Play XCOM 2
Play XCOM 2
its 2019, i was promised an xeno wife and xeno children by now, that's taking the scientists so fucking long
Any good mods lately? I'm done with Vanilla.
I'm really liking the mod that let's you recruit aliens.
Can you use snek on your team? Its the deciding factor for me
No, thanks. I don't like garbage games.
I will play Open Xcom Xfiles mod instead.
If it's the same one I played, it's fucking broken.
>every alien has the best perks, like the one that lets a unit standing still fire twice in a turn
There's mods for it. And you can in multi I hear. But who plays Xcom for multi?
My favorite operator was a sniper who i named jack "bottom" brapford
>The aliens are just trying to survive
Can we really blame them?
The one I played wasn't broken. I only recruited a snek and an andromedan though.
t. alien
Anybody else make all waifu teams and then save scum to make sure they never die?
Is there any vore mod?
I already did.
Release XCOM 3.
>accidentally take Andromedan on a stealth mission
>takes one step
I probably did that like 4 times.
So are we, it's us or them.
How 2 fugg snake
xpiratez and xcom files are better
You do it upside down.
Yeah big boys weren't meant for sneaking just smashing.
>waifu teams
Not completely. I always make a Duke Nukem. The game begs you to, with a flat top hairstyle and a cigar.
I just realised that Nasa's X-ray communication research logo looks very familiar...
This can't be real
Any other good mods for OpenXcom?
post absolutely cursed screenshots
Does he get a turn for every lost that attacks him?
insert penis into slit
no his AI just spergs out and he starts constricting them one at a time
I did, though.
She cute
Vorefags need to stop ruining good things.
>well drawn and cute snek, but v*re
and you need to stop posting
also /thread
Nigger, did you just /thread yourself?
She's never gone on a hay ride before. She's very excited about new experiences.
I'll take my three day vacation now.
sorry mate, I lied
>No visible digestion
Let's try and not be total degenerates for just this thread.
if there was a button to liquefy anyone who likes vore i'd press it in an instant
Funny, that's exactly what they want
looks like the feeling would be mutual then, there's no downside
Not only a murderfag but a pederast as well. Enjoy your FBI visit.
Artist offed himself.
I think chosen assassin is kinda cute
Insert gun barrel into mouth.
and that's a good thing
And you have no proof i presume? Dropping off the face of the internet doesn't mean you offed yourself, if it's so, then fuck.
>tfw Xcom 2 doesn't have a Kino cutscene like this
I just want vipers to be in XCOM 3.
is there any legit reason to playing nu-xcom instead of this masterpiece with mods
I've already played through it a dosen times or so, honestly as much as I like the game I am really burnt out from it. Wake me up when XCOM 3 comes around.
Thank you. I should play it again, with expansions.
And mods.
Maybe also not save-scumming (as much)
It's still bullshit that you can't 100% stealth missions. I got everyone in the goddamn base for the bomb, why do alarms go off when we arm it. GOD DAMN IT.
Cloaca in the anatomically correct location near the base of the tail is objectively way hotter and more ergonomical than an awkwarly placed vagina.
I recently started a new playthrough, legend with longer avatar playthrough and I noticed especially long building, research etc times, like 60 days for magnetic weapons. Does longer avatar time or legend cause this or us it coming from some mod?
Try playing on ironman once. I promise you it's much more fun when you can't savescum. Sure you'll get pissed off but when things go right or when your soldiers just barely survives it's a great feeling
you are correct, but what does this have to do with xcom 2?
Yes Ms. Snake!
>not posting posters
>the only person that died in my playthrough was a random security guard in that mission
Yeah, considered it. I've done a lot of roguelikes since then, so I've kinda inoculated myself a little against the urge.
Still, I'm no crazy person. If I do Ironman it's on normal difficulty.
