices made on the path towards them alongside having their good points. I also disagree that every ending being bad is what lead to a neutral bias, because there has always been a neutral bias. It's not like they used to all be bad and then they started making neutral good, neutral's just been the best choice since SMT1. I like SJR's Neutral ending, or the sentiment behind it at least, because it highlights how despite all you've gone through humans never learned from their mistake, which is a clear flaw, but you also get to maintain a world for humans as you'd want, which is a clear merit, and it's a bittersweet end for the protagonist himself. I have some issues with that ending, but the sentiment behind it is the kind of thing I'd like endings to have.
>Saying like we don't do this shit with Nocturne, IV and IVA
It its watered down today but it its still the same
>Dungeon design is just as bland and full of empty hallways as the later games with the added touch of frequent random encounters
>This isnt as bad in P1 and EP but IS battles take much longer than they need and this doesnt help
>Weird Exp gain in 1 which may cause you to have one 1-2 overleveled characters
>This messes up demon card acquisition because getting the cards is based on party average level.
>Physical attacks feel boderline useless making it a spam fest for magic.
In P3? nope. Only in P3P and up
Based and DeSupilled.
I thought you were talking about DeSu cause you weren't replying to anyone specifically.
Do we? I feel like even if you have a clear list of preferring those I have never seen shit flinging as bad as nu-persona shit flinging. Arguing whether or not IV or Apoc is better is a legitimate discussion but I never see it get 1/10th as bad as persona shit flinging. They're all great games anyways just each with their own pros and cons.
>change the AI tactic to Knock Down
>suddenly no problems were ever had with AI ever.
I liked the idea, though. It gave life, in a way, to otherwise forgettable party members.
by literally fucking who?
It made them more robotic though, when picking the skills instead you can just headcanon that it its the teammate thinking
It's honestly overrated as fuck since lots of kids played it as their first smt game and therefore claim it's good, despite being mid tier at best
This is the first big SMT thread in a while that I've seen without the word "Nocturniggers" getting thrown around by a bunch of shitposting jack asses. After Deep Strange Journey shitting on SJ was the "in" thing. It comes in waves, and it seems like we're in a crest right now, thank God.
Not that guy but to be fair in yukiko's dungeon in P4 they do specifically state that you are giving them orders on what to use.
I'd say for the past month or so, with a few exceptions, SMT threads have been mostly fine. I do agree they have some bad lowpoints though.
I feel like the crests are pretty long though, it's only around release dates I see things go to shit which yeah par for the course. Persona shit flinging is year around 24/7 even when their asleep they're probably dreaming about arguing.
Fortunately you can let a couple of the annoying characters die (keita and joe), leaving you with an above average cast
Oh that is true, it its that part with Yosuke and Teddie
It (was) is at the very least something unique to P3 that no other SMT game does.
>neutral's just been the best choice since SMT1
You like smt2 neutral?
Joe is great, though.
>since lots of kids played it as their first smt game and therefore claim it's good
Can you even justify this notion or are you just incapable of explaining why you think it's overrated and decided to throw that in there as filler?
It's one of the best SMT games overall and I say this with my first being fucking Persona 1.
>It's not like they used to all be bad and then they started making neutral good, neutral's just been the best choice since SMT1.
That's kinda my point law and chaos are so bad that neutral is always the best choice.
So that is why I don't mind that law and chaos has gotten more idealized in SJ eventhough I don't know what exactly those endings entail, because I am playing to beat SJ/SJR for the first time as we speak.
But to make my point with DeSu all the endings are more idealized, but I think that DeSu's ending are more interesting, because all the endings are so good there is no clearcut best ending so choosing your route is a little more personal, because the best route is up to your taste.
Naoya's route is more popular here, because anons in general are just a bunch of edgy chuunisincluding me, but there is a very good case to be build for every route.
To put it more simple I feel like that in most SMT games there is choice between multiple bitter endings with one bittersweet ending.
But I think it is better if every ending was sweet like DeSu so that the "best" choice is up to your personal taste which in turn reflects you as a person.
Instead of just relunctly going for the bittersweet ending because all the other endings are bitter.
Some may ask why not make everything bitter instead, but if every ending fucks you over there is no real reason to continue, because you will get fucked over eitherway.