>do normal playthrough
>everything went well enough I didn't even reload once
I should give it a try sometime
Did the hunters stronghold mission with those mods that double the hp and damage on legend. Took me 2 hours to kill him because he kept respawning every 3 turns and summoning 3 priests on his second turn alive. It was an absolute nightmare but I did it. Not looking forward to doing the other 2 strongholds though
x com files takes sooooo long to get going. i feel pike i did 15-20 missions of killing a few spiders, or maybe a werewolf. although i do admit the cult missions are actually amazing, very tough and intense
So what were the Chosen exactly? Were they modified humans or something entirely different?
I kinda wish the Hunter didn't have to die he was my favorite even if he was dumb to fight in-game.
Pretty sure they're either converts or mercenaries from other, non-mook alien species that we just don't see.
yeah hunter says something like "almost makes me wish i still had my humanity"
bubbles read right to left
panels read left to right
who ever made this is a monster
Hunter and Warlock are modified Humans, with Hunter being a captured and turned Reaper and Warlock being some unnamed psionically powerful child who was brought in and raised by the Advent.
Assassin is left unclear and wasn't given any sort of origin story.
ok i like this game, what dlc do i need for mods and can i get them cheap on other sites?
Fucking based!
I couldn't think of anything witty for this.
I just want Vipers to be in my bed
>That show was real
Holy fuck I thought it was a remnant of a sugar induced dream from childhood.
I can't though, every since the legacy pack I can't even launch the game.
Wait so all the aliens are mind controlled right?
If we kill all the ethereals we'll get snake gf right?
God Damn XCOM 1 had such a great atmosphere that the second game severely lacks.
No, I just make a bunch of HECU soldiers and watch as they gun down ayys.
I hope so. I also hope they all have that raspy voice that's stereotypical for talking snakes.
Waiting for Operators vs Aliens to be public
That is correct and nothing will EVER convince me otherwise and we will get snek operators in XCOM 3 and I will make full snek squads and it'll be the best game ever and Bannerlord will release this century.
This I love the way that the soldier's equipment modifies how they play, not their class. Also the rocket launchers are already public and they feel great.
Loyal soldiers in service to the Gods are not for your base pleasures, miscreants.
>still no porn mods where your soldiers get snake raped in current year
>X-Files Fixes tons of bugs and broken features of OG game but add enemy spam missions and awful progression system.
>OG game is too easy and can be easily broken by PSI and heavy laser
Should I try X-Piratez at this point ? I played it a bit, but it's felt like the same shit as X-Files
Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
>Can we really blame them
I'm blaming you, specifically for this post. You're clocking in at 3.9 Hitlers, and that's impressive.
Absolutely based, v*re faggots should all die.
Don't even like vore but I need the source now to confirm this, curiosity
Is there really going to be an XCOM 3?
They'd be dumb not to. XCOM 2 had great gameplay but worst atmosphere than the first, and now with the Phoenix Point fiasco they'd sell like hotcakes no matter what. Also Terror from the Deep is the perfect excuse to go back to the unknown horror atmosphere the first game had.
if there is its gonna be epic game store exclusive
>its owned by 2k
>using heavy lasers
For what purpose? Just use the rifles and auto fire everything.
So what's your theory on what's in the Ocean?
Mine is that it's an Ascended Ethereal that got stuck down there somehow, and went all Lovecraft and started morphing the local fauna into the TFtD enemies.
It's something entirely different that the ethereals were gearing up to take on but got fucked before they could do anything about it.
Stargate to the other ayylmao worlds.
Still would rather the left.
Probably. But it seems more likely they'll skip to Apocalypse than try doing anything with TFTD, since that better fits with the state of the world at the end of XCOM2. Besides, Phoenix Point is already doing the "monsters from the ocean" thing.
>X-Files Fixes tons of bugs and broken features of OG game
>OG game easily broken by heavy laser
What does X-Files fix that isn't fixed by OpenXCom? Also I think you meant heavy plasma.
They can really Ctrl+C Ctrl+V plot from TFtD realy. Or make that T'leth is going to be the whole point of alien invasion, and in the XCOM 3 he is going to be a big dick both for Aliens and Humans
>vipers used as stopgap-measure infiltrators
Yes, After Phoenix Point.
sad but maybe true
>What does X-Files fix that isn't fixed by OpenXCom?
Interceptions is pain in the ass. Interceptors now MUCH weaker than normal. Lasers\plasma takes ages to research.
Labs are nerfed, and Interrogations is much more important than in vanilla. Also I'm not sure but rookies might be a bit weaker than in vanilla.
Are there any really good naked female mods?
>Soloes Avatar facilities
>Reliably kills even Alien Rulers in one go
What were they thinking
You know they will put it on epic store too.
Fucking reapers AND repeaters what were they thinking?? Gun mods are really unbalanced.
>that Final Destination-esque systematic slaughter of the survivors of that subterranean mission where XCOM fought off an literal battalion and somehow got off relatively unscathed
Thank god the vods actually go up on youtube now and aren't going to get lost to the void on twitch
PirateZ is a blast, at least when I first played it. Lately, I feel like it's been feature creeped and changed for the worse.
I still have an old version of PirateZ I play time to time after beating the campaign.
thats a fat ass snake
Is it weird that I think this is super cute?
Well I'm either waiting a year for the expansion that completes the game or waiting a year because of epic im fine with whatever i regret buying 2 at launch
Hope they're building another uplink facility.
>pain me like one of your french snakes
The aftermath
I will wait until I get my new SSD hard-drive. Then I'll reformat it, make a Steam Games folder and then move the game along with other more demanding Steam games on it. Then it will be perfect.
Now this is scalie perfection
What's happened with Phoenix Point?
Are there any mods you folks would recommend for keeping a more tacticool look into the late game that isnt too far removed from the art style? (Default gear is the best looking gear) as well as more classes, like a medic.
Got made thanks to backer money. Got bought out by Epic. Devs came out saying that even if everybody refunded it the deal they took would still make them their money back so they don't need the consumers.
Hey man, we're lost.
Without the Brains being a part of new lore, T'leth is just a big dumb ship. I guess they could just have an AI control it, or just strap a Brain onto it regardless, but they seem more inclined to try and link the games together than just fly off into left field with a totally unrelated threat.
Does this matter?
The Beta they released was shit tier
they need all the help they can get if they even want to get in a ring with daddy xcom
Also does anyone have the webm of that one xcom soldier with duel wield swords/guns fucking sht up?
The outfit is really nice.
About XCOM3, I do wonder how they'll take the plot of XCOM2 after the grand finale back then.
Will it be more like TFTD? Even more like Apocalypse? Or maybe a combination of both?
Heavily modified humans.
That's fucked. Those devs have basically ruined their reputation even if they never work with Epic again.
Stupid sneks.
I mean from a general gaming production standpoint it's a dangerous precedent. Literally no reason to make an actually good game, just something that "looks good." Get bought out by Epic, get paid millions, no longer need to sell copies. No guarantee of patches of future content.
>t. Butthurt Mongoose
There will be sadly. Unless Firaxis will say no to it and want to be loyal to their fans.
Micronoid Aggregate and its slaves from Apocalypse will come. More eldritch and aquatic. So powerful they'll be that your endgame weapons you had in the previous game will be standard-issue stuff.
Warden Gear. Basically, take the power, make it less shiny, add some tacticool pouches and some full cover helmets.
>that dead frog leg
phoenix point? What’s that
Julian Gallop making a new x-com game. I was pretty hyped for it, but the Epic store buyout is a real punch in the gut and a big downer.
I did. And if I have to be honest, I enjoyed it far less than I did XCOM EU, at least on a first playthrough. There just felt like a lot more "bullshit" this time around.