Optimally every ending should be bitter sweet, but if I had to make choice between everything being sweet like DeSu or a bunch of bitter endings with only one or no bittersweet ending I will prefer all sweet.
Yeah, no less than I like it's Law ending at least, I don't actually know what the Chaos ending in SMT2 is like, admittedly. The only big downside to 2's Neutral end, in my eyes, is Aleph's punishment from YHVH but that's not exclusive to that ending.
Might be just me but honestly I feel like the series jerks of chaos way too much. Law has like 2 good endings (DeSu and SJR), and the only game I can think that is pure neutral wank is og SJ. SMT II exists as a testament to how bad I's neutral ending is. IV and Nocturne you just push shit off before it boomerangs around eventually. I honestly feel like outside of the OG chaos ending in SJ and the IV chaos ending there isn't a bad chaos ending in the series.
It has a lot of balls with the setting and plot. Rather than sticking from children saving the world outright, It's just a bunch of highschool kids scared shitless and trying to survive by sleeping in park benches, chariging their game consoles (that they need to live) with mechanical chargers, and you get to see regula people becoming desperate and mad over basic things like food and shelter.
Very good game, best music in the series.
Not going off topic here, but I can certainly see why there are people that prefer the original Kirby Super Star over the remake. Not everything that you disagree with is a shitpost.
All 3 sound based, I would sit and watch.
In the grand scheme of things, the Chaos in SMT 2 is worse than Neutral because in chaos Millennium is destoryed and in Neutral it isn't.
>that one scene where Keisuke gets fucked burned alive by Kaido if you’re not fast enough to save him
That threw me for a loop.
Huh, it wasn't even a game over?
I can certainly see ways that the original is better (mainly the difficulty), but I seriously have no clue how anyone can prefer the original and say that it's the definitive version. And this is coming from someone whose first game ever was Super Star, and I have tons of nostalgia for it.
I'm just laughing how in the manga they follow an original ending and everyone's alive except Keisuke :(
If you don't give Kaido the bag, you outright have to choose between saving Mari and saving Keisuke.
I still kill Keisuke whenever I go Gin, Naoya or Amane because fuck him. Keisuke dying actually locks you out of Atsuro's ending.
That's the beginning the plot starts with you wanting to revive your childhood friend after she got raped and killed. Pretty metal. I'm trying to look at much information as possible but it's boring going through the walkthrough and just seeing lines of text.
Skinning through it to find the sex scenes desu.
>desu was the first smt game on ds and 3ds, therefore reaching a wide audience
>Yea Forums used to consider desu mid tier (see: archives)
>several years pass
>now Yea Forums loves it
If you want me to go into detail on why the battle system is lacking in tacticl depth even compared to a regular smt game I'll pass, in short teambuilding isn't important as you can just smash anything you come across with holy dance or whatever. The pacing is also fucked as you bumble your way through most of the game without doing shit (and have waay too many filler fights against random civilians) then get a boss rush at the end.
Operation Cardboard Box was gold.
Team building doesn't matter in most SMT games, because I love this series but each on has it's own game breaker
>fucking zio in I
>Holy wrath in II works on everything as long as it's the opposite alignment including fucking bosses
>buffs are obnoxiously swole in nocturne and there are no downsides to using all fiends
once you get any of these the games are basically over.
At least in DeSu you have to consider your demon's racial stats for movement (like phantom) or combat (like tyrant).
Seems like a wild ride but also a boring one
>Skinning through it to find the sex scenes desu.
Godspeed dick warrior
>That's kinda my point law and chaos are so bad that neutral is always the best choice.
Yeah, but Neutral didn't become the best because Law and Chaos were bad, Law and Chaos were just bad from the outset and Neutral always felt better. I don't think the strength in DeSu's endings is in that they're all sweet, I think they're strength is that they're all on equal footing, and I personally find them being idealized a bit boring. I don't think every ending should be bitter, and I don't even necessarily think they should all be bittersweet, they should just have ups and downs rather than being all good or all bad, and I think establishing the notion is arbitrary, there's no real reason beyond that it would take more effort to vary the endings while not feeling like there's a bias towards any of them.