>more timed missions, many of which are timed to be almost impossible without rushing for the LZ and taking damage, or stumbling upon a pod that ruins the entire mission
>new enemy types that, upon a first encounter, will wreck you before you even know what they can do
>far too much activity on the overworld map. It becomes impossible to scan a location without something popping up and taking you away from what you are trying to do
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but from what I have been reading online, I'm not the only one saying these sorts of things. The game feels far less centered on sound strategy and tactics, and far more about luck than EU ever was. Again, maybe my second playthrough will be more enjoyable now that I know how the game works, but that first run was a slog.
It also doesn't help that I just played it for the first time recently with the DLC enabled and tried to early game the Shen's Last Gift mission, and the Viper King mission, which seems almost impossible for a first playthrough and an early-game 4-man squad. That seems very poorly implemented
Upcoming xcom-like game based around mutant aliens taking over the world that Julian Gallop is developing. Got enough money from kickstarter/backers but they still switched to Epic games at the last second when they first promised to be on Steam.
Are Jane Kelly and the rest of guys you get in the last TLP campaign the dudes you get if you do gatecrasher on tutorial? I haven't done that in ages and can't remember
Top 10 Dev Betrayals.
Jane Kelly is in the tutorial, yeah.
Id care about that but I’m just a console person
Yep. The ones in the last mission series of the Archives are the same as in Gatecrasher. Thing is the two ones that die are actually competent in the archives. Chalk it up to gameplay and story segregation.
I recreated mlp's main 6 as my A team
Not always but this team did pretty good. Not save scumming makes it more intense as I had a few close calls. They lost teammates around them but those 4 remained until the end.
delta strike can get a bit ridiculous sometimes
this was also the first sectopod encounter this playthrough
What's delta strike?
Looks pretty good, thanks user.
i like beaglerush's operators mod, too bad it's still not released
beta strike is second wave option which increases the hp of everything for longer games
delta strike is a mod that adds two new options to second wave, delta strike and theta strike. Delta takes that increased hp and turns it into armor/shield/dodge and perks instead; and theta is just hp into armor/shields.
that screenshot is me using the theta strike option
Is long war any good?
Beta strike on Chosen Strongholds is fucking madness
Long War 1? Yeah, it is good. The difficulty curve actually makes sense and ramps up properly, and it adds lots of classes, gear, weapons, upgrades, just overall lots of depth.
The strategic layer is great and actually fleshed out, unlike the base game.
People meme about difficulty, which it has, but all of that is supported by just really solid game mechanics.
How is he going to release it once he's done testing it? One singular mod with all the changes or as some giant collection?
>XCOM 3 announced at E3
>It's an Epic Game Store timed exclusive
It's boring mostly because maps get reused consantly and they aren't made for the amount of aliens you encounter of them.
I was sick and tired of landed barges with ~50 ayys on them, you can't move 10 squares without triggering a new pod
no idea, i'm 20 episodes behind on the youtube releases, and dunno if he said anything in the rest of them or on the streams. probably as a singular mod, maybe with a set of dependencies on the borrowed mods, so the complete experience is like a collection.
Are those videos actually fun? They are sitting in my subscription feed, but I haven't mustered the will to watch them.
I imagine he'll release the class mod on its own, then a collection of smaller modules
yeah, more fun than normal xcom LPs, at least for me.
>solar four
>five people in the picture
its the name of the squad back when they where only 4... never got around to update it though
Link to Phoenix Point BB4? I kinda want to play the alpha.
There's no way this wasn't intentional.
Vigilo Confido, NASA
They're well modeled but i've always preferred bipedal scalies simply because they have booty and the logistics make more sense. Trying to hump a tube is a chore
They must know
I want vipers to be my bed
>Trying to hump a tube is a chore
That's why the tube humps you instead.
Warms my heart.
they coil around you and force you to hump them
Wait a sex, thats no snake. Thats a lizard!
>a sex
I got fat fingers, alright?
Literally you
Can a human impregnate a Viper?
Probably, but should you?
It's worth a try.
I'd make her my wife because I know she'd have pure nature loving habits if they were able to transcend race.
What's your record of most aliens killed?
>10 kills per turn
I really, really wish XCOM 3 will be deep sea themed. I know it probably won't, but god damn do I really wish for it.
That Tentacle brain dude is just really happy to give back rubs. I dont understand why he is being shot at.
The lost are good for farming, leave 1 alive and explode anything only once per turn, also a reaper can manually explode cars so it's easy farming even with stock weapons, i did this with the faction bonus that 1-shots them
Human race and Xeno race. Not some skinfag shit like Yea Forums loves to argue about.
>not even the depths of a lovecraftian nightmare could spawn such as this indescribable creature
>brain with tentacles and a beak
i dunno about that
A brain with tentacles seems pretty tame by lovecraftian standards.
You can only get a certain amount of experience per match.
You only think that because you havent seen its penis.
The Photobooth was the best addition to the game.
Those guys remind me of that one Captain America drawing with the fucked up anatomy.
This image makes me extremely uncomfortable
These guys are far better proportioned than Liefield's work.
nevar forget
Wait a second, I recognize those memes.
I would snek-chan but I legit suck massive ass at the game
What parts do you struggle with, user?
Don't let this distract you from the fact that a python's is still pretty strong, it's just used to hold you down while they crush your ribcage.
What is Yea Forums's opinion on terror of the deep?[\spoiler]
always have a backup plan
always take measures to reduce risks
high explosives
two 50% shots are not one 100% guaranteed hit
pretty much the entire early game I can never figure out what my problem is but I eventually lose too many missions and the aliens snowball out of control while I'm trying to recoup losed resources on top of that I can never manage to complete the first blacksite something always manages to go wrong and my squad gets wiped before they can extract the sample
>two 50% shots are not one 100% guaranteed hit
No, its 75%, which may as well mean I'll hit, I mean, only a quarter chance of missing, that's like, one in a million, right?
one in four, actually. and while stacking dakka is nice, you gotta stack them hit% up bonuses first and foremost
Now that's cute.
I don't think Punished Bradford would ever trust a viper to send one out in the field before the game was over. Then again he's not the commander.
welp time to kill myself
But I am.
post squads
Do not. Snakes are for hugs only.
No boop!
Post snakes.
Wish they added different armor for the vipers for the recruit aliens mod.
why did it died
whatever you do, do not get a blowjob. snake mouths let things in but not out, and not with the force of the succ or the tongue, but with very painful barbs(?) on the inside of the mouth.
The photoshoot stuff in the vods is gold
>the whole squad spontaneously gets into coffins to "show solidarity"
He said he wants to release it once he finishes a campaign. He hasn't finished balancing things yet. And by that, I mean he hasn't so much as looked at the numbers for a bunch of shit. Last I heard he hadn't touched tier 3 weapons or aliens at all, for example.
It doesn't want the boop.
I saw a Long War base assault screenshot with a pile of dead aliens so fucking big it actually blocked pathfinding. Does anyone have it?
There's a setting in open xcom that changes psi a bit. I believe they make it reasonable but it doesn't matter.
Blaster bombs and psi make the game a breeze late game hence why I don't use them and just go heavy lazer for secto and heavy plasma for normal missions.
Also try final mod pack, re balanced guns, and 40k mods for basically fan made expansion packs.
Also all of you fucking niggers better be using open xcom extended.
Fucking... You got me.
Snakes are tricky like that.
They know there engine is dog shit and drops frames on every pc imaginable.
Why in gods name did they think it be a good idea to fucking make horde enemies in the 20's a pod and fill up your screen with literal bodies?
That shit drops fucking everyones computer to fucking halts and pointless too because lost are fucking easy as shit to deal with.
Just annoying as fuck to have my god dam frame rate hit single digits because firaxis thought it be fun to have more easy to kill bodies on screen instead of actually providing a fair challenge.
we have to find them first, unless they come to us.