I think people harp on the whole "You can kill your friends" business when praising SMT a bit too much, but there is still a novelty to having to pick a path and knowing you won't be able to please every member of the cast, and even have to kill some of them off in order to get to the ending you want, and that novelty and the characters themselves are diminished in my eyes when they'll just bend to your path even when you act in opposition of their alignment. The endings themselves are generally less interesting too when there's the expectation that it'll all just go as well as it could, it's more interesting when each ending showcases the strengths and the weaknesses of the respective alignment, and as long as each end does that without bias and represents the good and the bad of each it will end up in a way that, I personally, think is more interesting in addition to eliminating the issue you've mentioned where people will just go to the ending the game frames as the best one instead of the one they personally like.
I'm a hero.
I liked 1 more than 2, but I played 2 as that 3DS special version or whatever (Record Breaker?).
Is 1 worth going back to to play Overclocked? I only ever got Naoya's ending and didn't go for any of the others because it felt satisfying as fuck as-is.
>desu was the first smt game on ds and 3ds, therefore reaching a wide audience
Meanwhile SMT3 was the first SMT on ps2, the most popular console at the time
>Yea Forums used to consider desu mid tier (see: archives)
Do you really think this supports your argument in any way?
The battle system is as balanced as regular SMT games are, meaning that you can break it easily if you know what you're doing.
Funny that you mentioned the pacing by the way as It's one of my favorite aspects with how it starts out slow and steadily climbs to massive stakes and battles by the end.
Yeah, overclocked adds an 8th day for Amane's, Naoya's, and Yoohoo's endings and it's a full day, voice acting, a compendium, it got a bit of a graphical rub up, and some minor game play smoothing. It's the definitive version of the two hands fucking down.
Overclocked adds nothing but good things to the game.
I advise you to play it again since replayability is great with all the different routes you can take and also try a STR build this time as it's actually more fun in overclocked.
I'm going to check it out. I've got 2-3 weeks to kill before the new Path of Exile season and I don't think it's going to take me that long to beat Mary Skelter. Did they change Holy Dancing your way to the top?
Best autist.
>Did they change Holy Dancing your way to the top?
Nope holy dance/drain will still demolish the game, BUT Multi Strike +Stone and Pierce is now a viable option as well. (You'll just have to cuck autsuro as the phys user).
>New Citra can't play the game, had to go find an old ass version from 2017
weird. I thought for a second I would have to go fish my 3DS out of the closet, wherever the fuck I put it.
>cucking Atsubro
That black hand requires more thought than anything from the worst MegaTen game ever made. It is a meme, doesnt happen. It's okay to be a P5babby but it's sad to watch.
>Are you really saying those lazy and boring shadow designs are better then the demon designs we got in P5?
One requires thought. The other comes from a shit game. Yeah it is better.
>That black hand requires more thought than anything from the worst MegaTen game ever made.
Literally just use Fire
>Yeah, but Neutral didn't become the best because Law and Chaos were bad, Law and Chaos were just bad from the outset and Neutral always felt better. I don't think the strength in DeSu's endings is in that they're all sweet, I think they're strength is that they're all on equal footing, and I personally find them being idealized a bit boring. I don't think every ending should be bitter, and I don't even necessarily think they should all be bittersweet, they should just have ups and downs rather than being all good or all bad, and I think establishing the notion is arbitrary, there's no real reason beyond that it would take more effort to vary the endings while not feeling like there's a bias towards any of them.
That is what I was saying in the post you replied to.
My only thing is if I had to choose between law/chaos ending sucking with the neutral ending being objectively the best and every ending being more idealized even if it means there are no downsides to any of them anymore I will choose for the latter.
Like you said ideally every ending should have their ups and downs, but I think the more idealized endings with no downsides is better, because all the endings are equally good now.
This is in my opinion better than the usual where neutral is clearly the best.
They added a lot of phys options bur rather lategame. They added Pierce+ as an auto skill as well as Dual Shadow+. They also added a skill named Multi-Strike (if you played DeSu2 you should be familiar with it) that makes Phys + Agi viable as an alternative to Deathbound. But you literally get both on day 7, so they're mostly useful on the 8th days.
Overall consider: Overclocked came out before DeSu2 on the DS.
How can a person exude such a disgusting stench from a Yea Forums post? If this is bait it is masterful and deserves at least one reply. Here you go sir.
I agree that it's better that way, I just think it's arbitrary to act like it has to be one way or the other. As I said, I see no reason why they have to make one ending interesting and the other endings bad ends by a different name or make them all idealized. They can make them all stand on equal footing without being sugar-coated if they're willing to put in the work and I think they'd be better for it.
As someone who has so far played every MegaTen game on the PS2 and 3DS, in addition to P5, P3 is absolutely the worst of the games I've played so far. DDS has more depth. Having to babysit the game's flawed mechanics does not make it a good game.
I don't think it's bait, I've been seeing a lot of similar posts recently and they generally seem sincere.
I don't trust your taste, considering you belive Shadows of Valentia is a better game than Fates: Conquest strictly on the notion of aesthetics.
learn how to not save thumbnails
>As I said, I see no reason why they have to make one ending interesting and the other endings bad ends by a different name or make them all idealized. They can make them all stand on equal footing without being sugar-coated if they're willing to put in the work and I think they'd be better for it.
I agree with that, but I don't want to discredit the new redux endings, because it is a big improvement over the original SJ endings.
What is up with P3/P4 fans always shitting on P5?
They are jealous
New game bad, old game good. Literally no other reason.
I agree with that too, though I don't think they really suit SJ in one way or another, with the exception of the Chaos ending, but they all feel like they're on the same footing and I like the sentiment behind all of them. It also represents the good qualities of Law instead of going all in on being controlling and self-righteous which pretty much all other Law ends do, which is nice.
They weren't fourteen when they played P5.
Pretty sure they're not fans of P3 or 4. Just your average run of the mill Yea Forumstard baiting with maximum contrarianism.
Alternatively waifufags that judge the games solely on that aspect but I'd argue that those are the actual bottom feeders since their autism is genuine.
I am glad we could come to an agreement.
It still isn't, fucking phone posters
New DeSu meme
underrated comment.
She's busty! More of their titties.
While I liked persona 5. I felt it wasn't as well put together as the other two. It felt really sloppy and flat at the end.
>tfw get into SMT a year or two after DeSu becomes impossibly expensive
Nothing to hee ho about
Nigga what, overclocked is like 30 bucks at most.
Hack your 3ds.
Emulate it
It's constantly on sale on the eshop, you can hack your 3ds to pirate it, or you can just emulate the original. You have no excuse senpai.
That's popular af.
You want an underrated ATLUS game on the DS?
Drone mother fucking Tactics nigger.
>bug mechs
>turn based strategy
>mechs are customizable
>units level like Fire Emblem
>gorgeous sprites and environment
Just use fucking amazon it comes new and with the case and everything why are you trying to use ebay.
I used to think this back when I first played P5, but then when I went back and replayed 3 and 4 after it made me realize they had just as many problems, if not more.
Ooops wrong pic i liked the 3ds rerelease
lmao yurop never got reprints my dude, just pirate it or emulate it
It's expensive in Yurop.
Citrus it is then hope your CPU is swole
You can just buy it digitally no matter where you live, it's just kind of shitty to have to pay so much for a physical copy if you want one.
Hack you 3ds
where to get CIAs or roms now that Nintendo took all of the old sites out back and shot them?
There's a good list on Reddit, but I can't use the GDrive links since they all say they've exceeded the d/l amount.
...nice try. I won't tell you because it's easily google-able and I bet you're a fucking narc. Apply yourself user.
We can all agree that Amane was the best girl, right?
I do have a hacked 3DS, but I want my games physically.
She was but it was a less a result of herself and more a result of how low her competition set the bar.
>it was literally making a copy to get around the drive limits
Well, you're certainly right that I was retarded.
I think your opinion is bad and this is coming from someone who enjoyed the shadow bosses from Tatarus. But I see that you posted Boogiepop so I respect your bad opinion
Well for one it offers couch co-op play rather than needing two different devices and copy of the same game, and for the audiophiles out there the SNES version offer a higher quality sound design compared to the DS. Also the SNES game has an increase in difficulty with stars produced by bosses doing damage to Kirby.
I think persona 3 is better then 4 and 5 and Jesus Christ your so full of hot shit it fucking hurts you literal retard.
Yuzu is still my favorite
I can respect that.
I disagree. I'm sad she got limited screentime and wasn't playable.Also that her rival character was cut from the game after already getting a design
There was a rival?
what game to start on?
someone please make a devil survivor hard mode
Use cheats. It's a good visual novel.
Depends. Do you mean the DeSu games or SMT in general?
Desu 1 then 2 for Desu
Smt it's either Nocturne or IV
Planning going for Raidou or DDS. Fucking loving the openings to DDS a lot. I'm a veteran and the only games I haven't played were pretty much these two series and the old games.
SMT4 is meant for both SMT newcomers and veterans alike so you can start there but both DeSu games are also generally fine starting points as well. They’ll get you caught up to speed on the series mechanics though SMT4 covers more of those.
> baby's first mainline game
True, but by no means bad. Absolutely one of the best for sure.
Note if you play 4. Ya don't have to go all the way. The endings suck in 4 except chaos. Once you go to the route switch, either continue on Law/Chaos or do as much neutral as you can handle then skip and go to 4A. The QoL changes are amazing for 4A.
Chaos and Neutral are almost the same thing. Just one has Lucifer instead of Stephen.
thanks for the spoiler fag.
Not specifically a rival but she was a reporter from another newstation. I can't find a picture on the internet but it was in the official artbook of the game.
That's more thought than anything from 5.
How does 4 law ending suck? You not only saved Mikado but improved it as well. Its everything law is about. I just wish it had told you you were going to die as well or something. Neutral is shit because it follow the trend of jerking off Neutral to much.
You mean this one?
3 isn't flawless. But you are literally making up that flaw like the redditor you are.
His image makes me think he's serious, the threads for that show are full of those types
Imagine being this fucking retarded to think that.
T. Lawfag
Get out!!!!! CHAOSRULES
how does 4 jerk off neutral too much? you push everything off and nothing is solved.
If you think the dungeons, negotiation or anything from 5 is good or better than the previous games you are a shit eating faggot and that's a objective fucking fact.
I'm not even part of that debate I just think you sound like a ginormous faggot
Go back to /pg/, dumb yukarifag
>liked the 3DS rerelease
Too bad the new content absolutely murders the tone of the fucking game.
I'll do it if you release tools to work with the game.
I found it fun but that super deep good end makes it quite strange, also it solved all the plot points left so no sequel material
Mad cuz right
>Chaos in IV
Everything is dead, and everyone who is not dead is going to die, overrun by demons. Even if the game jerks off Neutral hard, at least in this one game you really have to earn the Neutral ending.
>His image makes me think he's serious, the threads for that show are full of those types
I'm just fucking mad that people like Hugo and fucking Protea get away with literally everything in the new content.
I'm mad at him because he's a fag. I agree that mementos sucks and Tartarus was unironically better
God, I want to fuck Yamato.
Normalfags are disgusting
Was an okay game. Too pay2win
Why the fuck did Imagine get a translation but NINE didn't?
>If B tier
You win an insult:
>shitting on Kaneko demon
Amazing, I didn't think such cancer actually existed.
There's nothing wrong Kaneko's demons. The problem is using them in the worst most anti-MegaTen game ever made. Scratch that just a vomit inducing piece of fucking garbage "game" and even introducing the the worst kind of fanbase and killing anything good in the future.
>MMO, precursor of Gacha, that can guarantee a profit within its niche
>Nine: undersold game with poor reception on a console without an audience for weeb RPGs
even on the west
One is a PC game and the other is an Xbox game.
I can't find it but I remember Imagine was guilty of those [Play Now My Lord] ads. Anyone happen to have one?
I want to fuck Asherah
>The problem is using them in the worst most anti-MegaTen game ever made
I agree, they never should've used them as Personas in Persona 3.
Literally my first game ob the 3ds. Sold it after 3 hours of gameplay then bought Awakening. Fucking bunnyboy looks like a fag.
Strangely enough 4- 4 Apocalypse
Just make 4: Alignment episode at 6 a piece
1-6 is Law
6-12 is Neutral
12-18 is Edgiest as fuck Chaos
18-24 is White ending where you’ve ruined everything
You can reuse a lot of moments yet have massive turns
One heartfelt moment episode 4 turns into the greatest betrayal since the Loin king In episode 16
>Episode 4
You’re my best friend Flynn
>Episode 16
Long live the King.
>Throws “friend” off a cliff
You telling me it takes less money and effort to not only keep servers running for years but also constantly keep it updated and translated, then do something for a Xbox game?
Yes P5 is shit P5babby. But 3 isn't the topic of conversation.
He’s a cat, you retard. This is a bunny.
you can get more $$$ by translating imagine than NINE, imagine was filled to the brim with microtransactions. you want that new gear? gotta win it in a mystery box, you want to actually do something like shiva/vishnu, hell sometimes even ichi gold? yup you gotta start buying all the items. people would look at you funny if they see you with npc gear at level 60-80
Thing is that you can actually make a profit out of the MMO, while you can't out of Nine.
How do people make "tools"? Who should I be bugging about this?
For some reason I thought it was supposed to be bat ears when I first played devil survivor. I guess I wasn't as familiar with anime tropes.
isn't there already a modded hard nocturne mod? won't be able to answer your question but i hate it when dudes go "if you ask that question, you probably won't be doing it." well no shit, that's why I'm trying to find out how it all works.
>Awakeningfag is a moron
Color me shocked
Hardtype. In order to hack a game in the first place you need to know a little programming
>tfw awakening was my first FE game
>got into the franchise around the same time as SMT with DeSu OC and Nocturne
>nintendo announced $30 gift card if you buy SMT IV and awakening
Shit was a dope time. Shame the crossover of the century became idolshit. With those 30 bucks I got SH so it was worth it I guess
That crossover is better than lots of MegaTen and all of FE
> That crossover is better than lots of MegaTen and all of FE
Holy mother of shit opinions.
Legit those 30 bucks were the best thing to happen out of the collab.
>Double bait
>finally have some free time
fuck yes. started DDS and it seems very nice so far
I really like Kaneko's art
It's not bait though. FE is pure fucking trash, bottom of the barrel for trpgs so it's not hard to be better and it has better gameplay than every game but Nocturne Hardtype and Soul Hackers. It's actually difficult, well balanced, enough customization with the weapon fusions, and offers loads of tactical depth in its battles. The only problem with the gameplay is the same problem with all jrpgs, you fall into the same battle loops in random encounters and uses instant heals instead of regens for MP/HP recovery. Also that lategame battles take a while due to the long lasting session system with all party members
It's not bait. Cope bitch.
It is better. You can try and deny objective truth but most MegaTen don't play good.
>most Megaten don’t play good
Sequels better
DDS is one of the best. The combo attacks and ability to relearn skills but not as freely gives it a lot more depth than other games.
>Objective truth
you mean your opinion you're trying to feed me as an objective truth? The game might be pretty fun dunno never played it but you can't pass your opinion off as a truth.
After playing through both 3DS versions, I’d say they’re just about equal, really. It depends on what tone you like more but I generally liked both games.
>P3FES, FE#, Nocturne in S
>P4 Vanilla ahead of P4G
Also based. Fuck the vita.
>P5 in utter shit
You lost me.
IT still hurts! Why did they have to show off that original leaser.
Sequel has slight improvements to the gameplay, but the plot and tone take a nosedive. Really comes down to what you value more personally.
dumb Lain poster
>I, II, if..., IV, NINE, Imagine, P1, all of P2, P4, P5, both Raidou games, original Megami Tensei's, both Majin Tensei
yeah that's a lot.
People are going to wonder one day why was there ever SMT x FE fanart.
No I know how to separate subjectivity and objectivity.
i'd literally get distracted by yuzu's yoohoos all the time
What trpgs do you think are better than FE? Most of the trpgs I've played are really boring since you just overwhelm enemies with superior firepower in forgettable maps, FE is among the best I've played since the level design is well crafted and the gameplay leads to a balance of many different strategies when you aim to clear maps with a low turncount (effectively a high score).
That leaves Nocturne, P3, P3P, and DeSu 1 and DeSu 2. Amazing shit post user.
You know there are far more games than that right?
Plus IVA and even then, most of those games are generally goor or aged but looked upon fondly.
since you haven given any evidence other then
>they play bad
no it's your opinion still, I wasn't asking if you know the difference I'm just pointing out you haven't given me anything objective.
>i started series with strange journey and haven't actualy played the rest: the list
Because P5 is a fucking dumpster fire piece of shit
So, you’re just talking out of your ass?
i still think it's a dropped plotpoint
just like naoya being your cousin means fuckall
user please you cant tell me you actually like Demikids, PQ, dancing games and fighting games and fucking Giten is better then SMT IV and P5 you cant be that much of a hipster shitposter
The worst part is that there's already a rock fucking solid base for both series to work in in the form of DeSu's gameplay and setup. It'd literally only take some relatively minor tweaks for it to mesh almost perfectly.
>not mentioning P3
The way P3 plays is novel, but it's not good. P4 and 5 both play better.
>Naoya being your cousin means fuck all
Nigga, what?
> just like naoya being your cousin means fuckall
>cain being related to abel means fuckall
>Says what games he started with
You okay user?
P4 plays the exact same, as P3 though?
>you get to tell the shomonkai you want his things
wow it's fucking nothing besides retard symbolism
>Can't control your party
weebs gtfo
P3 has the obvious big difference of AI party control and the way it handles its schedule is different too, with P4, and especially P4G, being a lot more lenient. P3 also has more open spaces in Tartarus where P4 is mostly just corridors and there are some different systems in the battles, most of which are just in 4G, as well as fusion giving you more control in 4G. They play similarly, but not the exact same.
>plot point works for both plot and symbolic reasons
>shit's retarded yo
Quality work, user.
Except I actually do enjoy the majority of those things. The tactics system was functional and helped set Persona apart from mainline, Shadows were neat looking and fresh, the speed was just fine, and the while the passing was a little spotty at first, it works as a slow burn and the atmosphere of the later months makes up for it. Demon negotiation isn't necessary and using the P1/2 method may not have worked well. Tartarus being the same ol' same ol' with a different coat of paint is a legitimate complaint though.
DeSu’s soundtrack was great
ah yes. i remember that passage in bible where cain made a computer program to summon demons and then taught his brother (formerly cousin) how to use it
>he didn’t read the original
Fucking pleb.
Stop hiding behind subjectivity FEfag, FE plays like fucking trash
>enemies don't charge you unless you're in their immediate attack range, so you can slowly crawl forward at your leisure and pick off enemies one by one, only game where this doesn't happen is Conquest and Jugdral
>in some cases, enemies don't react even when shooting them through a wall with an archer. They just stand there motionless in the several turns it takes to finish them off with ranged attacks.
>bosses similarly don't pose a threat, because they remain glued to the gate/throne they're guarding, so you can just have all your characters surround them and take potshots at them.
>flying units have to move around ground-based enemy units. Why can't they fly over them like they do over obstacles?
>archers can only fire from 1 square away. That means they're essentially not really archers, but just a different flavor of melee attack.
>even magic functions exactly the same as physical attacks. I have yet to see any spell that does anything other than deal single-target damage. And for some reason spellbooks weigh as much as a steel spear.
>some things are just mindless busywork, like having to use healers to constantly cure 1 point of damage just to ensure they don't fall behind xp-wise. Oh, and apparently you have to wait 50 billion turns for units to unlock support conversation, these games are designed for autists
>the games consists mostly of dead space, maps are massive but because encounters only happen in close quarters (even archers have a laughably short range), most of your time is just spent mindlessly moving units forward rather than making interesting decisions
>most of the trpgs I've played are really boring since you just overwhelm enemies with superior firepower in forgettable maps
You mean just like FE? lol. FE is the fucking opposite of balance, the closest to a good game in FE is New Mystery. Efficiency is a challenge run , not the topic here
Who worked on desu1 and desu2's soundtracks? desu1 is barely above growlanser tier (aka total garbage) but 2's is fine
If you played them you would know
Yes you are right, P5 is pure cringe. These's a reason us MegaTenchads hate P5babbies
No, I don't have a bias unlike you.
>he didn't read the bible
Jesus christ man, up your game.
>DeSu1’s soundtrack
Shit taste.
Not mini spinoffs and those kids games
So still no argument? Now you're just gonna say I haven't played any? Good shitpost user you had me going for a bit. Take your you and fuck off.
It’s literally impossible to not be biased, user. And in any case, you’re still talking out of your ass.
>helped set persona apart from mainline
Bro, P1 and both P2 games didt have it and it was plenty different from mainline. P1 being grid based for example and both being more school focused. P3 and onwards was already different then mainline by half the game being a shitty VN. You didt need to fuck over the combat. The speed while fine for you, is actually alot slower then every other PS2 era SMT game which is amazing. Shadows looked like hot fucking trash compared to actual demon designs. Ik thats just your opinion but thats some bad taste. Demon negotition is key in SMT and helps it set it apart from other Jrpgs. and is a fun thing. Not having it made P3 alot worse. If P3 had demon negotions and actual demon designs I would like P3 alot more and I think so would alot of anons.
I seriously am amazed how people can defend these enemies being replacements for demons.
No it doesn't Nice try P5babby, 5 is the worst turn based game ever made. It kills everything MegaTen stood for.
>persona balance is completely fucked up with multiple, easily obtainable Personae that either have extremely overpowered resistances, no weaknesses, or both (IE: Isis being outright immune to Anubis's bullshit in the pyramid, Shiki Ouji pulling his weight all the way up to the casino). Swift strike have to be the most broken skill in jrpg history
>maxing all social links is far too easy, you can do so with weeks to spare and endgame gives you nothing useful to do
>demon negotiation is simply a dumb down version of P2 and they had the brilliant fucking idea of adding in the different conversion system from IV which is ridiculous when daze/stun gives you a ludicrous amounts of money, especially with mementos bosses
>confidants abilities are stupid powerful. Death 5, Fortune 7, and Sun 2 break the game directly in half. 1/3 of them give SP items which is worse
>after Kamoshida you can do all the dungeons in a single run unless there's a break due to SP Adhesive
>braindead stealth system, literally invisible to enemies who can walk through you and not notice you as long as you hold down the stealth button, in fact you can literally ignore stealth anyway, walk straight up to an enemy's face and still be able to ambush them due to the enemy garbage line of sight they are given
>with universal elemental coverage very early and easy ambushes this gives ample, nigh-unmissable opportunity to spam weaknesses for a first-turn AoA which will wipe the enemy party 90% of the time (especially on Merciless). There is no imaginable situation where it's actually easy or likely for the player to be ambushed. Even worse is the addition of Baton pass which is a reward when you already get a fucking retard for attacking weakness and let's you spam physical AOE even harder
>none of the bosses require thought or setups unlike P3 or Yukiko/Kanji from P4
Yeah, I agree with some of those criticisms, it still plays better than 3.
I already give a objective argument. What do you want me to say
i think anons are slowly waking up to fact that persona is a shit series
thanks user you convinced me p3 has good combat
>P5 is the worst turn-based game ever made
Not him, but I beg to differ. Especially when shit like pic related exists.
No it doesn't. 3 requires thought. The only thing worse playing than 5 is a Complie Heart game
Plays better than P5 that's for damn sure. Or you think pretty colors make a good game?
P4 and P3 are fucking piss easy games user if your argument for P5 being shit is that its easy or the dungeons/negotions are dumbed down versions of P2 then you are legit a inbred idiot.
P3 and P4 dont have actual dungeons or demons/negations so those games are by default worse.
>P5 kills what megaten stands for
>Not P3 with it practicly retconing P1-P2
>and making persona into VN
>Not P4 with it being the most happy go lucky game in all of Megaten
>But P5 the game that tried and did add it back even though its easy
P3/P4 fanbois are the biggest faggots in all of the Megaten fanbase. Worse then Strange journalists, worse then nocturne babies or IVFags.
Have you actually played the game? Like, at all?
Not that user, but
>bosses similarly don't pose a threat, because they remain glued to the gate/throne they're guarding, so you can just have all your characters surround them and take potshots at them.
Not always true, last I recall a few bosses are capable of movement, though admittedly most aren't.
>archers can only fire from 1 square away. That means they're essentially not really archers, but just a different flavor of melee attack.
Archers being useless in almost every FE game besides 2/Echoes and arguably Fates is true, but if memory serves they're finally changing shit in TH and letting Archers counter from melee range so they're at least on par with Mages.
>Oh, and apparently you have to wait 50 billion turns for units to unlock support conversation, these games are designed for autists
GBA era supports are widely regarded as the worst support mechanic in the series. Thankfully later games go with things like number of maps deployed together and shit